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1 Multi-view learning for multivariate performance measures optimization Jim Jing-Yan Wang Abstract—Inthispaper,weproposetheproblemofoptimizing byformulatingtheproblemorhigh-dimensionaldata,and multivariate performance measures from multi-view data, and employingatwo-layercuttingplanealgorithmtosolveit. 5 an effective method to solve it. This problem has two features: Moreover, this method is also used in multiple-instance 1 the data points are presented by multiple views, and the target 0 of learning is to optimize complex multivariate performance learning problems. 2 measures.Weproposetolearnalineardiscriminantfunctionsfor Up to now, all these multivariate methods are limited to each view, and combinethemto constructa overall multivariate n learn from data with single view. However, in many real- mappingfunctionformult-viewdata.Tolearntheparametersof a worldmachinelearningproblems,thedatacanbepresentedby J the linear discriminant functions of different views to optimize multivariateperformancemeasures,weformulateaoptimization multipleviews.Forexample,incomputervisionproblems,we 6 problem.Inthisproblem,weproposetominimizethecomplexity can extract different types of features, such as color features, 1 of the linear discriminant functions of each view, encourage the texture features, and shape features, and each feature can be consistencesoftheresponsesofdifferentviewsoverthesamedata ] treated as a view. In scientific article classification problems, G points,andminimizetheupperboundaryofagivenmultivariate we can also learn from the views of article abstract, content, performance measure. To optimize this problem, we employ the L cutting-planemethodinaniterativealgorithm.Ineachiteration, and references. Differentviews of data may be complemental . weupdateasetofconstrains,andoptimizethemappingfunction to each other in a learning problem and using multiple views s c parameter of each view one by one. hasbeenapopularstrategyinmachinelearningcommunity.To [ IndexTerms—Multivariateperformancemeasures,Multi-view learn from multiple views of data, different multi-view learn- 2 learning, Cutting-plane algorithm ing methods have been proposed [4], [5], [6], [7]. However, v noneofthemaredesignedtooptimizedaspecificmultivariate 6 I. INTRODUCTION performance measure. 8 7 DIFFERENT multivariate performancemeasures are used To overcome this problem, in this paper, we propose the 3 to evaluate different machine learning applications [1]. problem of learning from multiple view data to optimize 0 the multivariate performance measures. Given a tuple of data For example, in problems of text classification, F1-score and 1. precision/recallbreakevenpoint(PRBEP)areusedtocompare points, each of them are presented with multiple views. The 0 true class labels against predicted class labels of a given test problem is to learn a multivariate mapping function to map 5 them to a tuple of class labels, so thatthe multivariateperfor- textset.Inimageretrievalproblems,theprecision/recallatthe 1 mance measures can be optimized. To solve this problem, we : top k returned images are used to evaluate the performance v proposed a novel method for multi-view learning to optimize of a retrieval system. Recently, the problem of multivariate i multivariate performance measures. The contribution of this X performance measures optimization are proposed to learn di- paper are of two folds: r rectlytolossesbasedonpre-definedmultivariateperformance a measures. Many algorithms have been proposed to solve this 1) We propose the problem of multi-view learning for problem, and some examples are listed as follows. multivariate performance measures. Although there are • Joachims[1] proposeda supportvectormachine(SVM)- plenty of multivariate performance measures optimiza- based for multivariate nonlinear performance measures tionmethods,theyarelimitedtosingleviewdata.There optimizationproblems.Theproposedalgorithmcan train are also lots of multi-view learning methods, however, a multivariate SVM in polynomial time for large classes none of them are proposed to optimize multivariate of potentially non-linear performance measures. More- performance measures. over,the traditionalSAM can be arised as a special case 2) We also propose a novel method to solve this problem. of this method. We proposedtolearna lineardiscriminantfunctionsfor • Li et al. [2] proposed a two-step approach to opti- eachview,andcombinethemtoconstructaoverallmul- mizemultivariateperformancemeasures,byfirsttraining tivariatemappingfunctiontopredicttheclasslabeltuple a nonlinear classifiers with existing learning methods, ofatupleofdatapoints.Tolearnthelineardiscriminant and then adapting it to optimize specific performance functions parameters of differentviews, we formulate a measures. In the seconde step, the classifier adaptation constrained minimization problem. In this problem, we problem can be solved as a quadratic program problem, proposedtominimizethecomplexityofeachlineardis- in a similar way to linear SVM. criminantfunctionsparameterbyminimizingitssquared • Mao and Tsang [3] proposed a novel feature selection ℓ2 norm, encourage the consistence among different method to optimize multivariate performance measures, views by minimizing the squared ℓ2 norm distance 2 among different linear discriminant functions response of differen views, and also minimize the losses based m 1 2 on a specific multivariate performance measures. The min kwjk2. (4) minimization problem is optimized by a cutting-plane wj|mj=1 2 j=1 X method in an alterative algorithm [8]. We maintain a 2) Encouraging consistences among different views: To activesetofconstrains,andupdateitineachiterationby encourage the consistences of different views, we pro- add a most violated class label tuple. We also optimize the multivariate mapping function parameters one by posed to minimize the squared ℓ2 norm distances of responsesofanytwolineardiscriminativefunctionsover one, and the optimization of a multivariate mapping one single data point, function parameter can be solve as a quadratic program problem. n secTtihoenrIeIs,twpearitnstroofdutcheisthpeapperropaoresedormgaentihzoedd, aasndfoinlloswecst:ioinn wmj|mji=n1 12j,j′:j′<j i=1kw⊤j xji −w⊤j′xij′k22!. (5) III, we conclude this paper. X X 3) Optimizing multivariate performance measures: To II. PROPOSED METHOD optimize a specific multivariate performance measure, A. Problem formulation we propose to minimize the upper boundary of a loss We assume we have a training data set of n data points, function∆basedonthismultivariateperformancemea- and each data point has m views. The training set is denoted sure, as {(xji|mj=1,yi)}|ni=1, where xji ∈ Rdj is the dj-dimensional feature vector of the j-th view of the i-th data point, and min ξ yi ∈{+1,−1} is the binary class label of the i-th data point. wj|mj=1,ξ Weproposetolearnamultivariatemappingfunctionhtomap s.t.∀y′ ∈Y/y : atupleofndatapointsofmviews,x=(xj|m ,··· ,xj|m ), 1 j=1 n j=1 m totupleofnclasslabels,y =(y1,··· ,yn).Toimplementthis w⊤ Ψ(xj,y)−Ψ(xj,y′) ≥∆(y′,y)−ξ, multivariate mapping function, we use a linear discriminant j j=1 function f (xj,y′) to predict the response of a view the the X (cid:2) (cid:3) (6) j data tuple, xj = (xj1,··· ,xjn), against a candidate class label whereξ isa slack variableofthe upperboundaryofthe tuple y′ =(y1′,··· ,yn′), loss function. n The overall optimization function are obtained by combin- f (xj,y′)= w⊤Ψ(xj,y′) (1) ing all the problems above, j j i=1 X where wj ∈Rdj is a parameter vector for the linear discrim- inant function of the j-th view, , and Ψ(xj,y) is a function 1 m 2 wanhdicyh′,cdanefirneetudrnass faovlleocwtos,r to describe the match between xj wjm|mj=in1,ξ2Xj=1kwjk2+C1ξ n n +C2 kw⊤xj −w⊤xj′k2 Ψ(xj,y′)= y′xj. (2) 2 j i j′ i 2  (7) i=1 i i j,jX′:j′<j Xi=1 ! X s.t.∀y′ ∈Y/y : Based on the linear discriminant functions of different views,  m we construct the multivariate mapping function as follows, w⊤ Ψ(xj,y)−Ψ(xj,y′) ≥∆(y′,y)−ξ. j j=1 m m X (cid:2) (cid:3) h(x)=argmaxy′∈Y fj(xj,y′)= w⊤j Ψ(xj,y′) In the objectiveofthis problem,the first term is to reducethe Xj=1 Xj=1  complexity of the parameter vector of each view, and second (3) term is a slack variable to represent the upper boundary of whereY ={+1,−1}nis a setof alladmissiblelabelvectors. themultivariateperformancemeasure,andthethirdterm isto Weproposetooptimizeacomplexmultivariateperformance encouragetheconsistencesoftheresponsesofdifferentviews. measure, ∆, by learning the parameter vectors wj|mj=1 for C1 and C2 are tradeoff parameters. the m views. To this end, we consider the following three problems, 1) Reducing the complexity of each linear discrimi- B. Problem optimization native function: To prevent over-fitting, we propose to reduce the complexity of the linear discriminative To solve this problem, we employ the cutting-plane al- function of each view by minimizing the squared ℓ2 gorithm. In an iterative algorithm, we update the parameter norm of its parameter, vectors w |m and an active set of constrains W alternately. j j=1 3 1) Updating w |m : When we have a given active set of To obtain the optimal points of w and ξ, we set the j j=1 j constrain W ⊆ Y/y, and optimize the parameter vectors, we gradients of Lagrangian function with respect to w and ξ j optimize wj one by one, i.e., when wj is optimized, wj′|j′6=j to zeros, and we have, is fixed. The following optimization is obtained in this case, ∂L ∂w =Ωwj −β− αy′γy′ =0 mwji,nξ21kwjk22+C1ξ j y′:Xy′∈W  ⇒wj =Ω−1β+ αy′γy′, +C2 n kw⊤xj −w⊤xj′k2 y′:Xy′∈W (12) 2 j i j′ i 2  ∂L   j′X:j′<j Xi=1 ! ∂ξ =C1− αy′ =0 s.t.∀y′ ∈W : y′:Xy′∈W  w⊤ Ψ(xj,y)−Ψ(xj,y′) ⇒ αy′ =C1. j ≥∆(cid:2)(y′,y)− w⊤j′ (cid:3)Ψ(xj′,y)−Ψ(xj′,y′) −ξ. y′:Xy′∈W j′X:j′6=j h i By substituting these results back to (11), we obtain the dual (8) problem as The Lagrange function of this problem is ⊤ L(wj,ξ,αy′|y′:y′∈W) 1 =12kwjk22+C1ξ αy′m|y′a:yx′∈W−2β+y′:Xy′∈Wαy′γy′ Ω−1β+y′:Xy′∈Wαy′γy′ n     + C22 j′:j′<j i=1kw⊤j xji −w⊤j′xji′k22! − αy′δy′ X X y′:Xy′∈W  − αy′w⊤j Ψ(xj,y)−Ψ(xj,y′) −∆(y′,y) s.t. ∀y′,y′ ∈W : αy′ ≥0, and αy′ =C1. y′:Xy′∈W (cid:2) (cid:3) y′:Xy′∈W (13)  We can solve this problem as a quadratic program problem. + w⊤ Ψ(xj′,y)−Ψ(xj′,y′) +ξ j′  2) Updating W: To update W, we first find the most j′X:j′6=j h i violated y′ and then add it the W. y′ is obtained as n  =12w⊤j Ωwj +C1ξ−w⊤j β+ C22 w⊤j′xji′xji′⊤wj′ j′X:j′<jXi=1 m − αy′ w⊤j γy′ −δy′ +ξ y′ =argmaxy′′∈Y/y∆(y′′,y)+ w⊤j Ψ(xj,y′′) y′:Xy′∈W (cid:0) (cid:1) (9)  Xj=1 (14) m where αy′ ≥ 0 is the Lagrange multiplier for the − w⊤Ψ(xj,y) . constrain w⊤ Ψ(xj,y)−Ψ(xj,y′) ≥ ∆(y′,y) − j  w⊤ jΨ(xj′,y)−Ψ(xj′,y′) −ξ, and Xj=1  j′:j′6=j j′ (cid:2) (cid:3) 3) Alterative algorithm: The proposediterative algorithm h i P is given in Algorithm 1. n Ω= I+C2 xjxj⊤ ,  i i  j′:j′<ji=1 X X III. CONCLUSION  n  β =C2 xjixji′⊤wj′, Inthispaper,weproposetheproblemofmulti-viewlearning j′:j′<ji=1 X X for multivariate performancemeasures, and a novelalgorithm γ = Ψ(xj,y)−Ψ(xj,y′) y′ to solve it. Multivariate performance measures optimization (cid:2) (cid:3) can obtain a predictor which directly optimize a desired δy′ =∆(y′,y)− w⊤j′ Ψ(xj′,y)−Ψ(xj′,y′) . performance measure. However, the existing methods are j′X:j′6=j h i limitedtosingleviewdata,andcannotutilizemulti-viewdata. (10)   We propose to learn from multi-view data to optimize the Thisoptimizationproblemcanbe transferredto its dualform, multivariateperformancemeasures,andithaspotentialinreal- max min L(wj,ξ,αy′|y′:y′∈W) worldapplications.Theproposedmethodcanbeimplemented αy′|y′:y′∈W wj,ξ (11) easily due to its employment of cutting plane method and s.t. ∀y′,y′ ∈W : αy′ ≥0. quadratic program. 4 Algorithm 1 Iterative multi-view learning algorithm for mul- tivariate performance measures. Input: Multi-view training data set {(xj|m ,y )}|n ; i j=1 i i=1 Input: Tradeoff parameters C1 and C2; Input: The maximum iteration number T. Initialize linear discriminative function parameter w0 for j each view; W ←∅; Calculate Ω as in (10); for t=1,··· ,T do Find the most violated class label tuple y′t as in (14) by fixing wt−1|m ; j j=1 Add y′t to the constrain active set W, W ←W∪{y′t}; for j =1,··· ,m do Updatewtj bysolving(13)byfixingwtj−′ 1|j′6=j andW; end for end for Output: wT|m . j j=1 REFERENCES [1] T. Joachims, “A support vector method for multivariate performance measures,” in Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on Machine learning. ACM,2005,pp.377–384. [2] N. Li, I. W. Tsang, and Z.-H. Zhou, “Efficient optimization of perfor- mancemeasuresbyclassifieradaptation,” PatternAnalysisandMachine Intelligence, IEEETransactionson,vol.35,no.6,pp.1370–1382,2013. [3] Q. Mao and I.-H. 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