TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics ISSN 1346-756S Aeta PhyLotax. Geobot. 60 (3) 1:71-174 (2DIO) New Noteworthy PlantCollectionsfrom Myanmar (5): or Dendrobium kayamae, New Speciesin Formosa (Orchidaceaej a sect. NOBUYUKI TANAKAt',ToMoHIsA YuKAwA2 AND JIN MU R A T A 3 'Dqpartment ofBotat DK,b,chi PrEz12rctur aAidakino Botanical Garcien ,Goclaisa n4200-6 ,Kochi 781-S125, mpan. '[email protected],fp (2:ztthor cfoorrrespondence); ;7kukuba Botanica lGarden, ,igiinti tohniaslettm ofNtit uanrdSecienee, Atnakubo 4-1-L 7isukub 3a05-OO05 ,Jtu)an ;IBoiani Gcaarldbns, Graduate School (lfSciences, the U}iiversi otfy7bkv Hel,akusan 3-7-1 ,Buntvo-ku. 7bdyo i12-OOOL JLrpan A new species, DencbJobiu mkayamae Nb. Tanaka, T, Yukawa & J. Murata (Orchidace aseect;. Fbrmosci), from Myanmar is described and illustrat eIdt t. sdistinguisha bfllero mthc eloseLy related D. scabritingue Lindl. ,by the Large frlowers o,bovate petals r,ounded, orangish yellew with darkernerves (greeni wsithh darkcr nerves in D. scabrilingue) latera ]Iobes ofthe labellum a,ndprominently erenuLate margins ofthe midlobe ofthe labellum. Key words: Dendrobium. Dendrobium scct. Fbrmosa, Myanmar, new species, Orchidaceae Field expeditions to the Natma Taung (Mt. yan and Malesian orchids (Wood 2006). Victoriaj Nationai Park, Chin State ,central west- Morphologiea lstudies revealed eur discov- ern Myanmar, were cenducted by a team from the ery, which we nameDenduobium kqyamae, to be- Makino Botanica lGarden and the Botanica lGar- long to section -iormosa (Bent h&. Hook.E) dens of the Universit yof Tbkyo in cooperation Hook.t, in which about 50 species have been rec- with the Forest Department, Union of Myanmar ognized. Species belonging to this section oceur Ministry ofForestry. Natma Taung National Park from the Himalaya in the west to the Phitippines is locate din the so-called "Chin Hills" ,and Mt. and Sulawesi in the east. Sectio nPbrmosa is usu- Victoria (21e12' 9N30,35'E) is the highes tmoun- ally characterized by the evergreen stout stem, tain (305 m3) in this range ([lana 2kea05), llew sheaths with black or brown hairs ,3-lobed During the expeditioll to the northern end the labellum ,and prominent mentum. Phylogenetic Natma Taung National Park in 2004, an unde- analyses of macromolecular characters, however, scribed species ofDend?ohium Sw. (Orchidace-have indicate tdhat sect, Flormosa does not repre- ae) was discovered. sent a monophyletic group (Wongsawa det al. Dendeobium is distribut ewiddely throughout 2001, Yukawa 2001). tropical and warm temperate Asia to Polynesia, Pencb"obium kqyamae is morphologically and about 1250 species have been recognized very close to D. seabTilingue, but is eas{ly distin- (Mabberl 2e0y08). Myanmar, borderin gon India, guished by the fo11owing combination of charac- Thailand ,Laos and China and extending down ters: 1) larger fiowers (ca 4..5 cm vs. 2.5-- 3crn in the Ma)ay Peninsula, is one of the richest locali- diam, in D. scabrilingue), 2) obovate, instead of ties fbr Dend7obium and contains both Hirt}ala- oblanceolate, petals ,3) orange yel]ow lateral lobes of the tabellum (greeni isnh D. scabri- (Continu feid/o mJ. Jap. BoL 8S: I--7 2,01O) lingue l,4) apparently longer mentum than the NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnSyts teSmaytsictsematics 172 Acta Phytotax. Geebot. Vol, 60 short conical one in D. scabritingue, 5) rounded Seidenfade n (l98 5)placed Dencb"obium to truncate apex of the latera llobes of the label- heclyosmum Batem, and D. galaetanthu mSchltr. lurn (acu tine D. scahrilingue). The calli of the in synonymy under D. scabTilingue. The original labellu min D. hayaneae are weakly verrucose protologue softhese two taxa and their accompa- rather than prominently verrucose and papillate nying illustrati oapnpsarently match D. scabri- as in D. scabrilingue. lingue ,and not D. kqyamae. c FIcxi. Dend"obium ko.yama eNb. Tanaka, T. Yukawa & J .Murata (A-I )A.: B: Front view of fiewer .C: Side view of fiower .D: Dorsal sepal. E: Petal .F; Lateral sepal. G: Labellu m. H: CoLumn, operculum andpel1inaTium removed. 1: BeLow view ofoperculum. Drawn by M. Nakajima. Scalc bar reprcscnts ] em fbr A-C, 5 mm fbr D-H a nd 1mm forL NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics March 2010 IISLNAKA & AT..A New Denth'ohium from Myanmar 173 FIG. 2. Flowering indjvidu aoflDend)'obiorm kayamae Nb. Tunaka, T. Yukawa & J. Murata. A: Closeup offiower. B: Side view of the fiower .Photograph from holotype (1lrna &k aaL 20040042). Dendrobium koyamae Nb. Tanaka, T. Yiikawa lobes of labellum pale ye]low with brigh torange & J. Murata, sp. nov. (Fig s1. & 2) veins, midlobe of labe"um yel1ow with bright or- Affine Dendftobio scabrilinguae Lindl., sed floribus ma- ange ridges; column greenish whjte; opercutum jorib (ucsa 4..5 cm vs. 2.5-3 cm diametro) p,etali osbova- greenish yellow ;pollini ayellow .Dorsal sepaLy tis ,latioribu lsa,bel lliobi slateralib uausrantiacis, non oblanceolate, 2,7 cm long, 1.2 cm wide, apex viridcscentibus, apicc rotundatis truncatisve, lobo medio acute. Lateral sepals obliquely triangu]ar=fa!cate, margine, prominente crenu lato c,a]lo Iabell icl issimi lvail- anterior margin 2.5-3 cm long ,1 cm wide at base, dediff'ert. 7)tpu sM,YANMAR. Chin State N,atma Taung (Mt. posterior margin ca. 4 cm long ,apex ac ute to acu- Victoria N)ationa lPark, ]5OO -2000 m alt. ,noi'th ofMin- minate; mentum 1.5 cm long .Petals obovate, dat Township, centralwestern Myanmar, Nobayuki 7kena- 2.5-3 cm long ,1.5-1. 6cm wide, apex acute. La- ka & ai. 20040042 (hoLo M-BK, spirit collection). bellum trilobed ,recurved, adaxial surface with a Plant Roots fasciculate,broad, plate-li kkeeet between latera llobes ;mid- co m pressed ,epip hytigc.lab rous, elcohnlgoartoep,hyll -bearing, lobe obovate, 1.5 cm long, 1.2 crn wide, slighrly greenis hgray .Stems ctustered, fusiform, 8-9 cm papilla toen keels ,adaxial surface with fivc ver- long, 1-2 cm in diam., glabrou sin age, gradually rucose keeis ,margin prominentl ycrenulate, apex laterallobes widening towards apex, thickest at middle, un- rounded; ernbracing column, subob- branched ,covered by persisten tleaf sheaths, leaf ovate, upper margin denticulat aep,ex roLtnded to sheaths with dense black hairs ,nodes 5-7, inter- truncate. thlumn ca. 7 mm long Jo,perculum cu- nodes 2-・ 3cm long .Leaves oblong, 6-7 cm long, cultate, conical, papillat ebelow. DistributionM.yanmar. 1.2--1. 5cm wide, thickly leathery , abaxially densely blackish hairy, adaxially sparsely blackt IVbte .Thus far known only from the type lo- Sincefurther in ish hairy ;apex often unequally bi-lobed s;heaths cality. searching other areas tightly clasping and covering stem, grayis hwhite, within the Natma Taung Nationa lPark faile dto to 3 cm long, with dense blackis hhairs ,hairs de- locate this species, it is likely rare, ciduous with age, Iig7orescences axiIlary on api- E]tynfology .The specific epithet honors Prof cal part ofstem; peduncle inconspicuou se,ntirely [fetsu Kooyama, directo orfthe Kochi. Prefectural enclosed by bracts f;lora blract sovate, apex acute, Makino Botanical Garden, who initiat etdhe with dense black hairs, 1.5 cm leng, e.5 cm wide. Myanmar-Japanese cooperative program to in- Pedieel and ovarly greenish white, ca. 2,5 cm ventory the plants of Myanmar, and gave us the long .Flowers fieshy w,ide]y opening, scented, ca. opportunity to study the Myanmar flora ,which 4.5 cTn in diam.; sepals and petals white; lateral lead to the discovery ofthis new species. NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 174 AetaPhytotax,Geobot, Vet,60 We are indebte dto U Khin Maung Zaw, fbrmer directer ble dietionar oyfplants, their classification and usc$ o'fI Utnhe, Nature and Wildlif eConservatio nDivision U, Tin (3r edd.). Cambridge Universit Pyress ,Cambridge. present director of the Nature and Wildlgf eConser- Tanaka, N. 2005. Plant Tnventory Research: Contribu- vation Division ,U Soe Win Hlaing ,S})rme drirecto gren- tions to the F]ora of Myanmar. Acta Phytotax .Geo- eral, U Shein Gay Ngai, park warden of Natma Taung Na- bot, 56: 21--・26. tional Park, Fores tDepartment ,Union ef Myanmar Wongsawad, P, ,T. Ilanda & T. Yukawa. 2001. Molecular Ministry ef Forestry, fbr arranging our fiel dresearch in phylogeny of Dencb'obium section DenchJobium .Ih: Myanmar, U }Ione Man for guiding us in Natma Taung Nagata, H. & S. Tchihashi (eds ,P)r,oceedings, 7th National Park, and Mutsuko Naka.ijm afor preparing thc Asia Pacific Orchid Conference ,pp, 209-21O, Secre- illustration sT.his research is partly supperted by Grant- taria tof APOC7, Chiry u, Japan. in-Aid froi nthe Japan Societ ytbr the Prometion of Sci- Wood, H. P. 2e06. The Dendrobiums. R. Sehcttl c(red,). ence for Scientif iRcesearch (A )to Jin Murata <No. A. R. G. Gantner Verla gK. G., RuggellfLicchtcll- 133750e3 and 17255004) and a Grant-in Aid from Kochi stein. Prefectur aGlovernment. Yukawa, T. 2001. Motecular phytogeny of Dendrobium. Jn: Nagata, H. & S. Ichihashi (eds. P)r,occedings, 7th References Asia Pacific Orchid Conference, pp. 69-71. Secrctar- ia tof APOC7, Chiryu, Japan. Mabberiey ,D. J .2008. Mabberley' sPlant Book: a porta- ReceivedIVovember 3, 2009; acceptedDecen7ber 10, 2009 NII-Electronic Library Service