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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20070032723: Initial Results from the Floating Potential Measurement Unit aboard the International Space Station PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20070032723: Initial Results from the Floating Potential Measurement Unit aboard the International Space Station

.- INITlAL RESULTS FROM THE FLOATING POTENTlAL MEASUREMENT UNIT ABOARD THE INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATlON Kenneth H. WRIGHT, Jr. CSPAR, UniversityofAlabama-Huntsville, 301 Sparkman Dr., Huntsville, AL 35899 Phone: (256) 961-7648; Email: [email protected] Charles SWENSO ,Don THOMPSO ,Aroh BARJATYA Utah State University Steven L. KOONTZ NASA/Johnson Space Center Todd SCHNEIDER, Jason VAUGHN, Joseph MINOW Paul CRAVEN, Victoria COFFEY NASA/MarshallSpace Flight Center Linda PARKER JacobsEngineering ThemBUl AlliedAerospace ABSTRACT: The Floating Potential Measurement Unit (FPMU) is a multi-probe package designed to measure the floating potential oj the 1nternationalSpaceStation (/SS) as well as thedensity andtemperature oj the local ionospheric plasma environment. The role ojthe FPMU is to provide direct measurements oj ISS spacecraft charging as continuing construction leads to dramatic changes in ISS size and configuration. FPMU data are usedJor refinement and validation ojthe ISS spacecraft charging models usedto evaluate theseverityandJrequency ojoccurrence ojISS charging hazards. The FPMUdata andthe models are also usedto evaluate the effectiveness ojproposedhazardcontrols. The FPMUconsists ojJour probes: afloating potentialprobe, two Langmuirprobes. anda plasma impedanceprobe. These probes measure thefloating potentialojthe1SS, plasma density, andelectron temperature. Redundant measurements using different probes support data validation by inter-probe comparisons. The FPMU was installed by ISS crewmembers, during an ExtraVehicular Activity, on the starboard (Sl) truss ojthe ISS in early August 2006, when the ISS incorporated only one 160V US photovoltaic (PV) array module. The first data campaign began a Jew hours after installation and continuedJor overfive days. Additional data campaigns were completed in 2007 after a second I60V US PV array module was addedto the ISS. This paper discusses the general perJormance characteristics ojthe FPMUas integratedon ISS, theJunctionalperJormanceojeachprobe, the charging behavior ojthe ISS beJore and after the addition oja second 160VUSPVarray module, and initialresultsjrom modelcomparisons. •. 1- INTRODUCTION The International Space Station (ISS) is and will continue to be the largest structure in Earth orbit for the indefinite future. The photovoltaic (PV) solar array modules used to power the ISS operate at 160 volts with the negative side of the array tied to ISS ground. These facts along with a minimal amount of exposed conductive surface area contribute to the possibility of the ISS structure charging to significant negative voltages (l]. To mitigate the hazard that high voltages might pose to the crew on ExtraVehicular Activities (EVA) or to the surface treatments providing thermal control of the ISS structure, two Plasma Contactor Units (PCUs), developed by Glenn Research Center (GRC), were placed on the ISS preceding any installation ofPV array modules. As the first PV array module was delivered to ISS in December 2000, a plasma measurement package was delivered as well. This package, called the Floating Potential Probe (FPP) and also developed by GRC, was installed atop the Zl truss. The GRC/FPP verified that the PCUs were controlling the floating potential ofthe ISS and that when the PCUs were off, the ISS did indeed charge to more negative values. The magnitude of ISS charging measured was less than expected due to lower electron collection by the PV module and due to a larger amount of ion collection surfaces than was fust thought [2][3][4][5][6]. The paper by Ferguson [7] presented at this conference summarizes the results from the GRC/FPP. The GRC/FPP acquired data from December 2000 through April 200I. As the ISS continues its build sequence, most notably with the addition ofPV array modules, the need to measure ISS charging and its real-time ionospheric environment is ofgreat importance. A total of four 160 volt PV array modules are planned for the ISS assembly complete configuration. The Floating Potential Measurement Unit (FPMU), developed by Utah State University (USU), is the follow-on plasma probe package to the GRC/FPP that will provide measurements of the ISS floating potential as well as the density and temperature of the local ionospheric plasma environment. The role of the FPMU is to provide measurements for validation of the existing ISS charging model (the Boeing/Science Applications International Corporation Plasma interaction Model or PIM) [4] that is used in the hazard characterization and development ofcontrol processes ofthe vehicle and in particular for the crew when performing an EVA [8]. FPMU data acquisition must occur during time periods when the PCUs are both on and off. The FPMU data can provide a "calibration" between PCU currents and the corresponding PCU-off floating potentials that can be incorporated in the PIM. This activity allows PIM to provide accurate global characterization of hazard conditions to support hazard forecasting and contingency operations planning as ISS construction continues, without being driven to worst case assumptions [8]. The FPMU was installed on the ISS in August 2006 and this paper provides initial results from the FPMU Data Sessions conducted during and since that time. The paper is structured as follows: a briefdescription ofthe various FPMU components is given, the data recovery process is discussed, and flight data ofISS charging behavior is illustrated. The flight data is compared to model results for both the one and two PV array module configurations ofthe ISS. The flight 2 'r '. data shown in this paper is for the PCU-offcondition to focus on the PY array module collection behavior. 2- INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION The FPMU is a package offour plasma instruments designed and built by USU under contract to the NASA/Johnson Space Center (JSC). Its purpose is to measure the local potential ofthe ISS relative to the plasma and to measure the local plasma properties of density and electron temperature. The four probes are: a Floating Potential Probe (FPP), a Plasma Impedance Probe (PIP), a Wide-sweep Langmuir Probe (WLP), and a Narrow-sweep Langmuir Probe (NLP) with associated electronics. The operation is autonomous with either an on or off state. The only control is over the operation ofa heater in the WLP. Figure I shows a diagram ofthe deployed instrument with indicated dimensional data. Interference or cross-talk between the individual instruments ofthe FPMU was a concern. Distances between the probe surfaces have been set to avoid overlapping sheaths. The FPMU has been described elsewhere [9][10][11] but a brief description ofeach probe is given below. FPP / 1 00m 1 aOem NLP 150 em 130em PIP ElectronicsBox Figure 1- DiagramofFPMU in its deployed state with indicated dimensions. 3 -. 2.1 - Floating Potential Probe (FPP) The FPP is a gold-plated sphere of radius 5.08 em. The sphere is isolated from chassis ground n. by a high impedance circuit, approximately 1011 The sphere "floats" at a floating potential determined by local plasma conditions, which is within a few kT of the plasma potential and e = provides a good reference for measuring the potential ofthe ISS (k Boltzmann's constant and T = electron temperature). Data is sampled as a 12-bit word with 100 mV resolution. The FPP e is sampled at 128 Hz. 2.2 - Wide-Sweep Langmuir Probe (WLP) The WLP is a gold-plated sphere of radius 5.08 em. A voltage sweep from -20 V to 80 V relative to chassis ground, ISS structure, is applied to the probe, and the resulting currents to the probe are measured. Sweeps are accomplished each second, with the potential sweeping from low to high voltage in one second and back down from high to low in the next second. The sweep is comprised of three parts: steps of- 250 mV from -20 V to 0 V, steps of- 25 mV from 0 V to 50 V, and steps of- 250 mV from 50 V to 80 V. This pattern was chosen as a balance between available telemetry space and the amount of data necessary to derive the required parameters. The small step size from 0 V to 50 V provides sufficient resolution for a determination of Te (which requires several samples in the electron retarding portion of the sweep). The floating potential can be obtained over the full -20 V to 80 V range, within the uncertainty requirement of +/- 2V. The current resulting from the applied voltage sweep is measured on two different 12-bit channels. The low-gain channel has a resolution of 700 nA/count and the high gain channel has a resolution of3.5 nA/count. The high-gain channel has sufficient sensitivity to observe both photo emission and ion collection currents whereas the low gain channel is suited for observing ambient electron currents. Measurement of ionospheric electron temperature by Langmuir probes is subject to significant error ifthe probe surface material does not have a uniform work function, or ifthe probe is not clean. Gold was chosen as the surface coating for the WLP owing to its nearly uniform work function when properlyapplied and cleaned and its stability in the atomic oxygen environment of low Earth orbit. The WLP can be cleaned on orbit by internal heating through activation of a small halogen lamp inside the hollow sensorsphere. 2.3 - Narrow-Sweep Langmuir Probe (NLP) The LP is a gold-plated cylinder with radius 1.43 cm and length 5.08 cm. The NLP is placed mid-way on the boom supporting the FPP. The probe surface ofthe NLP is surrounded on each side by a gold-plated guard cylinder with radius 1.43 cm and length 10.2 cm, which are swept in synchrony with the NLP. A sweep from - 4.9 V to + 4.9 V, in steps of-12 mY, is applied to the NLP during one second, followed by a sweep down from 4.9 V to - 4.9 V in the next second. This sweep voltage is referenced to the floating potential measured by the FPP. Hence, even though the sweep range ofthe NLP is small compared to the possible range ofISS potentials, the electron and ion retarding regions of the plasma current-voltage profile will be seen, as the 4 '. region sampled will move through the - 180 V to + 180 V range ofthe FPP to match the current conditions, This configuration will allow the density and electron temperature to be determined at I Hz. In addition, the ISS potential measured by the FPP will be verified, since if it is incorrect, the NLP will not be referenced to the proper potential and the transition from ion collection to electron collection will not be seen in the +/- 4.9 V sweep. The current resulting from the applied voltage sweep is measured on two different 12-bit channels, The low-gain channel has a resolution of87.5 nAlcount and the high gain channel has a resolution of0.44 nAlcount. Like the WLP, the high gain channel has sufficient sensitivity to observe both photo-emission and ion saturation currents where as the low-gain channel is suited for observing electron currents, The surface ofthe NLP is gold for the same reason as the WLP, the desire for a uniform work function and stability in atomic oxygen. However, there is no heating lamp within the NLP, so there is no active cleaning mode for this probe. 2.4 - Plasma Impedance Probe (PIP) The PIP consists of a short dipole antenna electrically isolated from the ISS. The dipole is normally oriented perpendicular to the ram flow direction and away from the ISS wake. The PIP measures the electrical impedance (magnitude and phase) ofthe antenna at 256 frequencies over a 100 KHz to 20 MHz range. Electron density, electron-neutral collision frequency, and magnetic field strengthcan potentially be deduced from these impedance measurements. The PIP will also track the frequency at which an electrical resonance associated with the upper-hybrid frequency occurs using a technique known as the Plasma Frequency Probe (PFP). From this resonance the absolute plasma density can be determined at a 512 Hz rate with great accuracy. Although not formally required by NASA, the PIP was added to the FPMU instrument suite per agreement between USU and NASA. Table I summarizes the performance ofthe FPMU instruments to measure the ISS floating potential, Vr, the local plasmadensity, N, and electron temperature, Te. Table I - The measured parameters, rates, and effective ranges for the FPMU, Sensor Measured Rate Effective Range Parameter (Hz) FPP V 128 -180 V to +180 V F WLP N I 10'm'; to 5·1O'Lm'; T, 500 K to 3000 K VF -20 V to 80 V NLP N I 10'm-;to 5,lO'Lm-; T 500 K to 3000 K VF -180V to +180 V PIP N, 512 1.1·IO'um-, t04'1014m-' 5 3 - FLIGHT OPERATIONS The FPMU was carried to the ISS on STS-121 in July 2006. On August 3, 2006, it was installed on external camera port 2 at the end ofthe SI truss during an EVA performed by JeffWilliams and Thomas Reiter. The FPMU interface is with tbe TV Camera Interface Controller (TVCIC) which is attached to a camera stanchion that places the FPMU a few meters above the SI truss surface. The FPMU makes use ofthe TVCIC interface for power and formats its data as a video signal for Ku-band transmission to the ground. Details ofhow the FPMU integrates its data with the ISS video system can be found in Swenson et al. [9). Figure 2 shows a picture ofthe FPMU as installed on the ISS. While tbe crew members returned to the airlock to obtain additional items for other EVA activities, the instrument was powered-on briefly for 15 minutes to confirm proper integration At approximately GMT 215/23:00 the FPMU was powered on and remained powered until approximately GMT 220/14:00. Figure 2- FPMU as installed on the starboard SI truss. (Modified NASA photo S116E06645) The FPMU telemetry is routed to a workstation located in the Mission Control Center building at JSC. The workstation shows a real-time display of key values from each I-second telemetry frame as well as archives the data. In June 2006, tbe data path through JSC was verified by flowing FPMU Functional Test data through the system. Beginning with the flight data in August 2006, tbe telemetry as captured by the workstation is marred by noise. Each telemetry frame is divided into 7 sections and a checksum value calculated for each section. For perfect data capture, checksums calculated by tbe workstation for each telemetry frame would agree = with those calculated on orbit and stored in the telemetry. A checksum value 0 for the whole telemetry frame implies complete agreement between the values calculated on orbit and those calculated on the ground. Checksum values can be in the range 0 to 7 to indicate degrees of 6 '. telemetry frame conuption. For example, Fig. 3 shows a histogram ofthe checksum values for all ofday 2006/217. Only about 10% ofthe telemetry frames received had checksums equal to 0 for the August 2007 Data Session. Some limited troubleshooting has been performed to isolate where the noise is introduced, but nothing definitive has been determined at the writing of this paper. To the FPMU's advantage, the video system provides a unique high bandwidth channel for its data. As will be discussed in Sections 3.1 - 3.3, the large volume ofdata per telemetry frame (6,776 16-bitwords) can be filtered and smoothed to recover the vast majority ofit. 2006217 300---.-,---,--'''-'1-'-'--,---,-----,--, ..tbu,.Ie4: UA2J8 .S. 20 g ~ } 10 o '-----L_--'--_'----L_--'--_'-----'_--' o 2 3 4 5 678 checksumvalues Figure3- Histogram ofthe checksum values for day 2006/217. Achecksum value=0 designates uncorrupted data for atelemetry frame. Table 2 contains a list ofthe days for 2006 and 2007 to-date that the FPMU was powered and transmitted data. The Ku-band downlink from the ISS is not continuous. For the August 2006 Data Session, the Ku-band efficiency (percentage of received transmissions relative to the total FPMU operation time) was in the range of45% - 50%. For the 2007 Data Sessions to-date, the Ku-band efficiency is close to 60%. Additional Data Sessions are planned in 2007 and 2008. Table 2-FPMU Operation Days. Year GMT Day Calendar Day 2006 21S - 220 Aug. 3-8 2007 022 - 030 Jan. 22 - 30 060 - 062 Mar. I - 3 103 - 104 Apr. 13 - 14 123 May 3 7 ·~ 3.1 - FPP data processing The straightforward approach to analyzing FPP data is to simply find the mean (fpv) and standard deviation (fp_vdev) of the 128 sample points. However, the noise present in the telemetry frame causes the mean and standard deviation to fail an acceptance test of Ifp_vdev/fpvl ~ 0.10. Examining the values ofthe FPP measurements in many telemetry frames shows that the noise is basically "salt-and-pepper"-type (bit shifts) that can be easily eliminated and/or smoothed. Based on the location ofthe FPMU and the ISS flight attitude, FPP values of < -10 V can be considered as outlier points and discarded. Values> + 150 V are considered as outliers for this polarity and are discarded as well. Median filters ofvarious widths are applied to the remaining data points. These points.are finally subjected to an iterative process that excludes values that are > 20 standard deviations from the mean. To illustrate the analysis technique, FPP data from the January 2007 Data Session is chosen because of the large amount of noise observed during this period. Figure 4 shows data from a one-second FPP acquisition. All 128 points are shown as well as the -10 V and 150 V exclusion boundaries. The red line indicates the mean of the 66 points that survive the algorithm. The acceptance criteria remains the same at Ifp_vdev/fpvl ~ 0.10 and an additional criteria of the number ofsurviving points must be;:::50. "FloatingPotential 200...-~.-,-~~--.-~~r-.-~.-,-~~--.-~~,.,., 2007 27 0 12 IK 160 fp_v,rp.vdev,opts: 5.03663 0.0105309 66 120 80 40 o --.--.---~------."j 40 ·80 . ....- . ... . . - -120 ·160 ·200L....~........~~.L....~"--'-~~--'---'~........~~...L..J o 20 100 120 Figure4 - ExampleofFPP analysis ofdata from 2007/027/00:12:18. Recovery rates for the FPP data are: (I) August 2006 > 99% per day; (2) January 2007 > 90% perday; (3) March 2007 > 98% perday; (4) April 2007 > 98% perday; and (5) May 2007 > 98% perday. 8 .- '. 3.2 - WLP and NLP data processing The initial approach to recovery of the plasma properties from the WLP and the LP current voltage characteristic is through the so-called "graphical method". In this method, the different regions of the probe characteristic, i.e., the ion saturation region, the electron retarding region, and the electron saturation region, are treated separately (see call-outs in Fig. Sa). This approach was recently used by Lebreton et a1. [12] to process data from the Detection ofElectro-Magnetic Emission Transmitted from Earthquake Regions (DEMETER) satellite Langmuir probe. Because of the existence of noise in the FPMU telemetry frame, various filtering techniques must be performed as each region ofthe probe characteristic is analyzed. The basic relationships between voltage and current in the different regions for the data processing are given below. For the ion saturation region, a linear dependence ofcurrent (Ii) as a function ofapplied probe voltage (V) is assumed: [I.] where al and bl are determined from curve-fitting. For the electron retarding regIOn, a Boltzmann relation (Maxwellian electrons) is assumed for the electron current Ie: [2·1 19 23 where q = electron charge 1.609x10· coulombs; k = Boltzmann's constant 1.38xI0. joules/K; = = = V plasma space potential; Te electron temperature; and 1 the random electron thermal sp 00 current given by [3.] = = = = 31 where e electron density; A area of probe; and me electron mass 9.1 x 10- kg. p Equation [2] can be re-written as [4.[ where a2 and b2 are determined from curve-fitting. ote that b2is the slope ofthe data in semi log space and is proportional to lITe. For the electron saturation region, the current is estimated as a second order polynomial [5.) where a3, b3, C3 are determined from curve-fitting. Further discussion about the electron saturation region occurs later in this section. The basic steps in the analysis routine are as follows: I. Find the floating potential (VF) by locating the voltage at which the current changes polarity. The polarity of the measured current for each probe is the "Langmuir 9 convention" where ion current is recorded as negative and electron current is recorded as positive. 2. Correct for photoelectron current, Iph. For the spherical WLP, this is a constant value of Iph = 29 I!Nm2 . WLP-cross-section = 0.24!lA. For the cylindrical LP, Iph depends on the sun-angle relative to the probe axis, i.e., Iph = 29 IlNm2 . NLP-cross-section . sines = 4.21x 10-2 IlA . sines, where es is the angle between the NLP-sun vector and the FPP mast axis. 3. Isolate a region ofthe ion saturation current more negative than the floating potential and curve-fit to Eq. [I]. 4. Subtract the ion current baseline as determined by the fit to Eq. [I] to derive the electron onlycurrent. 5. Obtain the first derivative of the electron current and locate the voltage at which a maximum occurs in the derivative. This voltage serves as the initial estimate ofthe space potential, Vsp . 6. Based on the value of Vsp select a range of voltage more negative than Vsp but more positive than VFto capture the electron retardation region. The logarithm ofthe electron current in this selected voltage range is curve-fit to Eq. [4], i.e., a linear fit in semi-log space. 7. Select a range ofvoltage a few volts more positive than the estimate for Vsp and curve-fit these points to Eq. [5]. 8. Solve for a new Vsp through the intersection ofcurves determined from the curve-fits of Steps (6) and (7). 9. Use the new Vsp and perform one iteration by repeatingSteps (6) - (8). The plasma properties are determined in the following manner for each Langmuir probe. The ion current from Eq. [I] is evaluated at the space potential and assumed to be the ion ram current since the probes are in the mesothermal flow regime, i.e., electron thermal speed> ISS speed> ion thermal speed, and the dominant ion at ISS altitude is 0+. The ion ram current to the probe is given by [6.] = = = = where q electronic charge, N; ion density, V1SS magnitude of the ISS velocity, and ALP cross-section ofthe probe. For the spherical WLP, the cross-section is a constant value. For the cylindrical NLP, a cosine ofthe angle between the probe normal and velocity vector must also be included. The ion density is found by inverting Eq. [6]. The electron temperature (in Kelvin) is derived by using the slope from the curve-fit to Eq. [4] in the relation = = Te(K) (q .10gIOe)1(k . b2) 50421 h [7·1 The electron density is found by inverting Eq. [3], using the T value from Eq. [7], and using the e measured electron current at Vsp. The floating potential and space potential are determined from Steps (I) and (9) in the analysis routine. To illustrate the Langmuir probe data processing, an analysis ofa single WLP and LP voltage current curve for each probe for a common time is featured. Figure 5 shows the WLP result 10

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