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Neutral current coherent pion production L. Alvarez-Ruso, L. S. Geng, and M. J. Vicente Vacas Departamento de F´ısica Te´orica and IFIC, Universidad de Valencia - CSIC; Institutos de Investigaci´on de Paterna, Aptdo. 22085, 46071 Valencia, Spain. We investigate the neutrino induced coherent pion production reaction at low and intermediate energies. Themodelincludespion,nucleonand∆(1232)astherelevanthadronicdegreesoffreedom. Nuclear medium effects on the production mechanisms and pion distortion are taken into account. Weobtainthatthedominanceofthe∆excitationholdsduetolargecancellationsamongtheback- groundcontributions. Weconsidertwosets ofvectorandaxial-vector N-∆ transition form-factors, evidencingthestrongsensitivityoftheresultstotheaxialcouplingCA(0). Thedifferencesbetween 5 neutrinoand antineutrino cross sections, emerging from interference terms, are also discussed. 8 PACSnumbers: 25.30.Pt,13.15.+g,23.40.Bw 0 0 2 I. INTRODUCTION termsandthedressingofthe∆verticesduetotherescat- n tering. Later, this model has been applied to incoherent a pion production in nuclei [18]. In Ref. [17] the back- Thestudyofweakcoherentpionproductionincharged J ground terms were derived using the non-linear σ model current (CC) and neutral current (NC) processes, is 8 for pions and nucleons. The work of Ref. [17] and some in the agenda of several current and future experi- 2 recentlattice [19] and quarkmodel [20] calculationssug- ments[1,2,3,4]. Forinstance,theSciBooNEdetector[2] ] shouldbe able toidentifyπ0’semitted inthe forwarddi- gest smaller values for the axial-vector N-∆ transition h form factors (FF) than those traditionally found in the rection, where most of the coherent fraction of the total t literature1. Therefore, we explore the sensitivity of the - NCπ0 production is concentrated. MINERνA [3] will l weak coherent pion production cross sections to differ- c collect data with high statistics, allowingfor a clear sep- entchoicesofFF inthe energyrangeofMiniBooNEand u aration between coherent and incoherent processes, and n K2K experiments. the comparison between neutrino and antineutrino cross [ sections. The measurements will be performed on C, Fe 2 and Pb targets, so that the A dependence can be es- II. THEORETICAL MODEL v tablished. The NC reaction ν +A ν +π0 +A is of 2 particular importance as a source o→f background in ν e 7 We have applied the model of Ref. [17] for weak pion appearance oscillation experiments [4, 5]. The presently 1 available data on coherent NCπ0 production are scarce. production on the nucleon to the description of the NC 2 coherent reaction ν(k) + A ν(k′) + π0(p ) + A on They were obtained at E = 2 GeV [6] or higher [7], π 7. h νi (nearly) isospin symmetric nu→clei such as 12C, 27Al and often with large error bars that complicate the discrimi- 0 56Fe. Besides the dominant direct ∆ excitation [21], nation between theoretical predictions. 7 this modelincludes the crossed∆termandnucleonpole 0 Many theoretical calculations used PCAC extrapo- terms both direct and crossed shown in Fig. 1. The ini- : lated to q2 = 0 [8, 9, 10]. Other studies focused on v 6 the neutrino-energy region around 1 GeV, where the i X excitation of the ∆(1232) resonance gives the domi- Z0 π0 r nant contribution to weak pion production on the nu- a cleon. They have stressed the relevance of the mod- ification of the ∆ spectral function inside the nuclear medium [11, 12, 13, 14]. Another important ingredient N, ∆ Z0 π0 is the pion distortion. In Refs. [8, 10], it is taken into account by factorizing the pion-nucleus elastic cross sec- tion. Inamoregeneralfashion,itcanbeincorporatedin the amplitude by means of the distorted wave Born ap- N, ∆ proximation, using a pion wave function obtained in the eikonallimit[13]orbysolvingtheKlein-Gordonequation FIG. 1: Mechanisms contributing to coherent π0 production with a realistic optical potential [12, 14]. in isospin symmetric matter. In this article we extend our model of Ref. [14] by addinglowenergybackgroundtermsto∆excitation,and apply it to the NC case. Backgroundterms for the weak pion production on the nucleon were considered in the 1 Note, however,that adirectcomparisonoftheoretical withem- past in Refs. [15], and more recently in Refs. [16, 17]. In pirical FF is not straightforward due to the dressing of the ∆ Ref. [16] itwas shownthe importance of the background vertices asobtainedinRef.[16]. 2 tial and final nucleons are in the same quantum state as FF,andthestandarddipoleF =g (1 q2/M2)−2 with A A − A requiredby coherence. Other possible contributions (see M = 1 GeV. PCAC has been applied to relate F to A P Fig. 2ofRef.[17]forthecompletesetofdiagrams)cancel F . βµ carries the information about the weak N-∆ A for isospin symmetric nuclei and will not be considered. transiAtion ( ˜βµ(p′,q)=γ [ βµ(p′, q)]†γ ) 0 0 A A − The cross section for this reaction is given by C˜V C˜V dσ 1 ~k′ p~ 1 G2 βµ = 3 (gβµ/q qβγµ)+ 4 (gβµq p′ qβp′µ) dΩνdEνdΩπ = 8| |~k| π|(2π)5 2 |lµJAµ|2, (1) A (mN − m2N · − | | C˜V C˜A TwhheerenutchleeanreucutrrirneontcuJrµre,notbltµai=neud¯νa(ks′)tγhµe(1co−heγr5e)nutνs(ku)m. + m52N(gβµq·p−qβpµ))γ5+(m3N(gβµ/q−qβγµ) A over all nucleons, for all four mechanisms is C˜A C˜A + 4 (gβµq p′ qβp′µ)+C˜Agβµ+ 6 qβqµ ,(8) Jµ = i f∗ d3reiq~·~rρ(r)F (p )D (p ) m2N · − 5 m2N ) ∆d √6mπ Z ∆ d ∆ d where C˜V =(1 2sin2θ )CV, C˜A =CA. × pˆαπTr u¯(0)ΛαβAβµu(0) φ∗>(p~π,~r), (2) ForthieFFCV−,AweconWsideri twoidiffereintparametriza- i i f(cid:2)∗ (cid:3) tions. The first one, adopted in our recent study of CC J∆µc = √6mπ d3reiq~·~rρ(r)F∆(pc)D∆(pc) coherent pion production [14], assumes the M1+ dom- Z inance of the N-∆ electromagnetic transition [26], and × pˆαπTr u¯(0)A˜βµΛβαu(0) φ∗>(p~π,~r), (3) CthAe =Ad0l,erwimthodel [27] for the axial FF, C4A = −C5A/4, h i 3 g JNµd =× −pˆαπiT8rfAπ[u¯Z(0)dγ3αrγe5i(q~p·/~rdρ+(rm)FNN)B(pVµdu)D(0N)](φp∗>d)(p~π,~r),(4) C5A =C5A(0)(cid:18)1+ 2 G1e.2V12q−2 q2(cid:19)(cid:18)1− MqA22∆(cid:19)−2. (9) JNµc = −i8gfA d3reiq~·~rρ(r)FN(pc)DN(pc) WGoeldtabkeergCer5A-T(0r)ei=ma1n.2,reinlataigornee[2m6e],ntanwditMhtAh∆e=off1-d.2ia8gGoneaVl π Z as extracted from BNL data [28]. CA is related to CA pˆαTr[u¯(0) µ(p/+m )γ γ u(0)]φ∗(p~ ,~r).(5) 6 5 × π BV d N α 5 > π by PCAC. Here,g =1.26istheaxialcouplingofthenucleon,f = The second set of FF is taken from Ref. [17]. In the A π 92.4 MeV, the pion decay constant and f∗ = 2.13, the vector sector, it adopts the parametrizations of Ref. [29] ∆ Nπ decaycoupling;m andm standforthe pion obtainedfromanew analysisofelectron-scatteringdata, π N and→nucleonmasses. Thelocalnucleardensityisdenoted which allows to go beyond the M1+ approximation. In by ρ(r). D (p′)Λ (p′) and D (p′)(p/′+ m ) are the the axialsector,the Adler modelisalsoused, butwith a ∆ αβ N N ∆ and nucleon propagators with the momentum of the different ansatz for C5A [30] intermediate state p′ being p =p +q =p +p for the d i f π q2 −1 q2 −2 directdiagrams,andpc =pi pπ =pf qforthecrossed CA =CA(0) 1 1 . (10) ones;pi andpf aretheinitia−landfinal−nucleonmomenta 5 5 (cid:18) − 3MA2∆(cid:19) (cid:18) − MA2∆(cid:19) while q is the momentum transfered by the lepton q = Hernandezet al. [17]fitthe freeparametersaboveto the k k′. The effect of hadron internal structure on the − ANL data [31] with a πN invariant mass constraint of ∆Nπ and NNπ vertices has been parametrized as [22] W < 1.4 GeV finding M = 0.985 0.082 GeV and A∆ F∆(N)(p′)= Λ4+(p′2Λ4m2 )2, (6) aCb5Aly(0s)m=al0le.8r6t7ha±n0t.h0e75o.nTehoibstavianluede forfoCm±5At(h0e)oisff-cdoinasgiodnear-l − ∆(N) Goldberger-Treimanrelation. Thecoherentpionproduc- with Λ = 1 GeV. In the evaluation of the spin traces, tion process is more forward-peakedthan the incoherent we neglect corrections of the order (p~ /m ) which is one, and filters part of the background terms. For these i(f) N equivalenttosettingnucleonthree-momentatozero. On reasons, it is specially sensitive to CA(0) and, therefore, 5 theotherside,intheevaluationofD (p′),weassume better suited to constrain its value than the incoherent ∆(N) that the three-momentum transfered to the nucleus is reaction, provided that the experimental separation of equally shared by the initial and final nucleons, so that these two contributions is possible. p~ = (p~ ~q)/2 [23, 24]. The modification of the ∆ properties inside the nuclei i(f) π The f±unctio−n µ is given in terms of the vector and [32]causesalargereductionofthecoherentpionproduc- BV axial-vector nucleon form factors as follows tion cross section, as shown in Refs. [13, 14]. Therefore, q we take it into account for the direct ∆ mechanism by µ =F˜Vγµ+iF˜Vσµν ν F˜Vγµγ F˜Vqµγ , (7) BV 1 2 2m − A 5− P 5 adding a density dependent ∆ selfenergy and modifying N the free width in D (p ), as explained in SectionII B of ∆ d where F˜1V,2 =(1−2sin2θW)(F1p,2−F1n,2), F˜AV,P =FA,P. Ref. [14]. One would also expect some in-medium cor- WeusetheBBA-2003parametrization[25]forthevector rections to the amplitudes of the other diagrams but, as 3 shown below, these mechanisms have only a very small not negligible, as can be observed in Fig. 3. The for- impactontheobservables. Thus,weneglectfurthermod- malism described in the previous section is applicable to ifications which would have a negligible effect. antineutrinos replacing (1 γ ) by (1+γ ) in the lep- 5 5 − Finally, the operator pˆα in Eqs. (2-5) acts on φ∗ as tonic current. The contributions of interference terms π > with q2 = 0 are apparent in these curves, which would 6 pˆ φ∗(p~ ,~r)=(ω φ∗(p~ ,~r),i~φ∗(p~ ,~r)). (11) be otherwise identical for a given nucleus. π > π π > π ∇ > π φ∗(p~ ,~r) is the distorted wave function of the outgoing 1.2 > π pionwithasymptotic momentump~π, obtainedasthe so- ν (ν-) + A-->ν (ν-) + A + π0 with FF set I lutionoftheKlein-Gordonequationwithamicroscopical 1.0 12C (ν) opticalpotentialbasedonthe∆-holemodel. Detailscan befoundinSectionIIDofRef.[14]andinRefs.[33,34]. 2cm]0.8 1526CFe ( (ν-ν)) -400 0.6 56Fe (ν-) 1 III. RESULTS A [ 0.4 σ/ The integrated cross section as a function of the neu- 0.2 trinoenergyisshowninFig.2. Thecomparisonbetween the solid and the dashed lines, both obtained with the 0.0 choice of FF denoted as set I, indicates that the direct 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 ∆ excitation is the dominant mechanism. The crossed Eν [GeV] ∆ term accounts for about 0.6% of the cross section at E =1 GeV. The direct and crossed nucleon-pole terms FIG. 3: (Color online) ν vs. ν¯ cross section for NC coherent ν are approximately six times bigger than the crossed ∆, π0 production on 12C and 56Fe as a function of energy. but there is a large cancellation between them, so that their sum gives less than 0.2% of the total cross sec- A σ(ν¯) < σ(ν) is compatible with the findings of the tion. The more realistic description of the vector form Aachen-Pa∼dova collaboration on 27Al [6]. Our results, averaged over the CERN PS (anti)neutrino fluxes [36], for both sets I and II are shown in Table I together with 0.14 the experimental ones [6]. The results with set I are be- 0.12 ν + 12C-->ν + 12C + π0 low the central experimental values but within the large FF set I error bars, while with set II the data are clearly under- 0.10 FF set I only ∆ estimated. In any case, these theoretical values should ] 2 m FF set II be taken with care because these fluxes extend to high c0.08 8 neutrino energies, where our model is less reliable. 3 -00.06 We alsoshow in Table I our neutrino CC crosssection 1 σ [ on 12C averaged over the K2K flux [37], and the (anti) 0.04 neutrinoNC onesaveragedoverthe correspondingMini- BooNE fluxes [38]. In the case of K2K, the experimen- 0.02 tal threshold for the muon momentum p > 450 MeV/c µ 0.00 is taken into account. The result with set I is slightly 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 larger than the one given in our recent publication [14] Eν [GeV] (10 10−40 cm2) due to the inclusion of background × mechanisms. This number is above the upper bound FIG. 2: (Color online) Cross section for coherent π0 produc- obtained by K2K. While possible reasons for that dis- tion on 12C as a function of theneutrino energy. crepancy were discussed in Ref. [14], here we find that the smaller CA(0) value obtained in Ref. [17] (set II) is 5 factors of set II has a negligible effect on the result. On compatible with that limit. The situation is not so clear the contrary, the reduction of CA(0) brings down the forMiniBooNEbecausesetII predictsaverysmallcross 5 cross section by about a factor two with respect to set section although still within the large error bars of the I. These features can be easily understood from the fact preliminaryexperimentalresult. Intheν¯mode,thevalue thatinthe forwarddirection(q2 =0),wheremostofthe issmallerthanintheν mode,duetoboththesmalleran- strength of this reaction is concentrated, the only form tineutrinocrosssectionsthatweobtainandthe different factor that contributes is CA [35]. Therefore, one can energy distribution of the fluxes. 5 2 In summary,we have calculatedthe NC coherentpion infer that σ(I)/σ(II) CA (0)/CA (0) 1.9. ∼ 5(I) 5(II) ≈ production cross sections at low energies and compared On the basis of thishargument one alsoi expects that them with the still scarce data. Our model includes all interference plays a minor role. It is small indeed, but mechanisms relevant for pion production at these ener- 4 uncertainty of our results comes from the N-∆ FF. In TABLE I: Cross sections for weak coherent pion production inunitsof10−40cm2,averagedovertheAachen-Padova(AP) order to estimate it we have presented results for two representative sets. Actually, we find that the coherent [36], K2K [37] and MiniBooNE [38] spectra. Columns σ I(II) π cross section is more sensitive to the N-∆ axial FF correspond to theform factor sets I and II respectively. than the incoherent one. This is due to the cancellation Reaction Experiment σ σ σ Exp. of the isovector terms in isospin symmetric nuclei and I II NCν+ 27Al AP 19.9 10.1 29± 10 [6] to the forward peaked kinematics driven by the nuclear NCν¯+ 27Al AP 19.7 9.8 25± 7 [6] form factor. We obtain smaller NC coherent π produc- CC ν+ 12C K2K 10.8 5.7 <7.7 [1]a tion cross sections for neutrinos than for antineutrinos. NCν+ 12C MiniBooNE 5.0 2.6 7.7±1.6±3.6[39]b Interference terms in the production amplitudes are re- sponsible for this difference. NCν¯+ 12C MiniBooNE 4.6 2.2 - aObtained using the ratio between coherent and σCC, the total CCcrosssection,andthevalueforσCC oftheK2KMCsimulation. Acknowledgments bPreliminary. We thank M. SorelandG.Zellerfor usefuldiscussions gies. Wefindthattheprocessisdominatedbytheexcita- and valuable communications. This work was partially tionofthe∆resonancewhilethebackgroundtermsplay supportedbytheMECcontractFIS2006-03438,theGen- only a minor role. 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