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New species of Sigmella Hebard (Blattaria: Blattellidae, Blattellinae) PDF

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Preview New species of Sigmella Hebard (Blattaria: Blattellidae, Blattellinae)

. Louis M. ROTH MuseumofComparativeZoology, HarvardUniversity, Cambridge,MA NEW SPECIES OF SIGMELLA HEBARD (BLATTARIA: BLATTELLIDAE, BLATTELLINAE) Roth, L.M. 1996. New species ofSigmella Hebard (Blattaria: Blattellidae, Blattellinae). - Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 139: 201-213, figs. 1-43. (issn 0040-7496]. Published 18 December 1996. Seven newspecies ofthecockroach genus SigmellaHebardaredescribed; sixare from Sabah and one is from Kalimantan. A key is given to distinguish males ofthe eightspecies known fromBorneo. Dr. L.M. Roth,81 BrushHillRoad,P.O. Box540,Sherborn,MA01770,U.S.A. Keywords.-Sigmella,cockroaches,Blattellidae,newspecies,taxonomy,Borneo. Fiveoftheseven newspecies onwhichthispaper pinnedspecimenandslideshavetobepreparedtore- is based were sent to me by Dr. J. van To! ofthe vealthem). Genital hookontheleftside (fig. 5). National Museum of Natural History (formerly Remarks. - The genus Sigmella is very close to RijksmuseumvanNatuurlijkeHistorie), Leiden,The Scalida Hebard, and the two have been considered Netherlands, (rmnh). Oneor two others came from synonyms (Bruijning 1948: 67, Princis 1969: 800). Dr. RoyDanielssonoftheZoologicalInstitut, Lund, However, I (Roth 1991: 1) have treated them as dis- Sweden (zils), andMr.Willem Hogenes, Zoological tinct taxa. There are 17 known species of Sigmella MuseumAmsterdam (zman). A few specimens have arrangedintwospeciesgroups.Thesevennewspecies been retained in the Museum of Comparative described below belong in the adversa group (Roth Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 1991:7). U.S.A. (mczc). KeytomalesofSigmellaspeciesfromBorneo Systematic part Roth (1991: 7) presentedakeyto 13knownmales of Sigmella from Burma, China, Java, Kalimantan, SigmellaHebard Philippines,Sumatra,andTaiwan.Thefollowingisa keytotheknownspeciesfromBorneo(Ihaveinclud- SigmellaHebzrd, 1940:236;Roth, 1991: 1 (revision). ed Sigmellacharon(Hanitsch) from Pajau River, East Borneo,although itisnotdiscussedin thispaper.) Diagnosis (Borneo species). -Tegmina and wings fully developed, the former with longitudinal dis- 1 Firstandseventhabdominaltergaspecialized . 2 coidal sectors. Hind wing with narrow costal field, - Onlythefirstabdominal tergumspecialized ... 3 costal veins usuallysimple, radialvein simple, media 2. Pronotaidiskyellowish,withaU-shaped,reddish andcubitusveinsstronglycurved(oftenreferredtoas brown macula, lateral and anterior borders sigmoid shaped), the latter with two or three com- opaque yellowish (fig. 33). Subgenital plate and pleteandonetothree(rarelynone,fig.7) incomplete stylesasinfigs. 37, 38 balikpapanensis branches, apical triangle small (figs. 3, 12, 19, 28). - Pronotum light reddishbrown, lateralareaslight Front femur Type B3, with three to five large proxi- yellowish (fig. 20). Subgenitalplateasinfigs. 22, mal spines; pulvilli on four proximal tarsomeres, 23. Stylesslender, therightonelonger(fig. 22) . tarsalclawssymmetrical,simple. Male: Firstabdomi- sipitanga naltergumalwaysspecialized;seventhsegmentrarely 3. Hind margin of supraanal plate with a pair of specialized. Supraanal plate symmetrical, intercercal smalllobes (fig. 8). Pronotumdarkbrownwitha processes absent, right and left paraprocts dissimilar pairofhyalineareasontheposteriorhalf(fig. 10) (fig. 4). Subgenitalplateasymmetrical, with apairof kinasaba styles; avariablydeveloped process arises on thedor- - Hind margin ofsupraanal plate and pronotum salsurfaceoftheplate,usuallyassociatedwiththeleft notasabove 4 style (fig. 5; the process often is not visible in the 4. Hindmarginofsupraanalplatewithapairof ... 201 TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume139,1996 mm 1 Figs. 1-6. Sigmelkachterbergtsp. n.,malesfromSabah: 1,2,holotype,headandpronotum;3-6,paratypes:3,hindwing;4, supraanalplateandparaprocts(ventral);5,subgenitalplateandgenitalia(dorsal);6,tipofhindmarginofthesubgenitalplate showingthestylesandprocessnearthebaseoftheleftstyle (ventral).Abbreviations: a,supraanalplate; b, leftparaproct;c, rightparaproct;d,subgenitalplate;e,leftphallomere(hook);f,medianphallomere;g,rightphallomere;h,processatbaseof leftstyle; i,rightstyle. 202 Roth:NewspeciesofSigmella widelyseparatedpapillae, each capped byasmall complete and two incomplete branches, apical trian- spine (figs. 13, 17) hiiismanae glesmall (fig. 3). FrontfemurTypeB,withfourlarge - Hind marginofsupraanalplatenotasabove ... 5 proximal spines; pulvilli on fourproximal tarsomeres 5. Styles elongated and contiguous (figs. 41,43). ofalllegs, tarsalclawssymmetrical,simple,aroliapre- Supraanal plate hindmargin undulate, ventrally sent. First abdominal tergum specializedwith a deep incrassate on each side ol the midline, the thick- median depression. Seventh abdominal tergum ap- enedareassetose (fig. 42) mendolonga parently unspecialized. Supraanal plate symmetrical, - Stylesmorewidelyseparated. Supraanalplatenot withsidesofhindmarginoblique, narrowlyandshal- asabove 6 lowly concave apically, corners rounded; paraprocts 6. Right style huge, much larger than left one (fig. stronglyasymmetrical, theleftonewithasinglelarge 26); the process at base of left style greatly re- process thatterminateswithaspine (theremaybean duced (fig. 29) barrafordae additional smaller, preapical spine), the right one - Stylesandprocessatbaseofleftstylenotasabove with three curved processes (one has a terminal 7 spine), thesearisingfrom aplatewhoseinnermargin 7. Supraanal plate with sides of hind margin is spined; between the cerei, arising from the ventral oblique, the narrow apex weakly indented (fig. surfaceoftheplate,areoneortwosmallspinesbelow 4). Median genital phallomere not forkedapical- each ofthe paraprocts (when viewed ventrally) (fig. ly (fig. 5). Pronotumwith adarkU-shaped mac- 4). Subgenital platewith a pairofstout setose styles, ula (fig. 2) achterberg! therightonelonger;arisingwellwithinthemarginof - Supraanalplateconvexlyrounded,apexrounded, the plate near the base of the left style is a large entire. Median genital phallomere apicallybifiar- process about the length of the left: style, its distal cate. Pronotum reddish brown, posterior region marginborderedwithsetae(figs. 5,6).Genitaliaasin blackish (figs. 9B, E, F, inRoth 1991) .... charon fig. 5: hookon the leftsidewithapreapical incision; median phallomere aslender rod, its acuteapexwith oneortwoslendersetae;rightphallomereagreatlyre- Sigmellaachterbergtsp. n. duced cleft, and in addition on the right side is ase- tosestructure. (figs. 1-6) Female: Supraanal plate trigonal, apex rounded. Type specimens. - Holotype, ô, E. Sabah, Lahad Front femur Type B3 with three large proximal Datu, 60 km W. of: Danum Valley Field Centre, at spines. Cubitus vein ofhind wingwith two or three junction Sg Segama and Sg Palum Tambun, 4.58N complete and two incomplete branches, apical trian- 117.48E, 150 m, at light, 18.30-21.00 h., Palum gle practically absent. Subgenital plate hind margin, Tambun, edgeofuntouchedevergreen lowl. rainfor- notcrimped. est, 17, 18. iii.1987,vanTol&Huisman;inrmnh.- Colour. - Head yellowish, without distinct mark- Pararypes: Sabah. rmnh: samedataas holotype, 1S, ings, labrum brown (fig. 1); maxillary palpomeres Malaysia-SE. Sabah, nr. Danum Valley Field C, c. four and five light brown, segments two and three 150 m: Mai. trap 6, \6 (terminalia slide 160), 15- paler. Pronotal disk yellowish, laterally margined 19.iii.1987, C. V. Achterberg; same locality as previ- withareddishbrownu-shapedband,posteriorlyhya- ousspecimens,WO. Mai. trap 5, 2S, 1 5 (abdomen linebutthebandappearsdarkerbecausetheunderly- missing), 19.ÌV.-5.V.1987,2(5^ (1 withterminaliaslide ingdark bases ofthe tegmina arevisible through the 161), 20.vi-12.vii.l987, IS, 26.v.-20.vi.l987, \6 cleararea(fig. 2).Tegminadarkbrown, anteriorbor- (terminalia slide 178), 26.x.-22.xi.l987, Mai. trap derpale,acontinuationofthepalelateralzoneofthe 11, 1$, 20-26.iii.1987, Achterberg & D. Kennedy. pronotum. Hindwinginfuscated (fig. 3).Abdominal Fourspecimens retainedin themczc. terga dark brown, lateral borders lighter. Abdominal sterna tan. Cerci brown on both surfaces. Legs uni- Description. - Male: Head exposed, sometimes formlypale. onlyslightlybeyondmarginofpronotum,interocular Measurements (mm) (9 in parentheses). Length, spaceaboutthesameasdistancebetweenocellarspots 9.0-12.0 (9.5); 2.6-2.8 X 3.2-3.7 (2.7-2.8 X 3.4- and antennal sockets (fig. 1). Pronotum suboval, 3.6);tegmenlength, 10.5-11.5 (10.4-10.6);interocu- widestbehindthemiddle(fig.2).Tegminaandwings larspace, 0.6-0.7 (0.8). fully developed extending beyond end ofabdomen, Etymology.-Thespeciesisnamedafi:erthecollec- the formerwith sirnple radial vein, and longitudinal torofmostofthespecimens. Dr. C.vanAchterberg, discoidal sectors. Hind wing with proximal costal hymenopteristin theLeiden Museum. veins thickened (not clubbed), radial vein weakly curved,simple,mediaandcubitusveinsdistinctlysig- moid, theformersimple, thelatterwithtwo orthree 203 TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume 139,1996 mm 0.5 mm 1 mm 1 Figs. 7-11. Sigmellakinasabasp. n., maleholotype: 7, hindwing; 8, supraanalplateandparaprocts (ventral); 9, head; 10, pronotum; 11,subgenitalplateandgenitalia(dorsal). Sigmellakinasabasp. n. strongly deflexed (fig. 10). Tegmina and wings ex- (figs. 7-11) tending well beyond end of abdomen, the former with longitudinal discoidal sectors. Hind wing with Type specimens. - Holotype, S, N. Sabah, proximal costal veins thickened, radial vein simple, Kinabalu Park H. Q., c. 1600 m, Mai. trap 1, 8- mediaand cubitusveins sigmoid, the formersimple, ll.iii.l987, C. V. Achterberg; in rmnh: Paratype: the latter with three complete and no incomplete Sabah. rmnh: same locality, date, and collector as branches, apical triangle small (fig. 7). Front femur hoiotype, 1675 m, Mai. trap 3, \â (terminalia slide Type Bj with five large proximal spines, pulvilli on 179). fourproximal tarsomeres ofall legs, tarsal clawssim- ple, symmetrical, arolia small. First abdominal ter- Description. -Male: Headslightlyexposed, inter- gum specialized with numerous long setae on each ocularspacegreaterthanthedistancebetweenanten- sideofafossa. Seventhabdominal tergum unspecial- na! sockets; eyes reach slightly below the level ofan- ized.Supraanalplatetransverse,practicallysymmetri- tennal sockets (fig. 9). Pronotum subparabolic, sides cal,hindmarginwithapairofdeflexed,setose,medi- 204 Roth: NewspeciesofSigmella allobes;paraproctsdissimilar,theleftonesimplerthe FrontfemurTypeBjwithfivestoutproximalspines; right one with three processes two ofwhich are api- pulvilli on fourproximal tarsomeres ofall legs, tarsal cally acute (one terminates with a spine), and the claws simple, symmetrical, arolia small. Abdominal third, apically blunt (fig. 8). Subgenital plate with a tergaonetoeight,hairy. Firstabdominaltergumwith pair of large, cylindrical, apically rounded setose an arch in a medial hairless palezone, and anteriorly styles, the right oneslightlylonger, theleftstylewith on each side ofthis region is a dense group ofsetae. a process, similar in length, originating near its base Seventh abdominal tergum unspecialized. Supraanal (fig. 11). Genitaliaasinfig. 11: hookon theleftside, platewithadistincttransversegrooveacrossthemid- withapreapicalincision; medianphallomereasimple dle, sides ofthe hind margin rounded, leading into rod with two spines at the apex; right phallomere a thedistalmargindelineatedateachcornerbyasmall, greatly reduced cleft, and with a couple of setose spinecappedpapilla(figs. 13, 17); paraproctsstrong- membranes. ly dissimilar, the left onewith alarge, stout, straight Female: Unknown. spinelikeprocessthatliesdorsad(notshownintheil- Colour. - Head with occiput and face reddish lustration but is indicated by a dark sclerotized brown, cheeks, clypeus, and mandibles yellowish, blotch); the right paraproct with four processes, of labrum darker (fig. 9). Pronotum dark brown with a whichtwoarelarge,curved,andterminateinaspine, pair of hyaline spots on the posterior half through the third one is much shorter, straight, also with a which the pale underlying tissue is visible, the dark spine at the tip, and the apically rounded tip ofthe zone is surrounded by yellowish (fig. 10). Tegmina fourth lies under the left paraproct (fig. 17). hyaline reddish brown with a narrowpale line along Subgenitalplateasymmetricalwithmostofthestylar the anterior margin (a continuation of the lateral region located to the leftofcenter; styles asymmetri- colour of the pronotum). Abdominal terga dark cal, cylindrical, densely setose, the right one much brown, thedepressedglandularzoneon thefirstseg- larger; a broad, apically rounded structure originates ment,whitish.Abdominalsternaand legspale, with- nearthebaseoftheleftstyle (fig. 16). Genitaliaas in outmarkings.Cercipaledorsally,slightlydarkerven- fig. 16:hookontheleftsidewithapreapicalincision, trally. Legs pale. apex ofthe rodlike median phallomere with a spine; Measurements (mm). Length, 9.3-10.0; pronotum right phallomere consisting of a small cleft sclerite length X width, 2.4-2.6 x 3.1; tegmen length, 10.9- thatisnarrowlyattachedtoan unevenplate, thissep- 11.1; interocularspace, 0.8-0.9. aratedfromafewsmallscleritesunderwhich (viewed Etymology. -The specific name is a combination ventrally) isasmallgroupofsetae. ofKinabaluandSabah. Colour. - Head in part hyaline, yellowish, labrum Remarks. - The bilobed hind margin of the light brown (fig. 14); maxillarypalpomeres four and supraanal plate ofmale S. kinasaba is distinctive. Its five, lightbrown, the thirdsegmentlighter. Pronotal styles and process near the base ofthe left style are disk yellowish, with a pair ofreddish brown lateral similarto thoseofS. achterbergi. bands, the hind border hyaline but darker than the lateralbandsbecausetheunderlyingdarkbasesofthe Sigmellahuismanaesp. n. tegmina are visible (fig. 15). Tegmina light brown, hyaline, humeralveinyellowish. Hindwinginfuscat- (figs. 12-17) ed. Abdominal terga brown, supraanal plate and lat- Type specimens. - Holotype, 6 (terminalia slide eral parts ofsegment nine yellow, the median trans- 180), N. Borneo, Sabah, 24 km on rd. Keningau- versegrooveontheformer,dark(fig. 13).Abdominal Kimanis (N. side), 116.03E 5.27N, 1350 m, a.l., sterna yellowish, without markings. Cerci brownish 19.xi.1987, J. Huisman & R. de Jong; in rmnh. - onbothsurfaces. Legspale. Paratypes: Sabah. rmnh: samedataasholotype, 29. Female: Front femur Type B, with four or five heavy proximal spines. Cubitus vein of hind wing Description. -Male: Interocularspacethesameas with three complete and two incomplete branches distance between ocellar spots and antennal sockets (fig. 12). Supraanal plate shallowly trigonal, brown (fig. 14). Pronotum subelliptical, widest behind the with a pale anteromedial zone, or mostlypalewith a middle (fig. 15). Tegmina and wings extendingwell narrow, dark, transversestripenearthehindmargin. beyond end ofabdomen, discoidal sectors offormer Measurements(mm) (9 inparentheses).-Length, longitudinal. Hindwingwithmostcostalveinsthick- 11.0 (9.1-11.'3);pronotumlengthXwidth, 2.6 X 3.6 ened, radial vein weakly curved, simple, media and (2.6 X 3.6);"tegmen length, 12 (10.3-11.7); interoc- cubitus veins sigmoid, former simple, the cubitus ularspace, 0.7 (0.8). with three complete and three small incomplete Etymology. - The species is named after Mrs. branches, apical triangle small (as in 9, fig. 12). JolandaHuismanwhospentmorethanayearcollect- inginSabah. 205 TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume 139,1996 mm 1 Figs. 12-17. Sigmellahuismanaesp. n.,fromKeningau-Kimanis, Sabah: 12, femaleparatype, hindwing; 13-17, maleholo- type: 13,supraanalplate(dorsal); 14,head; 15,pronotum; 16,subgenitalplateandgenitalia(dorsal); 17,supraanalplateand paraprocts(ventral). 206 Roth: NewspeciesofSigmella mm 1 Figs. 18-23. Sigmellasipitangasp. n., maleholotype: 18,head; 19, hindwing;20,pronotum; 21,supraanalplateandpara- procts(ventral);22,subgenitalplate(ventral);23,subgenitalplateandgenitalia(dorsal;chestylesariseontheventralsurface oftheplateandareshownbybrokenlines). Sigmellasipitangasp. n. (figs. 18-23) T1B/W4, 19, I4.iii.l989. Type specimens. - Holotype, S (terminalia slide Description. - Male: Head slightly exposed, inte- 435), Malaysia, Sabah, Sipitang, Mendolong, T5/R, rocularspaceabout thesameas thedistance between 3.V.1988, S. Adebratt; in ziLS. - Paratype. Sabah. antennal sockets (fig. 18); fifth maxillary palpal seg- ziLS: same locality and collector as holotype, ment distinctly swollen. Pronotum subparabolic, 207 TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume139,1996 0.5mm 0.5mm mm 1 Figs. 24-31. Sigmellabarrafordaesp. n., fromSabah: 24-29, males, 26, fromholotype, orhersfromparatype: 24, head; 25, pronotuin;26,subgenitaJplate(ventral);27,supraanalplateandparaprocts(ventral);28,hindwing;29,subgenitalplateand genitalia dorsal). 30-31, femaleparatypefromsamelocalityasholotype: 30, subgenitalandsupraanal plates (ventral); 31, subgenitalplate(lateral). 208 Roth: NewspeciesofSigmella hindmarginweaklyproduced (fig. 20).Tegminaand infuscated, costal vein area darker. Abdominal terga wings fully developed extending beyond the end of light brown, lateral edges yellowish. Abdominal ster- theabdomen, the formerwith longitudinal discoidal na and legs yellow. Cerci dorsally yellow, ventrally sectors. Hind wingwith narrow costal area, all veins darker. simple except for a branched preterminal one, radial Measurements(mm) (9 inparentheses).—Length, vein straight, simple, mediaand cubitusveinsdeeply 10.0 (11.0); pronotum length x width, 2.6 X 3.3 curved, the latter with three complete and one small (2.4 X 3.2); tegmen length, 10.9 (10.5); interocular incomplete branches, apical triangle small (fig. 19). width, 0.7 (0.7). FrontfemurType B,withfourlargeproximalspines; Remarks. - The male subgenital plate, styles, and pulvillionfourproximaltarsomeres,tarsalclawssym- genitalia ofsipitanga are similar to those ofSigmella metrical, simple, aroliawelldeveloped. Firstabdomi- emarginata (Bruijning) from Sumatra (see fig. IIG, nal tergumwithalarge, rectangular,glandanterome- in Roth, 1991), and suggest a close relationship be- dially. Seventh abdominal tergum medially with a tween these two species. However, the supraanal pair of distinct fossae separated by a longitudinal platesandparaproctsclearlydifferbetweenthesetwo ridge. Supraanal plate (segment ten) with a straight, transverse impression mediallynotextendingthefull widthofthesegment (segmentten appearsto betwo Sigmellabarrafordaesp. n. segments,buttergaseventoninearedistinct,andthe slide preparation shows that the groove does not di- (figs. 24-31) vide the supraanal plate into two segments); hind Type specimens. - Holotype, S, Malaysia, SE. margin convexlyrounded, entire; rightandleftpara- Sabah nr. Danum Valley Field C, WO, c. 150 m, proctsdissimilar (fig. 21). Subgenital plateasymmet- Mai. trap 11, 14-20.iii.1987, C. v. Achterberg; in rical, hind margin with left side excavated and bear- RMNH.-Paratypes: Sabah. rmnh: samedataasholo- ingafoot-shapedprocess,itstoedirectedtotheright; type, 1 9; S. Sabah, Beaufort, 105 km S. ofLong Pa apairofsmallstylesariseontheventralsurfaceonei- Siaarea, confluenceSgPaSia, Mega., 1210m, along ther side ofthe excavation, the right one longer and S. Mega.,4.26N 115.40E;atlight,undisturbedtrop- more slender (figs. 22, 23). Genitalia as in fig. 23: ical rainforest, \S (terminalia slide 181), 4.iv.l987, hookon theleftsidewith apreapical incision; medi- J.vanTol&J. Huisman;SW.Sabah,nr.LongPaSia an phallomere a slender, curved, apically acute rod; (East), c. 1000 m, Mai. trap 5, 1 9 (abdomen miss- right phallomere reduced to the cleft remnant ofa ing), 1-13.iv.1987, C.V. Achterberg. The following sclerite; a large group ofsetae is also present on the werecollectedbyC.v.Achterberg&D.Kennedy:SE. rightside. Sabah nr. Danum Valley Field C, c. 150 m, WO, Colour.-Headwithyellowishocciput,vertexand Mai. Trap 5, 19 (abdomen missing), 26.v.- face light reddish brown, the clypeus, labrum and 20.vi.1987; same locality data, 1 9 (abdomen miss- genaelighter (fig. 18); terminal segment ofmaxillary ing), 26.X.-22.XÌ.1987. Onespecimen retained in the palpi darker than segments three and four; first two Mczc. ZMAN: Sabah, DanumValley, Sungai Segama, segments ofthe antennaeyellowish, remainder dark. 70 km W. Lahad Datu, W. side suspension bridge, Pronotum opaque, light reddish brown, lateral areas 150 m, Sample Sab. 49, understory, secondary sliugbhcto,styaelllaorweiasyhel(lfoiwg.ish2.0)H.iTnedgwmiinngainrfeudsdciasthed,brcooswtna,l g30r.oxwit.h1/9c8a9n,oMp.yJ,. &rivJe.rPi.neDufrfaeilnsf.orest, at light, 1S, vein area darker. Abdominal terga a mixture oflight and dark brown areas, lateral margins pale; tergal Description. -Male: Headslightlyexposed; inter- gland on firstsegment, white; supraanal platewith a ocular space about the same as the distance between transverse dark line along the medial transverse ocellarspots (fig. 24). PronotumsubovaJ (when sides groove(similartothelineinhuismanae,fig. 13).Legs are not deflexed) (fig. 25). Tegmina and wings fully yellowish. Cerciyellowishdorsally, brownishventral- developed extending beyond end of abdomen, the ly- former with simple radial vein and longitudinal dis- Female: Cubitusvein ofhindwingwith two com- coidal sectors. Hind wing with unbranched costal pleteandthreesmall incompletebranches, apical tri- veins, most of them thickened, radial vein almost angle small. Front femur Type B,, with three large straight,simple,mediaandcubitusveinssigmoid,the proximal spines. Supraanal plate transverse, hind formersimple, the latterwith two complete and one margin convex, entire. Colour lighter than the male: ortwoincompletebranches,apicaltrianglesmall(fig. Headyellowish, unicolorous; maxillarypalpi and an- 28). Front femur Type B,, with four or five large tennaepale.Pronotumyellowishopaquewithashort, proximalspines; pulvilli on fourproximal tarsomeres transverse, dark line medially near the hind margin. ofalllegs, tarsalclawssymmetrical,simple,aroliawell Tegminabrownishyellow-hyaline. Hindwinglightly developed. Firstabdominaltergumspecialized,medi- 209 TijdschriftvoorEntomologie,volume139,1996 Figs. 32-38. Sigmellabalikpapanensiss'p. n.,maleholotype: 32,head; 33,pronotum; 34,hindwing;35,supraanalplateand paraprocts (ventral); 36, supraanalplate (dorsal); 37, subgenital plateandgenitalia (dorsal); 38, subgenital plateandstyles (ventral). 210

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