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STUDIES ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF BEHAVIOR AND THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Volume 3 NEURAL AND BEHAVIORAL SPECIFICITY Edited by GILBERT GOTTLIEB Psychology Laboratory Division of Research North Carolina Department of Mental Health Raleigh, North Carolina ACADEMIC PRESS · New York San Francisco London 1976 A Subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers COPYRIGHT © 1976, BY ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING, OR ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. Ill Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003 United Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. (LONDON) LTD. 24/28 Oval Road, London NW1 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOG CARD NUMBER: 72-12194 ISBN 0-12-609303-2 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS Numbers in parentheses indicate the pages on which the authors' contributions begin. KAO LIANG CHOW (155), Department of Neurology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California J. D. DANIELS (195), Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California GILBERT GOTTLIEB (25, 237), Psychology Laboratory, Division of Research, North Carolina Department of Mental Health, Raleigh, North Carolina PAUL GROBSTEIN (155), Department of Pharmacological and Physiological Sciences, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois M. J. KEATING (59), Division of Developmental Biology, National Institute for Medical Research, London, England WILLIAM R. LIPPE (5), Psychology Laboratory, Division of Research, North Carolina Department of Mental Health, Raleigh, North Carolina RONALD L. MEYER (111), Division of Biology, California Institute of Tech­ nology, Pasadena, California J. D. PETTIGREW (195), Division of Biology, California Institute of Tech­ nology, Pasadena, California R. W. SPERRY(III), Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California RICHARD C. TEES (281), Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada ix PREFACE Historically speaking, a large measure of the progress in neurobiology and biopsychology has come from the recognition of neural specificities of var­ ious sorts, such as Descartes' reflex paths (an inevitable reaction to an external stimulus because of the connection between stimulus and re­ sponse via a specific nervous pathway); Charles Bell's law (the ventral spinal cord is specifically motor in function, while the dorsal cord is specifically sensory in function); Johannes Muller's "specific energies of nerves" (each sensory nerve, however stimulated, gives rise to its own sensory process); and Charles Sherrington's notion of "adequate stimulation" (each sense organ responds optimally to a specific form of stimulation—each organ of sense is specifically irritable, as Muller put it). In this century, particularly in the last decade, the specificity of peri­ pheral-central neural connections has been added to the list in the neuro- biological sphere, and the species-specificity of motor movement (fixed or modal action patterns), perception, and even learning has been added in the behavioral and psychological spheres. Specificity, whether behavioral or neural, is a phenotype—it is the out­ come of a developmental process. Such a multilevel process involves not only molecular biology and biochemistry, but intrinsic and extrinsic func­ tional factors as well. The fact that a developing organism's spontaneous and evoked sensory and motor experience may play an important role in the at­ tainment of neural and behavioral specificity is a relatively new idea, one that is explored rather fully in this volume. While specificity is a problem which is best experimentally analyzed from a developmental point of view, it is also a comparative problem, one that must be studied in various animal groups in order to appreciate singularity (if it be so) or multiplicity of "mechanism." Thus, the comparative coverage is fairly broad, including fish, amphibians, birds, and mammals. Finally, there are some long-standing conceptual problems common to the behavioral and X PREFACE xi neural realms and these are described in the two introductory chapters and the final chapter. A word about the term "specificity." It is used in several different senses throughout the volume. Whereas certain authors (Keating, and Meyer and Sperry) mean to refer to the biochemical individuality of neurons by the term neural specificity, other authors (Daniels and Pettigrew, and Gottlieb) use the term to refer to specific or selective electrophysiological functions of neurons (orientation-selective visual cells, for example) and/or highly specific anatomical pathways (as, from certain points in the retina to certain points in the visual cortex). The meaning each author has in mind for neural specificity is usually made clear, either by the context or by overt definition. The term "behavioral specificity," on the other hand, always refers to be­ havior which is typical or characteristic of a species at a given stage of development. I am grateful to William R. Lippe and Ronald W. Oppenheim, the two consulting editors for this volume, for their editorial suggestions. Mary Catharine Vick provided her usual careful and cheerful assistance with copyediting. Paul G. Roofe graciously lent a portrait of C. Judson Herrick. GILBERT GOTTLIEB C. Judson Herrick (1932) DEDICATION ΤΟ C. JUDSON HERRICK (1868-1960) In view of the fact that Charles Judson Herrick died only 16 years ago, it is startling to realize that his life began in "frontier" days. Minnesota had entered the Union only a scant 10 years before his birth, and the city of Minneapolis, his birthplace, was incorporated only the year before he was born. C. Judson Herrick's academic career intertwined with that of his older brother Clarence. In 1885, when Clarence became professor of geology at Denison University in Granville, Ohio, Judson accompanied him and en­ rolled in the preparatory department of the college. In 1888, Clarence re­ signed from Denison to accept a similar appointment at the University of Cincinnati. In 1889, Judson followed Clarence to the University of Cincin­ nati, where, in the following year, he was appointed laboratory assistant in biology. In 1891, Judson became an instructor in the preparatory depart­ ment at Denison and soon thereafter was awarded his B.S. degree from Cincinnati. Meanwhile, his brother accepted an appointment at the Uni­ versity of Chicago, one which he was to resign in only a few months, once again returning to Denison. In that year (1892), Judson had accepted a pro­ fessorship of natural science in Ottawa University, Kansas. In 1893, how­ ever, he rejoined Clarence at Denison as a teaching fellow. Several months later, Clarence became incapacitated by pulmonary tuberculosis and Judson assumed most of his brother's teaching duties, as well as management of the Journal of Comparative Neurology, which Clarence had founded three years earlier. (Judson was to serve in a key editorial capacity on this journal until 1927, at which time he resigned as Managing Editor, and was succeeded by G. E. Coghill.) In 1895, Clarence moved to New Mexico, and, in the follow­ ing year, Judson pursued his Ph.D. research at Columbia University, return­ ing to Denison in 1897. The following year, he was promoted to Professor of Zoology (from Assistant Professor of Biology). He received his Ph.D. degree from Columbia in 1900 for the research completed there in 1896 (on xiii Xiv DEDICATION TO C. JUDSON HERRICK (1868-1960) the cranial nerves of Menidia, smelt-like fishes). Seven years later, Herrick moved to the University of Chicago, where he took up duties as Professor of Neurology in the Department of Anatomy. He stayed at Chicago for the remaining 30 years of his active academic life. While Herrick worked primarily on the neural structure and function of fish and amphibian brains, he had very broad philosophic and scientific interests, so he kept himself abreast of general developments in psychology, zoology, and physics, as well as other fields. He numbered among his friends and colleagues the comparative physiological psychologists R. M. Yerkes, Heinrich Kliiver, and Karl Lashley, as well as the neuroanatomists George E. Coghill and Gerhardt von Bonin, all of whom had strong interests in psychological development and the evolution of the brain. In 1924, Herrick published a book on the Neurological Foundations of Animal Behavior. Although a regular contributor to the scientific literature throughout his career, Herrick described himself as a slow study. (He was here no doubt comparing himself to Clarence, who was an intellectual collossus by anyone's standards.) In any event, C. J.'s variegated interests culminated in several general books, published many years after his retirement from the University of Chicago. The first of these volumes, published in 1948, summarized his lifelong study of the tiger salamander's brain and was titled simply The Brain of the Tiger Salamander. (It is by no means a straight­ forward empirical treatment but includes a theoretical synthesis of the probable course of cerebral development and evolution in vertebrates as a whole. It was Herrick's assumption that the urodele amphibians represent the most generalized version of the primitive brain and early behavior of vertebrates, so, for him, they were the choice starting point for evolutionary study.) The next year he published George Ellett Coghill, Naturalist and Philosopher, in which he not only summarized Coghill's doings, but also the content of innumerable philosophic conversations which he and Coghill had engaged in over the years (Coghill had died in 1941). By his own admis­ sion, there is considerable of Herrick's own philosophizing in that book; he makes it clear that he shared Coghill's interest in such abstract conceptions as "space, time, and consciousness." The abiding question had to do with "psychogenesis"—the evolution of mental development. When does consciousness (awareness) enter the phylo- genetic picture? What features of the brain account for human intelligence, perception, and cognition? In answer to the first question, in an imaginary dialog which concludes the biography, Herrick has Coghill say: There are ample precedents for giving "mind" a wider connotation than "consciousness." If you prefer some other expression, like "experience," that can be split into conscious and unconscious experience, I have no quarrel with that.... The thing that we agree upon is that integrative experience, as you call it, and mentation, as I call it, is a total-pattern DEDICATION TO C. JUDSON HERRICK (1868-1960) XV type of activity common to all organisms and that there has been progressive expansion and individuation of this pattern in evolutionary history and in personal development. As you have suggested, this organic property may have its roots in what you call pattern of perfor­ mance in the inorganic realm; it probably does. In any case the organic pattern is different from anything known in the inorganic realm. Somewhere in this series a conscious component of the pattern emerges. We don't know where, but there is no evidence at all that it is anywhere present in the inorganic realm. Consciousness is a true emergent. Are we agreed about this? Herrick has himself reply: Yes, and in this connection I would refer again to ... [the] conception of integrative levels In discussing psychogenesis I prefer to stress the emergent capacities inherent in all natural processes. In animals the total pattern of integration is necessarily changed, and the apparatus employed undergoes differentiation parallel with every complication of the partial patterns as these are successively individuated. Translating this clumsy verbiage into the vernacular, this means that, during organic evolution and the struggle for existence, every individual preserves his own life despite the multitude of different things he had to do about it. And the fullness of that life is enlarged with every increase in his control of the environment which sustains him. When conscious control is added to unconscious control, life is enriched by opening up an entirely new domain of experience. Herrick answered the question of the neural basis of perception and cognition in the last book he published, The Evolution of Human Nature (1956). The former ("analytic processes") he identified with the projection areas of the brain; the latter ("synthetic or integrative processes") he identi­ fied with the association areas of the brain. He wrote: The brain is a glorified sorting machine and the projection centers of the cortex make the final refinements of this analysis of the data of experience. In the remainder of the cortex the raw data are rearranged in patterns which are in large measure determined by the use made of them, that is, by experience. This is an integrative process which employs mechanisms and mechan­ ical principles of different order from those of the analytic systems. While certain of Herrick's psychological terms and concepts may seem a bit "dated" (as no doubt ours will to those who succeed us), his multidis- ciplinary orientation embodied in the term Psychobiology anticipated to­ day's mode by more than half a century. As Herrick himself made abundant­ ly clear, both he and his lifelong friend Coghill were intellectually indebted to C. J.'s elder brother Clarence for their orientation. (As mentioned earlier, Clarence was the founder of the Journal of Comparative Neurology. Judson called it "the exponent of his [Clarence's] psychobiological interests." It is significant that the journal was originally called the Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology.) Early on, Clarence envisioned a scientific meta-department of psycho- biology, a holistic biological approach to the problem of behavior, meaning its anatomical, physiological, and psychological study from the mutual per­ spectives of phylogeny and ontogeny. Although Clarence published more xvi DEDICATION TO C. JUDSON HERRICK (1868-1960) than 150 papers and monographs between 1877 and 1910, it is through the labors of his younger brother, Coghill, and Adolf Meyer, the father of Amer­ ican psychiatry, that the concept of psychobiology comes down to us today. C. J. actualized the concept through his evolutionary reconstruction of the higher vertebrate brain by intensive anatomical analysis of fish and of amphibian material (especially the urodeles). Coghill actualized the onto­ genetic aspect through his correlative neuroanatomical-behavioral studies of developing salamanders (urodeles). In the best spirit of the psychological conception, C. Judson Herrick always had his eye on behavior when thinking about the structure and function of the nervous system. For example, in his classic The Brain of the Tiger Salamander he wrote: What happens during the emergence of specific reflexes from the total reactions is, first, the development of an increasing number of collateral branches of the primary axons and the central linkage of sensory and motor pathways in ever more complicated patterns. Then, second, in the adjusting centers additional neurons are differentiated, the axons of which take longer or shorter courses, branching freely and participating in thé formation of a nervous feltwork of extraordinary complexity. These neurons are not concerned primarily with specific reflexes but with the coordination and integration of all movements. Some parts of this intricate fabric, generally with thicker fibers, more or less well fasciculated, activate mass movements of primitive type, and other parts control local reflexes as these are individuated. But these systems of fibers are not segregated in completely insulated reflex arcs. They are interconnected by collateral branches with one another and with the interstitial neuropil. There are lines of preferential discharge, but whether any one of them is actually fired depends on numberless factors of peripheral stimulation and central excitatory state. And when he turned his attention to matters of individual development, Herrick of course recognized the principle of motor primacy and the innap- propriateness of applying a simple stimulus-response formula to even the earliest stages of behavioral activity in the most primitive of vertebrate embryos: The stimulus-response formula has wide application and great usefulness as a basic concept in physiology and psychology, but its apparent simplicity is illusory and has tended to divert attention from essential features of even the simplest patterns of behavior.... [Coghifl's] researches have demonstrated beyond question that in this animal [salamander embryo] the neuromuscular system is so organized... that, when first activated from the sensory zone, the resulting movement is a total response of all the musculature that is mature enough to respond to nervous excitation. These "total patterns" of activity are not disorderly, and they become progressively more complicated while the apparatus of local reflexes ("partial patterns") is slowly differentiated within the larger frame of the total pattern. The develop­ ment of both the total pattern and the partial patterns is initiated centrally, and throughout life all of them are under some measure of unified central control ... The patterning of these orderly movements is determined by the intrinsic structure of the nervous system. This structural pattern is not built up during early development under the influence of sensory excitations, for in the embryo the motor and sensory systems attain functional capacity independently of each other; and when central connection between the sensory

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