1 Introduction Roger J. Miles and Robin A. J. Nicholas The term “mycoplasmas” is used to describe members of the genus Myco- plasma and, more generally, of the class A4oZZicute.sT.h e study of mollicutes is frequently referred to as “mycoplasmology,” and those who work with mol- licutes as “mycoplasmologists.” This has presumably arisen because work with mollicutes is generally carried out in specialist laboratories and by personnel whose scientific interests are predommantly or exclustvely associated with these organisms. There are many regional organizations as well as a long-stand- ing international organization for mycoplasmology. Such distinction is not nor- mally afforded to the study of specific bacterial groups. However, the common bond that draws together those working on diverse aspects of mollicutes and their biology is the technical difficulty of work with the organisms. Mollicutes are characterized by the absence of a cell wall and their small genome size and structural simplicity. Since they lack a cell wall, they are osmotically fragile and pleomorphic. The small genome size (<600 kbp in cer- tain Mycoplusma species) places a restriction on the number of proteins that can be coded for and, as a consequence, mollicutes possess limited metabolic activities and are dependent on a vast array of nutrients from their environ- ment. The resultant nutritional fastidiousness is a major barrier to work with mollicutes. Mollicutes are widely distributed as pathogens or commensal organisms of a wide range of plant and animal hosts, including insects. Taxonomically, they are considered sufficiently distinct from cell-walled bacteria to be placed in a separate division, Tenericutes, which has four orders and eight recognized gen- era (I). The major rmpetus for work with mollicutes has been their assocration with diseases of humans and economically important diseases of other animals and plants. However, because they lack a cell wall and their membrane compo- From. Methods m Molecular Ebology, Vol 104 Mycoplasma Protocols Edlted by. R J Miles and R A J Nicholas 0 Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ 2 Miles and Nicholas sltion may be modified by alterations in the growth medium, they are valuable organisms in which to study cell membrane structure and function. Importantly, the genomes of Mycoplasma genitalium and Mycoplasma pneumoniae have been fully sequenced (2,3), and sequencing of the Ureaplasma urealytzcum genome 1s almost complete (4). The small genome size, particularly m M genitalium (580 kbp), suggests that these organisms ought to became major targets of attention m attempts to obtain a complete understanding between genome sequence and cellular structure and function. However, the extent to which evolution toward a reduction m genome size has been accompanied by greater sophistication in genome orgamzatlon and the multiplicity of enzyme function (see Chapter 10) remains to be seen. This volume is primarily concerned with those molhcutes of medical and veterinary significance (see Chapters 2 and 3). These are frequently associated with protracted respiratory, arthritic, and urogenital diseases and belong to the genera Acholeplasma, Mycoplasma, and Ureaplasma, the most important of which IS Mycoplasma with more than 100 species. The methods described are concerned with the detection, isolation, identification, and characterization of pathogenic molhcutes and the genetic and molecular techniques that will form the basis of understanding pathogenicity and might be applied to the develop- ment of vaccines. The detection of mollicutes in tissue-cell cultures, which are essential in many areas of medicine m relation to viral diagnosis, antibody and vaccine production, and research, is also considered (see Chapters 23 and 24). General methods previously described for use with cell-walled bacteria, and that can be adapted for studies of molhcutes with little or no modification, are not included. A major aspect of disease diagnosis 1st he lsolatlon of target organisms. The particularly fastidious nature of molhcutes makes this a difficult task for many species, and lsolatlon and culture media are considered m Chapters 4-7. The crucial importance of medium quality control in diagnostic and regulatory labo- ratories is stressed in Chapter 8. All of the media described are undefined. Defined media have been described for a small number of Acholeplasma and Mycoplasma strains (5); however, these are not of practical value in isolation. The achievement of defined media capable of growing clinical isolates would be an important step forward in enabling the systematic study of nutritional requirements and development of improved media. However, the problem appears enormous, smce It is not only necessary to provide all of the essential nutrients in available forms, but also to balance the concentrations of unknown combinations of nutrients that share common uptake mechanisms (6). An important point in relation to medmm design and selection is that we may not at the present time be fully aware of the true role of mollicutes in disease because of slow-growing or currently unculturable types. Characteristics of Introduction 3 the relatively newly isolated human species,M ycoplasma spermatophzlum, are the difficulty of its isolation on primary culture and its slow growth rate (2-3 wk for colony development) (7). The identification of mollicutes, following initial isolation, may be achieved by a variety of methods. Immunological methods (see Chapters 12-15) are the most widely used in routine laboratories, although there are many examples of serologtcal crossreacttons, for example, among the “Mycoplasma mycoldes” cluster (8). There has been recent concern over the validity of unmunological detection methods based on the use of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), smce it 1s now evident that many antigenic surface proteins are variably expressed. However, since all methods are (presumably) evaluated against a wide range of test strains, the use of antibody preparations against such proteins is readily avoided. Both MAbs and polyclonal antibodies can also be used in the direct detection of mollicutes, by staming techniques, in fixed tissues (see Chapter 16). Btochemical characteristtcs (Chapters 9-l 1) are useful in restricting the range of possible target species for confirmation by immunological methods. They may also have a significant role to play in the subdivtsion of existmg taxonomic groups, especially If it IS possible to associate biochemical features with pathogenicity. A possible example is the association of glycerol-oxidtz- ing ability m M mycoides subspecies mycoides (small colony) SC with Afri- can and Australian tsolates, but not wtth the apparently less-virulent European isolates (9) (see Chapter 11). Analysis of the distribution of msertion sequences in genomes may also distinguish subspecific groups (see Chapter 22). Genetic methods (Chapters 17-22) for the identification and characteriza- tion of mollicutes include polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques, rRNA sequence analysis, RAPD fingerprmting, and DNA-DNA hybrtdtzation. rRNA sequence analysis 1s particularly useful m the identification of species from unusual hosts and in establishing new species. DNA-DNA hybridization has also been used to establish taxonomic groups within Mollicutes, for example, the subspecies ofkfycoplasma capricolum (10). PCR has been widely applied m identification, and probes are available for a diverse range of mollicute spe- cies, including the major species associated with the contaminatton of tissue- cell cultures. However, we have included only a single representative PCR methodology (for M mycoides subspecies mycozdesS C, see Chapter 19). An important aspect of PCR techniques is that they may enable the detection of target mollicutes in clinical isolates, without the need to culture the organisms. A major aim of medical research IS to understand the molecular basis of pathogenesis and so develop strategies for combating disease.T his understand- ing will require the use of a range of techniques to identtfy and manipulate the expression of target genes. Techniques for transformation and transposon mutagenesis are described in Chapters 25 and 26. Also, although transduction 4 Miles and Nicholas systems have not yet been reported, extrachromosomal elements have been demonstrated in certain species,a nd procedures for their identification are thus given (see Chapter 27). The posslblllty that in certain cases, pathogeniclty might be enhanced by the presence of extrachromosomal elements, as m some cell-walled bacteria, should not be discounted. An area currently attracting con- siderable research interest is the identification of antlgenic surface proteins, since this may lead to the development of vaccines based on their structure. The separation and characterization of membrane proteins (see Chapters 30 and 3 I), particularly those mvolved in adhesion to host cells (see Chapters 32 and 33), is a key step in the development of such vaccines. However, their commercial production IS likely to require cloning of the relevant gene(s) and protein expression in rapidly growing mollicutes or cell-walled bacteria, such as Acholeplasma laidlawli and Eschenchia colt (see Chapters 28 and 29). A major difficulty in obtaining expression in these organisms is that m Myco- plasma, Ureaplasma, and Spiroplasma, the UGA codon IS used as a tryptophan codon rather than a stop codon. This brief review of the contents has attempted only to put the techniques to be described into context, since the aim of the volume IS simply to provide a detailed series of protocols of current relevance to human and veterinary medl- tine. A collection of general reviews on the pathogenicity and molecular biol- ogy of molllcutes was last published in 1992 (II). References 1. International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology Subcommittee on the Tax- onomy of Molluzutes (1995) Revised minimum standards for the description of new species of the class Mollicutes (Divlston Tenencutes). Int J Syst. Bacterlol 45,605-612. 2. Fraser, C. M., Gocayne, J. D , White, 0 , Adams, M. D , Clayton, R A. Fleischmann, R. D., et al. (1995) The mmlmal gene complement of MycopZasma genltalium. Science 270,397-403 3, Himmelreich, R , Hllbert, H., Plagens, H , Pirkl, E , Li, B. C , and Herrmann, R. (1996) Complete sequence analysis of the genome of the bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Nucleic Acids Res. 2444204449. 4. Glass, J. I., Glass, J. S., Lefiowitz, E. J., Chen, E. Y , and Cassell, G. H. (1996) The ureaplasma genome project microfactory DNA sequencing of a mlcroblal genome. IOM Lett. 4, 12. 5. Rodwell, A. W. (1983) Defined and partly defined media, m Methods in Mycoplasmology, vol 1 (Razm, S. and Tully, J. G , eds.), Academic, New York, pp. 163-172. 6. Miles, R. J. (1992) Cell nutrition and growth, in Mycoplasmas Molecular Bzol- ogv andPathogenesw (Mamloff, J., McElhaney, R. N., Finch, L. R., and Baseman, J. B., eds.), American Society for Microblology, Washington, DC, pp. 23-69 lntroductron 5 7. Hill, A. C. (1991) Mycoplasma spermatophzlum, a new species isolated from human spermatozoa and cervix. Int. J. Syst. Bacterial 41,229-233 8 Cottew, G. S., Breard, A., Da Massa, A. J , Ema, H , Leach, R H., Lefevre, P. C., et al. (1987) Taxonomy of the Mycoplasma mycoides cluster. Isr J Med Sci 23, 632-635. 9 Houshaymi, B. M., Miles, R. J., and Nicholas, R. A. J. (1997) Oxidation of glyc- erol differentiates African from European isolates of Mycoplasma mycoldes sub- species mycoides SC (small colony). Vet Record 140, 182,183 10 Bonnet, F , Saillard, C., BovB, J M., Leach, R. H., Rose, D L., Cottew, G. S., et al. (1993) DNA relatedness between field isolates of Mycoplasma F38 group, the agent of contagious caprme pleuropneumoma, and strains of Mycoplasma capncolum. Int. J Syst Bactenol 43, 597-602. 11. Maniloff, J., McElhaney, R. N., Finch, L. R., and Baseman, J B. (1992) Myco- plasmas* Molecular Biology and Pathogenesls. American Society for Microblol- ogy, Washington DC. 2 Medical Significance of Mycoplasmas Paul Taylor 1. Introduction Mycoplasmas were first isolated from humans m 1937 (I), although it was not until 195 1 (2) that selective media were used to identify mycoplasmas in the oropharynx. In 1962, an ettological lmk was established between what we now know to be Mycoplasmapneumoniae and caseso f primary atypical pneu- monia (3). Other mycoplasmas have been isolated from predommantly respua- tory and genito-urinary sites. These are outlined m Table 1. A number of other mycoplasmas have been isolated infrequently from hu- mans. These Include: Mycoplasmaprimatum, which has been isolated from the gemto-urinary tract, Mycoplasma spermatophilum, which has been isolated from human sperm and cervical specimens; Mycoplasma pwum, which has been isolated from peripheral blood lymphocytes from patients with AIDS; Mycoplasmapenetrans, which has been isolated from the urine of patients with AIDS; and Mycoplasma fermentans This latter mycoplasma was originally isolated from the genital tract of ~1% of asymptomatic adults, but it has also been isolated from other sites after nnmunosuppression of the host and detected by the polymerase cham reaction (PCR) in synovial fluid from patients with rheumatoid arthritis (4). 2. Mycoplasma pneumoniae 2.1. History The term primary atypical pneumonia (PAP) was first applied to penicillin- and sulfonamide-resistant chest mfections in 1938 (5) m order to distinguish the gradual nature of the clinical course from that of a “typical” pneumonia caused by, for example, Streptococcuspneumonzae. In subsequent years, Eaton and coworkers demonstrated the infectious nature of these PAP agents m labo- From Methods m Molecular Bology, Vol 104 Mycoplasma Protocols Edlted by R J Miles and R A J Nicholas 0 Humana Press Inc , Totowa, NJ 7 Taylor Table 1 Mycoplasmas Isolated from Humans Location Occurrence 0, oropharynx; + Rare, R, respiratory; ++ Common, Species GU, genito-urinary +++ Widespread M pneumonlae R + M genitalium GU + R + U urealyticum GU ++ M homrnis GU ++ 0 + M buccale 0 -I- M faucium 0 + M. lipophrlum 0 + M. orale 0 +++ M salwarium 0 +++ M fermentans Joints -I- ratory animals (6). This classical work has been reviewed and placed in con- text (7). Eaton’s agent, as it became known, was compared with bovine pleu- ropneumoma by Marmion and Goodburn (8) and was finally cultured on inanimate media (3). The designation AL pneumoniae was applted to this or- ganism by an international group of mycoplasma scientists m 1963 (9). 2.2. Clinical Presentation Infection with A4 pneumonzae, particularly m young children, may be sub- clinical or very mild, such as a self-limitmg upper respiratory infection. Pro- gression to more severe symptoms, such as pneumonia, may occur in childhood but is more common in young adults. The initial presenting symptoms of A.4 pneumoniae infection after a 2-3 wk incubation period may include some or all of the following: cough (frequently dry and nonproductive), fever, mal- aise, chills, sore throat, and headache. Subsequent development of symptoms may result m pneumonia in about 3-10% of cases or tracheobronchitts in the majority (70%) of cases, although pharyngitis and myrmgitis may also occur. Asymptomatic infections account for about 20% of cases. Most respiratory symptoms of44 pneumoniae resolve withm 4-6 wk. In some cases, however, secondary bacterial infections may occur, especially with Haemophilus zrtfluenzae (10). If such secondary infections remam unrecogmzed, this may lead to subsequent bronchiectasis or other pulmonary abnormalities. Medical Significance 9 There are a number of other less frequent complications of M pneumoniae infection that occur outside the lung. Up to 7% of patients have complications involving the central nervous system (CNS), including meningoencephalitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, hemiplegia, and acute psychosis. These CNS infec- tions may have a 10% mortality rate with about one third of patients being left with permanent or persistent neurological deficit. Approximately 3% of cases also have sequelae affecting the skin, including: Stevens-Johnson syndrome, erythema multiforme minor, and erythema nodosum. Sequelae that affect the ear Include bullous myringltis, otitis media, and otitis externa. Other nonspe- cific side effects of infection include hemolytic anemia, conJunctivitis, rheu- matic fever, and arthritis. 2.3. Epidemiology Although A4. pneumoniae is a continual source of respiratory infections throughout the year, there is a predominance of outbreaks m winter months. In the UK, there IS a 4-yr periodicity of epidemics. Overall A4 pneumonzae accounts for about 15% of community acquired pneumomas, whereas in closed populations, such as military training camps, up to 50% of casesm ay be owing to this pathogen. In family outbreaks, the mfection rate m children may be as high as 8 1% (11). It has been demonstrated (12) that there are two groups of Ad.p neumoniae that differ in the amino acid composition of the P 1 adhesm, which is necessary for adherence to epithehal cells of the respiratory tract. These subtypes may be responsible for different virulence potentials. M. pneumoniae has been isolated from genito-urinary specimens from female patients attending a gynecological clinic (13) and from the urethra of one of three male sexual partners. This suggestst he most likely mode of trans- mission is through orogenital contact. 2.4. Therapy Tetracyclines and erythromycm both reduce diseases everity ofM pneumoniae infection when started soon after the onset of disease.T he newer macrohdes, such as clarithromycin and azithromycin, have some major advantages for A4.p neu- monzaet herapy including increased tolerability and lower daily dosage. Despite chemotherapy, the organism can still be recovered from the respiratory tract for up to 3 mo (14), which demonstratest he bacteriostatic nature of therapy. 3. Mycoplasma genitalium 3.1. History M genitalium was first isolated in 198 1 (15’ from the urethras of 3 of 13 men with nongonococcal urethritis (NGU). Its association with the respiratory 10 Taylor tract was demonstrated by a retrospective survey of samples from which M. pneumoniae had already been isolated (16). There are a number of common properties between M. genitalium and hf. pneumonzae, mcludmg similar blo- chemical characteristics, the presence of a tip attachment structure, and sero- logical crossreactions, which makes the interpretation of diagnostic serological tests for A4 pneumoniae very difficult. 3.2. Clinical Presentation Since isolation from clinical samples is very difficult, the ultrasensitlve detection of genomlc sequences by PCR has been used to discover A4. genz- talzum m the lower genital tract of 20% of women attending a genito-urinary medicme (GUM) clinic (17). PCR also detected M. genztalium DNA in male GUM patients with nonchlamydlal urethrltis (17/99, 17%) significantly more frequently than m men with chlamydial urethritis (18). Culture or DNA probes have detected 44. genztalium m up to 30% of men with NGU. PCR has also been used to detect A4 genitalium DNA in eight urethral samples and four brochoalveolar lavage samples of which three also contained hf. pneumoniae DNA (19). A4.g enitalium has been detected by PCR m synovlal fluids from two patients, one with Reiter’s and the other with arthritis (20). 3.3. Therapy The antibiotic sensitivity of 44. genztalium has been shown to be very slml- lar to that of M. pneumoniae (21) with inhibition shown by tetracyclines, macrohdes, and quinolones, especially sparfloxacm. 4. Ureaplasma urealyticum 4.1. History The term T (tiny) strain mycoplasmas was mltlally applied as a result of the very small colonies that appeared on supplemented agar containing urea as substrate. They were first described by Shepard (22) from men with primary and recurrent NGU. This mycoplasma was ultimately classified as a new genus and species U urealyticum (23). 4.2. Clinical Presentation See Table 2. 4.3. Epidemiology U. urealyticum has been detected in the cervix or vagina of between 40 and 80% of sexually mature, asymptomatlc women and at a slightly lower rate m the urethra of sexually active men (28).