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Addiction (1998) 93 (1), 27± 39 REVIEW Nesbitt’s Paradox resolved? Stress and arousal modulation during cigarette smoking ANDREW C. PARROTT Department of Psychology, University of East London, UK Abstract Nesbitt’s Paradox states that cigarette smoking generates physiological and psychological changes which are normally incompatible, namely increased arousal together with decreased stress. This review con® rms these changes, but shows that they are dependent upon various factors, particularly the degree of nicotine deprivation. Thus the relaxant properties of smoking re¯ect the relief of irritability which develops between cigarettes. The deleterious mood effects of abstinence explain why smokers suffer more daily stress than non-smokers, and become less stressed when they quit smoking. Deprivation reversal also explains much of the arousal data, with deprived smokers being less vigilant and less alert than non-deprived smokers or non-smokers. Nicotine can, however, display genuine stimulant properties, although due to repeated abstinence effects the average arousal level of smokers is generally similar to non-smokers. Mood normalization also explains why nicotine is so addictive, with regular smokers needing nicotine just to ªfunctionº normally. Finally, Nesbitt’s Paradox also assumes that arousal and emotionality are associated with each other. Yet factor analysis of mood and personality questionnaires shows that these two dimensions are statistically independent, with the stress and arousal changes during smoking also generally uncorrelated. Nesbitt’s Paradox is therefore not actually a paradox; it never was a paradox. Introduction up, while they report themselves as calmer and In 1973 Stanley Schachter described: more relaxedº (Nesbitt, 1973, p. 137). The ªNesbitt’s Paradox ¼ a perverse concatenation essence of Nesbitt’s Paradox is that tobacco of data which simply doesn’t make senseº smoking seems to be both stimulating and (Schachter, 1973, p. 148). The core of relaxing. the Paradox was that while smoking leads to Other research groups con® rmed these smok- sympathetic arousal, in psychological terms ing motives (Ikard, Green & Horn, 1969; smokers report feelings of relaxation: ªThe McKennell, 1970), with separate factors for physiological and psychological effects of stress control or ªsedative smokingº, and the smoking a cigarette are seemingly in contradic- maintenance ofalertnessorªstimulant smokingº tion to each other. When smokers smoke, (Russell, Peto & Patel, 1974; West & Russell, their level of physiological arousal goes 1985; Shiffman, 1993). This led to a subtle Correspondence:AndrewC.Parrott,DepartmentofPsychology,UniversityofEastLondon,LondonE154LZ, UK.Tel: 1 44 (0)1815907722,ext4505;fax: 1 44 (0)1818493697;e-mail:[email protected]. Submitted29thJanuary1997;initialreviewcompleted11thApril1997;® nalversion accepted14thJuly1997. Ó 0965± 2140/98/010027± 13 $9.50 Society for the StudyofAddiction to Alcoholand OtherDrugs Carfax Publishing Limited 28 Andrew C. Parrott reformulation of the Paradox, into the contrast cessing, although excessive arousal may be between contradictory psychological reasons for counter-productive, as described in the Yerkes± smoking: Dodson inverted-U curve (Parrott, 1992, Sher- wood, 1993; Heishman, Taylor & Henning® eld, Nicotine is a stimulant, its effect being to 1994). Stress is an emotional construct, activate neural systems. Hence there is no re¯ecting feelings of anxiety and tension, and dif® culty in accepting verbatim one of the poor coping skills, particularly under threat smoker’s stated reasons for smoking, namely (Gilbert & Wesler, 1989; Pomerleau & Pomer- to be stimulated. But there is considerable leau, 1991; Gilbert, 1995). dif® culty in reconciling the stimulant proper- The following perspectives will be taken in an ties of nicotine with the smoker’s statement attempt to resolve the Paradox. First, it will be that he seeks the calming, relaxing effects of suggested that the positive changes noted by smoking. Why, when under stress, does the Nesbittand Schachter(relaxation and alertness), smoker seek more stimulation? It is my belief largely re¯ect reversal of the negative effects of that when we resolve the Nesbitt Paradox we abstinence (irritability and impaired concen- will have identi® ed the primary reinforcing tration).A corequestionwillbewhethernicotine mechanism incigarettesmoking(Dunn,1978, generates any real psychobiological bene® ts, in p. 19). addition to the reversal of abstinence effects (West, 1993). Secondly, Nesbitt (1973) sug- Schachter (1978) proposed an explanation for gested that arousal is generally accompanied by Nesbitt’s Paradox based upon changes in the stress, and tiredness with relaxation. However, it acidity oftheurine during stress, butsubsequent will be shown instead that they are basically research failed to con® rm this (Rosenberg et al., orthogonal and independent. 1980; Pomerleau & Pomerleau, 1990). Gilbert (1979) concluded that the empirical data on the Paradox were inconsistent or unclear. Gilbert Cigarette smoking and arousal (1995) reviewed the mood effects of smoking Schachter (1973) listed several lines of evidence again, but did not re-examine the Paradox. Oth- to indicate the arousing effects of smoking: ers, however, have noted that Nesbitt’s Paradox heightened cardiovascular activity, increased remains unsolved. Warburton (1988, p. 369) epinephrine (adrenaline) excretion, EEG indices stated that nicotine was unique because it com- of heightened arousal, and animal data showing bined performance enhancement with anxiety that nicotine had CNS stimulant properties reduction. Ney & Gale (1989, p. 7) commented (Nesbitt,1973;Schachter,1973).Thesechanges upon the enduring controversy that smoking have been widely replicated, and it is generally seemed to either arouse or tranquillize. Pomer- acknowledged that smoking is often arousing leau & Pomerleau (1990, p. 227) concluded: (Church, 1989; Gilbert, 1995). Task perform- ªThe ability of nicotine to produce both arousal ance also tends to be increased after smoking, in and sedation poses a special challenge to re- comparison with continued abstinence (Wesnes search.º & Warburton, 1983; Revell, 1988; Hasenfrantz There arethree core aspects to Nesbitt’s Para- et al.,1989;Parrott& Roberts,1991; Sherwood, dox: the effects of smoking upon arousal; the 1993; Parrott et al., 1996b). The relationship effects of smoking upon stress; and the inter- between arousal and performance is basically relationship between these changes. Each topic linear, with increased arousal leading to better will be analysed separately. Stress and arousal performance (® g. 3 in Parrott, 1992); although are broad constructs, covering a diverse array of full-strength cigarettes can sometimes boost phenomena. This paper will follow the arousal past the level for optimal performance de® nitions from the original articles (Nesbitt, (® g. 2 in Parrott, 1992; Wesnes & Warburton, 1973; Schachter, 1973), and largely maintained 1983). Tobacco chewing, nicotine tablets or since (Church, 1989; Gilbert, 1995). Arousal is nicotine gum can also increase arousal and/or an energetic construct, re¯ecting feelings of performance, again in comparison with nicotine alertness, and standard EEG characteristics deprivation (Wesnes & Warburton, 1983; (Church, 1989). High arousal is generally ac- Keenan, Hatsumaki & Anton, 1989; Parrott & companied by fast and ef® cient information pro- Winder, 1989; Snyder & Henning® eld, 1989). Nesbitt’s Paradox and cigarette smoking 29 This arousal increase occurs when nicotine is crease in arousal following either smoking or given to deprived smokers, and nicotine depri- nasal nicotine. However, those with higher base- vation generally leads to decreased arousal. In a line arousal reported no change in arousal, after review of the smoking/EEG literature, Church either smoking or the nasal nicotine. Parrott (1989,p.127)concluded:ªSmoking deprivation (1994a) divided 105 smokers into four sub- has been followed by EEG signs of sedation, groups,accordingtoscores on the Smoking Mo- smoking by EEG signs of arousal.º Thus, Knott tivation Questionnaire stimulant subscale. High & Venables (1977) found that abstaining smok- stimulant smokers reported the greatest increase ers had less activated EEGs than non-deprived in arousal post-smoking, but the lowest arousal smokers. A similar pattern occurs in the per- pre-smoking. The arousal levels of all subgroups formance literature, with smokers generally after-smoking were very similar.Thus the effects showing better task performance than deprived ofsmoking upon arousal seem to re¯ect largely a smokers (for reviews see: Wesnes & Parrott, process of mood normalization, with deprived 1992; Sherwood, 1993; Heishman et al., 1994). smokersreportinglowarousal,and non-deprived Therefore, a performance improvement is often smokers displaying similar arousal to non-smok- indicative of an arousal increase, as long as per- ers (Parrott et al., 1996; Jones & Parrott, 1997). formance is not pushed past the peak of the This mood normalization is also consistent with Yerkes± Dodson inverted-U curve (Parrott, the wording of some of the questions on stimu- 1992). Deprived tobacco chewers also display lant smoking: ªI smoke in order to keep myself lower vigilance performance than non-deprived from slowing downº (Ikard et al., 1969); tobacco chewers (Keenan et al., 1989). The op- ªSmoking keeps me going when I am tiredº posing effects of smoking and deprivation raise (Russell et al., 1974). Schachter (1973, p. 148) the question of whether smoking generates a also noted that smokers did not report being genuine arousal gain, or simply reverses absti- ªstimulatedº or ªbucked-upº by cigarettes. nence effects (Surgeon General, 1988, p. 393). However,otherquestionsare suggestive ofa real This question is not easy to resolve, because the alertness gain: ªI get a de® nite lift and feel more ªnormalº arousal level for each smoker is un- alert while smokingº (Russell et al., 1974). The known, following years of chronic nicotine use. issue of whether nicotine can sometimes gener- Indirect evidence can, however, be provided ate true stimulation is addressed again later. from non-smokers. Knott & Venables (1977) reported that overnight deprived smokers had less activated EEGsthan non-smokersorcurrent Cigarette smoking and stress smokers, whereas the EEG pro® les of current Nesbitt (1973) noted that one of the most fre- smokers were similar to non-smokers. Deprived quently given reasons for smoking was stress- smokers also tend to display lower levels of cog- reduction, with 80% of smokers using cigarettes nitive task performance than both non-deprived when feeling stressed or angry (Ikard et al., smokers and non-smokers,whereas the perform- 1969). Schachter (1978, p. 209) noted: ance of these latter groups are generally similar ªSmokers widely report that they smoke more (Heimstra et al., 1967; Wesnes & Parrott, 1992; when they are tense or anxious and they also Sherwood, 1993; Heishman et al., 1994). report that smoking calms themº. Schachter and Keenan et al. (1989) found similar task perform- Nesbitt were concerned that these ® ndings were ance levels in tobacco chewers and non-chewers, based upon questionnaire surveys, so they mea- whereas deprived tobacco chewers were sured emotionalreactivityusing anobjective lab- signi® cantly impaired in comparison to both oratory task. Volunteers were given incremental groups. Overall, therefore, tobacco deprivation levelsofelectricshock,and asked toreportwhen generally leads to reduced arousal, whereas to- they became too painful to endure. Chronic bacco use generally leads to normal/average smokers had signi® cantly higher endurance arousal. thresholds when smoking than not-smoking, Differences in baseline arousal levels can also with high-nicotine cigarettes leading to higher affect arousal changes. Perkins et al. (1992a) endurance thresholds than low-nicotine divided smokers into two subgroupson the basis cigarettes (Nesbitt, 1973; Schachter, 1973).The ofalertnessself-ratings atbaseline.Subjectswith stress-relieving effects of smoking have been low baseline arousal reported a signi® cant in- con® rmed with a range of questionnaires, mood 30 Andrew C. Parrott scales and stress-induction tasks (Russell et al., anxiousand nervous when theyhavenotsmoked 1974; Schechter & Rand, 1974; Gilbert, 1979; recently; this causes their above-average levels of Silverstein,1982;Speilberger,1986;Warburton, daily stress. The readiness with which negative Revell& Walters,1988;Gilbert & Wesler,1989; moods develop during abstinence may also be Pomerleau & Pomerleau, 1990, 1991; Warbur- related to trait emotionality; this could explain ton, 1992; West, 1993). The role of nicotine in the association between smoking and neuroti- mood modulation has also been demonstrated; cism (Gilbert, 1995, p. 152). nicotine chewing-gum reduces the severity of The clearest empirical test of these alternative abstinence effects (Hughes, Higgins & Hat- explanations is to monitor the stress levels of sukami, 1990), and is used by quitting smokers smokers who quit smoking. If smoking aids with for both stress control and arousal control (Par- stress control, then stress levels should rise fol- rott & Craig, 1995). lowingcessation(Warburton,1988,1992),butif This stress-relief raises the same question cigarette smoking is exacerbating stress, then noted earlierforarousal:doesitre¯ecta genuine stress levels should decrease when smokers quit gain, or the simple reversal ofabstinence effects? (Parrott, 1995b). Several longitudinal cessation This is again dif® cult to answer, since the studies have monitored feelings of stress over ªnormalº (drug-free) level of emotional func- time, and they ® nd reduced stress after quitting. tioning for each cigarette smoker is unknown. Hughes (1992) found a brief period of increased However, indirect evidence can be provided by anxiety, irritability and restlessness,2 days and 7 non-smokers. If nicotine is an effective anxi- days after-quitting, but these negative moods olytic, then smokers should be less stressed than returned to baseline 14 days post-quitting, then non-smokers (assuming similar personality decreased further 30, 90 and 180 days after- pro® les; see below), and they should certainly wards. Cohen & Lichtenstein (1990) monitored suffer from increased stress ifthey quitsmoking. self-perceived stress prior to quitting and 1, 3 Against the ® rst prediction, questionnaire sur- and 6 months post-cessation. Successful quitters veys® ndthatsmokersreporthighlevelsofevery- reported a steady decrease in stress over time, day stress. Warburton, Revell & Thompson whereas those who failed to quit reported high (1991) noted that heavy smokers reported stress at each time point. Both groups had simi- above-average levels of stress and neuroticism, lar stress scores at (smoking) baseline; thus, it replicating ® ndings from the same laboratory 12 wasnotjust the low-stress individuals who man- years earlier. In the UK Health and Lifestyle aged to quit. Two further longitudinal stress/ Survey of 9000 participants, signi® cantly more cessation studies have con® rmed that smoking smokers admitted to: ªFeeling constantly under cessation leads to signi® cantly reduced feelings strainº than eithernon-smokers orformer smok- of stress (Carey et al., 1993; Parrott, 1995b). ers (Warburton et al., 1991, p. 623). Jones & It seems therefore that tobacco use does not Parrott (1997) found signi® cantly higher stress confer real bene® ts in terms of stress control. ratings in smokers than non-smokers, working This is also consistent with the effects of intra- both day-shifts and night-shifts. West (1992, p. venous nicotine in non-smokers, who report in- 166) similarly concluded: ªAgainst the anxiety creased feelings of tenseness, depression and reduction theory is the ® nding that smokers do confusion (Newhouse et al., 1990). Smokers not present as less anxious than non-smokers. therefore need frequent supplies of nicotine sim- Indeed, in surveys, they emerge as signi® cantly ply to maintain normal moods, and suffer from more anxious overallº. Warburton (1988) sug- stress and irritability when they have not smoked gested that these high stress levels were because recently (Parrott, 1994a). Schachter (1978, smokers were neurotic; indeed many surveys p. 210) offered this conclusion many years ago: have noted an association between smoking and ªIt would appear then that smoking is not anxi- neuroticism (Gilbert, 1995, p. 152). However, ety reducing but, rather, that no smoking or thereisno empiricalevidencethatsmokingleads insuf® cient nicotine is for the heavy smoker, to a genuine stress reduction, which still leaves anxiety increasing.º Silverstein (1982, p. 949) smokersfeeling morestressed than non-smokers. similarly noted that deprived smokers experi- An alternative explanation is that smoking di- enced withdrawal symptoms which they inter- rectly causes stress (Parrott, 1995b). According preted as anxiety, and nicotine replenishment to this model, regular smokers tend to become relieved these deleterious moods and so restored Nesbitt’s Paradox and cigarette smoking 31 normality. Smokers therefore suffer a source of line and sham smoking. These mood ratings stress not encountered by non-smokers: acute then deteriorated during the 30-minute period nicotine depletion (Parrott, 1995b). When they between cigarettes, but improved again as the successfully quit smoking they no longer experi- second cigarette was smoked. Parrott (1994a) encethis,and theirdaily moodsimprove(Cohen also noted frequent mood ¯uctuations, with im- & Lichtenstein, 1990; Carey et al., 1993; proved self-ratings of stress and arousal immedi- Hughes, Higgins & Bickel, 1994; Parrott, ately after smoking, followed by corresponding 1995b). deterioration between cigarettes. West & Jarvis (1986) noted a similar pattern of psychomotor performance reversals, contingent upon nicotine Mood changes as the reversal of abstinence administration every 60 minutes. Perkins et al. effects (1992b, p. 304) monitored mood changes in Theessenceofthecurrentexplanationisthatthe regular smokers undertaking two laboratory psychologicalªgainsº experienced whilesmoking tasks, and found a brief period of reduced stress represent the reversal of abstinence effects. In on the high stress task: ªHowever, this stress order to evaluate this model critically, the absti- reduction ¼ largely disappeared by themidpoint nence syndrome needs to be described more of each trial, nearly 10 minutes after smoking.º fully. Tobacco abstinence symptoms are well This pattern of frequent psychological reversals documented,with feelings ofstress,anger,irrita- also ® ts with cigarette consumption rates, since bility, concentration dif® culty, hunger and regular smokers tend to light a new cigarette cigarette craving (Hughes et al., 1990, 1994). every 30± 60 minutes. However, their development over time has not These changes in stress and arousal during been fully described: ªThere is little data on the smoking are summarized in Fig. 1. The essence time course of nicotine withdrawal symptomsº of this model is that regular smokers experience (West, Hajek & Belcher, 1989, p. 143; Foulds, deleterious psychological changes between 1994). For instance, changes in EEG pro® les cigarettes, but positive changes during smoking. over a period of abstinence, do notseem to have Three variants of the model are shown. Figure been studied empirically (Church, 1989). There 1a represents the nicotine resource model, with are, however, some data on cognitive perform- nicotine generating real psychological gains ance changes. Snyder, Davis & Henning® eld (Warburton, 1988, 1992). Figure 1c represents (1989) reported a pattern of increasing perform- the deprivation reversal model, where nicotine ance decrements over the ® rst day ofabstinence, simply reverses abstinence effects (Schachter, but all comparisons were with pretest baseline 1978;Silverstein,1982).Figure 1b comprises an (there was no control group), so that learning, intermediate model, where nicotine generates fatigueand circadianfactors wereallconfounded somepositive changes,inaddition tothereversal with withdrawal effects. Parrott et al. (1996) of abstinence effects (West, 1993). compared attentional task performance after2,6 The stress data are largely consistent with the and 24hoursofabstinence,withequivalentperi- deprivation reversal model, with mood improve- ods of normal smoking, and found signi® cant ments during smoking representing the relief of decrements at each deprivation period. Sher- abstinence symptoms (Fig. 1c). Smokers report wood (1993, p. 157) noted in a review: normal moods when they have just smoked, but ªGenerally the results support a ® nding of im- increased tension and irritability when they have paired psychomotor function among smokers af- not smoked. This raises the question of whether ter three or more hours of tobacco abstinence.º there are any situations under which nicotine Withdrawaleffectshavethereforebeen empiri- generates real gains in stress control; but this cally demonstrated following 2 or 3 hours with- does not seem to occur. There are no clear or out nicotine. However, studies of normal consistent demonstrations of genuine stress im- smoking behaviour have found more rapid psy- provements in activesmokers,compared to non- chological changes. Warburton (1992) moni- smokers. Indeed, the poor average moods tored mood ratings after each inhalation, to two reported by smokers, combined with their state- cigarettes smoked 30 minutes apart. Signi® cant mentsthat cigarettes are relaxing,has often been improvements were found as the ® rst cigarette- noted as a conundrum (Gilbert & Wesler, 1989; of-the-day was smoked, compared to both base- Pomerleau & Pomerleau, 1991). 32 Andrew C. Parrott (a) Non-smoker control Relative gain (b) or improvement Psychological status of smoker Non-smoker (relative control to non smoker control) Relative (c) loss or decrement Non-smoker control Morning Afternoon Evening Time of day Cigarette Abstinence (between cigarette) Figure1. Threemodelsofmoodmodulationduringcigarettesmoking:nicotineresourcemodel(a),deprivationreversalmodel (c)andcombinedresource/deprivationmodel(b).(Note:thepro® leofmoodchangedrawnschematicallyhererepresentsan individualsmoker,basedonParrott,1994a.Thedailymoodpro® leisconstantthroughout,witheachmodeldifferingonly inthepositionofnon-smokers. A psychologicalgaincouldindicateeither higherarousalorlessstress.) When we turn to arousal the situation is more CNS stimulation (Nesbitt, 1973; Schachter, complex, although deprivation reversal is cer- 1973;Russelletal.,1974;Wesnes & Warburton, tainly the key element in any explanation (Fig. 1983). Increased arousal or faster task perform- 1c). Thus, deprived smokers generally display ance, has been noted when nicotine is given to lower levels of arousal than non-deprived smok- tobacco-naive subjects, or Alzheimer’s disease ers,while the arousal levels ofactive smokers are patients (Wesnes & Warburton, 1983; West & generally similar to non-smokers (Heishman, Jarvis, 1986; Sahakian et al., 1989; Newhouse et Taylor & Henning® eld, 1994). However, it has al., 1990). Nicotine also reverses the cortical often been noted that nicotine has neurochemi- sedation induced by scopolamine (Wesnes & cal and sympathomimetic actions indicative of Revell,1984)and chlorpromazine(Swett,1974). Nesbitt’s Paradox and cigarette smoking 33 ThesleepofsmokersisalsoconsistentwithCNS empirical evidence for these changes. It will also stimulation. Regular smokers have signi® cantly debate whether cortical arousal and emotionality poorer sleep than non-smokers (Wetter & are normally linked together, or whether they Young, 1994), while 6 months after quitting should be seen as independent. Nesbitt (1973) formersmokers display signi® cantimprovements reported a signi® cant positive correlation be- in sleep architecture (Wolter et al., 1997). tween pulse rate change and endurance Thereisalso someevidencethat ªchain smok- threshold increment in cigarette smokers ersº who constantly inhale nicotine (1 60 (r5 1 0.38, p, 0.05); hence a correspondence cigarettes/day), experience increased tonic between increased cardiovascular arousal and arousal (Brown, 1973). With average smokers decreased stress was established. However, this (15± 40 cigarettes/day) there are occasional re- pattern was not found with non-smokers, where ports ofincreased arousal,although thesestudies the equivalent correlation value was negative generally suffer from inadequate controls. West (r5 2 0.22, non-signi® cant). Shiffman & Jarvik & Hack (1991) found signi® cantly better per- (1984) attempted to replicate Nesbitt’s study, formance in regular and occasional smokers us- but were unable to determine the shock endur- ingtobaccoincomparison with aherbalmixture; ance threshold for most subjects. However, they this has been quoted as indicating a genuine did ® nd a signi® cant negative correlation be- arousal increase with nicotine (Sherwood, 1993, tween physiological arousal and emotional relax- p.178),but West & Hack (1991) did nothave a ation (r5 2 0.56, p, 0.04). Perkins et al. control group of non-smokers, thus is not poss- (1992b, p. 307) found a general increase in ible to assess whether the improvement repre- cardiovascular arousal and occasional reductions sented a true gain. Other studies have used in stress in subjects performing laboratory tasks, ªminimally deprivedº smokers as controls (reg- but the correlation between these stress and ular smokers who have been barred from smok- arousal changes was non-signi® cant: ingfor2or3hours;Sherwood,1993).However, the assumption that this period without nicotine On the surface, these results tend to support will not have reduced arousal is probably incor- the notion of simultaneous effects of tobacco rect (see previous section on abstinence; also smoking on reducing subjective stress while West & Jarvis,1986). The ® nal line of reasoning increasing cardiovascular arousal, consistent fornicotinehavingstimulantactionsisthatwhile with the nicotine paradox. However, careful arousal tends to covary with smoking behaviour, evaluation of these results indicates that these the average daily arousal of smokers is similar to seemingly paradoxical effects appear to be un- non-smokers. This suggests that slight arousal related, or dissociated. gains on smoking are followed by slight arousal losses between cigarettes; this would result in Parrott (1994a) also found that the stress and similar mean arousal levels for active smokers arousal changes during smoking were uncorre- and non-smokers (Fig. 1b). It also explains how lated (r5 1 0.07, non-signi® cant). Warburton et arousal gains can occur with ªchain smokersº al. (1988, p. 360) monitored mood self-ratings (Brown, 1973). Overall, therefore, while the as deprived smokers smoked a single cigarette. arousal data are best explained by the depri- They found a gradual increase in feelings of vation reversal model (Fig.1c);there is evidence contentment and relaxation over successive that elements of arousal gain may also occur puffs,but: ªWithin the alertnessfactor we found (Fig. 1b). little effect ofsmoking, perhaps because the sub- jects were already close to maximum alertness to do the task.º In summary, Nesbitt (1973) Stress and arousal modulation: are they re- showed a positive correlation between stress and lated or independent? arousal, Shiffman & Jarvik (1984) generated a TheessenceofNesbitt’sParadoxisthatsmoking negative correlation,but three otherstudies have leads to a simultaneous increase in arousal and shown them to be uncorrelated (Warburton, decrease in stress. This is paradoxical because 1988; Perkins et al., 1992b; Parrott, 1994a). ªsedationº is affected in contradictory ways, i.e. Overall, therefore, changes in stress and arousal corticalsedation isreduced while emotional sed- during smoking seem to be generally indepen- ation is increased. This section will examine the dent. 34 Andrew C. Parrott High arousal (MCBL) High energetic arousal (T) High positive affect (WT) Low stress (MCBL) High stress (MCBL) Low tense arousal (T) High tense arousal (T) Low negative affect (WT) High negative affect (WT) Low arousal (MCBL) Low energetic arousal (T) Low positive affect (WT) Figure2. Two-factorstructuralmodelofmood,afterMathewsetal.(1990).(Note:thetwomoodfactorsarestatistically independent.)MCBL5 Mackay etal.(1978); T5 Thayer (1978); WT5 Watson & Tellegen (1985). Thisraisesthewiderquestionofwhetherthese normal volunteers, and empirically con® rmed psychological functions normally covary. Nesbitt the two primary dimensions of stress (tense (1973, p. 137) proposed that they are generally arousal, or negative affect), and arousal (ener- linked, quoting Schachter’s (1964) study of getic arousal, or positive affect; Fig. 2). Using ephedrine, placebo and chlorpromazine injec- factor analysis with oblique ® nal rotation, these tions in normal volunteers. The CNS stimulant dimensions were shown to be uncorrelated ephedrine led to increased arousal and emotion- (r5 1 0.03, non-signi® cant; Mathews et al., ality, whereas the antipsychotic drug chlorpro- 1990, p. 22). Thus stress and arousal are inde- mazine led to reduced arousal and emotionality. pendent mood factors (Mackay et al., 1978). One problem is that these drugs have a broad Personality research has come to a similar con- spectrum of neurochemical effects, and more clusion. Cattell’s 16PF questionnaire is based selective psychoactive compounds can generate upon 16 primary factors, which factorize into independent changes in stress and arousal. For independent second order factors, including instance, the benzodiazepine clobazam leads to exvia and anxiety (Cattell & Kline, 1977). The anxiety reduction without cortical sedation or two core factors in Eysenck’s personality theory, psychomotor slowing (Hindmarch, 1985). In an extraversion and neuroticism, are also statisti- equivalent fashion, 3,4-methylenedioxymetham- cally uncorrelated.In theoretical terms,extraver- phetamine (MDMA)leads to greaterenergy and sion and exvia are indices of cortical arousal, alertness, without increasing stress (Davison & whereas neuroticism and anxiety are re¯ections Parrott, 1997). Closer examination of of emotionality and stressfulness (Cattell & Schachter’s(1964)classicstudyalsolendsdoubt Kline, 1977). Overall, therefore, mainstream to the supposed link between emotion and mood and personality research, has consistently arousal: ªWhen subjects were informed that the demonstrated the statistical independence of injection might produce physiological arousal stress and arousal (Fig. 2). symptoms, they behaved signi® cantly less emo- tionally than subjects who were not informedº (Nesbitt,1973,p.143).In thatsituation,height- ened arousalwas accompanied by decreased emo- Psychobiology of nicotine addiction tionality. Theessenceofthe current modelisthatnicotine Further evidence for the independence of depletion can lead to a rangeofnegative psycho- arousal and emotion comes from mainstream logical states: nervousness, irritability, de- (non-psychopharmacological) mood research. pression, poor concentration and impaired task Mathews et al. (1990) investigated the interrela- performance. Cigarette reinstatement then gen- tionships between the mood scales from several erates feelings of relaxation, pleasure and im- standardized questionnaires in a study of 388 proved concentration as normal psychological Nesbitt’s Paradox and cigarette smoking 35 functioning is restored. The psychoactive effects environments). Learning theory states that par- of smoking are rapid, with mood and perform- tial reinforcement leads to stronger conditioning ance gains accompanying each nicotine boost to than continuous reinforcement. These intermit- the brain 7± 10 seconds post-inhalation (Revell, tent mood changes thus become strongly con- 1988; Benowitz, 1990; Warburton, 1992). In ditioned and resistant to extinction, so that even contrast the deleterious effects of abstinence de- denicotinized cigarettes are satisfying (Westman, velopmoreslowly,overatimecoursewhich may Behn &Rose,1996).Italso explains whyrelapse be quite variable. Environmental demands, past during smoking cessation is most likely under smoking habits and general expectations may situations of high stress, or when needing to in¯uence abstinence effects, probably to varying work and concentrate (Shiffman, 1982). Thus extents with different types of smoker. For in- quitting smokers report signi® cantly heightened stance, heavy regular smokers may be mainly negative affect and/or low arousal just before a affected by pharmacokinetic factors (e.g. plasma relapse (Shiffman et al., 1996). nicotine; Benowitz, 1990), and thus develop ab- The Surgeon General (1988) raised three stinence effects at regular intervals. Occasional main criteria for de® ning the drug addictiveness: smokers or ªchippersº (Shiffman et al., 1994) compulsive use, psychoactivity and drug- seem tobe affected mainly by situationalfactors, reinforced behaviour. These three criteria are all and develop cravings only in environments central to the present model. Cigarette smoking where they normally smoke. Most regular smok- is seen as a compulsive and repetitive drug- ers probably follow an intermediatepattern,with taking behaviour, with the regularity of nicotine pharmacokinetic factors (time since last intake being a direct function of its mood nor- cigarette), modulated by habits and situational malization actions. Furthermore, although there demands. is individual variation in smoking patterns, they This model has learning theory implications. linktogetherinameaningfulway.Dailycigarette Mood modulation willbe conditioned overtime, consumption, the early initiation of smoking so that abstinence will become associated with each morning, and the severity of self-rated nic- feelings of irritability and poor concentration. otineaddiction,each correlatewith the degreeof Notonly willabstinencebecomeastatetoavoid, mood modulation (Parrott, 1994a). Heavy but withdrawal symptoms become more un- smokers not only consume more cigarettes than pleasant as they increase in severity over time. light smokers, but develop poorer moods be- The regular intake of nicotine will then be posi- tween cigarettes and achieve greater mood nor- tively conditioned, both by precluding the devel- malizationpost-smoking(Table1);itistherefore opment of abstinence effects and by reversing not surprising that they report being more them once they have started. Thus the ªbiteº of strongly addicted (Parrott, 1994a). thenoxioustarand carbon monoxideattheback Robinson & Pritchard (1992) argued against of the throat, becomes conditioned as the Surgeon General’s (1988) conclusion that ªsatisfyingº. Fant, Shuh & Stitzer (1995) have nicotine was addictive, suggesting instead that: shown that the satisfaction rating for each ªSmokers use cigarettes primarily as a tool or cigarette is a direct function of the duration of resourcethatprovidesthem withneeded psycho- prior abstinence. The greatest reward therefore logical bene® ts:increased mentalalertness,anxi- occurs with the ® rst cigarette of the day, al- ety reduction, coping with stress. This resource though other cigarettes may also generate mood hypothesis stands as a major alternative to the relief, particularly following longer periods of addiction hypothesisº (Robinson & Pritchard, abstinence (Warburton, 1992; Parrott, 1994b, 1992, p. 398). The nicotine resource model pre- 1995a). These changes may also be quite vari- dicts that smokers should be less stressed and able. Some cigarettes will be associated with more alert than non-smokers, but there is little stress and arousalrelief,while othersmaylead to empirical support for this (see earlier). The re- changes in stress alone, or alertness alone (Par- source model also predicts that smokers will rott, 1994a). Many cigarettes will not be ac- suffer without nicotine: ªSmoking is a mood companied by change in either mood state, but modi® er ¼ peoplemiss these bene® tswhen they will be smoked for other reasons: social, psycho- stop smokingº (Warburton, 1992, p. 57; War- motor, automatic (Russell et al., 1974), or nic- burton et al.,1988);itcannotexplain whysmok- otine preloading (before entering no-smoking ers become less stressed when they quit (Cohen 36 Andrew C. Parrott Table1.Pre-andpost-smokingself-ratedstresslevelsfordifferentSMQsedativesubgroups,andarousallevelsfortheSMQ stimulantsubgroups(afterTable1 inParrott,1994a) SMQ sedativesubscalescore Monotonic Subjectcharacteristics 0± 2 3± 4 5± 6 7± 8 9 function N (male/female) 6 (5/1) 23 (7/16) 17 (6/11) 30 (13/17) 29 (9/20) Age (years) 27.76 5.8 29.66 13.0 26.96 9.3 29.06 12.7 35.16 16.9 Cigarettes(day) 9.86 4.2 10.36 6.0 10.16 5.9 12.36 6.0 15.16 4.9 ** Stress Pre-cigarette 4.76 1.0 5.36 1.1 5.26 1.0 5.26 1.0 5.76 1.0 ² Post-cigarette 4.86 1.8 4.86 1.3 4.56 1.2 4.36 0.9 4.56 1.1 Pre-postdifference 0.16 1.2 2 0.56 1.0 2 0.76 1.4 2 0.96 0.8 2 1.26 1.3 ** SMQ stimulantsubscalescore Monotonic Subjectcharacteristics 0± 2 3± 4 5± 6 7± 9 function N (male/female) 34 (19/15) 32 (10/22) 28 (10/18) 11 (1/10) Age (years) 33.56 14.9 29.16 13.8 27.46 11.3 32.16 12.7 Cigarettes(day) 11.36 6.3 10.96 5.5 12.96 5.5 16.66 4.0 * Arousal Pre-cigarette 5.96 1.2 5.56 1.1 5.26 1.2 5.06 0.8 ** Post-cigarette 6.16 1.3 5.96 1.1 5.96 1.1 6.26 0.9 Pre-postdifference 0.26 0.9 0.46 0.7 0.76 1.1 1.26 1.3 ** Monotonic polynomialfunction (two-tail):²p, 0.10, *p, 0.05, **p, 0.01. &Lichtenstein,1990;Careyetal.,1993;Parrott, many researchers in this ® eld (Dunn, 1978; 1995b).Robinson & Pritchard (1992)also noted Gilbert, 1979; Warburton et al., 1988; Ney & that smokers demonstrate near-normal life-styles Gale, 1989; Pomerleau & Pomerleau, 1990, and personalities(e.g.compared tomanyheroin/ 1992). However, the main reason the Paradox cocaine users); but the normality of cigarette has remained unsolved,isthepaucityofresearch smokers is again consistent with the mood nor- into it. Most smoking research has studied either malizationexplanation.Theirothercriticism was stressor arousal,butnotboth together,yetthose that nicotine does not induce marked feelings of few studies where they have been monitored in euphoria (Robinson & Pritchard, 1992). How- parallel have shown the stress and arousal ever, pleasure ratings are increased by smoking changes during smoking tobegenerallyindepen- and impaired by abstinence (Warburton et al., dent. This should not be seen as unusual. Per- 1988; West et al., 1989). Furthermore, active sonality research has consistently demonstrated smokers report similar levels of pleasure to non- that extraversion (cortical arousal) is orthogonal smokers, whereas deprived smokers report to neuroticism (emotional arousal). Mood ques- signi® cantly lower pleasure ratings than non- tionnaire research has come to similar conclu- smokers and non-deprived smokers (Parrott & sions.Thus itisperfectly normaltofeelmentally Garnham, submitted). Thus smoking does dis- alert and relaxed, or tired and irritated, just as it play weak ªeuphoriantº effects, but again this isequally normalto feel alert and tense orsleepy only re¯ects mood normalization. and relaxed. Cortical arousal and emotionality are separate and independent. Nesbitt’s Paradox is therefore not actually a paradox; it never was Nesbitt’s Paradox resolved? a paradox. Nesbitt (1973) stated that feeling more alert and The second question iswhethersmokingleads less stressed after smoking was paradoxical; that to any real gains in stress or arousal (West, it was unusual to be aroused and relaxed. 1993). Empirical evidence shows that this does Schachter (1973, p. 148) intriguingly acknowl- not seem to occur. There is little evidence that edged:ªPerhapsthenit’saParadox,and perhaps smokers are less stressed or more alert than it’s notº.Certainly ithas remained a Paradox for non-smokers (although there is some evidence

Nesbitt's Paradox is therefore not actually a paradox; it never was a 0965±2140/98/010027±13 $9.50 Ó Society for the Study of Addiction to Alcohol
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