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Noise, Turbulence, and Thrust of Subsonic Free Jets from Lobed Nozzles PDF

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Preview Noise, Turbulence, and Thrust of Subsonic Free Jets from Lobed Nozzles

This isa preprint or reprint of a paper intended for presentation at a conference. Because changes may be made before formal publication, this is made available with the understanding that itwill not be cited or reproduced without the permission of the author. AIAA-2002-0569 Noise,Turbulence,andThrust of Subsonic Free Jets From Lobed Nozzles K.B.M.Q.Zaman and EY.Wang NASA Glenn Research Center Cleveland,OH 40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit January 14-17, 2002 / Reno, NV For permission to copy or republish, contact the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500, Reston, VA 20191-4344 AIAA-2002-0569 NOISE, TURBULENCE, AND THRUST OF SUBSONIC FREE JETS FROM LOBED NOZZLES K.B.M.Q. Zaman* and F.Y. Wang* National Aeronautics and Space Administration Glenn Research Center Cleveland, Ohio 44135 ABSTRACT corresponding thrust penalty, and its correlation to the A study of noise benefit, vis-h-vis thrust penalty, structure of the turbulent flow field was considered a and its correlation to turbulence intensities was con- worthy effort. This led to the present investigation. ducted for free jets issuing from lobed nozzles. Four 'Lobed forced mixers" or corrugated splitter plates convergent nozzles with constant exit area were used in are often used in the Industry in order to achieve effi- the experiments. Three of these were of rectangular cient mixing between two streams. There have been lobed configuration having six, ten and fourteen lobes; several studies of abasic two-stream mixing layer origi- the fourth was acircular nozzle. Increasing the number nating from such a splitter plate. 4-8One obvious effect of lobes resulted in aprogressive reduction in the turbu- of the lobed geometry is the increase in the interfacial lence intensities as well as in the overall radiated noise. area between the two streams that enhances the mixing. The noise reduction was pronounced at the low fre- Depending on the geometry, the lobes can also intro- quency end of the spectrum. However, there was an duce pairs of counter-rotating streamwise vortices that increase in the high frequency noise that rendered the efficiently transport momentum and species across the overall benefit less attractive when compared on a mixing layer• Cross-stream components of vorticity scaled-up A-weighted basis. A reduction in noise was shed from the trailing edges of the lobes, and their sub- accompanied by a commensurate reduction in the turbu- sequent dynamics, can also play a role in the mixing lent kinetic energy in the flow field. As expected, in- enhancement. creasing the number of lobes involved progressive re- Many researchers have investigated jet flows from duction in the thrust coefficient. Among the cases stud- nozzles with lobed exit lips or other modified shapes. 9-_s ied, the six-lobed nozzle had the optimum reduction in Faster spreading of the jet was observed in all instances. turbulence and noise with the least thrust penalty. Furthermore, some reduction in jet noise with the use of lobed nozzles has been observed in some of the cited INTRODUCTION work as well as in the Industry. Unfortunately, because of This experimental investigation was prompted by the complex geometry and large parameter-space the un- an earlier study I in which far-field noise of high sub- derlying flow mechanisms have remained far from being sonic jets from rectangular, tabbed and lobed nozzles completely understood. The processes that impact the were reported. A six-lobed nozzle exhibited signifi- noise field of these nozzles are even less understood at cantly lower noise compared to the other cases. Later, this time. It is apparent that further model-scale experi- through limited experiments, the lobed nozzle was also ments would behelpful for advancing the understanding found to involve remarkably lower turbulence intensi- and providing a database for developing engineering cor- ties.-' A detailed study of the noise benefit, the relations for the prediction of mixing and noise. It is with this spirit the present investigation was initiated. The ob- Copyright© 2002bytheAmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAslro- jective has been to measure the flow and noise fields in nantics,Inc.Nocop)fightisassertedintheUnitedStatesunderTitle17, detail for asystematic parametric variation. U.S.Code.TheU.S.Goverrmlenthasaroyalty-freelicensetoexerciseall rightsunderthecop)rightclaimedhereinforGovernmentaPlurposes.All Because of the many parameters, only limited otherrightsarereservedbythecopyrightowner. variation was possible. The goal was set to examine the AerospaceEngineer,TurbomachinerayndPropulsionSystentsDivision, effect of the number of lobes for a fixed exit area of the AssociateFellow,AIAA. nozzle. The nozzles were convergent and the experi- tPresentlywithJohnA.VolpeCenter,U.S.DepartmentofTrunsportation, ments involved 'cold', free jets. Most of the data were Cambridge,MA,SeniorMember,AIAA. 1 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics takenatahighsubsonMicachnumbe(r0.94)toallow Table 1.Lobed nozzle dimensions are in inches. reliablenoisemeasuremewnhtileavoidingshock- Nozzle W H Ia b Dh/D associatceodmplicatioonfssupersonfilcowsT. heflow 6-lobe 1.253 0.825 0.2689 0.2230 3.501 surveyastthatconditiono,ntheotherhandh,adtobe 10-1obe 1.253 0.825 10.1743 0.0953 5.137 linfitedbecausoefinherenmt easuremedniftficultyin 14-lobe 1.253 0.825 [0.1281 10-0593 6.870 compressibflloews.Neverthelesasft,erdemonstrating thatthecenterlinveelocitayndturbulencperofilesatthe Standard procedures were followed for far-field high(0.94)andlow(0.30)Machnumbewrereessen- t noise measurement using a _A-inch microphone (B&K). tiallysimilarf,urtherflowfieldmeasuremwenatscon- The measurement location was 63D from the jet exit. ductedatthelatterconditionT.hefielddataa,ndsome Spectral analysis was done with a 400-line analyzer integraolsbtainefdromthemw, ereexamineindordetro (Nicolet). Noise data were obtained at two angles (0) assesthseimpacotfthenumbeorflobesT.heseresults relative to the jet axis. An orifice meter mounted on the aresummariziendthefollowing. supply line measured mass flow rate. Thrust was meas- ured by a one-component force-balance; further details EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE can be found in Ref. 16. Repeatability of the noise spec- The data were obtained in an open jet facility. tral amplitudes was within 0.5 dB. Uncertainty in the Compressed air passed through a cylindrical plenum thrust data was within 1%. chamber fitted with flow conditioning units and then As stated in the introduction, most of the data were ob- through the nozzle to discharge into the quiescent ambi- tained for anominal jet Mach number of 0.94. At this Mach ent. The experiments involved 'cold" flows, i.e., the jet number, hot-wire data were obtained only on the jet axis was unheated and the total temperature was approxi- due to probe breakage and other difficulties. However, mately the same throughout and equaled that in the detailed survey of the 3-dimensional flow field was con- ambient. ducted at ajet Mach number of 0.30. The measurement at Data from four nozzles are to be presented. All the lower Mach number was unambiguous, free from sen- have convergent interiors with approximately _,4- inch sor survivability problems, and inexpensive since the lower long constant cross-section passage prior to the exit. supply pressure could be furnished with an auxiliary The equivalent diameter (D) based on the exit area is blower. The independent operation with the blower allowed 0,58 inch for all four cases. One of the four nozzles isof sustained runs over long periods that were necessary in the circular geometry serving as the 'baseline' case. The surveys. While the velocity and turbulence data at the lower rest are of lobed configurations, having six, ten and Mach number represent the streamwise cong_onents, the fourteen lobes. The exit geometry (for the 10-1obed data at the higher Mach number are only qualitative. A case) is shown schematically in Fig. 1 and the relevant relatively high overheat ratio was used in the constant- dimensions for all cases are listed in table 1. The last temperanare anemometer so that the hot-wire essentially column shows the ratio of hydraulic diameter (based on responded to mass flux (velocity times density) in the latter the perimeter) to equivalent diameter (based on the condition. Limited data were obtained at the higher Mach area), which is a measure of 'perimeter stretching' number using particle image velocimetry (PIV); the proce- caused by the lobes. dure will be briefly described with the data. RESULTS W r" _" Figure 2(a) shows sound pressure spectra, at 0 = 90°, for the three lobed cases compared to the base- line circular case. For these data the supply pressure is held constant; thus, the jet Mach number is the same for all cases. It is apparent that the noise is low for all lobed cases. Increasing the number of lobes from 6 to 10pro- duces some additional noise benefit. However, there is only marginal gain with further increase in the number of lobes to 14. Figure 2(Io) shows spectra for the same cases of Fig. 2(a) except that the thrust is held constant (thrust for the 14-lobed nozzle is the same between the a b two figures). A similar conclusion is reached regarding the influence of number of lobes. However, it can be Figure 1.Schematic of exitgeometry of I0-lobed nozzle. seen that the high-frequency noise for the l0 and 2 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 14-lobecdaseasrerelativelhyigh.Theimplicatioonf majoarxisplanesT.hisdemonstrattheesaxisymmeotfr3' thisisdiscussesdhortlyC.orrespondinnogisespectraat the noise field, l even though the flow field is quite asym- 0 = 25°, forconstanMt achnumberareshownin metric initially. At 0= 25°,the amplitudes are identical at Fig.3(a)a,ndforconstanthtrusatreshowinnFig.3(b). lower frequencies; however, high-frequency amplitudes Againa,similarobservatiocnanbemaderegardintghe are higher on the minor axis plane. effecotfnumbeorflobes. The overall sound pressure levels, obtained by in- ThespectrianFigs2. and3areobtaineodnthemi- tegration of the spectral data of Figs. 2 and 3, are shown noraxisplaneC.orresponddinagtaobtaineodnthemajor in Fig. 5(a). The data are shown as a function of number axisplanearecomparefodrthe6-lobednozzlea,san of lobes, with the circular jet data shown at an abscissa examplien,Fig.4.At0=90°in(a),thereispractically value of unity. The amplitudes decrease with increasing nodifferencinethespectrbaetweetnheminorandthe number of lobes, for both values of 0and for both cases -- Circular I/_1_'_ Circular ......... ,I_ ......... 6-Lobed !j"_1 ........................1104--LLoo__dd 8O .., . t", (/3 7O (a) | , , , | 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 2O 30 4O 5O f (kHz) f(kHz) -- Cir_lar -- Circular ......... 6-Lo_d _,_ ......... 6-Lobed ...... 10-Lo_ 9O "_ ...... lO-Lobed .............. 14-Lobed ! V ............._..4..-_o_d [a,,'.'i k 80 7O ._- . ,:,;.:_. _,,,:.. , _ , 7O t0 20 30 40 50 10 20 30 4O 50 f(kHz) f (kHz) Figure 2. Sound pressure spectra at 0 = 90°, on minor Figure 3. Sound pressure spectra at 0 = 25°, on minor axis, for indicated nozzles; (a) constant pressure ratio, axis, for indicated nozzles; (a) constant pressure ratio, Mj=0.94, (b) constant thrust, T = 17N. Mj=0.94, (b) constant thrust, T = 17N. 3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Aslronautics 80 (a) 110 © © 25_,M,= 0.935 25_ T= 17N z 105 [] 90_,M,= 0.935 I v _ ._.j_ .... 90_ T= 17N me-, © 09 70 i " _:_,'-_f.!ot! FJ.100 o L_ , t I I [] 9O 95 (b) (a) 9o_ ! I r i i I m 80 i- "÷._ 5 10 15 110 © 105 I l I I "_ 0 10 20f (kHz)30 40 50 Figure 4. Sound pressure spectra for 6-lobed nozzle at © Mj = 0.94; solid line: minor axis, dotted line: major axis. 100 (a) O= 90°, _b)O= 25°. o3 r7 of constant Mach number and constant thrust. However, 95 the increased high-frequency noise can weigh in differ- fq (b) ently in 'perceived noise levels'. To assess this, m A-weighted noise levels were calculated and shown in 9o_ 5 i 10 15 Fig. 5(b). The levels are somewhat different but the trend remains the same as seen in Fig. 5(a). t05 Furthermore, in order to simulate the noise from a realistic practical nozzle the spectra data were scaled by a factor of 20, i.e., assuming a 'Strouhal number scal- 0 ing', the frequencies were divided by 20 to simulate _oo- noise from a 20 times larger nozzle. The data were then tn 0 integrated to obtain the A-weighted (dBA) levels. The results are shown in Fig. 5(c). It is apparent that, after _0 these considerations, the noise benefit is not as attrac- 9s-- tive as it first appeared. However, the applicability of Strouha! number scaling, invoked in Fig. 5(c). might be questionable especially at the high frequency end of the (¢) spectrum. Nevertheless, a net noise reduction with the 90_ _ six-lobed nozzle is evident for all conditions. Further 5 10 15 Number of lobes reduction with more number of lobes appears marginal Figure 5. Overall sound pressure level corresponding to or questionable. the data of Figs. 2 and 3, shown as a function of Thrust and mass flow rate data for the four nozzles number of lobes. (a) OASPL, (b) A-weighted OASPL, are shown in Figs. 6 and 7, respectively, as a function of (c) A-weighted OASPL after scaling by afactor of 20. jet Mach number. The solid lines in these figures repre- sent ideal values (assuming a top-hat exit velocity profile Thrust coefficient, calculated from the data of with zero boundary layer thickness). Data for the circular Figs. 6 and 7, are shown in Fig. 8. It is essentially unity, and 6-lobed cases are hardly distinguishable from the (within measurement uncertainty), for the circular noz- ideal curves. However, there is noticeable thrust loss and zle. It is clearly but only slightly lower for the 6-1obed flow blockage for the 10- and 14-lobed nozzles. case. At Mj = 0.94, about 7 dBA noise reduction 4 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 5O J 1 ......_) ...... Circular / - _71-..,6_L-oob,e_de_ /__,_. 100 ___--_....43.....O...-_()_-..___ 40 - _ 14-Lobed _..// t3 _,...A _.A_.A..,&. A l#" 30 _/"._' _.._.@._ 80 20 _'_ ......_) ...... Circular -- [] 6q.obed 60 ---_,- - 10-Lobed -- _ 14 Lobed -- Ideal ' i t J I i I i i ] 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 M, M Figure 6. Thrust versus Mj for indica{ed nozztes. Figure & Thrust coefScJent versus M_for indicated nozzles. 120 peak shifts upstream with more number of lobes. There / occurs a second peak in the range 8<_/D<I0. The sec- ....(._....... Circular -a _obeU ./_" ond peak for any of the lobed cases is found to be of much smaller amplitude compared to the peak for the ---_---14-Lol:_d _' circular case. The lower turbulence, in the 'noise- 90 -- I_eal Z.' producing region', is commensurate with the lower far- J field noise for the lobed cases (Figs. 2-5). Detailed flow field measurement at Mj = 0.94 was attempted using the PIV technique. A Thermo-systems _ ._ Inc. (TSI) instrument package was used for lhc meas- urement. The flow in the plenum chamber was seeded with olive oil based fog particles. Mean and rms veloc- ity fields were measured based on averages over 56 frames. An algorithm following Rcf. 17 was adopted in the data reduction. However, due to drifts in seeding, laser system and alignment of optics good data repeat- fli" _ , _ I L _ J I _ , ability could not be ensured. The results, considered -0 0.5 1 1.5 a_ qualitative, for only the circular and the 14-lobed noz- zles are shown in Figs. 10 and 11. Figure 7. Mass flow rate versus Mj for indicated nozzles. The mean velocity fields for the two nozzles are compared in Fig. 10 while the turbulence intensity fields (Fig. 5(b); 0 = 25° case) has been achieved while Cj are compared in Fig. 1I. The turbulence results confirm dropped to 0.982. (For conslant thrust the correspond- the occurrence of a high-intensity region close to the ing reduction is about 5 dBA.) With increasing number nozzle, observed earlier with the hot-wire data of lobes C/becomes significantly lower than unity. (Fig. 9(b)). The flow fields in Figs. 10 and 11 extend up Centerline variations of 'mean velocity' and 'turbu- to about x/D = 4.5. Thus, the second high intensity lence intensity' are shown in Figs. 9(a) and (b), for region of Fig. 9(b) is not captured. It should be apparent Mi = 0.94. As stated in §2, the hot-wire data are ap- thai the second peak, occurring on the jet axis, takes proximations of mass flux (pu) rather than velocity (u). place following the merger of thc outer shear layers. A faster decay of thc mean value is observed for the The occurrence of the first peak close to the nozzle is lobed nozzles, indicating a faster jet spreading. Corre- somewhat intriguing and this is further explored with sponding turbulence data (Fig. 9(b)) show that a peak hot-wire anemometry. occurs close to the nozzle, and that the location of this 5 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 12 (a) (I15 0.55 0.95 ..... _) ..... Circular _Q -- [3-- 6-Lobed -- -_- -•10-Lobed _. ---_.---. 14-Lobed 0 0.8 ,ff-o. 0.4 _ ,_ ,I,= , I 1,, ,I .... 0o 5 10 15 20 25 x/D 0.15 (b) --.._, ...... Circular O [3 6-Lobed c; __ - _--10.Lo_ --._--.. 14-Lobed 0,1 Figure 10. Mean velocity field on major-axis plane (DPIV i e. data): (a) circular, (b) 14-lobed nozzles; M_= 0.94. & v 050 100 150 200 0.05 01 5 10 15 2O 25 x/D Figure 9. Hot-wire results for centcrline profiles at Mj = 0.94; (a) mean, (b) turbulence intensity. (a) Since the hot-wire technique is inherently difficult and subject to question in compressible flows, the measurements are repeated at a low jet Mach number (0.3). Corresponding centerline variations of U and u' are shown in Fig. 12, in a similar manner as in Fig. 9. The trends appear essentially the same as seen in Fig. 9. This result encouraged further exploration at the lower Math number with the expectation that the overall flow fields are also similar at the two Math numbers. As stated in §2, detailed surveys could be carried out at the (b', lower Mj with confidence and relative case. An exami- nation of the entire flow field was deemed important Figure 11. Turbulence intensity field on major-axis plane since centerline data for the asymmetric cases cannot corresponding to the casesof Fig. I0. fully represent the jet evolution. 6 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics First, surveys were conducted on a quadrant of the (a) cross-section for only the 14-lobed nozzle. The surveys, ..0.-.'.-'Circular involving as much as 36x20 grid points, were done at -- [_ 6-Lobed several x-stations. Mean velocity and turbulence inten- sity distributions are shown side-by-side, for several 0 ------_/-'-+--1.gl-OL-Loobbeedd x/D, in Fig. 13. The 'cellular structure' in both U and 0.E u', due to the lobes, can be seen in the upstream re- gions. It becomes clear that the high turbulence intensity close to the nozzle occurs due to the shear layers shed o from the lobes. The turbulence then decays--similarly as in the flow behind a turbulence-generating grid. 0.4 Meanwhile, the turbulence is high in the outer shear layer that separates the jet from the ambient fluid. It is apparent that the second peak in the u'-profile for the lobed cases (Fig. 12) takes place following the merger of the outer shear layers. , , , I I , , I , _ * i, + , I i i f , If one assumes that the first peak occurs upon the 5 10 15 20 25 x/D merger of the shear layers shed from an individual lobe, it follows that the distance of the location of the first peak scales on the width of the lobes. Thus, the first peak should occur closer to the nozzle with smaller 0.15 lobes. This is indeed the case in both Figs. 9 and 12. (b) ....O..'-"cir_ra_ With reference to data of table I, the first peak is found -- [3- . 6-Lobed to occur in the x/a range of 4to 6. Q0 0 0. --_- - lO-Loix_l A complete description of the flow fields would re- .7 -.. - _- 14-Lobed quire detailed data as in Fig. 13 over the entire cross- section at many x-stations. Carrying this out for all four 0.1 - _ i 'o nozzles was deemed formidable. Thus, in an attempt to compare and quantify the flow field evolution, only =- ' s _r "_'--"o. / radial profiles were acquired at several x-stations cover- ing the developing regions of the jets. The 10-lobed "_ 'h _' '_ nozzle was excluded from this set of measurements, and o.o5__, o data for the circular, 6- and 14-lobed cases were deemed sufficient. For the lobed cases, lwo profiles were obtained--one on the major axis and the other on the minor axis. 0_ 0 5 10 15 20 25 x/D Figure 12. Cenlerline profiles at Mr= 0.30; (a) mean velocity, (b)turbulence intensily. 7 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics U/U u'lU 0.96 0 0,12i £3 £3 -0.2 -0.2 0.02 0.01 -0.4 -0.2 0 -0.4 -0.2 0 ose 0 0,1i2 E3 -0.2 J 0.02 0.0t x/D = 0.5 x/D = 0.5 -0.4 -0.2 0 -0,4 -0.2 0 0 090 0.12 !i q -02 j £-03.2 001 0.01 -0.4 -0.2 -0.4 -0.2 0.12 i D -0,2 0,01 x/D = 1.0 -0.6 -0.4 z/D -02 0 -06 -0.4 z/D -02 0 Figure 13. Cross-sectional distributions of mean velocity (left column) and turbulence intensity (right column) for the 14-lobed nozzle atindicated x/D locations; M_= 0.30 (hot-wire data). 8 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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