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Nomenclatural Changes in Kalimeris : towards a Revision of Asian Aster and Allied Genera PDF

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by  SoejimaAkiko
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Preview Nomenclatural Changes in Kalimeris : towards a Revision of Asian Aster and Allied Genera

TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics ISSN 1346-7565 ActaPhytotax.Geobot. 58(2f3)97:-99(2007) NomenclaturalChanges inKalimeris:towards Revision a ofAsian Aster AlliedGenera and AKIKO SOEJIMAi and MASASHI IGARI2 iBiologtcal SbienceG,raduateSbhoolofSlrieOnscakea,PFefectureUhiversicS"ahai, 599-8531,.lapan; 21 7-2 Llshihawayaktts hlit,u?ohash iA,ichi 44e-OO15, jmpanOsaka Kdlimeris (Asterac eias ae s)mal1 eastern Asian genus closely related to Aster .It is distinguish efdrom Aster mainly by it sshorter pappus. Although the lengt hof the pappus has been considered to be a geod diagnosti ccharacteg the distincti hoans not always been clear and the boundary between them has long been controyersial arnong botanist sM.olecular data suggest that the short pappus might haye arisen in parall eiln differe netvolutionary line sin Aster ,We therefore consider it proper to merge Kdlimen' swith Aster ,Four new combinations are proposed here A:ste rincisu Fsisch .var, macrodon (Vani &o Ht, Lev.) Soejirn &a Igari A,, inctic uLs. vart coltintas (Hanc eSo)ejirn a& Igari A,. indieu Ls, var: stenole}pis CHand.- Mazz, )Soejim a& Igari a,nd A. yomena (Kita mHo,n)da var. angustij?)iius (Naka Sio)ejim a& Igari, Key vvords: Aster, Asteraceae, East Asia, Kttlimeris, new comhination Aster (tri Absteereae ,Asteraceae )i,ncludes viding the genus into several subgenera or sections about 400 species distribut ewiddely in temperate (Bentha 1m873, Hoflmann 1890, Hara 1952, Grau regions worldwide. Within the tribe Astereae ,sub- 1977, Jones & Ybung 1983, Ito & Soejima 1995, tribe Asterina eis rather easily distinguish efdrom Soejima & Peng 1998, Pak 1999) .Except fbr K. others by the fla to,pen white, pink or purpl eligules. miqueliana, which they considered to belon gto There are, however r,nany small genera within the another section ofAster, Ito & Soejima (1995), the delimitations based DNA subuibe where generic are ambigu- on molecular analyses using chloroplast ous and are a source of disagreement among (It eto aL 1995) ,placed the species ofKtxlimeris in botanist sIn. Japan and adjacent regions, Kitamura Aster sect. Asteromoea Makine in thei rtreatment in (1937 r)ecognized three small genera ,Kblimeris the Flora oflapan .Later ,in their revision of Cass. ,HleteFzlpupp Luesss. ,and (lymnaste rKitam, KLilimeri Gsu, & Hoch (1997 t)reate dthe species of (iiiMiyamayom Keintaam.) ,as segregates ofAster Aster in section Asteromoea as KdlimeTis, but leav- L. The thre egenera were distinguish efdrom each ing K. miqueliana in Aster. other mainly by pappus lengt Khi.tamura' tsreatment In addition to the differe ngetneric treatments, has been accepted by many subsequent authors Gu & Hoch (1997 d)iffere dfrom Ito & Soejima (Kitamu 1r9a57, Ohwi 1965, Hu 1967, Ling et ai, (199 5i)n the usage of infraspeci friancks. Ito & 1985, Gu & Hoch 1997) ,but other authors have Soejima (1995 u)sed the rank of variety for infra- retained these genera in Aster s. Iat ,while subdi- specific taxa, while Gu & Hoch (1997 u)sed sub- NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 98 APG Vbl.58 species. Except fbr these difference tsh,e taxonom- within Aster in sect. Asteromoea Makino. Although ic boundarie srecognized by Gu & Hoch (1997)ther eis a tendency ofthe larg egenus Aster is being and Ito & Soejima (1995 m)ostly coincide, except split (Noye s& Rieseberg 1999, Brouille tet al. for Aster incisus (iiiKalim ienrciissa). Ito & 2001, Semple et al, 2001), Kdlimeris is mono- Soejima (1995 p)lus earlier Japanese botanists phyletic with Aster s. str. and should be include din (Koidzu m19i23, Kitamura 1937, 1957, Hara 1952, Aster (It eot al. 1998) ,We therefb rperopose a new Ohwi 1965) treatedA, incisus Fisch. d,escribe don combination as fbllows T,hree additional new com- the basi sofa specimen collected in Siberia ,Russia, binatien sare also proposed to accommodate our as occurring in Japan as well as in Siberia C,hina placement of the continental species of Ktxlimeris and Korea. Gu & Hoch (1997 )h,owever, treated within Aster. K. incisa as being restricted to the Asian continent and distinguish tehde Japanese plant sas K, yomena 1. Aster incisu sFisch ,vaz macrodon (Vani &o Ht. (Kitam K.i)tam. subsp. angustij2)lia (Naka iH). Yl Lev. )Soej ima & Igari c,omb. nov Gu. Basionym: Aster macrodbn Vaniot & H. Lev. ,Bull. Acad.Int.Geogr:Bot.20:141(1909)-.Kkelimeris According to Gu & Hoch (1997 )Kd,limeris incisa and K. yomena subsp. angustij2)lia diffe irn iGnuc,isAa nsnub.sp.Mi smascroouclroniBot ,(VGaarndi, o&8t 4H:.7 L7e8v.() 1H9, 9Y7l). branchin pgatter nand rhizome morphology; the IJIp us .KO REA, Che ju Is lan d(Q ue lpa r2t5) S,ep, fbrmer has relatively stiff branche sles sthan 25 cm 1906, UL fuurie 1071 (hol oE;- iso- BM, KYO). long and condensed rhizomes no longer than 1 cm, wheteas the latt ehras flexib lberanche sup to 40 cm 2. Aster indicus L. var. collinus (Hanc eS)oejima & Iong and rhizomes up to 1O cm long .They reported Igari c,omb. nov. the confusion over these two taxa had been due te Basionym: Boltoni aindic aev , coilina Hance, Ann. their relatively long pappus, which characterizes Sci. Nat. Bot. ser, 5, 5: 219 (1866 )-, Kblimeris bKo. tphi onfnthaemt.pt d Goaund & K H, oycohme n(a19 r9na7 ian)llsyo donis tthien glueinsghtehd i(1n9H:d ai34cn0 avc a(Hre,.1 ) Y9a 4 ,G 3c uo)-,l l.Ai nnKadn l.( iMmHieasrisnsoc ui ernK )idBiitecata m .sG.ub a,sJpr,, dJ ,a8cpo4l. l: Bi7noat8,9 of the pappus bristle sA.ccording to them (Gu & (1997 )1],tpu sC.HINA, Guangdong :Guangzhou, Hoch 1997) ,the pappus bristl eofsKL pinnatiji dartei Oet .1859, Hdnce 5195 (lect BoM-, designate dby O,2-O. 3mm long and shorter than those ofK yome- Gu & Hoch [1997]). na. They therefbre transferre dK, pinnatij7d avar. angt{stij?)lia to K, yomena (a ssubsp. angustij?)lia), 3. Aster indicu sL. var. stenolepis (Hand.-Mazz,) is butdiffers Soejima& Igari, which morphologically sirnilar, slighr- comb. noM ly in pappus length and branch flexibilit yT.hey Basionym: Asteromoea indic avarL stenoZEzpis Hand.- Mazz., Acta HortiGothob. 7:225 (1938).- distinguish seubdsp. angvnstijblia from subsp, yome- na by the pappus bristl emsore than O.4 mm long KKtiitlaimm.e,Jr.i Jsianpd.iBcoat .va1r.9 :s3t4en0ol(ep1is94 3()H-.anKddl.i-mMearizsz,) bytheflexiblberanches and of subsp. angustij2)lia, indica subsp. stenolepis (Hand.-Maz Hz.. Y)L Gu, In subsp. yomena the pappus bristl earse les sthan Ann, Missouri Bot. Gard. 84: 791 (1997 )1.)tpus. O.4 mm long and the branches are stiff CHINA, Fajian :Yenping Xian, 4 Aug, 1924, H. We reached the same conclusion as Gu & Hl Chung 2895 (hel oW;- iso- BM, MO, PE). Hoch (1997 t)hrough our reeent reinvestigation of Klrilimer iisndie af .gracili sJ. Q. Fu, Bull .Bot. Res., KJraaplainmeesre pi lsiann tJs adpiafnf e arfnrdo mo Kn, tihnec icsouns tainnden tar,e cTohn-e HXIai9ra5bn9i,, nBZ 3i. :k Xo1 uZ1-I2 gt(oa1nngg9 s18h4e73 ,9IZ)Jhi .ut(p huy osuC.alH nWIobUNa-KA, ),9. 0G0 amn,s u9 :WSeenp. specific with KL yomena, but we prefe rto treat them NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics November 2007 SOEnMA & IGARI: Nomenclatural changes in KLilimeTis 99 4. Aster yomena (Kita mH.on)da var. angusti- Hu, S. Y. 1967. The Compositae ofChina, VL Quar tJ., foliu s(Naka iS)oejjma & Igari ,comb. noy [[biwa nMus. 20: 1-77. Basionym: Klilimer piisnnatijfda var, angustijblia Ito ,M. & A, Soejirn a1,995. Aster. Ih: Iwatsuki ,K., T. Nakai, BulL Natl ,Sci .Mus. [Ibkyo 33: 26 (1953). Yarnasaki, D. E. Bouffbrd & H, Ohba (eds F.lo)r,a of - Kdtimen's yomena subsp, angiLstijZ)lia (Naka iH,) Japan 3b: 59-66 .Kodansha, [Ibkyo. YL Gu, Aim, MissouTi Bot. Gard, 84: 799 (1997). , A. Soejima M,. Hasebe & K. Watanabe. 1995 ,A Iilp uJsAP,AN, Yamaguchi: Abu-gun, Jifuku-mura, chloroplast-DNA phylogeny of 1<dlimer iasnd Aster, Mt. Ookuraga-dak e1,6 Oct, 1949, Z IVinh a&i NL with reference to the generic circumscription. J. impzoiama s.n. (lec tToNS- [2 sheets], designate bdy Plant Res. 108: 93-96, Gu & Hoch [1997 ]is;olect QT-I). , A. Soejima ,& K. Watanabe, 1998. Phylogenetic Aster pinnatijidus Makino f robustus Makino in Bot. relationships of Japanese Aster (Asteraceae, Mag. Tokyo 27: 115 (1913 )1).tpu sJ.APAN, Prov, Astereae) sensu lato based on chloroplast-DNA Bungo: near Kuju, 29 Aug, 1911, Z Maldno s. n, restriction site mutation. J. Plant Res. 1 1 1 : 217-223. (MAK) Jones ,A. G, & D, A. Ybung. 1983. Generic concepts of Asteromoea incis a(Fisc hK,oi)dz. ,Bet, Mag. [Ibkyo 37: Aster (Asterace Aa ece)mp:arisen ofcladistic, phe- 56 (1923 )p., p. excL type, netic, and cytological approaches. Sys. Bot, 8: 71-84. Ktzlimeri isncis a(Fisc hD.C,) ex Kitam., Mem. Coll. Kitamura, S. 1937. Compositae Japonicae ,pars prima. Sci .Kyoto Univ. se: B. 13: 309 (1937 )p., p. excL Mem. Coll .Sci .Kyoto Irnp .Univ. ,Ser ,B. 8: 1-421, type. 35 pls. Aster ineisu asuct. non Fisch, H:, Hara ,Enum. Sperm ,Jap. , 1957. Compositae Japonicae ,pars sexta. Mem. 3: 131 (1952 p). ,p. ;M, It o& Soejima F,L Jap, 3b : Coll .Sci .Univ. Kyoto, Ser ,B, 24: 1-79. 66 (199 5p). p,. quoad pl, ex Japan, Koidzumi, G. 1923. Contrilrutio nades cogriitionem fiorae Asiae Orientalis .Bot, Mag. Tokyo 37: 37-59. Ling,Yl,YZL.Chen & Z,Shih,1985,Astereae.in:Ling, References YL & Yl L. Chen (eds F.l). R,eipubl ,Populari sSin, 74: 73-353. (i nChinese) Bentham,G,1873.Compositae,lv:Bentham,G.& J.D. Noyes,R. D. & L.H. Rieseberg.1999,ITS sequence Hooker,Genera Plantarum2:163-533,L,Reeve, data support a single origin fbr North American Williams & Norgate, London, Astereae (Asterac eanade )refiect deep geographic Brouillet ,L., G. A. Allen ,J, C, Semple, & M. Ito .2001, diyision isn Asters ,L Amer. J .Bot, 86: 398-412. ITS phylogeny of North American asters Ohwi, J. 1965. Flora of Japan (Engli esd,h). Smithsonian (Asterace aAes:tereae): basal grade to North Instituti oWna,shington, D. C. American lineage sand distin cftrom Eurasian ones. Pak,H, S.1999.Aster.in:lm, R.J.,H, S,Kim, J,S. CBA!ABC Meeting, Kelowna, BC, June 2001. Kwak, U. C. La, Y J ,Lee, K. P. Lee & K, S, Han Grag J .1977. Asten2ae - Systemati rceview, ih: Heywood, (eds .F)l,ora Coreana 7: 305-321, The Science and H, V, J. B. Harborne & B. L, Tumer (eds ,T)h,e Technology Publishing House, Pyongyang ,(in Biology and Chemistry of the Composita e1: 537- Korean) 566. Academic Press ,New Ybrk. Semple,J.C,,C.Xiang,J.Zhang,M, Horsburgh,& R. Gu, H. & P. C. Hoch. 1997, Systematic sofKlalimeris Cook. 2001. Chromosome number determinatio nisn (AsteracAesateer:eae)A,nn,MissouriBot.Gard.84: Fam. Compositae ,Tribe Astereae V.I, Western Nonh 762-814, American taxa and cornments on generi tcreatments Hara, H. 1952. Enumeratio Spermatophytarum ofNorth American asters, Rhodora 103: 202-218. Japonicarum 2. Iwanarni Shoten ,Tbkyo. Soejima,A.& C.-IPeng,1998,Aster.in:Huang,T,C. Hoffman, O, 1890.Compositae.in:Engler,A. & K. (ed, F)l,ora of [Iaiwa n(2n ded.) 4: 848-868 .National Prant l(eds .D)i,e nahirlichen Pflanzenfamili e4n Taiwan Universit yT,aipei. (5) 1:61-163 .Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig. Received Jiil y30, 2007r accepted September 18, 2007 NII-Electronic Library Service

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