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Nomina dubia in the genus Theridion resulting from errors in instalment six of Carl Wilhelm Hahn’s “Monographie der Spinnen” (Araneae: Theridiidae) PDF

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Preview Nomina dubia in the genus Theridion resulting from errors in instalment six of Carl Wilhelm Hahn’s “Monographie der Spinnen” (Araneae: Theridiidae)

5 52 Arachnologische Mitteilungen 50:85-90 Karlsruhe, November201 Nomina dubia in the genus Theridion resulting from errors in instalment six of Carl Wilhelm Hahn's"Monographie der Spinnen"(Araneae:Theridiidae) Nikola-Michael Prpic doi: 10.5431/aramit501 Abstract.An overlooked error in the correlation ofnewscientific nameswith the spiderimageson plate4 in Carl Wilhelm Hahn's sixth instalmentofhis book"Monographie derSpinnen"led tothe notion thatat leasttwo ofthe spiders illustrated on plate4cannotbe identified and theirnamesare nomina dubia. Here, drawattentiontothe I factthat, ifthe namesare re-aligned tothe images in a meaningful way,then at leastthree spiderson plate4can beidentified. Theridionrufipessensu Hahn isasynonymofGongylidiumrufipes(Linnaeus, 1758) (syn.conf.).In par- ticular,thepreviousnomendubium TheridiontibialeHahn, 1831 isaseniorsynonymofLosoeolatristis(Hahn, 1833) (syn.nov.).Evidenceispresentedthatthejuniorsynonymisinprevailingusageandtheseniorsynonymistherefore regardedasnomenoblitum. Keywords:doubtfulspecies,newsynonym,nomenclature,reversalofpriority Zusammenfassung.NominadubiainderGattung TheridiondurchFehlerinHeft6vonHahn's„Monographie der Spinnen" (Araneae:Theridiidae). Ein bislang übersehener Fehler in derZuordnung der neu beschriebenen wissenschaftlichen Artnamenzu den Spinnenabbildungen aufTafel4dessechsten HeftesvonCarlWilhelm Hahn's „MonographiederSpinnen"führtezuderAuffassung,dasszumindestzweiderSpinnenaufTafel4nichtidentifiziert werdenkönnen unddieArtnamen Nominadubiasind.IndieserNotizmöchteichdaraufaufmerksammachen,dass mindestensdreiSpinnenaufTafel4identifiziertwerden können,wenn man dieZuordnungderNamenzu denAb- bildungeninsinnvollerWeiseneudurchführt.Theridionrufipessensu HahnisteinSynonymvonGongylidiumrufipes (Linnaeus, 1758)(syn.conf.).InsbesonderedasbisherigeNomendubium TheridiontibialeHahn, 1831 isteinälteres SynonymvonLasaeolatristis(Hahn, 1833)(syn.nov.). Eswerden BelegeangeführtwonachdasjüngereSynonymin vorherrschendemGebrauch ist,unddasältereSynonymwirddaheralsnomenoblitumaufgefasst. The work “Monographie der Spinnen” (i.e. “mono- in Nuremberg, and had already started a new book graph of spiders”) by Carl Wilhelm Hahn ranks series about spiders titled“DieArachniden”(see also among the rarest books in zoology Only a handful the detailed reconstruction ofthe history ofHahns ofcopies are known to existworldwide and most of work by Sacher 1988). Even though Hahn fiercely them are not complete (Sacher 1988). The workhas opposed the publication of his unfinished material been published in eight separate instalments called thatwas still in Lechners possession (Hahn 1831b), “Hefte”,thefirstfiveofwhichhavebeen authoredby he could not prevent Lechner from publishing this Hahn andpublishedbyHahnhimself(instalments 1 material,thefirstone (Heft6) stillwiththe signature and 2; Hahn 1820, 1821) and later by the publisher, “DrHahn”,butthelasttwo (Heft 7 and 8) signedby bookseller and arts dealer Johannes Jakob Lechner Lechnerhimself.ThesoleauthorofHeft6isunequi- (instalments 3 to 5; Hahn 1822, 1826, 1827). The vocallyHahnhimself(Hahn 1831a),even thoughhe following instalments, i.e. Heft 6, Heft 7, and Heft did not give his consent for publication. Lechner, 8 were published by Lechner without Hahns con- however, must be regarded as the author ofHeft 7 sent,obviouslyas aresultofaconflictbetween Hahn and 8, but it appears that itwas not his intention to and his publisher. At the time when Heft 6 ofthe also be identified as the author ofthe species names “Monographie der Spinnen”appeared,Hahn had al- in these instalments,because he always gives “Hahn” ready teamed up with a new publisher, C. H. Zeh as the authority. Therefore, I regard Lechner as the author of the last two instalments (Lechner 1833, 1836),but Hahn as the author ofthe species names Nikola-MichaelPRPIC,Georg-August-Universität,Johann-Friedrich- within these two instalments. Because Lechner was BElntuwmiecnkblaucnhg-slbnisotliotguite,füGrZZoMoBloEgrinestu-nCdasApanrtih-rHoapuosl,ogJiues,tuAsb-tveoinl-uLnigebfiürg-Weg not a specialist for spiders, however, he overlooked 11,37077Göttingen,Germany;E-mail:[email protected] several mistakes in Hahns unfinished manuscripts submitted6.5.2015,accepted11.8.2015,online22.8.201 when he prepared them forpublication.In this note, 86 N.-M.Prpic I would like to draw attention to a correlation error correlation ofthe name Theridion dorsigerwith Fig. inthe sixthinstalment (Hahn 1831a) thatresultedin bB2asgivenintheplatelegendappearstobecorrect, the misidentification ofsome ofthe described spe- and the correlation of Theridion dorsiger with Fig. cies. aAl in the text sheet must be erroneous.The spider The sixth instalment comprises a single textpage figuredinFig.bB2 clearlybelongstoNeottiurabima- and 4 colourised plates. It figures 13 taxa, nine of culata (Linnaeus, 1767) as stated by Menge (1866) which are newly described by Hahn.The identity of and Bonnet (1959), and therefore Theridion dorsiger N the taxa figured on plates 1 to 3 is undisputed, but is correctlylistedas ajuniorsynonymof bimacula- the four taxa figured on plate 4 are problematic.The tain theWorld Spider Catalog (2015). plate shows four spiders, each figured in three sepa- rate drawings (see Fig. 1A-D): 2. Theridionnebulosum (1) a sketch in natural size labelledwith alowercase (nebulosus = “foggy,cloudy,murky”) letter (a-d) The German name coined by Hahn for this taxon (2) a magnified colourised figure labelled with an is ’’wolkige Webespinne” (i.e. “cloudy spider”). The upper case letter (A-D) only spider on plate 4 that may correlate with this (3) a drawing ofthe abdomen in lateral aspect, la- name is the spider in Fig. aAl, because this figure belledwith arabic numerals (1-4). shows a marbled-reticulate or “clouded” pattern on theopisthosoma.Tbus,the correlationasgiveninthe The plate legend identifies the species on plate 4 as platelegend is correct,and the correlationin the text follows: sheetis erroneous.The identityofthis taxonis regar- • Fig.aAl isidentifiedas“Theridionnebulosum Hahn” ded as unclear and it is listed as a nomen dubium in , • Fig.bB2 is identified as“Theridion dorsiger Hahn” the World Spider Catalog (2015). The figure shows , • Fig.cC3 is identified as “Theridion tibiale Hahn” that Theridion nebulosum is a small spider of about • Fig.dD4 is identified as “Theridion rufipes, Linn.” 3 mm body length, with a dark prosoma, pedipalps, , and legs.The opisthosoma is whitish brown with an By contrast, the text on the single text sheet ofthis intricate mesh of darker lines, and is conspicuous- i1.nstalment gives another combination and thus par- ly round and looks so swollen that it partially hides tiallycorrelates the imageswith other names: the prosoma. The animal somewhat resembles a fe- • Fig. aAl is identified as “Theridion dorsiger mihi” male ofTheridiosomagemmosum (L. Koch, 1877),but , • Fig.bB2isidentifiedas“Theridion nebulosum mihi” the similarity is not compelling enough to suggest a , • Fig.cC3 is identified as“Theridion tibiale mihi” formal synonymy and I therefore retain the status of , • Fig.dD4 is identified as“Theridion rufipes,Linn.” Theridion nebulosum as a nomen dubium. This mismatch between the text sheet and the plate 3. Theridionrufipes legend indicates a problem with the correlation bet- (rufus = “red,darkorange”; pes =’’foot”) ween the name descriptions and the images on the The German name for this taxon is ’’rotfiissige We- plate and there is no indication from the text or the bespinne” (i.e. ”red-footed spider”). The only spider platethatoneofthemisclearlyamisprint.Therefore, on plate 4with red legs is the one in Fig. cC3.Thus, the identity ofall four taxa on plate 4 has to be re- the correlation ofthe name Theridion tibialewith the considered de novo. spider in Fig. cC3 must be an error,both in the text sheet as well as in the figure legend.The identity of Theridiondorsiger Hahn’s Theridion rufipes is currently unclear. Hahn (dorsum = “back,ridge”;gerere = “to carry, himself credits this name to Linnaeus, and indeed: bear,wear”) the spiderinFig.cC3 perfectlyresembles afemaleof Forthis taxon Hahn uses the German name’’hellrii- thespecies currentlyidentifiedas Gongylidiumrufipes ckigeWebespinne”(i.e.“light-backed spider”).Thus, (Linnaeus, 1758).Thus, Hahn identified this species this name cannot refer to the spiders shown in Fig. correctlyandtransferredittothegenus Theridion.The cC3 and Fig. dD4,because theydo not have a light- World Spider Catalog (2015) does not list Hahn’s coloured back.The spiders in Fig. aAl and Fig. bB2 Theridion rufipes neither in the genus Theridion nor , , fit better, but Fig. bB2 obviously fits best. Thus, the under Gongylidium rufipes. Roewer (1955: 1684) NominadubiainTheridion 87 Fig. 1:Thefourspidersfiguredon plate4ofthesixth instalmentof"MonographiederSpinnen"(Hahn 1831a).Ashowsthespider withtheoriginaldenotation"Fig.aA1"thatishereassociatedwiththetaxonnameTheridionnebulosum,anomendubium.Bshows thespiderwiththeoriginaldenotation"Fig.bB2",whichiscorrelatedwiththenameTheridiondorsiger,asynonymofNeottiurabima- culata.Cshowsthespiderwiththeoriginal denotation"Fig.cC3"thatis hereassociatedwiththe name Theridionrufipes,currently placed in thegenusGongylidium. Dshowsthe spiderwiththeoriginal denotation "Fig.dD4".This animal is here identified asthe taxonTheridiontibialeandplacedinthesynonymyofLasaeolatristis. ThefigureshavebeentakenfromthedigitalscanoftheHeidelbergcopyofHahn(1831a)whichisavailableonlineunderhttp://digi. ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/hahn1820 (Source: University ofHeidelberg, underCreative Commons-License CC-BY-SA 3.0 DE).The originalfigureshavebeencroppedtoremoveunnecessarywhitespacearoundthemandhavebeennewlyrearrangedintothefour panelsA-DusingAdobePhotoshopCS5. mentions “Theridion rufipes Hahn, 1831”as ‘nicht zu nomen dubium. In fact, however, the figured animal deuten”(i.e. as a nomen dubium),but the synonymy very closely resembles Lasaeola tristis (Hahn, 1833), was listed correctlyin Bonnet (1957, 1959),which is exceptthatithas onlythe tibiaofthe fourthwalking confirmed herewith (syn. conf.).The secondary ho- legs red,whereas Lasaeola tristisusuallyhas the tibia monymy of Hahns Theridion rufipes with Theridion and the femur ofthe fourth walking legs (partially) rufipes Lucas, 1846 can be disregarded,because both red.This error might be attributed to Lechner who taxa are notcurrentlyconsidered as congeneric. likelydid not knowthe species from his own experi- ence andwasonlyworkingfromincomplete notesby 4. Theridiontibiale Hahnwhen instructingthe colouristwho colourised (tibialis = “shin-boned,tibial”) the figures. Hahn (1831b) had already warned his The German name for this taxon is “Schienen-We- readers that such errors would occur should his ma- bespinne” (i.e. “tibia-spider”), thus pointing to some terial eventuallybe publishedbyLechner: “[ich] fin- peculiarity ofthe tibiae in this species. Indeed, the de michabernungezwungenfernerzuerklären,dass animal figured in Fig. dD4 is all black, but has red die vielleichtvom Herrn Lechner unter seinem Na- tibiae on the fourth pair ofwalking legs. Therefore, men erscheinenden Hefte mitAbbildungen derjeni- this must be the animal denoted by the name The- gen Spinnen, wovon er noch Originalzeichnungen ridion tibiale, and the correlation of Fig. dD4 with von mir in Händen hat, ohne meine Zustimmung the name Theridion rufipesboth in the text sheet and geschehen, und dass die fraglichen Zeichnungen in the figure legend must be erroneous.This mistake noch mancher Verbesserung bedürfen” (i.e. “[I] feel has confused earlier authors, and awrong synonymy impelled to declare now, that those instalments that with Centromerita bicolor (Blackwall, 1833) has been maybepublishedinthefuturebyMr.Lechnerunder suggested (Bonnet 1956, 1959). The taxon is cur- his own name and containing figures of those spi- rentlylistedin theWorld Spider Catalog (2015) as a ders ofwhich he still has my original drawings in 88 N.-M.Prpic hispossession,willbepublishedwithoutmyconsent, 1980,Roberts 1985,Brüning 1991,Heimer5cNent- and that the drawings in question still require quite wig 1991,Hauge 8cHansen 1991,Knoflach8cBert- some corrections”).When one compares the original randi 1993, Roberts 1995, Kasai 1997, Knoflach 8c descriptions of Theridion tibiale and Theridion triste Thaler 1998,Aakra 2000,Horvath 8cSzinetär 2002, (i.e. Lasaeola tristis), both authored by Hahn, then Agnarsson 2004, Knoflach and Pfaller 2004, Trot- similarities in the phrasingare evident: ta 2005, Türkei and Mergen 2005, Almquist 2005, (1) Theridion tibiale\ “Auf Fohren und Fichten ge- Szinetär 8c Horvath 2006, Agnarsson et al. 2007, meinum Nürnberg”(i.e.“on pine trees and Nor- Lemke 2008, Steinberger 2008, Piterkina 2011, Le waysprucecommonaroundNuremberg”) (Hahn Peru 2011, Kovblyuket al.2012,Merrett et al.2014. 1831a). This list is presented here as evidence that thejuni- (2) Theridion triste’. “Aufniedern Fohrenbüschen an or synonym has been used as the valid name in at den Rändern der Wälder im Sommer in den least25works,publishedbyatleast 10 authorsinthe UmgebungenvonNürnberggarnichtselten”(i.e. immediatelypreceding 50 years and encompassing a “Onlowerpinebushes attheforestfringes in the span ofno less than 10years (Article summer in the surroundings ofNuremberg not fully satisfies all requirements in Article 23.9.1. and rare at all”) (Hahn 1833). follows the procedure set forth inArticle 23.9.2. The close association ofLasaeola tristiswith conifers, Acknowledgements especially pine trees, is well known (e.g. Palmgren IwouldliketothankBarbaraThaler-Knoflach,TheoBlick 1974,Heimer 8cNentwig 1991).Thus,both Hahni- and Peter van Helsdingen for helpful comments on the an taxa obviously represent the same species (syn. manuscript. My work is supported by a grant from the nov.), but at different “stages” of Hahn’s work. The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; grant number image and short description of Theridion tibiale in PR 1109/6-1). Hahn (1831a) can be viewed as a preliminary draft (published without Hahn’s approval), whereas The- References ridion triste (i.e. Lasaeola tristis) in Hahn (1833) is Aakra K 2000 New records of spiders (Araneae) from the finalversionwith alongerdescriptive text,a new, NorwaywithnotesonepigynalcharactersofPhilodromus accurate figure, and a new name. The name coined fuscomarginatus(DeGeer)(Philodromidae)andAraneus in the’’Monographie der Spinnen”is the older name sturmi (Hahn) (Araneidae). - Norwegian Journal of andhaspriority,butshouldberegardedanomenob- Entomology47: 77-88 litum forlackofusage. Agnarsson I 2004 Morphological phylogeny ofcobweb spiders and their relatives (Araneae, Araneoidea,The- Nomenclaturalsummary ridiidae).-ZoologicalJournal ofthe Linnaean Society 141:447-626-doi: 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2004.00120.x • Neottiura bimaculata (Linnaeus, 1767) = Theridion Agnarsson I, Coddington JA 8c Knoflach B 2007 Mor- dorsigerHahn, 1831 phologyand evolution ofcobweb spider male genitalia • Theridion nebulosum Hahn, 1831 (nomen dubium) (Araneae, Theridiidae). - Journal ofArachnology 35: • Gongylidiumrufipes(Linnaeus,1758) = Theridionru- 334-395-doi: 10.1636/SH-06-36.1 fipes(Linnaeus, 1758) (sensuHahn 1831) syn.conf. AlmquistS2005SwedishAraneae,part1:familiesAtypidae • Lasaeolatristis (Hahn, 1833) (nomen protectum) = toHahniidae(Linyphiidaeexcluded).-InsectSystemat- ics8cEvolution Supplement62: 1-284 Theridion tibialeHahn, 1831 (nomen oblitum) syn. Bonnet P 1956 Bibliographia araneorum. Analyse me- nov. thodique de toute la litterature araneologiquejusqu’en Justification ofreversal ofprecedence under Article 1939. Tomus 2. Part 2 (C-F). Douladoure,Toulouse, 23.9 of the International Code of Zoological No- pp.919-1925 menclature (International Commission on Zoo- Bonnet P 1957 Bibliographia araneorum. Analyse me- logical Nomenclature 1999): the younger name is thodique de toute la litterature araneologiquejusquen valid, because it is in prevailing usage. To the best 1939.Tomus 2. Part 3 (G-M). Douladoure,Toulouse, ofmy knowledge the senior synonym has not been pp. 1927-3026 Bonnet P 1959 Bibliographia araneorum. Analyse me- used as a valid name after 1899 (Article thodique de toute la litterature araneologiquejusquen The younger name has been used in the following 1939. Tomus 2. Part 5 (T-Z). Douladoure, Toulouse, selected publications: Miller 1967, Palmgren 1974, pp.4231-5058 NominadubiainTheridion 89 BrüningA1991Theeffectofasinglecolonyoftheredwood Kovblyuk MM, Marusik YM & Omelko MM 2012 A ant, Formicapolyctena, on the spider fauna (Araneae) survey ofTranscaucasian Dipoena sensu lato (Aranei: ofa beech forest floor.- Oecologia 86: 478-483 - doi: Theridiidae) with a description ofnew species. - Ar- 10.1007/BF00318313 thropoda Selecta21:247-254 CW Hahn 1820 Monographie der Spinnen. Erstes Heft. LechnerJJ1833MonographiederSpinnen.SiebentesHeft. Self-published,Nürnberg.14pp.(paginated),2pp.(un- Lechner’sche Buchhandlung, Nürnberg. 1 p. (unpagi- paginated),4plates (unnumbered) nated),4plates (unnumbered) CW Hahn 1821MonographiederSpinnen.ZweitesHeft. LechnerJJ 1836 Monographie der Spinnen.Achtes Heft. Self-published,München.3 pp. (unpaginated),4plates Lechner’sche Buchhandlung, Nürnberg. 1 p. (unpagi- (unnumbered) nated),plates 1-4 CW M Hahn 1822Monographie der Spinnen.Drittes Heft. Lemke 2008Bemerkenswerte Spinnenfunde (Araneae) Lechner’sche Buchhandlung,Nürnberg.2 pp. (unpagi- aus Schleswig-Holstein der Jahre 2004 bis 2007. - nateCd)W,platesI-IV ArachnologischeMitteilungen35:45-50-doi: 10.5431/ Hahn 1826Monographie der Spinnen.Viertes Heft. aramit3506 Lechner’sche Buchhandlung,Nürnberg.2 pp. (unpagi- LePeruB 2011ThespidersofEurope,asynthesisofdata: nated),4plates (unnumbered) Volume 1 Atypidae to Theridiidae. - Memoires de la CW Hahn 1827MonographiederSpinnen.FünftesHeft. SocieteLinneennedeLyon2: 1-522 Lechner’scheBuchhandlung,Nürnberg. 2pp.(unpagi- Menge A 1868 Preussische Spinnen. II. Abtheilung. - nated),platesI-IV SchriftenderNaturforschendenGesellschaftinDanzig, CW Hahn 1831aMonographiederSpinnen.SechstesHeft. NeueFolge2(1,7): 153-218 Lechner’sche Buchhandlung, Nürnberg. 1 p. (unpagi- Merrett P, Russell-Smith A &Harvey P 2014 A revised nated),plates 1-4 checklistofBritishspiders.-Arachnology16: 134-144 CW Hahn 1831bDieArachniden.GetreunachderNatur -doi: 10.13156/arac.2014.16.4.134 abgebildetundbeschrieben.ErsterBand [Teil 1].C.H. Miller F 1967 Studien über die Kopulationsorgane der Zeh’scheBuchhandlung,Nürnberg,pp.1-24,Tab.I-VII Spinnengattung Zelotes,Micaria,RobertusundDipoena -doi: 10.5962/bhl.title.43744 nebst Beschreibung einiger neuen oderunvollkommen CW Hahn 1833 DieArachniden. Getreu nach derNatur bekannten Spinnenarten. - Pnrodovedne präce üstavü abgebildetundbeschrieben.ErsterBand [Teile4-6].C. Ceskoslovenske Akademie Ved v Brne (N.S.) 1: 251- H.Zeh’scheBuchhandlung,Nürnberg,pp.77-129,Tab. 298,Tab.I-XIV XIX-XXXVI-doi: 10.5962/bhl.title.43744 Palmgren P 1974 Die Spinnenfauna Finnlands und Ost- Hauge E &Hansen LO 1991 Spiders (Araneae) from six fennoskandiens.V.TheridiinaeundNesticidae.-Fauna small islands in the middle Oslofjord, SE Norway. - Fennica26: 1-54 FaunaNorvegicaB 38: 45-52 PalmgrenP 1980 Some comments onthe anatomyofspi- HeimerS&NentwigW1991 SpinnenMitteleuropas:Ein ders.-Annales ZoologiciFennici 17: 161-173 Bestimmungsbuch.PaulParey,Berlin.543 pp. PiterkinaTV 2011 Spatial and temporal structure ofthe Horvath R &. 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In: Hahn CW.Monographie Berichtedesnaturwissenschaftlich-medizinischeVereins derSpinnen(1820-1836).ReprintderOriginal-Ausgabe. inInnsbruck80:295-302 ZentralantiquariatderDDR,Leipzig,pp. 107-143 KnoflachB&ThalerK1998Kugelspinnenundverwandte Steinberger KH 2008 Spinnen und Weberknechte im Familien von Österreich: Ökofaunistische Übersicht Naturpark Schlern-Rosengarten (Arachnida: Araneae, (Araneae:Theridiidae,Anapidae,Mysmenidae,Nestici- Opiliones) (Italien,Südtirol).-Gredleriana8:255-286 dae).-Stapfia55: 667-712 SzinetärC &Horvath R2006Areviewofspidersontree Knoflach B & Pfaller K 2004 Kugelspinnen - eine Ein- trunksinEurope(Araneae).-ActaZoologicaBulgarica, führung(Araneae,Theridiidae).-Denisia 12: 111-160 Supplement 1(2005):221-257 90 N.-M.Prpic Trotta A 2005 Introduzione al ragni italiani (Arachnida ofZoology 51: 237-239 - doi: 10.1560/F4M0-K8QQ- Araneae).-Memorie della Societä EntomologicaItal- 0KNG-6G88 ianaGenova 83: 3-178 World Spider Catalog2015 World spider catalog,version Türke§T&MergenO2005 Newrecordsofspiders (Ara- 16.0.NaturalHistoryMuseumBern.-Internet:http:// neae:Theridiidae)fortheTurkishfauna.-IsraelJournal wsc.nmbe.ch (May3,2015)

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