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Hook Suramar Mes. Brisng onal set ats of NIMEE Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by Robert CO’ Bricn (ESA sacmiblen, 1971 availabe in Canada awd UR: Maxwell Macmatlem; Ais Mactaitlan Ars Bisby: afield mouse and willow lives with her four chikdren, Cynthia, Martin, Theses, and Tiraothy, it an oval vindet block on Mic Ficagibbur's fam, Itis a sfaghify damaged ciwler hlewk, lied wath leaves, prams. vation, feathers, auld other Uhings the: mice esllet or comfort Atthe end of wister, Mr. Frisby an er citron ate facod with a recvihle lemma. Timothy’ is very ill with pneursonia mud che seater is swarming, When the weather wire, Furr Bitzpinben plows his fits anal Vins, Frishy’s butse is fa the aiet Irae of the plow. She and her famicy will have‘ move belo: the farmer begins to plos, thoreby sleeping outside anti rhey find somewhere else Live. The probiese is eat Fuucolhy canal slocp oucande in he chilly nighis gecwse ot tae pucemmenia, Mir. Frishy docs not know what tp do. On the recommendation ef Mir Ages, sae gees te ake the wine sl, The oe] is anaoved to see Mrs. Fristy until he Ieacas of her identi, ane wieow of Jonathan Frisby. fle chen sugqests lo Her Uta she vinct the ents, She dees sa First, Mrs. Erisby meets 6 hostile st, Hroms, who seluses te ‘et ber eater the rms! quarters. ‘Then, she encounters Kicedeints, another ral and sh the deus af ser husband's life and des eonnecton to the ats. She ulse lees that the rets are planning. mae to"Theta Valley, a place ith ron nf the conveniences of usr preseut howe Lat here Huy will mor have to stat enn othr 1 Nicodemus agroes 1 kelp Virs. Verb: ue ies thes’ masr put the cat, Dragon ro sleep so Cary eur ‘work withoce intesfecenee “rom him. Mes, Hrisby aglees ts pul slecping powder ue bis boa. As she dows so, sb is capraed li Billy, she Kitygabbou's son, As his captive, sie leans valuable inforiali That ill Fator wkd due uals. Wid Hie help of the rats she escapes Fit FA's Sry’ the crew cake to see the owl rater chau the rcs Ms. Hrishy solve her ssl ever target ‘The situation tens woside down when fe is necessary to complete the work. Hos the tughly smselligent sats of NIMTT he itera, and the groal scivive she reece them return, ck an advenone i 925 Tans Cra Mara, te eT PS Mi, Feat he sof ANH se se se "About the Jul: Lesiie Camly sat Ine ssenlongar Koen! O'Brien when he wrole Bers, Frisby aed le Ra a NEVE. He was tore in 9LS, He mot and nsirried iy MeCasn sul vere choy bal Aur chileren m3, {Tis saree Me Conaly Soyan Ins viting ear ine ued sect as an elitr for Novo vehove se Rogan working 195 1,a staph svrites for Newsweek, a igaoens min Taw The Woshia.gton ss Hes ud an eit far Pa Wr, 07 Brien was aardea sacs hunts including the Lessig Call Shelf Arsarl mt 1972 ue Newbery Medal in 1972, tie Notional Book Award (ranaer 9p) in 1972, the Mark (vemn avail 1934. che Vauific Nocthweet Library Assertion Yousye Reader's Chukar svar i 1974, abd the Wilinry Allan Wate Chilshen's Book Award in 1974, all fun Stes Heisly dnd the Rise f NOB. He received tan amas or Z for Zachacial ny Wt ane ITT When he way very younp, Mi. Conly began ctvating finaginaey worlds. Bis Rewheus Aveard tesepree speeds, is reveals how be ame «tite Ais. Frashy land he Rate of NOMI Te explained chat alton Ve evant WE-teg ths hovtk is Nuvenuber 4b) "we hed any Finished ceo campters by Marelt L968, He could not wareanher the inci appearance of Mes. Brishy i Tis thougtts, Abou wrring stoves be sal “They are cather Like plants. You pir a seed undlerpround, ‘You coms Back # few says fale ad finel sim stalk gos” Aw Me Conly recalls some a the veading bs bad done bafore ke sauce the beck. es com inst he ws ery preogonpicd sith re hanna sce dostmying itselt. He womelacd whe would suevive sf tomas ‘anished thom the carth, Whul kind of civltzetion rnght fulins’ ours? Ele teealled reading a essay that bean waploriag the ies af whol the World would be lke if there weve a cat eiviization, Woskng vil he idea of at eavila.ioe, Mi, Ganly eae a stop Zerther. He developed the idea ofa rt creiligatun, He thought 1 sormkel like a sather gcaa idea, tut sce It stated srring, “the cate 100% ‘lange and turned out we be mach samen aad plensan huss to he, “Tas, he ‘crletal the finivaed product wi: kupw, todas. Me, Conly alfred that he Javed in tite chilen’s hooks bea hints” bs basaks wake Ue ceadung all the wre deighatul, Cafoscunately, Mr. Couty'ssvitiny sas brought a1 halt or Mauch $, 1973, ben je died ul 2 heaet cack ia Washingn, THC, Thoweven be octane 29 i publisfed andl soosie avnlspesthursly use Tas geal fe ire ya eof BAD ’ A 25 Tinohey Coea Maea tne Mrs. Frisby SS es skit pace > pial Ye “a > Rats of mC cea Sah Wo Writing Fantasy Neane Robert C, O'firien is u highly imayinative writer of children’s novels, By teaming his vivid imagination with his abit to write engaging sto- Hes, O'Brien has earned awards for excellence in children's literature, In 1972, his novel Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH wan both the Newbery Medal and the Lewis Carroll Shelf Award, When he began to plan Mrs. Frishy andl the Rats of NIMH, O'Brien, chose ta develop his story Tine usbyg a type of lucralure calied fantasy. A play or story that is full of imagination and quite unreal, tike Peter Pun, Is termed “fantasy.” In order to write fantasy well, a wrller anit Arst conceive an Ides that will so involve his or her readers in the story that. for a while at Ieast, they accept the fantasy world as one that 1s meaningful. one that makes sense. Ifthe author were to reach a point where (ie fantasy becosnes bizarre, then his ereation would crumble, and it would no longer be believable to readers. With total mastery af the writing craft, Robert C.0'Brien makes the magte of his fantasy world Seem very real 6 hls readers Initlatly, readers must aecept the sdea that animals, such as mice. rats, and crows, can commmunicale with each oler and work together to solve their problems. in his novel, O'Brien has chasen a group of rats as the unttkely herves of hts story. Only a masterful storyteller could cunvinge readers Qual rats are the “goo guys,” yel O'Brien does just Ghat in this classic story. Not only does O'Brien tell an engaging story, but he also raises his readers’ social awareness. Young readers learn the dangers of excessive (echnulugy. Also, they learn about the iunperlance of elhies in our Lech- nological age. in‘O'Brien’s limtasy world, the herocs always emon- strate a heightened sense of responsibility to thelr communty. Directions: After carefully reading the above article, match the tenng on the Iefl with the pphruses on dhe right, Place the eurveet letter ont each fine. | Robert C. O'Brien A. an Imaginative story that is quite: wneeat 2, Newbery Medal B, concem about problems lacing society 3, imagination ©. autthor of irs, Prisby andl the Rats of NIM 4. fantasy , antmats that communicate tn a fantasy 5. mer, cats, and crows E, yearly award given for execllent childrens’ terature 6. social awareness (6 nules of right and wrong behavior Felhies G, madang up an idea In one's mind Galles Foo ands aesCHREE Mrs. Prisby S$ > > vest RD are < fy Pais neni Sek. ye Multiple Chole Directions: ‘ciele the leter ofthe correct answer, va x Murs. Feisby's winter hore was... A. atunnel under Mr. Fitygibbon's garden. B, ahollow cinder bieck. C. ahollowed-out (ree stump. Mrs. Prishy fell that (he animal who had abandoned his winter starehouse had, A, oven fulled by a larger animal. 1B. moved to a better hoene. C. been shol by a hunter. ‘The rst time Mr. Ages had treated Timothy, he had. A. almost drowned ina river, 1B, boon bitten or stung by something, poisonous. C. golten preumonia. After leaving Mir. Ages’ home, Mrs. risby decided to.. A. walk home thraugh the woods. B. take the straight route across the farmyard. C. try to find a way to avoid Dragon. (On ber way home (ror Mr, Ages’ house, Mrs, Frisby saw a crow who. A. was injured and unable to Oy, B. had gotten one of tis legs caught in a fence, C, was entangled ina piece of sfiver-eolored string. Jeremy promised Mos, Frisby that he would... A. help her whenever she would ask, 1B. stop by ta checle on Timothy's health, C. give her free rides whenever she wanted. eS PSE LEN Mrs. Frisby > f test ae ye Eo >, at \~ Rats of NIMH CS > \ ~ (| Name chapters 1-5. Page 2 Fr cd mice that lived tn yarddens during the winter, ke Mrs. Frisby, had to Move W... ‘A. barn lofts during the summer. iB eaves andl attics during the summer. ©. fields that were not used for susnmer crops fa. tins, Fishy learned that Mr. Fitzgbhon would not been plowing for five days because. "A. the wearhes was not warn enough: 1B. che part for the tractor would raice five days to come into Henderson's store. C. he needed ty work on the arm 4. Dragon surprised Mrs, Frisby when she came out Ieee her ‘anothole hiding place because Be. 'A, was ready Ww pounce on her. aR 8. didn’t evert see her. C. didn't take Une trouble to gat up and chase Her 40. tn addition to Dragon. another vty that disturbed MF® Frisby was... ‘A. Timothy's miraculous recovery. B. acoluian of rate hauling pieces of outdoor wiry, ©, a colwnn of rats marching by Dragon. ed teMlows vigorous mMogieal rections: hypochoudriac apt respite fi athe Baie wt a relentlessly ubjously labyrtously subdued quict; not as active as swab ina doubling or uncertain anne for others ‘tind Psy adie tv harshly: ina mamer showing no pty s Chapters 1.5, vase a Mrs. Frishy jand the yo ~ y yoo 5 3S Rats of NIMHE Cs3 Sa nde 1.7 oothy Nas t3 and sisters, oe ae that Mit Zi - eo : See RVR. eee Wee ape an a _—-.. wen _ anthor's story has merit If dhe characters arc bellevable. envag: ing, and well developed. ‘The settingls} must be accurdtely 4 seriherl so that the reader can create a mental plewure of it in his or her osm mind. Specific etwils are vitul m the cevelapment of Arnarvative; details make the story “come alive" for the realer. 4 Mes. Frisby 9) 88 ES ea skiLL pace PRMSIS ‘a a an nt an Rats of NIMH ts SY [a Elements of a Narrative When an author creates a novel, a movie, o¥ a television 4 script. He or she must carefully plaa a story which inckudes 4 Uwe basie clements: characters, setting, and plot. Simply | stated, somebody bas to be somewhere doing something, The / | Tossibly the most complex narrative elements the plol, Te leyelop the plot, the author must ourefidly plan a sequence of eveitts which will hold the reader's or viewer's interest Usrougt- aut the book, muvie, or TV show. The author must concentrale ou only the important aspects of the story so that It doesn't drag ou endlessly. Add:tionally. the events must present a problem swhieh the central character must reselve—eilher happlly or unhappily. Throughout the Introductory chapters oF scenes, the author must make the elements of characters, setting, and plot dear lof the ceader o viewer. Using the introductory chapters as & guide, complete the following “Elements of a Narrarive Outline from Mrs. Prisby anel (hie Rats of NIMH. Mrs. Frishy Ss _N Pa SS andes Ye OS RLS Rats of NIMHE ck Sh Qe Elements of a Narrative Outline ee Directs: Aaalyze the tive baste ements ofa narrative fous your reading thas far MS Psi cat te Bars of NEY. Corplete the fallang vate lv sour maar Main Chorscter (somebody) Desertbe the mouse introduced fy the fire chapter & AL _ 7 S 1% po rs o _ le Sctling fsonaatere) Desorthe the setting where the story unfolda AWhere: 2. When; _ _ - Plot something) From your reavling wo far, describe how the plot (ava series of events) has be develaper! AL _ B. _ co . b _ 2 Alsaem ites Fratton

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