Revue suisseZool. Tome98 Fase. 2 p. 325-354 Genève,juin 1991 New and interesting mites from the Geneva Museum LXVIL Soil inhabiting Ptychoid Oribatids from Malaysia (Acari: Oribatida) by MAHUNKA* S. With74figures Abstract New and interesting mites from the Geneva Museum—LXVIL Soil inhabiting Ptychoid Oribatids from Malaysia (Acari: Oribatida). A study of "Ptychoid" Oribatid mites originating from Malaysian soil samples is presented. Twelve species and one subspeciesoutoftheexaminedeighteenspeciesprovedtobenewto science. INTRODUCTION On the request of Dr. B. Hauser (Curator of the Arthropoda collections at the Muséum d'Histoire naturelle, Geneva), T. Jaccoud (taxidermist at the same Museum) and hiscompanionP. Marcuard (Geneva) collectedsoil samples inMalaysia. The samples contain a very large number ofspecies, obviously requiring quite some time to complete their study; therefore, I present herewith only the species belonging to the "Ptychoid" Oribatid-groups. I discuss 18 species representing 3 superfamilies (Mesoplophoroidea van der Hammen, 1959, Phthiracaroidea Perty, 1841 and Euphthi- racaroideaGrandjean, 1967), 6families and 8 genera. Theproblems ofidentification and the definition ofsome new species necessitate the survey of the whole genus Apoplophora Aoki, 1980; for this purpose I give an identification key for all the heretofore known species. Some other problems were addressed in connection with Hoplophorella scapellata Aoki, 1965; having re-examined * Zoological Department, Hungarian Natural History Museum, Baross utca 13, H-K Budapest, Hungary. 326 s- MAHUNKA the type-series ofHoplophorella lienhardi Mahunka, 1987 I am able to separate the two species. Examination ofthis material suggests some interesting zoogeographical relationships between Sabah and the Malayan Peninsula through, for example, the discovery in Malaysia ofa second species ofSabahtritia Mahunka, 1987! The length, heightand width measurements reflect the smallest and highest values taken. When a long series of specimens was available atleastfivemeasurements ofeachwererecorded. LISTOFLOCALITIES i 34: Malaisie(Perak): CascadedeSungei Simei (CameronHighlands)25.III.1977. leg.T.Jaccoud etP.Marcuard. i 52:Malaisie(Pahang): Panching 11.III.1977. leg.T.JaccoudetP. Marcuard. i 61:Malaisie(Perak): CascadedeSungeiSimei(CameronHighlands)25.III.1977. leg.T.Jaccoud etP.Marcuard. i 74:Malaisie(Pahang):Temerloh9.III.1977.leg.T.JaccoudetP.Marcuard. i 82: Malaisie(Pahang):TanahRata24.III.1977. leg.T.JaccoudetP.Marcuard. i 85:Malaisie (Perak): Cascade de Sungei Simei (Cameron Highlands) 28.III.1987. leg. T. Jaccoud et P. Marcuard. i 96: Malaisie(Pahang): Berinchang(CameronHighlands)26.III.1977.leg.T.JaccoudetP.Marcuard. i 100:Malaisie(Pahang): Panching 11.III.1977,leg.T.JaccoudetP. Marcuard. Listofidentified species ApoplophoridaeNiedbala, 1984 Apoplophoradistatasp. n. Apoplophorajaccoudisp.n. Apoplophoramalayasp. n. Apoplophoramarcuardisp. n. Apoplophoratrisetasp.n. MesoplophoridaeGrandjean, 1965 Mesoplophora(Parplophora)paralevisetasp. n. PhthiracaridaePerty, 1841 Hoplophorellacuculiata(Ewing, 1909) Locality: i 100: 1 specimen HoplophorellafloridaeJacot, 1933 Loca1ity : i74:4specimens Hoplophorellascape!lataAoki, 1965 Localities: i52: 10specimens; i61: 9specimens; i74: 3 specimens Hoplophthiracarusminorsp.n. Hoplophthiracarusnasalissp.n. HoplophthiracarusproximusNiedbala, 1984 Localities: i61: 12specimens; i 100: 7 specimens OribotritiidaeGrandjean, 1954 AustrotritiashealsiMahunka. 1987 Localities: i85: 2specimens; i96: 8 specimens ORIBATIDS FROM MALAYSIA 327 EuphthiracaridaeJacot, 1930 Rhysotritiaclavataspiculiferassp. n. Rhysotritìadividasp.n. Rhysotritiahauserisp. n. Sumatrotritiaeleganssp.n. SabahtritiidaeMahunka, 1987 Sabahtritiamirabilissp.n. DESCRIPTIONS Genus ApoplophoraAoki, 1980 The genus was revised by Niedbala (1984) and its species were surveyed by Mahunka (1987b), but at the time ofcompleting my manuscript (1984) I was not aware ofNiedbala'spaper. The present material contains several Apoplophora species, the identification of whichnecessitates arepeatedinvestigationoftheearlierspecies. Concerning the species-characters my opinion differs from that ofNiedbala (e.g. in the importance ofthe sculpture ofthe prodorsum and ofnotogaster). Recently I examined more than 120 specimens ofseveral species ofthis genus and I have found no transitional variability between the sculptured and unsculptured forms. On this basis Apoplophora rostrorugosa (Hammer, 1979) is a valid species, and apparently the synonymization by Niedbala (1984) of A. remota Aoki, 1980 was perhaps premature. The number of branches ofthe sensillus and ofthe setae was also often not exactly given by the authors. On the basis of some re-examined species I give this number correctly in the key for the Apoplophora species. Apoplophoracristatasp. n. Measurements. - Length ofaspis: 200-232 |am, length ofnotogaster: 275- 296 (am,heightofnotogaster: 191-210|0m. Aspis: A conspicuous strongerlateral carina and some otherfine lines presenton the prodorsal surface. Lateral carina bent anteriorly and laterally, connected with the lateral rim (Fig. 1). Laterobasal corner also striate. Conspicuous differences in length betweenthe prodorsal setae: ex (57 \\m) < in (73 urn) < le (88 um) < ro (93 \\m). All setae denselyciliate. Sensillus with 36-40comparatively longbranches (Fig. 3). Notogaster: Lateral margin ofnotogasterserrate medially (Fig. 1). Eight pairs ofnearlyequallythicknotogastral setaepresent, setaec (75 urn) andd much shorterthan l x cp (96|0m). Alldenselyciliate. Ventral side (Fig. 2): Ventral plate with eight pairs of setae, two pairs of them in the aggenital position. These two latter pairs much thinner than the other setae. Setae v{ nearly halfas long as v2, setae vrv6strongly ciliate, similar to notogastral setae. Analplates withfourpairs ofstrong, rigid setae, all directedmoreorless forwards. Material examined: Holotype: i 74; 5 paratypes: from the same sample. Holotype and3 paratypes: MHNG1, 2 paratypes (1293-PO-88): HNHM:. ': MHNG= depositedinthe Muséumd'Histoirenaturelle,Genève. 2: HNHM = deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, with identifica- tionnumberofthespecimensintheCollectionofArachnida. MAHUNKA 328 S. Rem arks : Thenew species is well characterizedbythe strong lateralcarinaand the serrate notogastral margin. These two features are unknown in the previously describedApoplophora species. Figs 1-3. Apoplophoracostatasp.n.- 1:bodyfromlateralview,2: anogenitalregion,3: aspis. ORIBATIDS FROM MALAYSIA 329 Apoplophorajaccoudi sp. n. Measurement.- Length ofaspis: 246-257 )im, length ofnotogaster: 335-350 pm, heightofnotogaster: 221-240\\m. Aspis: Its furface smooth, only the laterobasal corner with some short lines. Setae comparatively short, with a striking difference in length between interlamellar (57 uni) andexobothridial (46 urn) setae (Fig. 6), thelatteralsothinnerandlesscibatethan the former ones. All setae densely cibate, cilia sparser on the distal end than on the proximal part. Sensillus long, with38-40branches. Notogaster: All notogastral setae strong, nearly equal in thickness. Setae c x and d much shorter than c c stands much farther on the anterior margin of the x 3; 2 notogasterthansetaeCj orc3 (Fig. 4). Ventral side (Fig. 5): Six pairs ofsetaeinadanal, twopairs in aggenital posi- tion. Latter setae are thin and smooth, and also shorter than the thick and densely cibate precedingones. Fourpairsofanal setae alsocibate. Material examined: Holotype: i 74; 20 paratypes: from the same sample; 3 paratypes: i 52. Holotype and 14paratypes: MHNG,9paratypes (1294-PO-88): HNHM. Remarks: The new species stands close toA.pantotrema (Berlese, 1913). It is distinguishedfromitbythenumberofthe aggenital setae. Idedicate the new species to one of the collectors, Mr. T. Jaccoud (Geneva Museum). Apoplophoramalaya sp. n. Measurements. - Length ofaspis: 305-374 \xm, length ofnotogaster: 379- 473 |jm,heightofnotogaster: 227-265 urn. Aspis: Rostrum serrate anteriorly (Fig. 10), prodorsal surface ornamented by longitudinal striation. Lateral part smooth, but some striae also visible basally (Fig. 8). Lateral carina conspicuous. Interlamellar setae slightly longer than lamellar ones, exobothridial setaethe shortestamongtheprodorsal setae. Sensilluswith 11-13 branches. Notogaster: Eight pairs ofnotogastral setae ofvarious lengths, one ofthem (c3)veryfine*, withoutciliation. Allothers strong, slightlythickenedandnormallycibate. Ventral side: Ventral plate (Fig. 9) with 8 pairs of setae. Two ofthem in aggenital position, anterior one short, thin and fine, posterior one cibate, like the others. Setae vx shorter but thicker than setae v2-v6. Six pairs of genital, four pairs of anal setae present. Setae anl and an2 arising medially, an3 and an4 laterally on the anal plate (Fig. 11). Anal setae alsodensely cibate. Material examined: Holotype: i 96; 20 paratypes (2 tritonymphs): from the same sample. Holotype and 12 (1 tritonymph)paratypes: MHNG, 8 paratypes (1 tritonymph) (1295-PO-88): HNHM. Remarks: The new species is well characterized by the 2 pairs of aggenital setae and the heterotrichy of the notogaster. On this basis it stands nearest to A. heterotricha Mahunka, 1987 from Sabah; however, the latter species is much smaller, its prodorsum is smooth andtwopairs ofequally long aggenital setaearepresent. Itisalsoconspicuousinthetritonymph. MAHUNKA 330 S. Figs4-7. Apoplophorajaccoudisp.n.-4: bodyfromlateralview,5: anogenitalregion,6: aspis. Apoplophoraindica(Mahunka, 1985)-7: aspisfromlateralview. ORIBATIDS FROM MALAYSIA 331 Figs 8-11. Apoplophoramalayasp.n.-8: bodyfromlateralview,9: anogenitalregion, 10: aspis, 11: analplate. 332 s- MAHUNKA Apoplophora marcuardi sp. n. Measurements.- Length of aspis: 270 urn, length of notogaster 350 uni, heightofnotogaster: 236 um. Aspis: Surface closely striated, but striae not reaching over the insertion ofthe interlamellar setae. Prodorsal setae - with the exception of exobothridial ones - strong, thick and densely barbed. Exobothridial setae much finer than the others. Sensillus with morethan40shortbranches (Fig. 14). Notogaster: Whole surface coveredwith spines, which areconnectedby short crests (Fig. 12). Lateral margin serrate. Eight pairs of strong, densely ciliate notogastral setaepresent, ciliaintwoparallellines. Setaec3 muchlongerthan setaecl. Ventral side (Fig. 13): Eightpairs ofconspicuous setae. Twopairs ofthemin aggenital position (Fig. 15), ag much shorter and finerthan the posteriorone. Among the x ventral setae, agx short, only half as long as v2. All considerably ciliate, similar to the notogastral setae. Fourpairs ofsetae onthe analplate also strong andciliate. Material examined: Holotype: i 61; depositedintheMHNG. Remarks: The new species stands close to A. ornatissima Mahunka, 1988, however, the ventral plate in the latter is ornamented and the aggenital setae are ofequal length andequal thickness (Fig. 16). I dedicate the new species to Mr. P. Marcuard (Geneva), forhis help in the collection ofthis veryrichmaterial. Apoplophoratriseta sp. n. Measurements. -Length ofaspis: 210-237 urn, lengthofnotogaster: 276-295 urn, heightofnotogaster: 153-173 urn. Aspis (Fig. 19): Without any dorsal sculpture, only the laterobasal cornerlineate. Among the prodorsal setae significant differences in length exist: setae ex much shorter and finerthan the others, setae ro the longestofall. Exobothridial setae sparsely ciliate, all others densely ciliate. Sensillus withmore than40longbranches. Notogaster (Fig. 17): Eight pairs ofequally thick setae, setae c2 and c3 much longerthan q, alsod ande very long. x 2 Ventral side (Fig. 18): Eightpairs ofsetae present. Two ofthem in aggenital position, much thinner than the others, agx > ag2. Setae vt shorter than v2. Three pairs of setiform butdenselyciliate anal setae. Material examined: Holotype: i 61; 3 paratypes: fromthe same sample; 4 paratypes: i 34; 3 paratypes: i 85. Holotype and 6 paratypes: MHNG, 4 paratypes (1296- PO-88): HNHM. Remarks: The new species is the firstApoplophora species with 3 pairs ofanal setae. Onthis basis itis distinguishedfrom all the otherheretoforeknown species. ORIBATIDS FROM MALAYSIA 333 Apoplophoramarcuardisp.n.- 12: bodyfromlateralview, 13: anogenitalregion, 14: aspis, 15: aggenitalsetae. ApoplophoraornatissimaMahunka, 1988- 16: aggenitalsetae. MAHUNKA 334 S. Figs 17-19. Apoplopìwratrisetasp.n.- 17:bodyfromlateralview, 18: anogenitalregion, 19: aspis.