epl draft Nonlinear Mach-Zehnder-Fano interferometer Yi Xu1,2 and Andrey E. Miroshnichenko1 (a) 1 Nonlinear Physics Centre and Centre for Ultra-high bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems (CUDOS), Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia 2 Laboratory of Photonic Information Technology, School for Information and Optoelectronic Science and Engineer- ing, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, P.R. China 2 1 0 2 PACS 42.25.Bs–Wave propagation, transmission and absorption n PACS 42.65.Pc–Optical bistability, multistability, and switching, including local field effects a PACS 42.65.Wi–Nonlinear waveguides J Abstract – We demonstrate that the interaction of loop and nonlinear Fano resonances results 8 in a formation of hybrid resonant states in Mach-Zehnder type interferometers, providing with ] opportunitiesforanadvancedphasemanipulation. Thenonlinearresponseofsuchstructurescan s be greatly enhanced, leading to a low threshold 100% switching operation. We further propose c i one of the possible realizations based on nonlinear photonic crystal circuits, suitable for optimal pt all-optical switching. o . s c i s y Introduction.– Mach-Zehnderinterferometer(MZI) h isakeycomponentinmanybranchesofphysicsbecauseof p [itsabilitytomanipulateacoherentsignal[1]. Bycoupling aresonatortotheMZIcanfurtherincreasethephasesen- 1 sitivity of the coherent manipulation [2,3]. The enhanced v 0all-optical switching [2] and the bistability [4] have been 3demonstrated in a coupled ring-resonator Mach-Zehnder 6interferometer,whichprovidesthepossibilityfortheeffec- 1 tive and coherent control by using a nonlinear resonator. . 1 Recently, we have introduced the concept of Mach- 0 Zehnder-Fano interferometer (MZFI) [5] providing with 2 uniquephysicalpropertythatcannotbefoundinamacro- 1 :scopic resonator enhanced MZI [2–4,6]. The MZFI allows v us to manipulate the interaction of different types of res- Xionances which leads to the formation of a novel hybrid Fig.1: (coloronline)(a)and(b)arethegenericdiscretemod- elsforthesystemexhibitingFanoresonance. AandB arethe rFano-like resonant states [7]. Furthermore, the counter- apartofthering-resonator-coupledMach-Zehnderinterfer- incoming waves, T and R are scattered amplitudes. Ci and D are the forward and backward scattered waves. V is the ometerinthemicroscopicscale,i.e. MZFIbasedonapho- i coupling strength between the nonlinear Fano defect(located tonicscrystal(PhC)platformseemstobemorepromising by M) and the site A in the linear chain. L and N spec- M for future application owing to small volume compared ify the number of sites. Without loss of generality, we choose with the macroscopic resonators. Recent advantages in L=1whichprovidesthephasereferencewhileN representsthe PhCs fabrication technology [8], allow us to achieve ultra length of MZFI arm including two junction sites. high-Q cavities facilitating low threshold nonlinear bista- bility [9–13]. Indeed, the manifested opticalbistable state is the nonlinear Fano resonance [15]. As a result, the sys- tems supporting Fano resonances [14–16], associated with an asymmetric scattering profile, attract a significant at- (a)E-mail: [email protected] tention recently. It’s their unique property that allows us p-1 Yi Xu et al. toachieveanoptimalhighextinctionratio, largemodula- e−2iKqrY tY tY tiondepthandlowestthresholdnonlinearswitching[6,17]. SYK = tY e2iKqrY e2iKqtY , The aim of this Letter is to introduce and demonstrate tY e2iKqtY e2iKqrY unique properties of the nonlinear MZFI, which originate (cid:18) −εe−2iMq −2isinq (cid:19) S = 1 , from the excitation of the nonlinear hybrid Fano reso- M ε−2isinq −2isinq −εe2iMq nances. Such resonant states appear because of the inter- ε= V2 action between MZI loop’s resonance and nonlinear Fano (ω−Ed−λ|Xd|2) As can be seen from the complex defect field X , the d resonances of the side-coupled defect. It provides with an nonlinearity has an effect on the phase and amplitude of enhanced nonlinear response and optimal conditions for the Fano defect and the corresponding strengths in turn lowthresholddynamicbistability. Asaparticularrealisa- dependonthepoweroftheFanodefect. Atthesametime, tion of our model we provide with a PhC circuit example, thenonliearresponseoftheFanodefectwouldgiveafeed- which supports our results. back to the scattering waves in the arms of MZFI (read as the nonlinear scattering potential ε) of which forms a Discrete nonlinear MZFI model. – We start our complex nonlinear resonance system. Then, such nonlin- analysis from a generic discrete model [15], which can de- ear MZFI, whose nonlinear response can not be mapped scribethedynamicsofMZFIlikestructures. Byusingthe from the standard nonlinear Fano resonant system [18], is modified Fano-Anderson model, dynamical equations de- sophisticated even in the linear region [7]. scribing the nonlinear MZFI system shown in Fig. 1 (b) can be written as follows: We study two cases, where the Fano defect is placed symmetricallyandasymmetrically. Thedetailparameters iψ˙ =(cid:80) ψ +δ Vϕ , can be found in the caption of Fig. 2. These two cases al- n k k n,M d (1) iϕ˙ =E ϕ +χ(3)|ϕ |2ϕ +Vψ , low us to excite different sets of MZI loop’s modes, which d d d d d M have nonzero overlap with the coupled site [7]. The scat- where ψn represents the linear chain with complex field tering of the conventional Fano resonance geometry [see amplitude, ϕd stands for the Fano defect, M gives the lo- Fig. 1(a)] is shown by dotted line in Fig. 2(a) as a ref- cationoftheFanodefectinthearm,k isthetotalnumber erence. In the symmetric case, the transmission in the of the nearest neighbour sites in the chain(k = 3 in the centre of the propagation band resembles a step-function. Y-junction while k = 2 at the others) and we neglect the In such a case, the eigenfrequency of the Fano defect is in nonlocal interactions in this paper, χ(3) is the cubic non- thevicinityofMZIloop’sresonance, whereahybridFano linear parameter, V is the coupling strength between the resonance is formed. At the same time, such resonance chainandtheFanodefect,Ed istheeigenfrequencyofthe has the highest intensity at the defect site among other Fano defect. resonances because of the interference of two Fano-like As it was demonstrated in Ref. [18], the side-coupled resonances [7]. Intuitively, the high contrast step func- Fanodefectactsasaneffectivescatteringpotential,whose tion like transmission together with high resonant inten- strength depends on the input frequency ω. In the pres- sity of the nonlinear defect are positive factors for further ence of nonlinearity the effective scattering potential of enhancmentofthenonlinearbehaviour[20]. We,thus,in- theFanodefectbecomesinputintensitydependent,which vestigatethenonlinearresponseofthesystem(1)atthese brings extra flexibility to tune the Fano resonances of the specific resonances. MZFI. The stationary nonlinear switching of four resonances To find static solutions of system (1) we employed S- marked ω (corresponding to transmission minima) in a−d matrix approach. The S-matrices of the Y-junction can Fig. 2 (a) are shown in Fig. 2 (c). It should be pointed beobtainedbyapplyingscatteringboundaryconditionat out that the maximum of the Fano defect’s intensity is three branches respectively [19]. A set of nonlinear equa- in between the transmission dip and tip because of the tions which describes the stationary nonlinear response of sharp asymmetric line shapes [15]. We emphasize that the system is as follow: the resonance ω is excited due to a symmetry breaking d by side-coupled Fano defect [7] and it is not the eigen- frequency of the defect. At the same time, the nonlinear R A T B responseatω isgreatlyreducedbythestep-functionlike C1 =SYL D1 , D1 =SY−N C1 , linear transmaission compared to resonance ω and ω . If C D D C b c 2 2 3 3 we define a figure of merit as FoM = ∆T/P , where (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) th D2 =S C2 , ∆T = max[T(Pin)−T(0)] refers to the maximum con- C M D Pin 3 3 trast of the transmission and P represents the necessary th A V X = M input power to pull the transmission of the system up to d (ω−Ed−λ|Xd|2) 90%ofthe∆T. TheFoMofresonanceωa,whichdescribes (2) boththeenhancedtransmissioncontrastinthelinearcase andthereductionoftheswitchingpower,canbeenhanced where more than 60 times compared to a given defect support- p-2 Nonlinear Mach-Zehnder-Fano interferometer Fig. 2: (color online)(a) and (b) are the transmission of the linear MZFI and the intensity of the defect, respectively. Here, L = 1 and N = 7. The circles in (b) represent the normalized intensity in the nonlinear Fano defect when the input power I =0.01 and χ(3) =1. (c) nonlinear response of different resonances marked ω at Fig. 2 (a). Solid pink line stands for the a−d hybridFanoresonancemarkedω inFig.2(a),dottedredlinepresentstheresonanceoftheMZI’sloopmarkedω whiledashed a d greenlineanddashed-dottedbluelinerepresentstheresonancesimilarwiththeoneinresonatorenhancedMZI[2–4,6](marked ω ) and conventional one(marked ω ), respectively. The shaded pink region represents the area of the dynamic modulation c b instability initialled by a pulse of t =1.3×104, W =5×103 and I =0.25. (d) Double bistability at the frequency ω=0.43 0 0 withdetuning∆ω=0.11respectingtoω . Here,t =1.3×104,W =5×103 andI =0.025. Thearrowsindicatetheupward a 0 0 and downward nonlinear Fano bistable operation. The responses of ω for the same detuning value are also presented. b−d ing conventional Fano resonance ω [18]. The nonlinear resonances [21], which also indicates an enhanced nonlin- b responses at ω and ω are similar because they are origi- ear response. It is similar to the modulational instability b c nated from the eigenfrequency of the Fano defect. of waves scattered by a nonlinear centre [24]. Usually, it happens in the finite interval of frequencies . The stabil- To study the dynamical switching we employed high ityanalysisofoursystemwiththenonlinearhybridization accuracy Crank-Nicolson method [22] with suitable ab- between Fano resonances gives similar results to the con- sorption boundary condition [23]. The dynamic nonlinear ventional nonlinear Fano resonance with the same insta- response of the system at specified resonances is obtained bility regions [21]. Note here, that dynamical instability by a long pulse with I = I exp(−(t−t )2/W2)sin(ωt), 0 0 occurs independently from bistability conditions. where W is the pulse width, ω is set at the same frequen- cies as ω . Compared to the stationary one, the dy- Figure 2 (d) demonstrates a butterfly like double bista- a−d namic solution predicts similar nonlinear response except bility obtained by dynamic pulse feeding, where the oper- for the case of ω . One can see that transmission cannot ation frequency is referred to ω = 0.43. Such a hystere- a a be well defined at frequency ω above a certain thresh- sis loop at ω shows interesting properties that one loop a a old of the input power, indicated by the shaded region. is clockwise while the other is anti-clockwise. The non- ThisiscausedbythemodulationalinstabilityoftheFano uniform shift of the normalized intensity in the nonlinear p-3 Yi Xu et al. Fig. 4: (color online)(a) Bistable operation obtain by pulse excitationinnonlinearFDTDexperiment;(b)electricfielddis- tribution (|E|2) at the upward dynamic switching point. thus suggest a PhCs platform as one of the possibilities to realize our idea, while the results above can be applied to other varieties of nonlinear discrete system. The PhC structure is shown in Fig. 4 (b) and It is formed by di- electric rods embedded in air(the radius of dielectric rods is r =0.19a where a is the lattice constant and refractive indexn=3.14)exceptforthenonlinearFanodefect(poly- mer rod n=1.59 andthe third-order nonlinearity suscep- tibility of the polymer is χ(3) =1.14×10−12cm2/W). We use the nonlinear FDTD method to solve the Maxwell’s equations. The bistable response shown in Fig. 4 (a) is obtained by the response of a Gaussian pulse with input frequency f = 0.373 2πc/a and duration 30 picoseconds. The profile is similar to the theoretical result in Fig. 3. Fig. 3: (color online) (a) Typical perfect bistability at the Figure 4 (b) shows the transient electric field distribution frequency ω =−0.2 with respect to ωa(cid:48). Here, t0 =1.3×104, (|E|2) exactly at the downward switching point (from on W =5×103 and I =0.025. (b) Intensity of the Fano defect 0 to off-state). Nearly perfect blocking of the input pulse with detuning ∆ω=0.11 with respect to ωa,a(cid:48). demonstrates the dynamical shutting down operation by a pulse and successful suppression of the modulation in- stability. Both high intensities of the Fano defect and Fano defect [see balls in Fig. 2 (b)] leads to the double the loop are the signature of nonlinear switching involv- bistable operation. As can be seen from this figure, that ing unique hybrid Fano resonances in the MZFI [7]. The such a detuning is not enough to initiate a bistable re- transmission contrast can be further enhanced by careful sponse for other case of ω , ω , and ω . Thus, the nonlin- b c d engineering the interaction between the eigen-Fano res- earhybridizationofvariousresonantstatesoffersaunique onance and the MZI loop’s resonance which takes place opportunitytomanipulatethenonlinearFanoresonances. exactly at the propagation band center. According to the stationary normalized intensity of the defect[seeFig.2(b)], wecanobtainfurthernonlinearen- hancement by working with ω . Figure 3 (a) shows an Conclusions. – In conclusion, we have investigated a(cid:48) enhanced bistability when the operation frequency is set the interaction of loop and side-coupled Fano resonances at ω =−0.21. This kind of perfect bistable state benefits innonlinearMZFItypestructures. Byintroducingnonlin- from the sharp step function like linear transmission and earFanodefectsweareabletoexcite”dark”statesofpure thefurtherenhancedintensityofthenonlineardefect. The MZI,whichresultsintheformationofverynarrowhybrid intensitiesoftheFanodefect[seeFig.3(b)]whichdemon- resonantstates. Bothstationaryanddynamicstudiescon- stratethefurtherenhancementoftheintensityintheFano vince the superiority of enhanced nonlinear response and defect are in accord with the static result [see Fig. 2(b)]. dynamical bistability in nonlinear MZFI. Our direct nu- The oscillation between two bistable state is the process merical simulations of two-dimensional PhCs confirm the that one bistable state transfers to the other one and it is theoreticalpredictionsofthedynamiccharacteristics. We the properties of the dynamical bistability [21]. anticipatethatsuchstructurescanberealizedondifferent platforms for ultra-high sensitive sensing operations. The Photonic Crystal based nonlinear MZF interfer- idea of nonlinear Fano resonances hybridization can also ometer.– UsingthemodifiedFano-Andersonmodel,we be generalized to the other nanoscale structure. Particu- have proved that the nonlinear MZFI can be considered larly, in the new emerging field of plasmonics and meta- as suitable candidate to realize the enhanced nonlinear material where the electromagnetic wave is confined in response and manipulate the dynamical bistability. We subwavelength scale, such nonlinear resonance interaction p-4 Nonlinear Mach-Zehnder-Fano interferometer could be a basic physical idea for designing the logic de- vices. ∗∗∗ The authors thank Prof. Yuri Kivshar and Dr. Anton Desyatnikov for useful discussions. Y. Xu acknowledges the support from the China Scholarship Council and the Nonlinear Research Centre at ANU for their hospitality. The work of A. E. Miroshnichenko was supported by the Australian Research Council through Future Fellowship program. REFERENCES [1] Ernst M., The Principles of Physical Optics (Courier Dover Publications, Dover) 2003 [2] Heebner J. E. and Boyd R. W., Opt. Lett., 24 (1999) 847-849. [3] Heebner J. E. et. al., Opt. 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