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Preview North Carolina Register v.5 no. 19 (1/2/1991)

'W.CFIVED 3AN 4 ic)9i iAW LIfaKARY The NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER IN THIS ISSUE NOTICE OF PETITION PROPOSED RULES Dental Examiners Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Justice Nursing, Board of Nursing Home Administrators Plumbing and Heating Contractors State Personnel State Treasurer ARRC OBJECTIONS RULES INVALIDATED BY JUDICIAL DECISION ISSUE DATE: JANUARY 1991 2, Volume 5 • Issue 19 • Pages 1 177-1214 INFORMATION ABOUT THE NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER AND ADMINISTRATIVE CODE NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER effect for the period specified in the rule or 180 da The North Carolina Registeris published bi-monthly whichever is less. An agency adopting a temporaryr and contains information relating to agency, executive, must begin normal rule-making procedures on the legislative andjudicial actions required by or affecting manent rule at the same time the temporary rul] Chapter 150B of the General Statutes. All proposed, ad- adopted. ministrative rules and amendments filed underChapter 150B must be published in the Register. The Register NORTH CAROLINA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE will typically comprise appro.ximately fifty pages per The North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC issue of legal text. a compilation and index of the administrative rule State law requires that a copy of each issue be pro- 25 state agencies and 38 occupational licensingboar x'ided free of charge to each county in the state and to The NCAC comprises approximately 15,000 letter si various state officials and institutions. TheNorth Carolina single spaced pages ofmaterial ofwhich approxims Registeris availableby yearly subscription at a cost of ly 35"o is changed annually. Compilation and publi one hundred and five dollars ($105.00) for 24 issues. tion of the NCAC is mandated by G.S. 150B-63(b). Requests for subscriptions to the North Carolina The Code is divided into Titles and Chapters. E RmeigniissttreartisvheoHueladribnegs,diPr.eOc.teDdratwoerth1e166O6f,fiRcaeleiogfh,ANd.- stthaetrebargoeknecnydisowanssibgynecdhaaptseerpsa.raTitteleti2t1leiwshdiecshiginsaf C. 27604, Attn: Subscriptions. for occupational licensing boards. ADOPTION, AMENDMENT, AND REPEAL OF The NCAC is a\'ailable in two formats. RULES (1) Single pages may be obtained at a minimi cost of two dollars and 50 cents ($2.50) for An agencN' intending to adopt, amend, or repeal a rule pages or less, plus fifteen cents ($0.15) perej must first publish notice of the proposed action in the additional page. North Carolina Register. The notice must include the (2) The full publication consists of 52 volum time and placeofthe public hearing; a statement ofhow totaling in excess of 15,000 pages. It is s public comments maybe submitted to the agency either plemented monthly with replacement pages at the hearing or otherwise; the text of the proposed one year subscription to the full publication rule or amendment; a reference to the Statutory eluding supplements can be purchased Authority for the action and theproposed effective date. seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750.00) The Director of the Office ofAdministrati\e Hearings dividual volumes may also be purchased w has authority to publish a summary, rather than the supplement service. Renewal subscriptions full text, of any amendment which is considered to be supplements to the initial publication availa too lengthy. In such case, the full text of the rule con- Requests for pages of rules or volumes of the NC taining the proposed amendment will be a\ailable for should be directed to the Office of Administrat public inspection at the Rules Di\ision of the Office of Hearings. Administrative Hearings and at the office of the pro- NOTE mulgating agency. Unless a specific statute pro\ides otherwise, at least The forego ag is a generalized statement of the p 30 davs must elapse follo\^ing publication of the pro- cedures to be followed. For specific statutorv langua posal in the North Carolina Register before the agency it is suggested that Articles 2 and 5 of Chapter 150E may conduct the required public hearing and take ac- the General Statutes be examined carefully. tion on the proposed adoption, amendment or repeal. When final action is taken, the promulgating agency CITATION TO THE NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER must file any adopted or amended rule for appro\al by the Administrative Rules Re\iew Commission. Upon ap- TheNortli Carolina Registeris cited by volume, iss proval ofARRC, the adopted or amended rule must be page number and date. 1:1 NCR 101-201, April 1, 1 filed with the Office of Administrati\e Hearings. If it refers to Volume 1, Issue 1, pages 101 through 201 differs substantially from the proposed form published the North Carolina Register issued on April 1, 198 as part of the public notice, upon request by the agen- cy, the adopted version will again be published in the North Carolina Register. North Carolina Register. Published bi-monthly b> A rule, or amended rule cannot become effecti\e the Office ofAdministrative Hearings, P.O. Drawer earlier than the first day of the second calendar month 11666, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604, pursuant tc after the adoption is filed with the Office of Ad- Chapter 150B of the General Statutes. Subscription; ministrati\e Hearings for publication in the NCAC. one hundred and five dollars ($105.00) per year Proposed action on rules may be withdrawn by the North Carolina Administrative Code. Publishec promulgating agency at any time before final action is in looseleaf notebooks with supplement serviceb) taken by the agency. the Office of Administrative Hearings, P.O TEMPORARY RULES Drawer 11666, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604, pur 1 suant to Chapter 150B of the General Satutes Under certain conditions of an emergency nature, Subscriptions seven hundred and fifty dollar; some agencies may issue temporary' rules. A temporary ($750.00). Individual volumes available. rule becomes effective when adopted and remains in NORTH ISSUE CONTENTS CAROLINA REGISTER NOTICE OF PETITION I. Municipal Incorporation. .1177 PROPOSED RULES II. Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Environmental Management....!185 Health Services 1188 Wildlife Resources Commission 186 1 Justice Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards 1178 Licensing Boards Dental Examiners, Board of....1196 Office Po.fAOd.mDirnhatwreart1h1e66H6earings Nursing, Board of 1199 Raleigh. AC 27604 Nursing Home (919) 733 - 2678 Administrators 1203 Plumbing and Heating Contractors 1204 State Personnel State Personnel Commission ...1206 State Treasurer Local Government Julian Mann III, Commission 1 195 Director James R. Scarcella Sr., Deputy Director m. ARRC OBJECTIONS 1207 Molly Masich, APA Director Services RULES CSVALIDATED BY rV. JUDICIAL DECISION 1210 Staff: Ruby Creech, V. CUMULATFV E INDEX 1212 Publications Coordinator Teresa Kilpatrick, Editorial Assistant Jean Shirley, Editorial Assistant NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER Publication Schedule (April 1990 - December 1991) Issue Last Day Last Day Earliest + Date for for Date for Earliest Filing Electronic Public Effective Filing Hearing & Date Adoption by Agency ******** ***+++++ +++++++ ++++++++ +*+++++* 040290 03'12'90 03/19/90 05/02/90 08/01/90 04; 16;90 03/23,90 03/30/90 05/16/90 08/01/90 05/01/90 04/09/90 04/17/90 05/31/90 09/01/90 05/15/90 04/24 90 05/01,90 06/14/90 09,01/90 06/01;90 05/10/90 05/17,90 07/01/90 10/01/90 06 15,90 05 24 90 06/01/90 07/15/90 10/01/90 07/02,90 06/11,90 06/18/90 08/01 90 11/01/90 07/16/90 06,'22'90 06'29,90 08/15/90 11/01/90 08/01 90 07/11/90 07,18,90 08/31/90 12;01/90 08/15/90 07/25/90 08/01/90 09/14/90 12/01/90 09 04 90 08'13 90 08/20,90 10/04/90 01/01/91 09/14,90 08'2490 08/31/90 10/14/90 01/01/91 10/01,90 09/10/90 09/17/90 10/31/90 02/01/91 10/15,90 09/25,90 10/02/90 11/14/90 02/01/91 11/01/90 10/11/90 10/18/90 11/30/90 03/01/91 11/15/90 10/24/90 10/31/90 12/14/90 03'01/91 12/03/90 11/08/90 11/15;90 01/02/91 04,01/91 12 14 90 11/2190 11/30/90 01/13/91 04'01/91 01,02,91 12/07/90 12/14/90 02/01/91 05,01/91 01/15/91 12/20/90 12/31/90 02/14/91 05/01/91 02/01/91 01/10/91 01/17;91 03/03/91 06/01/91 02/15;91 01/25/91 02/01/91 03/17/91 06/01/91 03,0191 02/08/91 02/15/91 03/31/91 07/01/91 03; 15,91 02-22/91 03/01;91 04/14/91 07,01/91 04/01/91 03/11/91 03/18/91 05/01/91 08/01/91 04 15,91 03/22/91 04/01/91 05/15/91 08/01/91 05/01/91 04/10/91 04/17,91 05/31/91 09/01/91 05/15,91 04/24,'91 05;01;91 06'14/91 09'01/91 06/03 91 05'10/91 05/17/91 07 03/91 10,01/91 06/14/91 05/23.'91 05/31/91 07/14/91 10/01/91 07/01 91 06'10/91 06'17/91 07,31/91 11/01/91 07/15/91 06/21/91 06 28/91 08/14/91 11/01/91 08,'01 91 07/11/91 07/18,91 08/31/91 12/01/91 08;15 91 07/25 91 08/01/91 09'14/91 12/01/91 09/03 91 08/12/91 08/19,91 10/03/91 01/01/92 09/16 91 08/23/91 08/30,91 10/16,91 01/01/92 10/01,'91 09/10/91 09/17/91 10/31/91 02/01/92 10/15/91 09/24/91 10 01/91 11/14/91 02/01/92 11/01/91 10/11 '91 11) IS 91 12,01/91 03/01/92 11/15,'91 10/24'91 10 31,91 12'15'91 03/01/92 12 0291 11 '07 91 11 14,91 01'01 '92 04 01/92 12/16,91 11/21 91 12;02,91 01/15 92 04,01/92 * The "Earliest Effective Date" is computed assuming that the public hearing and adoption occur in the calendar month immediately following the "Issue Date", that the agency files the n-ile with The Administrative Rules Review Commission by the 20th ofthe same calendar month and that ARRC approves the rule at the next calendar month meeting. NOTICE OF PETITION FOR MUNICIPAL INCORPORA TION [G.S. I50B-63(dl) requires publication ofNotice that a Petitionfor Incorporation has beenfiled with the Joint Legislative Commission on Municipal Incorporations]. In accordance with G.S. 120-165, the Joint Legislative Commission on Municipal Incorporations gives notice that it has received a petition for the incorporation ofthe Town of Foscoe-Grandfather in Watauga County. A copy of G.S. 120-165 is reprinted below. §120-165. Initial inquirj. (a) The Commission shall, upon receipt of the petition, determine if the requirements of G.S. 120-163 and G.S. 120-164 have been met. Ifit determines that those requirements have not been met, it shall return the petition to the petitioners. The Commission shall also publish in the North Carolina Register notice that it has received the petition. (b) If it determines that those requirements have been met, it shall conduct further inquiry as provided by this Part. Sincerely, Gerry F. Cohen Counsel, Joint Legislative Commission on Municipal Corporations In accordance with G.S. 120-165, the Joint Legislative Commission on Municipal Incorporations gives notice that it has received a petition for the incorporation of the Town of Wfiitsett in Guilford County. A copy of G.S. 120-165 is reprinted below. §120-165. Initial inquin-. (a) The Commission shall, upon receipt of the petition, determine if the requirements of G.S. 120-163 and G.S. 120-164 have been met. Ifit determines that those requirements have not been met, it shall return the petition to the petitioners. The Commission shall also publish in the North Carolina Register notice that it has received the petition. (b) If it determines that those requirements have been met, it shall conduct further inquiry as provided by this Part. Sincerely, Gerr\' F. Cohen Counsel, Joint Legislative Commission on Municipal Corporations 5:19 NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER January 2, 1991 1177 PROPOSED RULES TITLK 12 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE identified topical areas and minimum instruc- tional hours for each area: lyotice is hereby given in accordance with G.S. (1) Course Orientation 2 Hours 1SOB-12 that the North Carolina CriminalJustice (2) Constitutional Law 4 Hours Education and Training Standards Commission (3) Laws ofArrest, Search intends to amend rule(s) cited as 12 XCAC 9B and Detention 16 Hours .0228. .030/ - .0307. (4) Mechanics of/Vrrest, Arrest Procedures 8 Hours 1 heproposed effectixe date ofthis action is June (5) Law Enforcement I, 1991. Communications and Information System 4 Hours 1 he public hearing will be conducted at 10:00 (6) Elements of Criminal a.m. on February 15. 1991 at the Hearing Room Law 24 Hours of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission (7) Defensi\e Tactics 32 Hours Building. 3322 Old Garner Road, Raleigh, Sorth (8) Juvenile Law and Carolina 2^610-5631. W Procedures 8 Hours EmorLjuncy M^jdical Cc siersices 34 Hours omment Procedures: .Anyperson interested in these Rules may present oralor written comments C^; first Responder 40 Hours (10) firearms 40 Hours relevant to the proposed action at the Public (11) Hunter Safety 10 Hours Rule-Making Hearing. Written statements not (12) Patrol Techniques 16 Hours presented at the Hearing should be directed to (13) Eield Notetaking and Scott Peny. Deputy Director. Theproposedrules Report Writing 12 Hours are a\ailable forpublic inspection and copies may (14) Crisis Management 10 Hours be obtained at thefollowing address: (15) Criminal In\estigation 12 Hours (16) Inter\iews; Eield and CriminalJustice Standards Division In-Custody 8 Hours .\orth Carolina Department ofJustice (17) Controlled Substances 6 Hours I West Morgan Street (18) ABC Laws and Room 123. Court of.Appeals Building Procedures 4 Hours Post Office Drawer 149 (19) Electrical and Hazardous Raleigh, Sorth Carolina 2'^602 Material Materials Emergencies 6 12 Hours CM\F>TFR 9 - CRIMINAL JUSTICE (20) Law Enforcement Drivers EDUCATION AND TRAINING STANDARDS Training 40 Hours (21) Preparing for Court and SUBCHAPTER 9B - STANDARDS FOR Testifying in Court 12 Hours CRIEMDIUNCAALTJIlONST:IACENDEMTPRLAIONYIMNEGNT: (22) Game and Eish Laws 36 Hours (23) Motorboat Laws 12 Hours & SECTION .0200 - MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR (24) Boating Procedures CRIMINAL .ILSTICE SCHOOLS AND Small Boat Handling 20 Hours CRIMINAL JLSTICE TRAINING PROGRAMS (25) Dealing with Problem OR COURSES OF INSTRLCTION rVnimal Situations 4 Hours (26) Basic Eield Identifi- .0228 BASIC TRAINING - WILDLIFE cation of fishes 6 Hours ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS (27) Basic field Identifi- (a) The basic training course for wildlife cation of Game .Animals, enforcement officers appointed by the WUdhfe Game Birds and Non-Game Resources Commission as authorized under .Animals 2 Hours General Statute 113-136 shall consist of a mini- (28) Identification of Mig- mum of^^ 556 hours ofinstruction designed to rator}" Waterfowl 2 Hours pro\ide the trainee with the skills and knowledge (2Q) Endangered Species 2 Hours to perform those tasks essential to function as a (30) Trapping 8 Hours wildlife enforcement officer. (31) Water Safet\' and Swimming 16 Hours (b) Each basic training course for wildlife (32 Knotsmanship, A Practical J enforcement officers shall include the following Use of Rope 2 Hours IITS 5:19 l\ORTH CAROLL\A REGISTER Januaiy 2, 1991 PROPOSED RULES (33) Wildlife Law Enforcement (7) has knowingjy and willfully obtained, or and the Media 8 Hours attempted to obtain instructor certif- (34) Motorboat Accident ication by deceit, fraud, or misrepresen- Investigation 12 Hours tation. (35) Civil Disorders 12 Hours (#) Prior to the Commission's action denying, (36) Radiological Monitoring 16 Hours Guoponding, &f rovoicing a "General Instructor (37) Covert Activities 2 Hours Cortifioation", "Spooifio Instructor (38) Basic Photography 8 Hours Certification", "Profosoional Locturor Cortif (39) Motor Vehicle Laws 6 Hours ioQtion", "Radar Instructor Certification", ef (40) DWI Enforcement 2 Hours "Radar ae4 Time? Distanco Spood Moaouromont (41) Physical Training 60 Hours Instrument Instructor Certification", tfee Stand afds Division may notify the person that a de6- cionoy appears te- exist a«4 attempt, i» aft » Statutory Authority G.S. 17C-6; I7C-I0. advisory capacity, te aosiot the person corroot iftg the deficiency. SECTION .0300 - MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE INSTRUCTORS Statutory Authority G.S. I7C-6. .0301 CERTIFICATION OF INSTRUCTORS .0302 GENERAL INSTRUCTOR (d) The Standards Division may notify an ap- CERTIFICATION plicant for instructor certification or a certified Certifications issued in this category after De- instructor that a deficiency appears to exjst and cember 31, 1984 shall be limited to those topics attempt, in an advisory capacity, to assist the which are not expressly incorporated under the person in correcting the deficiency. (e) When any person ccrtilied as an instructor Specific Instructor Certification categor}'. Indi- by the Commission is found to have knowingly vegiodru>a'lsacreertnifoitedauuntdheorritzheedgteonertaelacihnstarnuyctoorfctahte- and willfully violated any provision or require- ment of these Rules, the Commission may take subjects specified in Rule .0304, entitled "Specific Instructor Certification". To qualify for issuance action to correct the violation and to ensure that of General Instructor Certification, an applicant the violation does not reoccur, including: (1) ciosmspuliingancaen;oral warning and request for ashnadllexdpeemroinesntceraitnecraimcinoamlbijunsattiiceonanodfpreodfuiccaiteinocny issuing a written warning and request for in the instructional process to the satisfaction of compliance; the Commission. At a minimum, the applicant issuing an official written reprimand; shall meet the followingrequirements for General (4) suspendingthe individual's certification for Instructor Certification: a specified period of time or until accept- (1) Present documentary evidence show'ingthat able corrective action is taken by the in- the apphcant: dividual; (a) is a high school graduate, or has passed the (5) revoking the Lndividuafs certification. General Education Development Test (f) (4) The Commission may deny, suspend, or (GED) indicating high school equiv- revoke an instructor's certification when the alency, and has acquired four years of Commission fmds that the person: practical experience as a criminal justice (1) has failed to meet and maintain any ofthe officer or as an administrator or specialist requirements for qualification; or in a field directly related to the criminal (2) has failed to remain currently knowledge- justice system; or able in the person's areas ofexpertise; or (b) has been awarded an associate degree and (3) has failed to deliver training in a manner has acquired three years ofpractical expe- consistent with the instructor lesson plans rience as a criminal justice officer or as an adopted by the Commission; or admimstrator or specialist in a field di- (4) has failed to follow specific guidelines as rectly related to the criminal justice sys- adopted by the Commission in any cur- tem; or rent course management guide; or (c) has been awarded a baccalaureate degree (51 has demonstrated unprofessional personal and has acquired two years of practical conduct in the delivery of comrrussion- experience as a criniinal justice officer or mandated training; or as an administrator or specialist in a field (6) (4-^ domonotratoo has otherw^ise demon- directly related to the criminal justice sys- strated instructional incompetence; or tem; or 5:19 NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER January 2, 1991 1179 PROPOSED RULES (d) has been awarded a graduate professional school director when determining recom- degree and has acquired one year of prac- mendation: or tical experience as a cnminal justice officer (2) a favorable wntten evaluation by a com- or as an administrator or specialist in a mission or staffmember, based on an on- field directly related to the cnminal justice site classroom evaluation of the SNstem. probationary' instructor in a commission- (2) Present eyidence showing successful com- accredited course or a commission- pletion of a commission-accredited instruc- recognized in-service training course. tor training program or an equivalent Such evaluation will be certified on a instructor training course as determined by commission-approved Instructor Evalu- the Commission. Applicants who hold ation Form. In addition, instructors current General Instructor Certification un- e\aluated by a commission or staff mem- der any previously commission-adopted in- ber must also teach a minimum of four structor certitication program shall receive eight hours in a commission-accredited recognition for any previously completed training course or a commission- commission-accredited instructor training recognized in-service training course. courses or previously recogn^ed equivalent (c) The term of certification as a general in- thereof All applicants must have previously structor is two years from the date the Commis- completed an instructor training course sion issues the certification. The certification within the twelve month period preceding may subsequently be renewed by the Commis- application. Persons having completed a sion for two-year periods. The application for commission-accredited instructor training renewal shall contain, in addition to the require- course or an equivalent instructor training ments listed in Rule .0302 of this Section, docu- course as determined by the Commission mentary- evidence indicating that the applicant and not having made application within has remained active in the instructional process twelve months of completion of the course during the pre\ious two-year period. Such doc- shall complete a subsequent commission- umentary evidence shall include, at a minimum, accredited instructor training course in its the following: entirety. (1) proof that the appUcant has, within the (4-f ^^^^oro the instructor wa* prgviou'j.ly certi two-year period preceding application for 6<?4t prooont (."ridonoij vonfying Aat- tmh# m- renewal, instructed a minimum of four otructor ouccooofully taught a eight hours in a commission-accredited commi!;^oion accredited courc.e within 4» training course or a commission- Hvo year period prior to termination b4 eef- recognized in-service training course as tilication a* c.pecitied m Rule .0301 ei tfes outlined in Rule .0303 ofthis Section; and Section. (2) a favorable written recommendation from a school director accompanied by certif- Statutory Authority G.S. 17C-6. ication on a commission-approved In- structor Evaluation Form that the .0303 TERMS .\ND CONDITIONS OF instructor successfully taught a minimum GENERAL INSTRUCTOR of fo«f eight hours in a commission- CERTIFICATION accredited training program course or a (b) The probationary' instructor wiU be eligible commission-recognized in-service training for full general instructor status, if the instructor course during the two-year period of gen- through application at the end of the eral certification: or probationary' period, submits to the Commis- (3) a fa\'orabIe e\'aluation by a commission sion: or staff member, based on an on-site (1) a favorable recommendation from a school classroom evaluation of a presentation by director accompanied by certification on the instructor in a commission-accredited a commission-approved Instructor Evalu- training course or a commission- ation Form that the instructor successfully recognized in-service training course, dur- taught a minimum of fo«f eight hours in ing the two-year penod of General a commission-accredited course or a Instructor Certification. In addition, in- commission-recognized in-service training structors evaluated by a commission or course dunng the probationary year. The staff member must also teach a minimum results of the student evaluation of the of fo«f eight hours in a commission- iastructor must be considered by the accredited training course or a USD 5:19 NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER January 2, 1991 PROPOSED RULES commission-reco^ized in-service training ical Fitness, and Electrical and Hazardous Mate- course. rials Emergencies topical ai=ea areas as outlined (d) All instructors shall remain active during in Rule .0304 («> aft4 (d), (e] and (f} ofthis Sec- their period ofcertification. Ifan instructor does tion, an applicant, as a minimum, must meet the not teach a minimum of fe«f eight hours during following requirements: the period of certification, the certification shall (1) hold General Instructor Certification, ei- not be renewed, and the instructor shall file ap- ther probationary status or full general plication for General Instructor Certification, instructor status, as specified in Rule Probationary Status. Such applicants shall be .0303 ofthis Section; and required to meet the minimum requirements of (2) successfully complete the pertinent Rule .0302 ofthis Section. commission-approved specific instructor (e) The use of guest participants in a delivery training course; and of the "Basic Recruit Training--Law Enforce- (3) obtain the recommendation of a ment Course" is permissible. However, such commission-recognized school director. guest participants are subject to the direct on-site (c) To qualify for and maintain any Specific supervision of a commission-certLfied instructor Instructor Certification, an applicant must pos- and must be authorized by the school director. sess a current valid CPR Certification. A guest participant shall only be used to com- (d) To qualify for Specific Instructor Certif- plement the primary certified instructor of the ication in the Emorgonoy Medical Sopioos First i block of instruction and shall in no way replace Responder topical area, an applicant is not re- the primary instructor. quired to meet the standards for issuance of (f) For purposes ofthis Section, "commission- General Instructor Certification, but as a mini- recognized in-service training" shall mean any mum, must qualify through one of the foUowing training for which the instructor is evaluated by two options: a certified school director on a commission- (1) The first option is: approved Instructor E\'aluation Form. Such (A) hold current CPR instructor certif- training shall be objective based and documented ication through either the American Red by lesson plans using the ISD Model and docu- Cross or the American Heart Association; mented by departmental training records to in- and clude required post-test and testing methodology. (B) hold current basic Emergency Medical The signature of the school director on the Technician certification; and Commission-approved Instructor Evaluation (C) have successfully completed the De- Form shall venfy compliance with this Rule. partment of Transportation's 40 hour EMT Instructor Course or equivalent Statutory Authority G.S. I7C-6. within the last three years or hold a cur- rent North Carolina teaching certificate. .0304 SPECIFIC INSTRLCTOR (2) The second option is: CERTIFICATION (A) hold General Instructor Certification, (a) The Commission may issue a Specific In- either probationary status or full general structor Certification to an applicant who has instructor status, as specified in Rule developed specific motor-skills and abilities by .0303 ofthis Section; and virtue of special training and demonstrated expe- (B) hold current CPR instructor certif- rience in one or more of the following topical ication through either the ^Vmerican Red areas: Cross or the American Heart Association; (1) Defensive Tactics and (2) Emcrgoncy Medical Sonicoo First (C) hold current basic EMT certification. Responder (e) To qualify for Specific Instructor Certif- (3) I'irearms ication in the Physical Fitness topical area, an (4) Law Enforcement Driver Training applicant may become certified through one of (5) Physical Fitness the following two methods: (6) Firearms (DOC) (1) The first method-is: (7) Unarmed Self-Defense (DOC/DYS) (A) hold General Instructor Certification, (8) Medical Emergencies (DYS) either probationary status or fuU general (9) Electrical and Hazardous Materials Emer- instructor status, as specified in Rule gencies .0303 ofthis Section; and (b) To quality for Specific Instructor Certif- (B) successfully complete the pertinent ication, with the exception of the Emorgoncy commission-approved specific instructor Medical Senicos afi4 th» First Responder, Phys- training course; and 5:19 NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER January 2, 1991 llSl PROPOSED RULES (C) obtain the recommendation of a January I, 1989 and before July 1, 1989 shall re- commission-recognized school director. ceive credit for such teaching time to satisfy the (2) The second method is; probationary period requirements or to obtain (A) successfully complete the pertinent renewal of "Specific Instructor Certification - commission-approved specific instructor Physical Fitness." training course; and (h) (g^ To qualify for Specific Instructor Certif- (B) obtain the recommendation of a ication in the State Youth Services Medical commission-recognized school director; Emergencies topical area, an applicant is not re- and quired to meet the standards for issuance of (C) in addition to the requirements ofboth General Instructor Certification, but as a mini- (2), (A) and (B) ofthis Rule, the applicant mum, must quaUfy in the following manner: must meet one ofthe following qualifica- (1) have successfully completed a tions: commission-accredited basic instructor (i) hold a current and valid North training course or an equivalent instructor Carolina Teacher's Certificate and hold, training course as determined by the a minimum ofa baccalaureate degree in Commission within the 24 J^ month pe- physical education and be actively riod preceding application; and teaching in physical education topics; (2) hold current instructor certification in or CPR and First /Vid by fulfillment of the (ii) be presently instructing physical edu- American Red Cross Instructor require- cation topics in a community college, ments. college or university and hold a mini- mum of a baccalaureate degree in Statutory Authority G.S. 17C-6. physical education. (f) To qualify for Specific Instructor Certif- .0305 TERMS .\ND CONDITIONS OF ication in the Electrical and Hazardous Materials SPECIFIC INSTRUCTOR Emergencies topical area, an applicant is not re- CERTIFICATION quired to meet the standards for issuance of fa) Aft applicant meeting Ae roquiromonto fof General Instructor Certification, but as a mini- cortification as a specific inr.tructor shall. f»f A» mum, must qualifv through one ofthe following ftfst- 4-S months ei CLTlifioation, be tft a two options: probationary status. Ttn* Specific Instructor ( 1)(A.)Thehofilrdstcouprtrieonnt iisn^structor certification as mCearttiicfiacUaytioonx,pirPoro4-b3atmioonntahrys fSrtaotmusA,esh^a^lAli^ aeuftios- a First Responder Awareness Level Haz- suancB. ardous Materials instructor; and fb) l^h% probationary" instructor wilt b& ohgiblo (B) ha\e successfully completed the Fire fof foil spocific instructor status at- tb# eft4 efU»» Senice Instructor .Methodology Course probationoj)' period if tlw instructor, through or the equivalent as determined by the application, submits to the Commission: Commission. f4-f afa^iorable recommendation from aschool (2) The second option is^ director accompanied by certification eft (.A) hold Cjeneral Instructor Certification, a commission approved Instructor Evolu either probationary status or full general ation Form Aat- tl*« instructor taught at- instructor status, as specified in Rule least foftf hours i» each ef tlw topics fe* .0303 of this Section; and which SpL'cifio Instructor Cortification, (B) ha\'e successfully completed a First Probationary Status, was granted. Such Responder Awareness Level Hazardous instruction must have occurred i» a Matenals course, commission accredited course dunng t4** (g) (f4Any existing commission-issued "Specific probationari period. 44ie results ef Ae Instructor Certification - Physical Fitness" issued student evaluation must be considered by prior to July 1, 1989 is automatically extended tfe* school director when detennining Ae with an expiration date of June 30, 1990. Any recommendation: t*f General Instructor having successfully completed (4^ a favorable written evaluation by a com the Specialized Physical Fitness Instructor mission e* staffmember, based ©ft aft eft- Course and not having made application, must site classroom esaluation ef tbe apply prior to July 1, 1990 in order for such probationary instructor ift a commission course to be recognized for certification. .Any accredited course. Such evaluation Vriii instructor authorized to instruct in a "Basic Re- be certified ©ft a commission apprc'od i cruit Training — Law Enforcement" course after Instructor Evaluation Form completed f©f 11S2 5:19 NORTH CAROLINA REGISTER January 2, 1991

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