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Nonlinear Programming 3. Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Mathematical Programming Symposium Conducted by the Computer Sciences Department at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, July 11–13, 1977 PDF

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Preview Nonlinear Programming 3. Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Mathematical Programming Symposium Conducted by the Computer Sciences Department at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, July 11–13, 1977

ACADEMIC PRESS RAPID MANUSCRIPT REPRODUCTION Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Mathematical Programming Symposium conducted by the Computer Sciences Department at the University of Wisconsin—Madison July 11-13, 1977 Nonlinear Programming 3 Edited by OIvi L. Mangasarian Robert R. Meyer Stephen M. Robinson Computer Sciences Department University of Wisconsin —Madison Madison, Wisconsin Academic Press New York San Francisco London 1978 A SUBSIDIARY OF HARCOURT BRACE JOVANOVICH, PUBLISHERS COPYRIGHT © 1978, BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING, OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Ill Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24/28 Oval Road, London NW1 7DX Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Symposium on Nonlinear Programming, 3d, Madison, Wis., 1977. Nonlinear programming 3. Includes index. 1. Nonlinear programming—Congresses. I. Mangasarian, 01viL.,Date II. Meyer, Robert R. III. Robinson, Stephen M. IV. Wisconsin. University—Madison. Computer Sciences Dept. V. Title. T57.8.S9 1977 519.7'6 78-15926 ISBN 0-12-468660-3 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CONTRIBUTORS Numbers in parentheses indicate the pages on which the authors' contributions begin. A. Auslender (429), Université de Clermont, Department de Mathématiques Ap­ pliquées, Boite Postale 45, 63170 Aubière, France S. M. Chung (197), Computer Center, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Richard W. Cottle (361), Department of Operations Research, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 G. B. Dantzig (283), Department of Operations Research, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 B. Curtis Eaves (391), Department of Operations Research, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 Lidia Filus (407), Computing Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland David M. Gay (245), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Compu­ tational Research in Economics and Management Sciences, 575 Technology Square, Cambridge, Massachusetts Q2139 Fred Glover (303), School of Business, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80302 Mark S. Goheen (361), Department of Operations Research, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 S. Gonzalez (337), 230 Ryon Building, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77001 Shih-Ping Han (65), Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801 Darwin Klingman (303), School of Business, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712 Javier Maguregui (461), Apartado 226, Caracas, Venezuela vii Vili CONTRIBUTORS Garth P. McCormick (165), Institute for Management Science and Engineering, George Washington University, 707 22nd Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037 Claude McMillan (303), School of Business, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309 A. Miele (337), 230 Ryon Building, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77001 S. C. Parikh (283), Department of Operations Research, Stanford University, Stan­ ford, California 94305 M. J. D. Powell (27), Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge, Silver Street, Cambridge CB3 9EW, England Klaus Ritter (225), Mathematisches Institut A, Universität Stuttgart, 7 Stuttgart 80, Pfaffenwaldring 57, Federal Republic of Germany J. B. Rosen (97), Department of Computer Science, 114 Lind Hall, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 R. T. Rockafellar (1), Department of Mathematics GN-50, University of Washing­ ton, Seattle, Washington 98195 Robert B. Schnabel (245), Department of Computer Science, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309 R. A. Tapia (125), Department of Mathematical Sciences, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77001 PREFACE This volume contains 17 of the papers prepared for the Nonlinear Programming Symposium 3 held at Madison on July 11-13, 1977. The first two Nonlinear Pro­ gramming Symposia were held in Madison in May 1970 and April 1974, and their proceedings have also been published by Academic Press. The first eight papers describe some of the most effective methods available today for solving linearly and nonlinearly constrained optimization problems. The ninth paper, which is contributed by Gay and Schnabel, gives algorithms for the solution of nonlinear equations together with computational experience. Dantzig and Parikh, and Glover, McMillan, and Klingman give some modern applications of optimization in operations research. Miele and Gonzalez propose a measure­ ment procedure for optimization algorithm efficiency. Cottle and Goheen give methods for solving large quadratic programs. Eaves and Filus describe algorithms for solving stationary and fixed point problems. Auslender discusses the minimiza­ tion of certain types of nondifferentiable functions, while Maguregui discusses a type of Newton method. Once again it is hoped that this volume will bring to the scientific community the latest ideas and contributions of some of the leading researchers in the field of nonlinear programming. The editors would like to thank the National Science Foundation for funding this symposium under grant MCS76-24152, the Computer Sciences Department of the University of Wisconsin—Madison for making its staff available for this meeting, and the Wisconsin Center for providing its facilities. We would like to thank Mrs. Gail Hackensmith for her important role as Symposium Secretary and Mrs. Judy Swenson for her efficient and capable typing of this manuscript. Nonlinear Programming 3 MONOTONE OPERATORS AND AUGMENTED LAGRANGIAN METHODS IN NONLINEAR PROGRAMMING R. T. Rockafellar1 ABSTRACT The Hestenes-Powell method of multipliers in convex program­ ming is modified to obtain a superior global convergence property under a stopping criterion that is easier to implement. The convergence results are obtained from the theory of the proximal point algorithm for solving OeT(z) when T is a maximal mono­ tone operator. An extension is made to an algorithm for solving variational inequalities with explicit constraint functions. Research sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Air Force Systems Command, USAF, under grant number 77-3204 at the University of Washington, Seattle. Copyright © by Academic Press, Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. ISBN 0-12-468660-3 2 R.T. ROCKAFELLAR 1. INTRODUCTION Let X be a nonempty, closed, convex subset of a Hilbert (or Euclidean) space H , and let f. : H+R be a differentiable convex function for i = 0,l,...,m . We shall be concerned with the problem (P) minimize ^ (χ) subject to π x e X, f .(x) <_ 0 for i = 1,. ..,m . The ordinary dual of (P) is m (D) maximize inf (f (x) + V y.f.(x)} A X 0 .^ ! subject to 0 <_ y = (y ,.. . ,y ) e R It will be assumed in what follows that (P) has at least one optimal solution characterized by the Kuhn-Tucker conditions. Then min (P) = max (D) of course, and the pairs (x,y) satis­ fying the Kuhn-Tucker conditions are precisely the ones such that x is optimal for (P) and y is optimal for (D). In recent years there has been much interest in computational methods for (P) (and its nonconvex version) based on the augmented Lagrangian, which is the expression L(x,y,c) defined for all x e X, y e R , and parameter values c > 0 by y.f.(x) +- f.(x)z if y. +cf.(x) >0 m Ji l 2 i Ji l — L(x,y,c) = f (x) + I Q 1 2 i=l - —2c Jyi . if J yl. + cfl .(x)— < 0 This is convex in x , concave in y , and continuously differ­ entiable in all arguments. Its saddle points (for arbitrary fixed c) are the Kuhn-Tucker pairs (x,y) for (P) and (D). If each f. happens to be continuously twice differentiable, then so is L in all arguments, except on the hypersurfaces y. +cf.(x) = 0 . Anyway, the first derivatives of L are everywhere Lipschitz continuous with one-sided directional derivatives. For more discussion of the properties of the augmented La­ grangian, see [1], [2]. The most recent survey of the "multiplier methods" based on the augmented Lagrangian is that of Bertsekas MONOTONE OPERATORS 3 [3]. Many extensions and modifications of the multiplier method have been explored since it was originally suggested independently by Hestenes and Powell in 1968. In essence, all are aimed at replacing the constrained problem (P) by a sequence of uncon­ strained, or more simply constrained problems that can be solved efficiently by the very powerful algorithms now known for that special case. They resemble penalty methods in this respect, but they generally are better behaved than penalty methods in their rate of convergence and numerical stability (cf. [3]). The present article, while concerned only with convex prob­ lems, will treat a new kind of modification which produces some very favorable properties and also admits a generalization from convex programming to the solution of variâtional inequalities with explicit constraints. The following scheme will be called the proximal multiplier method. parameters: y>0, 0 < c, / c <_°° initial guess: (x ,y ) 2 ^Fj/(x\)A _TΔ/ L(x,k y ,xc ) +u γ— I |xk-i2x | onn R k+1 k x « arg min F,(x) xeX y. = max {0,y. + c f.(x )} for i = l,...,m . 1 1 K 1 Note that the function F, which must be minimized over X k at each iteration is differentiable and convex, in fact strongly 2 convex with modulus μ /c,: for all x, x1 , one has 2 F (x' ) ^ F (x) + (x'-x) · VF (x) + ^- |x'-x|2 . k k k k+i °k The sense in which x is an approximate minimizer depends on the choice of stopping rule for the minimization step. The usual multiplier method corresponds to μ = 0 (no auto­ matic strong convexity). The modified method was introduced in [4] with y = 1 and shown to have two theoretical advantages besides the strong convexity. The sequence {x } has better properties, and global convergence can be obtained under a more 4 R.T. ROCKAFELLAR easily implementable stopping rule in terms of the magnitude k+1 of VF, (X ) . For the usual multiplier rule, the magnitude k+1 of F, (x ) - inf F must be monitored if global convergence (i.e. from any starting point) is to be ensured, although local convergence (i.e. from a starting point "sufficiently" close to being optimal) has been established by Polyak and Tretyakov [5] k+1 and Bertsekas [6], [7], in terms of VF, (x ) in the case where K X = H = R and the strong second-order optimality conditions are satisfied. Numerical experiments have disclosed, however, that the proximal multiplier method with μ = 1 moves rather slowly in initial stages in comparison with the usual multiplier method, despite its ultimate convergence properties. The reason for this appears to be that, when c is too low, the quadratic term in K F, (x) dominates and does not allow the Lagrangian term to have k+1 a strong enough effect in the selection of x .On the other hand, when c is too high, the "penalty" aspects of the aug- K mented Lagrangian are too strong, and the prime advantage over penalty methods gets lost. The introduction here of the factor y restores flexibility in allowing the role of the quadratic term to be damped while c, is still reasonably low. The same type of convergence results as for y > 0 will be demonstrated for arbitrarily small y > 0 , although the algorithm tends to resemble the usual multiplier method more and more as y \ 0 . The fact that the multiplier method can be approximated in this sense by an algorithm possessing global convergence under k+1 a rule involving VF, (x ) is interesting for applications to the solution of variational inequalities. As explained below in §5, these can be handled in the same theoretical framework, essentially by replacing the gradient mapping Vf by a more n general "monotone" mapping. The minimization step equivalent to finding an "approximate" solution to the equation VF, (x) = 0 , becomes a matter of solving a more general (but "nice") equation

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