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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20080005029: Method and apparatus for reducing spacecraft instrument induced jitter via multifrequency cancellation PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20080005029: Method and apparatus for reducing spacecraft instrument induced jitter via multifrequency cancellation

I 11111 1111111l11 l1llI11 lIl1 IIIII 11111 1 1l1IIlIII 11111 1111ll111111111111ll111 US006339734B3 United States Patent (12) (io) Patent No.: US 6,339,734 B1 Liu et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 15,2002 (54) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR Woodard et al.; Measured spacecraft dynamic effects on REDUCING SPACECRAFT INSTRUMENT atmospheric science instruments; Geoscience and Remote INDUCED JITTER VIA MULTIFREQUENCY Sensing, IEEE Trans,; Mar. 1998; vol. 36, iss. 2; pp. CANCELLATION 359-367.* (75) Inventors: Ketao Liu, Cerritos; David S. * cited by examiner Uetrecht, Palos Verdes, both of CA (US) Primary Examineraichael J. Zanelli (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firmqates & Cooper LLP (73) Assignee: Hughes Electronics Corporation, El Segundo, CA (US) (57) ABSTRACT A method, apparatus, article of manufacture, and a memory (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this structure for compensating for instrument induced space- patent is extended or adjusted under 35 craft jitter is disclosed. The apparatus comprises a spacecraft U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. control processor for producing an actuator command signal, a signal generator, for producing a cancellation signal (21) Appl. No.: 09/510,136 having at least one harmonic having a frequency and an (22) Filed: Feb. 22, 2000 amplitude substantially equal to that of a disturbance har- monic interacting with a spacecraft structural resonance and (51) Int. Cl? ............................ G06F 17/00; B64G 1/38 a phase substantially out of phase with the disturbance (52) U.S. C1. .......................................... 701/13; 2441164 harmonic interacting with the spacecraft structural (58) Field of Search ............................ 701113; 2441164, resonance, and at least one spacecraft control actuator, 2441170, 189, 171, 173 communicatively coupled to the spacecraft control proces- sor and the signal generator for inducing satellite motion (56) References Cited according to the actuator command signal and the cancel- lation signal. The method comprises the steps of generating U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS a cancellation signal having at least one harmonic having a 5,025,381 A * 611991 Goodzeit et al. ............. 701113 frequency and an amplitude substantially equal to that of a 5,654,549 A * 811997 Landecker et al. ......... 2501332 disturbance harmonic interacting with a spacecraft structural resonance and a phase substantially out of phase with the FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS disturbance harmonic interacting with the spacecraft struc- JP 6-72396 * 311994 tural resonance, and providing the cancellation signal to a spacecraft control actuator. The apparatus comprises a stor- OTHER PUBLICATIONS age device tangibly embodying the method steps described Sen M. Kuo and Dennis R. Morgan, "Active Noise Control: above. ATutorial Review", Jun. 1999, vol. 87 No. 6 Proceedings Of The IEEE, pp. 941-973. 29 Claims, 12 Drawing Sheets I I 308 CAN. SIOGN. M/OAFGF,' SFIRGENQA.L, PHASE I SCAN C0I MIM"A"-N U I CANCELLA TlON INSTRUMENT(S) SIGNAL GENERAT OR I I I I ! I US. Patent Jan. 15,2002 Sheet 1 of 12 US 6,339,734 B1 X / L YAW ROLL 0 704s / 1 / FIG. I 0 /- PITCH Y US. Patent Jan. 15,2002 Sheet 2 of 12 US 6,339,734 B1 LOAD SHEDDING 222 BATTERY CHARGlNE 224 f 1 I \ ~ I 204 TRANSFER , @ TORQUER ORBIT SUN DECODER SENSOR UNIT I 2\3 0 LAM THRUSTER THRUSTER CQUlSlTlON SUN 4I VALVE kk 2 3 2 SENSOR(S) 272 ~~~ DRIVER UNIT - ACS THRUSTER ^^^ I I INERTIAL REFERENCE UNIT - ELECT. r 238 242 - MOMENTUM MOMENTUM - OR 244 OR u I REACTION REACTION WHEEL ASSY WHEEL ASSY f 212 I I OPERATIONAL SPACECRAFT 266 CONTROL - ORBIT EARTH SENSOR(S) PROCESSOR II FEEDBACK 24\6 (-. 268 I -4 4Y- H NORMAL MODE WNIN.SGo LDARRIV E WIDE ANGLE SUN SENSOR(S) I i I -4===P4 216 MAGNETO- EAST RPM ME TER(S) u I. I STAR SENSOR(S) FROM GND STATlON 278 FIG. 2 I US. Patent Jan. 15,2002 Sheet 3 of 12 US 6,339,734 B1 I I I I I I I I I 41 5 ; 21 v), US. Patent Jan. 15,2002 Sheet 4 of 12 US 6,339,734 B1 2 3 0) I I I $> II m 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I N 1 % I I I I I I I I I I I I I US. Patent Jan. 15,2002 Sheet 5 of 12 US 6,339,734 B1 (7 START GENERATE A CANCELLATION SIGNAL HAVING AT LEAST ONE HARMONIC AND 502 AN AMPLITUDE SUBSTANTIALLY EQUAL J TO THAT OFA DISTURBANCE HARMONIC INTERACTING WITH A SPACECRAFT STRUCTURAL RESONANCE AND A PHASE SUBSTANTIALLY OUT OF PHASE WITH TU€ DISTURBANCE HARMONIC 504 PROVIDE THE CANCELLATION SIGNAL TO A SPACECRAFT CONTROL ACTUATOR FIG. 5 US. Patent Jan. 15,2002 Sheet 6 of 12 US 6,339,734 B1 ENTER 602 DETERMINE A TIME TO APPLY THE J CANCELLATION SIGNAL TO THE SPACECRAFT CONTROL ACTUATOR 604 APPLY THE CAN CELLA TlON SIGNAL J TO THE SPACECRAFT CONTROL ACTUATOR AT THE DETERMINED TIME ( ) RETURN FIG. 6 US. Patent Jan. 15,2002 Sheet 7 of 12 US 6,339,734 B1 ENTER v 702 MEASURE SPACECRAFT MOTION T 704 PRODUCE A CANCELLATION SIGNAL USING MEASUREMENT OF SPACAECRAFT MOT ION RETURN FIG. 7 US. Patent Jan. 15,2002 Sheet 8 of 12 US 6,339,734 B1 ENTER v 802 DETERMINE AN ESTIMATE OF A MAGNITUDE AND A ZERO CROSSING OF SPACECRAFT JITTER IJ DETERMINE A FREQUENCY, MAGNITUDE, 804 AND PHASE OF THE CANCELLATION SIGNAL FROM THE ESTIMATE OF THE MAGNITUDE AND ZERO CROSSING OF THE SPACECRAFT JITTER DETERMINE A TIME FOR PROVIDING THE CANCELLATION SIGNAL GENERATE A CANCELLATION SIGNAL ACCORDING TO THE DETERMINED MAGNITUDE, AND PHASE OF THE CANCELLATiON SIGNAL PROVIDE THE GENERATED CANCELLATION SIGNAL AT THE DETERMINED TIME A RETURN FIG. 8 US. Patent Jan. 15,2002 Sheet 9 of 12 US 6,339,734 B1 DETERMINE A TIME-BASED DISTURBANCE PROFILE .c COMPUTE A FREQUENCY-BA SED REPRESENTATION OF THE DISTURBANCE PROFILE I DETERMINE THE DISTURBANCE HARMONIC INTERACTING WITH THE SPACECRAFT STRUCTURAL RESONANCE FROM THE FREQUENCY-BASED REPRESENTATION OF THE DISTURBANCE PROFIL E A RETURN FIG. 9

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