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New Reports of One Euteliid (Lepidoptera: Euteliidae) and Two Nolid (Lepidoptera: Nolidae) Moths from Korea PDF

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Preview New Reports of One Euteliid (Lepidoptera: Euteliidae) and Two Nolid (Lepidoptera: Nolidae) Moths from Korea

Anim. Syst. Evol. Divers. Vol. 34, No. 2: 96-100, April 2018 https://doi.org/10.5635/ASED.2018.34.2.003 Review article New Reports of One Euteliid (Lepidoptera: Euteliidae) and Two Nolid (Lepidoptera: Nolidae) Moths from Korea Sei-Woong Choi1,*, Sung-Soo Kim2 1Department of Environmental Education, Mokpo National University, Muan 58554, Korea 2Research Institute for East Asian Environment and Biology, Seoul 05236, Korea ABSTRACT One species of Euteliidae, Targalla delatrix (Guenée) and two species of Nolidae, Nola miyanoi Sasaki and Nola semiconfusa (Inoue) are reported for the first time in Korea. Targalla delatrix can be distinguished by the dark brownish forewings that show the transverse antemedial line, the costally rounded postmedial line and the bowl shaped marking on the costal part of subtermen and the dark brownish hindwings. Nola miyanoi can be distinguished by the whitish forewings that have the band-shaped central fascia with the blackish undulating antemedial line and the dark brownish undulating postmedial line and the whitish hindwings with a light blackish discal dot. Nola semiconfusa can be distinguished by the light grayish forewings that show deeply indented antemedial line, medially strongly projected and dentate postmedial line, a dark brownish subterminal line and a dark brownish termen, and the whitish hindwings with a light grayish discal dot. Adults and genitalia are illustrated and briefly described with their biological and distributional notes. Keywords: new record, Euteliidae, Nolidae, Lepidoptera, Korea INTRODUCTION subfamilies (Risobinae, Collomeninae, Eligminae, Nolinae, and Chloephorinae) are known in Korea (Kim et al., 2016). The family Euteliidae Grote, 1882 is a well-defined mono- Here, we report one euteliid and two nolid species recorded phyletic group diagnosed by the following synapomorphies: from Korea for the first time. reduced female frenulum, modified basiconic sensilla on the proboscis, a small oval plate in the ductus ejaculatorius, inner surfaces of papillae anales directed posteriorly and a count- MATERIALS AND METHODS er-tympanal hood with a unique double structure (Kitching, 1987; Zahiri et al., 2010). Seven species of Euteliidae have Moths were collected using a UV-light bucket trap (BioQuip, been recorded in Korea (Kim et al., 2016). USA) during night (7:30 PM-12:30 AM) or attracted to a The family Nolidae Bruand, 1846 is a monophyletic group UV-light and resting on a white screen hanging between supported by three synapomorphies: a ridged boat-shaped poles. All collected moths were preserved in a freezer and cocoon that bears a vertical exit slit at one end, an elongated the abdomen and genitalia were mounted for examination. forewing retinaculum into a bar-like or digitate condition and For genitalia slide preparation, the abdomen of each spec- the presence of a postpiracular counter-tympanal hood (Zahiri imen was boiled in 10% KOH for approximately 20 min. et al., 2013). Eight subfamilies of the Nolidae are recognized, Scales and tissues were removed, stained with Chlorazol Diphtherinae Hübner, [1809], Risobinae Mell, 1943, Collo- Black, and mounted on slides in Euparal solution. For wing- meninae Kitching and Rawlins, 1998, Beaninae Zahiri and span length, the distance between both tips of forewings Holloway, 2013, Eligminae Mell, 1943, Westermanniinae was measured. Hampson, 1918, Nolinae Bruand, 1846 and Chloephorinae Terminology of adult, including the male and female gen- Stainton, 1859 (see Zahiri et al., 2013), and 66 species in five italia, refers to Scoble (1992). All materials are deposited in This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative *To whom correspondence should be addressed Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/ Tel: 82-61-450-2783, Fax: 82-61-450-2789 licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, E-mail: [email protected] and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. eISSN 2234-8190 Copyright The Korean Society of Systematic Zoology Sei-Woong Choi, Sung-Soo Kim One Euteliid and Two Nolids from Korea B A C FFiigg.. 11.. AAdduullttss.. AA,, TTaarrggaallllaa ddeellaattrriixx ( (GGuueennééee));; BB,, NNoollaa mmiiyyaannooii SSaassaakkii;; CC,, NNoollaa sseemmiiccoonnffuussaa ( (IInnoouuee)).. SSccaallee bbaarrss:: AA--CC 1100 m mmm.. == tihne thcoe llceocltlieocnt ioonf Ionfs eIncts eccotl lceocltlieocnt,i oDne, pDaertpmaertnmt eonft Eonf vEirnovni-- tteemmeeddiiaall lliinnee;; ppoossttmmeeddiiaall lliinnee ccoossttaallllyy rroouunnddeedd;; ccoossttaall ppaarrtt mroennmtaeln Etadl uEcdauticoanti,o Mn, oMkpook pNo aNtiaotnioanl aUl nUivneivrseirtsyi.t yA. Abbbrberveivai-- ooff ssuubbtteerrmmeenn wwiitthh bboowwll sshhaappeedd mmaarrkkiinngg;; hhiinnddwwiinnggss ddaarrkk taiotinosn sa raer ef oflolollwows:s :I CIC, ,I nIcnhcehoeno;n ;G GGG, ,G Gyeyounnggggii;; JJNN,, JJeeoollllaa-- bbrroowwnniisshh.. MMaallee ggeenniittaalliiaa wwiitthh lloonngg ssaaccccuuss;; ttrraannssttiillllaa lloonngg nnaamm--ddoo;; JJJJ,, JJeejjuu--ddoo;; TTLL,, ttyyppee llooccaalliittyy.. ddiiggiittaattee aanndd ddiissttaallllyy hhaaiirryy;; uunnccuuss sshhoorrtt;; vvaallvvaa sshhoorrtt;; aaeeddeeaa-- gguuss wwiitthh tthhrreeee ssppiinnuullaarr ccoorrnnuuttii.. DDeessccrriippttiioonn.. WWiinnggssppaann 2266 mmmm.. AAnntteennnnaaee fifilliiffoorrmm;; vveerrtteexx,, SSYYSSTTEEMMAATTIICC AACCCCOOUUNNTTSS ffrroonnss ccoovveerreedd wwiitthh rreeddddiisshh aanndd ccrreeaammyy wwhhiittee hhaaiirrss;; llaabbiiaall ppaallppii lloonngg,, uuppttuurrnneedd,, wweellll pprroojjeecctteedd bbeeyyoonndd ffrroonnss.. BBooddyy OOrrddeerr LLeeppiiddoopptteerraa LLiinnnnaaeeuuss,, 11775588 ddeennsseellyy ccoovveerreedd wwiitthh ccrreeaammyy wwhhiittiisshh hhaaiirrss.. FFoorreewwiinngg:: ddaarrkk FFaammiillyy EEuutteelliiiiddaaee GGrroottee,, 11888822 bbrroowwnn,, bbaassaall ppaarrtt wwiitthh ddaarrkk bbllaacckkiisshh uunndduullaattiinngg lliinneess;; aannttee-- GGeennuuss TTaarrggaallllaa WWaallkkeerr,, 11885588 mmeeddiiaall lliinnee ttrraannssvveerrssee,, ccoossttaallllyy bboorrddeerreedd wwiitthh ddaarrkk yyeellllooww,, ccrreesscceenntt--sshhaappeedd mmaarrkkiinngg; ; ppoosstmtmeeddiaial ll ilninee b brorowwnn, ,c ocsotsatlally- 11**TTaarrggaallllaa ddeellaattrriixx ((GGuueennééee,, 11885522)) ((FFiiggss.. 11AA,, 22AA,, BB)) rloyu rnoduendd, emde, dmiaeldlyia dlleyn tdaeten;t adties;c adli sdcoatl bdrootw bnr,o rwounn, dreodu;n sduebd-; PPeenniicciillllaarriiaa ddeellaattrriixx GGuueennééee,, 11885522:: 330044.. TTLL:: IInnddoonneessiiaa tseurbmteernm ceons ctaolsltya lwlyi twh itdha rdka rbkr obwronw, nb obowwl-ls-hshaappeedd mmaarrkkiinngg.. ((JJaavvaa)).. HHiinnddwwiinngg:: ddaarrkk bbrroowwnn;; bbaassaallllyy lliigghhtt bbrroowwnniisshh;; mmeeddiiaall lliinneess PPeenniicciillllaarriiaa ppaalllliiaattrriixx GGuueennééee,, 11885522:: 330055.. TTLL:: IInnddoonneessiiaa ddaarrkk bbrroowwnniisshh,, ddoorrssuumm ttiinnggeedd wwiitthh ddaarrkk rreeddddiisshh uunndduullaattiinngg ((JJaavvaa)).. lliinneess.. MMaallee aabbddoommeenn aanndd ggeenniittaalliiaa:: OOnnee ppaaiirr ooff ccoorreemmaattaa TTaarrggaallllaa iinnfifiddaa WWaallkkeerr,, 11885577:: 11000088.. TTLL:: IInnddiiaa ((HHiinnddoossttaann)).. oonn tthhee 88tthh aabbddoommeenn;; uunnccuuss sshhoorrtt,, rroouunnddeedd;; aannaall ttuubbee wweellll PPeenniicciillllaarriiaa lluuddaattrriixx WWaallkkeerr,, 11885588:: 11777733.. TTLL:: SSrrii LLaannkkaa.. ddeevveellooppeedd;; tteegguummeenn sshhoorrtt,, ttrriiaanngguullaarr;; jjuuxxttaa ssiimmppllee;; ttrraannssttiill-- EEuutteelliiaa ooppppoossiittaa WWaallkkeerr,, 11886633:: 6677.. TTLL:: SSaarraawwaakk.. llaa lloonngg,, ddiiggiittaattee,, aappeexx hhaaiirryy;; jjuuxxttaa bbrrooaadd,, ttrriiaanngguullaarr;; ssaaccccuuss EEuutteelliiaa ssuubboocceellllaattaa WWaallkkeerr,, 11886633:: 6677.. TTLL:: SSaarraawwaakk.. lloonngg,, ttrriiaanngguullaarr.. VVaallvvaa ssttoouutt;; ccoossttaa mmeemmbbrraannoouuss;; ssaaccccuulluuss lloonngg,, bbaassaallllyy sscclleerroottiizzeedd,, ddiissttaallllyy wwiitthh ppooiinntteedd aappeexx,, hhaarrppee MMaatteerriiaall eexxaammiinneedd.. 11♂♂,, KKoorreeaa:: JJJJ:: SSeeoogqwwiippoo,, MMtt.. HHaallllaa-- bbrrooaadd sscclleerroottiizzeedd pprroocceessss.. AAeeddeeaagguuss rroodd--sshhaappeedd;; ccoorrnnuuttii ssaann,, 3333°°2211ʹʹ3311ʺʺNN,, 112266°°2277ʹʹ4444ʺʺEE,, 11,,110099 mm,, 44 AAuugg 22001144,, CChhooii tthhrreeee ssppiinnuullaarr pprroocceesssseess.. SSWW.. DDiissttrriibbuuttiioonn.. KKoorreeaa,, JJaappaann,, IInnddoo--AAuussttrraalliiaann ttrrooppiiccss ((FFiijjii,, DDiiaaggnnoossiiss.. DDaarrkk bbrroowwnniisshh ffoorreewwiinnggss wwiitthh ttrraannssvveerrssee aann-- RRaappaa IIttii,, tthhee SSoocciieettyy IIssllaannddss,, HHaawwaaiiii)).. KKoorreeaann nnaammee:: 11**남남방방곧곧은은띠띠비비행행기기나나방방 ( (신신칭칭)) A2nim. Syst. Evol. Divers. 34(2), 96-100 Anim. Syst. Evol. Divers. 34(2), 09-70 Sei-Woong Choi, Sung-Soo Kim One Euteliid and Two Nolids from Korea One Euteliid and Two Nolids from Korea C B C B D D A A E E F G HH F G H FFiigg.. 22.. MMaallee aanndd ffeemmaallee ggeennititaalilaia. .A A, ,C C, ,F ,F ,M Malael eg egneintaitl acl acpaspusleu;le B; , BD, , DG,, GA,e dAeeadgeuasg;u Es;, ME,a lMe aalbed aobmdeonm; eHn,; FHe,m Faelem gaelen igtaelniait.a Ali,a .B ,A T, aBr,- Tgaarlglaa dllae ladterliaxt (rGixu (eGnuéeen);é eC),; DC,, NDo,l aN omlaiy amnioyia Snoais aSkais; aEk-i; HE,- NHo, lNa osleam siecmonicfuosnafu (sInao (uIneo).ue). Fig. 2. Male and female genitalia. A, C, F, Male genital capsule; B, D, G, Aedeagus; E, Male abdomen; H, Female genitalia. A, B, Targalla delatrix (Guenée); C, D, Nola miyanoi Sasaki; E-H, Nola semiconfusa (Inoue). RReemmaarrkkss.. TThhee llaarrvvaaee ffeeeedd oonn SSyyzzyyggiiuumm ccuummiinnii ((LL..)) SSkkeeeellss MMaatteerriiaall eexxaammiinneedd.. 11♂♂,, KKoorreeaa:: IICC:: GGaannggwwhhaa,, WWhhaaddoo--mmyy-- ((RMMeyymrrttaaacrcekeaase.e ))T aahnnedd l SaSraavnnaddeoo rfreiicecudum mo nkko oSeeyttjzjaaypgpeieu ((mBBu ucrrummm..fif.n.)) i M M(Lee.r)rr r.S. ((kMMeeeel--s eeMoonna,, t MeMrtit.a. MlM eaaxnnaii,ms 1ai9nn ,Ae 1du9.g A1 ♂2u0g,1 K42,0o K1re4iam, :K ISiCmS:. GSSan.gwha, Whado-my- lli(iaMacceyearaetea))c iienna TeT)hh aaainilldaan nSdda ( (nHHduoutrtaaiccchuhamarre ekrrnon e aatnjnaddp TeT u(uBbbtutiimrmm,, . 1f19.9)9 9M55))e..rr. (Me- DDeioiaangg, nMnootss.i isMs.. aWWnih,h i1itt9iiss Ahh u ffgoo r2ree0ww1i4inn,g gKss i mww iiStthhS .ddaarrkk bbrroowwnniisshh bbaassaall liaceae) in Thailand (Hutacharern and Tubtim, 1995). lliDinnieea;; g bbnaaonnsddi-s-s.s hhWaappheeidtdi scchee nnftotrraraell w ffaiansscgcisiaa wwwiitiththh dbballarakcck kbiisrshoh w uunnniddsuhull aabttiainnsgag l FFaammiillyy NNoolliiddaaee BBrruuaanndd,, 11884466 aalnnintteeemm; ebedadiniaadll - llsiinhneae;p; pepdoo sscttmemneetddriaiaall l f llaiinsncee i dad aawrrkki t bhbr robowlwancnikissihhs,h, u uunnnddduululaaltatiitnnigng;g; SSFuuabbmffaaimlmyi ilNlyyo NNliodolaliienn aBaeer uBBarrnuudaa,nn 1dd8,, 4116884466 ssauunbbtteteemrrmemdiiinnaaal lll illniinen;ee p bborrsootmwwnendiisisahhl, , lsisnttreroo ndnaggrllkyy buurnondwduunlliaastthiin,n gug;n; dwwuhlhaiitttiiinsshgh ; GGSeuennbuufsas m NNioollylaa N LLoeelaaicnchah,e, 11B88r11u55and, 1846 hhsiiunnbddwtweirinmnggissn wawlii tthlhi n llieigg hhbttr boblwlaacnckkiisishshh, ddsitisrscocaanll g ddloyot t..u MMndaaulleel a ggteiennnigitt;aa llwiiaah wwitiiitsthhh Genus Nola Leach, 1815 llohoninnggd,,w aainnnegellsll uuwss i tllhoo blbieeg;;h btb ibiffluuarcrcckaaitstehedd d vivsaacllavvla ad wowti.it tMhh sashlheaa rgrpeplnlyyi t applooiaiin nwtteeidtdh 11**NNoollaa mmiiyyaannooii SSaassaakkii,, 22000099 ( (FFiiggss.. 11BB,, 22CC,, DD)) hhlaoarrnppgee,;; aaaenededelelaauggsuu slso ssbttoeou;u ttb wwifiuitthrhc lalootnengdg ssvppaiinlnvuualla awrr cictoohrr nnsuuhttauurssp.. l y pointed NNool1la*a N mmoiiylyaaa nmnooiiiy SaSanassoaaik kSii,a, 2s20a00k09i9,: : 2 110.. 0 TT9LL (:F: JJiagapspa.a n1n B( (OO, k2kuCugg,o oD))..) DDheaesrscpcreri;ip patteiiodoenna.. g WWusii nnsgtgossupptaa nwn i1t1h22 l mmonmmg. . s AApninntteuenlnannra aceeo irinnn u mmtuaasl.le e bbiippeeccttii-- Nola miyanoi Sasaki, 2009: 1. TL: Japan (Okugo). Description. Wingspan 12 mm. Antennae in male bipecti- KKoorreeaann nnaammee:: 11**띠띠혹혹나나방방 ( (신신칭칭)) Korean name: 1*띠혹나방 (신칭) A9n8im. Syst. Evol. Divers. 34(2), 0-0 Anim. Syst. Evol. Divers. 34(2), 96-1030 Anim. Syst. Evol. Divers. 34(2), 0-0 3 One Euteliid and Two Nolids from Korea nate, frons broad, whitish. Labial palpi long, twice that of of the eye diameter, porrect, well projected beyond frons. the eye diameter, upturned, well projected beyond frons. Body whitish. Forewing: grayish, antemedial line dark gray- Body whitish. Forewing: white, basal line dark brown and ish, medially strongly indented; postmedial line dark grayish, undulating, costally large-dot shaped and tapered to dor- medially strongly projected, dentate; central fascia costally sum; antemedial line blackish, medially weakly indented; with dark brownish marking; subterminal line dark brownish, postmedial line dark ochreous or brownish, undulating, strongly undulating; termen dark brownish dots; underside medially weakly projected; subterminal line light brown- light grayish. Hindwing: whitish, discal dot light blackish, ish, costally strongly curved, undulating; termen medially long; underside whitish. Male 8th abdomen: 8th tergite distal blackish veins; underside dark grayish with dark central process U-shaped with sharp apex; 8th sternite distal process fascia. Hindwing: white, discal dot light blackish; underside trophy-shaped with narrow neck and sharp apex. Male gen- white with grayish apex. Male 8th abdomen: Distal process italia: Uncus short; anellus lobe long; tegumen long, hood- on abdominal segments short. Male genitalia: Uncus short; shaped; juxta simple, membranous; saccus broad, distally anellus lobe long; tegumen long, hood-shaped; juxta sim- with strongly pointed apex. Valva long, slender, bifurcated; ple, membranous; saccus long, triangular with pointed apex. costa long, slender, distally expanded, hairy; harpe long, Valva long, slender, bifurcated; costa long, slender, distally triangular; sacculus long, slender, distally expanded, hairy. expanded; harpe long, triangular; sacculus long, slender, Aedeagus stout; cornutus one long semi-rounded sclerotized distally with sharp process. Aedeagus stout; cornutus one process. Female genitalia: Papillae anales simple, membra- long semi-rounded sclerotized process. nous; lamella antevaginalis short, almost equal length to Distribution. Korea, Japan. lamella postvaginalis. Antrum funnel-shaped; ductus bursae Remarks. This species is externally similar to N. taeniata thin, membranous; corpus bursae long neck and ovate with Snellen, 1875 in having whitish wings with the band-shaped one signum patch. central fascia on the forewings, but can be distinguished by Distribution. Korea, Japan. the thinner central fascia of the forewing. The male genita- Remarks. This species is externally similar to N. neglecta lia of N. miyanoi are similar to those of N. taeniata, but can Inoue, 1991 in the wing ground color and pattern elements be distinguished by the broad costa and the slender sacculus of the forewings, but can be distinguished by the whitish with a sharply pointed distal process of the valva. The 8th hindwing. The male 8th abdominal segments and genitalia abdominal processes of N. miyanoi are minute, while those are similar to those of N. neglecta, but can be separated by of N. taeniata are relatively long. the relatively narrow neck of the distal process of tergite and the broad saccus. The female genitalia are also similar to 1*Nola semiconfusa (Inoue, 1976) (Figs. 1C, 2E-H) those of N. neglecta, but can be separated by the long neck Celama semiconfusa Inoue, 1976: 162. TL: Japan (Kurie, of the corpus bursae. Yakushima). Up to now, 17 species of Nola is known from Korea, in- Nola semiconfusa: Inoue 1982: 663. cluding N. miyanoi and N. semiconfusa (Kim et al., 2016). Material examined. 1♂, 1♀, Korea: GG: Yongin, Gi- heung-gu, Changdeok-dong, 4 Apr 2013, 27 Mar 2014, Kim ACKNOWLEDGMENTS SS. Diagnosis. Light grayish forewings with dark brownish, This study was supported by a grant from the National Insti- deeply indented antemedial line; postmedial line dark tute of Biological Resources (NIBR), funded by the Minis- brownish, dentate, medially strongly projected; subterminal try of Environment (MOE) of the Republic of Korea (NIBR line dark brownish; termen dark brownish; hindwings whit- 201701203). ish with light grayish discal dot. Male genitalia with long anellus lobe; bifurcated valva with large triangular harpe; broad saccus with sharp distal process. Female genitalia REFERENCES with funnel-shaped antrum; ductus bursae thin; corpus bur- sae long, pear-shaped. Guenée A, 1852. Histoire Naturelle des Insectes. Species Gener- Description. Wingspan 20-21 mm. Antennae bipectinate in al des Lepidopteres (Eds., Boisduval JAB, Geunée A). Tome males, filiform in females, frons broad, mixed with whitish Sixieme. Noctuelites. Tome 2. Roret, Paris, pp. 1-443. and dark grayish hairs. Labial palpi long, about twice that Hutacharern C, Tubtim N, 1995. Checklist of forest insects in Korean name: 1*이른봄혹나방 (신칭) Anim. Syst. Evol. Divers. 34(2), 96-100 99 Sei-Woong Choi, Sung-Soo Kim Thailand. Office of Environmental Policy and Planning, Walker F, 1857 [1858]. List of the specimens of lepidopter- Bangkok, pp. 1-392. ous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Part. Inoue H, 1976. 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