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Preview Notes on Chromosomes of Japanese Pteridophytes (4)

植物研究雑誌 1. Jpn. Bo .t 71: 163-167 (1996) Notes 00 Chromosomes of Japaoese Pteridophytes (4) Narumi NAKAT01) Shinjuku High School,6- 21Sendagaya,Sh ibuya-ku,To kyo,15 1 JAPAN ・ (Received on December 27,1 995) New chromosome counts are reported for nine species; Acrostichum aureum (2n=119,4 x-aneupl.), Angiopteris palmiformis (2n=80,2x ),Ch eiropleuria bicuspis (2n=232,4x ),Lu nathyrium lasiopteris (2n=240, 6x),Ma rsilea crenata (2n=40,2x ),Ps eudophegopteris bukoensis (2n=62,2x; 2n=93,3x ),Pt eris laurisilvicola (2n=58,2x -apog.; 2n=87,3x ),Pt eris oshimensis (2n=58,2x -apogよTheか'pterislaxa (2n=136,4x) . The basic chromosome number of Cheiropleuria is presumed to be x=58,wh ich is cytologically peculiar in the order Dipteridales sensu Lovis. (Continued from J. Jpn. Bot. 65: 204:-209,1990) In this paper,th e somatic chromosome num 40) Angiopteris palm約rmis(Cav.) C.Chr. 聞 bers of nine species ereported. Voucher specimens 2n=80 (2x): Iriomote Is ,.1Okinawa Pref. (Nakato 紅 are preserved in the Herbarium ofthe Natural History 1813,Fi g. 2). Museumandlnstitute,Ch iba(CBM). Scientificnames The chromosome number of this species is re- are in accordance with Nakaike,N ewF lora of Japan; corded for the first time. Out of the three Japanese Pteridophyta (1982),as in the preceding p紅白. species of Angiopteris,t wo species,A. palmザormis 39) Acrostichum aureum L. and A. lygodiifolia Rosens ,.tare characterized by 2n=119 (4x aneup1.): Iriotnote Is ,.1OldnawaPref. having false veins running downwards from the sinus (Voucher specimen: Nakato 1285,Fi g. 1). between twO' marginal teeth of pinnules. The former Previously reported as n=30 or 2n=60 (2x) from species can be distinguished from the latter by its long Sri Lanka (Manton and Sledge 1954),Gh ana (Manton false veins extending nearly to the midrib (Nakaike 1959),In dia (Abraham et a1. 1962),Ja maica (Walker 1982,I watsuki 1992). The present material of A. 1966),C ongo (D吋ardinand Tilquin,in L凸ve1971), palm伶rmiswas found to be diploid with 2n=80, and as 2n=120 (4x) from.lriomote Is ,.1 Japan which is the same as in A. lygodiifolia having short (Kawakami 1979). This species is pantropical and false veins (Nakato 1988). grows in costal mangrove swamps. The present mate- 41) Cheiropleuriαhicuspis (Bl.) Presl rial clearl ys howed 2n= 119 in all the three nuclear 2n=232 (4x): Amami- oshima Isl.,Ka goshima Pref. plates examined,w hich certainly represents an (Nakato 1622,Fi g. 3). aneuploidal reduction from the eutetraploid of2n= 120. Previously reported as n=c.57 (without locality) The diploids have been known from both the Old and (Walker 1984). The report of 2n=66 in de la Sota NewW orlds,wh ereas the tetraploids known at present (1973) and Love et a1. (1977) is e汀oneous(see Lovis only from Iriomote Is1. 1977,p. 415). -163ー 164 植物研究雑誌第71巻第3号 平成8年6月 Figs. 1-11. Photographs of somatic chromosomes. 1. Acrostichum aureum,2 n=119. 2. Angiopteris palmiformis, 2n=80. 3. Cheiropleuria bicuspis,2 n=232. 4. Lunathyrium lasiopteris,2 n=240. 5. Marsilea crenata,2 n=40. 6. Pseitdophegopteris bukoensis,2n =62. 7. Pseudophegopteris bukoensis,2n =93. 8. Pteris laurisilvicola,2n =58. 9. Pteris laurisilvicola,2n =87. 10Pteris oshimensis,2n =58. 11. Thelypteris laxa,2n = 136. Scale in Fig. 9: 10μm.All ‘ photographs are at the same magnification. June 1996 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vol. 71 No. 3 165 This species is a sole member in the family 2n=40 (2x): Ishigaki Isl. (Nakato 1799) and Cheiropleuriaceae,wh ich is distributed in Indo-China, Iriomote Isl. (Nakato 1801,Fi g. 5),O kinawa Pref. Sumatra and Borneo,ea st to NewG uinea and north to Previously reported as n=42 from Taiwan (Tsai Ja pan through southem China. From the report of and Shieh 1983). Since the basic chromosome number n=c.57 by Walker (1984),th e 2n=232 plant observed ofthe genus Marsilea is x=20 (Lesho 1994),th e two in this study is undoubtedly of polyploid origin and plants examined in this study are diploid and the the basic chromosome number can be presumed to be plants with n=42 from Taiwan is probably regarded as x=58. Thus,th e plant reported by Walker (1984) is an aneuploid derived from 2n=40. The chromosomes regdedas ad iploid,a nd the present plant as a observed were very small and their sizes range in 制・ tetraploid. length from 1.6μmt o 2.0μm in Fig. 5. The genera of Dipteridales sensu Lovis (1977), 44) Pseudophegopteris bukoensis (Tagawa) in which Dipteridaceae,C heiropleuriaceae,P oly- Holttum (= Thelypteris bukoensis (Tagawa) Ching) podiaceae and Grammitidaceae are included,s how 2n=62 (2x); Norikura-kogen,Na gano Pref. (Na kato basic chromosome numbers of x=33,35 ,3 6,an d 37, 1703,Fi g. 6). excepting Pleopeltis (including Lepisorus) which 2n=93 (3x); Shokawa-mura,Gi fu Pref. (Nakato possesses aneuploid numbers such as x=22-26 and 47 1954,Fi g. 7). in addition to x=35 and 36 (Mitui 1971,Lo vis 1977). Previously reported as n=30:t 1(K urita 1960),n= 31 It is noteworthy that the basic chromosome number of fromZyumonji-toge,Na gano Pref. (Hirabayashi 1969) x=58 presumed for Cheiropleuria is very different and Togakushi,Na gano Pref. (Mitui 1980). The trip- from those of all the other members of Dipteridales. loid plant is found for the first time. The highest chromosome numbers so far recorded in 45) Pteris laurisilvicola Kurata this group en=111 in Polypodium (Manton 1950, 2n=58 (2x): Aira,K agoshima Pref. (Nakato 26, 訂 etc.)and2n=216andn=108-111 inPyrrosia(Abraham Fig. 8). Boroishiyama,Mi yazakiPref. (Nakato 1516). et al. 1962,孔1antonand Sledge 1954),al l these being 2n=87 (3x): Boroishiyama,Mi yazaki Pref. (Nakato at the hexaploid level of ploidy. Accordingly the 1506,Fi g. 9). chromosome number of 2n=232 observed in This is the first chromosomal report for this spe- Cheiropleuria is the highest at present known in the cies. The diploid plants should be apogamous in order Dipteridales sensu Lovis. reproductive manner,b ecause they produced about 42) Lunathyrium lasiopteris (Kunze) Nakaike (= 32 spores per sporangium. In the triploid,s pore for- Deparia dimorphophyllum (Koid.) M. Kato) mation could not be examined because of the lack of 2n=240(6x); Itsukaichi,To kyoPref. (Nakato 1900, fertile leaves. Fig.4). 46) Pteris oshimensis Hieron. Chromosome number of this species was deter- 2n=58 (2x): Owase,M ie Pref. (Nakato 28); mined for the first tIme. Because the present specimen Boroishiyama,Mi yazakiPref. (Nakato 1496); Sibisan, produced 64 spores per sporangium,th e reproductive KagoshimaPref. (Nakato 1532,Fig. 10; Nakato 1534). manner is considered to be sexual. Ana llied species, Previously reported as n=87 (3x apog.) from L.japonicum (Thunb.) Kurata,ha s also been reported Amami-oshima Isl. (Mitui 1967); n=87 (3x apog.) in to be sexual hexaploid with n=120 (Kurita 1960, var.paraemeiensisfrom Yunnan,Ch ina(Wang 1989). Mitui 1968). The diploid of this species is newly reported in this 43) Marsilea crenata Presl study. Al1 the present plants should be apogamous in 166 植物研究雑誌第71巻第3号 平成8年6月 reproductive type,s ince about 32 spores紅eobserved Indian Bot. Soc. 41: 339-421. Hirabayashi H. 1969. Chromosome numbers in several species in each sporangium. of Aspidiaceae. J. Jpn. Bot. 44: 113-119. Pteris laurisilvicola was first described by Kurata Iwatsuki K. (ed.). 1992. Fems and Fem Allies of Japan. Heibonsha,To kyo. (In Japanese). (1967) as species having morphologically intermedi- Kawakami S. 1979. Karyomo中hologicalstudies on Japanese ate characteristics between P. kiuschiuensis Hieron. Pteridaceael. Bull. Aichi Univ. Educ. Nat. Sci. 28: 88-104. KurataS. 1967. NotesonJapanesefems (41). J. Geobot.15: 82- and P. oshimensis. However,th ere have been known 85. to occur some problematical plants which could not Kurita S. 1960. Chromosome numbers of some Japanese fems. J. Jap. Bot. 35: 269-272. be assigned clearly to any of these species (Nakaike 一一一一ー1963.Cytotaxonomical studies on some leptospo- 1982). As stated above,bo th P. laurisilvicola and P. rangiate fems. J. Coll. Arts Sc ,.iChiba Univ.,N at. Sci. 4: 43-52. oshimensis are cytologically variable and includes Lesho C. L. 1994. A summary of chromosome numbers in the diploid and triploid cytotypes. Pteris kiuschiuensis Marsileaceae,wi th counts for additional species of Ma rsilea. Amer. Fem J. 84: 121-125. has been reported to be an apogamous diploid with Love A. 1971. 10PB chromosome number reports XXXIII. n=‘58' (Mitui 1975). Plants with sexual reproduction Taxon 20: 609-614. 一一一一一, Love D. and Pichi-Sermolli R. E. G. 1977. have not been discovered in these species. Therefore, Cytotaxonomical Atlas of the Pteridophyta. J. Cramer, the three‘species' as aw hole may be regarded as an Vaduz. Lovis J. D. 1977. Evolutionary pattems and process in fems. apogamous diploid-triploid complex. Adv. Bot. Res. 4: 229-415. 47) Thelypteris laxa (Fr. & Sav.) Ching Manton 1. 1950. Problems of Cytology and Evolution in the Pteridophyta. Cambridge Univ. Press,Lo ndon. 2n=136 (4x): Tsukubasan,l baraki Pref. (Nakato 一一一一一1959.Cytological information on the fems of west 2012; Nakato 2015,Fi g. 11). tropical Africa. In: AIston A. H. G. The Fems and Fem- Allies ofWest Tropical Africa,pp . 75-81,Lo ndon. Previously reported as n=72 (4x) from Kikugawa, 一一一一一andSledge W. A. 1954. Observations on the cytology Shizuoka Pref. (Kurita 1963) and n=36 (2x) from and taxonomy of the pteridophyte flora of Ceylon. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. London,S er. B. 238: 127-185. Hangzhou,Ch ina (Weng 1985). The previous studies Mitui K. 1967. Chromosome studies on Japanese fems (3). J. have reported that this species consists of the two Jpn. Bot. 42: 105-110. 一一一一一1968.Chromosomes and speciation in fems. Sci. Rep. cytotypes of diploid and tetraploid based on x=36. Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku Ser. B. 203: 285-333. However the present tetraploid plants were found to 一一一一一1971.Correlations between the chromosome numbers and morphological characters in the genusLepisorus. J. Jpn. be based on x=34. More detailed studies are needed Bot. 46: 83-95. for cytology of this species. 一一一一一1975.Chromosome numbers of Japanese pterido 白 phytes. Bull. Nippon Dental College,G en. Educ. 4: 221- 271. 1t hank Dr. T. Nakaike,N atural History Museum 一一一一一1980.Chromosome numbers of Japanese pterido- phytes. Bul .lNippon Dental College,G en. Educ. 9: 217- and Institute,C hiba,f or identification of specimens, 229. and to Dr. J. D. Lovis,Un iversity of Canterbury,fo r Nakaike T. 1982. NewF lora of Japan,Pt eridophyta. Shibundo, Tokyo. (in Japanese). his valuable advices. Nakato N. 1988. Notes on chromosomes of Japanese pteridophytes (2). J. Jap. Bot. 63: 214--218. Sota E. R. DeL a. 1973. Ont he classification and phylogeny of Endnote thePolypodiaceae.ln: Jermy A. C.eta .l(eds.) The Phylogeny l)Presentaddress: KokubunjiHighSchool,3- 2-5 Shin- and Classification ofFems. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 67Suppl.1, ヲ pp. 229-244. machi,K okubu吋i,Tokyo,1 85 JAPAN. Tsai J.- L. and Shieh W.-c. 1983. Ac ytotaxonomic survey ofthe pteridophytes in Taiwan. J. Sci. Engin. 20: 137-159. References Walker T. G. 1966. Cytotaxonomic survey ofthe pteridophytes Abraham A.,Ni nan C. A. and Mathew P. M. 1962. Studies on of Jamaica. Trans. Royal Soc. Edinb. 66: 169-237. the cytology and phylogeny ofthe pteridophytes VII. Obser 一一一一一1984.Chromosomes and evolution in pteridophytes. 目 vations on one hundred species of south Indian fems. J. In: Sharma A. K. and Sharma A. (eds.) Chromosome Evo- June 1996 Joumal of Japanese Botany Vol. 71 No. 3 167 lution of Eukaryptic Groups 2,pp . 103-141,C RC Press, Pteris. Acta Phytotax. Sin. 27: 421-438. Boca Raton. Weng R.-F. 1985. Observation on chromosomes ofsome Chi- Wang Z.-R. 1989. Ap reliminary study on cytology of Chinese nese fems. J. Wuhan Bot. Res. 3: 367-370. 中藤成実:日本産シダ植物の染色体ノート(4) 9種の日本産シダ植物について染色体の観察を 判明した. この染色体基本数は Dipteridales中で 行った. ミミモチシダでは2n=1 19が観察された スジヒトツパ科のみにみられる.セイタカシケシ が, これはすでに報告されている2n= 120 (4x) ダはシケシダとおなじく2n=240の6倍イ本であっ の異数体と考えられる. 日本産のリュウビンタイ た.ナンゴクデンジソウ (2n=4 0, 2x) , タチヒ 属には3種が知られているが,ホソバリュウビン メワラビ (2n=6 2,2 x; 2n =9 3,3 x), コハチジョ タイはリュウビンタイとおなじ染色体数で2n= ウシダ(ハチジョウシダモドキ) (2n =5 8, 2x- 80の2倍体であった.スジヒトツパ科で唯一の種 apog.),ヤワラシダ (2n= 136,4 x)では,従来 であるスジヒトツパでは,すでにn c.57(産地 知られていなかった染色体数が算定された.アイ 二 言及なし)が報告されているが,奄美大島産のも コハチジョウシダでは, 2n =5 8 (2x-apog.) と2n のは2n=232であった.スジヒトツパには種内倍 87(3x)が観察され種内倍数性があることがわ ニ 数体が存在すること,および染色体基本数はx かった. 二 58であり奄美大島産の個体は4倍体であることが

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