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Notarization of Conflict of Interest Policy State of North Carolina, County of _FOKSiAto. 4_Monique S Shields Notary Public for said County and State betta FMeer (Nane of Bord Cie cr Auterize Ofc] personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged that heshe is_State Duector frie} of lanchinos Pregnancy Cases Hl Shao [Organization's fll ‘egal name] and by that authority duly given and as the act of the Organization, affirmed that iors Trustees oF the foregoing Conli oflterest Policy was adopted by the Board of i other governing body ina meeting held on the _3“4tay of December _, 200%, ‘Swom to and subscribed before me this!" day of NOVEM ber _.201 3. Laren ization Ocal INES Apt 207, DP 110410 Employees and board members have an obligation to conduct business within guidelines that prohibit actual or potential conflicts of interest. This policy establishes only the framework within which the Carolina Pregnancy Care Fellowship wishes its business 0 ‘operate. The purpose of these guidelines is to provide general direction so that board _members and employees can seek further clarification on issues related to the subject of acceptable standards of operation. ‘An actual or potential conflict of interest occurs when a board member or an employee is ina position to influence a decision that may result in personal ean organ fra relative asa result of the Carolina Pregnancy Care Fellowship ‘s business dealings. For the purpose ofthis policy relative is any person who is related by blood or marrage, or ‘whose relationship with the board member or employee is similar to that of persons who ae related by blood or marrage. No presumption ofa conflict is ereated by the mere existence of a relationship with outside firms. However, ifa board member or an employee has any influence on any ‘material business transactions, iis imperative that he or she discloses to an officer of the ‘organization as soon as possible the existence of any actual or potential conflict of Interest so that safeguards can be established to protect all parties. Personal gain may result not only in cases where a board member, an employee, or a relative has a significant ownership in a firm with which the Carolina Pregnancy Care Fellowship does business, but also when a board member, an employee, or a relative receives any kickback, bribe, substantial gift or special consideration as a result of any transaction or business dealings involving the Carolina Pregnancy Care Fellowship. Carolina Pregnancy Care Fellowship “Swe ‘Approved 12/08 N.C. Department of Health and Human Services Division of Pubic Health Women & Children’s Heath WHE. ‘Section/Branch Contract Expenditure Report pep 0 sn rare eee cana Sata Poparey Car Foon ‘iwi See mare cr Fetomie __Worer Hath beroh NOS? Sole oer Branch"? saosrrzn Proect Director TAN 08,18 Tot Expencture Toh eal eden Pagar Cu Cane Purpose Contractor match ls REQUIRED by this contract: 27 ne aspera Don) No. Them Deseapion Tia Numer —| Contactor Ancunt]| ORS Anant a 35578 53 [Sta Development $839.00] [Supples & Materais- Offer $1461.83 [Eaupment (i) [Eauipment(orcey TI $1913.79 Inve = aaveriang, Inve Prometone! Rem =Websles & sie $37.0] ues & Subssripions [Qperatonal Other insurance & Bonding [Scosontract and Grants des - Telephone $208.79 Intent $96.9] $21,801.55 [Suber Ear) GED) THIS SECTION FOR DPH USE ONLY: \Company 2604 lAczount 'sseco2 ‘sche exc ero dois ol he contacgoprizatn, herby ct ale us ldo DHHS on i pbc fyrantecter have been dvd in acatance wh be condos of he contact ra oe best ny roe and Bolt wo have ciple wh live, ola rl coral reson hat a aeons pyen unde scone ‘Asche carer son oft ecirt eparzatin, hare crt bcs r wit tier imbue en ‘ne dane Reutty Rembursenert were hero rt avd sexo wha provost askance aerate cary ht any cuted ming expercure hve been ncured, an athe bet of my knowl ard bel we have compet tallow, oles al contac povsins Pa conosco pamer under Bs car. State. bire —— isis maleate bean —e (01s 241 Avan 00) (0FH Rove 01008) Page tots MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT ‘CONTRACTOR: Caraina Praga Gare Foto Crack, ‘CONTRACT PERIOD: Deser ATT Hay 2076 CONTRACT: ies REPORTING PERIOD: Decora OT gnewoes | Secumunares | Sormmnmunes | vO eALnENTS) isa aFmee— SG] ese Sis Develops "si Seppe & Natarite-Oihar S1ss0.17 3003] s1a61.63 sum a [on "p00 [Equant OnE $000. [rst $iaooss| Sa [odiaConmunicton -aerig "30.00 [ModixConmunicaton= Wobstee & Nails 00 ESAT {MediaConmunicaton- Reams "0.00 {use Susecpions 05. Operational tor Inuranen Bonding ‘0.00 IReotomner 0.00 itis. TetoharS F1378.00 sat Esa} lute =Iemet $475.00 $187.10 538.60 $2007 Opera Oto: enives and Paribas 74,120.00 soo Sicea0 [Bubeosracte and Gree ‘3400 00| S202 251 S187 SubcrnracingGrants (NC Pegrancy Cana) Siwsi200| ——oeyurssl —Sryanege | wer evzst [TOTAL $00,500.00 | sana | SRE | OTOL MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT ‘Sub-Contractors. CONTRACTOR: ‘Cave Pregnancy Gore Fallshio Sul CONTRACT PERIOD: ‘DeaeraOTy yatta CONTRACT sats REPORTING PERIOD: Dezember AT isoreg Sages] ——_—_ sh ao] saga apa aie — 5.800 Sinig0| ganas —"talezeos [seneniosred Biasfis00 9500“ sottan | — state. Exermrenrererea sh77500 | ——STe.006 0 $49,206.25 (ugow a Mena rue 51621800 S16 29 S1a.a85 78 ean 7 315.7400 $2200 Sesto aun ENA) Sf S160 0551 51778] 2865.00 Haars | _ sidaceoe = #2318007 00 32.65.00, Ce MT TETTY ser 0m g.ia7.00f eseconrusetncoaee $1,586.00 $c. OE hae one ast Tigi 9. Wazb eaeconmsinon alive 3e,7780 s2s0007 —Sitarao | 38.3400 [est rs Crone Bi.ea00 sreagt{ ——siowan]” $1027.10 Eset revere 8 ss S12s7700 Si ‘seo7.00 |“ $10870.50 fusteternneser Pun Set Announcer $5750 Ea ‘ooo! es7s.00 fae seen ssa, Snot 30.00) Sige losing eae roan a aiaeas ~~ ~Sin 915.00 Sagres | —waago.at| —Gei saa fs $2,008.00 EERE Bist stawo72 eee $500.00 $0.00 soe. io 3510.atz00| __,_eaepursa| —gataeaas] ~Bieterast ATTACHMENT A SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS AGREEMENT COVER Non-Profit Organiga tions THIS AGREEMENT i: buxeby ade he-ween the Sale of North Caroling, Departament af Cleaith and Tuan Services, Division of PubLe Healtl and Carolina Vcgnuney Cars Ze lvaslp itt at addi ut 3320 (OME Phamaiow Opole, WevstnneSalamn C2221. ¢ incarpomnted enc hy rolerence his agreement consists of Le Flowing decutrents which Atvaclunent 4 ~ Special Appiopristions Agreement Cav 1 2. Atuichaent Ty - General ‘Taeray andl Comitions 3. Altuelinent C - Payauent Regret Form 4. Actaclinect 1 ~ Retipient Hlectranie Pasinent Fore 5. Attachment E Wy (Recipient to Aceh! G ‘AUigchment F - State Grant No Overdue “Tax Debts 2. Aaelment Ge - Contlet af feraest Poy Attache 1! - IRS Tus Pscanptine. Leer (Retain eo Attach Tappa 9, Anachment |= Hg-lases (Recipient Achy 1g. Amachment J - List of Board Meutbers (Recipient te Asch HT” Anaxtrwnt K - Seape of Work 12, Auuchisen!T,- Reporing Require-ncrs Leflective Dates July 1.2917 ermine Pes Jane 8, 2019 State Fingmesal Agsiromecs Award Amount: $2 BHH.000 Stars Appropratians Tena 86-89, the Scopes work: As provided in the Conferonce Corrmittze Report fog SL. 86. 201 shall se tesipicnt herehy inten to aeide Funding ts Cursing Preynancy Care Vellawshin iPCF} CPCI SS8CO.000 en purchase durable medical equipment for clinies thar apps tone Eel-cwshipy For such Ips thiny chousand dollars (B3U.UDU1 ia 6xch year may be used hy CPE tor adnuunlstraive pmspascs, Lp {517.000 may be used exeh seor fe provide ym fo s.inies Yor taining ov the use of amrable recal ete The venusniags $1004 is provided lve the Tuma Ceiion to level and inherent a iceyoar (Consiauuen ot Care pilot progzam st its Raleigh Uline. The pil yrogsum shall povide care eeddiaation and medisal support to werner experiencing crisis peegnare.cs spe Reporting, Requinerrents: The Division has skreraine tht thie i subsavard for Ananeial acastonce. Vinal Assistance Coetracts we subject tothe Unione Aurinisiraion of Sate Awards, Oxersig’. amd. Repsirting oguirements for esipiont and subvecipients deseribed int, caceog, aa > ES Seri siieg who rsvcivex a combined SUk,U2 mare Tims trom al stats Apencies runt nui Usubmitasing'eer pegrar-spexiie abr prepare aa cmp n ascondance Geral: Aooeptal Giverias Alitng Saands alt hres as 2 Yelle Book to Risk Wirigarion ad dit Monitoring x within 9 moaiths of the rantee’s Fiscal year en. 1p DILIT§ gnconurages all of its non-geweramerral grantees that weveive Fonds From eae see agencies oF DOU IS Mivisians wo coutact their assipped eantrael momiler( to detenunine 7 year-end reports rms submnited for those particule prantsawards, (©) North Carolina State agencies are exempt from the reporting requirements of this section. Local ‘governments that have reporting requirements for the Local Government Commission are exempt. All others are not exempt and must adhere to the reporting requirements of this section, |. Quarterly Reporting Requirements: Report | - Quarterly Status Report 2. Bnd of Year Reporting (Final Quarterly Report) Requirements: Report 2 State Grant Compliance Reporting, Report 3 - Schedule of Receipts and Expenditures Report 4 - Program Activities and Accomplishment 3. Reporting Timeframes and Due Dates. Report Title Reporting Period ‘Due Date ] ‘Quarterly Report |__| July 3017 - September 2017 | November 13, 2017 “Quarterly Report2 | October 2017 - December 2017 | February 16,2018 Quarterly Report 3 | January 2018 - March 2018 | May 18, 2018, ‘Quarterly Report 4 | April 2018 - June 2018 ‘August 17, 2018 End of Year Report | July 2017 - June 2018 “August 17, 2018 ATTACHMEMT B GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS, A. Ube feiss of thor paety to ins im any eae or rons iotanewe pe See periarmunes: ob amy of the lenny ar pans isians of this Asteemenl, ot he overtise any eplion or election here, shall w0¢ bs consinied sa waiver WU ach tevin. pun isms, afin se Skeet itv the Hamme, No seskver ay any ally 0: shte ne reeneice andr Unis Apyoemest shsdl ae deer st BE this Agweraent as cunua any prion or sulbesquer? rigs nr reed Bureuamder ara law. I seine alse i sul ation es ie wexivs remedioe available in lat us i cai 1B. Choice al Lax. “Fhe validity of thie Agseenaunt cud any of a terms ¢! lights and dues ut the partes t this Agroement, sre yoverned by the Lows of Nexth Carling, The Rectpiont. ky signitg this Agecement, agrees amd scbmits, salely fr mamers relied tar his Agreetnent, #8 Ihe exch ares, snisly fer sash peovisions, as well sh ieriaFction af The cowss uf Nomth Coral! w and saree fe tor aay Fewal proovedings sal be Wake County, North Carolina pparpase, thatthe eactiive Al: notieoe permitod oF roguined te be given fy va Pury the afar un ull questo bow! te fsonfragtfrony cone Pary’ Uo the other shall he adresse uid delivered ws die other Party's Contra Adhininisi or upaiyene ! india den Bove Bidgcl Angst | Robers“Dablie” Magen, 3 i serve Con | Plretor 1, N.C. 27H09.2iN0L 5320 OM Plantation Cielo Telesnone: B19 885 185 Winsm-Salem, NO TIN Desa: Sigh hugelonichbsm. 30528} A091 1D, Availsiligy 0” Pemds The ponies his eoalvect sense nel undershane hia the pagament a Uhe sms spwei iad in dhis contract is eamngent spor aul subject w the availability ef andl for this purpase. E, Payment Provisions, pes: cccontion of this contact. the Recipient may request ara, upon anaroval by the Ageney, reesive a singe payment lier arsaunle up io ane Frssred Mewsere. dallas (E1GR008%, Por yrane-in-aid of more doun oe hundred thousand dollars (S£UG,C00} payments il the pail in quarterly isitallnunns, consistent sth G, 8. ASC 6 2 E. Hiretave Mesias ‘This comtnnct sfuill he effective om July 1. 2017 an shall serine we Loe 3, ane, 44. The Recipient shall comply with al lass, omdinauoes, codes, rules rogulullons. ame licensing eguigeanems that ate appl cate 10 the veneer oF is business. inetudiny aoe of dora, ats sre oval agonetos haiing jurisiction unde auheriy Tl. The Revipient shafl maintain fis accounting records reating to the peetormanee af this Agreemens ia accordance with goncral’y sceopicd accoaating nroccdurss, Lipen rersonimbls atior notice to Recipict, ths Offiee ot State Budget und Mimayernent wary, dling, Uhe term 0 This Aggoemary aml li a periondof up tn six pers fallswving the expirtsivn oe fevinedion Kar ay reuso of fis Aprosmment aust au copy such seconds M ral AnEaust AwEtust F2e9, Tals Agreomen is oaeered fimo in goungtinace with all Sue and Fes fous Record Recentivw, Ve Reeipient sha | muinain all pertinent recurs for 2 peviod of Bve years or tuna al ankdic exceptions hats heen rowed whichever is tomger, Ung Situs Suaditor and Usiee a State Budget sré Manager shall Have aueoss (@ persons. a Fecunls ay result nf a'T conics or Stake Francial ausisance entebed iene by State agencies ot politi sutadivindinss in acewdance ich Cners) Statute 147-64.7, Adsitiubally, as the Stare owing aiuhysits. the Deyurtnsant of Health and Ilunan Servless shal have acwess Re poses tnd recurds 4 4 resuh nl a1 eootaets or State Enancaal asiseance enterd tne by Skate agencies of politial subsivisious, figneal ar wransternu’ Py ths Assignment, This Agtrenent or any imterast thercic, shal) mt he Contractor The tom af dhis Asaocenent shall hewn on the effective date described in Anicle | and sell Foreainate upon ite earlier of (1) somplecion 02 all roquizesl serviges. ar (21 an eacie: lermtnaton a8 reviled fo in paragrap B below: Lither #2: ma: apn sisty ¢6th) ays pear serieer notice fo the ater party. fominale ll or any pociow ofthis Aptoctnent cr the services require 1 be perfoned Ierein sth ese Mor ss wniy, hy wttten tive, mnedintely teri Ute Departrnent sf Health and Auman Servis amy porlon ai Unis Agrecmenr ar the Services Far case in any of che Falls ing, circumstances (1) Recipient breaches uny abligation hereund:. ot fails to mak> piogiess saffisuent co assure performance oF this Agnosment o* any athe Services sent in the beni (2) Rocipent is adjudged insolvent o¢ bankrupt: Contractor taken an a of ereditas: of the appointovent of a revel er, liguidlur ve ier of any nf Cantractor’s pape er owsals Neither pay sball be liable, or dcomed to he an derkult. for any delay. intermption oe failure in Trerfowrance imo: cis Agrecmert rosulting ditcctly ar indiestly from acts of God, aets of civ ar rmiE lary anthorty: fires. Joods: wcidenis, explasio w, cartbyuakes. stikes ar labor disputes. Tas 3 interrupting of elzelrieal power ar other public ubility, ov avass in temsputtation or sy cause ey oid reasons ec scat and warrant thal they ace authorizes bind the Signveme Warranty: the undersigned wep prieipais the tern a this Per $1,201 sel implesnont a nspeyesr pik prugrarn a is Raleigh cline be pravide a voalir Lucu eeare ere “lp esis women experiontiny crisis pregnancies ta cuntinue their pregnancies lo Tull enn These funds chall he used lar nansestariany purposes oy Th pulot acaguam sathorial sha, ocesis wal least ull wf che follewing eamporents (TThe use of eate coordinators to pectin the tallowing functions a. Assess the immediate challenges causing & 2-ogzam partivipant to seek sbertion al eliminate ofullenyes by assisting ube pengzam potieipaa: in eonnevting ia appropri wesunnces, The Sectier HIT-[3, Funds allpested tthe uma Casifon shall he use 10 deselop 4 ‘ore onoofinator shall oevonslly sista programs sudicipanl in conneeting to uppenpriate eseurzes, velien azaropriate, by, Iearalace wei gaagran: sarlicipant to a Irsned ener whe will gon pattielpene testd pasntize fires le elanes + Toe use 9. leased aursing staf'm the Haran Coalition's Kaleigh elaie we pravice medical Support prin patespens, ue be ystde te prs 18} Close callsutior helo eare eins ond Tivensead rersiry std during iba canes soouon in-oide. to acenieplish te lla > Apprapwiately jrsradnee continuuns af care servioey wwailale tage hh the pilot progeam, b. Create anitédng! enty plas for progeam par leipseta and their Zraiies to nalp ail a able Ltunily “ie for she deration al ihe pregnancy. Care pliss should ilowifs and adiss any further ctalleages identified by care eoordinadars ith enessursgennans aad sllitensl aseuries Slanatures follow on the nest page

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