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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20110011412: Crew Quarters (CQ) and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Measurement Facility Combined Impedance Study PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20110011412: Crew Quarters (CQ) and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Measurement Facility Combined Impedance Study

Abstract for Crew Quarters (CQ) and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Measurement Facility Combined Impedance Study This report documents an investigation into observed failures associated with conducted susceptibility testing of Crew Quarters (CQ) hardware in the Johnson Space Center (JSC) Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Measurement Facility, and the work accomplished to identify the source of the observed behavior. Investigation led to the conclusion that the hardware power input impedance was interacting with the facility power impedance leading to instability at the observed frequencies of susceptibility. Testing performed in other facilities did not show this same behavior, pointing back to the EMI Measurement Facility power as the potential root cause. A LISN emulating the Station power bus impedance was inserted into the power circuit, and the susceptibility was eliminated from the measurements. Crew Quarters (CQ) and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Measurement Facility Combined Impedance Study Robert C. Scully NASA Johnson Space Center Engineering Directorate 2101 NASA Parkway Houston, Texas 77058-3696 Abstract— This report documents an investigation into observed designed to emulate an output impedance very similar to that of failures associated with conducted susceptibility testing of Crew the Station power bus impedance, eliminated the observed Quarters (CQ) hardware in the Johnson Space Center (JSC) failure conditions. Following this testing, it was postulated that Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Measurement Facility, and the cause of the original failure was related to the combination the work accomplished to identify the source of the observed of the EMI Facility power supply output impedance and the behavior. Investigation led to the conclusion that the hardware CQ power input circuitry input impedance. An analysis was power input impedance was interacting with the facility power performed on this basis, and the results of that analysis are impedance leading to instability at the observed frequencies of contained in this report. susceptibility. Testing performed in other facilities did not show this same behavior, pointing back to the EMI Measurement II. PREPARATION FOR TROUBLESHOOTING Facility power as the potential root cause. A LISN emulating the Station power bus impedance was inserted into the power circuit, A. Preliminary Considerations and the susceptibility was eliminated from the measurements. Pursuant to the decision to engage in troubleshooting of the initially observed anomaly, an Engineering Evaluation test Keywords-conducted susceptibility; LISN; instability procedure was discussed and written by engineering representatives from the cognizant design organization, the test I. INTRODUCTION support contractor, and engineering representatives from This report documents an investigation into observed NASA JSC Avionic Systems Division. The test was designed failures associated with conducted susceptibility testing of first to replicate the successful CS01 test conducted in Building Crew Quarters (CQ) hardware in the Johnson Space Center 49, followed by a repeat of the original CS01 testing performed (JSC) Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Measurement in Building 14. The primary difference in configuration Facility. In brief, during conducted susceptibility testing [1] in between these two setups was the use of standalone power August 2008, over the frequency range from 30 Hz to 50 kHz supplies in Building 49, and the use of the laboratory power as described in test method CS01 of International Space Station supply in Building 14. Following the repeat of the two initial requirements documents SSP 30237 and SSP 30238, hardware setups, troubleshooting would proceed with investigation into susceptible behavior was observed between 880 Hz and 1 kHz. faulty grounding, excessive supply voltage drop, excessive Subsequently, the same testing was repeated in the JSC applied ripple voltage, and reduced current limit setting for the Acoustic Test Facility [2], with no observed failures. Testing laboratory power supply. In the event that all of the foregoing was repeated in the Acoustics Facility because the hardware was unsuccessful at replicating the observed anomaly, the was already removed from the EMI Facility, and logistics engineering representatives involved would then determine the considerations precluded relocation of the hardware. Moreover, next steps, if any, either to continue with additional unplanned it was desirable to repeat the testing in a different facility, in testing, or terminate the testing and declare an unexplained order to determine if the problem was localized to the EMI anomaly. In all cases, the intent of the testing was to replicate Facility. The testing was repeated a second time for credit in the originally observed anomaly. the ATF, and the hardware certification was enabled to move forward on the recorded positive results. Discussions among a B. Test Configurations and Sequencing team comprising membership from the cognizant design The engineering evaluation test was planned to move in contractor, NASA civil servant staff, and EMI Measurement sequential order from one configuration to the next, based on Facility support contractor, determined that additional whether the original anomaly was reproduced or not. For each engineering evaluation testing [3] in the EMI Facility was configuration, a CS01 test would be performed from 0.1 kHz to warranted. This testing was able to replicate the originally 1.5 kHz at a standard ripple voltage level of 5 VRMS, observed failure conditions. Substitution of a Line Impedance maximum. In the event the original anomaly was captured, the Stabilization Network (LISN) as specified in SSP 30238, test would move to a more freeform investigative phase in whiich the team wwould be at liberty to troubleeshoot the systeem IV. DISCUSSION OF POWERR SYSTEM STAABILITY to ffocus in on thee possible anommaly root causse. Table 4.1 liists Powwer system stabbility has beenn a concern for International the planned configgurations. Space Station (ISS) ppower systemss since the inception of the The requiremeent for this testting was taken from SSP 302337, Programm. A typical ccause of systeem instability iis a negative andd is stated as follows: “5 VVRMS or 10%% of the suppply load immpedance. As long as a neegative load iimpedance is volltage, whichevver is less, ffrrom 30 Hz tto 2 kHz, thhen powereed by a voltage source that exhibits a veryy low output deccreasing log-linearly to 1 VVRMS or 1%% of the suppply impedaance across freequency, the system will rremain stable volltage, whicheveer is less. Thee requirement iis also met whhen throughhout its operaational enveloppe. In cases iin which the the audio source specified in SSP 30238 adjuusted to dissipaate negativve load impedaance is poweredd by a source wwhose output 50 watts in a 0.5 oohm load, cannnot develop thee required voltaage impedaance amplitudde is larger than the neegative load at tthe equipment under test (EUUT) power input terminals, aand impedaance at one or mmore frequenciies, the system may become the EUT is not susceptible to thee output of the signal source.””. unstablle at those freqquencies. Givenn this situation, and the fact that ISSS systems wouuld be provideed by multiple vendors and TABLLE I supplieers, it was deterrmined early onn to adopt the cconcepts first PLANNED CONFFIGURATIONS FFOR CQ CS01 ENGINEERINGG popularrized by Middlebrook [4], annd this adaptattion was well EVALUATIOON TESTING describbed for large dcc power systemms by Gholdstoon, et al. [5]. As disscussed in [4]], situations mmay arise wherein one is Coonfiguration Description confronnted by a “blacck box” powerr converter sysstem, and the 1 RReplicate Bldg 49 Setup Using Two Stand Alone Powwer SSupplies need too analyze the bbehavior of the combination oof that “black box” annd any possiblee filtering that might be introoduced on the 2 RReplicate Bldg 14 Setup Using One Stand Alone Poweer SSupply and the EMMI Facility Power Supply power input. This describes very nnicely the situaation with the combinnation of the CCQ hardware ppower supply iinput and the 3 PPower Supplies Saame as #2; Remove Electrical Bond CConnection Betweeen the CQ Electriccal Panel and the CCQ EMI FFacility power supply outpuut combinationn. Given this CChassis similariity, techniquess as described iin [4] and [5] were used to 4 PPower Supplies Saame as #2; Replacee Electrical Bond examinne the charactteristics of thhe CQ and EEMI Facility CConnection Betweeen the CQ Electriccal Panel and the CCQ combinned power bus iimpedance. CChassis, Insert a 6 Ohm Series Resisstance to Simulate IInput Voltage Drop Thee techniques uused were first derived in [[4] for small 5 PPower Supplies Saame as #2; Remove Series Resistor, signal considerationss of combinattions of source and load RRun CS01 With Ripple Voltage Settting Increased to 66 impedaances, in partiicular the interaction between a dc-dc VVRMS convertter and its inpput EMI filter. From fundammental control 6 PPower Supplies Saame as #2; Reducee the Current Limitt theory, the transfer fuunction for the system shown in Fig. 1 can SSetting on the EMI Facility Power SSupply, Run CS01 be writtten as wwith Standard Rippple Voltage Settinng of 5VRMS Leveel F FF F = S L (1) SL ⎛Z ⎞ 1+⎜ SS ⎟ IIII. HARDWARRE INVESTIGATIION ⎝ Z ⎠ L The anomaly was observedd during the teesting employiing where F = the source transfer fuunction connfiguration 5. TThe test entereed the troublesshooting phasee at S F = the loaad transfer funcction thiss point. The firrst step was to insert a 10 μFF capacitor at tthe L F = the syystem transfer ffuunction outtput of the EMMI Facility powwer supply. Hoowever, it provved SL nott possible to opperate the signnal source at 6 VRMS with tthe ZS = the source output immpedance cappacitor in placee, and in the aattempt, the siignal source wwas ZL = the loaad input impeddance dammaged. The cappacitor was remmoved, and a nnew signal sourrce wass substituted innto the circuit. The test wass repeated at 8800 Thee ratio of source to load impeddance can be coonsidered as Hz,, and the anommaly was againn observed. A sstandalone powwer the loopp gain for the integrated systeem. The systemm loop gain is suppply was substituted in placce of the EMI Facility powwer used to determine the stability of thee system. suppply at this poinnt, the test repeeated, and the anomaly was nnot obsserved at 700 HHz, 900 Hz, or 1000 Hz. The sstandalone powwer suppply was remooved from the circuit, and replaced with tthe EMMI Facility poower supply. A Line Impeedance Stabilizzer Nettwork (LISN) was inserted in series in botth the power aand retuurn leads betwween the CQ and the EMII Facility powwer suppply. The test wwas repeated at 700 Hz, 800 Hz, 900 Hz, aand 10000 Hz, and thhe anomaly waas not observeed. The test wwas repeated a secondd time with thee signal source set to maximuum outtput voltage caapability. At thhis point, a fulll standard CSS01 Figure 1. Impeddance and Transferr Function Relationnship testt was run on both the powwer and returnn leads, with no Between A Source and Looad Subsystem. anoomaly observedd. If |ZZ | < |Z | for alll frequencies, thhen the systemm is stable. If S L |Z | > |ZZ |, further anallysis is needed to determine ssystem S L stability. The Nyquist criterion can then be applied to the loop crossover frequencies, as discussed previously, and a gain to determine system stability. corresponding gain and phase margin exist at each point. Stability requirements may be expressed in terms of gain and phase margin. To establish gain and phase margin of the transfer function, TM = ZS/ZL, the first step is to establish for Load Impedance Magnitude |ZL| which frequencies, if any, |Z (s)/Z (s)| = 1. This condition is S L represented on a Bode plot by an intersection of the magnitude with the 0 dB line, or on a Nyquist plot by an intersection of the plot with the unit circle. The frequencies at which these crossings occur are known as crossover frequencies, fc. Once Source Impedance Magnitude |Z| the fc are determined, phase margins at the fc are determined S by identifying the phase angle of the transfer function at each Figure 4. Source and Load Impedance Crossover. fc and adding 180 degrees. Gain margin at each fc is then defined as the difference between the magnitude of T and the M 0 dB line on a Bode plot. On a Nyquist plot, gain margin is Bus impedance peaking may occur at such points of identified as the distance between the intersection of TM with overlap. The bus impedance, ZBUS, is defined as the parallel the negative real axis. Fig. 2 illustrates gain and phase margins combination of Z and Z . S L as shown on a Nyquist plot. ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ Z 1 (2) Z =Z ||Z = S =Z ⎜ ⎟ BUS S L ⎛Z ⎞ S⎜ ⎛Z ⎞⎟ 1+⎜⎝ SZL⎟⎠ ⎜⎝1+⎜⎝ SZL⎟⎠⎟⎠ Peaking, a manifestation of bus resonance, occurs at the fc, and is a function of the phase margin. When the phase margin is small, the factor on the right hand of equation (2) is less than 1, and peaking will occur. Conversely, if the phase margin is large, the factor is greater than 1, and no peaking occurs. This effect is illustrated in Figs. 5 and 6. Figure 2. Nyquist Plot Gain and Phase Margins. According to the Nyquist stability criterion, small-signal system stability is simply determined by inspection of the Nyquist plot for the system under study. If the Z /Z circles the S L point (-1,0) in the s-plane, shown as the “X” in the left-hand Figure 5. Small Phase Margin Figure 6. Large Phase Margin side of Fig. 3, the system is prone to be unstable. Otherwise, Bus Z Peaking. Bus Z Peaking. the system is unconditionally stable. The right-hand side of Fig. 3 shows the equivalent Bode plot representation of the Nyquist plot on the left-hand side. V. ANALYSIS RESULTS Data collected from all CS01 testing strongly suggested the EMI Facility power supply was entering into a current limit state. In particular, measurements and observations made during the engineering evaluation testing illustrated this effect, even though the current limit of the supply was set above the expected current maximum, the maximum being controlled by means of an inline fuse. This behavior in turn suggested the combination of the Crew Quarters and the EMI Facility power supply bus impedances was such that bus peaking was occurring between 880 Hz and 1 kHz, such as described in the Figure 3. Impedance Criteria. preceding theory. In order to pursue this train of thought, references [6], Summary of the EMI Lab Power Supply Output An important aspect of this theory is the realization that Impedance Test, and [7], Quick Look Data Package Revised when the load impedance magnitude exceeds that of the source Crew Quarters (CQ) Electrical Power Quality Test, were impedance, a negative load impedance condition exists. This is obtained, as well as the impedance – frequency relationship of illustrated in Fig. 4, wherein the load and source impedances the Space Station LISN [8], and the individual and combined can be seen to overlap at two different frequencies. These are bus impedances were determined as a function of frequency. The resulting plots of these curves are shown in Figs. 7 and 8. Whhat the first curvve illustrates iss the comparisoon of the Crew VI. CONCLUSION Quarters input immppedance and thhe EMI Facilityy power supplyy Bassed on the foreggoing analysis,, coupled with tthe outtput impedancee, and the combbined bus impedance of the twwo. informaation containedd in the precediing theoretical discussion, it It ccan be seen thatt between approximately 1 kHHz and 2 kHz, is conclluded the obserrved anomalouus behavior of tthe Crew the EMI Facility ppower supply ooutput impedannce is well abovve Quarterrs hardware in the EMI Faciliity was in fact tthe result of the Crew Quarterss input impedance, a region oof negative loadd the inteeraction of the CCrew Quarters input impedannce and the imppedance for this combination.. Indeed, as theeory would EMI Faacility output immpedance. Subbstitution of thee Space predict, just beloww 1 kHz, the coombined bus immpedance showws Station LISN, designeed to emulate thhe impedance oof the Space a mmarked peakingg, or resonant, rresponse. This rresonance is Station bus in orbit, elliminated the aanomalous behaavior almmost certainly thhe cause for thee EMI Facility power supply entirelyy, and together with the resultts from the Buiilding 49 currrent limit respoonse during thee Crew Quarterrs CS01 testingg. testing,, further demonnstrated the Creew Quarters haardware is in Thee second curve illustrates the Crew Quarterss input compliaance with its CCS01 EMI requuirement. imppedance and thhe output impeddance of the Sppace Station LISSN that was insserted in-line wwith the EMI Faacility power REFERENCES suppply output durring the engineeering evaluatioon testing. It is cleaar from this currve that for all frequencies thee LISN [1] D. M. Tran, “EVV5-07-EMC-020R - EMI Test RReport for the imppedance is welll below the Creew Quarters inpput impedance, Cerrtification of the International Spaace Station (ISS) Crew Quarters andd the resulting ccombined bus iimpedance doees not exhibit anny (CQQ)”, Johnson Spacce Center, Houstonn, Texas, 10 Octobber 2008. peaaking behavior.. [2] H. Ngo, “EV5-08-EMC-021R - Ameendment to EV5-007-EMC-020R - EMMI Test Report forr the Certification of the Internationnal Space Station (ISS) Crew Quarters (CQ)”, Johnson SSpace Center, Houuston, Texas, 29 Octtober 2008. [3] Tassk Performance Shheet (TPS) EF082XXXX, “Engineerinng Evaluation of the CQ Rack for CS01 EMI Testing”,, Johnson Space CCenter, Houston, Texxas, 3 November 22008. [4] R.DD. Middlebrook, “Input Filter Considerations iin Design and Appplication of Swwitching Regulatoors”, in Proc. IEEE Industry Appplications Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, 1976. [5] E.WW. Gholdston, K. Karimi, F.C. Leee, J. Rajagopalann, Y. Panov, B. Maanners, “NASA TTechnical Memoraandum 107281-Staability of Large DCC Power Systems Using Switching Converters, Withh Application to the International Sppace Station”, preesented at the 331st Intersociety Eneergy Conversion EEngineering Confeerence, Washington, DC, Aug. 11- 16, 1996, Paper IECEEC 96-96079. [6] J. CC. Neeley, Lockhheed Martin Memorandum, “Summmary of the EMI Labb Power Supply Output Impedancce Test”, Johnsonn Space Center, Figure 7. Crew Quaarters Input Impedaance, EMI Facility Output Impedancee, Houuston, Texas, 7 Seeptember 1999. and CCombined Bus Imppedance, without LLISN [7] Eneergy Systems Test Branch Report EESTA-DP-7X019QQ, “Quick Look Datta Package Revissed Crew Quarterrs (CQ) Electricall power Quality Tesst”, Johnson Spacee Center, Houston,, Texas, 21 Octobeer 2008. [8] Figgure LISN for CE07 MMeasurements, “SSSP 30238, Space Staation Electromagnnetic Techniques, Revision E”, Johnson Space Cennter, Houston, Texxas, 31 July 2002. Figgure 8. Crew Quarters Input Impedaance, EMI Facilityy Output Impedancce, and Combined Bus Immpedance, with LISN

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