Noncommutative instantons from twisted conformal symmetries Giovanni Landi1, Walter D. van Suijlekom2 7 0 1 Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Universit`a di Trieste 0 2 Via A. Valerio 12/1, I-34127 Trieste, Italy n and INFN, Sezione di Trieste, Trieste, Italy a J [email protected] 0 3 2 Max Planck Institute for Mathematics ] A Vivatsgasse 7, D-53111 Bonn, Germany Q [email protected] . h t a 31 July 2006 m [ 3 Abstract v 4 We construct a five-parameter family of gauge-nonequivalent SU(2) instantons 5 5 on a noncommutative four sphere Sθ4 and of topological charge equal to 1. These 1 instantons arecritical points ofa gaugefunctional andsatisfy self-duality equations 0 with respect to a Hodge star operator on forms on S4. They are obtained by acting 6 θ 0 withatwistedconformalsymmetryonabasicinstantoncanonicallyassociatedwith / a noncommutative instanton bundle on the sphere. A completeness argument for h t this family is obtained by means of index theorems. The dimension of the “tangent a m space” to the moduli space is computed as the index of a twisted Dirac operator and turns out to be equal to five, a number that survives deformation. : v i X r a Contents 1 Introduction 3 2 Connections and gauge transformations 4 2.1 Connections on modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.2 Gauge transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3 Toric noncommutative manifolds M 9 θ 3.1 Deforming a torus action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3.2 The manifold M as a fixed point algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 θ 3.3 Vector bundles on M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 θ 3.4 Differential calculus on M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 θ 4 Gauge theory on the sphere S4 16 θ 4.1 The principal fibration S7 S4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 θ′ → θ 4.2 Associated bundles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 4.3 Yang–Mills theory on S4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 θ 5 Construction of SU(2)-instantons on S4 25 θ 5.1 The basic instanton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 5.2 Twisted infinitesimal symmetries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 5.3 Twisted conformal transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 5.4 Local expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 5.5 Moduli space of instantons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 5.6 Dirac operator associated to the complex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 6 Towards Yang–Mills theory on M 40 θ A Local index formula 43 2 1 Introduction The importance of Yang–Mills instantons in physics and mathematics needs not be stressed. They have played a central role since their first appearance [7] and are most elegantly described via the so-called ADHM construction [5,4]. The generalization in [30] of this method for instantons on a noncommutative space R4 has found several important applications notably in brane and superconformal theories. Toric noncommutative manifolds M were constructed and studied in [15]. One starts Θ with any (Riemannian spin) manifold M carrying a torus action and then deforms the torustoanoncommutative onegovernedbyarealantisymmetric matrixΘofdeformation parameters. Thestarting example of[15]–thearchetype ofallthese deformations–was a four dimensional sphere S4, which camewith a naturalnoncommutative instanton bundle θ endowed with a natural connection. At the classical value of the deformation parameter, θ = 0, the bundle and the connection reduces to the one of [7]. The present sphere S4 θ can be thought of [14] as a one point compactification of a noncommutative R4 which is θ structurally different from the one considered in [30]. In [27] this basic noncommutative instanton was put in the context of an SU(2) noncommutative principal fibration S7 S4 over S4 . In the present paper, we continue θ′ → θ θ the analysis and consider it in the setting of a noncommutative Yang–Mills theory. We then construct a five-parameter family of (infinitesimal) gauge-nonequivalent instantons, by acting with twisted conformal symmetries on the basic instanton. All these instantons will be gauge configurations satisfying self-duality equations – with a suitable defined Hodge -operator on forms Ω(S4) – and will have a “topological charge” of value 1. ∗θ θ A completeness argument on the family of instantons is provided by index theoretical arguments, similar to the one in [6] for undeformed instantons on S4. The dimension of the “tangent” of the moduli space can be computed as the index of a twisted Dirac operator which turns out to be equal to its classical value that is five. The twisting of the conformal symmetry is implemented with a twist of Drinfel’d type [18, 19] – in fact, explicitly constructed by Reshetikhin [31] – and gives rise to a deformed Hopf algebra U (so(5,1)). That these are conformal infinitesimal transformations is stressed by the θ fact that the Hopf algebra U (so(5,1)) leaves the Hodge -structure of Ω(S4) invariant. θ ∗θ θ The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we recall the setting of gauge theories (connections) and gauge transformations on finite projective modules (the substitute for vector bundles) over algebras (the substitute for spaces). The main objective is to implement a Bianchi identity that will be crucial later on for the self-duality equations. Section 3 deals with toric noncommutative manifolds. These were indeed named isospectral deformations in that they can be endowed with the structure of a noncom- mutative Riemannian spin manifold via a spectral triple (C (M ),D, ) with the prop- ∞ θ H erties of [13]. For this class of examples, the Dirac operator D is the classical one and = L2(M, ) is the usual Hilbert space of spinors on which the algebra C (M ) acts ∞ θ H S in a twisted manner. Thus one twists the algebra and its representation while keeping the geometry unchanged. The resulting noncommutative geometry is isospectral and all spectral propertiesarepreserved including thedimension. Boththealgebraanditsaction on spinors can be given via a “star-type” product. In Section 4 we specialize to gauge theories on the sphere S4 and introduce a Yang– θ Millsactionfunctional,fromwhichwederivefieldequations(equationsforcriticalpoints), 3 as well as a topological action functional whose absolute value gives a lower bound for the Yang–Mills action. The heart of the paper is Section 5 were we explicitly construct instantons. As usual, these are gauge configurations which are solutions of (anti)self-duality equations and realize absolute minima of the Yang–Mills functional. We start from a basic instanton whichisshowntobeinvariantundertwistedorthogonaltransformationsinU (so(5)). We θ then perturb it by the action of conformal operators in U (so(5,1)) U (so(5)) producing θ θ − afiveparameterfamilyofnew,notgaugeequivalentinstantons. Acompletenessargument is obtained by using an index theorem to compute the dimension of the tangent space of the moduli space of instantons on S4, which is shown to be just five. The relevant θ material from noncommutative index theory is recalled in the appendix. Section 6 sketches a general scheme for gauge theories on four dimensional toric non- commutative manifolds. 2 Connections and gauge transformations We first review the notion of a (gauge) connection on a (finite projective) module over E an algebra with respect to a given calculus; we take a right module structure. Also, A we recall gauge transformations in this setting. We refer to [12] for more details (see also [24]). 2.1 Connections on modules Let us suppose we have an algebra with a differential calculus (Ω = Ωp ,d). A p A A ⊕ A connection on the right -module is a C-linear map A E : Ωp Ωp+1 , ∇ E ⊗A A −→ E ⊗A A defined for any p 0, and satisfying the Leibniz rule ≥ (ωρ) = ( ω)ρ+( 1)pωdρ, ω Ωp , ρ Ω . ∇ ∇ − ∀ ∈ E ⊗A A ∈ A A connection is completely determined by its restriction : Ω1 , (2.1) ∇ E → E ⊗A A which satisfies (ηa) = ( η)a+η da, η , a , (2.2) ∇ ∇ ⊗A ∀ ∈ E ∈ A and which is extended to all of Ωp using Leibniz rule. It is the latter rule that E ⊗A A implies the Ω -linearity of the composition, A 2 = : Ωp Ωp+2 . ∇ ∇◦∇ E ⊗A A −→ E ⊗A A Indeed, for any ω Ωp and ρ Ω it follows that 2(ωρ) = ( ω)ρ + ( 1)pωdρ = ( 2ω)∈ρ+E(⊗1A)p+1(A ω)dρ+(∈ 1)pA( ω)dρ+ωd2ρ = (∇ 2ω)ρ. Th∇e r(cid:0)es∇triction − ∇ − ∇ − ∇ ∇ of 2 to (cid:1)is the curvature ∇ E F : Ω2 , (2.3) E → E ⊗A A 4 of the connection. It is -linear, F(ηa) = F(η)a for any η ,a , and satisfies A ∈ E ∈ A 2(η ρ) = F(η)ρ, η , ρ Ω . (2.4) ∇ ⊗A ∀ ∈ E ∈ A Thus, F Hom ( , Ω2 ), the latter being the collection of (right) -linear homo- morphism∈s fromA EtoE ⊗A ΩA2 (an alternative notation for this collectiAon that is used in the literature,Eis EnEd⊗(A, A Ω2 )). A E E ⊗A A In order to have the notion of a Bianchi identity we need some generalization. Let End ( Ω ) be the collection of all Ω -linear endomorphisms of Ω . It is Ω A E ⊗A A A E ⊗A A an algebra under composition. The curvature F can be thought of as an element of End ( Ω ). There is a map Ω A E ⊗A A [ , ] : End ( Ω ) End ( Ω ), Ω Ω ∇ · A E ⊗A A −→ A E ⊗A A [ ,T] := T ( 1)T T , (2.5) | | ∇ ∇◦ − − ◦∇ where T denotes the degree of T with respect to the Z2-grading of Ω . Indeed, for any | | A ω Ωp and ρ Ω , it follows that ∈ E ⊗A A ∈ A [ ,T](ωρ) = (T(ωρ)) ( 1)T T( (ωρ)) | | ∇ ∇ − − ∇ = T(ω)ρ ( 1)T T ( ω)ρ+( 1)pωdρ | | ∇ − − ∇ − = (cid:0)(T(ω))(cid:1)ρ+( 1)p+T(cid:0) T(ω)dρ ( 1)T (cid:1)T( ω)ρ ( 1)p+T T(ω)dρ | | | | | | ∇ − − − ∇ − − = (cid:0) (T(ω))(cid:1) ( 1)T T( ω) ρ = [ ,T](ω) ρ, | | ∇ − − ∇ ∇ (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) and the map in (2.5) is well-defined. It is straightforwardly checked that [ , ] is a ∇ · graded derivation for the algebra End ( Ω ), Ω A E ⊗A A [ ,S T] = [ ,S] T +( 1)S S [ ,T]. (2.6) | | ∇ ◦ ∇ ◦ − ◦ ∇ Proposition 1. The curvature F satisfies the Bianchi identity, [ ,F] = 0. (2.7) ∇ Proof. Since F is an even element in End ( Ω ), the map [ ,F] makes sense. Ω A E ⊗A A ∇ Furthermore, [ ,F] = 2 2 = 3 3 = 0. ∇ ∇◦∇ −∇ ◦∇ ∇ −∇ In Section II.2 of [11], such a Bianchi identity was implicitly used in the construction of a so-called canonical cycle from a connection on a finite projective -module . A E Connections always exist ona projective module. Onthemodule = CN C N, E ⊗ A ≃ A which is free, a connection is given by the operator 0 = I d : CN C Ωp CN C Ωp+1 . ∇ ⊗ ⊗ A −→ ⊗ A With the canonical identification CN CΩ = (CN C ) Ω (Ω )N, one thinks of as acting on (Ω )N as the op⊗eratoAr = ⊗(d,Ad, ⊗A,d)A(N≃-timeAs). Next, take 0 0 ∇ A ∇ ··· a projective module with inclusion map, λ : N, which identifies as a direct E E → A E summand ofthe free module N and idempotent p : N which allows oneto identify A A → E 5 = p N. Using these maps and their natural extensions to -valued forms, a connection E A E on (called Levi-Civita or Grassmann) is the composition, 0 ∇ E Ωp λ CN C Ωp I⊗d CN C Ωp+1 p Ωp+1 , E ⊗A A −→ ⊗ A −→ ⊗ A −→ E ⊗A A that is = p (I d) λ. (2.8) 0 ∇ ◦ ⊗ ◦ One indicates it simply by = pd. The space C( ) of all connections on is an affine 0 ∇ E E space modeled on Hom ( , Ω1 ). Indeed, if , are two connections on , their 1 2 A E E ⊗A A ∇ ∇ E difference is -linear, A ( )(ηa) = (( )(η))a, η , a , 1 2 1 2 ∇ −∇ ∇ −∇ ∀ ∈ E ∈ A so that Hom ( , Ω1 ). Thus, any connection can be written as 1 2 ∇ −∇ ∈ A E E ⊗A A = pd+α, (2.9) ∇ where α is any element in Hom ( , Ω1 ). The “matrix of 1-forms” α as in (2.9) is A E E ⊗A A called the gauge potential of the connection . The corresponding curvature F of is ∇ ∇ F = pdpdp+pdα+α2. (2.10) Next, let the algebra have an involution ; it is extended to the whole of Ω by ∗ A A the requirement (da) = da for any a . A Hermitian structure on the module is a ∗ ∗ ∈ A E map , : with the properties h· ·i E ×E → A η,ξa = ξ,η a, η,ξ ∗ = ξ,η , h i h i h i h i η,η 0, η,η = 0 η = 0, (2.11) h i ≥ h i ⇐⇒ for any η,ξ and a (an element a is positive if it is of the form a = b b for ∗ ∈ E ∈ A ∈ A some b ). We shall also require the Hermitian structure to be self-dual, i.e. every ∈ A right -module homomorphism φ : is represented by an element of η , by the A E → A ∈ E assignment φ( ) = η, , the latter having the correct properties by the first of (2.11). · h ·i The Hermitian structure is naturally extended to an Ω -valued linear map on the A product Ω Ω by E ⊗A A×E ⊗A A η ω,ξ ρ = ( 1)η ω ω η,ξ ρ, η,ξ Ω , ω,ρ Ω . (2.12) | || | ∗ h ⊗A ⊗A i − h i ∀ ∈ E ⊗A A ∈ A A connection on and a Hermitian structure , on are said to be compatible ∇ E h· ·i E if the following condition is satisfied [12], η,ξ + η, ξ = d η,ξ , η,ξ . (2.13) h∇ i h ∇ i h i ∀ ∈ E It follows directly from the Leibniz rule and (2.12) that this extends to η,ξ +( 1)η η, ξ = d η,ξ , η,ξ Ω . (2.14) | | h∇ i − h ∇ i h i ∀ ∈ E ⊗A A 6 On the free module N there is a canonical Hermitian structure given by A N η,ξ = η ξ , (2.15) h i j∗ j Xj=1 with η = (η , ,η ) and η = (η , ,η ) any two elements of N. 1 N 1 N ··· ··· A Under suitable regularity conditions on the algebra all Hermitian structures on a A given finite projective module over are isomorphic to each other and are obtained E A from the canonical structure (2.15) on N by restriction [12, II.1]. Moreover, if = p N, A E A then p is self-adjoint: p = p , with p obtained by the composition of the involution in ∗ ∗ ∗ the algebra with the usual matrix transposition. The Grassmann connection (2.8) is A easily seen to be compatible with this Hermitian structure, d η,ξ = η,ξ + η, ξ . (2.16) 0 0 h i h∇ i h ∇ i For a general connection (2.9), the compatibility with the Hermitian structure reduces to αη,ξ + η,αξ = 0, η,ξ , (2.17) h i h i ∀ ∈ E which just says that the gauge potential is skew-hermitian, α = α. (2.18) ∗ − We still use the symbol C( ) to denote the space of compatible connections on . E E Let Ends ( Ω ) denote the space of elements T in End ( Ω ) which are skew-hermitΩiaAnEw⊗itAh reAspect to the Hermitian structure (2.12), i.ΩeA. sEat⊗isAfyinAg Tη,ξ + η,Tξ = 0, η,ξ . (2.19) h i h i ∀ ∈ E Proposition 2. The map [ , ] in (2.5) restricts to Ends ( Ω ) as a derivation ∇ · ΩA E ⊗A A [ , ] : Ends ( Ω ) Ends ( Ω ), (2.20) ∇ · ΩA E ⊗A A −→ ΩA E ⊗A A Proof. Let T Ends ( Ω ) be of order T ; it then satisfies ∈ ΩA E ⊗A A | | Tη,ξ +( 1)η T η,Tξ = 0, (2.21) | || | h i − h i for η,ξ Ω . Since [ ,T] is Ω -linear, it is enough to show that ∈ E ⊗A A ∇ A [ ,T]η,ξ + η,[ ,T]ξ = 0, η,ξ . h ∇ i h ∇ i ∀ ∈ E This follows from equations (2.21) and (2.14), [ ,T]η,ξ + η,[ ,T]ξ = Tη,ξ ( 1)T T η,ξ + η, Tξ ( 1)T η,T ξ | | | | h ∇ i h ∇ i h∇ i− − h ∇ i h ∇ i− − h ∇ i = Tη,ξ η,Tξ + η, Tξ ( 1)T Tη, ξ | | h∇ i−h∇ i h ∇ i− − h ∇ i = d Tη,ξ + η,Tξ = 0. h i h i (cid:0) (cid:1) 7 2.2 Gauge transformations We now add the additional requirement that the algebra is a Fr´echet algebra and that A a right Fr´echet module. That is, both and are complete in the topology defined by E A E a family of seminorms such that the following condition is satisfied: for all j there i k·k exists a constant c and an index k such that j ηa c η a . (2.22) j j k k k k ≤ k k k k The collection End ( ) of all -linear maps is an algebra with involution; its elements A E A are also called endomorphisms of . It becomes a Fr´echet algebra with the following E family of seminorms: for T End ( ), ∈ A E T = sup Tη : η 1 . (2.23) i i i k k {k k k k ≤ } η Since we are taking a self-dual Hermitian structure (see the discussion after (2.11)), any T End ( ) is adjointable, that is it admits an adjoint, an -linear map T : ∗ ∈ A E A E → E such that T η,ξ = η,Tξ , η,ξ . ∗ h i h i ∀ ∈ E The group ( ) of unitary endomorphisms of is given by U E E ( ) := u End ( ) uu = u u = id . (2.24) ∗ ∗ U E { ∈ A E | E} This group plays the role of the infinite dimensional group of gauge transformations. It naturally acts on compatible connections by (u, ) u := u u, u ( ), C( ), (2.25) ∗ ∇ 7→ ∇ ∇ ∀ ∈ U E ∇ ∈ E where u is really u id ; this will always be understood in the following. Then the ∗ ∗ Ω ⊗ A curvature transforms in a covariant way (u,F) Fu = u Fu, (2.26) ∗ 7→ since, evidently, Fu = ( u)2 = u uu u = u 2u = u Fu. ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ As for the gauge potential, one has the usual affine transformation, (u,α) αu := u pdu+u αu. (2.27) ∗ ∗ 7→ Indeed, u(η) = u (pd + α)uη = u pd(uη) + u αuη = u pudη + u p(du)η + u αuη = ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∇ pdη +(u pdu+u αu)η for any η , which yields (2.27) for the transformed potential. ∗ ∗ ∈ E The “tangent vectors” to the gauge group ( ) constitute the vector space of in- U E finitesimal gauge transformations. Suppose ut t R is a differentiable family of elements { } ∈ inEnd ( )(inthetopologydefinedbytheabovesup-norms)anddefineX := (∂u /∂t) . t t=0 A E Unitarity of u then induces that X = X . In other words, for u to be a gauge transfor- t ∗ t − mation, X should be a skew-hermitian endomorphisms of . In this way, we understand E Ends ( ) as the collection of infinitesimal gauge transformations. It is a real vector space E whosAe complexification Ends ( ) R C can be identified with End ( ). A E ⊗ A E 8 Infinitesimal gauge transformations act on a connection in a natural way. Let the gauge transformation u , with X = (∂u /∂t) , act on as in (2.25). From the fact that t t t=0 ∇ (∂(u u )/∂t) = [ ,X], we conclude that an element X Ends ( ) acts infinitesi- t∇ ∗t t=0 ∇ ∈ E mally on a connection by the addition of [ ,X], A ∇ ∇ (X, ) X = +t[ ,X]+ (t2), X Ends ( ), C( ). (2.28) ∇ 7→ ∇ ∇ ∇ O ∀ ∈ A E ∇ ∈ E As a consequence, for the transformed curvature one finds (X,F) FX = F +t[F,X]+ (t2), (2.29) 7→ O since FX = ( +t[ ,X]) ( +t[ ,X]) = 2 +t[ 2,X]+ (t2). ∇ ∇ ◦ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ O 3 Toric noncommutative manifolds M θ We start by recalling thegeneral construction of toricnoncommutative manifolds given in [15]where theywere called isospectraldeformations. These aredeformationsofaclassical Riemannianmanifoldandsatisfyallthepropertiesofnoncommutativespingeometry[13]. They are the content of the following result taken from [15], Theorem 3. Let M be a compact spin Riemannian manifold whose isometry group has rank r 2. Then M admits a natural one parameter isospectral deformation to noncom- ≥ mutative geometries M . θ The idea of the construction is to deform the standard spectral triple describing the RiemanniangeometryofM alongatorusembedded intheisometry group,thus obtaining a family of spectral triples describing noncommutative geometries. 3.1 Deforming a torus action Let M be an m dimensional compact Riemannian manifold equipped with an isometric smooth action σ of an n-torus Tn, n 2. We denote by σ also the corresponding action ≥ of Tn by automorphisms – obtained by pull-backs – on the algebra C (M) of smooth ∞ functions on M. The algebra C (M) may be decomposed into spectral subspaces which are indexed ∞ by the dual group Zn = Tn. Now, with s = (s , ,s ) Tn, each r Zn yields a 1 n ··· ∈ ∈ character of Tn, e2πis e2πirs, with the scalar product r s := r s + +r s . The r-th 7→ b · · 1 1 ··· n n spectral subspace for the action σ of Tn on C (M) consists of those smooth functions f ∞ r for which σ (f ) = e2πirsf , (3.1) s r · r and each f C (M) is the sum of a unique series f = f , which is rapidly ∈ ∞ r Zn r convergent in the Fr´echet topology of C∞(M) (see [33] for mPore∈ details). Let now θ = (θ = θ ) be a real antisymmetric n n matrix. The θ-deformation of C (M) may jk kj ∞ − × be defined by replacing the ordinary product by a deformed product, given on spectral subspaces by fr ×θ gr′ := fr σ12r·θ(gr′) = eπir·θ·r′frgr′, (3.2) 9 where r θ is the element in Rn with components (r θ) = r θ for k = 1,...,n. k j jk · · The product in (3.2) is then extended linearly to all functions inPC∞(M). We denote the space C (M) endowed with the product by C (M ). The action σ of Tn on C (M) ∞ θ ∞ θ ∞ × extends to an action on C (M ) given again by (3.1) on the homogeneous elements. ∞ θ Next, let us take M to be a spin manifold with := L2(M, ) the Hilbert space of H S spinors and D the usual Dirac operator of the metric of M. Smooth functions act on spinors by pointwise multiplication thus giving a representation π : C (M) ( ), the ∞ → B H latter being the algebra of bounded operators on . H There is a double cover c : Tn Tn and a representation of Tn on by unitary → H operators U(s),s Tn, so that ∈ e e e U(s)DU(s) 1 = D, (3.3) − since the torus action is assumed to be isometric, and such that for all f C (M), ∞ ∈ U(s)π(f)U(s) 1 = π(σ (f)). (3.4) − c(s) Recall that an element T ( ) is called smooth for the action of Tn if the map ∈ B H Tn s α (T) := U(s)TU(s) 1, e s − ∋ 7→ e is smooth for the norm topology. From its very definition, α coincides on π(C (M)) s ∞ ⊂ ( ) with the automorphism σ . Much as it was done before for the smooth functions, c(s) B H weshalluse thetorusactiontogiveaspectraldecomposition ofsmoothelements of ( ). B H Any such a smooth element T is written as a (rapidly convergent) series T = T with r r Zn and each T is homogeneous of degree r under the action of Tn, i.e. P r ∈ α (T ) = e2πirsT , s Tn. e (3.5) s r · r ∀ ∈ Let (P ,P ,...,P ) be the infinitesimal generators of tehe action of Tn so that we can 1 2 n write U(s) = exp2πis P. Now, with θ a real n n anti-symmetric matrix as above, one · × e defines a twisted representation of the smooth elements of ( ) on by B H H L (T) := T U(1r θ) = T exp πir θ P , (3.6) θ r 2 · r j jk k Xr Xr (cid:8) (cid:9) The twist L commutes with the action α of Tn and preserves the spectral components θ s of smooth operators: e α (L (T )) = U(s) TU(1r θ) U(s) 1 = U(s)TU(s) 1U(1r θ) = e2πirsL (T ). (3.7) s θ r 2 · − − 2 · · θ r TakingsmoothfunctionsonM aselements of ( ), viatherepresentationπ,theprevious B H definition gives an algebra L (C (M)) which we may think of as a representation (as θ ∞ bounded operators on ) of the algebra C (M ). Indeed, by the very definition of the ∞ θ H product in (3.2) one establishes that θ × L (f g) = L (f)L (g), (3.8) θ θ θ θ × 10