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Nonlinear Energy Response of Glass Forming Materials Fumitaka Tagawa∗ and Takashi Odagaki 7 0 Department of Physics, Kyushu University, Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan. 0 2 (Dated: February 6, 2008) n a Abstract J 7 A theory for the nonlinear energy response of a system subjected to a heat bath is developed 2 ] when the temperature of the heat bath is modulated sinusoidally. The theory is applied to a h c model glass forming system, where the landscape is assumed to have 20 basins and transition rates e m between basins obey a power law distribution. It is shown that the statistics of eigenvalues of the - t a transition rate matrix, the glass transition temperature T , the Vogel-Fulcher temperature T and g 0 t s . the crossover temperature T can be determined from the 1st- and 2nd-order ac specific heats, t x a m which are defined as coefficients of the 1st- and 2nd-order energy responses. The imaginary part of - d the1st-order ac specificheat has a broad peak correspondingto the distributionof theeigenvalues. n o When the temperature is decreased below T , the frequency of the peak decreases and the width c g [ increases. Furthermore,thestatisticsofeigenvaluescanbeobtainedfromthefrequencydependence 1 v of the 1st-order ac specific heat. The 2nd-order ac specific heat shows extrema as a function of the 4 8 frequency. TheextremadivergeattheVogel-Fulcher temperatureT . Thetemperaturedependence 6 0 1 of the extrema changes significantly near T and some extrema vanish near T . 0 g x 7 0 / t a m - d n o c : v i X r a 1 I. INTRODUCTION Since the anomaly of the specific heat at the glass transition was discovered in 19231, many studies have been conducted to understand the behavior. Since the anomaly depends on the measurement process, the transition is now believed not to be understood in the framework of the standard thermodynamics2. Recently the concept ofthe landscape hasbeen paidmuch attention because of possibility to explain the transition in non-equilibrium systems3,4. In particular, the free energy land- scape(FEL)pictureproposedbyOdagakiet al5,6 isconsidered toprovidetheunifiedconcept for understanding thermodynamic and dynamic singularities of the glass transition. In fact, the single particle dynamics7 and the specific heat8,9,10,11,12,13,14 were shown to phenomeno- logically be well described by the framework based on the FEL. Namely, the dynamical transition is understood as the Gaussian-to-Non-Gaussian transition7, and the thermody- namic singularities near T , including the cooling rate dependence of the specific heat, is g characterized as the Quenched-to-Annealed transition in dynamics on the FEL8,9,10,11. The specific heat of non-equilibrium systems such as glass forming materials is defined by the reponse of the energy to the unit rise of temperature15. Because of the slow relaxations, the system cannot reach equilibrium during the measurement and the energy response shows the time delay. Therefore one can expect that the ac specific heat16,17 will contain informa- tions of the slow dynamics. The ac specific heat C˜ (iω) is defined as the Laplace-Fourier 1 transform of the energy or enthalpy correlation function φ(t)14,18 ∞ C˜ (iω) = dtφ(t)e−iωt. (1) 1 Z 0 TheacspecificheatisoftenfittedbytheLaplace-Fouriertransformofthestretchedexponen- tial φ(t) = exp (t/τ)β , since the correlation function is believed to be the superposition (cid:16)− (cid:17) of the Debye relaxation function with different relaxation times. However the origin of the distribution of the relaxation times has not clearly been understood. So far, studies of the energy response of glass forming systems have been limited within the linear response region, and the nonlinear energy response has not been studied yet. In a previous paper14, we proposedthedescription ofthe1st-and2nd-orderenergy response with thefreeenergylandscapepictureandappliedittoatwolevelsystemwithadivergingbarrier. Itisshownthatthe2nd-orderenergyresponsehasadivergingtermatthetemperaturewhere the relaxation time diverges. 2 In this paper, we investigate the linear and nonlinear energy responses of non-equilibrium systems described by the FEL picture to an oscillating temperature and present the char- acteristic behavior of the 1st- and 2nd-order ac specific heat. Using a model FEL which supports a glass transition, we show that the Vogel-Fulcher temperature and the cross-over temperature as well as the glass transition temperature can be determined from the charac- teristic behavior of the ac specific heats. We also show that the statistics of the transition rate matrix representing the stochastic dynamics among the basins of the FEL can be ob- tained from the frequency dependence of the 1st-order ac specific heat. Theorganizationofthepaperisasfollows: In 2,weexplainthe1st-and2nd-orderenergy § responses when the temperature of the heat bath is oscillated sinusoidally. The definition of the1st-and2nd-orderacspecificheatisalsogiven. In 3,thestochasticdynamicsonthefree § energy landscape is explained. In 4, we describe the 1st- and 2nd-order energy responses § to the oscillating temperature and the 1st- and 2nd-order ac specific heats when the system is described by the FEL picture. As an example, a model system with FEL consisting of 20 basins is analyzed. In 5, where transition rates between basins are assumed to obey a § power law distribution. We present the characteristics of the 1st- and 2nd-order ac specific heats of the glass former and show that the glass transition temperature, the Vogel-Fulcher temperature and the crossover temperature can be determined by the ac specific heats. In 6, our conclusion is given. § II. THE FIRST AND SECOND ORDER SPECIFIC HEATS The specific heat at the constant volume C is conventionally defined by a derivative of V the energy with respect to the temperature, ∂E eq C (T) = , (2) V (cid:16) ∂T (cid:17)V where E is the energy in the equilibrium state, T is the temperature and V is the volume. eq In this discussion of the specific heat, it is not considered how long the system takes to equilibrate itself when the temperature is changed. When the system contains degrees of freedom of slow dynamics, one must consider the effect of the delay in response. We consider theenergyresponseofasystemwithslowrelaxationswhichissubjectedtoaheatbathwhose temperature is oscillated as T + ∆T(t), where T is the average temperature and ∆T(t) is 3 the oscillating part. We assume that the energy response ∆E(t) can be expanded as follows: t ∆E(t) = dt C (t t )∆T(t ) Z 1 1 − 1 1 −∞ t t + dt dt C (t t ,t t )∆T(t )∆T(t )+O(∆T3), (3) Z 1Z 2 2 − 1 − 2 1 2 −∞ −∞ where C and C represent the retardation effect of the system. 1 2 The Fourier transform ∆E(ω) of Eq. (3) is given by ˜ ∆E(ω) = C (iω)∆T(ω) 1 ∞ + dω C˜ (iω ,iω iω )∆T(ω )∆T(ω ω )+O(∆T3), (4) Z 1 2 1 − 1 1 − 1 −∞ where the Laplace components C˜ (p) and C˜ (p ,p ) are defined by 1 2 1 2 ∞ C˜ (p) = dtC (t)e−pt, (5) 1 Z 1 0 ∞ ∞ C˜ (p ,p ) = dt dt C (t ,t )e−p1t1e−p2t2, (6) 2 1 2 Z 1Z 2 2 1 2 0 0 and ∆T(ω) is the Fourier transform of ∆T(t). We now discuss the energy response ∆E(t) when ∆T(t) is a sinusoidal function ∆T(t) = T sin(ωt), where T is the amplitude of the oscillating temperature. It is straightforward to a a show that ∆E(t) = T C˜′(iω)sin(ωt)+C˜′′(iω)cos(ωt) a{ 1 1 } T2 a C˜′(iω,iω)cos(2ωt) C˜′′(iω,iω)sin(2ωt) C˜′(iω, iω) +O(T3). (7) − 2 { 2 − 2 − 2 − } a Here C (t) and C (t ,t ) are assumed to be real and the notations ′ and ′′ represent the 1 2 1 2 real and imaginary parts, respectively. The coefficients of the 1st-order temperature term, C˜′(iω) and C˜′′(iω) are known as the real and imaginary parts of the (1st-order) ac specific 1 1 heat, which was introduced by Birge and Nagel16 and by Christensen17. The 2nd-order temperature term consists of the oscillating and nonoscillating terms. We define the 2nd-order ac specific heat C˜′(iω,iω) and C˜′′(iω,iω) by the coefficients of the 2 2 oscillating term. The Laplace-Fourier transforms C˜ (p) and C˜ (p ,p ) are related to the temperature 1 2 1 2 derivative of the energy. When the change of the temperature is slower than that of the 4 time scale of the retardation effects C (t) and C (t ,t ), it is straightforward to obtain the 1 2 1 2 following expressions, ∞ ∂E limC˜ (p) = dtC (t) = eq (8) p→0 1 Z 1 ∂T 0 ∞ ∞ 1∂2E lim lim C˜ (p ,p ) = dt dt C (t ,t ) = eq. (9) p1→0p2→0 2 1 2 Z0 1Z0 2 2 1 2 2 ∂T2 When the frequency is smaller than the inverse of the structural relaxation time, the energy responses without delay and ∆E(t) can be expressed as ∂E 1∂2E ∆E(t) = eq∆T(t)+ eq∆T2(t)+O(∆T3). (10) ∂T 2 ∂T2 In this limit, C˜′(iω) becomes equal to the specific heat in the equilibrium state, C = 1 V ∂E /∂T and C˜′′(iω) vanishes. It can also be confirmed that in this limit C˜ (iω,iω) and eq 1 2 C˜ (iω, iω) corresponds to the temperature derivative of the specific heat. These behaviors 2 − are consistent with Eqs. (8) and (9). III. DYNAMICS ON THE FREE ENERGY LANDSCAPE The free energy surface in the configurational space is defined by the partial partition function which is given by the partial summation of the phase space spanned by the fast microsopic motion5,6, and the slow dynamics is represented by the stochastic motion on the free energy surface. Around the glass transition point, the stochastic motions can be classified into two types; thefluctuationinonebasinduetothestructuralfluctuationaround a certain structure and the transition between basins which corresponds to the structural relaxation. Here, we concentrate on the transition between basins and ignore the fluctuation within a single basin. We denote the probability that the system is inbasin iat time tat temperature T by P (T,t) and a physical quantity A of basin i by A (T). Then the physical quantity we i i measure at time t is defined as an average over the basins, ~ ~ A(T,t) = A (T)P (T,t) = A(T) P(T,t), (11) i i · X i where A~(T) and P~(T,t) are the vectors consisting of components A (T) and P (T,t), respec- i i tively. 5 The probability vector P~(T,t) is assumed to obey the master equation, d P~(T,t) = W(T)P~(T,t), (12) dt where W(T) is the transition rate matrix, i.e. W is the transition rate from basin j to i ij and W = W is the transition rate jumping out from basin i. The transition rate ii − j6=i ji P is assumed to be related to the free energy barrier as follows, W = Cexp[ β(F (T) F (T))], (13) ij A j − − where C is the attempt frequency of the jump motion, β = 1/k T is the inverse of the B temperature T multiplied by Boltzmann constant k , F (T) is the free energy of basin i, B i F (T) = max F (T),F (T) + ∆ (T) and ∆ (T) is the energy barrier between basin i A i j i,j i,j { } and j. In the high temperature region, the transition rate is large and the system moves amongbasins freely. Ontheotherhand, thetransitionratebecomes smallandthestructural transition is hindered at low temperatures. The transition rate matrix W in the master equation (12) must satisfy the condition that the long time limit of P (T,t) becomes the Boltzmann distribution i exp[ βF (T)] lim P (T,t) = Peq(T) = − i . (14) t→∞ i i jexp[−βFj(T)] P Therefore, the transition rate matrix W obeys the following detailed balance WP~eq = 0. (15) When the temperature T does not depend on time, Eq. (12) can be readily solved ~ ~ P(T,t) = exp[W(T)t]P(T,t = 0) exp(λ t) 1   ... = V  V−1P~(T,t = 0), (16)    exp(λ t)  N−1      exp(λNt)   where N is the number of basins, λ is the i-th eigenvalue of W and V is a matrix whose i columns are eigenvectors of W. It is important to note that there is an eigenvalue λ = 0 i which corresponds to the detailed balance of Eq. (15). 6 IV. THE ENERGY RESPONSE TO THE OSCILLATING TEMPERATURE A. The 1st- and 2nd-order energy response The time dependent temperature Tˆ(t) is assumed to be Tˆ(t) = T+∆T(t), where T is the average temperature and ∆T(t) is the oscillating part of the temperature. The probability vector P~(T,t) is expanded as P~(Tˆ(t),t) = P~ (t)+∆P~ (t)+∆P~ (t)+O(∆T3), (17) 0 1 2 where ∆P~ is the term of order ∆Tn. Note the explicit temerature dependence of the n quantities on the right hand side of Eq. (17). is omitted. It is clear that P~ (t) = P~eq(T). 0 Then the 1st- and 2nd-order energy responses, ∆E (t) and ∆E (t) at time t are represented 1 2 as ∂E~ ∆E (t) = E~ ∆P~ (t)+ P~ (T)∆T(t) (18) 1 1 eq · ∂T · ∂E~ 1∂2E~ ∆E (t) = E~ ∆P~ (t)+ ∆P~ (t)∆T(t)+ P~ (T)∆T2(t) (19) 2 · 2 ∂T 1 2∂T2 eq where E~ is the vector consisting of components E . The 1st- and 2nd-order probability i responses, ∆P (t) and ∆P (t), obey the following equations derived from Eq. (12), 1 2 d ∂W(T) ∆P~ (t) = W(T)∆P~ (t)+ P~ (T)∆T(t) (20) 1 1 eq dt ∂T d ∂W(T) 1∂2W(T) ∆P~ (t) = W(T)∆P~ (t)+ ∆P~ (t)∆T(t)+ P~ (T)∆T(t)2. (21) dt 2 2 ∂T 1 2 ∂T2 eq It is straightforward to solve Eqs. (20) and (21) as t ∂W ∆P~ (t) = dseW(t−s) P~ (T)∆T(s), (22) 1 Z ∂T eq −∞ t s1 ∂W ∂W ∆P~ (t) = ds ds eW(t−s1) eW(s1−s2) P~ (T)∆T(s )∆T(s ) 2 Z 1Z 2 ∂T ∂T eq 1 2 −∞ −∞ 1 t ∂2W + dseW(t−s) ∆T2(s). (23) 2 Z ∂T2 −∞ B. The 1st-order energy response and the ac specific heat The (1st-order) ac specific heat is defined as the linear coefficient of the energy response to the temperature change12. Comparing Eqs. (3), (18) and (22), the retardation effect of 7 C (T) eq C~’ (iω) 1 C (T) 0 lnω The broad peak ~ C’’ (iω) 1 FIG. 1: The schematic picture of the (1st-order) ac specific heat in the free energy landscape picture. the 1st-order energy response C (t) is represented in the free energy landscape picture as 1 follows, ∂W C (t) = 2C (T)δ(t)+E~ exp(Wt) P~ , (24) 1 0 eq · ∂T where C (T) = P~ ∂E~/∂T is the quenched specific heat contributed only from the fast 0 eq · degree of freedom at one basin8,9,10,11,14. The 2nd term represents the response from the transition between basins. From Eq.(5), the 1st-order ac specific heat C˜ (iω) is given by the Laplace-Fourier trans- 1 form of C (t). The real part C˜′(iω) and the imaginary part C˜′′(iω) are written as 1 1 1 λ2/(ω2 +λ2) C˜′(iω) = C (T)+E~ V  1 1 ... V−1∂P~eq, (25) 1 0 ·   ∂T    λ2 /(ω2 +λ2 ) N N   λ ω/(ω2+λ2) C˜′′(iω) = E~ V  1 1 ... V−1∂P~eq. (26) 1 ·   ∂T    λ ω/(ω2+λ2 ) N N   The frequency dependence of the ac specific heat is shown in Fig.1 schematically. In the low frequency region, C˜′(iω) approaches the specific heat in the equilibrium state as 1 C (T) = ∂E~/∂T P~eq +E~ ∂~P~eq/∂T and C˜′′(iω) vanishes. This indicates the fact that the eq · · 1 energy responds without time delay when the temperature is oscillated slowly. Since the eigenvalueλ isdistributed, C˜′′(iω)hasabroaderpeakthanthatoftheDebyerelaxationtype i 1 8 andC˜′(iω) isrepresented as thesum ofLorentzian funtions. This behavior is consistent with 1 the measurement of the ac specific heat in glass forming materials16. In the high frequency region, C˜′(iω) approaches C (T) and C˜′′(iω) vanishes. It exhibits that the energy response 1 0 1 within the 1st-order temperature perturbation is determined by the energy change in a basin alone when the temperature fluctuates rapidly. The 1st-order ac specific heat can be used as the method to obtain the statistics of eigenvalues λ . From Eqs.(25) and (26), the scaled 1st-order ac specific heat is related to i the distribution of the eigenvalues λ of the transition rate matrix as follows, i C˜′(iω) C λ2 1 − 0 = g i , (27) C C iλ2 +ω2 eq − 0 Xi i C˜′′(iω) λ ω 1 = g i . (28) C C iω2 +λ2 eq − 0 Xi i Here, g is a factor related to the vectors E~, P~ and V given by i eq E V V−1∂Pekq g = j,k i ji ik ∂T . (29) i P C C eq 0 − In the small frequency region, the imaginary part behaves as lim C˜ ”(iω)/(C C ) = ω→0 1 eq 0 − g λ−1ω.Inthehighfrequencyregion, therealpartbehaves aslim (C˜′(iω) C )/(C i i i ω→∞ 1 − 0 eq− P C ) = g λ2/ω2 and the imaginary part behaves as lim C˜ ”(iω)/(C C ) = 0 i i i ω→∞ 1 eq − 0 P g λ ω−1. We can estimate g λ , g λ2 and g λ−1 from the frequency depen- i i i i i i i i i i i i P P P P dence of the scaled 1st-order ac specific heat. These properties correspond to λ , λ2 and h i h i λ−1 respectively as will be shown in Sec. V. h i C. The 2nd-order ac specific heat The retardation effect of the 2nd-order energy response C (t ,t ) is represented from Eqs. 2 1 2 (3), (19) and (23) as ∂C ∂W ∂W C (t ,t ) = 2 0δ(t )δ(t )+E~ exp(Wt ) exp(Wt ) P~eqθ(t t ) 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 ∂T · ∂T ∂T − 1 ∂2W ∂E~ ∂W + E~ exp(Wt ) P~eqδ(t t )+2 exp(Wt ) P~eqδ(t ). (30) 2 · 1 ∂T2 1 − 2 ∂T 1 ∂T 2 The 1st term expresses the response due to the instant change of the specific heat of each basin and the remaining terms correspond to the effect of the transition motion between basins. Here, δ(x) is the Dirac’s delta function and θ(x) is the Heaviside step function. 9 From the definition (6), the Laplace transform C˜ (p ,p ) is represented as 2 1 2 1∂C ∂W ∂P~eq C˜ (p ,p ) = eq p E~ ((p +p )ˆ1 W)−1 (p ˆ1 W)−1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 ∂T − · − ∂T − ∂T p +p ∂2P~eq ∂E~ ∂P~eq 1 2E~ ((p +p )ˆ1 W)−1 p (p ˆ1 W)−1 (31) − 2 · 1 2 − ∂T2 − 1∂T 1 − ∂T The 2nd-order ac specific heats, which are introduced in eq. (3) by the coefficients of the oscillating term in the 2nd-order energy response, C˜ (iω,iω) = C˜′(iω,iω)+iC˜′′(iω,iω) are 2 2 2 expressed as 1∂C ∂2P~eq C˜′(iω,iω) = eq 2ω2E~ (W2 +4ω2)−1 2 2 ∂T − · ∂T2 ∂W ∂W ∂P~eq +ω2E~ (W2 +4ω2)−1 2 W +W (W2 +ω2)−1 · n ∂T ∂T o ∂T ∂E~ ∂P~eq ω2 (W2 +ω2)−1 , (32) − ∂T ∂T ∂2P~eq C˜′′(iω,iω) = ωE~ W(W2 +4ω2)−1 2 · ∂T2 ∂W ∂W ∂P~eq +ωE~ (W2 +4ω2)−1 2ω2 W W (W2 +ω2)−1 · n ∂T − ∂T o ∂T ∂E~ ∂P~eq +ω (W2 +ω2)−1 . (33) ∂T ∂T In the low frequency limit, C˜′(iω,iω) becomes (∂C /∂T)/2 and C˜′′(iω,iω) vanishes. In 2 eq 2 the high frequency limit, C˜′(iω,iω) is equal to (∂C /∂T)/2 and C˜′′(iω,iω) vanishes. These 2 0 2 behaviors are qualitatively similar to those of the 1st-order ac specific heat. It indicates that the structural change of the system can catch up with the temperature change in the small frequency region and can not in the high frequency region. Terms including the differential of the transition rate with respect to the temperature, ∂W/∂T, isexpected toshowthecharacteristicbehaviorinthelowtemperatureregion,where the transition matrix W depends strongly on the temperature change. This characteristic does not appear in the 1st-order ac specific heat. In the high temperature region, the tem- perature dependence of the transitionrate matrixW is weak. Therefore, the terms including ∂W/∂T are negligible, and the 2nd-order ac specific heat becomes the superposition of the susceptibility of the Debye relaxation. We explain this behavior for a trap model in the next section. The 2nd-order energy response can be measured in the materials, where the derivatives of the quenched and equilibrium specific heats are much different, since the order of the 2nd- 10

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