4/8/2014 NO DISCLOSURES MRA OF THE ABDOMEN, PELVIS & LOWER EEXXTTRREEMMIITTIIEESS Bilal Tahir, MD Assistant Professor of Clinical Radiology Indiana University SOM Dept of Radiology & Imaging Sciences Director of Abdominal Imaging, EskenaziHealth OUTLINE •Introduction •Review of pertinent anatomy •MRA Sequences •MRA indications in the abdomen, pelvis, and lower extremities •What does the radiologist look for when evaluation imaging? •Pitfalls & Artifacts ---decrease image quality •CTA vs. MRA •Conclusion 1 4/8/2014 MRA TECHNIQUES •Noncontrast-enhanced •Time-of-flight •Phase contrast ••BBllaacckk bblloooodd •Steady state free precession •Contrast-enhanced •3D Gad 2 4/8/2014 TOF TOF •Gradient echo sequence •Arteries or veins can be •Flow-related selectively imaged enhancement through the use of ssaattuurraattiioonn bbaannddss •Unsaturated blood bright •Stationary tissues saturated (dark) FLOW DIRECTION: TOF FLOW DIRECTION 3D Gd MRA Time-of-flight PHASE CONTRAST PHASE CONTRAST: VELOCITY ENCODING •Uses bipolar gradient •Must know velocity of blood to be imaged in advance to select correct •Stationary tissues velocity encoding parameter experience no phase shift •Modifies bipolar gradient strength such that selected velocity induces a 180 ((ddaarrkk)) ddeegg pphhaassee sshhiifftt •Flowing blood experiences •Flow direction can be displayed phase shift (bright) 3 4/8/2014 PC: VELOCITY ENCODING FLOW DIRECTION: PC 5 cm/s 80 cm/s Phase contrast MRA of portal vein BLACK BLOOD 3D GAD MRA •Eliminate signal from •3D gradient echo flowing blood •Based on paramagnetic •Saturation bands effect of gadolinium ••DDoouubbllee IIRR tteecchhnniiqquuee ((sshhoorrtteennss TT11 ooff bblloooodd)) •Eliminates many artifacts associated with non- contrast MRA 3D GAD LINEAR 3D GAD MRA enhancement •Requires that the portion of k-space responsible for image contrast (center) be filled when the contrast bolus peaks in the vessel of interest Bolus High High resolution resolution High contrast K-space 4 4/8/2014 CENTRIC FILL CENTER OF K-SPACE TOO EARLY enhancement Bolus High High Contrast Resolution K-space LATE TIMING RIGHT TIMING •Educated guess (smart technologist) •Timing bolus •Automatic bolus detection (smart prep) •Real-time monitoring •Time-resolved MRA Venous contamination CLINICAL INDICATIONS CLINICAL INDICATIONS •Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: Interventional Planning and Follow-up •Non-traumatic Aortic Disease •Claudication —Suspected Vascular Etiology •Pulsatile Abdominal Mass, Suspected Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm •Follow-up of Lower Extremity Arterial Bypass Surgery •Recurrent Symptoms Following Lower Extremity Angioplasty •Imaging of Mesenteric Ischemia •Sudden Onset of Cold, Painful Leg 5 4/8/2014 ABDOMINAL AORTIC ANEURYSM: INTERVENTIONAL PLANNING AND ACR APPROPRIATENESS CRITERIA FOLLOW-UP •Rating Scale •Planning for EVAR or open repair •1,2,3 ---Usually not appropriate •MRA Abdomen & Pelvis without & with contrast ---ACS (Appropriateness •4,5,6 ---May be appropriate Criteria Score) = 6. •7,8,9 ---Usually appropriate •Alternatiive to CTA iin patiients wiith known AAA not iinvolviing the thoraciic aorta and in whom iodinated contrast is contraindicated •MRA Abdomen & Pelvis without contrast ---ACS = 4 •Appropriate for patients with severe renal dysfunction. FOLLOW-UP FOR POST- ENDOVASCULAR REPAIR (EVAR) OR OPEN REPAIR OF AAA •MRA Abdomen & Pelvis with & without contrast ---ACS = 7 •Appropriate alternative to CTA, but less accurate for assessing endograft metallic components. •Effffectiiveness depends on composiitiion off endoprostheiis. •3D contrast enhanced MRA and time-resolved MRA are highly sensitive for endoleaks. •MRA Abdomen & Pelvis without contrast ---ACS = 5 •Selectively useful for assessment of renal or mesenteric vasculature in patients with contraindication to iodinated contrast. 6 4/8/2014 CLAUDICATION —SUSPECTED FOLLOW-UP OF LOWER-EXTREMITY ARTERIAL BYPASS VASCULAR ETIOLOGY SURGERY ASYMPTOMATIC PATIENT •MRA lower extremity without and with contrast ---ACS = 8 •MRA lower extremity without and with contrast ---ACS = 3 •MRA lower extremity without contrast ---ACS = 5 •MRA lower extremity without contrast ---ACS = 2 •Appropriate in patients with contraindications to iodinated and gadolinium- based contrast agents INFRAINGUINALVEIN GRAFT, SYMPTOMTIC(PAIN, SWELLING, ISCHEMIA, ABNORMAL ABI) •MRA lower extremity without and with contrast ---ACS = 8 •MRA lower extremity without contrast ---ACS = 5 2D TOF. AORTOBIFEMORALGRAFT NONTRAUMATICAORTIC DISEASE •MRA without and with contrast ---ACS = 8 •MRA without contrast ---ACS = 7 7 4/8/2014 PULSATILE ABDOMINAL MASS, SUSPECTED ABDOMINAL AORTIC CE MIP ANEURYSM •MRA Abdomen without contrast ---ACS = 6 •MRA Abdomen without and with contrast ---ACS = 6 •Alternative to CTA. •Unable to detect calcium. DOUBLE IR FSE BLACK BLOOD AORTIC DISSECTION SEQUENCE CHRONIC OR ACUTE MESENTERIC ISCHEMIA •MRA abdomen without and with contrast ---ACS = 7 •Longer when compared to CT. •Limited in distal thrombosis/embolism or nonocclusivemesenteric ischemia. •MRA abdomen without contrast ---ACS = 3 •Lower sensitivity and specificity than MRA that incorporates contrast. 8 4/8/2014 RECURRENT SYMPTOMS FOLLOWING LOWER-EXTREMITY ANGIOPLASTY CLAUDICATION •MRA lower extremity without and with contrast ---ACS = 8 •Able to triage between catheter and surgical management •Thus may substitute for other noninvasive studies •MRA lower extremity without contrast ---ACS = 6 RECURRENT SYMPTOMS FOLLOWING SUDDEN ONSET OF COLD, PAINFUL LOWER-EXTREMITY ANGIOPLASTY LEG THREATENED LIMB •MRA lower extremity without and with contrast ---ACS = 5 •MRA lower extremity without and with contrast ---ACS = 7 •Useful if angiography is not performed (ie, surgical treatment is necessary) •Distal abdominal aorta should be included •MRA lower extremity without contrast ---ACS = 4 •MRA lower extremity without contrast ---ACS = 5 3D SUB + C MIP / 3D +C RENOVASCULARHYPERTENSION LEFT RENAL A. STENOSIS •MRA abdomen without and with contrast ---ACS = 8 •Requires intravenous gadolinium contrast agents and is accurate in diagnosing renal artery stenosis. •MRA and CTA are alternatiive examiinatiions. •MRA abdomen without contrast ---ACS = 6 •Somewhat less accurate alternative to MRA with contrast •Considered appropriate for use in patients with impaired renal function (ACS= 8). 9 4/8/2014 USUALLY NO ROLE •Blunt Abdominal Trauma •Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding MRA ARTIFACTS AND PITFALLS CAUSES OF PSEUDO- TOF: RETROGRADE FLOW STENOSIS/OCCLUSION •Retrograde flow (TOF) •Contrast too concentrated •Wrong Venc (PC) •Contrast too dilute •Cardiac Pulsation •Fat suppression •Motion •Early imaging •Vascular clips •Late imaging •Metallic stents •Post-processing artifact •Vessel outside acquisition volume •Vessel outside reconstruction volume •Positioning •Threshold too high (SSD) •Extrinsic compression •Background projection 10