AN END-TO-END TEST OF A SIMULATED NUCLEAR ELECTRIC PROPULSION SYSTEM Melissa Van Dyke n",Ivana Hrbud 2#,Keith Goddfellow 3# INASA Marshall 5pace Flight Center, Propulsion Research Center, Huntsville, AL 35812 2ERC, Inc., NASA MSFC Group, Huntsville, AL 35812 -_A'ASAJet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA 91109 (256) 544-5720, Melissa. [email protected] ABSTRA(:T have recently received a renewed interest due to their versatility, high-power density, and ability to support The Safe Affordable Fiss_m Engine (SAFE) test power-intensive missions (Borowski et al., 1998). The series addresses Phase 1Space Fission Systems issues in dualism of providing both propulsion and power, linked particular non-nuclear testing and system integration with the enormous energy available per unit mass of issues leading to the tesling and non-nuclear fission fuel, has significant benefits to future programs demonstration of a 400-kW fully integrated flight unit. involving nuclear thermal rockets (Watson, 1994), The first part of the SAFE 30 test series demonstrated efficient conversion systems, space-based nuclear reactors, and nuclear electric propulsion (Allen, i995). operation of the simulated nuclear core and heat pipe system. Experimental data acquired in a number of To date, only a few electric propulsion concepts can different test scenarios w'ill validate existing support the high power requirements for future missions. computational models, demonstrated system flexibility Due to their specific impulse operating range, advanced (fast start-ups, multiple start-ups/shut downs), simulate ion and Hall thrusters (Sankovic, 1999) are the most predictable failure modes and operating environments. likely candidates to be used in the near term for a wide The objective of the second part is to demonstrate an variety of missions spanning from Low Earth Orbit to integrated propulsion system consisting of a core, interstellar space. Depending on the mission conversion system and a thr_lster where the system scenario/profile, this efficient electric propulsion device converts thermal heat into jet power. This end-to-end can be powered by solar or space nuclear power. system demonstration sets a precedent for ground testing Beyond the use of these very efficient systems, mid to far of nuclear electric propulsio_ systems. The paper term solution might include propulsion concepts such as describes the SAFE 30 end-to-end system demonstration the MagnetoPlasmaDynamic (MPD) thruster (Polk, and its subsystems. 1999, LaPointe, 2000), the Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VaSIMR) (Chang-Diaz, 1995), the Pulsed Inductive thruster (PIT) (Dailey, 1993). INTRODU( FION Research in the field of electrostatic acceleration has been conducted since the late 1950s' resulting in a Rapid access to any point in the solar system and number of different devices and ionization methods beyond requires advanced prol_ulsion concepts that can capable of supporting space propulsion. These devices provide extremely high specific impulse, high specific use suitable grid electrodes for ion power, and high thrust-to-pow('r ratios. NASA's vision extraction/acceleration converting electric energy to for the 21stcentury and beyond is challenging scientific kinetic energy. The most commonly used ion source is based on electron bombardment where plasma is and engineering communitie s, to develop propulsion technologies which will enable ambitious exploration of generated by electrons colliding with neutral gas. the solar system and its imerstellar neighborhood, Thrusters based on the Kaufman concept use weak commercialization of space and eventual human magnetic fields for ion/electron separation. To date, the colonization beyond Earth (gchmidt, 1998). Two most successful ion thruster developed by NASA is the technologies that synergisti,:ally offer tremendous NSTAR engine, which currently flies on board the Deep potential for the immediate future are advanced electric Space ! (DS I)spacecraft. propulsion and nuclear energy Space nuclear systems 'AIAA Member Copyright©2002bytheAmericanlnstluteofAeronauticsandAstronautics American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1 SAFE 30 TEST SERIES about 750 °C. Figure 1 illustrates an infrared picture of the SAFE 30 core where the glowing heat pipes are in Power of 10-100 kW and specific power of 10-30 kg/kW the background and the foreground shows the heater characterize Phase 1 Space Fission Systems (SFS) electrical interface. Figure 2 depicts a typical possibly used for nuclear electric propulsion (NEP) and temperature profile of the heat pipes in the core and spacecraft/surface powerplant_. These systems are outside the core (us=upstream/ds=downstream of copper targeted for, but are not limited to, space science heat exchanger, see below) as a function of time during a missions extending from planetary orbiters and landers to test series at JPL in May 2001. interstellar precursor probes. The Safe Affordable Fission Engine (SAFE) test series addresses some system 700 ............ I ........ issues of Phase 1 SFS in particular non-nuclear testing and system integration issues leading to the testing and non-nuclear demonstration of a 400-kW fully integrated 'oo flight unit. The SAFE test pn_gram (van Dyke, 2001) ......... .... ......i.......... a.. ........... 5OO has a phased structure/approach, which started with E module testing (MUTT) (van Dyke 2000) and will be completed with a full propulsion system demonstrator 400 ] ell CO [] HPT-core including core, thruster, reflectors, radiators, etc. _.3oo.... _......i."................,P................. 0 HPS-core [I...... E O HPg-com oil • HP7-us • HPg-us n HPT-ds 9 HP6-ds loo_ .......... O HPg-ds i i L [ i i , , 0 50 100 150 200 250 Elapsed Time [mln] Figure 2 - Typical Temperature Behavior as Function of Time. The goal of the first part of the SAFE 30 test series was to obtain experimental data demonstrating operation of the simulated nuclear core and heat pipe system. Experimental data acquired in a number of different test scenarios will validate existing computational models, demonstrate system flexibility (fast start-ups, multiple Figure 1- Infrared Picture of Simulated Resistance- start-ups/shut downs), and simulate predictable failure Heated Core and Heat Pipes at about 650 °C. modes and operating environments. The objective of the second part is to demonstrate an integrated propulsion The SAFE 30 is a full core test designed for a power system consisting of a core, conversion system and a input of 30 kW using resistance heating to simulate the thruster where the system converts thermal heat into jet thermal heat from a fission reactor. The core has a power. hexagonal footprint of 48 stainless steel tubes and 12 stainless steel sodium filled heat pipes. It is assembled in ION THRUSTER - BACKGROUND a modular fashion where a module consists of 4 stainless steel tubes and one heat pipe welded together Ion thrusters are characterized by continuous, low to longitudinally. The heat pipes are 119 cm and the tubes are 43 cm long, while the diarneter of both is 2.54 cm. moderate power level operation while electrostatically Resistance heaters, which are inserted into the stainless accelerating positively charged particles (atomic/ molecular ions, colloidal particles, etc.). The steel tubes, are made from graphite rods and are rated for characterization of electrostatic systems is based on the up to 1.3 kW (0.34 f2 at 1000 'C). The heaters generate production mechanisms of charged particles; these can thermal heat closely simulating the thermal profile of an be summarized as electron bombardment, RF ionization, actual nuclear (fission) system. The nominal power contact/surface and field emission ionization. The main input to a heater is about 750 B,' generating a temperature components of a Kaufman type ion thruster are discharge of 1000 °C. The heat pipe_ embedded in the core chamber containing magnet system and electron emitter remove the heat out of the c_re where the maximum (hollow cathode), optics/acceleration grids, neutralizer isothermal operating temperattlre for the heat pipes is American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2 hollowcathodea,ndpowersuplfliefsoreachsubsystemfly.-by at the comet, the thruster logged more than 14,200 Figure3illustrateasschemat_icfsuchathrustewrhosehours of (continuous) operation with a propellant ionsourceis basedonelectronbombardmenTt.hethrough-put of 65 kg. While the performance of the hollowcathodeproduceasndemitselectronisntothe flight unit is carefully monitored, a spare NSTAR ion dischargceavityofthethrusterT.heseprimaryelectronsthruster is pushed to the limit in ground testing at the JPL drift towardstheanodetrar_sversinagweakaxialtest facilities. The spare unit accumulated has 18,800 magneticfield,whichcauseas spiralmotion. Thehours of operation and expended 155 kg of Xenon electroncsollideandionizeneutraaltomsinjectedinto(Brophy, 2001). thedischargcehamber.Themagneticfieldprevents 40OO prematurloesseosfprimaryelectrontsotheanodeand v ionlossetsothrustewralls.Theelectroknineticenergy o andthediameteorfthedischargcehambedreterminthee "5 3000 o. strengtohfthemagnetfiiceld,whichcanbeprovidebdy _E eithera permanenotr electromagnet.Thehigh electrostatpicotentiaelstablishebdetweetnheplasma 2000 andtheacceleratigornidextracla_ndacceleratieosns.A cathodaettheexitplaneofthefl_rusteermitselectrontos 1000 4O neutraliztheeionbeamI.t isc_uciaflortheoperatioonf thisthrustetorkeepthenetchargoefthebeamzero.The 'V' • 3O "24 thrustandspecificimpulsedepenodnnetacceleration potentialm, ass-to-charrgaetiooftheionandtheion 3 density. 20 .z_ •_- Bea_shap4o9 _ , , , I , , , , i , , , , L , , * J I .... 10 - "400 500 600 700 800 900 I _Seeee_G_ Engine Input Power [W] Figure 4- Specific Impulse and Thrust as aFunction of Input Power (data extracted with permission from Brophy 1993). The demand of future planetary missions, the need to reduce launch cost and to significantly extend mission lifetime motivated the push for the development of a scaled down version of the successful 30-cm NSTAR ion engine. A program was established to 1.) develop a 15- cm Xenon ion thruster, 2.) explore a cluster configuration of four 15-cm ion thrusters and 3.) provide a testbed for advanced acceleration optics and materials (Brophy, 1993). To date, advanced grid technologies include optics fabricated from diamond film, dished Figure 3 -Schematic !flon Thruster. graphite grids, molybdenum and carbon-carbon (Mueller, 1993) acceleration systems. Ion thrusters have been developed and tested since The 15-cm ion engine is designed for a maximum the 1950's accumulating an extensive laboratory and input power (to the power processing unit) of i.25 kW, flight history. The first ion thruster ever flown was while it can be safely operated at a beam power as low as SERT I (Space Electric Rocket Test, 1964), which used 200 W. Figure 4 illustrates a typical trend for specific vaporized Mercury as propellant (Cybulski, 1965). The impulse and thrust as a function of power input operating latest in a long list of successlully used ion thrusters in with molybdenum grids at a constant beam current of space is the 30-cm NSTAR i_n thruster propelling the 500 mA. Performance characteristics with carbon-based Deep Space 1 (DS 1) space,:raft, which flew by an grid materials are comparable, although in general asteroid and the comet 'Borrclly'. The thruster was performance values are slightly lower. However, designed for 2.3 kW and a beam voltage of 1,000 V carbon-based grids supersede with extremely low erosion using Xenon as propellant. In-flight performance rate and superior sputter resistance. These properties are characteristics include specifi_ impulse of 3,200 s and key to significantly extend the lifetime of ion thrusters. thrust of 120 mN resulting in zn overall efficiency of 62 Preliminary performance evaluation for molybdenum %. As of September 24, 2001, marking the day of the and graphite grids indicates a total thruster efficiency of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 3 about52to66%withanurcertaintyof upto 10%manufacturbeydStirlingTechnologCyompan(ySTC). (Brophy,1993).Figure5 showsthe15-cms,lottedTheStiflingengineconverttshermaelnergyintoelectric Carbon-Carbgornidionthrustearsit ismountetdothe energybasedonthethermodynampircocesdsescribed doorofthevacuumchambearLtheJPLfacilities.Theby theStirlingcycleoutlinedelsewher(eSchreiber, set-inpictureisanenlargesdect:ioonfthegridrevealing2001).Thisengineisbasedonthe'free-pistonp'ower theslotstructure. conversionconceptusing thermal-mechanical oscillationtosdrivealineaarlternatoTr.heefficiencoyf aStirlingcyclecanbemaintaineodverawiderangeof powerandcanapproacCharnoetfficienciesT.heactive heaet xchangzeoneontheheatehreadisabou4t.5cm wideoperatinagtanominatelmperatuorfe650°C.The coppebrlockclamppsreciseloyverthatregiontoensure properheatinputtotheheaterheadof theStirling engineT. heStirlingengineisequippewdithabalance motorcompensatinfogrvibrationsgeneratebdythe engineduringentireoperatiosnequenc(ienitialstart-up, powegreneratiosnh,ut-downT).heworkingfluidofthe engineisHeliumatapressuroef45to52bar,whilethe alternatgoernerat3e5s0Wat175VAC. Figure5- 15-cm, Slotted Carbon-Carbon Grid lon Thruster END-TO-END SYSTEM DEMONSTRATION The end-to-end system den, onstration consists of the SAFE 30 simulated core, 350-W Stirling engine, DC/DC converter and 15-cm ion thruster with slotted carbon- carbon grids. The purpose of the end-to-end tests is to showcase the nuclear electric prt_pulsion (NEP) concept - using thermal heat released by fission processes and converting that heat to kinetic energy- by a simulated approach with inexpensive off-the-shelf materials in a Figure 6 - Heat Source and Conversion System Mounted relevant environment. in the Vacuum Chamber at JPL. For the end-to-end system demonstration, the SAFE 30 core is assembled in its mo_lular manner and consists The power support system for the ion thruster of two heating zones each powered by a separate power consists of four separate power supplies providing power supply. Zone One encompasses three modules to the subsystems of the thruster as described above. containing heat pipes. There are three strings of heaters However, the power generated by the Stirling engine wired in parallel where each stJing contains four heaters replaces the conventional beam supply. All other in series. These twelve heaters are powered by a HP subsystems of the thruster will be maintained and power supply providing 100 A at 100 VDC. The controlled by the power support system. The powertrain remaining nine modules comprise Zone Two which is between the Stirling engine and the ion thruster is provided with heating power by a 400-A, 200-VDC illustrated in Figure 7. The Stirling engine controller Linde power supply. A modt:le in this zone has four processes the generated power and provides logistics to stainless steel tubes welded to a blanked-off pipe of the the Stirling engine depending on operating conditions same dimensions as the heat pipe. The heaters are wired and power demand (load). The control board algorithm in 18 parallel strings where each string contains two manages the proper loading of the Stifling engine. heaters in series. Sensing circuitry monitors power demand at the output As it is illustrated in Figure 6, the protruding three and accordingly the control board ties in or removes heat pipes are clamped to a copper block, which in turn stages of a resistive load array. The AC power generated is attached to the heater head of the 350-W Stirling by the Stifling engine is processed by rectifier circuitry engine. The Stirling engine i+ an off-the-shelf device and converted to an output of about 123 VDC and 3 A. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 4 Acrucialcomponenotfthep,,wertraiinstheDC/DCconvertewr,hichis controlledbythepowersupport converterw,hichconditionstt_epowerforthebeamsystemoftheionthruster.Theswitchterminatetshe supplyoftheionthruster.Them: ajorfunctionosfthis highvoltageprovidebdytheconvertetorthethrusteirn devicearevoltagestep-upc,urrenatndinrushcurrentcaseof malfunctionor systemfailure. Thepower limitationa,ndpoweernable/inhicboitntrolT. heDC/DCsupporstystemprovideassignaolf5VDCtoengagtehe convertestrepsuptheinputvoltagoefabou1t23VDCto inhibitmodeoftheswitchanda 0-VDCsignalto 1000VDCwithappropriatte]ansformecrircuitry.In disengagtheemode.Anothefreatureoftheconverteisr additiont,hedevicelimitsthe_nruschurrendturingthe theexternaplrogramminwg,hichsetsthemaximum start-upsequenceof the i,m thruster. Withoutoutpucturrenbtyasignaplrovidebdyanexternaplower appropriatperotectiocnircuit_duringthisperiodt,he supply.Theinputsignailsbetwee0nand5V,wherethe currentdrawnby thesyster,c_ouldbeveryhigh,outpucturrenits0Aat0Vand500mAat5V. Any damaginagllcruciaclomponenotfsthepowertrainT.hisdesiredoutpucturrenwt ithinthislimitfollowsalinear circuit(consistingof anIGBFandcapacitoarrray)relationshdipependinogntheinputvoltageT.heDC/DC monitortsheinputcurrenttotheconverterI.nthecaseconverteirsratedforapowerinputof500Wandits thattherateofriseistoohightheIGBTsareswitchedefficienciysabou9t0%. Table1summarizeelsectrical onandoffathighfrequencayll¢_winthgecapacitobrankcharacteristoicfsthepowertraiantlocationisndicateidn tochargaetincrementcaulrrendtrawnduringthepulses.Figure7. Theinhibitswitchis anothe_importanptartof the STIRLINGENGINECONTROL IonThruster PowerSupport System DC/DCConvertor I SEtnlrgl|lnnge FIGURE 7. Schematic of the Powertrain Providing Beam Power to the Ion Thruster from the Stirling Engine. TABLE I. Ex?ected Electrical Characteristics at Selected Locations of the Powertrain. Location 1 2 3 Voltage 170 VAC 123 VDC 1000 VDC Current 2 A 2.9 A 300 mA Power 350 W 350 W 300 W The combination of long life, low specific mass, and CONCLUSIONS high specific impulse is unique among electric propulsion systems, making NEP systems well suited The end-to-end system demonstration sets a for the challenging missions envisioned by NASA. precedent for ground testing of nuclear electric propulsion systems. Simulat;ng the thermal heat released by a nuclear core with resistance heaters is ACKNOWLEDGMENTS inexpensive and can be perlormed in a timely manner. More importantly, integration issues, system This program was funded through the NASA behavior/failure and componenl matters are quickly Advanced Space Transportation Program (ASTP), identified and accurately analyzed. The success of whose support is gratefully acknowledged. The this program led by NASA MSFC is shared and authors wish to thank Dr. James Polk, JPL (Pasadena, depends on the collaboration with NASA centers, CA), for facilitating the end-to-end demonstration at other government agencies, in_tustry and academia. JPL facilities; Dr. John R. Brophy, JPL (Pasadena, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 5 CA),forprovidinpgerformancchearacteristoicfsthe Sankovic, J., Oleson, S. and LaPointe, M., "NASA 15-cm,carbon-carbognridio_thrusterM; r.Jack GRC Activities in High Power Electric Augenblickand Mr. lain Williford, Stirling Propulsion," Proceedings of the NASA/JPL 10_h TechnologyCompany(Kennewick,WA), for Advanced Space Propulsion Workshop, April providintgechnicaasl sistanocie_theStirlingengine. 1999, pp. 665-681. Schmidt, G. R., "Propulsion Research and Technology at NASA Marshall Space Flight REFERENC ES Center," 34thAIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA 98-3230, Cleveland, OH, July 1998. Allen, D. M., Bennett, G 1.., EI-Genk, M. S., Schreiber, J., "Tutorial on Free-Piston Stirling Power Newhouse, A. R., a]ld Rose, M. F., conversion Technology - How does it Work?," "Maintenance of the U.S. %pace Nuclear Power presented at the Space Technology and Program: An AIAA P_ition Paper," 46th Applications International Forum (STAIF) 2001 International Astronautical Congress, IAF-95- Conference, Albuquerque, NM, February 2001. R.1.05, Oslo, Norway, October 1995. van Dyke, M. K., Houts, M., Pederson, K., Godfroy, Borowski, S. K., Dudzinski, L. A., and McGuire, M. T., Dickens, R., Poston, D., Reid, R., Salvail, L., "Vehicle and Missioi_ Design Options for P., Ring, P. "Phase 1Space Fission Propulsion the Human Exploration of Mars/Phobos Using System Testing and Development Progress," Bimodal NTR and LANTR Propulsion," Proceedings of the Space Technologies and NASA/TM-1998-208834, December 1998. International Forum (STAIF) 2001 Conference, Brophy, J.R., Personal Communication, November American Institute of Physics Conference 2001. Proceedings 552, M. EI-Genk ted), February Brophy, J. R., Pless, L. C., Mucller, J., Anderson, J. 2001, pp. 837-42. R., "Operating Characteristics of a 15-cm- van Dyke, M. K., Godfroy, T., Houts, M., Dickens, Diameter Ion Engine tor Small Planetary R., Dobson, C., Pederson, K., Reid, R., Sena, T. Spacecraft," International Electric Propulsion "Results of a First Generation Least Expensive Conference, IEPC-93-1 Itl, September 1993, Approach to Fission Module Tests: Non- Seattle, WA. Nuclear Testing of a Fission System," Chang-Diaz, F. R., Braden, E., Johnson, I., Hsu, M. Proceedings of the Space Technologies and M., and Yang, T. F., "Rapid Mars Transits with International Forum (STAIF) 2000 Conference, Exhaust-Modulated Plasma Propulsion," NASA American Institute of Physics Conference Technical Paper 3539, Mal ch 1995. Proceedings 504, M. El-Genk ted), January Cybulski, J. R., et. al., "Results from SERT I Ion 2000, pp. 1211-17. Rocket Flight Test," NAS :kTechnical Note D- Watson, C.W., "Nuclear Rockets." High-Performance 2718, 1965. Propulsion for Mars, "LA- 12784-MS, Los Dailey, C. L. and Lovberg, R H., "The PIT MkV Alamos National Laboratory, May 1994. Pulsed Inductive Thruster," NASA CR 191155, July 1993. LaPointe, M. R. and Sankovic J. M., "High Power Electromagnetic Propulsion at the NASA Glenn Research Center," Proceedings of the Space Technologies and International Forum (STAIF) 2000 Conference, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings 504, M. EI-Genk ted), January 2000, pp. 1538-43. Mueller, J., Brown, D. K., Garner, C. E., Brophy, J. R., "Fabrication of Carb_m-Carbon Grids for Ion Optics," International Electric Propulsion Conference, IEPC-93-112, September 1993, Seattle, WA. Polk, J., Tikhonov, V., and Semenikhin, S., "200-kW Lithium-Fed Thruster Development and Preliminary Test," 35'_' Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA 99-22_;5, Los Angeles, CA, June 1999. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 6 PropulsionResearchCenter AN END-TO-END TEST OF A SIMULATED NUCLEAR ELECTRIC PROPULSION SYSTEM MELISSA VAN DYKE IVANA HRBUD, NASA MSFC, TD40, HUNTSVILLE, AL KEITH GOODFELLOW, NASA JPL, PASADENA, CA IVANA HRBUD/MSFC-TD40 PRESENTATION OUTLINE PropulsionResearchCenter • SAFE DEVELOPMENT PATH • OBJECTIVES • SAFE30 POWERTRAIN • POWERTRAIN COMPONENTS EXPERIMENT AT JPL • RESULTS * SUMMARY IVANA HRBUD/MSFC-TD40 SAFE DEVELOPMENT PATH PropulsionResearchCenl_,r In-Space Fueling - safety core fueling mechanism Full Propulsion System Demonstrator core, in-space fueling mechanism, thruster, reflectors, radiators, etc... End-to-end system demonstrator full core integrated with thruster ! Balance ofPlant thrusters, reflectors, radiators, shielding, energy conversion, bus design, etc... IVANA HRBUD/MSFC-TD40 OBJECTIVES Propulsion Reselrch Cenfer • Demonstrate operation of a resistance-heated simulated nuclear core and heat pipe system. _i_Validating existing computational models, •i._iD; emonstrate system flexibility (fast start-ups, multiple starts/shut- downs), •i.__;Simulate predictable failure modes, •i.__;Operating environments. • Demonstrate integrated propulsion system consisting of core, conversion system and thruster. • Identify and address integration issues: o:oStirling operation/loading must be ensured at all times: _i._R;_esponse time of Stirling load share must be faster than thruster recycle event, o:oHeat coupling and exchange, o:oVibration, balancing and damping in dynamic systems, o:oElectric interfaces: •i.__;Electrical connections to heaters, •:i+iE_lectric isolation between components (DCIDC converter, thruster power system) •:i._Ei_MI isolation and dynamics of cabling. IVANA HRBUD/MSFC-TD40