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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19910004142: Measurements and predictions of a liquid spray from an air-assist nozzle PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 19910004142: Measurements and predictions of a liquid spray from an air-assist nozzle

NASA Technical Memorandum 103640 ............. A!AA-9!-0692 Measurements and Predictions of a Liquid Spray From an Air-Assist Nozzle ............ Daniel L. Bulzan and Yeshayahou Levy Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio _..... and Suresh K. Aggarwal and Susheel Chitre University of Illinois at Chicago Chicago, Illinois. ........ Prepared for the 29th Aerospace Sciences Meeting sponsored by the American Society of Aeronautics and Ast_ronautics Reno, Nevada, January 7-10, 1991 ____r N91-13455 (NAKA-TM-IO364u) MEASUREMENTS AND PR_OICTIONS UF A LI_UIO SPRAY FROM AN AI_-ASbIST NOZZLE (NASA) 12 p CSCL 21F unclls G3/07 O3i794_5 MEASURF_NTS ANDPREDICTIONS OF A LIQUID SPRAY FROMANAIR-ASSIST NOZZLE Daniel L. Bulzan* and Yeshayahou Levy** NASA Lewis Research Center Cleveland, Ohio 44135 and Suresh K. Aggarwal_ and Susheel Chitre* The University of Illinois at Chicago Chicago, Illinois 60680 Abstract S source term Droplet size and velocity and gas velocity Sp source term due to droplets were measured in a water spray using a two- component Phase/Doppler Particle Analyzer. A com- t time plete set of measurements was obtained at axial locations from 5 to 50 cm downstream of the noz- te eddy lifetime zle. The nozzle used was a simple axisymmetric air-assist nozzle. The sprays produced, using the u axial velocity atomizer, were extremely fine. Sauter mean diame- ters were less than 20 _m at all locations. Meas- Vj volume of computational cell ) urements were obtained for droplets ranging from l to 50 /._. The gas phase was seeded with micron v radial velocity sized droplets, and droplets having diameters of 1.4 _ and less were used to represent gas-phase w angular velocity properties. _easurements were compared with predic- tions from a multi-phase computer model. Initial x axial distance conditions for the model were taken from measure- ments at 5 cmdownstream. Predictions for both the Xp droplet position vector gas phase and the droplets showed relatively good agreement with the measurements. e rate of dissipation of turbulence kinetic energy Nomenclature p viscosity a acceleration of gravity _t turbulent viscosity Ci constants in turbulence model p density Cd drag coefficient _i turbulent Prandtl/Schmidt number d nozzle diameter 0 generic property dp droplet diameter k turbulence kinetic energy qXp relative path length of droplets in an eddy Vtp droplet residence time in an eddy Le dissipation length scale of eddy Subscri_: mp droplet mass c centerIine quantity n number of droplet groups o initial axial location ni number of droplets per unit time in group i p droplet property Re Reynolds number = ambient condition r radial distance Superscripts: *Aerospace Engineer, member AIAA. ( )' fluctuating quantity *'NRC Research Associate, on leave from Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, (-) time averaged value Israel_ member AIAA. Associate professor, Dept. of Mechanical (*) vector quantity Engineering, member AIAA. _'Graduate student, Dept. of Mechanical (~) Favre averaged value Engineering. Copyright © 1990 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. No copyright is asserted in the United States under Title 17, U.S. Code. The U.S. Govern- ment has a royalty-free license to exercise all rights under the copyright claimed herein for Governmental purposes. All other rights are re_rved by the copyright owner. Introduction measured drop size in the jet using only the seeder was 1.5 pm. For the results reported in the present Spray nozzles have many important applications paper, the air and water flowrates were 2.25 and and have been the subject of considerable research. 0.49 g/s, respectively. The objective of the present investigation was to obtain measurements of droplet size, velocity, and All measurements were performed using a two- volume flux and gas velocity in the flowfield of a component Phase/Doppler Particle Analyzer. Previous simple atomizer and compare their values with pre- studies describing this instrument have been dictions from a multiphase computer model. reported in Refs. 7 and 8. The configuration cho- sen for the present experiment utilized a 2-W argon- A similar investigation was performed by Dodge ion laser, frequency shifting for both channels and Schwalb I using a pressure swirl atomizer. Most using rotating diffraction gratings, a 500 mm focal of the initial conditions for their model were esti- length focusing lens, and a 450 mm focal length mated, however, predictions were shown not to be receiving lens. Light was collected 30° off-axis very sensitive to initial conditions. For that in the forward direction and focused onto a slit. study, air velocities were very low in comparison For measurements at 5 and 10 cm downstream of the to droplet velocities. A single-component Phase/ nozzle, a 50 _ wide slit was used. The remainder Doppler instrument was used for the measurements. of the measurements used a 100 )_mwide slit. Gener- The liquid utilized was an aircraft fuel system cal- ally, 64 ODO total samples were taken at each meas- ibration fluid (MIL-C-7024 typelI). The computer urement location. The number of validated sarapies model used for comparison with the data was the varied from about 90 to 20 percent of the total, FLUENT code. In an earlier study, reported by depending on the region of the flowfield where meas- Solomon, et al., 2 an air-atomizing nozzle operating urements were being obtained. Weasurements in loca- with nonevaporating vacuum pump oil was investi- tions near the center of the spray close to the gated. Gas-phase velocities were measured with a injector exit where number densities were extremely standard LDA system. Droplet size and velocity high and velocities were also high showed the larg- were measured using a double-flash shadow photo- est number of signal rejections. Regions downstream graphic method. Droplet fluxes were measured using of the nozzle where the spray was not as dense and an isokinetic sampling probe. Experimental measure- velocities lower had much higher validation rates. ments were compared with predictions from three two- Droplet diameters ranging from I to 50 pm were meas- phase flow models. ured. Velocity measurements are reported for drop- let diameters of 4, 11, 18, and 25 pm. Gas-phase Other experimental spray studies using a velocities are obtained from measurements of drop- Phase/Doppler instrument are reported in Refs. 3 lets with diameters of 1.4 pm or less, A traverse and 4. Measurements are presented for both droplet across the entire spray was performed at each axial and gas-phase velocities. Presser and Semerjian 5 measurement station. also report a spray study using an ensemble light scattering technique. No gas-phase measurements Theoretical Methods are presented. A recent study is reported in Ref. 6 describing Phase/Doppler measurements of a water The analysis is limited to steady, axisymmet- spray in a swirling flowfield. Both gas phase and ric, dilute, nonevaporating, droplet-laden, non- droplet measurements are reported. swirling, turbulent jets in an infinite stagnant medium. The boundary-layer approximations are Experimental Methods adopted in conjunction with a k-¢ turbulence model for closure. The assumptions for the continu- The sprays were directed vertically downward ous phase are identical to those reported in Ref. 9. within a large enclosure (1.8 by 1.8 by 2.4 m high}. Favre-averaged equations {equivalent to time- The air-assist nozzle could be traversed vertically averaged in this case} govern the variation of mean within the enclosure while the enclosure and nozzle axial and radial velocities, turbulent kinetic could be traversed together in two horizontal direc- energy, and rate of dissipation of turbulent kinetic tions. This arrangement allowed rigid mounting energy. With these assumptions, the governing equa- of all optical instrumentation used during the tions for the gas phase can be expressed in the fol- study. The flow downstream impinged upon a screen lowing general form: located I m below the measurement plane to remove larger droplets and allow smaller droplets to be used as seeding for the ambient air. The air-assist nozzle is shown in Fig. 1. The inside diameter of the liquid tube was 0.39 ram and the orifice for the nozzle was 3.18 mm. This noz- + S) + Sp,¢ (I) zle was selected because it is relatively simple and does not utilize a swirler for atomization. The parameters @, and S6 appearing in Eq. (1), Water was used for the liquid spray and was supplied as well as empirical constants used, are listed in using a tank pressurized with nitrogen to provide a Table I. steady flowrate without pressure oscillations. Liq- uid flowrates were measured using a mass flowmeter. The turbulent viscosity was calculated as: Air flowrates were measured using a 1.27 tm diame- ter critical-flow orifice. The air flowrate was _ k2 -- (2} controlled by regulating upstream pressure of the _t " C p c air. The atomizing air was seeded with micron sized droplets supplied from a Norgren lubricator. Boundary conditions for Eq. (1) are: The fluid used for the seeding was Rosco fog fluid, typically used for smoke generators. The average r - 0'@a-r'=¢--o; r-,®, , - ,® (3) where, ni is the number of particles per unit time in each group. The calculations for the continuous phase were performed using a modified version of Initial conditions were obtained from the meas- Genmix. 11 The computational grid utilized has urements obtained at 5 cm downstream of the nozzle. 33 cross-stream grid nodes and streamwise step size ro was calculated from the definition of a turbu- was limited to 2 percent of the current flow width lent length scale and is given as follows: or an entrainment increase of 2 percent - whichever was smaller. For the droplet calculations, t9 200 c = C k3/2 (4) droplet groups were tracked through the flowfield. o _ -U'- Results and Discussion where L was taken as 8 percent of the flow width at that axial location. Initial values of w' Axial Profiles were assumed to be equal to measured values of v'. The variation of centerline values with axial The computation of the liquid phase is based distance are illustrated in Fig. 2(a) to (e}. Both on the solution of Lagrangian equations of motion measurements and predictions are presented for axi- for a statistically significant number of repre- al veLocities of both gas and liquid phases. As sentative droplet groups. Major assumptions for illustrated in Fig. 2{a) to (d), axial velocities the droplet trajectory calculations are: quasi- at 5 cm downstream of the nozzle are fairly high, steady gas phase, no droplet-droplet interaction, ranging from 80 m/s for the gas phase to 93 m/s for and use of a solid-sphere drag law. With these the 25 lam drops. As measured, the droplets had assumptions, the position and velocity of each drop- higher velocities than the gas at this axial loca- let group can be found by integrating: tion. Axial velocities decay very quickly from 5 to 20 cm downstream of the nozzle for both the gas phase and the three droplet sizes shown. Results for the 4 _u_ droplets were almost identical to the gas phase and are not shown. Even though the drop- let size is relatively small, larger droplets pos- 3pCD "_(ui-Upi -,U .,pl ai (B) sess higher axial velocities at distances less than 20 cm from the nozzle. At distances greater than about 20 cm, velocity differences between droplet sizes are considerably reduced. As illustrated in where i = I. 2, 3 for each one of the Cartesian Fig. 2, predictions from the model for axial center- coordinates and the velocities shown in these equa- line velocities are in reasonably good agreement tions are instantaneous velocities. The drag coef- with the measurements. _t downstream distances of ficient was calculated as follows: 5 and 10 cm, the centerline measurements presented for the 25 _m droplets are based on less than 50 24 Re2/3" samples, consequently they should be used with cau- Re < I000; tion. Sample sizes for the 18 pm and smaller drops were adequate at all downstream locations. At lar- ger downstream distances, centerline measurements CD = 0.44, Re Z I000 (7) for the 25 gm droplets are based on at least 2000 samples. Figure 2(e) presents the axial centerline The effects of turbulent gas phase fluctuations profile of turbulence kinetic energy for the gas on droplet traiectory are incorporated using a sto- phase, normalized by the local centerline axial chastic separated-flow (SSF} model. The interaction between turbulence and droplets is considered by velocity. For the experimental values, since only u' and v' were measured, it was assumed that w' using a random-walk technique. Each group of drop- lets interacts with a succession of turbulent was equal to v'. The increase of normalized turbu- eddies. The interaction time is taken tobethe lent kinetic energy with axial distance is initially overpredicted, however, predictions show better minimum of either the eddy lifetime or the transit agreement with the measurements at increasing axial time for the droplet to cross the eddy. Properties distances from the injector. No attempt was made of each eddy are found by making a random selection from the pdf of velocity. Instantaneous eddy veloc- to account for the modification of the gas-phase ity is calculated assuming velocity fluctuations turbulence by the droplets. are isotropic with a Gaussian pdf having a most Radial Profiles probable value found from the local mean velocity and a variance of 2k/3. Details of the procedure can be found in Refs. 2 and 10. The interaction Radial profiles of spray properties at 10 cm downstream are illustrated in Fig. 3(a) to (f}. between the droplets and the gas phase yields source terms in the governing equations for conser- Results are presented for the 18 _m diameter drop- lets and the continuous phase. Radial profiles for vation of momentum. They are found by Computing the the other droplet sizes were similar except for the net change in momentum as each droplet group i fluctuating quantities, which will be discussed passes through a computational cell j and is given as follows: later. Gas phase radial profiles of mean axial velocity, k, and u'v' are shown in Fig. 3(a) to (c), Centerline axial velocity has decayed to n about 43 m/s and is underpredicted by about 20 per- cent. Centerline k and peak values of u'v' are Sp,uj = V.l-1 _]nimp,i(u p .lin - Up,.Lout} j (81 i=l somewhat overpredicted at this axial location, how- tions for mean axial velocity and fluctuating ever the jet width is fairly well predicted. Pre- radial velocity show quite good agreement with the dicted and measured radial profiles of mean axial measurements. Predictions of fluctuating axial velocity, and fluctuating axial and radial veloci- velocity again are lower than the measurements, how- ties of 18 _m diameter droplets are illustrated in ever, the differences are decreasing as axial dis- Fig. 3(d) to (f). Again, the peak axial velocity tance increases and axial velocity decreases. is underpredicted, but only by about 10 percent. Fluctuating axial velocities are substantially Radial profiles at the largest axial downstream greater than fluctuating radial velocities at this measurement location of 50 cm are presented in axial location. Predicted values of fluctuating Fig. 6(a) to (f). As illustrated in Fig. 6(a) axial velocity show lower values than the measure- to (c), predictions of gas phase radial properties ments, while fluctuating radial values agree reason- show fairly good agreement with the measurements at ably well with the measurements. This is due to this location, although k is still underpredicted, the assumption of isotropic fluctuating velocities especially near the centerline. The data show a in the model, while measured axial fluctuating slight shift to the positive r direction of about velocities were larger than radial fluctuating 2 mm at this axial location. This is probably due velocities. The predicted values show some scatter to a slight misallignment between the nozzle axis in the profiles. Predictions for the 18 _m droplets and the gravity vector which is more evident at were obtained using 4800 droplet groups. Increasing larger axial distances. Radial profiles for the 18 the number of droplet groups would result in tan diameter drops are presented in Fig. 6(d) to smoother radial profiles, Larger droplets showed (f). Centerline mean axial droplet velocity has larger fluctuating axial velocities than smaller decayed to slightly less than 10 m/s at this axial droplets near the centerline at this axial location, location. Fluctuating radial velocity is still however, this may be due to the fact that fewer smaller than fluctuating axial velocity, however, larger droplets are found at the center of the spray the flow becomes more isotropic. Predicted values and the sample size may not be large enough. An show the same distribution trends as the measure- examination of the complete data set showed that ments, but values are on the order of 20 percent larger droplets consistently showed lower fluctuat- lower than the measurements. ing radial velocities across the entire width of the spray than smaller droplets. This was also Radial profiles for the 4, 11, and 25 pm shown by the predictions. Fluctuating radial veloc- droplets are not presented. Results for the 4 ities are important for turbulent dispersion of the droplets are almost identical to the gas phase. droplets since they are larger than the mean radial The results for the 11 tan droplets are somewhere velocities in the present spray, between the gas phase and the 18 lam droplets. The 25 t_m droplets show larger differences between the Radial profiles at 20 cm downstream of the noz- drops and the gas phase, but there are relatively zle are illustrated in Fig. 4(a) to (f). Results few of these in the spray, especially near the cen- are again presented for the gas phase and 18 ter of the jet near the nozzle. diameter droplets. Figure 4(a) to (c) presents gas phase measurements and predictions of mean axial Conclusions velocity, k, and u'v---v. The centerline gas veloci- ty has decayed to about 22 m/s from the value of A complete set of measurements and predictions 80 m/s measured at 5 cm d6wnstream of the nozzle. of both the gas phase and droplets have been pre- The predictions agree reasonably well Wit_ the meas- sented for a water spray spraying downward into urements; the centerline is underpredicted by. about stagnanant surroundings. The flow geometry was 6 percent. Radial profiles of k and also u'v' kept relatively simple so that an axisymmetric, par- show fairly good agreement with the measurements at abolic, computer model could be used. _ajor conclu- this axial location, although k is underpredicted. sions from the study are listed as follows: Radial profiles of the 18 _ droplets are presented in Fig. 4(d) to (f). Even at 20 cm downstream of 1. Axial centerline velocity decay with dis- the nozzle, mean axial velocities of the droplets tance downstream of the nozzle was reasonably well are slightly, hut consistently, larger than the gas predicted for both the gas phase and the droplets. phase. Peak centerline velocity is underpredicted For the 18 Vm diameter droplets, droplet mean axial by about 4 percent, however values elsewhere show velocities decayed from 86 m/s at 5 cm downstream very good agreement with the measurements. Fluctu- of the nozzle to 9 m/s at 50 cm downstream. The ating axial and radial velocities of the 18 _m drop- gas phase decayed from 80 m/s at 5 cm to 9 m/s at lets again show effects of anisotropic velocity 50 cm downstream of the nozzle. fluctuations, but are reduced here compared to val- ues observed at I0 cm downstream of the nozzle. 2. Predicted radial profiles of mean properties Predicted radial fluctuating velocities agree with for both the gas phase and the droplets showed rela- the measurements, while axial fluctuating veIoci- tively good agreement with the measurements at all ties are still lower than the measurements. axial stations. Better agreement was obtained as axial distance increased, Profiles at 30 Cm downstream are shown in Fig. 5(a} to (f) for both the gas phase and the 18 3. For the 18 pm droplets, fluctuating axial pm droplets, Gas phase axial centerline velocity velocities were underpredicted while fluctuating has decayed to about 14 m/s. Predictions of mean radial velocities generally showed good agreement _xial velocity show excellent agreement with the with the measurements. This was probably caused by mea.__..ssuremeanttsthis location. Gas phase k and the isotropic assumption of the SSF model. u'v' arealso shown, where some scatter is evident in the u'v' data. The reason for the scatter is 4. The spray produced by the nozzle was very probably due to a measurement inaccuracy at this axisymmetric making it useful for comparison with location, Droplet profiles at this axial location model predictions. are also presented for the 18 _ droplets. Predic- References 7. 8achalo, W.9., Rudoff. R.C., and Houser, M.J., "Laser gelocimetry in Turbulent Flow Fields: 1. Dodge, E.G., and Schwalb, ].A., "Fuel Spray Evo- Particle Response,' M&t-Paper 87-0118, Jan. lution: Comparison of Experiment and CFD 1987. Simulation of Nonevaporating Spray," Journal of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 111, 1989, pp. 15-23. 8. 8achalo, W.D., Rudolf, R.C., and 8refia de La Rosa, h., "Mass Flux Measurements of a High 2. Solomon, A.S.P., Shuen, J.-S., Zhang, Q.-F., Number Density Spray System Using the Phase Dop- and Faeth, G.M., "Structure of Nonevaporating pler Particle Analyzer," AlAh-Paper 88-0236. Sprays: [. Near-Injector Conditions and Mean Jan. 1988. Properties," AIAA Journal, Vol. 23, No. 10, Oct. 1985, pp. 1548-1558. 9. Shuen, J.-S., Solomon. A.S.P., and Faeth, 6.M., "Drop-Turbulence Interactions in a Diffusion 3. McDonell, V.G., and Samuelsen, C.S., "Evolution Flame," AII_I_I_I_I_I_I_ournalV,ol. 24, Jan. 1986, of the Two-Phase Flow in the Near Field of an pp. 101-108. Air-Blast Atomizer Under Reacting and Non- Reacting Conditions," Fourth International Sym- 10. Faeth, G.M., "Evaporation and Combustion of posium on Applications of Laser /hnemometry to Sprays," Progress in Energy and Combustion Sci- Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 1988. enc._._._eVe,ol. g, _o. 1-2, 1983, pp. t-76. 4. McVey J.B., Kennedy I.B., and Russell, S., ll. Spalding, D.B., GE,'_[X: A General Computer Pro- "Fuel-Injector/Air Swirl Characterization," gram for Two-Dimensional Parabolic Phenomena NASA CR-180864, 1988. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1978. 5. Presser, C., and Semerjian, H.G., "Dynamics of Pressure-Jet and Air-Assist Nozzle Sprays: Aero- dynamic Effects," hlAA-Paper 88-3139, June 1988. 6. Brefia de la Rosa, A., Wang, G., and 8achalo, W.D., "The Effect of Swirl on the Velocity and Turbulence Fields of a Liquid Spray," ASME Paper 90-GT-32, 1990. TABLE I, - SOURCE TE_qS IN GOVERNING EQUATIONS Inside ¢ S¢ Air -k diameter, 1 0 \ 0.39 mm_ ...=..========.=..='.,.=, ========= o (8_x2 - _-_.._.'_-...:-...--C_...:._.--TC-...:..."cCTC...C_c.."..t-ic'c:_i-.-.-.-'----- .... J............. ./C] k vtk_T ) -pc ' ', I I /[\"J k_Water Nozzle // fa_2 C - 2 orifice / diameter, / 3.17 mm-/ C Cel Ce2 _k ae Figure1.--Diagram ofair-assist nozzle. 0.09 1.44 1.87 1.0 1.3 100 -- 100 i O Data n " ' _a so I I I I I o I I 1 f I (a) Gas phase. (b) 11 Micron drops. 100 -- 100 O { so t I I [ I I 1 1 I I 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 3O 40 50 X,cm X,cm (c) 18Micron drops. (d) 25 Micron drops. .15 -- O O .10 O 3z .05 I I ] 1 I 0 10 20 30 40 5O X, cm (e) Gas phase lurl0ulencekineticenergy, Figure ';'.--Axial variation ofcenterlineproperties. 5O O Data Prediction .125 4O I 0 0 0 .150 .100 3O _.O.075 -- 20 .050 I 10 .025 O O 0 o4 0¢ 0q (a) Gasphase mean axialvelocity, (to)Gas phase turbulence kinetic energy. .025 5O O .020 4O O O .015 30 L_ .010 v GI. 2O .005 O 10 O( O I I I I l _°L I I I I ° -.005 (c)Gas phase shearstress. (d) Mean axial velocity of 18 micron drops, 16-- 8 -- O 12 -- O O O O O -- O O O O O O I I I I I J I I I _t I I 0 0 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 -3( -20 -10 0 10 20 30 r,mm r.mm (e) Fluctuating axialvelocityfor 18 microndrops. (f) Fluctuatingradialvelocityfor 18 micron drops. Figure &--Radial profiles at I0 cm downstream of the nozzle. 25 .150 O Data 20 0 O0 .125 Prediction 0 .100 0000 ° 15 O ,o o,o 5 J .025 O/ I [ I _0 0- o- o-- _ o.I (a) Gasphase mean axial velocity. (b) Gas phase turbulence kineticenergy. ,025 -- 25 0 000 .020 2O .015 -- 15 .010 ,=o.10 .005 5 0 "0 O 0 -.005 I I 1 1 I I o 1 I I ] I ol (c)Gas phase shearstress. (d) Mean axial velocityof18 micron drops. 6 -- O O 0000 0 0 0 C A E A 2-- O_ 0 0 0 O O 0 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 ---60 ---40 -20 0 20 40 60 r,mm r,mm (e)Fluctuating axial velocityfor 18 micron drops. (t)Fluctuating radial velocityfor 18 micron drops. Figure4.--Radial profilesat20 cmdownstream ofthe nozzle.

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