Growth of Multi-Walled Carhou Nanotubes by Injeclioa CVD Using Cyelapentadiensiran Dicarbonyl Dimer and Cyclouctatetvaene Tran Triearbany! etry D. Harris’, Ryne P, Rallelle, Thomas Genact:, Brian J, Landi and Aloysius F. Hopp", Department of Chem:stry, Nonhyeest Navurene University, Nate pa, (D 83585 “rhin-Film Technology Group. NASA Glenn Research Center: Cleveliné, OF 44135, epL af Physics, Rochester Inaiuts of Tecinology-Rochesler, NY 14623, Dept of Cherny, Rovhester Insiute oF Techn slogy, Roehesie, NY. 1462 *NansPower Rescareh Laboraunry, RuchesterInstinte of Techmology, Rochester, NY 14623 Keywords (Carbor nanotubes. chersival wupor deposition, calalysl. TOS, Raman Abstract Preferential oricnted muitiva‘ le earhon nanombes were prepared by the injection chemival vapar position (CIB methed using ether cyclopentadienvtivon dicarbons! dimer or eyclacelmetrsene irem wricarbonyl as Pre ina catalyst summee, The catalyst prevuryurs were dissalvec. in folucne a the sauter solvent forthe injsetions. ‘Ihe concentration of che catalyst wis fous ut infhuenes batt the growth {i.2., WNT creenttion) of the manelubes, 25 well a8 the umouol ef iron i the deposited, aerial, Ay deposited, che maltiwlledl carbon nanotuhes comained as ttle ts 2.85% nm hy wright ‘The muletial was deposited puta tantalum foil and fased silica substears. rhe nanuabes were charaetetized by scarming electron miciuswpy. wansmissita cleeton m erasenpy, Rancan spectroscopy and themmoaravimetsc analysis, his syuthetic route prov'dos a simple and sealable method to deposit MWNTs with alow defect density, “ase metal content and a peeled erienration iptriter betontenra water Corresponding LuL ion LD: Tels 1-208-467-8883 eal: dhams@nnu cd ALF Hepp: Tet 1-216-433-3835 emul: Aloysius [email protected] Introduction The area of ciubon nunalubes hos developed rapidly drmg she pase decade siace thei diseevery [1]. Nunutubes und nanulibers have een pracuced by several teshaiques including wre ischatge [12], laser ablation [3]. flame syntwesis [4] and a variety of chemieul vag0: doposttion (CVD) methods [5.9], Two of the most promising methods for cepasiting commercial quanti alagned mn luissullod carbon nanotubes ae “ho “Hosting eataly (* C¥D methou F10-19] and the anyection CVD method L14- For te injection method am urganie solvent contaming a distolved orgunomeullic compound thal docompeaes to Fon ds ately is jected imo v0 come furs Te first zane hot the sulvon. an be catalyst vaporize. A cartier ga seeps the wap into the sccond zone whore the oxganemetalic compound decompires la yield manepirticlns of the: metal carlist, Solveat and ligand molecules serve as the casbon rource for manorabe prow athe catalyst ss. The organcinealic conpouns commonly used axe mactallocanes (He, Co, Ni oe Ru) 115-22] ain pontacarsonyl, [PA{COY] 79.241 On: week has sought te explane a der range of “organometalic catalyst prccutsor computa ian efTost ly wedlize w nore efficient eaten mmolube syntesis route, Hore we pres Imutciwatted cathon nanotube growth using eyelopentadionylizon leasbongl ditey und eyelosctuletracne irom Iniearhonyl us the iron catalyse sausee, The phutuctenisicy of eye opertudiengliron divarbonyl dimer was extensive’ y studied nearly key evades apo [25], but this isthe first report either compounds ase for varben nanotube grawth, perimental All gperatinss nf muisturs- und ar-scnsitive materials were performed under an argon annospacre employing stanlad Schlenk wckiques and a denisle-manifold vacinam linc. Saliés ‘were manipulated in a1 argon fila ylovcbus, Sulvents were uy distilled im apopriae drying agents uncer argon prior 20 use. “Ie organametallic ealulys prewunsors tyelupentadienyliua dicubonyl dimer (Sigma-Aldrich Chernis Company) and ‘yelooxtoeursene ion trivachonyl (Stem Chemical Company) ware used as received Muldwalled carbon nenotures were depos el using # medified version af our ulmospheric pressure aorosnl aevinted CVD reactor [26 31), ‘Toluene solutoms of “he vatlyet Peccursor (0 06 M cycopentilicnsliron dicarbony! dimmer oF 0.26 M eyelovetalereme son hans!) were injected throught 20 gauge needle cue the fire zone of two zone foenaze basing asyrings purmp. Solulions wore injected at rates ranging fiom 1.5 2.0 0Uhr, with Lypically 2.5 -4 ol heing detivenal. The lompersture of zone one as eld ax 201°C. whi iy above the boiling point of the solvent snd ubnve the dacompenition temperature of the preoursnis, A mixed carer gas of 4% hydrgen in wicugor. c= argon (1.5 slp; swept the hydhcarhon und catelysl gases into tho hol zone of the fumace. Matiwaflad carbun nanotubes ‘vere deposited onte fatal fil aad SiCs substeaes a8 well as nun the wal af sho 38 ron fsedsilionreseor tute in the hot zone. ‘The material as eer ctursctomzod evel on the suistaes or reteved from the wallsot the ibe and wubvecuenty characterized. ‘The as- symlhcvivod materials none characterized hy sconring clesteon micsoscupy ISTEND (THtachi S- SSUUUN}, eld emission SEEM (Hutachu S-900;, Raman spestioRsay (IY Tob), nid therrmagraviinetric analysis (TGAD (TA Iniisamerix TEA 2980) Nanotabes ultrasonically dispersed in methanol were characrerized by high roseltio. uansicinsem election inicnmuapy (HRTEM) with Energy Dispersive Spectmscopy (TEM-TDS) (Pailips CM 200), Results and Piseusslon Aligned mullsalted carbon raaotubes cre prepared using either eyclopeatediengliron soumet The material carbonyl dimer x eyclotlniraene ita tcathomy a inn satay coated the"Ta fil und $10 subsertes, a well as hs quae seacon Lube. Tle tube was ene foxn justinside Une hot ne ofthe furnace and cxtenuing bic. ode Ihe ume 100 mm, sith Uke sure tenaperarine ranging foen 685-750°C. a5 icacured ya heemceaple, Ths we syuhesized material, which sus east yembeed form the surface of te quartz ube, revembied cared paper. Samples were course, fizerous materials that when imaged by SEN displayed preferential depaee of alignment in crotsaeelion, wich the grovith axis noma uw the growth sunface Figare H. The ouside ciometer Wf the nanotubes ranged fom L5~ 200 eo extant fron: the TEM und SEM results}, which is consistent. with renals oftens have obtained using snetellocenes and irjecion CVD (17.19.32), Since it hs hosn widely reported tt the manetuby diameter vaiesdvoctly withthe concentration of mite catalyst n sohition end in the gas phase 119,22; wlempis were mle to snepine slur diameter nanotubes using lower ret! concentration Growth was artempted using a syclopemladicn yin dicarhomyl dimer cencentratien of haf of tho vig:nel concentration (0.08 M). Growth conditions using the lower joncenteaticn ere naa apienied as with the highor sancortranion That of depoxiing iow limited region of the cuattz te is vith the higher couccubalcu. «Hue poser ciel he entre leagh of the tbe inthe hot zono. However, the lower mel coweent-aion wnscective at rehiag the overall size ditibuciny of he nanotibes with the size determined frm elsctrun microscopy ringing thom 15-70 na, Nanotube yrowth under hese condos wus more random ard ess aligned than wih the mene concentsted solu ons (Fugue 2), ‘those reuits ae onusiston: with what others have observee sche culuysl cancantalioms ure lv0 fow Zot opine) depositio egures | and 2 hore] ‘Talay cyclooctawtrecas iron tiombonyl, mukiwalled mane 368 were ovo Ts fo 50; sstes, Descsitinns noo tne (antalum fo:: yielded Jess corsplete surface coverage than depeitiorm ‘80, surtaces igure 3}, Aw interesting, fetus Dek appear in materials ‘deposited ante the mcd fo is wrandoraly exiented, fiherous growth on the tical surface (figure 4). Prosatly, te ture of dhe wetertal is andanown, biti the SEM dt ppm ty prapbitic caro iver. The niwonntan gone AT of di mera. As evden Uy the SLB sonar prowih on: a fall was alec tess oxderoc than growth on ere quan, whish likely the remute of growing (rams the sundonls oriented tbe lead of feum csnioods gure, Estimated Sara SPM resass, the ou weer of Te nanotuhes ross on: Hie Ta Vl am, with few a 70m, Diarstors forthe Macros muicriel on che earfuce opto 82 aan, High resolution ansmiscion sievlmun microscopy ckarscterizatien of uancabes green usmg.vyelopentadiensilzon disarbonpl dist revealed mottivvalied| nanotubes with 4 side mage tn inne” diameters, m addigion to the outer Sismetsr rege. Tarer dicmetsys were fund orange fromm 2.5 31.60 Cligure 5}. Mest af the robes were tow. bua wore ventyined vanurids oF ton (as derived by TE MEMS) wth Keng up tp 750 end 4099 Gamaters rangmsg 00 ASA em, To: ileal cicbon nanotubes cogerved had ix 1: ws with thea eral Dam spacig, ‘Figures 3 here) ‘slawatied eadboa nan 18 grown ising both iran catalyst sauces were 24 Ularectericed ly Mer sangracinitcic enalyss iv abe Figur 6). Carbon nawtules prope’ using an of eyolopentatier yf die er ha rnin ‘voi ght Tow below 520C, losing onty ove percent of is meas 5y: °C. The wassmum wright lass per degene pceurted a 408°C, # Bas 0; by 025°C The cesiane wes compleic carbon onidslion war 2.8 wt, $ of dre original muss ana wats [oad to be tran by “Aissobving the seskdne fa 2a HC sofarion to veld @ ed jon, indiontive of won, An peenesed, ‘he mint copcenmasign inthe syncsesized material is stmeldarahiy tower then ahees hve ‘epomiad asing mecstiocen rom pentasar way where reside iron commonly ranges trom T= 22 we. PISN Ligue 6 here] sae ema cen Aithongh lower catalyst cusventralions of eyclnpontudionylicen dicarboayl dimer were offective at reducing che overall size distribution of ine nanotubes, surpistagly “hese mately alsa yield higher levels of iron, As characterized oy"TGA. the iron cuntent clually tnerensod to 17.62. %, for he manceabes propa 3sing the anor i us into soso ‘Thermoggavimetic analysis shows a modest inoreate in weight wilh teraperatare increase thar peaks 30 102.6 wt. & cl 444°C (Figure Nich is tikoly caused fham oxidation of om porticles cm the aanfuce the nanotubes. Maximum woight Joss acc ared at 523°C, with all of tae carbo being osidized mr 650°C. The higher gon cont futher demoustess he noe-optial grth cermin nf Ee eile solution,