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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19970025924: Experimental Modification of Rat Pituitary Growth Hormone Cell Function During and After Spaceflight

c3.3 '70 NASA-CR-205106 Experimental modification of rat pituitary growth hormone cell function during and after spaceflight W. C. HYMER, R. E. GRINDELAND, T. SALADA, P. NYE, E. J. GROSSMAN, AND R K. LANE Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802; and National Aeronautics and Space Administration Ames Research Center and Lockheed Engineering and Sciences Company, Moffett Field, California 94035 Hymer, W.C., R. E. Grindeland, T. Salada, P. Nye, E. J. ingly, many of these changes persisted for 2 wk post- Grossman, and P. K. Lane. Experimental modification of flight (15, 16). rat pituitary growth hormone cell function dm'ing and after This report describes changes in rat GH cells them- spaceflight. J. Appl. Physiol. 80(3): 955-970, 1996.--Space- selves during and after an 8-day spaceflight with a flown rats show a number of flight-induced changes in the passive cell culture system. The most important changes structure and function of pituitary growth hormone (GH} found were those relating to 1) the amount and biologi- cells after in vitro postflight testing (W. C. Hymer, R. E. cal activity of GH released from cells in vitro, 2) the Grindeland, I. Krasnov, I. Victorov, K. Motter, P. Mukherjee, responsiveness of the GH cells to hydrocortisone (HC) K. Shellenberger, and M. Vasques. J. Appl. Physiol. 73, and hypothalamic GH-releasing hormone (GHRH), 31 Suppl.: 151S-157S, 1992}. To evaluate the possible effects of the cytoarchitecture of GH cells, and 4) their intracellu- microgravity on growth hormone (GH) cells themselves, freshly dispersed rat anterior pituitary gland cells were lar hormone content. Evidence for recovery of some, but seeded into vials containing serum _+1 pM hydrocortisone not all, of these changes during a 6-day postflight test (HC) before flight. Five different cell preparations were used: period was obtained. Finally, the data show the influ- the entire mixed-cell population of various hormone-produc- ence of paracrine interactions between the heteroge- ing cell types, cells ofdensity < 1.071 g/cm a(band 1), cells of neous cell types on cell function as they experience low density > 1.071 g/cma Iband 2), and cells prepared from gravity. either the dorsal or ventral part of the gland. Relative to A companion report describes changes in PRL cells ground control samples, bioactive GH released from dense that also occurred during this same experiment (18). cells during flight was reduced in HC-free medium but was MATERIALS AND METHODS increased in HC-containing medium. Band 1and mixed cells usually showed opposite HC-dependent responses. Release of Animals and Tissue Processing Before Flight bioactive GH from ventral flight cells was lower; postflight Animal care and use for this experiment, which was flown responses to GH-releasing hormone challenge were reduced, on the Space Shuttle in 1992 (STS 46), were approved by and the cytoplasmic area occupied by GH in the dense cells Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees at both The was greater. Collectively, the data show that the chemistry Pennsylvania State University and the National Aeronautics and cellular makeup of the culture system modifies the and Space Administration (NASAl Ames Research Center response of GH cells to microgravity. As such, these cells offer and conformed to National Institutes of Health guidelines. a system to identify gravisensing mechanisms in secretory Nineteen hours before launch, 100 specific pathogen-free cells in future microgravity research. Sprague-Dawley male rats (200-220 g; Harlan Sprague microgravity; cell culture; cell gravisensing; growth hormone Dawley, Frederick, MD) were killed by decapitation and their entire anterior pituitary glands or the dorsal and ventral assays regions were dissociated into single-cell suspensions with a trypsinization technique that routinely yields 2-2.5 × 10_ cells from each gland (17). Cells 12.0 × 10_ in 200 _1) from one of five different IF AND HOW CELLS SENSE the low gravity of spaceflight experimental groups {Fig. 1)were added to a 4.4-ml capacity has been thoughtfully considered, modeled, and de- borosilicate glass vial (Wheaton_ containing 4.0 ml of culture bated for years. Many different types of cells have been medium [either modified Eagle's minimal essential medium exposed to microgravity (14); some show significant and (_MEM) containing 5_ calf serum, 0.2% NaHCO:_, 25 mM repeatable changes (4-6, 19, 24). Although this area of N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N'-2-ethanesulfonic acid (HEPES) investigation is only beginning, many believe that buffer (pH 7.4), and antibiotics; or _MEM containing insulin, transferrin, and selenium (Collaborative Biomedical) buff- these kinds of studies will 1) eventually help to define ered with 25 mM HEPES (pH 7.4) and antibiotics)} 128, 33). the mechanisms that cells and organisms use to re- Some of these media were supplemented with 1I_M HC. The spond to this unique environment and 2) help to cell groups included 1) the entire population of different explain the well-documented changes in the musculo- hormone-producing cell types (mixed), 21 separated cells of skeletal, immune, vascular, and endocrine systems of low density [1.040-1.071 g/cma; (band 1)],31 separated cells spacefiown animals and astronauts (11, 12). We studied of high density [1.071-1.085 g/cm37, (band 2)], 4) mixed cells growth hormone (GH) cell structure and function in prepared from the dorsal part ofthe gland, and 5) mixed cells three previous spaceflight experiments because pitu- from the ventral part of the gland. A dorsal and ventral section from each gland was made with a Smith-Farquhar itary GH participates in the regulation of these organ tissue chopper. Each gland was positioned on the stage of the systems. We found that significant changes had oc- device so that a single slice would reproducibly yield two cuffed in the GH and prolactin (PRL) cells prepared sections of _6,000 _m each. The method used to separate GH from animals in microgravity for 7-14 days; interest- cells into two subpopulations involved layering 107dispersed 955 956 GROWTH HORMONE AND SPACEFLIGHT 85 pituitary 15 pituitary change on day 3. Cells in other vials from mixed, band 1, and glands band 2 flight and ground groups (only those in serum- containing medium without HC) were tested for their respon- cells dorsal section ventral section siveness to a synthetic hypothalamic GHRH (2 × 10 _ M; Peninsula Laboratories). This testing was done by 13 succes- cells cells sive additions and replacements of fresh medium (1 ml of mixed s_ uMEM + 5% calf serum each time) to each cell-containing vial (n = 3 vials/treatment group) at 15-min intervals. Only cells cells the fourth and ninth medium changes contained either 2 × i ligh4t, hea4v,y 10 -9M GHRH prepared in phosphate-buffered saline (1 pl) or ¥ vials vials vials vials vials vehicle alone. GH Assays S Concentrations ofimmunoreactive GH (iGH) released from the cells into the culture media were determined by an flight ground ground (19 hours) enzyme immunoassay (8). The polyclonal antiserum to GH (8 days) (8djays) has a cross-reactivity of <0.3% to PRL at the final dilution (1:80,000) used in the assay; each sample was analyzed in post flight processing I process at launch duplicate at two dilutions, and the results are expressed released GH released GH relative to a rat GH standard preparation (B-11) kindly GHRH testing intracellular GH provided by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive intracellular GH and Kidney Diseases (Bethesda, MD) and the National morphology Hormone and Pituitary Program (University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore). Intracellular GH was ex- Fig. 1. Experimental design. GH, growth hormone; GHRH, GH- tracted from the cells by overnight incubation in 0.01 N releasing hormone. See MATERIALSANDMETHODSfor details. NaHCO3 (4°C), followed by centrifugation (1,000g for 30 min) to remove particulate material. Under these conditions, the cells (1 ml) over discontinuous density gradients of bovine supernatant fraction contains >90% of the extractable GH serum albumin (29). Layer 1 had a density of 1.071 g/cm _, (9). whereas layer 2 had a density of 1.085 g/cm 3. After cen- Concentrations of biologically active GH (bGH) in the trifugation (2,000 rpm for 30 min at 4°C), cells were col- culture media and extracts were determined exactly accord- lected from the two layering interfaces. Those of dens- ing to the tibial-line bioassay procedure of Greenspan et al. ities < 1.071 g/cm 3(band 1) have GH cells with relatively few (10). Approximately 2,000 hypophysectomized female rats, 26 cytoplasmic GH-containing 0.3-_am secretory granules, days old at surgery, were used to assay samples with a whereas those of densities > 1.071 g/cm 3(band 2) are laden four-point assay procedure (i.e., four rats/dose at two doses). with these particles (29). The average recovery of cells from The assay's end point measures increases in tibial epiphyseal the gradient was 86% in = 7 preflight trials), and the GH cell plate widths after four daily injections of hormone; it has a percentages [determined by flow cytometry (15)] in nine trials sensitivity of 1 _g and is specific for GH. Responses were were 23 _+ 3 and 52 _+ 4% for band I and band 2 cells, compared with a bovine GH standard (1.5 U/mg) calibrated respectively. Other preliminary data indicated that band 2 against a USP standard; they are expressed in terms of an GH cells contained 100 pg GH/cell, whereas band 1 cells in-house preparation of rat GH (3.0 IU/mg). contained about one-half of that amount. The earlier report of Snyder et al. (29) showed that the addition of 1 _M HC to High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) serum-containing medium markedly increased the intracellu- lar GH of cultured pituitary cells but had relatively little To compare apparent molecular weights of GH released effect on hormone release; preliminary experiments with 1 from cells in microgravity vs. unit gravity, 1-ml samples of _M HC in the closed-vial system confirmed this result. serum-containing media (÷ 1 _M HC) from the mixed, band 1, There were six sealed cell-containing vials for each of the and band 2 flight samples in = 3 samples/group) or their five experimental groups; the total number of vials exposed to corresponding ground control samples were lyophilized and microgravity was 165. Three identical sets of 165 cell- reconstituted in 500 _l of 0.1 M potassium phosphate buffer containing vials were kept at 37°C between the time of containing 0.05 M NaC1, pH 7.8. Each sample was applied to preparation (launch minus 19 h) until 12 h before landing a sizing column of Protein-Pak 300 SW (7.8 mm × 300 mm; when they were required to be kept at 22°C. One of the 165 Waters, Milford, MA) equilibrated with the same buffer. The vial sets served as the synchronous ground control; it was column flow rate was 0.3 ml/min, and 0.6-ml fractions were collected. The column was calibrated with blue dextran (mol kept in the laboratory at the Kennedy Space Center (FL) under conditions identical to those in space during the 8-day wt 2,000,000), [3-amylase (mol wt 200,000), bovine serum flight. The other vial set was processed at launch to determine albumin (mol wt 66,000), carbonic anhydrase (mol wt 29,000), how much GH was released from the cells into the medium and ribonuclease (mol wt 13,683). during the 19 h between the end of cell preparation and the Morphology launch. In some cases, cells were removed from the vials by Postflight Cell Culture and GHRH Testing trypsinization (19) and prepared for immunocytochemistry or Postflight processing began after transport to the testing flow cytometry. Immunocytochemistry was used to identify facility (7 h). Some of the cell-containing vials (n = 3 GH cells in preparations that were attached to poly-a-lysine- vials/flight and 3 vials/ground) were replaced with fresh coated coverslips (15). Briefly, this involved fixation in Zambo- media, and postflight culture continued in the same sealed ni's fluid followed by membrane permeabilization with 0.4% vials for an additional 6 days with an intervening medium Triton X-100, incubation in GH antiserum (1:10,000) for 36 h, GROWTHHORMONAENDSPACEFLIGHT 957 incubatioinnhorseradispheroxidasaentiserum(1:500a),nd Closed-Cell Culture System: Validation stainingwithdiaminobenzediTnhee.sepreparationwsere usedfordigitalanalysiosfthecytoplasmaicreaoccupiebdy Because it was not possible to do this experiment on the GH.Thisproceduraendequipmenwtereidenticatlothose Space Shuttle with conventional cell culture hardware, a usedpreviousl(y16);it generateasdigitizedimageofthe simple passive system was developed. Release of iGH from stainedcell,colorizedaccordintgointensitieswithinthe cells in the closed-vial system over a 9-day period at 37°C was imagedevice2's56graylevelstoquantitatetheareaofGH linearly related (r2 = 0.992) to cell number over the range of stainingA.sbeforec,arewastakentomaintainconstanlitght 103 to 8 x 10s cells seeded (9 trials). The amount of iGH settingsc,ondensheeright,andaperturesizeinadditionto synthesized by 2 x 10s cells during the 9 days (i.e., the normalizinvgariationsinlightwithalightmeterplacedat amount recovered in media plus cells minus the amount thelevelofthecameraI.n somecasest,herewerealso initially seeded) ranged between 15 and 20 1Jg. A majority of sufficienctellstodoflowcytometriacnalysisofGH-stainedsynthesized GH was released into the culture medium. Net cellsin suspensio(n15).Cellfixationwasin phosphate-GH synthesis in the closed-vial system was not significantly bufferesdaline-azide-buffe4r%eFdormalinfollowebdymem- different from that measured in primary rat pituitary cell branepermeabilizatiwointh0.4%TritonX-100in,cubatioinn cultures that are routinely maintained on conventional plas- GHantiserum(1:10,00o0v)ernighitn,cubatioinnfluoresceinticware (Linbro tissue culture plates) that allows free gas isothiocyanate-conjugaantetisderumc,ounterstaininwgith exchange (95c_ ,air-5% CO2) (33). It was also not significantly different from that measured in cells cultured on Linbro propidiumiodide,andanalysisby flowcytometry(Epics mode7l 53).Parameteresvaluatedon30,000cells/sampleplates that were sealed to prevent gas exchange (data not shown). were 1)GH cell percentage, 2) marker index (the ratio of the Several formulations of culture media were tested to voltages of stained to unstained cells; an index of the "bright- determine optimal GH synthesis in the closed system; these ness" of fluorescence staining), 3) forward-angle light scatter included Medium 199, aMEM, addition of 0.2% NaHCO3, and (FALS; an indicator of cell size), and 4) perpendicular light calf or horse serum (either 5 or 10%). In addition, we scatter (PLS; an indicator of the content of cytoplasmic compared GH synthesis levels in cells cultured in rat serum hormone-containing secretory granules) (15). The application with those cultured in calf or horse serum. The rank order of the flow cytometer to evaluate these parameters for rat was determined to be rat serum > calf serum > horse serum. pituitary cells, as well as the experimental data that establish Cells in rat serum synthesized 2.3 _+ 0.4 times as much their biological significance, has been documented (25). hormone as those in calf serum (n = 14 experiments); Fig. 2. Electron micrograph of a GH and prolactin cell maintained in a closed glass vial for 9days at 37°C before trypsinization and preparation for electron microscopy. Cell ultrastructure compares favorably with cells maintained under more usual culture conditions. Magnification, x25,000. 958 GROWTH HORMONE AND SPACEFLIGHT Initial Ground Flight Mixed .,.,?. .".:1._t! >:,i.:t; I ' ! ,:,:, , ?:.£-:-':"1. '.i::: -./ t, _ L !i,_'_;- ' . !#'!i. iii. Fig. 3. Flow cytometric histograms of pituitary cells contained in the mixed ,-_ I-'l'i'ii]i|i': ' t'_hlll , _,l_ ltilii ,i Iliil (top row), band 1 (middle row), and LF"3FL 1 LPBFL I oEn_ 1 LPGFL I000 band 2 (bottom row) samples before seeding into glass vials (initial; left column) and after 9 days of culture under unit gravity (ground; middle col- Band 1 umn )or microgravity (flight; right col- _= umn) conditions. Log peak green fluo- rescence (LPGFL) staining is specific for GH cells and delineates stained _r I ;_- • • [identified as cells falling to right of vertical gate (vertical line) in each _. panel] from unstained cells that in- elude other hormone-producing cell : ;_"_' -::':. _ i types gated from debris on basis of propidium iodide nuclear stain. LPGFL .,. i i iHHI i Ilii*ll _IIII ,m :: Ill :i ..IIill.lll I_--_l " " ' is on a log scale, whereas forward-angle I00( I lO00 1 IOOF_ LPC--FL !..PGFL LP_3FL light scatter IFALS}, a measure of cell size, is linear. Each pattern represents a count of 30,000 cells. Band 2 ' . t _il i '.':' .i.... : ,_'_/ . t " " o_1.. _c,:, i_i#6' I ........ _._'_ however, it was not selected for use in the flight experiment occur during trypsinization. Amounts of GH released from because rat serum supplies were limiting. With 2 > 10_cells every 1,000 GH cells seeded during 9 days in culture was in closed vials for 9 days, the pH is maintained within 0.1 unit 336 _+9 ng (n = 15 experiments). of its initial value (pH 7.4). After 9 days, the cells showed a typical ultrastructure Mierogravity Cell Culture: Special Considerations including intact membranes around the secretion granules (Fig. 2). Other data showed that 53 -+ 3% (n = 14 trials) of the It was necessary to establish that the vibration forces cells originally seeded could be recovered by trypsinization associated with the Shuttle launch and recovery would have after 9 days; the percentage of recovered GH cells (29 -+ 3%; no deleterious effect on cell attachment, structure, or func- n = 11 experiments) compared favorably with input percent- tion. We found >97% of the cells seeded into the vial routinely age, demonstrating that preferential loss of GH cells did not attached to the vial bottom within 18 h; furthermore, they Table 1. Effect of microgravity on cell parameters measured by flow cytometry GH Cells, q Total Cell Population GH Cell Population After flight FALS PLS Marker index FALS PLS Before flight Flight Ground Flight Ground Flight Ground Flight Ground Flight Ground Flight Ground Mixed 32 12 11 21 25 21 33 5.2 6.1 23 24 57 66 Band 1 22 9 11 27 30 29 37 4.4 3.9 20 23 34 49 Band 2 57 47 62 23 27 42 58 2.1 2.2 25 29 75 84 Values represent peak channels of size [forward-angle light scatter (FALS)] and cytoplasmic granularity [perpendicular light scatter (PLS)] and ratio of voltages of stained to unstained cells (marker index)• Data were collected from 30,000 cells/sample. GH, growth hormone. GROWTH HORMONE AND SPACEFLIGHT 959 remained attached after vibration tests were conducted at the GH released over the entire 8-day culture period; these data NASA Ames Research Center that were greater than those are therefore not included in RESULTS. typically experienced on the Shuttle. Furthermore, shaking Approximately one-half of the cell culture vials used a had no effect on subsequent release of iGH during a 9-day chemically defined serum-free medium that was supple- culture test. mented with insulin, transferrin, and selenium. This formula- Because there was a 0.2-ml air bubble at the top of each vial tion was used to eliminate possible effects of unknown serum and because bubble behavior can be unpredictable in space, factors on GH cells. In every case, the trends in GH release we were concerned that it could become dislodged in flight, between various treatment groups were identical to those come to rest directly over the cell layer, and result in cell using serum-containing media except that the actual GH dehydration. To discourage this possibility, each vial was levels were consistently lower. We have therefore chosen not rimmed internally (upper one-third) with a surface active to present these results in this report. agent (Prosil 28, Thomas Scientific); furthermore, one time Two automatic temperature recording devices, developed each day, an astronaut rotated the vial container five times in at the NASA Ames Research Center, were secured in the a period of 10 s. sealed vial containers to continuously monitor ambient tem- We also conducted a trial aboard the KC-135 airplane to perature around the vial sets during spaceflight and in the study bubble behavior in the glass vial during the 20-30 s of laboratory at the Kennedy Space Center. The sensitivity of microgravity achieved in parabolic flight and verified that the the temperature recorder was _+0.4°C. The recordings indi- air bubble tended to remain in the upper one-third of the filled cated that the control cells experienced temperatures ranging vial. between 37.3 and 37.6°C for the 9-day experiment while the Data Presentation flight cells experienced temperatures between 38.4 and 38.8°C for the same period. Further analysis indicated that the We determined that the amount of GH released during the average temperature difference was 1.2°C between flight and 19 h before the Shuttle launch (Fig. 1) was <1% of the total ground. The entire flight experiment was therefore repeated A B C D Fig. 4. Examples ofGH cells stained immu- nocytochemically {A, C, and E) and their digitized color images (B, D, and F) used to quantitate their cytoplasmic areas occupied by GH. Examples of GH cells in mixed (A and B}, band 1 tC and D), and band 2 (E and F) cells are shown. Magnification, ×1,500. E F 960 GROWTH HORMONE AND SPACEFLIGHT Immunoassay Extracellular Intracellular Mixe._ Mixed 300" 60 Flight Postflight Flight Postfiight 200" + Ground X 40 ---[3-- Flight without hydrocortisone 100' 20' 0 8 10 12 1_, ' 300- Band1 60 Band1 ¢n Fig. 5. Release (extracellular) and content (intra- cellular) ofimmunoreactive GH (iGH) from mixed 3= (top), band 1(middle), and band 2 (bottom) cell CD 200 40 samples without hydrocortisone during and after microgravity. Data are means _+SE expressed o relative to number of GH cells seeded into vials; n = 3 vials. Error bars not shown fit within 100 20 symbol. *P < 0.05. c- 0 i i i i 12 14 8 10 12 14 300" Band2 60 200' 4O 100" 20' t3 • i ] l • i , / ' i 8 10 12 14 8 10 12 14 Days in Culture 6 mo later in the laboratory at The Pennsylvania State vial. The general morphology of the cells after space- University where cells in the closed vials were kept at either flight, while still attached, was unremarkable and 39 (to mimic flight temperatures) or 37°C for 9 days. A similar to the cultured ground control samples; steroid statistical comparison of the data between these two experi- treatment had no obvious effect on cell morphology. ments with a logarithmic transformation methodology fur- Flow cytometric histograms of GH-specific log peak ther showed that the changes in the flight experiment could green fluorescence vs. FALS signals show that several not be explained on the basis of a temperature differential. We have therefore chosen to present only the synchronous changes had occurred between the time of initial cell ground control data in this report. preparation and recovery from the vials after the Experimental constraints within this spaceflight investiga- 10-day culture. These included 1) broader FALS pat- tion resulted in low n sizes. Accordingly, multiple s-level- terns in unstained cells (mixed and band 1 samples) corrected independent t-tests were used to analyze these after culture than before culture, 2) decreased FALS data. This, in turn, permitted use of an inferential technique signals of unstained cells in band 2 during the ground to highlight differences as well as strong trends. Significance was maintained at P <- 0.05. and flight cell culture periods, and 3) maintenance of the FALS pattern of GH cells in the band 2 sample RESULTS during the entire experiment but 4) a lack of mainte- nance of the FALS pattern of GH cells in the mixed and GH Cell Morphology band 1 samples over the 10-day period (Fig. 3). Table 1 The viability of all cell samples both before and after shows data derived from these histograms that com- flight was >90c_ :.At the end of the experiment, the pH pare the effects of flight on 1)the GH cell frequency, 2) of the culture medium was 7.4. Microscopy showed that the mean FALS-to-PLS peak channel of the total and all cells had remained attached to the bottom of each GH cell populations, and 3 )the marker index of the GH GROWTH HORMONE AND SPACEFLIGHT 961 Immunoassay Extracellular Intracellular Mixed Mixed Postflight 300] Fhght*<, Postflight 60 Flight ,' + Ground 200 40 , ---o-- Flight with hydrocortisone 10: 300- Band 1 60 _ 59 Fig. 6. Release and content of iGH from mixed O "1- (top), band I (middle), and band 2(bottom) cell (.9200- 4O samples maintained in hydrocortisone-contain- O ing medium during and after microgravity. Data OO are means _+SE expressed relative to number of GHcells seeded into vials; n 3vials. Error bars "" 100- "1- not shown fit within symbol. *P < 0.05. *":P < o_ v 0.01. u---'---'--" f " r.- 0 i i i i i 8 10 12 14 :' 1_0 1'2 1'4 300- Band2 6o i 200" 40 100" 2O • 8' ' 10" ' 1'2 ' 1'4 ' t0 12 14 i I ' ] ' T , Days inCulture cells. Because PLS signals are on a logarithmic scale areas that contained hormone. This was not true in (not shown in Fig. 3), the lower mean channel values of band I cells. GH percent area occupancies measured on all flight cells are considered significant. On the other 200 cells/sample were 40 _+3% for ground vs. 53 +_2% hand, differences in the FALS and marker index were for flight mixed samples (P < 0.001), 39 -+ 3c_, for small (linear scale); we conclude that neither the ground vs. 37 -+ 2% for flight band 1 samples (not fluorescence intensity of GH staining nor the size of the significant), and 27 + 2% for ground vs. 40 _+ 2c_,for pituitary cells was affected by spaceflight. Determina- flight band 2 samples (P < 0.001). Examples ofimmuno- tion of GH cell frequency by manual counting (not cytochemically stained GH cells and their digitized shown) was consistent with the data in Table 1. We images used to collect these data are shown in Fig. 4. attribute the changes in GH cell FALS patterns after the experiment to the cell culture procedure per se; Extracellular and Intracellular GH supporting evidence for this idea can be found in Ref. During and After Flight 15. However, we have no explanation why band 2 cells maintain discrete FALS patterns when they are in iGH +- HC. Relative to ground control samples, isolation but not when they are present as a part of the microgravity had no effect on the release of iGH during mixed sample. the 8 days in space nor during the subsequent 6-day Image analysis of individual GH cells from both postflight culture period. Immediately on landing, the mixed and band 2 groups after flight indicated that, intracellular contents of iGH were significantly lower relative to their ground control samples, there were than in the ground control samples; however, this statistically significant increases in their cytoplasmic difference was not maintained after the postflight 962 GROWTHHORMONAENDSPACEFLIGHT Bioassay Extracellular Intracellular Mixed Mixed 2000 600- Flight Postflight Flight ' Postflight i I 1500 i 400- i 1000 200" 5OO 0 I I i i i , i i 10 12 14 8 10 12 14 CD 2000 Band1 6007 Fig7..ReleaasnedconteonftbioactiGveH(bGH) O frommixed(top)b,and 1(middle), and band 2 1500 (bottom) cellsamples without hydrocortisone dur- 400" 0 ingand after microgravity. Data are means ± SE 0 0 1000 expressed relative to number ofGH cells seeded into vials; n = 3vials. Error bars not shown fit within symbol. _*P < 0.01.***P < 0.001. 500- .Q D_,,,____ 200" C 0 i i i f 10 12 14 8 10 12 14 Band2 + Ground 2000 ]Band2 600- ** "-_-- Flight :!1i! o 400' _'_thouthydrocortisone ' i . i , I . i , i 8 10 12 14 8 10 12 14 Days inCulture culture (Fig. 5). The addition of HC to the culture the presence of HC than in its absence; this was not medium marginally increased iGH release from the true for GH cells in the band 2 samples. Effects of mixed ground cell sample and caused a twofold in- microgravity on intracellular GH were complex• In crease in the intracellular iGH in band 2 cells of both general, flight cells cultured without HC often con- ground and flight groups; the relative difference in tained significantly less bGH, but all cell groups cul- intracellular iGH between these groups measured in tured in the presence of HC in microgravity consis- the absence of HC (Fig. 5) tended to continue in the tently contained significantly less bGH. presence of HC (mixed, P < 0.055; band 2, P < 0.057; HPLC analysis of extracellular iGH. Culture media Fig. 6). taken from cells after 8 days in microgravity were bGH +_HC. Relative to the ground control samples, found to contain iGH molecules of widely different major changes in the release of bGH, especially in apparent molecular weights. In general, neither micro- HC-containing media, were found (cf. Figs. 7vs. 8). In gravity nor steroid had any marked effect on the size Earth's gravity, more bGH was released from band 2 distribution profile of the hormone (Fig. 9). The most cells than its flight counterpart; addition of HC re- important change was the tendency for flight samples versed the effect. In space, the opposite was true; i.e., to contain more GH of higher apparent molecular HC stimulated bGH release from band 2 cells back to weight. To make statistical comparisons between the the levels of non-HC-treated earthbound band 2 cells. amounts of iGH contained in different molecular- This response continued into the postflight period. weight regions of these chromatograms as a function of Band 1 cells from both ground and flight samples gravity level, cell sample, and steroid, we compared the released considerably more (two to three times) bGH in sums of iGH contained in three different molecular- GROWTHHORMONAENDSPACEFLIGHT 963 Bioassay Extracellular Intracellular Mixed Mixed 2000- 600- Flight Postflight Flight Postflight 1500- 1000- 400' ,_ 500- 200' i I I 8I t' 10I 12I 14I i8 t, 1() 12i 1_, Bancll ' Band1 : 2000 Ground o ----43-- Flight Fig. 8. Release and content of bGH from mixed ©I 1500 with hydrocortisone (top), band 1(middle), and band 2 {bottom)cell O [_ I 400 *** samples maintained in hydrocortisone-contain- O ing medium during and after microgravity. Data 2 1000 600 are means _+SE expressed relative to number of I GHcells seeded into vials; n 3vials. Error bars 500 2OO not shown fitwithin symbol. **P < 0.01. ***P < 0.001. C 0 15 10 1 14 Band 2 Band2 2000--- 600- 1500- 400' 1000 500 i _ i , i , 1 i _ i i i 8 10 12 14 8 10 12 14 Days inCulture weight regions (high, 9.9 x 105 to 2.4 x 105; medium, were only moderate to nonexistent, whereas the re- 2.4 x 105 to 5.9 x 104; low, 5.9 x 104 to 1 x 104). The sponses of ground-based mixed and band 1 cells were only statistically significant effect (P -< 0.05) was the significant (Fig. 10). The lower sensitivity of the GH reduced amount of iGH recovered from the low- bioassay required combining five 15-min fractions (in- molecular-weight regions of the mixed HC-treated cell cluding the GHRH pulse) before assay. These results flight samples (Fig. 9D). Strong tendencies toward also showed 1) nonresponsiveness of mixed cells after differences between flight and ground were noted in the flight (Fig. 11), 2) apparent increased sensitivity of following samples: 1) mixed, without HC, high molecu- band 1 cells to GHRH (Fig. 12), and 3) weak to lar weight: flight > ground (P < 0.08); 2) band 1, with nonexistent responses of band 2 cells (Fig. 13). HC, high molecular weight: flight > ground (P < Substrate. Three vials pretreated with Matrigel (a 0.07); and 3) band 2, without HC, medium molecular commercially available mixture of basement mem- weight: flight > ground (P < 0.10). In general, the total brane macromolecules) and then loaded with mixed amounts of iGH recovered after HPLC from flight and cells were also exposed to low gravity. This treatment ground samples were within 10% of each other. Rela- had no effect on the release of either iGH or bGH from tive to separated cells, a greater fraction ofiGH was of cells regardless of treatment group, i.e., flight, ground, higher apparent molecular weight when the total cell and postflight (data not shown). Band 1 and 2 cells population was used. The reason for this difference is were not tested. not known. Cell location. Flight had no effect on the release of Response to GHRH. After 8 days in low gravity, cell iGH from mixed cells prepared from either dorsal or responses (iGH release) to 10 9 M GHRH challenge ventral regions of the pituitary gland [dorsal, 367 _+22 964 GROWTH HORMONE AND SPACEFLIGHT 0 0 0 0 00 1500 Mixed cells Mixed cells T ---e-- Ground ---o-- Flight lOO0 (- HC) 500- (+ HC) _ --EI.-O-.EI-E]-O-O-O"_ . , T -%]"(3 0 --0--0--{3--0-[:}--0-'(:3-[ o 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 15oo- Band 1cells Band 1cells t- O O 1000" (- FIC) (+ HC) ._ 1- 500' t-" 0 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 15oo Band 2 cells Band 2cells looo (- HC) (+HC) 6 =_=o 1_'I'KTk o 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 Fraction Fraction Fig. 9. Fractionation of culture media without (-HC) and with hydrocortisone (+ HC) from spaceflown and ground control cells by gel exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography In 3 separate sample media/group). Elution position of standard molecular-weight markers (see MATERIALS ANDMETHODS) are shown in upper left panel. For ease of comparison of these data, see Table 2. (flight) and 347 _+ 14 ng/1,000 GH cells (ground); tuated that difference (Fig. 14C). However, a similar ventral, 150 _ 7 (flight) and 169 _+7 ng/1,000 GH cells analysis of iGH from band 2 flight cells give very (ground)]. However, release of bGH from ventral flight different profiles; in this case, HC reversed this pattern cells was reduced by one-half [dorsal, 116 _+4 (flight) (Fig. 14D). Not surprisingly, the mixed cell sample gave and 108 +_ 15 ng/1,000 GH cells (ground); ventral, a pattern that was different (Fig. 14B). Comparison of 240 _+ 10 (flight) and 545 _ 19 ng/1,000 GH cells the molecular-weight data, i.e., patterns of iGH vari- (ground); P < 0.001]. ants contained inside cells (Fig. 14) vs. those released Intracellular GH variants. Western blots of cell ex- from cells (Fig. 9), show an obvious correlation between tracts after separation by sodium dodecyl sulfate- the two data sets. Heterogeneity of molecular forms of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under nonreducing GH are known to result from mRNA splicing, posttrans- conditions revealed a complex array of iGH forms that lational modifications (e.g., aggregation or glycosyla- were qualitatively similar between flight and ground tion), and proteolytic cleavage. samples (Fig. 14A). Analysis of these various cell samples by densitometry showed that although differ- DISCUSSION ences between flight and ground did not vary within any given region by >10%, the pattern of changes The primary objective of this cell culture experiment depended on both the sample and presence of HC. For was to find out whether the postflight changes in example, flight tended to increase amounts of higher pituitary GH cells prepared from rats after 7-14 days molecular-weight iGH forms in band 1 cells at the in space also happened when GH cells themselves were expense of lower molecular-weight forms and HC accen- put into space. Within the constraints of the hardware

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