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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20050180614: The Role of Space Experiments in the Radiation Qualification of Electronic and Photonic Devices and Systems PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20050180614: The Role of Space Experiments in the Radiation Qualification of Electronic and Photonic Devices and Systems

!Unclassified) The Role of Space Experiments in the Radiation Qualification of Electronic and Photonic Devices and Systems S. Buchner, QSS Group Inc., K. LaBel and J. Barth, NASNGSFC, A. Campbell, NRL The Role of Spke ExpedmemI n tb RadiaMn QualficaDono f Eledmnic and Pbtomc Devices and Systems. 1 ResenaMn by Stephen Buchner d Hardened Electmncs and Radiatan Technoboy (HURT). Tampa. FL. Mard2 4 2OC5 (Unclassified) Outline Introduction Rational for doing a space experiment Limitations of space experiments Limitations of ground experiments Elements of a space experiment Results of previous space experiments The Role of Space Expenrnentsi n the RadiatonQ udficahon of Eledmmc and Pbtomc Devices and Systems. 2 PfeSentabOn by Stephen Buchner 1 Hardened EIaVomcr and Radiabon Technology (HEART). Tmpa. FL. March 24,2005 1 Introduction Space experiments are occasionally launched to study the effects of radiation on electronic and photonic devices. This begs the following questions: Are space experiments necessary? Do the costs justify the benefits? How does one judge success of space experiment? What have we learned from past space experiments? How does one design a space experiment? The Role of Space Exprimems in the Radiatioo QuaYication of Elmmnic and Photonic Devices and Systemsm 3 Presentation by Stephen Budlner at Hardened Eledmnic~a nd RadiationT echmlosy (HEART). Tampa. FL. March 24.2CQ5 (UnclassMed) Outline Introduction Rational for doing a space experiment Limitations of space experiments Limitations of ground experiments Elements of a space experiment Results of previous space experiments 7he Role of Space Expwimerds in Ihe Radialkm Quaiidun of Eledmnic and Photonic Devices and Systems. 4 Presentation by Stephen Budlner a Hardened Eledronia and RadianT echmbpy (HEART). Tampa. FL. March 24.2CQS 2 (Unclassified) Space Radiation Environment Nikkei Sricirce, hr. of/njxni, by K. Eiido The Role of Space Expenments on the Radidicm Qu&ficabon of Eledmnic and Pbtonc Devicesa nd Systems. 5 PreLentabOn by Slephen Euchne~at Hardened Eledmna am Radlatlon Techrolopy (HEART). Tampa FL. March 24 2M)5 (Unclassified) Radiation Damage Total Ionizing Dose: - >Parametric degradation increased leakage currents, decreased speed, gain degradation. >Functional failure - CMOS transistor's threshold voltage changes so the part cannot switch, too much supply current. TID Occurs in most devices - CMOS, bipolar, MEMS, . .. 7he Role Of Space Experiments in the Radiation Qualidon of Eledronic and PhOtOnic Devicesa nd Systems. 6 Presentation by Stephen Euchner at Hardened Electronics and Radiafion Techmk~y(H EART). Tampa, FL, March 24,2W 3 (Unclassified) Radiation Damage Displacement Damage: 9P arametric degradation - solar cell efficiency, bipolar gain, LED light emitting efficiency - 9 Functional failure solar cell efficiency drops below that needed for intended application, optocouplers fail to transmit data The Role of Space Expedments in th8 RadiatiianQ ualification of Eledmnic and Ptwlonic DeviCeS and Systems. 7 PraJBntationb y Stephen Buchner a Hardened Eledmnia and Radiation Technoby (HEART). Tampa. FL. March 24.2005 (Unclassified) Radiation Damage Single Event Effects: 9 Non-destructive (SEU, SET) 9 Destructive (SEL, SEB, SEGR) Latchup Current SEUs in SRAM The Role of Space ExpenmentS in the RadtaionQ uaIIfiMiono f Eledmnic and PhOlONC DWICa~nd~ S ystems* a PreSematron by Stephen Buchner B Hardened Elecimna and Rad.a(lon Technok~q( HEART). Tamoa. FL. March 24.2005 4 (Unclassified) Radiation Damage Accounts for Some Anomal ies/FaiI u r es Chronology of satellite failures (Unclassffled) Ground Testing Used to Qualify Parts for Sr>ace TID testing - Total Ionizing Dose: Gamma rays (Co60),X -rays Co60 emits 1. I7 and 1.33 MeV gamma ray. Rates on the order of 10 krad(Si) per hour. The Role of Space Expenmem in the Radiawn QualfiwUon of Elechorrc and PhotomcD evices and Systems' 10 PreSentaMn by Sephen Budner 1 Hardmed EledmncS and RadimnT echmlopy (HEART). Tampa. FL. March 24,2005 5 (UncbssMed) Ground Testing Used to Qualify Parts for Space DD testing Proton (accelerator), neutron (accelerator or reactor) The Rok Of Space ExperlmentS in Lke MiionO udnicaion d Eledmnk and Photoric Devices and Systems' 11 n- by stephen Budner d Hndened EledmricS and RadiaSon Techmlooy (HEART). Tanpa. FL. March 24,2w5 (UnclassMed) Ground Testing Used to Qualify Parts for %ace S-in gle Event Effects Testing Accelerator, Cf 252, pulsed laser The Role of Space Expenmews in the Radialon Owlticabon 01 Elemuny: and PhOtONc Devices and SVstemZ 12 PTesMmOn by Stephen Bvchner ai Hardened EledmnLS and Ra3ation Techmkw (HEART). Tampa, FL. Mard, 24.2005 6 (UnciassMed) Testing Issues 'I I I Space Ground I I Combined lndhridual I I varying sources or different parts) InnR ok d Space Experirnenr In th RadiatanQ ualOmon of Eedmnlc ani Ph3tomc DWICPS am Systems. 13 PreseMcbn by Stephen Buchner at Hardened Electmnla and Radianon Technology (HEART). Tampa. FL. Marcn 24.2005 (Unclassified) Modeling Models - Total Ionizing Dose & Displacement Damage - Dose SOLPRO, JPL, Xapsos/NASA - - Single Event Effects CREME96 (Protons & Heavier ions), SPENVIS, GEANT Accuracy of models The Role of Space Expenmentti n the RadiaWn 9uafiwon of ~leamnica nd PMONCD evices ani Systems' 14 Preswdatlon by Stephen Buchner a Hardened Elecboncr ani Radimn ~echnokwy(H EART). Tampa, FL. March 24.2005 7 (Unclassified) Previous Successes ____ What are the metrics of success? - Number of papers published - Parts used in later missions The Role of Space Expmlments in the RadiationQ wWication of Electmnic and Plutonic Devices and Smtems' 15 Pmemtion by Stephen Budtner at Hard& ElectmnicS and Radiation Tednology (HEART). Tampa. FL. March 24.205 (Unclassified) Previous Successes MPTB - 56 papers published - Parts used in later missions CRRES - Papers published - Other information The Role of Space ExpefimenIsi n the Radi'd~on Qualmcatan of Eleamnic and Plutonic Devices and Systems- 16 PreSBmabOn by Stephen Bxhner a HardeOed Electmmcs and Raaabon Tochmwy (HEART). Tampa. FL March 24 2005 a (UnclasstfiedJ Lessons Learned from Previous Space Experiments For best results assumed that testing needed to be done under identical conditions. This was found to be a problem with MPTB: - Identical boards, panel, software, telemetry. However, software was set for reading DRAMS in a way that was incompatible with ground testing due to higher rate on ground. - Starting telemetry took a long time. If a single error in typing occurred, had to reboot which took 11 minutes. - Data files gigantic as they contained telemetry information that was of no interest. Had to strip files. - Could not count the number of upsets unless check the data and that involved reboot of system. - Engineers unwilling to change software as no longer had funding. Need to find sponsors for data gathering and analysis. 7”p Role of Spocr, ExwImenLs in the Radllion QuMcalion of Eledmnic and Photonic Devices and SysteM’ 17 Presmmm by Stephen Buchmra H- Elgtmnics and RadiatM Techmlopy (HEART), Tampa. FL. March 24.2005 (UnchsrMed) The Essentials for a Space Experiment Spacecraft needed - Proper orbit for what you want to study, don’t start too early (5 yrs for parts), Environment monitors - P-FETs dosimeters - Particle telescopes CREDO - Bernie Blake’s monitor Measure as much as possible - SEUS - Supply currents, leakage currents - Temperature Funding for data analysis and storage 7he Role ~f space Expenrnerm in me ~&tim QuMcawn of Eledmnic ani ~totonc~ evtceain i systems. ia Pmentabon by stephen Buchner d Hammed Elgtmns ani RadiaWn Techmlopy (HEART).T mpa. FL March 24.2005 9

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