g ,/t"* rrfr,n gonrrrt'rn/ ISSN :1476-5314 April 2002 Issue No.1 Scicnce vs lhe \\essdalen: Ufa case closed ? - -'Xfl['t Sdifrn n ha'n'& oz Milrne h fl'e WPAy ,&ho oc li,a fume :-- frennla Aryono** - ; g il E ol %/nk /"d alo 1illie,n ",4oh/aot ? {' %,il/z.r&a.// Q4aloiae;,-{ ;n ?orVr^ilt u/da,b 9/w A ea.t/o a/ a(.alagal ? ?aa h /wt e lia fumn; Ql/awnt. ,t l'u.o !18 tt/bi o /lau u./ ISSN : 1476 - 5314 Apri} 2002 Issue No.1 -&ry$ers€ nri!! ufD li;r3rrl ,i:ocbu'r The British UFO Research Association is a Company limited by Guarantee. t The Registered office is at Butora 1td.,70, High Street, WINGHAN.4, Kent, CT3 1BJ Ielephone i 01227 7229 16 E.mail : enquiries(abutora.orq.uk Web : hftpJ/www.bufora.oro.uk Ufocall : 09068 121886 ( Premium BT Rates apply ) Dir. Research E.mail:JohtandAnne@ pamnormalworldwide. Dir. Investieations Heather Dixon Tel :0191 236 8375 E.mail : [email protected] London Office BM Bufora, London, WCIN 3XX Editorial Enquiries NBJ Office, C/o Evolution, P.O. Box 633, Beaconsfield, HP9 2GL [email protected] This Jou.nal is Copyright Bufora Ltd., and views expressed are those ofthe author and not the company. lt is published by Bufora Ltd., and is free to members. lt is produced in digitaltormat and printed by: Parchment, Crescent Road, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 2PB Tel | 01865747547 E.mail ; Dioital(AParchmentuk.com Web : wwuPrintuk.com ,lltitty 2oo2 llrontn/n 6i/"lrb, ..1'c", ,'8t1r,,7r",,"tr/ .'/;.yre t ,rytlnq 2t,ttt '/' rutr/t {, r/i/t.,tr EDITORIAL I Pade l- t1 lEdltorlaL - la -I cPoronj et"c.t t"H essdalen 11 WiIlenhalI Wat chers 13 Remote Ove rvie\t Hello Everyone, 15 Artifact or What ? 18 What' s Your Opinion ? Firstly, a big'Thank You'to Brian James for 2A Points from the pres s phriosd utecinngu reth ea sB UEdFiOtoMr. TBUhLeL EpToTsNit' iodnusri nogf 23 A Twin pupils update Chairman and Editor are each time- 2'7 Book Reviews consuming and challengjng on their own, and 28 U fo rum to have taken on both was a really tough task. 30 The Death of fo logy U Brian has also had to stand down as Chairman ahead of the AGM. This is for personal reasons but he remains a member of Bufora and we hope he will continue to help out behind the scenes. I am assuming the role I last filled between 1976 and 1981. I know there are members from that period who will recollect my'stint' and be aware of my own approach to our ,CnIg[nieqrql!\sdus$"' subject. For more rec€nt members I feel I can do no better than reproduce selected paragraphs from earlier editorials. Bear in mind, though, that whilst my personat prerfoe€ncclievsities remaainre u nalterceodns, idseervaebrlayl This may well involve such varied dated........................So.......... representatives of opinion as BUFOM, The Aetherius Sociely, The Ministry of Defence, From the Autumn 1973 issue....... Awuonbtbyl iAngg gaieb,o wuth. oA'sn ju 'setx pseeretn' wah fou ntneyll sli guhst "omclitcg ahisst iob noe f Irt hehaanvt esm uwegodgniaed seittreeemdd ,s m/aayrnstiedcllf e,' snw dfheeeaetthuder inro gnit w'aseaeruo'rdceye nrisan'm cjimca nma'tni nede xnaits dts acbhneogcoaelurb sooey f twhahe oyM 'rtaehr itninakonst UFOS are biased against the serious invasionl Research Associations: are poking fun or are 'out to get us', but is this really so? Small wonder that in the midst of this set-up we're a small voice crying in the wilderness, We must remember that we - not unnaturally but, in my opinion, it is NOT a deliberate -pa rrotihcglareav miesm waer itivtsee nps.ut eTt doo uitnth;t eeth rpeers owtd auinyc e itrnh oewr hwfeicaahtyu ar ena aplaotttseelm.: tpwoto h t-oo leodtetre nrwsig hraaraetetn iUts dF erOleivs erpereosdne:sa irtbhclehey.?. . .a.Ar.trfhifveeer writer, BUFOM or any other Society is just considerable thought my conclusion is - The one tacet of the UFO scene. A TV producer Post Office! You'll lind the percentage of mail needs lo obtain what he or she regards as 'a to ufologists going astray is near enough the balanced programme'. same as that sent to everyone elsel . li"r.tt),fn '/,.",t,n/ :/-n. / - :ry,nry tt !'/trrrtul f li/hn Let us slop imagining and complaining of 'UFO Believef tag immediately suggests not being singled out for 'anti-Us' treatment by just a'belief in UFOs, but also recognition THEM, whoever THEM may be and instead they are extra-terrestrial vehicles, which does exert our energies into channels that will not necessarily follow. Certainly I admit I show the authorities and media we are a would LIKE this to be so, but we must always body to be consulted and respected in the .emember that if the answer to the UFO field of Ufology. enigma were known and accepted there would be no need for us to research anylvayl From July/August 1 976...... Hypotheses abound and, to give just one example, neither should we neglect "One of BUFORA'S aims is to encourage and implications raised by the not-inconsiderable promote unbiased scientific research into number of cases evincing psychic effects of UFO phenomena. Few will quibble at this - associations. Do YOU believe in UFOs? certainly I have no such quibble myself. But - a point made on one of the 'INTO THE Back to the presenl. As we all know, UNKNOWN' TV programmes some months researchers generally - and that includes ME, ago sticks in my mind. lt was said it is rare for will tell you that the vast majority of UFOS those with apparent psychic or telepathic reporled - between 90% and 97% according abilities to be able to produce these or their lo the researcher, ARE explainable. However, results under controlled scientiflc conditions, that still leaves one heck of a lot of and the suggestion was put forward that such 'unexplainables', and many display phenomena may not be susceptible to characteristics of solid craft - whether scientific investigation, or perhaps even the spacecrafl or otheMise! so far as contacts, scientific method itself - Could this also be abductions, time lapses etc. are concerned, the case with UFOs?...and, if scientific let me jusl say I have at least a dozen friends method be abandoned, how then to proceed? here and in the USA who lay claim to at least ONE such experience and I have no reason Stemming from the Latin scire - to know or to believe they're fabricating. discern, the word 'scientist' literally means 'one who seeks to know'. lts origins give no Perhaps the only thing I do NOT believe in - indication of how to pursue this - we have despite a current nod of approval from the formulated our own methods. lf - and it's a O.E.D. is - splitting infinitives. One big 'lF such methods do NoT apply in certain exception, though --' To boldly go where cases, including UFOS, then what method of no-one has gone before'! enquiry should replace them? Any suggestions? ln a 'Farewell' message after editing 30 Journal issues I wrote in the first ever From Jan/Feb 1979...... BUFORA BULLETIN of September 1981........ Are you a UFO 'Believer'. Well, are you? Do you? These questions a.e frequently put to "......Maybe at a future date when problems me when lecturing or being interviewed, and of time and finance are resolved I may once my answer is 'No'. But before anyone, not to again have the pleasure - for despite the time put too fine a point on it, demands my guts for involved it has been a pleasure - ot again garters, let me elaborate.'No', lsay,'l'm not editing the BUFORA Journal in a format a UFO Believer - using the word in that similar to the one it has hitherto maintained sense implies an act of faith and I don't take since its inception in '1964....' them on faith. Rather I consider there is sufficient evidence to show UFOS DO exist. Well, twenty years on that'future date'has lndeed, such evidence in only ONE case is arrived. I've taken the liberty of changing enough not to have to bring Faith into it! The 'Bulletin'back to'Journal', but with a'NEW . lir ,'/)ry'in,/trri ttrr/ ../.t.yu,t .'/f inq 2t,tt2t/hun {; r/irt?,n addition.'Bu,letin' was, I know, generally regarded as being somewhat ephemeral and UFOS AIIO THE PSI INTEN,FACE understaling, but no-one came up with a satisfactory substitute other than 'Jou.nal,. So By Manfred Cassirer, Stephen Gamble, - the. l h r .'/)rf, to,//t,u i rlr / it shal be. Elsie Oakensen and John One last point. Since I last held the editorial ln this publication, four contributors - all of rerns. ll.e productton side of lhings has whom have diffe.ent backgrounds and apletersreodn adl ra'Imhaanlicka lYly oaun'dto t wBooubl dD tiigkbey t of osra yth ea vcieuwrproeinntst inidtoe thaes s ubojenc t - hthavee asspeomssbilbelde amounl of assistance he has given, and is still interaction/crossover between UFO reports giving in this area. and PSI experiences. NORI\,1AN OLIVER Manfred Cassirer presents a research paper - UFOS and the -o0o- PSI lnterface - in which examines the main lheories revolving around the subjects. Publication ew ! Stephen Gamble (who has carried out many roles for BUFORA) compares UFO and psychic Entities. . Elsie Oakensen (a fellow experjencer) describes Life After a UFO Close Encounter - and this includes ljfe-changing events. . John Spencer (Renowned author, and BUFORA'S Director of Research) examines and discusses UFOS and the paranormal lnterface. AJI members will have received a copy of thjs book, but further copies are avajlable at €7.50 inc p&p. Send cheques, postal orders or lMCs (payable to "BUFORA Ltd") to BM BUFORA, London, WClN 3XX ,.litr,',&ry'(ia,/tuitttr/.(/.t.tru't //y'i in,1 .tt't'2 '/'rr rr u l [ /ih1,t PROJECT HESSDALEN The First Aopearance ln December 1981, unknown lights suddenly started to appear in the skies above Science v The UFO Hessdalen. These lights could sometimes stand still for more than an hour. They were By also seen to move around slowly before slopping, and sometimes they were observed Philip Mantle travelling at a fast rate of speed. At one time the lights were tracked on radar and were estimated io be travelling at approximately 8,500 meters per second. These Tiqhts were abserved just about everywhere... . . These lights were observed just about everywhere and more often than not they were below the horizon down in the valley Wn',. ,r,.. of atien abduction and iahnadt ntohte h ivgah sutp m ina jtohreit ys koyf. ltth hea sli gtoh tbse w searide government cover-ups are rife, little is heard reported to be below the tops of nearby of the most common of UFO sightings, that of mountains. No one in Hessdalen could offer the'light-in-the-sky'(LITS). lt is true that most an explanation for these strange lights. LITS reports can be easily explained away, usually as aircraft lights, but also The Shapes of the Liohts astronomical bodies such as bright stars and panets. But there is a small residue of such The lights themselves appeared to have LITS reports that are not so easily explained. several different shapes. This was something These often haunt certain geographical areas that became quite apparent when the lights such as the Pennine Hills of Northern were photographed. The main shapes were; England, Marfa, Texas in the USA, and bullet shaped, with the sharp end down, a Hessdalen in central Norway. lt was the LITS round football shape, and an upside down in Hessdalen thal attracted the attention of Christmas tree shape. There were other UFO researchers from Norway and Sweden shapes bul lhe above three were lhe main in the early 1980's, and since then many ones. others from around the world. The Hessdalen LITS were the first to be subjected to The colours of the lights were mostly white or scientific scrutiny using a whole host of hi a yellow/white. Sometimes a small red light tech equipment. Hessdalen really was the could be seen amongst the while- On a few scene of'Science v The UFO. occasions the lights were made up of every colour in the rainbow. The lights could be Hessdalen is a valley in central Norway. lt lies observed several times a day, but they were southeast of Trondheim and about 30 seen more during the night. At the most they kilometres northwest of the town of Roros. were observed four times a day. There were The whole valley stretches 12 kilometres in more reports of the lights in the winte. rather length and has only around 200 inhabitants. than the summer. One reason for this might The valley is special for one very unusual be the fect that in summer Hessdalen has thing; mysterious lights. almost perpetual daylight. ,.1?,,, EtTrvr,Tonrrtt/-.(/.t.tne t !/f iny 2t)tt2 hnu:/t (r/ilron As no official inst[ute with governmental tshupepsoret ins tNraornwgaye steiegmhetds ,t of ibvee in lerested in indjvidual researchers began their own research project: Project Hessdalen. Their aim was simple, to discover what the liqhts in Hessdalen were. The project conslsigd of a working committee which had the responsibility of running the project, and an advisory committee to help the working committee in the theoretical pan of th; projecl. The adviso.s were also there to act as an 'exped'group to answer questions from Photo taken by Arne Thomassen on 25th Oct 1982 others lnvolved in the proiect. Proiect Hessdalen Beqins The Colours of the Liqhts Project Hessdalen managed to obtain good The lights could be sptit into three groups: contacts in a number of institutions in NoMay including the Norwegian Defence Research '1. Small and strong white or blue flashes Establishment, The University of Osto, the which could show up everywhere in the sky. University of Bergen and also the University of Trondheim. Some of the project s team 2. Yellow or yellowwhite lights. These lights had made contact wilh these eslablishments were, more oflen than not, observed in the in the past in the course of other research. valley and below the horizon. Sometimes they were just above the rooftops and even down The UFO research groups of both UFO on lhe ground. They could appear stationary NoMay and UFO Sweden along with many for more than an hour before slowly moving volunteers began their fietd studies of lh; off around lhe valley, and sometimes thet Hessdalen lights in January 1984. A wide could show extremely fast acceleration and variety of sophisticated instrumentation was very fast speeds. to be used in order to try and get to grips with the unknown lights. Such inslrumentation 3. Several lights together at a fixed distance included a battery of cameras, radar, from each other. Mos y these were vellow or spectrum analyser, geiger counter, and much yellowwhite lights with a red light at ihe front. more. These lights could move slowly around the tops of the mountains. No sooner had the field study began in snow- bound Hessdalen valley than the project Continued Siqhtinqs began to obtain some positive results. On January 27, 1984, the tights were seen by The reports of the strange tights canied on project members and on radar. At S.32 pm an t1h9r8o3-u, gshigouhtt in1g98s2 ,o bf utth seumd ddernolpy pine dth rea psipdrtiyn.g Boyf wobalosn go-sbhsaeprevde dlig mht owvains go basewrvaeyd .o Tvheer litghhet the summer of 1983 there were no reports of mountains and out of sight. The light had a lhe lights at all. However, in the autumn and white and red colour to it which blinked at wfainrt efre owf e19r8 3n uthme bseigrhst intghsa bne gbaenf oargea.i nT bhuintg isn suonmeveethnin ign tewravas lsd.e Otenc teJda nouna rrya d2agr abut t3 n.4o9th ipnmg changed somewhat in the autumn of 1984 ts was seen with the naked eye. On January 20 the sightings began once more to increase. there was again an echo on the radar but again nothing was seen by the eyes of the ., 1?,,,,A, y'1' r,,/t',, t " tr / ./u u t t -,!// it ty 2 oo2 (h ru ntl {r r /i/m n gathered observers. On the Feb.uary 1st, UFO Laboratorv numerous radar relurns were made but agarn the lights remained elusive to the ground A similar exercise was attempted again in the observers. Later that night an oblong-shaped winter of 1985, but due to extremely bad light was observed by 11 people and il was weather conditions it was not possible to also photographed- Throughout the repeat the success of the 1984 project. remainder ol the project numerous American UFO researcher, the late Dr J. observations of the lights would be made and Allen Hynek, who was at one time a they were photographed on many occasions. consultant to the official United States Air Force UFO study, Project Blue Book, visited lnstrumentation the 1985 Hessdalen project. lt was to be one of his last field trips before he died later that The instruments used for the project were same year. Dr. Hynek described the project many and varied. They included:- as "a UFO laboratory" and was extremely impressed by the results of the 1984 project A camera with a special filter which could be and ofthe efforts of all those involved. used to analyse the light speckum. A seismograph was used to measure any Since that t'me Project Hessdalen has been movements in the Earth's crust, just in case discussed and debated in many countries the lights were related to small earthquakes. around the world. The lights, although still None were registered. Radar recordings there, aae not in such profusion as they were totalled 36, three of which coincided with in 1984. Some equipment still monitors the observations made by the projects observers. area and the researchers involved still hope Two photos of the radar screen were taken to sel up camp in the Hessdalen valley once depicting the returns. The project also used a again should the lights return in large spectrum analyser connected to an antenna numbers. so that all radio signals could be monitored on a screen. At no time did this instrument pick It has been speculated that the strange lights up anything unusual. A magnetometer was could be related to some kind of weather used to measure any variations in the Earth's phenomenon, or to lights produced by faults magnetic field. There were none. A laser was in the earth's crust termed 'earthlights'. Some pointed at the lights a total of nine times. believe that a solid structure lies behind the Eight oui of the nine times the lights seemed lights, but no one knows for sure what they to respond to the laser by altering the way are. They remain truly unidentified. they were flashing. Geiger counters were used to measure any radiation but nothing Still Unidentified unusual was recorded. An infrared viewer was also used but on the two occasions when the lights were observed using this instrument ln the spring of 1994 a group of 20 scientists there was no infrared radiation visible. attended a workshop in Hessdalen which lasted for four days. These included The camera was probably the most effective Professor Boris Smirnov from the lnstitute of of all the instruments used. Dozens ol colour High Temperatures in Moscow. Russia, photographs were taken. Those taken by Professor David Fryberge. from the Stanfod using a long exposure showed the round or Linear Accelerator in the USA, and Professor oval lights. All the cameras were tripod Yoshi Othsuki from Waseda University in mounted to reduce blurring. The lights were Japan. All agreed that the Hessdalen lights photographed in the sky, just above the were teal' and not illusions of any kind and mountain tops and of course down in the that they were worthy of further scientific Hessdalen valley itself. Computer analysis of study. UFOS had been promoted into the some of the photographs was inconclusive. scientific premier league. . Iul,rty'ln//n tt/ .//.t.tut, ,/ .!/f iitry 2{re (hrnu./t f, r/i/nt pUaKr tb oasf etdh ere sPeraorjcehcet rH peasusld aDleevne rceounxs, uwlthaon ciys Oamsofounldt oUfn miveornsedyy sCoo fllaerg gee inne raNtoerdw ahv;.s Tnhoet team and was at the four day workshop i; yet achieved the desjred result: to solve the 1994, conlinues to work closei with project Hessdalen Phenomena Further plans for Hessdalen leader Erling Skand Both have Project Hessdalen include. ventured far and wide to research similar types of light phenomenon in olher oarts of Expanding the Automatic Measurement the worl.l Station. Today, 17 years after project Hessdalen, iDnteevrfealcoep. and run a database, with a web where UFO Norway and UFO Sweden joined Analyse data and begin the necessary forces to complete one of, if not the most activities to find the answers to the Hessdalen complete scjentitic study of UFO's conducted Phenomena. bbye ianngy rceipvioliarlne dU. FTOh ger oluopc.a sl igphotprnuglast iaorne ssttiillll oDtehever lpolpa csems awlli thA MhigSh thUaFtO c aacnt ivbitey .installed in regularly report sightrngs direct lo UFO Norway. Local peopte have reported both Become a sponsor of proiect Hessdalen lights-rn{he-sky and apparenl structured, c2i0g0a1r-)s hinacpleudd eU aF OreSp.o rRt ebcye nMt rs. i-gFh.t intig'ose (ny eoanr vPorloujnelacrty H beasssidsa. lewnit his i nrduivnid umaalsi n;lpye nodnin ga Aobpsriel r1v3e. dln aa vfaalslety mwoevsitn ogf Hljgehsst dfaoler no vhresr s2o0n tthheeir pouwznz lteim oe fa tnhde m Hoensesyd taot etrny taignhdt sre. sWolviteh mcoinntuinlueesd. Ttoh rcohuagnhgeo uct otlhouer saisg hil tminogv ethde a btioguhlt prersoopluetrjo lnu ntdor nthgi ss pou zmzluec cho muldo rbee afnodu nedv. eTnh ea the sky. Earlier in the year, on March 2g Mr AMS requires furlher equipment and wilhout Tor Gaserud was driving towards the town of funding it is unlikely to be up-graded in the Roros when he observed a blue-green lighl neat future- close to the mountain rjdge Th; tight was observed for around 20 seconds. Right at the Financial assistance is required lo purchase bheisg ingnrainngd soof nt hBej ayrenaer MLilrl epveodlde r wGerroen adsr ivainngd wthoer kr. igMhotn eeyq uiisp malseon t,r eqinusirteadll tiot apanyd pseeotp liet ttoo towards Hessdalen when they observed a work on the project which rn turn will speed bright light just above the mountain. Whatever things up rather than waiting for volunteers all these LITS are, they continue to be observed the time in and around the Hessdalen region as these few sightings clearly show. Project Hessdalen, the 'UFO LABOMTORY" as termed by the late DR Hynek, needs your Automatic Measurement Station support. Donations and sponsorship both large and smali are more than welcome lf Equipment still monitoring the Hessdalen you would like to become a sponsor you can valley includes an Automatic Measurement contact l\rr. Erling Skand on: telephone +47 Station (AMS). This is a video camera tinked 41425 411, or fax: 0047 69t6BOt8. Or you to a video recorder and a computer system. can write to him c/o: brhuet cita mise raa ltsaok etsri gpgheorteosd aitf raeg utilgarh tin steoruvracles UBoFrgOh eNimO, RNWorAwYay, .PO BOX 124, N-31363 appears. An improved AMS is on the drawing board but funds are required to upgrade the More information on Project equipment akeady there. When such plans can be accomplished is solely dependent on Hessdalen can be found on the how much money can be raised from web site: wvvw. h essd ale n. oro sponsors. The main sponsor today has been ' l-u,. .'/),/ita ,/t,ni ttrr/ .llrc t !y'iin,7 //,tt2 \/inr./t I r/i/hrt ON-GOING INTERNATIONAL to be of any use. The resulls of these pictures RESEARCH were inconclusive. ln August 2000 and 2OO1 ttatian Seismooraph. acposhruernnotopemhrpyesanrrcotsins .li sn A jogaran inej odai n lwht hesot,lure d Nbyoa rtowteefr gyrt ahonef AsLur sgMegdeE sQitne-d8 P0t0hro ajpte octrhtt aeHb LeleIsT ssSde aiwslemenri.ec lttsh yehs tareesms u btwet eaonsf equipment was used as part of this study earth movements and the seismograph was including radio spectrum analysers, cameras, lsed to check to see if there was any voPidfh etDoh e,c aalmtanehdraa nsa siaetnraodmp sh pyiessc ictlrvioslast scsofirpmoeoms . T TeCohodeno shraiegnaliid,o mcmooarvrneeimfleaestinloatsnt r obwneestrw eo enfeo ntte hde eain r tLchIo TnmSnoe.vc teNiomnoe wnsteitshis amthn,dec NItaazliiaonna lCe odmelmlej tRteicee rfcoher iPn rBoojelgcnta ,H letasslyd.a Tlehne LITS. financed his project. ln a full interview wilh US researcher Linda lvtoulton Howe Teodorani concluded that the Hessdalen lights are "Thermal plasmas of unknown origin" This full interview can be located on the web site al: t http://earthfi les.com/earth30 1 htm The mysterious lights in and around the Hessdalen Valley continue to amaze and mystify. Attempts to pin them down Radar. scientifically have not yet fully succeeded, but lnformation of a wide variety has already Atlas 2000 radar was used as part of the been obtained. With the right sponsorshjp it is project. lt had a maximum distance of 33 hoped that an answer will be found. Until that kilometres and at times did make recordjngs. time, the Hessdalen lights do remain truly A total of 36 radar recordings were made. !nidentified'. Spectrum Analvser. THE INSTRUMENTATION USED DURING This piece of equipment was used to check PROJECT HESSDALEN and see if theae was any electrical interference caused by the LITS. A Hewlett Camera with oratino. Packard spectaum analyser was used which swept from 150 kHz to '1250 NrHz continuously. Nothing was recorded in connection with the LITS. Maonelometer. Special gratings were used in order to try and establish what kind of light source was There were some suggestions that the LITS present. Ordjnary 35 mm cameras were also may be associated with a magnetic field. used to great effect. The cameras fitted with Could the LITS be caused by magnetic the special grat'ng were used to try and storms for example? A Fluxgate obtain spectral analysis of the LITS. Only four l\,4agnetometer, model FM100. serial 73 was photos taken usjng the special grating proved used. No correlation was found with the L|TS