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Natacha Aguilar de Soto Date of document: 06/02/2014 v 1.3.0 d56c445afd9fef49538d717cedea81b1 Este fichero electrónico (PDF) contiene incrustada la tecnología CVN (CVN-XML). La tecnología CVN de este fichero permite exportar e importar los datos curriculares desde y hacia cualquier base de datos compatible. Listado de Bases de Datos adaptadas disponible en http://cvn.fecyt.es/ d56c445afd9fef49538d717cedea81b1 Natacha Aguilar de Soto Surname(s): Aguilar de Soto Name: Natacha DNI: 08987136R Date of birth: 29/04/1970 Gender: Female Nationality: Spain Country of birth: Spain Contact province: Santa Cruz de Tenerife Contact address: Dept. Animal Biology Rest of contact address: Faculty of Biology Postcode: 38256 Contact country: Spain Contact aut. comm./reg.: Canary Islands Contact city: La Laguna Land line phone: (34) 922 318387 Fax: (34) 922 318311 Email: [email protected] Personal web page: http://webpages.ull.es/users/cetaceos Current professional situation Name of institution: Universidad de La Laguna Type of institution: University Department Department, service, etc.: Facultad de Biología Category/position or post: Research fellow, IP in projects Start date: 20/06/2013 Type of contract: Temporary employment Type of dedication: Full time contract Primary (UNESCO code): 240106 - Animal ecology Secondary (UNESCO code): 240119 - Marine zoology Current professional activity: Principal investigator of three different proyects at ULL. One funded by the Office of Naval Research of US (this is the first project funded by ONR to ULL with ULL as the leading institution); a National Plan funded by the Ministry of Innovation (CETOBAPH), and a project funded by Fundación Biodiversidad to GIC (Grupo de Investigación de Cetáceos) Name of institution: University of St Andrews Type of institution: University Department, service, etc.: Sea Mammal Rsearch Unit, Scottish Ocean Institute Category/position or post: Visiting Scholar Start date: 28/02/2013 Type of contract: Guest Current professional activity: Collaborations with three researchers at Univ, of St Andrews, for a research project and for writting of publications Activity keywords: Natural sciences and health sciences Previous posts and activities 2 d56c445afd9fef49538d717cedea81b1 Name of institution Category/position or post Start date 1 Universidad de St. Andrews Visiting Scholar 01/08/2012 2 Universidad de La Laguna, Universidad de Marie Curie Researcher 01/03/2010 Auckland 3 Universidad de Auckland Honorary research fellow 01/03/2010 4 Universidad de La Laguna Director of the Cetacean Research Line 2008 5 Universidad de La Laguna Contracted researcher 01/05/2007 6 Instituto Hermanos Murphy Teacher of sciences 16/02/2006 7 Autonomos Investigadora autónoma para la 01/04/2005 Universidad de La Laguna 8 Universidad de La Laguna Research fellow / Becaria de investigación 01/01/2005 9 Universidad de La Laguna Investigadora contratada / Contracted 01/12/2004 researcher 10 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Investigadora visitante /Visiting investigator 01/08/2002 11 University College Cork (UCC) Investigadora contratada / Contracted 01/03/2000 researcher 12 Universidad de La Laguna Becaria de investigación/Research fellow 01/03/1999 13 Area Oficina de Urbanismo y Arquitectura Investigadora contratada/Contracted 04/07/1997 researcher 1 Name of institution: Universidad de St. Andrews Category/position or post: Visiting Scholar Start date: 01/08/2012, 8 months End date: 28/02/2013 2 Name of institution: Universidad de La Laguna, Universidad de Auckland Category/position or post: Marie Curie Researcher Start date: 01/03/2010, 3 years End date: 28/02/2013 Primary (UNESCO code): 240100 - Animal Biology (Zoology) Professional activity: EU 7th Frame Program funded project SOUNDMAR http://cetaceos.webs.ull.es/SOUNDMAR.htm Appl. in teaching and/or research: Teaching of Master courses for two years at the University of Auckland during the outgoing phase of the project Teaching of four different subjects of the degree of Biology at the University of La Laguna in the returning phase Research activities leading to several publications in peer-reviewed journals and presentations in international conference 3 Name of institution: Universidad de Auckland Type of institution: University Department, service, etc.: Leigh Marine Laboratory, School of Biology City of job: Auckland, New Zealand Category/position or post: Honorary research Teaching management: Yes fellow Start date: 01/03/2010, 24 months End date: 28/02/2012 Type of dedication: Full time Professional activity: Investigacion y docencia. Esta figura honoraria se realiza para incorporarme a la universidad de Auckland por el proyecto Marie Curie Type of management activity: University Appl. in teaching and/or research: During this time I performed research at University of Auckland, where I also tough two post-graduate courses on Marine Bioacoustics 3 d56c445afd9fef49538d717cedea81b1 4 Name of institution: Universidad de La Laguna Type of institution: University Department, service, etc.: Departamento de Biologia animal, Facultad de Biología City of job: La Laguna, Canary Islands, Spain Category/position or post: Director of the Teaching management: Yes Cetacean Research Line Start date: 2008 End date: 2010 Type of management activity: Public Research Body 5 Name of institution: Universidad de La Laguna Type of institution: University Department, service, etc.: Deptartamento de Biologia Animal, Facultad de Biología City of job: La Laguna, Canary Islands, Spain Category/position or post: Contracted Teaching management: Yes researcher Start date: 01/05/2007, 12 months End date: 30/04/2008 Type of contract: Temporary employment contract Professional activity: Investigadora principal del proyecto. Coordinación de estudiantes e investigadores, gestión y participación en campañas de toma de datos. Análisis de resultados para publicación. Tutela de estudiantes extranjeros colaboradores del proyecto Type of management activity: University Appl. in teaching and/or research: PI of the project. Coordination of students and researchers of the project. Management and participation in the field cruises. Data analysis for publication. Mentorship of foreign students participating in the project 6 Name of institution: Instituto Hermanos Murphy Type of institution: Secondary education centre Category/position or post: Teacher of sciences Start date: 16/02/2006, 4 months End date: 04/01/2007 7 Name of institution: Autonomos Type of institution: Investigadora autónoma Category/position or post: Investigadora autónoma para la Universidad de La Laguna Start date: 01/04/2005, 1 month End date: 30/04/2005 Professional activity: Research and coordination of research project fruit of collaborations I stablished with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 8 Name of institution: Universidad de La Laguna Type of institution: University Department, service, etc.: Facultad de Biologia City of job: La Laguna, Canary Islands, Spain Category/position or post: Research fellow / Teaching management: No Becaria de investigación Start date: 01/01/2005, 4 months End date: 30/04/2005 Type of contract: Grant-assisted student (pre or post-doctoral, others) Type of dedication: Full time Professional activity: Investigadora a cargo de un proyecto de investigación de cetáceos en el que realicé toma de datos, análisis y publicación de los mismos. Coordiné la investigación biológica del proyecto y su gestión, en cuanto a que lo diseñé y redacté, formé el consorcio con la entidad que lo lideró en Estados Unidos y redacté el convenio bilingüe entre esta entidad y la Universidad de La Laguna 4 d56c445afd9fef49538d717cedea81b1 Appl. in teaching and/or research: Researcher in a project to study deep-diving cetacean. I participated in the data collection, analysis and publishing of results. I was scientific and administrative coordinator of the project, which I wrote and made the agreement with the US institution (WHOI) leading it. 9 Name of institution: Universidad de La Laguna Type of institution: University Department, service, etc.: Deptartamento de Biologia Animal, Facultad de Biología City of job: La Laguna, Canary Islands, Spain Category/position or post: Investigadora Teaching management: Yes contratada / Contracted researcher Start date: 01/12/2004, 3 months End date: 28/02/2005 Type of contract: Temporary employment contract Professional activity: Gestión de la apertura de una base de investigación en la isla de El Hierro para el estudio de zifios (Ziphiidae, Cetacea). Coordinacion de proyecto de investigación. Investigación, análisis de resultados para su publicación. Coordinación y formación de los otros investigadores y estudiantes de cetáceos en el proyecto Type of management activity: University Appl. in teaching and/or research: Investigadora a cargo de un proyecto de investigación de cetáceos en el que realicé toma de datos, análisis y publicación de los mismos. Coordiné la investigación biológica del proyecto y su gestión, en cuanto a que lo diseñé y redacté, formé el consorcio con la entidad que lo lideró en Estados Unidos y redacté el convenio bilingüe entre esta entidad y la Universidad de La Laguna Researcher in a project to study deep-diving cetacean. I participated in the data collection, analysis and publishing of results. I was scientific and administrative coordinator of the project, which I wrote and made the agreement with the US institution (WHOI) leading it. 10 Name of institution: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution City of job: Woods Hole, United States of America Category/position or post: Investigadora Teaching management: No visitante /Visiting investigator Start date: 01/08/2002, 24 months End date: 31/07/2004 Type of contract: Temporary employment contract Type of dedication: Part time Professional activity: Muestreos visuales y acústicos de cetáceos. Instrumentación de cetáceos con marcas acústicas y de movimiento, adheridas con ventosas, para estudio de patrones de buceo y comportamiento. Seguimiento por radio de las marcas. Análisis de resultados y publicación de los mismos. Coordinación de los muestreos en varias de las campañas. Acoustic and visual surveys of cetaceans. Studies with suction-cup attached multi-sensor tags of diving behaviour of deep diving whales. Data analysis for publishing of results in collaboration with WHOI scientists. Coordination of some of the surveys and training of other researchers, including students from ULL 11 Name of institution: University College Cork (UCC) Department, service, etc.: Coastal Resources Centre City of job: Cork, Southern and Eastern, Ireland Category/position or post: Investigadora Teaching management: No contratada / Contracted researcher Start date: 01/03/2000, 2 years End date: 01/04/2002 Type of contract: Temporary employment contract Type of dedication: Full time Professional activity: En UCC se me contrató para el proyecto “Cetaceans and seabirds of Ireland ´s Atlantic Frontier” y durante el mismo realicé numerosos muestreos de aves y cetáceos, visuales y 5 d56c445afd9fef49538d717cedea81b1 acusticos, desde buques de investigación de diversos países que realizaban estudios en las aguas profundas de Irlanda. Fui la responsable de los muestreos acústicos , utilizando un sistema de hidrófonos de arrastre en siete campañas oceanográficas totalizando >120 días de mar. At UCC I was contracted within the project “Cetaceans and seabirds of Ireland´s Atlantic Frontier” and during this work I performed numerous acoustic and visual surveys of seabirds and cetaceans from research vessels belonging to different nationalities and studiying the deep waters of Ireland. I was responsible for the cetacean acoustic surveys, using a towed hydrophone array in seven oceanographic cruises, summing >120 days at sea. 12 Name of institution: Universidad de La Laguna Department, service, etc.: Facultad de Biología City of job: La Laguna, Canary Islands, Spain Category/position or post: Becaria de Teaching management: No investigación/Research fellow Start date: 01/03/1999, 12 months End date: 30/03/2000 Type of contract: Temporary employment contract Type of dedication: Full time Professional activity: I was responsible for designing a study about the effect of whale-watching activities on bottlenose dolphins and short-finned pilot whales. I designed a combined methodology using land-based sampling, with a theodolite, and gathering behavioural data also from the whale-watching boats. Several students participated in the project with my supervision 13 Name of institution: Area Oficina de Urbanismo Type of institution: Business y Arquitectura Category/position or post: Investigadora Teaching management: No contratada/Contracted researcher Start date: 04/07/1997, 1 month End date: 03/08/1997 Type of contract: Temporary employment contract Professional activity: Investigadora y redactora de la sección marina del Plan Insular de Ordenación del Territorio de la isla de El Hierro. / Writting leader of the marine section of the Territorial Management Plan for the Island of El Hierro 6 d56c445afd9fef49538d717cedea81b1 Official training received University education University degrees, engineering degrees or master's degrees 1 Official qualification: Tesis de Licenciatura Name of qualification: Tesis de Licenciatura/Postgraduate thesis City of qualification: La Laguna, Canary Islands, Spain institution issuing the qualification: University of La laguna. Cosupervised at University College Cork (Ireland) Date of qualification: 2002 Average mark: Excellent 2 Official qualification: Higher degree Name of qualification: Licenciada en Biología/Biology degree City of qualification: La Laguna, Canary Islands, Spain institution issuing the qualification: University of La Laguna Date of qualification: 10/09/1994 Doctorates Doctorate programme: Ciencias de la Vida y del Medio Ambiente/Life and Environmental Sciences University issuing the qualification: University of La Laguna City of qualification: La Laguna, Canary Islands, Spain Date of qualification: 21/12/2006 European doctorate: Yes European doctorate date: 21/12/2006 Thesis title: Comportamiento acústico y de buceo del calderón tropical y del zifio de Blainville. Implicaciones sobre el impacto acústico y de las colisiones con embarcaciones. Thesis director: Alberto Brito Hernández Thesis co-director: Peter Madsen Mark: Sobresaliente cum laude Language skills Language Speaking Reading Writing Italian Intermediate English Advanced Advanced Advanced 7 d56c445afd9fef49538d717cedea81b1 Teaching activity Subjects given 1 Type of teaching: Official teaching Name of subject/course: Oceanografía Físico-química Type of programme: Bachelor’s degree Type of teaching: Laboratory work Type of subject: Optional Qualification: Licenciado en Biología/Biology degree Course given: 4º of Biology Number of times: 1 Start date: 29/10/2012 End date: 31/01/2013 Date of the last time: 18/01/2013 Type of hours/credits: Credits Number of hours/credits: 1,5 institution: University of La Laguna Type of institution: University Faculty, institute or centre: Faculty of Biology Department: Animal Biology City: La Laguna, Canary Islands, Spain Subject language: Spanish 2 Type of teaching: Official teaching Name of subject/course: Técnicas y Métodos de Estudio en Biología Animal Type of programme: Bachelor’s degree Type of teaching: In person theory Type of subject: Obligatory Qualification: Licenciado en Biología/Biology degree Course given: 5º of Biology Number of times: 1 Start date: 29/10/2012 End date: 30/01/2013 Date of the last time: 12/12/2012 Type of hours/credits: Credits Number of hours/credits: 1 institution: University of La Laguna Type of institution: University Faculty, institute or centre: Faculty of Biology Department: Animal Biology City: La Laguna, Canary Islands, Spain 3 Type of teaching: Official teaching Name of subject/course: Zoología Marina Type of programme: Bachelor’s degree Type of teaching: In person theory Type of subject: Optional Qualification: Licenciado en Biología /Biology degree Course given: 4º of Biology Number of times: 1 Start date: 01/05/2012 End date: 31/07/2012 Date of the last time: 30/07/2012 Type of hours/credits: Credits Number of hours/credits: 1,8 institution: Universidad de La laguna Type of institution: University Department Faculty, institute or centre: Facultad de Biología Department: Animal Biology City: La Laguna, Canary Islands, Spain 8 d56c445afd9fef49538d717cedea81b1 4 Type of teaching: Official teaching Name of subject/course: Oceanografía Biológica Type of programme: Bachelor’s degree Type of teaching: In person theory Type of subject: Optional Qualification: Licenciado en Biología /Biology degree Course given: 4º of Biology Number of times: 1 Start date: 01/05/2012 End date: 31/07/2012 Date of the last time: 30/07/2012 Type of hours/credits: Credits Number of hours/credits: 4,2 institution: Universidad de La laguna Type of institution: University Department Faculty, institute or centre: Facultad de Biología Department: I tought theory and field practicals City: La Laguna, Canary Islands, Spain Subject language: Spanish 5 Type of teaching: International teaching Name of subject/course: Master in Marine Bioacoustics Type of programme: Master’s degree Type of teaching: In person theory Type of subject: Obligatory Qualification: Master en Marine Sciences Number of times: 1 Start date: 28/06/2011 End date: 02/07/2011 Date of the last time: 02/07/2011 Type of hours/credits: Hours Number of hours/credits: 12 institution: University of Auckland (New Zealand) Department: I tought theory and practicals in the lab and in the field City: Leigh, New Zealand Subject language: English 6 Type of teaching: International teaching Name of subject/course: Master in Marine Bioacoustics Type of programme: Master’s degree Type of teaching: In person theory Type of subject: Obligatory Qualification: Master en Marine Sciences Number of times: 1 Start date: 26/06/2010 End date: 30/06/2010 Date of the last time: 30/06/2010 Type of hours/credits: Hours Number of hours/credits: 12 institution: University of Auckland (New Zealand) Type of institution: University Faculty, institute or centre: Leigh Marine Laboratory Department: I tought theory and practicals City: Leigh, New Zealand Subject language: English 7 Type of teaching: Official teaching Name of subject/course: Curso de doctorado "Estudio de Cetáceos" Type of programme: Doctorate Type of teaching: In person theory Type of subject: Doctorate Qualification: Doctorado en Biología / Postgraduate course Number of times: 1 Start date: 20/06/2008 End date: 24/06/2008 9 d56c445afd9fef49538d717cedea81b1 Date of the last time: 24/06/2008 Type of hours/credits: Credits Number of hours/credits: 2 institution: University of La Laguna Type of institution: University Faculty, institute or centre: Faculty of Biology Department: I tought theory and practicals City: El Hierro, Canary Islands, Spain Subject language: Spanish Supervision of dissertations and/or final projects 1 Project title: Echolocation behaviour of short finned pilot whales Type of project: Master project to be presented in 2014 University issuing the qualification: University of St Type of institution: University Andrews City: St Andrews, United Kingdom Doctorate student: Jeanne Shearer Date of reading: 2014 2 Project title: Comunicación acústica del calderón de aleta corta (Globicephala macrorhynchus) Type of project: PhD to be finalised in 2014 University issuing the qualification: University of La Type of institution: University Laguna City: La Laguna, Canary Islands, Spain Doctorate student: Jacobo Marrero Date of reading: 2014 3 Project title: Estudios acústicos del cachalote (Physeter macrocephalus) en Canarias Type of project: PhD to be finalised in 2014 University issuing the qualification: University of La Type of institution: University Laguna City: La Laguna, Canary Islands, Spain Doctorate student: Andrea Faís López de Hierro Date of reading: 2014 4 Project title: Estudio del delfín mular (Tursiops truncatus) en las Islas Canarias Occidentales Type of project: Master thesis Co-director of thesis: Jesús Domínguez Conde University issuing the qualification: University of Vigo Type of institution: University City: Vigo, Galicia, Spain Doctorate student: Marta Tobeña Morcillo Mark: Sobresaliente Date of reading: 05/02/2013 5 Project title: Selección y uso del hábitat de los zifios de Blainville (Mesoplodon densirostris) y de Cuvier (Ziphius cavirostris) en El Hierro, Islas Canarias. Propuesta de conservación. Type of project: Doctoral thesis Co-director of thesis: Mark Johnson and Peter Madsen University issuing the qualification: University of La Type of institution: University Laguna City: La Laguna, Canary Islands, Spain 10

Este fichero electrónico (PDF) contiene incrustada la tecnología CVN . Data analysis for publishing of results in collaboration with WHOI scientists. Professional activity: I was responsible for designing a study about the .. Head(s) researcher(s): Natacha Aguilar de Soto; Alberto Brito (ULL); M
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