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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20040110943: Modeling the Benchmark Active Control Technology Wind-Tunnel Model for Application to Flutter Suppression PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20040110943: Modeling the Benchmark Active Control Technology Wind-Tunnel Model for Application to Flutter Suppression

MODELING THE BENCHMARK ACTIVE CONTROL TECHNOLOGY WIND- TUNNEL MODEL FOR APPLICATION TO FLUTTER SUPPRESSION Martin R. Waszak,* NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia Abstract on the BACT enabled the investigation of This paper describes the formulation of a model of the multivariable flutter suppression. And the availability dynamic behavior of the Benchmark Active Controls of truly multivariable control laws provides an Technology (BACT) wind-tunnel model for opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of a application to design and analysis of flutter controller performance evaluation (CPE) tool[3] used suppression controllers. The model is formed by to assess open- and closed-loop stability and combining the equations of motion for the BACT controller robustness when applied to multivariable wind-tunnel model with actuator models and a model systems. An underlying requirement of all these of wind-tunnel turbulence. The primary focus of this objectives is the availability of a mathematical model paper is the development of the equations of motion of the BACT dynamics. from first principles using Lagrange’s equations and A mathematical model is the basis for nearly all the principle of virtual work. A numerical form of control design methods, therefore an appropriate model the model is generated using values for parameters is essential. The importance of having a good model obtained from both experiment and analysis. A of the dynamic behavior cannot be overstated and the unique aspect of the BACT wind-tunnel model is that model must be developed with a mind toward the needs it has upper- and lower-surface spoilers for active of control law design. In addition, appropriate models control. Comparisons with experimental frequency are required to accurately assess system performance responses and other data show excellent agreement and and robustness. Extensive analysis and simulation are suggest that simple coefficient-based aerodynamics are usually required before controller implementation to sufficient to accurately characterize the aeroelastic assure that safety is not compromised. This is response of the BACT wind-tunnel model. The especially true in the area of aeroservoelastic testing in equations of motion developed herein have been used which failure can result in destruction of the wind- to assist the design and analysis of a number of flutter tunnel model and damage to the wind-tunnel. suppression controllers that have been successfully Mathematical models for control law synthesis must implemented. characterize the salient dynamic properties of the system. One of the most important properties to Introduction accurately model is the frequency response in the Active control of aeroelastic phenomena, especially vicinity of the key dynamics over the anticipated range in the transonic speed regime, is a key technology for of operating conditions. In the case of flutter future aircraft design.[1] The Benchmark Active suppression, the key dynamics occur near the flutter Controls Technology (BACT) project is part of NASA frequency and the operating conditions correspond to a Langley Research Center’s Benchmark Models wide range of dynamic pressures and Mach numbers Program[1,2] for studying transonic aeroelastic representing both stable and unstable conditions. Also phenomena. The BACT wind-tunnel model was important are the key parametric variations associated developed to collect high quality unsteady aerodynamic with the system and the uncertainties associated with data (pressures and loads) near transonic flutter the assumptions and limitations of the analysis tools conditions and demonstrate flutter suppression using and other data used to build the model. spoilers. Accomplishing these objectives required the The development of the model of the dynamic design and implementation of active flutter behavior of the BACT presented herein was motivated suppression. The multiple control surfaces and sensors by several factors. A primary motivation was based on the fact that the tool normally used at NASA Langley * Aerospace Research Engineer, Senior Member AIAA. to model aeroelastic systems, ISAC[4], is unable to model spoilers. Since the demonstration of flutter Copyright © 1996 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. No copyright is suppression using spoilers was a key objective of the asserted in the United States under Title 17, U.S. Code. BACT project an alternative modeling approach was The U.S. Government has a royalty-free license to needed. Another motivation for the particular exercise all rights under the copyright claimed herein for modeling approach taken here was the desire to assess Governmental purposes. All other rights are reserved by the impact of model uncertainty and parametric the copyright owner. AIAA Paper No. 96-3437 - AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference variations on control system design, performance, and robustness. Trailing Edge By developing the model from first principles using Control 0.45c appropriate idealizations of the structural and 14.4 in. Upper aerodynamic characteristics, a model was developed that Spoiler includes spoiler controls and explicitly contains the key physical parameters. The analytical and parametric 32 in. nature of the model also provides physical insights not 0.30c readily obtained from purely numerical models (such as 9.6 in. those produced by ISAC and similar tools). While this 0.15c paper emphasizes the development of the equations of 2.4 in. motion of the BACT wind-tunnel model, a complete 0.25c model is presented including actuator and turbulence 4 in. models, and validation of the resulting numerical model. c = 16 in. The BACT Wind-Tunnel Model The BACT wind-tunnel model is a rigid, rectangular, wing with an NACA 0012 airfoil section.[5] A drawing of the model is shown in Figure 1. It is equipped with a trailing-edge control Figure 1 - BACT Wing Section Diagram surface, and upper- and lower-surface spoilers that can be controlled independently via hydraulic actuators. Turntable The wind-tunnel model is instrumented with pressure transducers, accelerometers, control surface position sensors, and hydraulic pressure transducers. The Fore-Aft Stiffening accelerometers are the primary sensors for feedback Central Beam control and are located at each corner of the wing. The wing is mounted to a device called the Pitch and Plunge Apparatus[5] (PAPA) which is designed to Pitch and permit motion in principally two modes -- rotation (or Plunge pitch), and vertical translation (or plunge). A drawing Rod System of the PAPA is shown in Figure 2. The mass, inertia, and center of gravity location of the system can be controlled by locating masses at various points along the mounting bracket. The stiffness properties "Chevron" can be controlled by changing the properties of the Mounting Bracket rods. The PAPA is instrumented with strain gauges to measure normal force and pitching moment and is mounted to a turntable that can be rotated to control Figure 2 - PAPA Diagram the wing angle of attack. [8] The combination of the BACT wing section and problem in aeroelasticity. The difference is PAPA mount will be referred to as the BACT system. primarily the complexity of aerodynamic behavior and The BACT system was precisely tuned to flutter presence of additional structural modes. The finite within the operating range of the Transonic Dynamics span and low aspect ratio of the BACT wing Tunnel (TDT)[6] at NASA Langley Research Center in introduce significant three dimensional flow effects. which the system was tested. The range of Mach Higher frequency structural degrees of freedom are numbers and dynamic pressures over which flutter associated with the PAPA mount and the fact that the occurs permits the study of transonic aeroelastic wing section is not truly rigid. phenomena. More detailed descriptions of both the The control surfaces also introduce complexities not BACT wing section and the PAPA mounting system typically reflected in the classical 2-DOF system. The can be found in References 5 and 7. mass and inertia of the control surfaces and potential The BACT system has dynamic behavior very flexibility in their support structures introduce inertial similar to the classical two degree-of-freedom (2-DOF) coupling effects. The finite span of the control 2 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics surfaces and their close proximity to each other also introduce significant aerodynamic effects. All these K issues influence the development of the equations of h h motion but, as will be seen, do not force the Kq q abandonment of the 2-DOF system structure. Aeroelastic Equations of Motion m1, I1 Lagrange’s equations were used to derive the Kd e equations of motion for the BACT system and the m2, I2 1 principle of virtual work was used to obtain d expressions for viscous damping and the generalized e h e 2 aerodynamic forces. Lagrange’s equations and the ed principle of virtual work provide a simple and straight d c forward method for deriving the equations of motion for aeroelastic systems.[9] Lagrange’s equations readily allow one to represent motions relative to a Figure 4 - Structural representation showing trailing moving frame. The principle of virtual work has the edge control only. advantage of automatically accounting for the forces of constraint and thereby greatly simplifying the nature of the motion of the BACT system. The wing determination of generalized forces. section and each control surface are assumed to be The basic requirement for applying Lagrange’s rigid in both the spanwise and chordwise directions. equations is that the velocity of each point in the body This assumption is supported by the fact that the be represented in an inertial frame. The efficient wing and control surfaces were constructed to be as application of Lagrange’s equations can be facilitated rigid as possible. by representing the inertial quantities in convenient It is also assumed that the motion is limited to two coordinate systems and selecting an appropriate set of degrees of freedom -- pitch and plunge. This generalized coordinates. assumption implies that the other structural modes of the BACT system are insignificant. Investigation of C oordinate Axes and Generalized Coord i n ates the structural vibration characteristics of the PAPA The BACT system can be idealized as a collection of mount with a very similar wing model was shown to four rigid bodies corresponding to each of the three support this assumption.[10] The next lowest control surfaces and the remaining wing/PAPA frequency for any transverse mode was more than six element. Figure 4 depicts the relevant quantities for times the frequency of the pitch and plunge modes and the wing and the trailing edge control surface. The well outside the frequency range of interest. spoiler control surfaces were treated in an analogous Based on these assumptions the BACT requires five fashion but are omitted here for ease of discussion. generalized coordinates, two associated with the pitch There were essentially five coordinate systems used. and plunge degrees of freedom of the entire wing and One coordinate system is fixed to the wing, moving three are associated with the angular rotation of the with it. Another coordinate system is fixed in inertial control surfaces. The five generalized coordinates space and oriented relative to the turntable to which the therefore are pitch angle, q , and plunge displacement, BACT system was mounted. It was chosen to coincide h, of the body fixed coordinate axes relative to the with the undeformed position of the body-fixed system. inertial coordinate axes and the trailing edge, upper-, The three others are fixed to each of the control and lower-spoiler control surface angles, d , d , and TE US surfaces and rotated relative to the body-fixed system d , respectively. The three coordinates, h, q , and about the hinge of each surface. LS The origin of the inertial coordinate axes is located d ”d TE, for the system including only the trailing at the shear center of the undeformed position. The edge control surface are depicted in Figure 4. origin of the body fixed coordinate axes coincides with The relation between the generalized coordinates and the instantaneous shear center of the system. The the angle of attack of the wind-tunnel model will be origin of the control surface-fixed coordinate axes important in formulating the generalized aerodynamic coincide with the hinge lines. forces later. Based on the choice of the generalized The generalized coordinates were selected to simplify coordinates the following expression can be used to the derivation of the equations of motion. Their determine the angle-of-attack. selection is based on some key assumptions about the 3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics commanded and the actual control surface rotation, d h˙(t) l(x)q˙(t) wg(x,y,t) c a (x,y,t)=q q+ (t)+ + - (1) and d , respectively. T U0 U0 U0 The total potential energy for the BACT system is where q is the turntable angle, l (x) is the distance simply the sum of the gravitational potential and the T strain energy, Eqns (3) and (4), respectively. from the origin of body fixed coordinate system to the A pplying Lagrange’s Equations angle of attack reference, x (positive aft), w is the g Lagrange’s equations can be expressed in the normal perturbation velocity of the local flow field following form. (positive down relative to the free stream flow), and U0 is the freestream velocity. d (cid:230) ¶T(cid:246) ¶T ¶U K inetic and Potential Energy dtŁ(cid:231) ¶q˙ ł(cid:247) - ¶q+ ¶q= Qqi (5) i i i The selection of the generalized coordinates allows where the T and U are the kinetic and potential expressions for the kinetic and potential energies to be energy of the system, respectively, q is the ith i formulated. The kinetic energy of the BACT system is generalized coordinate, and Q is the generalized force the sum of the kinetic energy of the wing and the three qi control surfaces. associated with qi and includes externally applied The kinetic energy of a body is the work required to forces, nonconservative forces, and forces of increase its velocity from rest to some value relative to constraint. an inertial frame. Using the quantities defined in Applying the expressions for the kinetic and Figure 4 the kinetic energy expression for the BACT potential energies to Eqn (5) results in the following system including only the trailing edge control can be system of equations. written T = 1m1(h˙+e1q˙)2 + 1Iq1˙2 ØŒŒ smhq sqIhq ssdqhd øœœ (cid:236)(cid:237)(cid:239) qh˙˙˙˙(cid:252)(cid:253)(cid:239) +ØŒŒ K0h K0q 00 øœœ (cid:236)(cid:237)(cid:239) qh(cid:252)(cid:253)(cid:239) +212m2(h˙+e2q˙+e2dd ˙)2 + 12 Iq2(d˙+ ˙)2 (2) ºŒ s(cid:236)hd0 (cid:252)dqs d (cid:236)(cid:236) I ßœ m(cid:238)(cid:239) d˙˙(cid:254)(cid:239) (cid:252) ºŒ 0 0 (cid:236) QKd (cid:252)ßœ (cid:238)(cid:239) d (cid:254)(cid:239) (6) h (cid:239) (cid:239) (cid:239) (cid:239) (cid:239) (cid:239) The potential energy of a rigid body consists of two =(cid:237) 0 (cid:253) d c +(cid:237) shq coqs (cid:253) gcosq T +(cid:237) Qq (cid:253) (cid:239) (cid:239) (cid:239) (cid:239) (cid:239) (cid:239) terms, the strain energy and the gravitational potential (cid:238) Kd (cid:254) (cid:238) shd cosd (cid:254) (cid:238) Qd (cid:254) energy. The gravitational potential is defined relative to a datum, usually the origin of the inertial reference The terms m, Iq, and Id are the generalized masses of frame. Using the quantities defined in Figure 4 and the pitch, plunge, and control surface modes, assuming the datum to be the origin of the inertial respectively. The terms shq , shd, and sqd are the frame the gravitational potential for the BACT system inertial coupling between the various degrees-of- is freedom. These terms are related to the quantities U = - m g(h+ e sinq )coqs defined in Figure 4 by the following relations. g 1 1 T - m2g(h+ e2sinq+ ed sind )cqos T (3) m” m1+ m2 shq” m1e+1 m2e2 Iq ” I1+ I2+ m1e12+ m2e22 shd” m2de (7) where g is the gravitational acceleration. Id ” I2+ m2e22 dqs ” I+2 m2de2e The strain energy is the work done in going from the undeformed reference position to the deformed If one assumes that the control surface stiffness is position. Using the quantities defined in Figure 4 the very large, (i.e., the deformation due to hinge load is strain energy for the BACT system is insignificant) then Eqn (6) can be simplified by eliminating the generalized force associated with the Ue = 1Khh2 + 1Kq q 2 + 1Kdd( cd- )2 (4) control surface, Qd. 2 2 2 Assume that the control surface stiffness is very where Kh and Kq are the spring constants associated large so that with the stiffness properties of the PAPA mount and 1 where Kd is the spring constant representing the Kd » e , e<< 1 flexibility in the structure supporting the actuator. Note that the strain energy associated with the control Eqn (6) can now be approximated by the following surface is based on the difference between the equations after eliminating terms of order e . 4 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics mass matrix from Eqn (9). The other constants, w d =d (8) h c and w q , correspond to the in vacuo vibration frequencies for the pitch and plunge modes. ØŒ m shq øœ (cid:236)(cid:237) h˙˙(cid:252)(cid:253) +ØŒ Kh 0 øœ (cid:236)(cid:237) h(cid:252)(cid:253) E xternal (Aerodynamic) Forces º shq qI ß (cid:238) q˙˙(cid:254) º 0 qK ß (cid:238) q (cid:254) (9) The externally applied forces are due to =- (cid:236)(cid:237) shd (cid:252)(cid:253) d˙˙+(cid:236)(cid:237) m (cid:252)(cid:253) gcoqs +(cid:236)(cid:237) Qh(cid:252)(cid:253) aerodynamics and result from the distributed pressures T (cid:238) sdq (cid:254) (cid:238) shq (cid:254) (cid:238) Qq (cid:254) applied to the surface of the BACT wing. For the wing the virtual work can be written Note that the value of q has been assumed to be small so that cosq is approximately unity. Also note that dW =(cid:242) 0b(cid:242) -+cc2p(x,y,td) z(x,y,t)dxdy (12) 2 the inertial coupling between the wing structure and the control surface is retained in the equations. where b is the wing semi-span, c is the section chord, All that remains to complete the equations of p(x,y,t) is the differential pressure distribution over motion is to determine expressions for the generalized the surface of the wing, and d z(x,y,t) is a virtual forces, Qh and Qq . displacement normal to the wing surface. Figure 5 depicts the pressure distribution for a chordwise A pplying the Principle of Virtual Work section. The principle of virtual work can be applied to The virtual displacement can be written in terms of obtain expressions for generalized forces. The basic virtual displacements of the generalized coordinates h, advantage of using this method is that the forces of q , and d as follows. constraint are eliminated automatically. In addition, - dz(x,y,t)=d h(t) +(x- xd ) q (t) the principle of virtual work can be used to determine p expressions for dissipative forces such as damping. (cid:236) 0, x< x (13) f The generalized force, Qqi, can be determined from +(cid:237)(cid:238) (x- xf)dd , x> xf the following equation. Substituting this expression in Eqn (12) and ¶dW Q = (10) performing the differentiation described in Eqn (10) qi ¶dq i results in the following expressions for the where dW is the work done on the system by an generalized aerodynamic forces. arbitrary infinitesimal (or virtual) displacement of the ¶ dW Q = generalized coordinates. This virtual work includes h ¶ dh the work done by nonconservative forces (e.g., damping) and external forces. The work done by =- (cid:242) b(cid:242) +c2p(x,y,t)dxdy”- L 0 - c forces of constraint are zero under virtual 2 ¶ dW displacements. Qq = ¶ qd N onconservative (Damping) Forces (14) Structural damping is often characterized as a =- (cid:242) b(cid:242) +c2p(x,y,t)(x- x )dxd” y M 0 - c p p viscous force. Experimental data suggests that this is 2 ¶ dW a reasonable assumption for the BACT system Qd = ¶ dd undergoing small motions. Viscous forces are those wthhee rpeo tihnet ftohrec e fvoarcriee si si n apprpolpieodr tibount toin thteh ev eolopcpiotys itaet =- (cid:242) 0b(cid:242) x+fc2p(x,y,t)(x- xf)dxd” y Hd direction. The following expression was derived to represent the generalized damping forces for the BACT. z (cid:236)(cid:237)(cid:239) Qhnc(cid:252)(cid:253)(cid:239) = - ØŒ m shq øœ ØŒ 2zwh h 0 øœ (11) p(x,t) (cid:238)(cid:239) Qq nc(cid:254)(cid:239) º shq qI ß º 0 2zqw q ß c 2 The constant terms in Eqn (11) were chosen so that x the damping coefficients associated with the plunge and - c x x pitch modes, z h and zq , respectively, correspond to 2 p f those obtained from experiment. The matrix premultiplying the diagonal damping matrix is the Figure 5 - Pressure distribution over wing section. 5 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics aWbhoeurte thLe, rMefpe,r eanncde Hpod ianrte, txhpe, alinfdt, thpeit cchoinntgro lm soumrfaecnet (cid:236)(cid:237)(cid:239)(cid:238)(cid:239) QQqhee(cid:252)(cid:253)(cid:239)(cid:254)(cid:239) =qSغŒ c- CCML00øßœ +qSغŒ c- CCMLaa øßœ q T moment about its hinge-line, respectively. The reference point, xp, was chosen to correspond to the + qSc ØŒ - CLa˙ - lCaL˙ øœ (cid:236)(cid:237) h˙˙(cid:252)(cid:253) shear center (i.e., the origin of the body fixed 2U0 ºŒ cCMa˙ clCMa ˙ ßœ (cid:238) q˙˙(cid:254) coordinate system). ( ) Ø c ø There are several ways in which the integrated qS Œ - CLa - lCaL- 2U CLLa˙ +CLq œ (cid:236) h˙(cid:252) surface pressures can be approximated in practice. If + Œ 0( )œ (cid:237) (cid:253) (17) computational aerodynamic analysis results are U0 Œ cC clC - c C + C œ (cid:238) q˙(cid:254) available the integration can be approximated by using ºŒ Ma Ma 2U0 Ma˙ Mq ßœ tehxep eripmreesnstuarle fso rcoen a ndt hme omceonmt pduattaa taioren aalv aiglarbidle. it caInf +qSØŒ 0 - CLa øœ (cid:236)(cid:237) h(cid:252)(cid:253) + qSc ØŒ - CLd˙ øœ d˙+qSØØŒ - CLd øœ d be used directly allowing for potential differences in the º 0 CMa ß (cid:238) q (cid:254) 2U0 ºŒ cCMd˙ßœ ºŒ cCMd ßœ moment reference point. Ø c ø aerAod yncaommicm ofonr cesm iest hotod uosef staapbpilriotyxi maantdin gc onttrhoel - qS ŒŒ - 2U0 CLa˙ - CLa œœ (cid:236)(cid:237) w˙g(cid:252)(cid:253) derivatives. The aerodynamic forces are represented as U0 Œ c C cC œ (cid:238) wg(cid:254) a linear function of angle-of-attack and control surface ºŒ 2U0 Ma˙ Ma ßœ deflection and their rates as shown in Eqns (15) and C omplete BACT Equations of Motion (16). Descriptions of each coefficient are presented below in Table 2. A comparable expression for the Combining the generalized forces, Eqns (11) and hinge moment has been omitted since the need for the (17), with Eqn (9) results in the complete equations of generalized force associated with hinge moment in the motion for the BACT system. The general form of the equations of motion was eliminated in Eqn (9). equations can be expressed as L= qSCL (Ms - Ma)q˙˙+(Ds - Da)q˙+(Ks - Ka)q [ = qS CL0 +CLa a +CLdd (15) = Q0e +QTq T + Mggcoqs T (18) + c (cid:230) C a˙ +C q ˙+Cd ˙(cid:246) øœ +B2d˙˙+ Bd1˙+ Bd 0 + Ew 2U0 Ł La˙ Lq Ld˙ ł ß where q is the vector of generalized coordinates, w is the vector of disturbance inputs, and the definitions of M = qScC p M the other symbols can be readily determined by [ comparison with Eqns (9), (11), and (17). = qSc C +C a +C d (16) M0 Ma Md Notice that the effect of the aerodynamic forces is to ø modify the mass, damping, and stiffness properties of +2Uc0 (cid:230)Ł CMa˙a˙ +CMqq ˙+CMd d˙ ˙(cid:246)ł ßœ tehsese snytsiatel mfe.a tIutr eis o tfh iase raoeerloadsytinca smysicte cmosu palnidn gl etahdast tios tthhee flutter instability. The coefficient-based approach is a rather simplistic Also note that there are three terms in the equations way to represent the aerodynamic forces and moments, that are constant, assuming the turntable angle is fixed. but it is quite acceptable for the BACT system as will These terms determine the static equilibrium of the be seen. The need to include more sophisticated system. aerodynamic modeling approaches such as rational function approximations or time accurate CFD is E quilibrium Solution and Perturb a t ion Equations mitigated by the fact that the reduced frequency for the The static equilibrium of the BACT system is BACT system is relatively low, approximately 0.044. obtained by setting all time derivatives in Eqn (18) to Using the expression for angle-of-attack from zero and solving for the generalized coordinates. Doing Eqn (1) in Eqns (15) and (16) the expression for the so results in the following expression. goebntaeirnaelidz.ed applied external forces in Eqn (17) can be q0 =(Ks - Ka)- 1(Q0e +QTq T ) (19) +M gcosq + Bd g T 0 0 6 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics The subscript on the generalized coordinate vector is The mass and inertia parameters were obtained by used to indicate static equilibrium. The subscript on measuring the mass, stiffness, and damping properties the control input is used to denote its static value of the various components of the BACT system. The (i.e., bias). geometric parameters (e.g., centers of gravity, shear The generalized coordinates can be expressed as the center, sensor locations, and aerodynamic reference sum of the static (or equilibrium) part, q0, and a quantities) were also obtained directly from perturbation part , q˜, measurement of the BACT and PAPA components. The mass, stiffness, and damping parameter values q = q +q˜ (20) 0 used in the numerical form of the BACT equations of The control input can be expressed as the sum of the motion are presented in Table 1. The center of gravity bias or static part, d , and the time varying or and shear center were nearly coincident and located at 0 dynamic part, d˜. the mid-chord point of the wing. Table 1 - Mass, Stiffness, and Damping Parameters d =d d+ ˜ (21) 0 Symbol Description Value Units Substituting Eqns (20) and (21) into Eqn (18), using m mass (plunge 6.08 slug the fact that q0, q T, and d 0 are constant and generalized mass) eliminating the constant terms by using Eqn (19) results in the perturbation equations of motion for the Iq pitch inertia 2.80 slug-ft2 BACT system as shown in Eqn (22). (pitch generalized mass) (cid:236)(cid:237)(cid:239) q˙˜˙(cid:252)(cid:253)(cid:239) = ØŒ - (Ms- Ma)- 1(K- s Ka- ) -(Ms Ma-)- 1(Ds Da)øœ (cid:236)(cid:237)(cid:239) q˜˙(cid:252)(cid:253)(cid:239) Kh plunge stiffness 2686 lb/ft (cid:238)(cid:239) q˜˙(cid:254)(cid:239) ºŒ I 0 ßœ (cid:238)(cid:239) q˜(cid:254)(cid:239) Kq pitch stiffness 3000 ft-lb +ØŒ - (Ms- Ma)- 1B2øœ d˙˜˙+ØŒ - (Ms- Ma-) 1B1døœ ˜˙ w h in vacuo plunge frequency 21.01 rad/sec ºŒ 0 ßœ ºŒ 0 ßœ (22) w +ØŒ - (Ms- Ma)- 1B0øœ d˜+ØŒ - (Ms- Ma-) 1Eøœ w q in vacuo pitch frequency 32.72 rad/sec ºŒ 0 ßœ ºŒ 0 ßœ zh plunge damping ratio 0.0014 - z While the form of the equations that appear in q pitch damping ratio 0.0010 - Eqn (18) describe the complete motion of the system, it is the form of the equations of motion presented in shq plunge - pitch coupling 0.0142 slug-ft Eqn (22) that are most readily applicable to typical shd plunge - TE coupling 0.00288 slug-ft TE control system design methods. Note that even though Eqn (22) was derived for a single control surface, sqd TE pitch - TE coupling 0.00157 slug-ft2 extension to multiple control surfaces is straight forward since there is no inertial coupling between the shdUS plunge - US coupling 0.00039 slug-ft various control surfaces. There is, however, sqd pitch - US coupling 9.8e-05 slug-ft2 US aerodynamic coupling between the control surfaces due to their close proximity to each other. The form of the The static aerodynamic parameters were determined aerodynamic force expressions allows this coupling to from experimental data obtained from a previous wind- be approximated within the stability and control tunnel test in which the BACT wing was mounted on derivative terms. This can be done by altering the a force and moment balance. Force and moment data derivative values to account for control surface biases. for various angles of attack and control surface Perturbation effects, however, are ignored in this positions were used to compute most of the stability approach. and control derivatives using finite differences. N umerical Model Parameters Sufficient experimental data was only available to A numerical form of the equations of motion of the quantify the trailing edge control surface and upper- BACT system was obtained by substituting numerical spoiler aerodynamic characteristics. Available data for values for each parameter in the equations of motion the lower-spoiler was not complete enough to developed above. Most of the parameter values were characterize its aerodynamics. In addition, there was obtained from experimental data but some of the little data to account for aerodynamic coupling between aerodynamic data was obtained from numerical analysis the spoiler and trailing edge control. Therefore, the using computational aerodynamics. numerical model is limited to the trailing edge and 7 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics upper-spoiler surfaces with no aerodynamic coupling Table 2 - Aerodynamic Parameters between controls (e.g., spoiler blanking the trailing Symbol Description Value Units edge control). C lift at zero angle of 0 - The dynamic derivatives (e.g., CMq and CLa˙ ) were L0 attack obtained from computational aerodynamic analysis. CM0 pitching moment at 0 - zero angle of attack Analytical values were used because they were C lift curve slope 4.584 per rad available from models previously generated using La ISAC. However, the dynamic derivatives associated C moment curve slope 1.490 per rad Ma with control surface deflection rate were not available from these models. The parameters that were not CLa˙ plunge damping due to -3.1064 per rad angle-of-attack rate available were assumed to be zero. C plunge damping due to 2.5625 per rad The numerical values for the static and dynamic Lq pitch rate stability and control derivatives are presented in Table 2. These values are only valid at a single Mach CMa˙ pitch damping due to -2.6505 per rad angle-of-attack rate number, 0.77, and a single dynamic pressure, 143 psf. CM pitch damping due to -0.4035 per rad The moment coefficients are referenced relative to the q pitch rate shear center that coincides with the mid-chord point of C TE lift effectiveness 0.63 per rad the wing. Finally, note that the expression for the LdTE gseelneecrtailoizne odf aaenr oadnygnlaem oifc a fttoarccke sr,e Efeqrenn (c1e7 p),o irnetq, u il re s( i.teh.e, CLd˙TE eTffEe crtaivtee nliefsts 0 per rad the distance between the shear center and the point at CMd TE moment -0.0246 per rad which the angle of attack of the wing is measured). A TE effectiveness parametric study found that the best correlation CMd˙ TE rate moment 0 per rad between the numerical model and experimental data TE effectiveness resulted when the reference point was chosen to be the CLd US lift effectiveness 0.22 per rad US aerodynamic center. CLd˙ US rate lift 0 per rad Actuator and Turbulence Models US effectiveness and the Output Equation CMd US moment 0.0573 per rad US effectiveness The equations of motion alone are not sufficient to describe the dynamic behavior of the BACT system. CMd˙ US rate moment 0 per rad US effectiveness While the 2-DOF system structure is sufficient to l distance between shear -0.175 %c describe the basic aeroelastic properties of the BACT center and aerodynamic system, additional elements are necessary to develop a center model suitable for control system design. S planform area 3.55 2 The relative magnitude of the dynamic response is ft determined by the nature of the disturbance c mean aerodynamic 1.33 ft chord environment. This influences the control activity required to achieve the desired level of closed-loop performance. Therefore, a characterization of the It is the combination of the actuator models, the turbulence environment in the TDT is needed, i.e., a turbulence model, output equation, and the aeroelastic turbulence model. The ability of the control surfaces equations of motion that will determine the degree to to produce the desired activity is dependent on the which a control system will be able to achieve a dynamic response characteristics of the actuators desired level of performance and robustness. including bandwidth, position and rate limits, and other A ctuator Models nonlinearities. Therefore, characterizations of the Actuator models of the BACT wind-tunnel model actuator dynamics are also needed, i.e., actuator were obtained from experimental data using a simple models. Finally, a set of measurement signals is parameter estimation process.[11] The process selected required to provide the basis for feedback control. An the parameters of the second order actuator model output equation relating the generalized coordinates to shown in Eqn (23) to minimize the frequency response the measurement variables is therefore required. error over the frequency range of interest. 8 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics speed, V, corresponds to a different Mach number. d (s) kw 2 = (23) No data at the appropriate operating conditions is d c(s) s2 +2wz sw+ 2 available. A reference speed close to the airspeed associated with a particular test condition was used for Here k is a gain, and w and z are frequency and analysis and design purposes. damping, respectively. The parameter values O utput Equation resulting from the parameter estimation process are presented in Table 3. The BACT system has four accelerometers, one mounted in each corner of the rectangular wing. These Table 3 - BACT Actuator Model Parameters accelerometers sense vertical acceleration measured in Symbol Description Value Units g’s, positive up (opposite to the sign convention for k TE actuator gain 1.02 deg/deg plunge, h). The acceleration at any point on the TE z TE damping ratio 0.56 - BACT wing, excluding control surfaces, has two TE w components as shown in Eqn (25). TE TE frequency 165.3 rad/sec ( ) k US actuator gain 1.16 deg/deg - h˙+˙ dq˙˙ US ˙z˙(x)= (25) z US US damping ratio 0.85 - g w US US frequency 164.0 rad/sec where h and q are the generalized coordinates, d is the kLS LS actuator gain 1.09 deg/deg chordwise distance from the reference point to the z LS damping ratio 0.76 - shear center, and g is the gravitational acceleration. LS w Table 5 presents the chordwise distance (positive aft) LS LS frequency 168.4 rad/sec between the shear center and the accelerometer for T urbulence Model each of the four accelerometers -- leading edge inboard (LEI), leading edge outboard (LEO), trailing edge A model of the turbulence environment within the inboard (TEI), and trailing edge outboard (TEO). TDT was developed using power spectrum data from reference 12. The model structure is that of a Dryden Table 5 - Accelerometer Locations spectrum with the parameters adjusted to approximate Accelerometer d d d d the desired power spectral density. Equation (24) LEI LEO TEI TEO Location shows the form of the turbulence model and Table 4 presents a range of values for the turbulence model Distance (ft) -0.599 -0.599 0.433 0.420 parameters. All the components described above were combined (cid:230)(cid:231) s+ 2p (cid:246)(cid:247) to form the complete numerical model of the BACT wg(s) 2p ba Ł b ł system. The following section addresses a variety of = (24) analyses that were performed to assess the accuracy and h g(s) g (cid:230)(cid:231) s2 + 4p s+ 4p 2(cid:246)(cid:247) validity of the model. Ł g g ł Validation of Numerical Model (cid:230) 2p L (cid:246) 2 (cid:230) 2p L (cid:246) 2 There are many ways to assess various aspects of where b =b t and g =g t . the validity of the BACT numerical model. In this pŁ ł pŁ ł V V section a few comparisons are made between the Note that the parameter values are based on data properties of the numerical model and the actual BACT collected in an air medium, not the medium in which wind-tunnel model. These assessments can be broken the BACT was tested (i.e., R-12) and so the reference down into two categories -- static properties and dynamic properties. The static properties assess the Table 4 - TDT Turbulence Model Parameters characteristics of the equilibrium solutions. The Reference Speed (fps) dynamic properties assess the key response characteristics of the system in the context of flutter Symbol 100 200 300 400 behavior and control system design. a 0.01 0.025 0.007 0.082 S tatic Properties b 0.477 0.475 0.521 0.667 p The equilibrium position (pitch and plunge) of the g 0.546 0.464 0.497 0.533 p BACT system depends on the turntable angle and wind- Lt 3.261 3.71 3.391 4.163 tunnel operating conditions and represents a balance 9 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics between the elastic and aerodynamic forces acting on the maximum level of control activity depends directly the wing. Good agreement between the equilibrium on the level of response of the wind-tunnel model to position of the wind-tunnel model and the equilibrium turbulence. Each of these properties will be reviewed solution of the numerical model would indicate that the and compared with experimental data (and numerical stiffness (structural and aerodynamic) and control models generated with ISAC where possible) to assess surface effectiveness properties are well modeled. the validity of the numerical model. Two variables that were recorded during the wind- F lutter Properties tunnel tests are turntable angle and pitch angle (plunge The BACT wind-tunnel model experienced flutter in position was not measured). In addition, the test the TDT at a dynamic pressure of approximately 148 conditions (i.e., Mach number, dynamic pressure, and psf at a Mach number of 0.77. The flutter dynamic control surface positions) were recorded. Using the pressure for the numerical model is 150.8 psf, an later quantities in Eqn (19), one can determine the difference of 1.9 percent. ISAC generated models equilibrium pitch and plunge position of the BACT indicate flutter occurs between 156 and 163 psf. system for comparison with experiment. The flutter frequency of the BACT wind-tunnel Table 6 presents the computed and measured pitch model is approximately 4 hertz. At the same operating angle for a small representative set of test conditions. condition the flutter frequency of the numerical model The error in equilibrium pitch angle is less than 5 is 4.16 hertz, a 4.0 percent difference. ISAC generated percent for all but one point. In addition, the trends are models indicate the flutter frequency to be consistent; increasing the turntable angle increases the approximately 4.22 hertz. pitch angle, deflecting the upper-spoiler decreases the In terms of the flutter dynamic pressure and pitch angle, and deflecting the trailing edge control frequency at the Mach number for which aerodynamic downward decreases the pitch angle. data was available, the numerical model of the BACT The size of the pitch angle increments due to system gives excellent results. turntable angle and spoiler deflection are also very T ransfer Function Comparisons similar. The main discrepancy is in the pitch angle increment due to trailing edge control deflection. The One of the most important measures of model pitch angle change due to trailing edge control from the fidelity for control system design is the frequency experimental data is five times higher than from the response. In order to effectively design a control numerical model. system to stabilize a flutter mode the design model D ynamic Properties must accurately characterize the dynamic behavior of the aeroelastic system over a fairly wide range of A major concern in using the numerical model for dynamic pressures from stability to neutral stability to control system design is the ability of the model to instability. accurately represent the transition to flutter including Figures 6 and 7 show comparisons between the the frequency and dynamic pressure of the flutter onset. frequency responses for the numerical model and the Another concern is the fidelity of the model from a actual wind-tunnel model. The operating condition frequency response perspective because of the corresponds to subsonic Mach number and a dynamic relationship between the frequency response and the pressure of 125 psf, well below flutter. In Figure 6 structure of the control system. Finally, the level of response due to turbulence is an important issue since Table 6 - Static Equilibrium Position Comparison Mach Dynamic q d d q q Dq T TE US exp model Number Pressure (psf) (%) (deg) (deg) (deg) (deg) (deg) .65 112 1.6 0 0 2.1 2.17 3.33 .65 115 1.6 0 -10 2.0 2.05 2.50 Dq (d ) 0.1 0.12 US .70 126 1.6 0 0 2.4 2.28 -5.00 .70 126 1.6 10 0 2.0 2.20 10.0 Dq (d ) 0.4 0.08 TE .77 120 1.4 0 0 2.0 1.95 -2.50 .77 120 4.5 0 0 6.0 6.27 4.50 Dq (q ) -4.0 -4.32 T 10 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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