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NON LOCAL POINCARE´ INEQUALITIES ON LIE GROUPS WITH POLYNOMIAL VOLUME GROWTH 0 EMMANUEL RUSS AND YANNICK SIRE 1 0 2 n a Abstract. Let G be a realconnectedLie groupwith polynomial J volume growth, endowed with its Haar measure dx. Given a C2 2 positive function M on G, we give a sufficient condition for an L2 2 Poincar´e inequality with respect to the measure M(x)dx to hold ] onG. Wethenestablishanon-localPoincar´einequalityonGwith A respect to M(x)dx. F . h Contents t a m 1. Introduction 1 [ 2. A proof of the Poincar´e inequality for dµ 5 M 1 3. Proof of Theorem 1.4 7 v 3.1. Rewriting the improved Poincar´e inequality 8 5 7 3.2. Off-diagonal L2 estimates for the resolvent of LM 8 0 α/4 3.3. Control of L f and conclusion of the proof of 4 M . L2(G,dµM) 1 Theo(cid:13)rem 1.4(cid:13) 10 (cid:13) (cid:13) 0 4. Appendix A:(cid:13)Techni(cid:13)cal lemma 16 0 1 5. Appendix B: Estimates for gt 16 j : References 17 v i X r a 1. Introduction Let G be a unimodular connected Lie group endowed with a measure M(x)dx where M L1(G) and dx stands for the Haar measure on G. ∈ By “unimodular”, we mean that the Haar measure is left and right- invariant. We always assume that M = e v where v is a C2 function − on G. If we denote by the Lie algebra of G, we consider a family G X = X ,...,X 1 k { } of left-invariant vector fields on G satisfying the H¨ormander condition, i.e. istheLiealgebrageneratedbytheX s. AstandardmetriconG, calleGd the Carnot-Caratheodory metric, isi′naturally associated with X 1 2 EMMANUEL RUSSANDYANNICKSIRE and is defined as follows: let ℓ : [0,1] G be an absolutely continuous → path. We say that ℓ is admissible if there exist measurable functions a ,...,a : [0,1] C such that, for almost every t [0,1], one has 1 k → ∈ k ℓ(t) = a (t)X (ℓ(t)). ′ i i i=1 X If ℓ is admissible, its length is defined by 1 1 k 2 ℓ = a (t) 2dt . i | | | | Z0 i=1 ! X For all x,y G, define d(x,y) as the infimum of the lengths of all ∈ admissible paths joining x to y (such a curve exists by the H¨ormander condition). This distance is left-invariant. For short, we denote by x | | the distance between e, the neutral element of the group and x, so that the distance from x to y is equal to y 1x . − | | For all r > 0, denote by B(x,r) the open ball in G with respect to the Carnot-Caratheodory distance and by V(r) the Haar measure of any ball. There exists d N (called the local dimension of (G,X)) ∗ ∈ and 0 < c < C such that, for all r (0,1), ∈ crd V(r) Crd, ≤ ≤ see [NSW85]. When r > 1, two situations may occur (see [Gui73]): Either there exist c,C,D > 0 such that, for all r > 1, • crD V(r) CrD ≤ ≤ where D is called the dimension at infinity of the group (note that, contrary to d, D does not depend on X). The group is said to have polynomial volume growth. Or there exist c ,c ,C ,C > 0 such that, for all r > 1, 1 2 1 2 • c ec2r V(r) C eC2r 1 1 ≤ ≤ and the group is said to have exponential volume growth. When G has polynomial volume growth, it is plain to see that there exists C > 0 such that, for all r > 0, (1.1) V(2r) CV(r), ≤ which implies that there exist C > 0 and κ > 0 such that, for all r > 0 and all θ > 1, (1.2) V(θr) CθκV(r). ≤ NONLOCAL POINCARE´ INEQUALITIES 3 Denote by H1(G,dµ ) the Sobolev space of functions f L2(G,dµ ) M M ∈ such that X f L2(G,dµ ) for all 1 i k. We are interested in L2 i M ∈ ≤ ≤ Poincar´e inequalities for the measure dµ . In order to state sufficient M conditions for such an inequality to hold, we introduce the operator k L f = M 1 X MX f M − i i − Xi=1 n o for all f such that 1 f (L ) := g H1(G,dµ ); X MX f L2(G,dx), 1 i k . M M i i ∈ D ∈ √M ∈ ∀ ≤ ≤ (cid:26) (cid:27) n o One therefore has, for all f (L ) and g H1(G,dµ ), M M ∈ D ∈ k L f(x)g(x)dµ (x) = X f(x) X g(x)dµ (x). M M i i M · ZG i=1 ZG X In particular, the operator L is symmetric on L2(G,dµ ). M M Following [BBCG08], say that a C2 function W : G R is a Lyapunov → function if W(x) 1 for all x G and there exist constants θ > 0, ≥ ∈ b 0 and R > 0 such that, for all x G, ≥ ∈ (1.3) L W(x) θW(x)+b1 (x), M B(e,R) − ≤ − where, for all A G, 1 denotes the characteristic function of A. We A ⊂ first claim: Theorem 1.1. Assume that G is unimodular and that there exists a Lyapunov function W on G. Then, dµ satisfies the following L2 M Poincar´e inequality: there exists C > 0 such that, for all function f H1(G,dµ ) with f(x)dµ (x) = 0, ∈ M G M R k (1.4) f(x) 2dµ (x) C X f(x) 2dµ (x). M i M | | ≤ | | ZG i=1 ZG X Let us give, as a corollary, a sufficient condition on v for (1.4) to hold: Corollary 1.2. Assume that G is unimodular and there exist constants a (0,1), c > 0 and R > 0 such that, for all x G with x > R, ∈ ∈ | | k k (1.5) a X v(x) 2 X2v(x) c. | i | − i ≥ i=1 i=1 X X Then (1.4) holds. 4 EMMANUEL RUSSANDYANNICKSIRE Notice that, if (1.5) holds with a 0, 1 , then the Poincar´e inequal- ∈ 2 ity (1.4) has the following self-improvement: (cid:0) (cid:1) Proposition 1.3. Assume that G is unimodular and that there exist constants c > 0, R > 0 and ε (0,1) such that, for all x G, ∈ ∈ k k 1 ε (1.6) − X v(x) 2 X2v(x) c whenever x > R. 2 | i | − i ≥ | | i=1 i=1 X X Then there exists C > 0 such that, for all function f H1(G,dµ ) M ∈ such that f(x)dµ (x) = 0: G M (1.7) R k k X f(x) 2dµ (x) C f(x) 2 1+ X v(x) 2 dµ (x) i M i M | | ≥ | | | | i=1 ZG ZG i=1 ! X X We finally obtain a Poincar´e inequality for dµ involving a non local M term: Theorem1.4. LetG bea unimodularLiegroup with polynomialgrowth. Let dµ = Mdx be a measure absolutely continuous with respect to the M Haar measure on G where M = e v L1(G) and v C2(G). Assume − ∈ ∈ that there exist constants c > 0, R > 0 and ε (0,1) such that (1.6) ∈ holds. Let α (0,2). Then there exists λ (M) > 0 such that, for any α ∈ function f (G) satisfying f(x)dµ (x) = 0, ∈ D G M f(x) f(Ry) 2 (1.8) | − | dxdµ (y) λ (M) V ( y 1x ) y 1x α M ≥ α ZZG×G | − | | − | k f(x) 2 1+ X v(x) 2 dµ (x). i M | | | | Rn ! Z i=1 X Note that (1.8) is an improvement of (1.7) in terms of fractional non- local quantities. The proof follows the same line as the paper [MRS09] but we concentrate here on a more geometric context. InordertoproveTheorem1.4,weneedtointroducefractionalpowers of L . This is the object of the following developments. Since the M operator L is symmetric and non-negative on L2(G,dµ ), we can M M define the usual power Lβ for any β (0,1) by means of spectral ∈ theory. Section 2 is devoted to the proof of Theorem 1.1 and Corollary 1.2. Then, in Section 3, we check L2 “off-diagonal” estimates for the resol- vent of L and use them to establish Theorem 1.4. M NONLOCAL POINCARE´ INEQUALITIES 5 2. A proof of the Poincar´e inequality for dµ M We follow closely the approach of [BBCG08]. Recall first that the following L2 local Poincar´e inequality holds on G for the measure dx: forallR > 0, thereexistsC > 0such that, forallx G, allr (0,R), R ∈ ∈ all ball B := B(x,r) and all function f C (B), ∞ ∈ k (2.9) f(x) f 2dx C r2 X f(x) 2dx, B R i | − | ≤ | | ZB i=1 ZB X where f := 1 f(x)dx. In the Euclidean context, Poincar´e in- B V(r) B equalities for vector-fields satisfying H¨ormander conditions were ob- R tained by Jerison in [Jer86]. A proof of (2.9) in the case of unimodular Lie groups can be found in [SC95], but the idea goes back to [Var87]. A nice survey on this topic can be found in [HK00]. Notice that no global growth assumption on the volume of balls is required for (2.9) to hold. The proof of (1.4) relies on the following inequality: Lemma 2.1. For all function f H1(G,dµ ) on G, M ∈ k L W (2.10) M (x)f2(x)dµ (x) X f(x) 2dµ (x). M i M W ≤ | | ZG i=1 ZG X Proof: Assume first that f is compactly supported on G. Using the definition of L , one has M L W k f2 M (x)f2(x)dµ (x) = X (x) X W(x)dµ (x) M i i M W W · ZG i=1 ZG (cid:18) (cid:19) X k f = 2 (x)X f(x) X W(x)dµ (x) i i M W · i=1 ZG X k f2 (x) X W(x) 2dµ (x) − W2 | i | M i=1 ZG X k = X f(x) 2dµ (x) i M | | i=1 ZG X k 2 f X f X W (x)dµ (x) i i M − − W i=1 ZG(cid:12) (cid:12) kX (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) X(cid:12)f(x) 2dµ (x).(cid:12) i M ≤ | | i=1 ZG X 6 EMMANUEL RUSSANDYANNICKSIRE Notice that all the previous integrals are finite because of the support condition on f. Now, if f is as in Lemma 2.1, consider a nondecreasing sequence of smooth compactly supported functions χ satisfying n 1 χ 1 and X χ 1 for all 1 i k. B(e,nR) n i n ≤ ≤ | | ≤ ≤ ≤ Applying (2.10) to fχ and letting n go to + yields the desired n ∞ conclusion, by use of the monotone convergence theorem in the left- hand side and the dominated convergence theorem in the right-hand side. Let us now establish (1.4). Let g be a smooth function on G and let f := g c on G where c is a constant to be chosen. By assumption − (1.3), (2.11) L W b f2(x)dµ (x) f2(x) M (x)dµ (x)+ f2(x) (x)dµ (x). M M M ≤ θW θW ZG ZG ZB(e,R) Lemma2.1showsthat(2.10)holds. Letusnowturntothesecondterm intheright-handsideof(2.11). Fixcsuchthat f(x)dµ (x) = 0. B(e,R) M By (2.9) applied to f on B(e,R) and the fact that M is bounded from R above and below on B(e,R), one has k f2(x)dµ (x) CR2 X f(x) 2dµ (x) M i M ≤ | | ZB(e,R) i=1 ZB(e,R) X where the constant C depends on R and M. Therefore, using the fact that W 1 on G, ≥ (2.12) k b f2(x) (x)dµ (x) CR2 X f(x) 2dµ (x) M i M θW ≤ | | ZB(e,R) i=1 ZB(e,R) X where the constant C depends on R,M,θ and b. Gathering (2.11), (2.10) and (2.12) yields k (g(x) c)2dµ (x) C X g(x) 2dµ (x), M i M − ≤ | | ZG i=1 ZG X which easily implies (1.4) for the function g (and the same dependence for the constant C). Proof of Corollary 1.2: according to Theorem 1.1, it is enough to find a Lyapunov function W. Define W(x) := eγ(v(x) infGv) − NONLOCAL POINCARE´ INEQUALITIES 7 where γ > 0 will be chosen later. Since k k L W(x) = γ X2v(x) (1 γ) X v(x) 2 W(x), − M i − − | i | ! i=1 i=1 X X W is a Lyapunov function for γ := 1 a because of the assumption on − v. Indeed, one can take θ = cγ and b = max L W + θW B(e,R) M − (recall that M is a C2 function). n o Let us now prove Proposition 1.3. Observe first that, since v is C2 on G and (1.6) holds, there exists α R such that, for all x G, ∈ ∈ k k 1 ε (2.13) − X v(x) 2 X2v(x) α. 2 | i | − i ≥ i=1 i=1 X X 1 Let f be as in the statement of Proposition 1.3 and let g := fM2. Since, for all 1 i k, ≤ ≤ 1 1 3 Xif = M−2Xig gM−2XiM. − 2 Assumption (2.13) yields two positive constants β,γ such that k (2.14) X f(x) 2(x)dµ (x) = i M | | i=1 ZG X k 1 X g(x) 2 + g2(x) X v(x) 2 +g(x)X g(x)X v(x) dx i i i i | | 4 | | i=1 ZG(cid:18) (cid:19) X k 1 1 = X g(x) 2 + g2(x) X v(x) 2 + X g2 (x)X v(x) dx i i i i | | 4 | | 2 i=1 ZG(cid:18) (cid:19) X (cid:0) (cid:1) k 1 1 g2(x) X v(x) 2 X2v(x) dx ≥ 4 | i | − 2 i i=1 ZG (cid:18) (cid:19) X k f2(x) β X v(x) 2 γ dµ (x). i M ≥ | | − i=1 ZG X (cid:0) (cid:1) Theconjunctionof(1.4), which holdsbecause of(1.6), and(2.14)yields the desired conclusion. 3. Proof of Theorem 1.4 We divide the proof into several steps. 8 EMMANUEL RUSSANDYANNICKSIRE 3.1. Rewriting the improved Poincar´e inequality. By the def- inition of L , the conclusion of Proposition 1.3 means, in terms of M operators in L2(G,dµ ), that, for some λ > 0, M (3.15) L λµ, M ≥ where µ is the multiplication operator by 1 + k X v 2. Using a i=1| i | functional calculus argument (see [Dav80], p. 110), one deduces from P (3.15) that, for any α (0,2), ∈ Lα/2 λα/2µα/2 M ≥ which implies, thanks to the fact Lα/2 = (Lα/4)2 and the symmetry of M M Lα/4 on L2(G,dµ ), that M M α/2 k f(x) 2 1+ X v(x) 2 dµ (x) i M | | | | ≤ ZG i=1 ! X 2 2 α/4 α/4 C L f(x) dµ (x) = C L f . M M M ZG(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:13) (cid:13)L2(G,dµM) The conclusion o(cid:12)f Theorem(cid:12) 1.4 will follow(cid:13) by es(cid:13)timating the quantity (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:13) (cid:13) Lα/4f 2 . L2(G,dµM) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13)3.2. Off(cid:13)-diagonal L2 estimates for the resolvent of L . The M crucial estimates to derive the desired inequality are some L2 “off- diagonal” estimates for the resolvent of L , in the spirit of [Gaf59] . M This is the object of the following lemma. Lemma 3.1. There exists C with the following property: for all closed disjoint subsets E,F G with d(E,F) =: d > 0, all function f ⊂ ∈ L2(G,dµ ) supported in E and all t > 0, M (I+tL ) 1f + tL (I+tL ) 1f M − L2(F,dµM) M M − L2(F,dµM) ≤ (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) 8e−C √dt k(cid:13)fkL2(E,dµM). (cid:13) Proof. We argue as in [AHL+02], Lemma 1.1. From the fact that L M is self-adjoint on L2(G,dµ ) we have M 1 (L µ) 1 k M − − kL2(G,dµM) ≤ dist(µ,Σ(L )) M where Σ(L ) denotes the spectrum of L , and µ Σ(L ). Then we M M M 6∈ deduce that (I+tL ) 1 is bounded with norm less than 1 for all t > 0, M − and it is clearly enough to argue when 0 < t < d. NONLOCAL POINCARE´ INEQUALITIES 9 In the following computations, we will make explicit the dependence of the measure dµ in terms of M for sake of clarity. Define u = M t (I+tL ) 1f, so that, for all function v H1(G,dµ ), M − M ∈ (3.16) u (x)v(x)M(x)dx+ t ZG k t X u (x) X v(x)M(x)dx = i t i · i=1 ZG X f(x)v(x)M(x)dx. ZG Fix now a nonnegative function η (G) vanishing on E. Since f ∈ D is supported in E, applying (3.16) with v = η2u (remember that t u H1(G,dµ )) yields t M ∈ k η2(x) u (x) 2 M(x)dx+t X u (x) X (η2u )M(x)dx = 0, t i t i t | | · ZG i=1 ZG X which implies k η2(x) u (x) 2 M(x)dx+t η2(x) X u (x) 2 M(x)dx t i t | | | | ZG ZG i=1 X k = 2t η(x)u (x)X η(x) X u (x)M(x)dx t i i t − · i=1 ZG X k t u (x) 2 X η(x) 2M(x)dx+ t i ≤ | | | | ZG i=1 X k t η2(x) X u (x) 2 M(x)dx, i t | | ZG i=1 X hence (3.17) k η2(x) u (x) 2 M(x)dx t u (x) 2 X η(x) 2 M(x)dx. t t i | | ≤ | | | | ZG ZG i=1 X Let ζ be a nonnegative smooth function on G such that ζ = 0 on E, so that η := eαζ 1 0 and η vanishes on E for some α > 0 to be − ≥ chosen. Choosing this particular η in (3.17) with α > 0 gives eαζ(x) 1 2 u (x) 2 M(x)dx t − | | ≤ ZG (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) 10 EMMANUEL RUSSANDYANNICKSIRE k α2t u (x) 2 X ζ(x) 2 e2αζ(x)M(x)dx. t i | | | | ZG i=1 X Taking α = 1/(2√t max X ζ ), one obtains i i k k ∞ 1 eαζ(x) 1 2 u (x) 2 M(x)dx u (x) 2e2αζ(x)M(x)dx. t t − | | ≤ 4 | | ZG ZG Usin(cid:12)gthefact(cid:12)thatthenormof(I+tL ) 1 isboundedby1uniformly (cid:12) (cid:12) M − in t > 0, this gives eαζu eαζ 1 u + u t L2(G,dµM) ≤ − t L2(G,dµM) k tkL2(G,dµM) 1 (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13)(cid:0) eαζu (cid:1) (cid:13) + f , (cid:13) (cid:13) ≤ (cid:13)2 t L2(G(cid:13),dµM) k kL2(G,dµM) therefore (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) eαζ(x) 2 u (x) 2 M(x)dx 4 f(x) 2 M(x)dx. t | | ≤ | | ZG ZG We choose(cid:12)now ζ(cid:12)such that ζ = 0 on E as before and additionnally that (cid:12) (cid:12) ζ = 1 on F. It can furthermore be chosen with max X ζ i=1,...k i k k ≤ C/d, which yields the desired conclusion for the L2 norm of (∞I + tL ) 1f withafactor4intheright-handside. SincetL (I+tL ) 1f = M − M M − f (I + tL ) 1f, the desired inequality with a factor 8 readily fol- M − − (cid:3) lows. 3.3. Control of Lα/4f and conclusion of the proof of M L2(G,dµM) Theorem 1.4. T(cid:13)his is n(cid:13)ow the heart of the proof to reach the conclu- (cid:13) (cid:13) sion of Theorem 1(cid:13).4. The(cid:13)following first lemma is a standard quadratic estimate on powers of subelliptic operators. It is based on spectral theory. Lemma 3.2. Let α (0,2). There exists C > 0 such that, for all ∈ f (L ), M ∈ D (3.18) 2 + Lα/4f C ∞t 1 α/2 tL (I+tL ) 1f 2 dt. (cid:13) M (cid:13)L2(G,dµM) ≤ 3 Z0 − − M M − L2(G,dµM) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) We n(cid:13)ow come to the desired estimate. (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) Lemma 3.3. Let α (0,2) . There exists C > 0 such that, for all ∈ f (G), ∈ D ∞t 1 α/2 tL (I+tL ) 1f 2 dt − − M M − L2(G,dµM) ≤ Z0 (cid:13)(cid:13) f(x) f(y) 2 (cid:13)(cid:13) C | − | M(x) dxdy. V ( y 1x ) y 1x α ZZG×G | − | | − |

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