TTThhheee BBBeeennneeefffiiitttsss ooofff AAALLLLLL---IIIPPP NNNeeetttwwwooorrrkkksss AAAnnndddyyy WWWiiillltttooonnn Director of GSM Applied Research Motorola 3G Mobile Summit Brussels June 2001 1 PPaacckkeett SSeerrvviicceess DDrriivveerrss ffoorr PPaacckkeett SSeerrvviicceess 3G Mobile Summit Brussels June 2001 2 UUMMTTSS FFoorruumm SSttuuddyy SSeerrvviicceess aanndd AApppplliiccaattiioonnss IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn aanndd CCoonntteenntt ((NNoonn--VVooiiccee)) VVooiiccee MMOOBBIILLIITTYY CCOONNTTEENNTT CCOONNNNEECCTTIIVVIITTYY ((IInntteerrnneett)) PPEEOOPPLLEE PPEERRSSOONNAALL LLOOCCAATTIIOONN CCOONNNNEECCTTIIVVIITTYY AAllwwaayyss oonn,, DDiirreecctt LLiinnkk KKnnoowwlleeddggee IIPP--bbaasseedd ttoo aa PPeerrssoonn ooff LLooccaattiioonn Mobile Multimedia Rich Voice Intranet / Messaging Inc. Extranet Service Videophone Mobile Customised Location- Internet Infotainment based Access Services KKeeyy SSeerrvviicceess IIddeennttiiffiieedd 3G Mobile Summit Brussels June 2001 3 SSeerrvviicceess –– RReessoouurrccee OOccccuuppaannccyy bit/s (cid:127)(cid:127) RReeaall--TTiimmee oorr SSttrreeaammiinngg MMeeddiiaa:: (cid:127) High Data- Rate and Low Delay Max Avg Virtual (cid:127) Increasingly Commodity Service Connections t bit/s Max Avg t (cid:127)(cid:127) CCoonntteenntt BBaasseedd SSeerrvviicceess –– OOfftteenn:: (cid:127) Low Data Rate & Delay Tolerant bit/s (cid:127) Sold on Replacement Value Max Avg t 3G Mobile Summit Brussels June 2001 4 TThhee CCoosstt ooff SSeerrvviicceess (cid:127) The Cost of Different Services is Not the Same (cid:127) Real Time or Streaming Media – Degrade the link budget (cid:127) maximum cell size is smaller (cid:127) small cell size for entire region of high rate service – Opportunity Cost (cid:127) high rate services quickly use up cell capacity (cid:127) exclude other lower rate users (cid:127) Content Based Services – are almost free – vending machine (cid:127) 1000 bytes/day (cid:127) sometime that day 3G Mobile Summit Brussels June 2001 5 SSeerrvviiccee RReevveennuuee RReeaall TTiimmee SSeerrvviicceess CCoonntteenntt BBaasseedd SSeerrvviicceess (cid:127) Number Packet Users >>Circuit (cid:127) Revenue/Service higher xx1144 - e.g.the Vending Machine –substitutes for (cid:127)cost of employee xx1100 (cid:127)cost of capital (van etc.,) - tariff set on value Users Supported per Carrier Revenue 3G Mobile Summit Brussels June 2001 6 TThhee BBeenneeffiittss ooff AAllll IIPP NNeettwwoorrkkss WWWhhhaaattt iiisss aaannn ‘‘‘AAALLLLLL IIIPPP NNNeeetttwwwooorrrkkk’’’ 3G Mobile Summit Brussels June 2001 7 IIPP HHaass MMuullttiippllee RRoolleess GGPPRRSS EExxaammppllee MS BTS IP Host SGSN GGSN BSC/PCU Internal IP CN FR Internet Network nn oo ii Application tt Application aa cc Start End iill IP SERVICE (INTER-NETWORK ROUTING) llee ppvv IP (priv) IP (pub) IP (pub) ppee AALL Relay SNDCP GTP-U GTP-U SNDCP nn oo LLC LLC UDP UUDPDP ii tata L2 Relay tntn RLC Start IP (op) ee RLC BSSGP BSSGP IP (op) End mm L1bis OPER. L1 eell MAC lplpevev MAC N.Service N.Service L2 ROUTING L2 mmee LL II GSM RF GSM RF Physical Physical Physical Physical Physical MS Um BSS Gb SGSN Gn GGSN Gi IP Host 3G Mobile Summit Brussels June 2001 8 UUMMTTSS RR9999 AArrcchhiitteeccttuurree SGSN GGSN GGSN SGSN PSTN MSC MSC Internet Internet MSC MSC PSTN GGSN SGSN SGSN GGSN Core Network Iups Iucs Iucs Iups Access Network OAMP RNC RNC RNC RNC Iur RRM RRM Concentrators Iub Iub Iub 3G Mobile Summit Brussels June 2001 9 UUTTRRAANN AArrcchhiitteeccttuurree EEvvoolluuttiioonn Hierarchical IP UTRAN Peer-to-Peer (cid:127) point-to-point ATM (cid:127) IP routing (cid:127) Node B re-parenting RNC (cid:127) concentration (cid:127) IP transport (cid:127) Signalling/bearer separation (cid:127) point-to-point Node B Link (cid:127) Distributed RRM Iu Iu Iu RNC RNCS SDU RNC RRM RRM 1 RRM IP Network IP Network RNCS Aggregation SDU RRM Router 1 Router Concentrator Concentrator Iub BBeeaarreerr Iub Iub Router Iub Router SSiiggnnaalllliinngg Iub Iub RRM RRM 2 2 RNC - Radio Network Controller RRM – Radio Resource Management 3G Mobile Summit Brussels June 2001 10