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New locality records of freshwater decapods from Mexico (Crustacea: Atyidae, Cambaridae, and Palaemonidae) PDF

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Preview New locality records of freshwater decapods from Mexico (Crustacea: Atyidae, Cambaridae, and Palaemonidae)

PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 109(1):34-38. 1996 New locality records of freshwater decapods from Mexico (Crustacea: Atyidae, Cambaridae, and Palaemonidae) Gabino A. Rodriguez-Almaraz and Ernesto Campos (GAR-A) Facultad de Ciencias Biologicas, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, A.P. 105-F, Ciudad Universitaria, San Nicolas de los Garza, Nuevo Leon, Mexico; (EC) Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California, A.P. 2300, Ensenada, Baja California 22800, Mexico — Abstract. Collections in the Mexican states of Nayarit, Nuevo Leon, Ta- maulipas, San Luis Potosi and Veracruz, provided significant new distribution records or data for seven freshwater decapods species. Information on each species is presented, including restricted synonymy, previously known distri- bution, new localities, and notes on the significance of the new data. Villalobos-Hiriart et al. (1993) reported description or redescription, changes in ge- that Mexican freshwater decapods com- neric assignment, and known distribution. prised about 132 species. Of these, many are known only from the type locality and, Family Atyidae in several cases, knowledge on habitat is Potimirim mexicana (De Saussure, 1857) scarce or non-existent. Rapid changes in — Potimirim mexicana. Villalobos-Figueroa, habitat conditions, introduction of non-na- 1959:295-313, pi. VI, figs. 29-38, pi. tive species, and decline in abundance of VII, figs. 39-50, pi. VIII, figs. 51-54, pi. some elements of the original crustacean IX, figs. 55, 56, map. 2, 3.-1982:217, decapod fauna in northern Mexico (see 223.—Hart, 1961:67, 76.—Smalley, 1963: Contreras-Balderas 1991; Rodriguez-Al- 177, 179, 181.—Villalobos-Hiriart et al., maraz & Campos 1994) prompted us to up- 1993:281. date the diversity, ranges, and habitat ofthe — 22 species reported from that region. Col- Known distribution. Mexico. This spe- lections in selected freshwater habitats in cies is found near the sea in the hydrolog- the states of Nayarit, Nuevo Leon, Tamau- ical system of the Gulf of Mexico slope, lipas, San Luis Potosi, and Veracruz pro- from Rio Soto la Marina basin, Tamaulipas, duced significant new distribution data for to Rio Grijalva basin. Tabasco, and rivers emptying in Laguna del Carmen, Campe- seven freshwater decapods species one che. Central America. Honduras, Costa Atyidae, one Cambaridae and five Palae- Rica. Antilles. Cuba, Jamaica and Puerto monidae). Abbreviations used are: UANL, Rico (Villalobos-Figue—roa 1982). Arthropoda Collection, Facultad de Cien- Material examined. 21 females, Estero cias Biologicas, Universidad Autonoma de de Canala, Guayabitos, Nayarit, 2r05'N, Nuevo Leon; UABC, Invertebrate Collec- 105°15'W, 1 Jun 1995 (UANL). 8 males, 13 tion, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Au- females, Camino a las Varas, Nayarit, tonoma de Baja California; IBUNAM-EM, 21°10'N, 105°14'W, 2 Jun 1995. 4 males, Crustacean Collection, Instituto de Biolo- Rio Coy (Rio Choy) [Rio Panuco basin], 28 gia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de km south of Valles city, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. For each species listed, a restricted 2r51'N, 98°56'W, 27 Aug 1994 (UANL). synonymy is provided and includes original 3 males (topotypes, IBUNAM-EM uncat.). VOLUME NUMBER 109, 1 35 M. A. Quevedo Park, Playa Norte, Vera- Media Luna to El Venado since no super- cruz, Veracru—z, 19°14'N, 96°08'W, 1958. ficial aquatic drainage system connects Remarks. Our specimens agree with these localities. An hypogean dispersion or Villalobos-Figueroa's (1959) description human introduction are two possible expla- except that we found up to 15 uncinuli on nations. the appendix interna and, like in P. poti- mirim (Miiller), a plumose seta close to it. Family Palaemonidae Even so, morphometric and shape features Macrobrachium acanthurus recorded by Villalobos-Figueroa allow easy (Wiegmann, 1836) separation ofthese two species. This record represents the farthest inland finding of P. Palaemon acanthurus Wiegmann, 1836: mexicana in the Gulf of Mexico slope, ap- 150. proximately 250 km upstream in the Rio Macrobrachium acanthurus, Hedgpeth, Panuco-Rio Coy basin, and is the first re- 1949:30, figs, la, 2, 5.—Holthuis, 1952: port of this species in the Mexican Pacific 45-53, pi. 8, 9, figs, a, b.—Villalobos- slope. Figueroa, 1982:217, 22—4.—Williams, 1984:66-68, figs. 44, 45. Markham et Family Cambaridae al., 1990:419. Procambarus roberti — & Known distribution and habitat. From Villalobos-Figueroa Hobbs, 1974 North Carolina, U.S.A. to Brazil (Holthuis Procambarus (Pennides) roberti Villalo- 1952; Williams 1984). In Mexico it ranges bos-Figueroa & Hobbs, 1974:8, fig. 2.— from southern Tamaulipas to Quintana Roo Hobbs, 1989:74. (Markham et al. 1990). The species lives in — fresh or sometimes brackish water, and gen- Known distribution and habitat. Ditch from La Media Luna, 4.8 miles (7.7 km) erally is not found far inland (Holthuis south of Rio Verde (on highway to Pedro 1952). — Material examined. 3 males, Rio Ra- Montoya) and 2.5 miles (4 km) west on dirt mos [San Juan basin], municipality of Al- road to Mina El Refugio, San Luis Potosi lende, Nuevo Leon, 25°16'N, 100°00'W, 15 (type locality). In strea—ms. Apr 1992 (UANL). Material examined. 1 male I, 3 fe- Remarks.—This is the first record of M. males, 6juvenile males, 7 juvenile females. acanthurus in the state of Nuevo Leon and El Venado, San Luis Potosi (151 northwest of San Luis Potosi city and 105 km south- rsepperceiseesntisn tMheexfiacrot,hesatppinrloaxnidmaftienldying36o0ftkhims west of Matehuala city, San Luis Potosi), upstream in the Rio Bravo-Rio SanJuan ba- 22°58'N, 101°04'W, Feb 1994 (UANL). — sin. Remarks. The habitat of Procambarus roberti at El Venado is a spring-pool of ap- proximately 20 m^ with clear water and a Macrobrachium hobbsi & rocky bottom. Only scarce grasses were ob- Nates-Rodriguez Villalobos-Hiriart, served in the margin of the pool amongst 1990 which the crayfishes were collected. Ostra- Macrobrachium hobbsi Nates-Rodriguez & cods of the genus Darwinula and Cypron- Villalobos-Hiriart, 1990:7, Fig. 3.—Vil- odopsis were in the sediment of the bottle lalobos-Hiriart et al., 1993:285. where the crayfishes were fixed; however, — the entocytherid symbiont, Ankylocythere Know distribution. Los Tuxtlas area, & barbouri Villalobos-Figueroa Hobbs, southern Veracruz; Arriaga and Tonala, 1974, was not found. It is not clear how P. Chiapas; Rio Ostuta, Oaxaca, and Rio Mur- roberti moved 160 km northwest from La ga near Petatlan, Guerrero; presumably to 36 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON & Nayarit (Nates-Rodriguez Villalobos- male above noted with the description and Hiriart 1990; Villalobo—s-Hiriart 1993). figures provided by Holthius (1952). The Material examined. 4 males, 1 female, shrimps were collected in a shallow water 20juveniles, Rio Coy (=Rio Choy), 28 km area (15 cm depth) of the Rio Limon, south of Ciudad Valles, San Luis Potosi, amongst aquatic vegetation. This records Apr, Jun 1994 (UANL); 1 male, 1 female, represent the farthest inland finding of this Rio Huichihuayan, 70 km south of Ciudad species in Mexico, approximately 205 km Valles, San Luis Potosi, 2r32'N, 98°56'W, upstream in the Rio Guayalejo-Rio Limon Apr 1994 (UANL); 7 juveniles, small pool, basin. km 160 on the highway Tuxpam-Tampico, (30 km south of Panuco [Ozuluama]), Ve- Palaemonetes kadiakensis Rathbun, 1902 racruz, 2r5rN, 97°48'W, Nov 1993 Palaemonetes kadiakensis Rathbun, 1902: (UANL); 3 juveniles, small pool, km 240 93.—Strenth, 1976:2.-1994:91. on highway Poza Rica-Tuxpam, Veracruz, Palaemonetes {Palaemonetes) kadiakensis, 20°45'N, 97°31'W, Nov 1993 (UANL). Remarks.—The presence ofM. hobbsi in Holthuis, 1949:92.-1952—:212, pi. 51, figs, k-n, pi. 52, figs, a, b. Smalley, 1964: northern Veracruz and San Luis Potosi rep- 231.—Flemming, 1969:444.—Villalobos- resents a northern range extension of ap- & Figueroa Hobbs, 1974:15, fig. 8b. proximately 850 km. It is remarkable that — juveniles of M. hobbsi were found in the Known distribution. This species is same habitat with Palaemonetes mexicanus widespread in fresh-water habitats of Cen- Strenth, at Rio Coy, San Luis Potosi. This tral U.S.A., including the shores of lakes does not agree with Strenth's (1976) con- Ontario, Erie, and Michigan, the Mississip- clusion that juveniles of Macrobrachium pi basin, and the basin of several rivers competitively exclude Palaemonetes. emptying east and west of the Mississippi river in the Gulf of Mexico (Holthuis Macrobrachium olfersi 1952). The only Mexican record is that of (Wiegmann, 1836) Creaser (1932) for the state ofNuevo Leon, Palaemon olfersii Wiegm—ann, 1836:150. norMtahteearsitaMleexxiacmoin(eSdt.r—ent4hm1a9l7e6s),.5 females Macrobrachium olfersi. Holthuis, 1952: p9e5t-h1,031,94p9i:.352,4,fipgis..2I5d,, f4i,gs5,.a—,Vbi.ll—aHloebdogs-- c(i1lloovs,igNeruoeuvs)o,LReioon,Sa2b6i°n3a9s'NH,id9a9l°g5o9,'VWa,ll2e0- Apr 1979 (UANL). Tamaulipas: 21 males, Figueroa, 1967:167-171.—Villalobos- 15 females, 13 Mar 1981 (UABC); 1 male, Hiriart, 1993:285. — 3 ovigerous females, 22 Oct 1981; 1 male, Known distribution. Western Atlantic 4 ovigerous females, 22 Nov 1981; 1 male, slope. Lower Cape Fear River near South- 6 females, 30 Jun 1982, Rio Alamo, Cd. port, North Carolina; Florida; Louisiana; Mier, 26°25'34"N, 99°06'41"W; 1 male, 4 Texas; and southern Veracruz, Mexico to females (2 ovigerous), 23 Oct 1983, Presa Santa Catarina, Brazil (Holthuis 1952). Falcon, Miguel Aleman, 26°39'N, 99°12'W; Eastern Pacific slope. From Chiapas to 1 male, 2 females, 30 Mar 1983; 1 male, 4 Nayarit, Mexico (Villalobos-Hiriart et al. females, 14 Mar 1987; Rio Bravo, Mata- 1993). — moros 25°50—'N, 97°24'W (UANL). Material examined. 1 male, 3juveniles, Remarks. Based on the present record Rio Limon, 8 km north of Ciudad Mante, we believe that the material reported by Tamaulipas, 22°49'N, 98°56'W, 12 Jun Creaser (1932) from Nuevo Leon came 1994 (UANL—). from the Rio Alamo-Rio Salado basin Remarks. The identification of M. ol- (northern Nuevo Leon), which empties into fersi was possible by comparing the adult the Rio Bravo del Norte (Rio Grande) in — VOLUME NUMBER 109, 1 37 the state ofTamaulipas. Previous collecting manuscript. EC is a fellow of the "Progra- efforts in Central Nuevo Leon (Rio San ma de Estimulo al personal Academico 94/ Juan basin) failed to produce specimens of 95" of the Universidad Autonoma de Baja P. kadiakensis. California (UABC). This is contribution The material of the Rio Alamo (13 Mar number 4 of the program "Crustaceos De- m 1981) was collected in shallow (<1 capodos (formerly Cambarinos) del Norte depth) and clear-greenish water, the bottom de Mexico" of the UABC and Universidad was muddy and the aquatic vegetation in- Autonoma de Nuevo Leon. cluded Chara sp. Additional information on the habitat is noted in Ruiz-Campos et al. Literature Cited (1985). Contreras-Balderas, S. 1991. Conservation of Mexi- can freshwater fishes: some protected sites and Palaemonetes mexicanus Strenth, 1976 species and recent federal legislation. Pp. 191- 197 in W. L. Minckley and J. E. Deacon, eds.. Palaemonetes mexicanus Strenth, 1976:7, Battle against extinction: native fish manage- fig. 3.-1994:291. ment in the American West. University ofAri- — zona Press, Tucson, Arizona. Known distribution and habitat. Small De Saussure, H. 1857. Diagnoses de quelques—Crus- spring-fed river, 15 miles (24 km) west of taces nouveaux de I'Amerique tropical. Re- Ciudad Valles, San Luis Potosi (type local- vue et Magasin de Zoologie pure et appliquee 2(9):501-505. ity)M.aterial examined.—7 males, 20 fe- Creaserc,oEn.siPn..—19T3r2a.nsTachteiodnescaopfodthceruWsitsaccoenasnisnofAcWaids-- males (5 ovigerous), Rio Coy, 28 km south emy ofSciences, Arts and Letters 27:321-338. of Ciudad Valles, San Luis-Potosi, Apr, Jun Flemming, L. E. 1969. Useofmaleexternal genitalic 1994 (UANL). details as taxonomic characters in some species — of Palaemonetes (Decapoda, Palaemonidae). Remarks. This is apparently the first Proceedings ofthe Biological Society ofWash- record ofP. mexicanus since its original de- ington 82:443^52. scription by Strenth (1976). The new local- Hart, C. W. 1961. The freshwater shrimps (Atyidae ity is about 50 km southeast of the type and Palaemonidae) ofJamaica, W.L with adis- locality. Hobbs & Hobbs (1989) reportedP. cussion of their relation to the ancie—nt geogra- mexicanus to Mante river (Ciudad Mante, phy of the Western Caribbean area. Proceed- ings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Tamaulipas); however, Strenth (1994) Philadelphia 113(4):61-80. & pointed out that Hobbs Hobbs' speci- Hedgpeth, J. W. 1949. The North American—species mens are of P. hobbsi Strenth, 1994. of Machrobrachium (River shrimps). Texas Five ovigerous females (cl. 11.4-18.5 Journal ofScience 1:28-38. mm) were carrying 13 to 31 eggs having a Hobbs, H. H. Jr. 1989. An illustrated checklist ofthe d1i.a1m5e-t1e.4r mofm0.(8X9-=1.11.225m).m {X = 0.99) by CCAoamnmetbrraiircbiuadtnaieo,ncrtaaoynfZdiosohPleasorgasy(tDa4ec8ic0da:ap1eo)-d.2a—3:5.SmAistthascoindiaea,n , & H. H. Hobbs III. 1989. New locality re- Acknowledgments cordsfortwopoorlyknownmexicanf—reshwater shrimps (Decapoda, Palaeomonidae). Crusta- ceana 57(2):220-222. Financial support for a short-term visit to Holthuis, L. B. 1949. Note on the Palaemonetes the Crustacean Collection, Instituto de Biol- ogia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de (StCartuesst-aocfeaAmeDreiccaap.o—daP)rocfeoeudnidngsinofthetheUnKiotne-d Mexico (UNAM) was provided by Direc- inklinjke Nederlandse Akademie van Weten- UNAM cion de Intercambio Academico, to schappen 52:87-95. GAR-A. Our great appreciation is given to . 1952. The subfamily Palaemoninae. A gen- J. F Fitzpatrick Jr., H. H. Hobbs III, N. E. DereaclapreovdiasiNoantaonftitah)eofPatlhaeeAmmoenriidcaae,(ICLr—usAtlalcaena Strenth and J. L. Villalobos-Hiriart for their Hancock Foundation Occasional Papers 12:1- criticism and helpful comments on the 396. 38 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASfflNGTON Markhalmob,osJ-.HiCr,iarFt.,E.&DAo.naCtahn-tHuerDniaanzd-eBza,rrJi.gaL.. V1i9l9l0a.- t.ac1e9a:94.DeAcanpeodwa—:spePciaelsaeomfo/n'iad/aaee)monferreoim'(nCorrutsh-- Notes on the shallow-watermarine Crustaceaof easternMexico. ProceedingsoftheBiological the—Caribbean coast of Quintana Roo, Mexi- Society ofWashington 107:291-295. co. Anales del Instituto de Biologia, Univer- Villalobos-Figueroa, A. 1959. Contribucion al cono- sidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Serie cimiento de los Atyidae de Mexico. II. (Crus- Zoologia 61(3):405^46. tacea, Decapoda). Estudio de algunas especies Nates-Rodriguez, J. C, & J. L. Villalobos-Hiriart. del generoPotimirim(Ortmannia), con—descrip- 1990. Dos nuevas especies de camarones de cion de una especie nueva en Brasil. Anales agua dulce del genero Macrobrachium Bate, del Instituto de Biologia, Universidad Nacional (Crustacea, Decapoda, Palaemoni—dae), de la Autonoma de Mexico 30:269-330. vertiente occidental del Pacifico. Anales del . 1967. Estudio de los Palaemonidos de Mex- ItnosntiotmuatoddeeMBeixoilcogoi,a,SeUrniievZeorosliodgaida,Na6c1i(o1n)a:l1-A1u1-. eicsopeIc.iMeacderlobSrEacdheiuMmexaiccaon.t—hocAhniarluessudnealnIunestvia- Rathbun, M. J. 1902. Description of new Decapod tuto-de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Auton- Crustacea—ns from the West coast of North oma de Mexico, Serie Zoologia, 26(1/2):167- America. Proceedingofthe United States Na- 174. Rodriguteiozn-aAllMmuarsaezumG.2A4.:,88&5-E9.05C.ampos. 1994. Dis- b.er1t98a2n.d DAe.caVpiolldaal.obPops.-F2i1g5u-er2o3a9,iendsS...HA.quHautrilc- tribution and status of the crayfis—hes (Cambar- biotaofMexico, Central America and the West idae) of Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Journal of Indies. Aquatic Biota-San Diego State Univer- Crustacean Biology 14(4):729-735. sity Foundation, San Diego California. Ruiz-Caasm-pBoasld,erGa.s,.M.198T5o.rrPeesc-eMosrdaellesRiaondAlSa.mCoo,ntSruebr-- , & H. H. Hobbs, Jr. 1974. Three new crusta- cuencadel Bravo, Mexico. II.—Estructura y din- Mceeaxniscof.r—omSmLiathsMoendiiaanCLounntar,ibSuatinonLutiosZoPooltoosgiy, amica de la comunidad ictica. Instituto de In- 174:1-18. mveastdiegacNiuoenvesoCLieeontnif(iMcaesx,icUon)iv2e:r5s1i-d7a5d.Autono- Villalobos-Hiriart, J. L., A. Cantu Diaz-Barriga, & E. Lira-Fernandez. 1993. LosCrustaceosdeAgua SmalleyA,meA.riEc.a19(6C3r.ustTahceeag,enAutsyiPdoatei)m.i—rimReivnisCetnatrdael Dulce de Mexico.—Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural 44:267-290. Biologia Tropical 11(2):177-183. (.De1c9a6p4o.daA: PnaelwaePmaonliadeameo)n.et—esCrfursotamceMaenxaic6o: Wiegmannenu,enAC.ruFstaAc.een18d3e6s.—BeBrelsicnherreMibuusnegumesiniaguesr 229-232. Mexiko und Brasilien. Archiv fiir Naturges- Strenth, N. E. 1976. A review ofthe systematics and chichte 2(1):145-151. zoogeography ofthe freshwater species ofPa- Williams, A. B. 1984. Shrimps, lobsters and crabs of laemonetes—HellerofNorthAmerica(Crustacea: the Atlantic coast of the eastern United States, Decapoda). Smithsonian Contribution to Zo- Maineto Florida. SmithsonianInstitutionPress, ology 228:1-28. Washington D.C., 550 pp.

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