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NEW YORK THE HOSPITAL MEDICAL CENTER CORNELL W Chairmen's Report Dean's and President's Report. 1 i Discoveries in Dermatology Breakthroughs in Biochemistry L$k<mrship Report A Renaissance in Radiology Science Roundup CONTENTS Education Major Modernization Capital Campaign.. The New York Hospital Care Network. Breakthrotfffr^l Media Highlights Biochemistry 1995 Year in Review Development Report Facts and Financials 1 Statistical Summary Financial Summary Campaign Governance The New York Hospital Professional Staff Cornell University Medical College and Graduate School of Medical Sciences Faculty Cover: At New York-Cornell, Dr. H. Dirk Sostman, chairman OF RADIOLOGY, is planningthe mostadvanced magnetic reso- nance IMAGINGTECHNOLOGYAVAILABLE IN THEWORLD. BUTATTHIS Donors MOMENT HEAND MRI TECHNOLOGIST KlM lAROCCI ARE MORECON- CERNEDWITH REASSURING THREE-YEAR-OLDGREGORY BEDNARSH, AVETERAN OFTHREE MRI EXAMS. Making a Gift I York-Cornell's leadership New position in the health-care industry continued in 1995 with several creative and ambitious strategies designed to ensure a thriving future for the Medical Center There are many people responsible for this anticipated growth and security. Among them are New York Hospital's president, Dr. David B. Skinner, whose industry acumen and foresight led to CHAIRMEN'S REPORT Sanford l. Weilland John F. McGillicuddy his selection as a 1995 Crain's New million toward its $600-million goal. York Business "All-Star", Dr. Robert New York Hospital and The NYH Care Michels, dean of Cornell University Network cultivated several new rela- lii his tenure as Medical College, who spearheaded a tionships, including an innovative new direction for the Medical College; alliance with the University of Med- dean. Dr. Robert and Frank H.T. Rhodes, who provided icine and Dentistry of New lersey. Michels has en- exceptional support to the medical Louis R. Gary joined the NYH campus during his recently concluded board of governors; Roger Weiss and sured the contin- 18-year tenure as president of Cornell Dr. Carl F. Nathan were elected CUMC University. He will continue to share overseers. NYH Governor John Merow ued excellence his expertise with us as a new member took over as chairman of the Network, of the CUMC board of overseers. and Margaret Osmer-McQuade We are pleased that Hunter R. assumed leadership of the Medical him well as he Rawlings III, former president of the Center Advisory Board. University of Iowa, was selected to These individuals represent a pursues new — succeed Mr. Rhodes at the helm of host of people our board members, endeavors. Cornell. A superb leader, Mr. Rawlings physicians, managers, employees, vol- — is well versed in the changing environ- unteers, and donors who take ideas ment of academic medicine. of excellence and make them reality. NYH Governor David H. Koch and 2 CUMC Overseer Hamish Maxwell assumed leadership for the New |ohn F. McGillicuddy Sanford I. Weill Chairman Chairman Horizons for Medicine capital campaign, BoardofGovernors Board ofOverseers The Society ofthe Cornell University which by year's end had realized $389 New York Hospital Medical College 2 are immensely proud of We New York-Cornell's accom- — plishments during 1995 a year in which budget goals were met, important affiliations were solidified, and mod- ernization programs surged forward These accomplishments help to ensure our ability to provide the best possible care to patients, pursue DEAN'S AND PRESIDENT'S REPORT Dr. Robert Michelsand Dr. David B. Skinner groundbreaking research, and prepare for marketing managed-care products new physicians and scientists to carry for Network members, was pleased to on our work in the years ahead. announce an agreement with New York Our new initiatives As the health-care industry swiftly Life/Sanus of Greater New York to pro- moves from a fee-for-service model vide Medicare and Medicaid products, and seasoned to one that is managed-care-driven, and with Empire Blue Cross on their accomplishments both the Hospital and the Medical Prestige product for Merrill Lynch College are compelled to pursue To maintain quality care while were made possi- strategies unlike any ever undertaken bringing costs under control through before. These include the ongoing more efficient clinical and business ble by an extraor- development of The NYH Care practices, the Hospital launched an — dinary group of Network which now serves one out institution-wide reengineering pro- — of eight New Yorkers as a provider cess in which every employee and board members, of choice for high-quality, competi- department will participate. Of partic- staff, and friends. tively priced managed-care services. ular interest is the restructuring of The Network, the only corporately clinical care by disease groups rather linked health-care system in the city, than by traditional departments. recently welcomed University Group The Medical College is enjoying Medical Associates of Brooklyn as its a position of strength thanks to a bal- first physician professional corpora- anced budget in 1995, endowments at tion member, and Preferred Health an all-time high, and a firm commit- Network, a four-hospital network ment to a strategy for achieving its based in Brooklyn and Queens. NYH academic mission In response to Health Plan, Inc., which is responsible continued on page 4 3 REPORT managed care, CUMC has formed a search in September 1995 and becomes new physicians organization to CUMC's acting dean in July 1996. continued explore exciting, new concepts in CUMC's research environment, organizational structure and income which continues to attract strong na- distribution. tional support, is a tremendous re- There were 106 medical students source for Cornell's Graduate School taking the Oath of Hippocrates at the of Medical Sciences. The Graduate Medical College's 1995 commencement School welcomed 37 new Ph.D. stu- ceremonies; 101 new medical students dents to the medical campus in 1995. entered CUMC's Class of 1999 Begin- With a flourishing health-care ning this year, these students will network firmly established, a cost- benefit from a major change in the conscious adaptation plan well under curriculum and a new academic envi- way, the opening of new college facili- ronment made possible by the open- ties within reach, and the opening of ing of the loan and Sanford I. Weill the new Hospital just one year away, Education Center. New York-Cornell is well positioned Once again, U S News & World to move into the 21st century. Report ranked CUMC in the top 10 of the country's research-oriented medical schools. Maintaining excellence is the Robert Michels, M.D. David B. Skinner, M.D. TheStephen and President and CEO goal of Dr. Carl F. Nathan, who was SuzanneWeiss Dean The NewYork Hospital Cornell University named senior associate dean for re- Medical College Milestones When most people think of dermatology, what gen- for Medicine erally comes to mind are moles, acne, or unsightly Triumphs wrinkles. While they are for legitimate concerns, these usually Treatment minor blemishes eclipse how impor- tant changes in the skin can be in providing clues to the diagnosis of serious illness throughout the body. DISCOVERIES Dermatology resident Doris |. Day IN Observes Dr. Richard D. Granstein as HE EXAMINESA PATIENT. DERMATOLOGY olet radiation inhibits immune func- tion within the skin locally, and, at "Instead of thinking of the skin very high doses, can inhibit the im- as something you can't see through, mune system systemically. "We think think of it as a window into the body," that this is important in the develop- "Disease is often says Dr. Richard D. Granstein, newly ment of skin cancer. For instance, appointed chairman of the department humans whose immune systems are the result of of dermatology at Cornell University suppressed because of medical treat- environmental Medical College and dermatologist- ment, such as organ transplantation, - in-chief at The New York Hospital. are at tremendously greater risk of forces diet, A noted researcher and former developing skin cancer. This is the most climate, and Harvard faculty member, Dr. Granstein direct evidence that skin cancers, in is intrigued with the biology of the some sense, are under immunologic occupation,.." skin and its implications systemically. control in people. The mechanisms - He envisions the department as a by which this occurs are a subject Hippocrates center of excellence in dermatologic ofgreat interest and investigation." care and scientific inquiry, drawing on Dr Granstein will also be putting — his own expertise in immunoderma- his stamp on the teaching program — tology how the skin and the immune broadening it for both residents and system interact, and photoimmuno- medical students "It is estimated — logy the effects of ultraviolet radia- that 5 to 20 percent of encounters 1 tion and light on immune function. between patients and general physi- "Many disorders occur, in part, be- cians involve some disorder of the cause of exposure to light which alters skin," says Dr. Granstein "] want the immune status," says Dr. Granstein medical students to become aware He and his colleagues at other labora- of how important dermatology is to tories have demonstrated that ultravi- general medical practice." 5 I Milestones like a game of Pac Man. a It'gsreen fluorescent creature dart- for Medicine ing back and forth on the screen devouring anything in its path. Triumphs But instead of taking place in a for video arcade, this competition is oc- Treatment curring on a slide under the watchful eye of structural biologist Dr. Frederick R. Maxfield, the new chairman of the department of biochemistry at mis Dr. Frederick R. Maxfieldwith colleague no Dr. Suresh S. Tate. B R E A K T \ ii i system disorders. "By viewing images OCHEMISTRY B of living cells performing their func- tions, we can look at the way cancer Cornell University Medical College cells crawl out of the tumor site to He's viewing the movement of other areas ofthe body, or the way cells, and he's using cholesterol is delivered to "...full discovery extremely sophisticat- cells, or the interac- ed digital imaging tech- tions of certain types will be made nology to analyze of brain cells with if (he inquirer the action. plaque that forms In particular, Dr. Maxfield in Alzheimer's," be competenl. is looking at the response of K~(yy says Dr. Maxfield. white blood cells to bacterial This is enormously power- and conduct his infections, to learn how they reach ful for not only understanding researches with infections. "Every kind of cell has to these diseases, but for designing 'crawl' to get where it's going, but drugs that can treat them." knowledge of you'd rather that some cells New laboratories forthe depart- didn't crawl," says Dr. Maxfield. ment will make collaborations possible the discoveries As a structural biologist, between experts in the biology or the already made..." Dr Maxfield is interested in visualiz- pathology of the disease and those - ing the full architecture of cells and whose technological talents speak to 430 B.C. — molecules the building blocks of the molecular and atomic levels. our bodies. Recently developed tech- "There are now techniques that let nology offering three-dimensional us look at the structures of DNA and views is making his job easier and proteins, which carry out all the bio- very exciting, promising to further the chemical functions," says Dr Maxfield. understanding of diseases such as "This will help researchers in all cancer, heart disease, and immune departments to be more productive." Lights, camera, action...an inverted fluorescencevideo microscope enables Dr. Frederick R. Maxfieldtoobserve cells in action. By using fluorescent dyesandshining certain kinds of—lighton the cellswhiletheyare alive, you are ableto seethe processesthat makethemtick both in goodwaysand bad. : Milestones is believing .and Seeing thanks to three-dimensional for Medicine images made possible by developments in magnetic Triumphs resonance imaging (MRI) over for the past decade, radiologists and Treatment physicians have access to diagnostic details that are revolutionizing medi- cine The recent introduction of inter- ventional MR! is now moving this Technologist Kim Iarocci and Dr. H. Dirk RENAISSANCE IN Sostman spendsometimewith young A patientGregory Bednarsh. RADIOLOGY functional MRI may be headed A high- field-strength MRI to be acquired by technology from the diagnostic arena New York-Cornell detects changes in to the treatment domain. And func- areas ofthe brain that relate to mental tional MRI is moving beyond activities, enabling a should anatomy to the realm of better understanding brain function. ofthe brain's be studied by "The inter- organization meticulous ventional MRI and function. makes possible "We've observation and new, minimally known for a invasive surgical number ofyears eases should be treatments," says that the brain carefully recorded Dr. H Dirk Sostman is regionally spe- who became chair- cialized," says and studied man of New York-Cornell's depart- Dr. Sostman. "What we have come to ment of radiology in 1995. "Up to now appreciate more and more is that mul- to establish one of the problems with minimally tiple regions of the brain are richly a prognosis..." invasive techniques has been limited interconnected can take an image of I - visualization. The interventional MRI me tapping my finger on the table or Hippocrates combines through-the-scope viewing, another image of me doing a complex as in endoscopy, with three-dimen- motion that imitates playing the piano sional imaging so procedures can be and different parts of the brain will done much more precisely." light up. If you want to isolate particu- Can MRI also tell what you are lar brain functions, imaging is really thinking? Not yet, but that is where the ideal approach " 8

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