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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19920021478: Fast methods to numerically integrate the Reynolds equation for gas fluid films PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19920021478: Fast methods to numerically integrate the Reynolds equation for gas fluid films

NASA Technical Memorandum 105415 / Fast Methods to Numerically Integrate the Reynolds Equation for Gas Fluid Films Florin Dimofte Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio Prepared for the STLE-ASME Joint Tribology Conference St. Louis, Missouri, October 13-16, 1991 (_ASA-T',I-IO_41 b) FAST '._F_THOOS TO NLIMFt_,ICALLY INTFGRAI£ IH_Z RFYNGLL.)S 63/37 0115601 FAST METHODS TO NUMERICALLY INTEGRATE THE REYNOLDS EQUATION FOR GAS FLUID FILMS Jt Florin Dimofte National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio 44135 SUMMARY The alternating direction implicit (ADI) method is adopted, modified, and applied to the Reynolds equation for thin, gas fluid films. An efficient code is developed to predict both the steady-state and dynamic performance of an aerodynamic journal bearing. An alternative approach is shown for hybrid journal gas bearings by using Liebmann's iterative solution (LIS) for elliptic, partial differential equations. The results are compared with known design criteria from experimental data. The developed methods show good accuracy and very short computer running time in comparison with methods based on an inverting of a matrix. The computer codes need a small amount of memory and can be run on either personal computers or on mainframe systems. INTRODUCTION The Reynolds partial differential pressure equation for a compressible, thin, fluid film is nonlinear and involves a great deal of numerical effort to solve. From the early sixties to the present time several methods were developed for numerically solving this equation. Major contributions were made by Castelli and Pirvics, Booy, Coleman, Castelli in Gross' book, and others (refs. 1 to 4). The columnwise influence coefficients method introduced by Castelli was one of the best at that time. The present work is focused basically on two methods (alternating direction implicit method (ADI) and Liebmann's iterative solution (LIS)), which add important advantages to the numerical solution technique of the compressible Reynolds equation. The Reynolds equation in dimensionless form for a compressible-fluid-film journal bearing subject to isothermal conditions is (ref. 5) Op2 0 0p2 O(ph) O(ph) (z) a (h3 ___) + (ha __..) = 2A O(opeh) + 2Az + i4fA Both steady-stateand dynamic analysestocalculatethestaticand dynamic performanceofan aerodynamic journalbearingareshown intheappendix A. Startingfrom equation(1),thefollowing partialdifferentiaelquationaredevelopedinappendixA: National Research Council-NASA Research Associate at Lewis Research Center. (_) ![+_o N _Q__!+ ho[ (_) I i_Q°cosO + O_s_inoO + 2QocosO + _0c29o osO _h o As OQo 2fA / +2--- +i Q1= - _(----_ _ _ _2 2Qo2/3 & _] (4) 1 [°_Qo inO t_Q° _0._ 02ho A, OQ0 2fA I +2_ - +i Q2 = - __ho[_s_2 - _cosO_ + 2Qo sinO + _sin2Ooz _Z2 2Qo2/30z Equation (2)isusedto perform thesteady-statecharacteristicwsh;ileequations(3)and (4)areused to compute thedynamic performance. The numericalintegrationtechniquesfortheseequationsare developedand discussedinherein. SYMBOLS aij, bij, cij, coefficientosfgridnode eq.(6) dip eij, rij :a supplyorificeradius,m B¢ symbolicdamping coefficienutsedinstabilitaynalysis(seeeq.(A-27)) dynamic damping coefficientN,.m-l.s -1 Bij C journalbearingradialclearance,m CD orificesupplydischargecoefficient D journalbearingdiameter,m d orificseupplyholediameter,m 2 e eccentricity (see fig. 1), m maximumiterationsteperror(seeeq.(12)) emax F load capacity (the resulting force of the pressure distribution), N F F/(PaLD) dimensionless load capacity (eq. (18)) Fr,F t component of F along and perpendicular to the centerline_ respectively (see fig. 1) Fro,Fro steady-state component of F Fx,Fy dynamic component of F along x and y directions (see fig. 1) f whirl frequency ratio, u/f_ fo unstable whirl frequency ratio, Uo/fl Gm dimensionless supply flow part that is function of Pm/Ps (see eq. (B-11)) h dimensionless film thickness, _'/C ti" film thickness, m ho steady-state component of h hm film thickness at the supply orifice (see fig. 13) i -11/2 the imaginary unit ii the unit vector along xi direction (see fig. 14) K stiffness, N.m -1 K dimensionless stiffness (see eq. (21)) Kij dynamic stiffness coefficient Kc,Kco symbolic stiffness coefficient used in stability analysis (see eqs. (A-27) and (A-29)) L . bearing length, m l length vector part of the Cm boundary of integral (B-7) (see also fig. 14) M rotor mass allocated to one bearing; for a symmetric rotor M is half of the rotor mass, kg corresponding rotor mass, allocated to one bearing, required to make the bearing unstable, kg M,N number of grid points in i and j directions n unit vector outward, perpendicular to the Cm boundary (see nlj in fig. 14) total number of supply orifices nO P pressure, Pa P dimensionless pressure Pa ambient pressure, Pa boundary pressure at bearing edges Pla' P2a Pm pressure downstream of the supply system PO steady-state component of the pressure p (see eq. (A-6)) Ps supply pressure, Pa Pl' P2 perturbation components of pressure p (see eq. (A-6)) Q dimensionless pressure variable, (ph) z Q0, QI, Qu steady-state and perturbation components of Q (see eq. (A-7)) dimensionless flow through the pocketed orifice supply restrictor system qm R journal bearing radius, m P gas constant (see eq. (B-9)), J.kg-l.K -1 r,t coordinates (fig. 1) ST threshold speed, f/(M c C/W) 1/2 T absolutetemperature(seeeq. (B-9)),K t time,s V, axialvelocity(shaftspeedalongzdirection)m,.s-I W bearingload,N x,y whirlamplitudeofthejournalcenterinbearing(seeeqs.(.4_-20a)nd (A-25)) fluid film coordinates (see eq. (A-l) and fig. 14) Xl,3 Zij impedance for translatory motion g axial coordinate parallel to rotor axis -/ adiabatic exponent Az increment in z direction AO increment in 0 direction pocketed orifice compensation factor, a2/dC eccentricity ratio, e//R eccentricity ratio under static load % dimensionless tangential whirl amplitude %¢1 dimensionless radial whirl amplitude 0 angular coordinate from centerline (see fig. 1) A bearing number (see eq. (A-2) and (B-5)) Az equivalent bearing number in z direction (see eq. (A-2)) As restrictor coefficient (see eq. (B-9)) A relaxation coefficient (see eq. (10)) # dynamic viscosity, N-s.m -2 v whirl frequency, rad.s -1 unstable whirl frequency v0 T dimensionless time (see eq. (A- 1)) attitude angle, deg attitude angle under static load, deg n rotation frequency, rad-s -1 nl shaft rotation frequency, rad.s -1 f_2 bearing housing rotation frequency, rad.s -1 Subscripts: grid index r centerline direction (see fig. 1) t perpendicular to center-line direction (see fig. 1) x x-direction (direction of the static load on bearing, see fig. 1) y y-direction perpendicular to x (see fig. 1) Superscripts: n old iteration step n+l new iteration step (n+ 1)/2 half step iteration between n and n + 1 NUMERICAL COMPUTATION In order to integrate equations (2) to (4), a finite-difference numerical method is adopted. This method can handle a plain, cylindrical, journal bearing of finite length (fig. 1) with a high degree of accuracy. Using a rectangular grid with constant spacing between nodes in both directions, the partial derivatives become (5) "_ ij Qld+12A (e) (7) _Q) _- qij+l - 2Qid + Qi,j-1 (8) -o:2zql : qi+l,j - 2qi,j -k qi-l,j j where (9) AO, Az = node spacing 6 At node (i_) of the grid, equation (2) has the general form aidQ01_l, j + bidQ0i+t, j + cidQ0ij_l + didQ0ij+l + eijQ0ij = ri.i (10) Thus, a linear system of M × N equations results if the grid has M and N points in the z and 0 direc- tions, respectively. Unfortunately, the coefficients of equation (10) depend on the value of the variable Q so that an iterative method has to be used to compute the steady-state component of Q. First, the system of equations (10) must be solved. Then, since Q0 _ p0 (11) and all the steady-state characteristics, the equations (3) and (4) can be solved, using the same finite difference method, to calculate the dynamic performance. ALTERNATING DIRECTION IMPLICIT SCHEME The linear system (10) can be efficiently solved using the alternating direction implicit (ADI) scheme (ref. 6), which changes the linear system of equation (10) into a tri-diagonal linear system using a proper iterative manner. The tri-diagonal system can be solved with Thomas' algorithm. In order to use the ADI method, equation (10) was written as follows for the first and second half step of the iteration n + 1: aij (Qi_lj) (n+l)/2 W ei_i (Qij) (n+1)/2 + bij (Qi+lj) (n+l)/2 __ rij __ cij (Qij-1) n - dij (iQj+l) n (12) and then cij (_Q ij-lJ _n+l -t- el.i (Qij) n÷l _ di.i (_f-'__i5+1/_n+l = ri,j _ aij (Qi-lj) (n+1)/2 - bij (Qi+lS) (n+1)/2 (13) This same scheme was applied to equations (3) and (4) to obtain the dynamic characteristics. Using the ADI method, the computer running time for one case Cone eccentricity ratio) is reduced from 1 hr to 1 to 5 min (using a 20×9 grid and a 386, 20-MHz personal computer). To decrease the total time to reach solution convergence, equation ill) can be used alone. The convergence is difficult for equation (2), (3), or (4) for bearing numbers (eq. (A-2)) greater than 10. Also, the convergence of the numerical solution is sometimes difficult when the stability of the bearing is analyzed, especially at high bearing numbers. One possibility to improve the convergence is to use a relaxation technique: (14) qn-t-1 __+ _Qn+l _{_ ( I -- )_) Qn where A=0--+ 1 A second possibility is to convert the dimensions of the grid from a large one (e.g., from Q NxM = 40x33 or 30x25 or 20x17), used to compute the steady-state component Q0 of the variable (eq. (A-7)) and the derivatives of Q0 and h0, to a small one (e.g., 10x9) and then to compute the dynamic components Q1 and Q2 of the variable Q. LIEBMANN'S ITERATIVE SOLUTION The discretization of the Reynolds equation results in a large linear system of equations that needs to be solved. For example, a 20 by 9 grid involves 180 linear algebraic equations like equation (10). There are a maximum of five unknown terms per line in equation (10). For a large-sized grid, many of the terms will be zero. For such a sparse system, the elimination methods waste significant computer memory to store zeros. To avoid these difficulties, the LIS method (ref. 7) can be used as an alternative to ADI. In this technique equation (10) is expressed as Rij - Aij Qi-lj - Bij Qi+lj - Cij Qij-1 - Dij Qij+l (15) Qij : EiJ and solved iteratively for j = 1 to N and i = 1 to M. Because equation (10) is diagonally dominant for most of the bearing running conditions, this procedure will eventually converge to a stable solution. Note that the coefficients C, D, and E depend on the value of the variable Q from the previous iteration. As with the ADI method, a relaxation technique can be used to improve the convergence of this method. The relaxation coefficient, A, can be variable and under control of the maximum error for each iterationstepcalculatedas (16) ¢hnax-Max for (17) i= 1--,M, j = 1-* N One of the most difficult cases regarding the convergence is the hybrid, compressible-fluid, film bearing. This case balances the flow through the supply restriction system with the flow through the fluid film to calculate the downstream pressure in the supply port. This requires an additional iteration loop. Also, the equation of the flow through a restriction system, like a pocketed orifice, is a combination of four relations that is a function of the type of flow (choked or unchoked) and the direction of the flow (in or out). The analysis of a hybrid, compressible fluid bearing is outlined in appendix B.

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