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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20040031715: Turbulent Mixing of Multiphase Flow

Center for Turbulence Research 239 Annual Research Briefs 2003 Turbulent mixing of multiphase (cid:176)ow By Y.-N. Young J. Ferziger, F. E. Ham and M. Herrmann 1. Motivation and objectives Mixing of multi-phase (cid:176)uids is common in diverse research flelds, and understanding ofsuchanimportantphenomenonisusefultoarangeofengineeringapplicationssuchas thepolymerblenderorcontrolanddesignsof(cid:176)uidprocessing.Inthispaperweadoptthe phase-fleld modeling approach to investigate capillary induced efiects on mixing. Phase- fleldmodeling hasbeenapplied to simulation of multi-phase (cid:176)ow(Chella &Vinals 1996; Jasnow & Vinals 1996; Jacqmin 1999) due to its attractive aspect of easy numerical implementation. More recently it has also been applied to simulations of solidiflcation of dendritic alloys (Zhao et al. 2003) and polymer blenders (Roths et al. 2002). On macroscopic scales, the interface between two (cid:176)uids is inflnitely sharp. In phase- fleld modeling, the (cid:176)uid properties are modeled (assumed) to change smoothly over a small layer across the interface on mesoscopic scales (Chella & Vinals 1996; Jasnow & Vinals1996).Suchadifiuseinterfaceofseparationisflrstconsideredinaliquidnearorat its critical point, where the (cid:176)uid property within the boundary needs to be modeled and resolved(Siggia1979).However,phase-fleldmodelingisnotrestrictedtoliquidsatornear the critical point (Chella & Vinals 1996; Jasnow & Vinals 1996; Jacqmin 1999; Young et al. 2003). In fact, one can certainly envision that on the time scale of macroscopic (cid:176)uid motions, the thermodynamic potential may depend on the gradient of the order parameter, which designates the (cid:176)uid phase (or density). Accordingly, the macroscopic jump in the normal stress across the interface due to surface tension can be modeled as a mesoscopic continuum body force proportional to gradient of surface potential. On the mescoscopic scales, such a continuum surface tension force varies smoothly in the transition region around the interface. Naturally such a smooth continuum model of (cid:176)uid interface brings great numerical convenience. Recently, phase-fleld modeling is made exactly energy-conserving by adding a thermodynamical constraint (Jamet et al. 2002). We did not include this constraint in this work as the correction is small for our cases of interest. An interesting flnding in multiphase (cid:176)uids stirred by chaotic mixing (cid:176)ow is the self- similar drop size distribution (Berthier et al. 2001; Muzzio et al. 1991b). After rescaling the drop size distribution with respect to the characteristic size, all the drop size distri- butions collapse to a universal functional form for various combinations of parameters, such as viscosity, capillary number, and stirring (cid:176)ow strength. Some explanation to the self-similarity is provided in (Muzzio et al. 1991a,c), and it is not obvious if similar collapse of size distribution can also be found in a more general turbulent (cid:176)ow, where the distribution of stretching and stretching rate is randomly distributed. In the case of stochastic mixing (Lacasta et al. 1995), the existence of a characteristic domain size is an indication that similar collapse of drop size distribution may be found. However, no report on the self-similar drop size distribution is given in Lacasta et al. (1995). Thus weconductnumericalsimulations ofmultiphase (cid:176)uidsstirredbytwo-dimensional turbu- lence to assess the possibility of self-similar drop size distribution in turbulence. In our 240 Young et al. turbulencesimulations,wealsoexplorethenon-difiusivelimit,wheremolecularmobility for the interface is vanishing. Special care is needed to transport the non-difiusive inter- face. Numerically, we use the particle level set method to evolve the interface. Instead of usingtheusualmethodstocalculatethesurfacetensionforcefromthelevelsetfunction, we reconstruct the interface based on phase-fleld modeling, and calculate the continuum surface tension forcing from the reconstructed interface. Thispaperisorganizedasfollows.In 2weformulatethecoupledNavier-Stokes-Cahn- x Hilliard system and present results from direct numerical simulations of the coupled system stirred by turbulent (cid:176)ows. In 3.1 we formulate the multiphase (cid:176)uid problem x combiningtheparticlelevelsetmethod(forinterfacetracking)withphase-fleldmodeling (for surface tension force). Numerics for the particle level set method are summarized in 3.2, andvalidation isprovidedin 3.3. In 3.4 wepresentresultsofdropdynamicsfrom x x x direct numerical simulations, and flnally we provide some conclusion in 4. x 2. Turbulent mixing in the Navier-Stokes-Cahn-Hilliard system We generalize the system in Berthier et al. (2001) to include the efiect of surface tension on stirring (cid:176)ows. The phase-fleld function C denotes the phase of the (cid:176)uid: C = 1 corresponds to (cid:176)uid phase 1 and 2, respectively. C is described by the Cahn- § Hilliardequation,whichiscoupledtotheincompressible,two-dimensionalNavier-Stokes equations in our formulation. @C +u C =fl 2ˆ; (2.1) @t ¢r Mr @u +u u= P +” 2u C ˆ+F+F ; (2.2) d @t ¢r ¡r r ¡ r u=0; (2.3) r¢ where –F(C) fi 1 ˆ(C) 2C; F(C)= (C2 1)2: (2.4) · –C ¡ flr 4 ¡ In equation 2.2, F is a random forcing at wavenumber k in the range n k=k n , 1 0 2 • • where k 2…=l and l is the dimension of the computation domain. F = ‚u (‚=0:1 0 d · ¡ in all our simulations) is the drag force dissipating energy at large scales. The positive, constant coe–cient is the molecular mobility, ” is the kinematic M viscosity, fi and fl are related to the interfacial properties: The interfacial thickness » fi=fl, and the surface tension coe–cient (cid:190) = 2‰ pfifl pfifl(cid:190) , where ‰ is th»e 3 0 · 0 0 uniform (cid:176)uid density and (cid:190) is the surface tension force when pfifl = 1. We can non- 0 p dimensionalize the above equations with respect to a characteristic length scale l (of the order of interfacial thickness), a characteristic velocity v , and the corresponding time 0 l=v . The dimensionless equations are 0 @C +u C =D 2 C3 C 2C ; (2.5) @t ¢r r ¡ ¡r @u £ 1 (cid:176)⁄ +u u= P + 2u C C3 C 2C +F0+F0; (2.6) @t ¢r ¡r Rer ¡ Re r ¡ ¡r d u=0: £ ⁄ (2.7) r¢ The dimensionless coe–cient D fl =v l is the inverse Peclet number, Re v l=” is 0 0 · M · the Reynolds number, and (cid:176) pfifl=v ” is the capillary number. If the scaling length 0 · Mixing of multiphase (cid:176)ow 241 n) k E( wavenumber index kn=(k/k0) Figure 1. Energy spectrum of turbulent velocity (solid line), and the k¡5=3 inverse cascade scaling is the dashed line. k0 = 82…… =1=4. scale l is the interfacial thickness (l ») and the characteristic velocity is the \difiusion · velocity" acrosstheinterface(v fl =»),thentheReynoldsnumberRe=fl =” and 0 · M M the capillary number (cid:176) = fi=fl ”. The time scale for difiusion across the interface is M ¿ »2=fl . The characteristic hydrodynamic time scale is ¿ 1=S, where S is C S · M · j j j j the velocity strain rate. It is convenient to control the interfacial properties using both fi and fl, thus in the numerical code the dimensional equations 2.1-2.4 are implemented instead. For the following simulation results, the domain size of the double-periodic computa- tion box is 8… 8…, and the numerical resolution is 5122. The small-scale forcing range £ is flxed at wavenumbers 5 k=k 15. At the beginning of each simulation, an initially 0 • • circular interface of radius 1:5… is placed at the center of a two-dimensional turbulent (cid:176)ow, and the volume average of the concentration is C = 0:41 > 0. The energy spec- h i trumoftheturbulent(cid:176)owistheinversecascadewithaslopeof 5=3asshowninflgure1. ¡ Throughout the simulations the energy spectrum is little afiected by the surface tension force from the interface. A numerical challenge in turbulent simulations of NS-CH system is that the difiusion coe–cient has to be small to avoid phase homogenization. If the difiusion coe–cient is too large, or if the surface tension is too small, drops disappear as the order parameter C homogenizes and settles to the phase that is closest to the mean value. Thus, for a given turbulent strength and numerical resolution, we optimize the number of drops by minimizing the difiusion with enough surface tension force so we can collect drops of varioussizes.Weintegratetheturbulent(cid:176)owoveralongdurationsothenumberofdrops (cid:176)uctuatesmanytimesaroundthemeanvalue.Theareadistributionscollectedfromthree simulationswithresolution5122,afterrescaledwithrespecttotheaveragedroparea,are showninflgure2(a).Thethreerescaledareadistributionscollapsereasonablywellinthe 242 Young et al. 10.0 10.0 1.0 1.0 f(S)S* 0.1 f(S)S* 0.1 0.01 0.0010.01 0.1 1.0 10.0 0.010.1 1.0 10.0 S/S* S/S* Figure 2.SizedistributionforsimulationsofturbulentNS-CH(cid:176)ows.Panel(a):Diamondsare forfi=2,fl =200andM=10¡6.Crossesareforfi=2,fl =200andM=5£10¡7.Asterisks areforfi=3,fl =300andM=10¡6.Thenumericalresolutionis5122 and” =0:1forallthree simulations, and the curve is » exp¡S=S⁄. Panel (b): Diamonds are for fi = 2, fl = 200 and M=2£10¡7.Asterisksareforfi=1:5,fl =150andM=2£10¡7.Thenumericalresolution is 10242 and ” =0:1 for all both cases, and the curve is »exp¡S=S⁄. range 0:3 S=S⁄ 20, despite the poor statistics at both ends of the distribution. The • • difiusion coe–cients (see caption in flgure 2) that we used in the numerical simulations areclosetotheminimumforthisnumericalresolution(5122).10242 gridpointsareused for two simulations as we decrease the mobility to =2 10¡7, and similar scaling in M £ the distributions is also found as shown in flgure 2(b). Despite the limited reliable range in both flgure 2, the general trend suggests that similar scaling may also exist in the tubulent mixing case. 3. Phase-fleld modeling with zero mobility = 0 M In reality the mobility for multiphase (cid:176)ow can be very small, and the equation M for the phase fleld concentration C reduces to the advection transport equation. This distinguishedlimitcorrespondstothenon-difiusive,immiscibletwo-(cid:176)uid(cid:176)ow,wherethe interfacial thickness is ideally zero and thus requires special numerical treatment in the simulations. Inthecaseofzerodifiusivity,weusethephase-fleldmodelingasameanstoreconstruct theinterfaceknowingitslocation.Weuseparticlelevelsetmethodtoevolvetheinterface betweenthetwophases.Inthelevelsetframework,thezeroofthescalarlevelsetfunction `impliesthelocationoftheinterface.Toretainthestructureoftheinterface,weassume thattheCahn-Hilliardpotentialˆ governstheinterfacialenergetics,andreconstructthe interface for a given interfacial thickness »(= fi=fl as in 2). In 3.1 we formulate this x x system in terms of level set representation of the interface with phase-fleld modeling for p interfacialstructurewithzeromolecularmobility.In 3.2webrie(cid:176)ydiscussthenumerics x and some validation is given in 3.3. We then present results from direct numerical x simulations of multiphase mixing in two-dimensional turbulence in 3.4. x 3.1. Formulation Basically the equations are exactly the same as those in 2 except the Cahn-Hilliard x equation is now reduced to an advection equation for C: Mixing of multiphase (cid:176)ow 243 @C +(u )C =0: (3.1) @t ¢r In the case of vanishing molecular mobility across the interface, the advection transport equation 3.1 for concentration C is a numerical challenge, and more complication arises in the evaluation of the surface tension force. Our remedy is that, despite the non- difiusivenessofthephasefleld,weassumethattheinterfacialthicknessisflnitebasedon the free energy ˆ. Naturally, if we adopt the Cahn-Hilliard surface free energy for ˆ, we expect the concentration C to behave as C tanh( fl=fir r ), where r r is the 0 0 » j ¡ j j ¡ j distance between the point r and the interface (located at r ). A great advantage of this 0 p approach is that the surface tension force can be calculated directly from the phase-fleld modeling as a continuum force C ˆ, which peaks at the interface. ¡ r Thus instead of solving equation 3.1 over the whole computation domain for C, we solvethesameequationforalevelsetfunction`onlyattheinterface(where`=0),and re-initialize the level set function ` to a signed distance function away from ` = 0. We replace equation 3.1 with the level set equation valid only at the (cid:176)uid interface `=0: @ `+u `=0 : (3.2) t ¢r `=0 Away from ` = 0, inside a band of width 6dxflaround ` = 0, we re-initialize ` to a » fl signed distance function. To achieve this we have to re-initialize the level set function at each time step by solving the following equation to a stationary state @ `+sgn(` )( ` 1)=0; (3.3) ¿ 0 jr j¡ where sgn(` ) is the sign of `(x;t=t ) deflned as 0 0 ` 0 sgn(` )= ; (3.4) 0 `2+ ` 2dx2 0 jr 0j foragivengridspacingdx.Thenormalvpectorandthemeancurvaturecanbecalculated in terms of the level set function `: n^ `= ` and • n^. The concentration · r jr j · r¢ phase-fleld C is then reconstructed from the level set function (», as previously deflned, is the interfacial thickness): ` C =tanh( ) if ` a»; (3.5) » j j• ` C = if ` >a»; ` j j j j where a is a constant in the range 2 a 5 so that the concentration C transitions • • smoothly from C < 1 to C = 1 at the edge of the band around the interface. From j j j j our fully-resolved simulations of drop dynamics presented here, we conclude that the volumeintegralofC remainsconstantatalltimeprovidedthatthelevelsetisaccurately capturing the interface. Numericallytherearevariouswaystocalculatethesurfacetensionforcefromthelevel set function. Physically the surface tension force leads to a pressure jump across the interface. In our one-(cid:176)uid formulation the surface tension is formulated as a body force F (= C ˆ in the phase fleld modeling). Ideally, in the limit of zero interfacial thick- (cid:190) ¡ r ness, the surface tension force is non-zero only at the interface: F =((cid:190)•n^+@ (cid:190)^s)–(`), (cid:190) s where @ (cid:190) is the Marangoni force, with s the arclength and ^s the unit vectors along the s 244 Young et al. tangential direction. On a discrete numerical grid, however, the surface tension force F (cid:190) has to be smoothed over several grid spacings to avoid un-controllable numerical oscil- lation. The usual cosine-delta function used to calculate F on a uniform grid (Sussman (cid:190) et al. 1994) leads to artiflcial broadening of the interface, which in turn leads to large unphysical parasitic currents around the numerically smoothed interface. In our phase fleldmodeling,weassumeaninterfacialstructurebasedonthetheCahn-Hilliardsurface free energy. A continuum surface tension force is then derived based on the surface free energy.Asshownin(Jacqmin1999),thiscontinuumsurfacetensionforcegivesverysmall parasiticcurrentscomparedwiththatfromthecosine-deltaconstructionoftheinterface. Recentlyanumericalschemehasbeendevelopedtominimizetheparasiticcurrents(En- right et al. 2002). In our approach, the parasitic currentsare small but not as minimized as in Enright et al. (2002). The turbulent (cid:176)ow in our resolved simulations of drop dy- namics is much larger than the parasitic currents, and thus we expect the constraint in Enright et al. (2002) to have little efiects on the dynamics and drop area distributions presentedin 3.4. The formulation we proposedforreconstructing theinterface from the x phase-fleld modeling through level set function (equations 3.2-3.5) is somehow similar to the splitting of particle advection from particle difiusion in the random walk particle method (Ghoniem & Sherman 1985). In random walk particle methods, particles can be flrst transported by the velocity fleld at their positions, and then perform random walks to account for difiusion. Such a numerical scheme is commonly used in particle tracking when the particle difiusion is very small. Similarly in our formulation we flrst evolve the interface by solving the advection equation only near the interface using the hybrid particlelevelsetmethod.Oncethelocation oftheinterfaceisadvancedandthelevelset is re-initialized as a signed distance function, we construct the phase-fleld C based on the steady state solution to equation 2.1 without advecting (cid:176)ow, fi C(C2 1) 2C =0: (3.6) ¡ ¡ flr Assuming that the interfacial structure is only a function of the signed distance to the interface, we then express C in terms of the level set function ` in equation 3.5. In summary, the system of iso-density, iso-viscosity (cid:176)uid with an interface separating the two phases is described by equations 2.2, 2.3, and 3.2 with the surface tension force C ˆ, where ˆ is the Cahn-Hilliard free energy and the concentration C is calculated ¡ r from equation 3.5. 3.2. Numerics The level set equation (3.2) is solved using the hybrid particle level set method (Enright et al. 2002). We use WENO 5th order scheme to calculate the (cid:176)ux in equation 3.2, and the TVD-3rd order RK scheme to advance the level set in time. Following Enright et al. (2002), Lagrangian particles are added inside a narrow band (¡ ) around the p interface and are transported using the same RK 3rd order scheme. Before and after re-initialization (equation 3.3), particle correction (for detail see Enright et al. (2002)) is conducted to ensure that the zero level is not shifted numerically. This hybrid level set method is at most volume-conserving as long as particle density along the zero level is su–cient. In all our simulations, we use at least 42 particles for each cell within the (¡ ) p band. Re-seeding of particles is conducted if the average particle density is found to be below 75% of the initial particle density. We re-initialize the level set within a second band (¡ ) enclosing the particle band (¡ ). We refer readers to Enright et al. (2002) r p for detail of the algorithm. Standard tests have been performed (Young et al. 2002) and Mixing of multiphase (cid:176)ow 245 results are identical to those in the original paper (Enright et al. 2002). To couple the level set equation(s) to the (cid:176)uid solver, we advance both the level set ` and the (cid:176)uid velocity u using the 3-rd order explicit scheme. The difiusion part in the momentum equation is incorporated as integrating factors in spectral space. The surface tension force is calculated from the interface at the previous time step, and we use the same velocityfleldsfromtheprevioustimesteptoadvectthevelocity,interface,andparticles. 3.3. Linear capillary waves Todemonstratethatthesurfacetensionforceisproperlycapturedinthephase-fleldmod- eling, we compute the oscillatory frequency of the capillary waves for a two-dimensional drop. The initial condition for ` is the signed distance function perturbed by a sinusoid with a small amplitude and a wavenumber n `(x;t=0)=r r (1+0:02sin(n(cid:181))); (3.7) 0 ¡ wherer isthedropradius,r x x isthedistancebetweenxandthedropcenterx , 0 0 0 ·j ¡ j and(cid:181) tan¡1((y y )=(x x )).Analytically(followingRayleigh(1892)),theoscillation 0 0 · ¡ ¡ frequency of capillary waves on the interface separating (cid:176)uids of the same density and zero viscosity (1=Re=0) can be expressedin terms of surface tension coe–cient (cid:190), drop radius r , and wavenumber n of the perturbation 0 n(n2 1)(cid:190) ! = ¡ : (3.8) s 2r03 We obtain the linear solutions from simulating the full system (described in section 3.1) withsmallnon-linearity:startingfromtheinitialconditionu=0and`giveninequation 3.7, the non-linearity remains small at all time because the small disturbance is damped by viscosity. In all our simulations in this section, the viscosity ” is flxed at ” =0:1, and the perturbation amplitude decays exponentially at rate ‚ with a capillary oscillation of frequency !. We compute the capillary frequency ! numerically by extracting the oscillation from the decaying amplitude. We flrst calibrate the relationship between (cid:190) and (fi, fl). From 2 the surface tension x (cid:190) is proportional to pfifl. With the ratio fl=fi flxed (the interface thickness is thus flxed at 8 grid spacings), we expect the surface tension (cid:190) to be linearly proportional to » fi (or fl). Table 3.3 shows the computed oscillation frequency from simulations and the corresponding surface tension coe–cient (cid:190) from equation 3.8. We flnd that the surface tension (cid:190) (computed from ! in our case via equation 3.8) indeed varies linearly with pfifl. For 1 n 6 we compute the oscillation frequency ! from the simulations with • • fi=0:9817andfl =89:1875((cid:190) =94:32(cid:190) fromtable3.3).Asshowninflgure3,excellent 0 agreementisfoundbetweenthecomputedandanalyticalvaluesof! forall1 n 6.In • • additionwealsoremarkthattheparasiticcurrentsareassmallas10¡6 withanumerical resolution 1282 in a square box of size 2… 2…. £ 3.4. Drop dynamics in two-dimensional turbulence Dropdynamicsandthedropbreak-upinsimple(cid:176)owconflgurationshasbeenextensively investigatedbothnumerically(Zaleskietal.1995;Cristinietal.1998;Tauberetal.2002) andexperimentally(Muzzioetal.1991b).Resultsfromexperiments(Muzzioetal.1991b) and modeling (Berthier et al. 2001) on passive chaotic mixing of immiscible (cid:176)uids show that the statistics of drop size collapse due to the self-similar breakup and coalescence 246 Young et al. 20 15 w 10 5 0 2 3 4 5 6 Perturbation Wavenumber n Figure 3. Capillary oscillation frequency ! as a function of n. Symbols are simulation data, and line is from analytical result for (cid:190)=94:32(cid:190)0 and r0 =…. Table1.Parametersfiandflusedinthelinearsimulations,andthecapillaryfrequency!com- puted from the time-varying perturbation amplitude. n=2, ” =0:1, and numerical resolution is 1282. fi fl ! (cid:190)=(cid:190)0 Case 1 0:98 89:18 3:02 94:32 Case 2 1:96 178:37 4:24 188:64 Case 3 2:94 267:56 5:22 282:96 Case 4 3:92 356:75 6:04 377:28 processes. However, there are only a few recent direct numerical simulations on drop dynamicsinturbulent(cid:176)ows(Tryggvasonetal.2001).Duetothedi–cultyintrackingthe interfaceaccuratelywhileconserving(cid:176)uidmass,itisagreatnumericaltasktocapturethe statisticsofdropsizedistributionafteraseriesofbreakupsandcoalescenceinnumerical simulations. Due to numerical difiusion, it is in general a great numerical challenge to conserve total volume for each (cid:176)uid using level set methods. The hybrid particle level set method conservesvolumealmostperfectlyinstandardtests(Enrightet al.2002),andistheonly level set method that can both track the interface accurately and minimize the mass loss in a controllable fashion. The particle level set method, in combination with the phase fleld modeling of the surface tension force, is a good tool for tracking interface accuratelywithminimummassloss.ProvidedthatenoughLagrangianparticlesareused in tracking the interface, the mass loss can be reduced to a tolerable level. Thus we are abletoaccuratelyevolvethedynamicsofdropsinaturbulent(cid:176)ow,andourmaingoalis toexaminethestatisticscollectedfromDNSdataset.Inoursimulations,lessthan1%of maximum volume loss is found for all cases presented here. For the following simulation results, the combination of fi and fl is chosen so that the interface thickness is flxed ( 6dx at least). The double-periodic computation domain is of size 8… 8…, and the » £ numerical resolution is 5122. Mixing of multiphase (cid:176)ow 247 t=0.6 t=1.9 t=13.1 Figure 4. Drop deformation and break-up in two-dimensional turbulence. fi=2:95, fl =118:92, ” =0:2 and ‚=0:1. (a) t=0:6 (b) t=1:9 and (c) t=13:1. We flxed the range of small-scale forcing at wavenumbers 5 k=k 15, and the 0 • • large scale friction F = 0:1u. At the beginning of each simulation, an initially circular f ¡ interface of radius … is placed at the center of a two-dimensional turbulent (cid:176)ow. The energy spectrum of the turbulent (cid:176)ow is the inverse cascade with a slope of 5=3 as ¡ shown in flgure 1. Throughout the simulations the energy spectrum is little afiected by the surface tension force from the interface. The well-known efiect of bubbles/drops on the turbulent energy spectra (Mazzitelli et al. 2003) is also absent here because there is no buoyancy/density contrast in our simulations. In flgure 4 we demonstrate how the initial drop gets deformed, stretched, and flnally breaksupintosmallerdrops:Inflgure4(a)(t=0:6)theinterfaceishighlydistorted,and in flgure 4(b) (t = 1:9) several break-ups lead to smaller children drops. At late times (t > 10) the drops are small and the surface tension force is su–cient to overcome the stretchingtopreventfurtherbreak-ups,andastatisticalequilibriumisreachedasshown in flgure 4(c) (t = 13:1), where there are a lot of small drops of irregular shapes and various sizes. We can easily calculate the total length of the interface from the level set as Length `=0 = H(`(x))dxdy f g jr j Z› = –(`(x)) `dxdy; (3.9) jr j Z› where 1 ` 1 …` H(`)= 1+ + sin( ) ; (3.10) 2 … … † • ‚ d –(`)= H(`); (3.11) d` with † = 3 4dx as in Sussman et al. (1994). Panel (a) in flgure 5 shows the evolution » of the arclength (scaled to the initial length), and panel (b) is the time-history of kinetic energy.Weflndthattheearlygrowthinthelengthisaccompaniedbyasimilargrowthof thetotalnumberofdropsasseveralbreak-upprocesseshaveoccurredduring(0 t 3). • • After t 10 (about 2:5 eddy turnover times) the ampliflcation in length saturates and » (cid:176)uctuates throughout the simulations. We integrate to at least 15 eddy turnover times to attain statistically equilibrium states. The interfacial thickness is flxed at 6:4dx for » all three curves in flgures 5. With the same small scale random forcing F, large scale dissipation F and viscous dissipation ” = 0:2, the only difierence between the three d 248 Young et al. 10 100 8 case 1 80 case 1 ps L(t)/L(0) 46 ccaassee 23 mber of dro 4060 case 2 u N 2 20 case 3 00 5 10 15 20 25 00 5 10 15 20 25 Time Time Figure 5. (a) Evolution of total arclength scaled to the initial value. (b) Corresponding evolution of number of drops. Table 2. Averaged number of drops and arclengths for the three simulations. fi fl (cid:190)=(cid:190)0 L=L0 N Case 1 1:47 59:45 9:35 7:51 79:98 Case 2 2:94 119:91 18:71 5:50 39:69 Case 3 5:89 239:83 37:42 3:66 15:18 simulations is the surface tension coe–cient: (cid:190) = 9:36(cid:190) , (cid:190) =18:71(cid:190) , and (cid:190) =37:43(cid:190) 0 0 0 forcurves1,2,and3,respectively.(Asdeflnedearlier(cid:190) isthesurfacetensioncoe–cient 0 when pfifl = 1.) The balance between stabilizing surface tension force and stirring turbulent (cid:176)ow results in a critical length scale (Lacasta et al. 1995) …2(cid:190) ‚2 ; (3.12) c » 2 u„ where u„ is the turbulence characteristic velocity. Since the total area (volume) of each (cid:176)uidphasehastoconserveintwo(three)-dimensions,wecanestimatethedependenceof averagenumberofdrops(N)onthesurfacetension.Foragivencharacteristicturbulence velocity, in two-dimensions, N‚2 total area of (cid:176)uid phase 1 = constant N (cid:190)¡1: (3.13) c » ! » Similarly in three-dimensions, N‚3 total volume of (cid:176)uid phase 1 = constant N (cid:190)¡3=2: (3.14) c » ! » Fromequations3.13and3.14,thetotalcircumference(areaorarclengthintwoandthree- dimensions, respectively) is inversely proportional to the square root of surface tension: N‚ intwo-dimensionsandN‚2 inthree-dimensionsbothleadto 1=p(cid:190).Thesescaling c c » results in two-dimensions are consistent with the time-averaged values of our simulation data in flgures 5. In table 3.4 we list the time-averaged N and total arclength for all three simulations. In the statistically equilibrium state the number of drops (cid:176)uctuates around the mean value, we collect enough statistics for the drop area distribution by integrating over a longperiodoftime.FollowingBerthieretal.(2001)andMuzzioetal.(1991b),werescale the drop area distribution by the mean area (calculate by taking moments of the area

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