Opusc. Zool. Budapest, 2010, 41(1): 47–56 New and little known oribatid mites from Madagascar (Acari: Oribatida). I. S. MAHUNKA1 Abstract. A list of the newly studied and identified oribatids from Madagascar (Malagasy Republic) is given. Altogether 17 species are mentioned from several sites of the island including four new species and a new subspecies belonging in the families Steganacaridae, Oppiidae and Austrachipteriidae, respectively. Two species, Eniochthonius sumatranus Mahunka, 1989 and Cultroribula bicuspidata Mahunka, 1978 are recorded for the first time from Madagascar. With 25 figures. INTRODUCTION bala, 1992, 2001, 2004, 2008; Norton et al., 1997, Weigmann, 2006; Woas, 2002). F or some time I have been studying the oribatid Depositories. The material examined is depo- fauna of Madagascar (Mahunka, 2002, 2009 a, sited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum, b). The final aim is to write a monograph of this Budapest (HNHM), and some paratypes and vou- unique and very rich fauna. For achieving this cher specimens in the Muséum d’Histoire na- goal I try to identify and discuss as much oribatid turelle de Genève (MHNG). species as possible deriving from different parts of the island. In this contribution, I present the LOCALITIES species collected by Dr. Csaba Csuzdi in Vohi- mana Reserve, Dr. Tamás Pócs in several loca- lities of Antsiranana and Tomasina Provinces and Afr-311 Madagascar, Ranomafana, E from Fianara- utsaa, soil samples from litter of tropical rain forest, Dr. Dénes Balázs in different regions of the great 24-26. September 1979. Leg. D. Balázs. island. Afr-918 Madagascar, Antsiranana Prov., Réserve Spé- Present article comprises descriptions and/or ciale de Manongarivo. Tall mesic evergreen forest discussions of 17 species belonging in different with huge sandstone cliffs and boulders 7.5 km SW oribatid families. Of them, four species (Notoph- of Antanambao village, at the W side of Ambakatra thiracarus inusitatus, N. pseudosomalicus, Fusul- river. At 460-570 m alt. 13°55.5'N, 48°27.3'E. 24. oppia variosetosa and Lamellobates cuneatus spp. July 1998. Leg. T. Pócs. (No. 9857). nov.) and one subspecies (Austrophthiracarus ao- Afr-921 Madagascar, Toamasina Prov., Mananara Nord kii malagasensis ssp. nov.) are new to science. Biosphere Reserve and National Park. Lowland Two further, little known species (Eniochthonius rainforest on the E slopes of Mahavoho Hill (very sumatranus Mahunka, 1989 and Cultroribula bi- wet types along Mahavoho River, with many tree cuspidata Mahunka, 1978) are reported for the ferns, palms and Pandanus ssp., less humid on first time from Madagascar. slopes) at 220-300 m alt. 16°27'S, 49°46.9-47.5'E. Date: 14-15, Aug. 1998. Leg. T. Pócs. (No. 9878). In this paper, as in the earlier ones, I follow the system of Norton & Behan-Pelletier (2009), and Afr-923 Madagascar, Toamasina Prov., Maromizaha fo- besides I also use some works which were men- rest. Mossy montane rainforest with bamboo (Nastus tioned in my previous publication on this subject sp.) undergrowth on the summit ridge of Mt. Ma- (Mahunka, 2008). In the descriptions I use the romizaha, south of the Andasibe Nat. Park and the morphological terminology of Norton & Behan- Antananarivo Toamasina road, 2 km W of Anevoka Pelletier (2009) and furthermore those of other village, at 1080-1214 m alt. 18°57.8'S, 48°27.5'E. authors (e.g. Mahunka & Zombori, 1985; Nied- Date: 26. August 1998. Leg. T. Pócs. (No. 9890). _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1Prof. Dr. Sándor Mahunka, MTA Zootaxonómiai Kutatócsoport, és Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum Állattára (Systematic Zoology Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum), H-1088 Budapest, Baross utca 13, Hungary. E-mail: [email protected] Mahunka: New and little known oribatid mites from Madagascar Afr-996 Madagascar, Vohimana Reserve, primary fo- MICROZETIDAE Grandjean, 1936 rest. 17. April 2008. Leg. Cs. Csuzdi. Rhopalozetes madecassus Mahunka, 1993 Locality: Afr-923. LIST OF THE NEWLY IDENTIFIED AUSTRACHIPTERIIDAE Luxton, 1985 SPECIES Lamellobates cuneatus sp. nov. CTENACARIDAE Grandjean, 1954 TEGORIBATIDAE Grandjean, 1954 Beklemishevia demeteri Mahunka, 1984 Lemurobates antsiranana Mahunka, 1997 Locality: Afr-921. Localities: Afr-921, Afr-996. ENIOCHTHONIIDAE Grandjean, 1947 DESCRIPTIONS Eniochthonius sumatranus Mahunka, 1989 Locality: Afr-923. Austrophthiracarus aokii malagasensis ssp. nov. EPILOHMANNIIDAE Oudemans, 1923 (Figs 1–4) Epilohmannia insignipes Balogh, 1962 Material examined. Holotype: Madagascar, Locality: Afr-923. Toamasina Province. Maromizaha forest. 26. August 1998. Leg. Dr. T. Pócs (9890) (Afr-923). 1 para- EUPHTHIRACARIDAE Jacot, 1930 type from the same sample. Holotype (1786-HO- Microtritia hauseri Mahunka, 1994 10) and paratype (1786-PO-10) are deposited in Locality: Afr-923. the HNHM. STEGANACARIDAE Niedbała, 1986 Diagnosis. With the main characters of Austro- phthiracarus aokii (Mahunka, 1983). Median cris- Austrophthiracarus aokii malagasensis ssp. nov. ta absent, sigillar fields well observable, with par- Hoplophorella vitrina (Berlese, 1962) allel median borders. Lateral carina and lateral Locality: Afr-918. rim weak, partly short. Sinus line and disinct pos- terior furrows well observable. Sensillus long Notophthiracarus inusitatus sp. nov. with asymmetrical distinct head. Prodorsal and Notophthiracarus pseudosomalicus sp. nov. notogastral setae short, bacilliform, notogastral Notophthiracarus zebra Balogh, 1962 setae varying in length. Formula of genital setae Locality: Afr-923. 6:3. Adanal setae ad and ad much longer than 2 3 anal setae. ASTEGISTIDAE Balogh, 1961 Measurements. Length of prodorsum: 347–500 Cultroribula bicuspidata Mahunka, 1978 µm, length of notogaster: 556–1014 µm, height of Locality: Afr-921. notogaster: 388–626 µm. CERATOPPIIDAE Kunst, 1971 Prodorsum. Colour light brown. Ornamented by small foveolae, which ordered in some furrows Trichoppia longiseta Balogh, 1960 Locality: Afr-923. basally, lateral part along the margin smooth. Median crista absent, sigillar fields well visible OPPIIDAE Sellnick, 1937 (Fig. 2). A distinct lateral carina short, reaching to the relatively long sinus line. Rostral setae very Fusuloppia variosetosa sp. nov. short, straight, setiform. Interlamellar setae erect, Gressitoppia sensilla (Mahunka, 2002) covered by short spicules. Lamellar and exoboth- Locality: Afr-923. ridial setae minute. Sensillus straight, its peduncle long, thin, its head weakly separated, with rough- Rugoppia boraha (Mahunka, 1994) ened distal margin. Locality: Afr-921. 48 Mahunka: New and little known oribatid mites from Madagascar Figures 1–4. Austrophthiracarus aokii malagasensis ssp. nov. 1 = body in lateral view, 2 = genitor-anal region, 3 = arranged of the anterior genital setae, 4 = prodorsum in dorsal view Notogaster. Ornamented by strong sculpture Leg. Chaetotaxy of legs complete type, setae d (Fig. 1), consisting of small foveolae. on genu well visible. Setae of d on femur I large, well curved interiorly, located near to the anterior Fifteen pairs of different length notogastral se- margin. tae. All setae setiform, covered with small aci- cules or cilia. Two pairs of lyrifissures ia and im Remarks. The new subspecies comes close to present. the nominate subspecies, however aokii mala- Ventral parts. Formula of genital setae 6:3. gasensis can be distinguished from aokii aokii by Setae g –g located very near to each other, in the very short and straight rostral setae arising 5 6 paraxial position. All genital setae arising in one near its rostral margin (long and curved in aokii row (Fig. 3). Formula of anoadanal setae 2:3. aokii), by the position of genital setae (arising in Anal setae equal in length, thin, setiform. Among two rows in aokii aokii), and the shape of sigillar the adanal setae ad and ad longer than the anal fields of prodorsum. The nominate subspecies 1 2 ones (Fig. 4). was recorded from Kenya and Tansania. 49 Mahunka: New and little known oribatid mites from Madagascar Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the rows (Fig. 5). Fifteen pairs of short, rigid, obtuse locality of this species. notogastral setae present, covered with small spic- ules in their distal end. Setae c and c located 1 3 Notophthiracarus inusitatus sp. nov. much nearer to collar margin than setae c . Al- 2 veoli of vestigial setae arising between setae f . (Figs 5–9) 1 All setae – except p setae – nearly equal in length. Two pairs of lyrifissures ia and im present. Material examined. Holotype: Malagasy Re- public, Toamasina Province. Maromizaha forest. 26. Ventral parts (Figs. 6–7). Anal plates with a August 1998. Leg. Dr. T. Pócs (9890) (Afr-923). 2 distinct, thin ventral edge. Formula of genital se- paratypes from the same sample. Holotype (1787- tae 5:4. Formula of anoadanal setae 2:3. Anal HO-10) and 1 paratype (1787-PO-10) deposited in setae equal in length, thin, setiform. Among the the HNHM, 1 paratype in the MHNG. adanal setae ad and ad slightly longer than the 1 3 anal ones, setae ad much thicker and longer than Diagnosis. Median crista absent, sigillar fields 2 all of other setae. Adanal setae ad and ad far 2 3 not observable. Lateral carina and lateral rim pre- remote anteriorly from anal setae. sent. Sinus line and disinct posterior furrows well observable. Sensillus long with asymmetrical di- Legs. Chaetotaxy of legs complete type. Setae stinct head. Prodorsal and notogastral setae short, of d on femur I short, well curved interiorly, lo- bacilliform, all equal in length. Formula of genital cated near to the anterior margin. setae 5:4. Adanal setae ad and ad far removed 2 3 anteriorly. Remarks. The new species is easily distin- guishable from all congeners by the shape and Measurements. Length of prodorsum: 110–143 arrangements of the adanal setae. µm, length of notogaster: 230–275 µm, height of notogaster: 120–170 µm. Etymology. The name refers to the unusual po- sition of the adanal setae. Prodorsum. Colour light yellow, its dorsal out- line uniformly convex anteriorly, straight basally. Notophthiracarus pseudosomalicus sp. nov. Ornamented by foveolae anteriorly and by fur- (Figs 10–17) rows basally (Figs. 5, 8), lateral part along the margin smooth. Median crista absent, fields in- Material examined. Holotype: Madagascar, visible because of strong sculpture. A distinct la- Toamasina Province. Maromizaha forest. 26. August teral carina, long, reaching to the rostrum, sinus 1998. Leg. Dr. T. Pócs (9890) (Afr-923)). 1 para- line long, lateral rim short not reaching over the type from the same sample. Holotype (1788-HO- sinus line. Rostral, and interlamellar setae erect, 10) and 1 paratype 1788-PO-10) are deposited in latter one similar to notogastral setae, covered by the HNHM. short spicules in its distal part. Lamellar and exo- bothridial setae minute. Sensillus (Fig. 9) long, its Diagnosis. Median crista absent, sigillar fields peduncle conspicuously long, thin, its head well well observable. Lateral carina and lateral rim separated, asymmetrical, with roughened margin. present. Sinus line absent and disinct posterior furrows not observable. Sensillus medium long Notogaster. Ornamented by strong sculpture with distinct head. Prodorsal and notogastral setae medially (in dorsal view), consisting of small short, bacilliform, all equal in length. Genital se- foveolae ordered in irregularly longitudinal fur- tae arising in one row. Formula of genital setae 50 Mahunka: New and little known oribatid mites from Madagascar Figures 5–9. Notophthiracarus inusitatus sp. n. 5 = body in lateral view, 6 = genital plate, 7 = anoadanal plate, 8 = prodorsum dorsal view, 9 = sensillus 4:5. Adanal setae ad much longer and thicker dered with parallel lines. A short, distinct lateral 2 than anal and other adanal ones. Chaetotaxy of carina, reaching to the rostrum present. Sinus line legs of complete type. absent, lateral rim very narrow (Fig. 10). Rostral setae straight, setiform, smooth (Fig. 12), interla- Measurements. Length of prodorsum: 164–187 mellar setae erect, covered by short spicules in its µm, length of notogaster: 318–335 µm, height of distal part. Lamellar setae short, spiniform, wide notogaster: 218–236 µm. basally, exobothridial setae minute. Sensillus Prodorsum. Colour light brown, its dorsal out- (Figs. 16–17) comparative long, its peduncle line uniformly convex anteriorly, straight basally. much longer than head, it phylliform, asymmet- Ornamented by very large foveolae, which com- rical, with roughened margin. pose 1–2 irregular furrows basally. Lateral part along the margin smooth. Median crista absent, Notogaster. Ornamented by strong sculpture, sigillar fields well observable, median fields bor- consisting of small, very deep foveolae ordered in 51 Mahunka: New and little known oribatid mites from Madagascar Figures 10–17. Notophthiracarus pseudosomalicus sp. n. 10 = body in lateral view, 11 = femur of leg I, 12 = prodorsum in dor- sal view, 13 = anoadanal plate, 14 = genital plate, 15 = sculpture of notogaster, 16, 17 = sensillus in dorsal and lateral view irregularly longitudinal furrows (Fig. 15). Fifteen Legs: Chaetotaxy of legs complete type. Setae pairs of short, rigid, obtuse notogastral setae pre- of d on femur I well developed, with bifurcate sent, covered with small spicules in their distal distal end (Fig. 11). Seta d of leg IV well devel- end. Setae c and c located nearer to collar margin oped. 1 3 than setae c . Alveoli of vestigial setae arising 2 Remarks. The new species is very close to No- between setae f . All setae – except p setae – 1 tophthiracarus parasomalicus Niedbala, 2001 de- nearly equal in length. Two pairs of lyrifissures ia scribed from Madagascar, but easily distinguished and im present. from its congeners by the complete type of legs Ventral parts. Anal plates with a distinct, thin (incomplete in parasomalicus) and by the shape ventral edge. Formula of genital setae 4:5 (Fig. of setae d of leg I. N. somalicus (Berlese, 1923) 14). Formula of anoadanal setae 2:3 (Fig. 13). probably does not belong to the genus Noto- Anal setae equal in length, thin, setiform, adanal phthiracarus. setae ad slightly longer than the anal ones, setae 1 ad much thicker and longer than all of other Etymology. The name refers to the relationship 2 setae, located near to anal ones. of the new species. 52 Mahunka: New and little known oribatid mites from Madagascar Fusuloppia variosetosa sp. nov. ed laterally, slightly dilated medially (Fig. 19), resembling Salix leaves, all distinctly barbed. (Figs 18-22) Notogaster. Round in dorsal, semicircle in la- Material examined: Holotype: Madagascar, teral view. Dorsosejugal suture convex medially, Ranomafana, E from Fianarautsaa, soil samples crista absent. Twelve pairs of notogastral setae from litter of tropical rain forest, 24–26. Sep- present, setae c reduced. Two pairs (h and p ) 2 1 1 tember 1979. Leg. D. Balázs (Afr-311). 1 para- extremely short simple (Fig. 21), p and p seti- 2 3 type from the same sample. 2 paratypes: Mada- form, short. All median setae (da-dp and la-lp) gascar, Toamasina Prov., Mananara Nord Bio- well developed, extremely long, finely barbed. sphere Reserve and National Park. Lowland rain- Lateral part of podosoma. Exobothridial regi- forest on the E slopes of Mahavoho Hill (very wet on well granulate, without longitudinal crest. Pe- types along Mahavoho River, with many tree ferns, dotecte I and II small, discidium very long (Fig. palms and Pandanus ssp., less humid on slopes) at 22). 220–300 m alt. 16°27'S, 49°46.9–47.5'E. Date: 14- 15, Aug. 1998. Leg. T. Pócs. (No. 9878). (Afr-921). Ventral parts. Coxisternal region well sclero- Holotype (1789-HO-10) and 2 paratypes (17889- tised. Apodemes and epimeral borders – except PO-10) are deposited in HNHM, 1 paratype in ap. 3 and bo. 3 connected each other. On bo. 2 MHNG. and bo. sej. with median epimeral fossa. Bo. 4 distinctly curved, reaching behind genital aperture Diagnosis. Rostrum rounded. Prodorsal sur- (Fig. 20). Sternal apodemes mostly developed, but face with tree pairs of interbothridial maculae. La- apodema between ap. 2 and ap sej. partly absent. mellar setae lovated nearer to rostral than inter- Epimeral surface ornamented by polygonal pat- lamellar setae. Sensillus very long, narrow, slight- tern, epimer 1 granulate anteriorly. Median epi- ly dilated medially. Twelve pairs of notogastral meral setae short, some lateral ones conspicuously setae present, two pairs of them very short. Setae c reduced. Coxisternal region well sclerotised long. Some of them finely roughened. All setae in 2 apodemes II and sejugal apodemes wide, apo- the aggenital region short and simple, setae in the demes IV conspicuously bent along genital open- anal region much longer than genito-aggenital ing. Sternal apodema also strong, with drop- ones. Setae ad in post, setae ad in paraanal, 1 2 shaped features. Genitoanal setal formula 5 – 1 – lyrifissures iad in adanal position. All setae co- 2 – 3. Lyrifissures iad in adanal position. All legs vered by short bristles. very long. Legs. All segment conspicuously thin, long, Measurements. Length of body: 634–662 µm, exceptionally long all tibia and femora. Leg IV width of body: 316–358 µm. nearly as long as the length of notogaster. Prodorsum. Rostral part wide, rostrum without Remarks. Apart from Fusuloppia variosetosa sharp apex or incisure, rounded, nearly conical in sp. nov. two other species belong to the genus Fu- dorsal view. Median costulae absent, three pairs suloppia Balogh, 1983: the type species of the of maculae located comparatively near to each genus (Oppia simplex Balogh, 1961 = Fusuloppia other, in interbothridial region and three or four neonominata Subias 2004) and an other one larger ones located laterally. Prodorsal setae long, published from Tanzania (Fusuloppia fusuligera simple, ratio of them: in > le > ex > ro (Fig. 18). (Balogh, 1962)). The new species is distinguish- Interlamellar setae thicker than the others, well ing from fusuligera by the much shorter prodorsal pilose, lamellar setae thinner, arising nearer to and notogastral setae, from the neonominata by rostral than interlamellar ones. Exobothridial setae the shape of sensillus (its head is well separate in simple. Bothridium well developed, with a small neonominata, gradually narrowed anteriorly in the basal lath posteriorly. Sensillus very long, direct- new species), and from both earlier described 53 Mahunka: New and little known oribatid mites from Madagascar Figures 18–22. Fusuloppia variosetosa sp. n. 18 = body in dorsal view, 19 = sensillus, 20 = body in ventral view, 21 = posterior part of notogaster, 22 = podosoma in lateral view species by the much thicker and strongly chiti- the same sample. Holotype (1790-HO-10) and 1 nised ap. 2. and ap. sej. (much thinner in neo- paratype (1790-PO-10) are deposited in HNHM. nominata and fusuligera). Diagnosis. With the characters of Lamello- Etymology. The species epithet refers to the bates (see Nübel-Reidelbach & Woas 1992). Ros- conspicuously short posteromarginal and very tral apex with lateral teeth. Between them a con- long notogastral setae in anterior position. vex median elevation. Lamellae concave laterally, with two long, sharply pointed apices. Lamellar Lamellobates cuneatus sp. nov. setae thick, bacilliform, interlamellar setae much (Figs. 23–25) longer, setiform. Sensillus long, fusiform, dilated distally. Ten pairs of fine notogastral setae pre- Material examined. Holotype: Madagascar, sent. Coxisternal region weakly sclerotised. Geni- Vohimana Reserve, primary forest. 17. April to-anal setal formula 6 – 1 – 2 – 2. Lyrifissures 2008. Leg. Cs. Csuzdi (Afr-996). 1 paratype from iad in adanal position. All legs monodactylous. 54 Mahunka: New and little known oribatid mites from Madagascar Figures 23–25. Lamellobates cuneatus sp. n. 23 = body in dorsal view, 24 = prodorsum, 25 = posterior part of ventral plate Measurements. Length of body: 275–282 µm, laterally. Ten pairs of fine notogastral setae (Fig. width of body: 188–197 µm. 23), and 4 pairs of small sacculi present. Prodorsum. Rostral part wide, rostral apex Lateral part of podosoma. Tutorium large, with two lateral teeth and a shorter rounded me- with sharply pointes distal end. Pedotectum I dian elevation. Rostral setae long, arising lateral- large. Pteromorpha well covered the acetabula II- IV, bearing a small spine laterally. ly, their form similar to the interlamellar setae. Lamellae conspicuously converging medially, Ventral parts. Epimeral surface smooth, apo- their lateral margin convex distally (Fig. 23). Two demes weakly developed. Epimeral setae short, apices present bearing bacilliform lamellar setae, simple and thin. Ventral plate smooth. Genito- both equal in length, median apex wider than the anal setal formula: 6 – 1 – 2 – 2 (Fig. 25). An- spiniform lateral one. Lamellae basally connected terior genital setae much longer than the three with each other by a bent interlamellar tubercle posterior pairs. Two pairs of adanal setae very (Fig. 24). Bothridium well rise from the anterior short, aggenital and anal setae also minute. margin of the notogaster. Sensillus fusiform, di- Legs. All legs monodactylous. lated distally. Remarks. On the basis of the shape of lamellae Notogaster. Surface smooth. Anterior margin and lamellar apices the species of the genus of notogaster undulate, with a pair of deep hollow Lamellobates Hammer, 1958 fall in three groups: 55 Mahunka: New and little known oribatid mites from Madagascar 1) Inner apex lost, inner margin rounded (L. NIEDBAŁA, W. (1992): Phthiracaroidea (Acari, Oriba- palustris Hammer, 1958), 2) Inner apex very long, tida) systematic studies. – PWN - Polish Scientific much longer than the outer one (L. orientalis Csi- Publishers Warszawa, 612 pp. szár, 1961), 3) Inner and outer apices equal in NIEDBAŁA, W. (1998): Ptyctimous mites of the Ethio– length (L. engelbrechti Mahunka, 1989). pian region. I. Euphthiracaroidea (Acari, Oribati– da). – Journal of African Zoology, 112 (1) 15–75. The new species belongs to the third group. It NIEDBAŁA, W. (2001): Study on the diversity of pty- can be distinguished from all congeners by the ctimous mites (Acari, Oribatida) and quest for cent- conspicuously long and diverging outer lamellar res of its origin: the fauna of the Ethiopian Region. cusp. – Monographs of the Upper Silensian Museum, 3: 1–245. Etymology: The species name refers to the shape of the lamellar apices. NIEDBAŁA, W. (2004): Zoogeography of the ptycti- mous mites (Acari: Oribatida) of Madagascar and Acknowledgements. This research was sponsored by the other eastern Africa islands. – International Jour– Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA 45889) and the nal of Tropical Insect Science, 24(4): 330–335. French Institute of Biodiversity (IFB) Fauna-M project. My NIEDBAŁA, W. (2008): Description of a new species of thanks are due to my friends Dr. Tamás Pócs and Dr. Csaba ptyctimous mites (Acari: Oribatida) from Ethiopia Csuzdi, for collecting these very interesting soil samples. I and a checklist of ptyctimous mites of the Afrotro– am grateful to Dr. Csaba Csuzdi also for his help extended pical Region. – Tropical Zoology, 21: 1–9. while preparing this manuscript and to my wife Mrs. Luise Mahunka-Papp for preparing the drawings. I thank also Dr. NÜBEL-REIDELBACH, E. & WOAS, S. (1992): Einige Tibor Fuisz for reviewing the English text. basale Arten der cepheiden und der pterogasterinen Entwicklungslinie der höheren Oribatide (Acari, REFERENCES Oribatei). – Andrias, 9: 75–119. NORTON, R. A., ALBERTI, G., WEIGMANN, G. & WOAS, BALOGH, J. (1962): Recherches sur la Faune Endogée S. (1997): Porose integumental organs of oribatid de Madagascar. VII Oribates (Acariens) nouveaux. mites (Acari, Oribatida). 1. 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(2009a): Oribatid mites from the Vohi- biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acarifor- mana reserve (Madagascar) (Acari: Oribatida). I. – mes, Oribatida) del Mundo (1758–2002). – Graell- Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hunga- sia, 60: 3–305. ricae, 55(2): 89–122. MAHUNKA, S. (2009b): Oribatid mites from the Vohi- SUBÍAS, L. S. (2009): Listado sistemático, sinonímico y biogeográfico de los ácaros oribátidos (Acari- mana reserve (Madagascar) (Acari: Oribatida). II. – formes, Oribatida) del Mundo (exepto fósiles). – Opuscula Zoologica, Budapest, 40(2): 47–61. Originally published in Graellsia, 60: 3–305, 2004, MAHUNKA, S. & MAHUNKA-PAPP, L. (2007): Taxono- actualized en abril de 2009, 547 pp. Pdf. mical and faunistical studies on Oribatids collected in Kenya (Acari: Oribatida) I. – Acta Zoologica WEIGMANN, G. (2006): Hornmilben (Oribatida). – Die Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 53(1): 51–74. Tierwelt Deutschlands, 76. Teil. 520 pp. MAHUNKA, S. & ZOMBORI, L. 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