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Preview Montana University System workers' compensation program : audited financial statements with supplemental information

MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM WORKERS’ COMPENSATION PROGRAM AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ‘With Supplemental Information June 30,2008, JUNKFRMIER, CLARK, CAMPANELLA, STEVENS, P.C. Cartitied Publis Accountants and Business Advivors LEGISLATIVE AUDIT DIVISION Deputy Legislative Audion: ‘ Pelleprinl, Pestoumance Audit Tor Hunthansen 18 Audie Oncrations James Gill, Pmancul-Complionee Aut Scott A, Seael, | eialative Autor John W. Northey, Legal Counsel atoher 2008 ‘The Letislaive Acai Couumitee ofthe Moutana State Legislature Unclused i he report on the financial audit of the Montana University Syste Worker? ‘Compensation Prograns forte Fea year ended Juue 30,2005, "he aut was conducted hy Junker, Clank, Campanella, Sevens, AU unter a contrat ‘between ie fim and oor eiice, The caeunents conlained fa this tepntreprese Ue viesrs of the fxm and not necessarily dhe Legislative Audie ‘The Uaiversily Syste: officals’ wl espouse (9 the report is welded in Ue back of the sut repon. Respectflly submited, Bbw ho a5c-06 Prone (206) 40.1122 FAN UAL Sa ltetg MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM - WORKERS! COMPENSATION PROGRAM, AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Independent auditors! report, mento net assert ‘Stolemenr of revenues, expenses and changes in uot assets Stotemest of eh fows Novos ta Financial statements SUPPLRMENTAL tNFORMATION Chins development nlormation Report on intemal contol ever Founciel reporting and on eomplince and colher tatters based ott at audit Of Ghanelal sates performed ta aspordance with goverament auditing standards Agpney response > Montana Clb 3.ing PO, bin Les Hslena, Moraga 39624 Jankermier * Clark Serre ‘Campanella * Stevens * BC. cewwlenpaeaa ‘Cena Public Avcwintants and Business Aces INDEPENDENT AUDITORS REPORT To the Commitee ‘Montana University System - ‘ushers! Chmpensation Program Missoola, Montana ‘We lane audited the accumpanying Financial statements of Une Muwtana University System - ¢ Workers! Corgpenstion Program) (an enterpite find ofthe State of Montana) 3s af and or the yeas ended Jue 30, 05, us listed inthe table af entens, These Sinncial slalemenis are the reapnnbiigy of the Montane University Systm -( Workers! Conypensavion Programs manapement. Oue responsibly fs 10 express a ‘pinion cn these financial stnements based on cur aut ‘We conducted our audit i accondance with auditing senders generslly accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable o Gnancal wudits cumuaned in Government suiting Stanchords isived by the Compiruller Genera ofthe United States, Those stundasdstequire thats pla ad perfor the audit ra obtain ceasonable assurance shear whether the Faancial satemtents ato fice af material misstaement. An audit includes cxamioing, un u test bass, evidenve supporting the amounts aid disclosures ithe Financial statements. An quit als incndas assessing The scott prnsiples used nd significant extinutes made hy management, ae well us uvaluiting the vera financial statement resenution. We believe tat our ui provides reasonable basis for our upinisn. ‘as discussed in Note 1, the Pnuncial statements presemt only tbe Montuna University System - (Workers CCompenstion Progsusn) ad do nut prpont to, ad do not, present fairly the Gnkneial postion of Ue Sete (of Moniana at of Inge 30, 2005, andthe changes in ws Financia! postion ana ens flew, shore applicabls, for the yeur ended in coalurmity wilh uevounting principles venerlly accepted in the United States uf America, 1n cur opinion. the Cnunvial statements refered ts above present Lucy, in ll muterial rexpsets. the finaneial position of the Moutana Laiveesiy Syavem - { Workers’ Campensacion Progra) (an enterprise fund of :ke Sve of Minwtanaj as of lune 30, 2005, and tho changes in Financia} position and_ cash flows thoroat forthe year ened in conformity ith avcounting principles generally accepled i the Laie Stales ‘of America VWoreman + Creal Falls ¢ Hele * Kalispell + Wiggoula * Whitefish Tndependem Audi's Report Page 2 In acordance wit (iovernmene ddiing Standards, we have also ianue! our seport dated Sepremher 1, 2005, ‘on vur punsileration of Montana Laiveesty System - ( Workers! Compensation Program's) internal emo ‘over financial reporting aml ur lexis of ils compliance stk laws, reyuavions, contacts, and grant ueree ments ‘and ever mars, The pumpese of that report's to deserihe the soope oP our texiag OF interna cnutrl over nancial reporting and vomplianee and the results hut testing and motto ore an opin on the intemal ceontol over Finuneial reporting oF on canspliance, The report is an imlegal part of an audit pestormed in accordance wiht Government Aodhtig Standard and should be sausitered ta conjunction wi Ibis report ia ‘ensdering the results nf or suit Moutana University System - ¢ Workers’ Compensation Prograat) as set presented dhe mavegements dissossinn and axalesis as requized supplementary informatics. for financial statzments prepared usucr the ‘Grvemmental Accounting Standacds Board Statement Na. 34 thar accountng priniples generally accepted in lhe United Stes bas detennined & necessary to supplement, although not ruined to be part of, the busic ‘inanclal statment. ‘Th clans development information on page 15 5: nor a requited part of the basic Taancial marsments bo Fs ‘upplementary information quired by accounting principles generally eevepted in the United States. We huve spplied vertain limited procedures, whic consisted prigeipally of inquies oF management regarding the ‘methods of measuremient and presencation of the sopplementary information. Hrwcver, wo did not audit the information and express no apinion om Janksrmler, Clark, Campanella Stevens, BC. Helen, Mostana Sepvmber 1,205 MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM - WORKERS’ COMPENSATION PROGRAM STATEMENT OF NEV ASSETS. TUNE 30, 2405, Asses Current Asseta ‘Cash aul cus equivalents Shorter investnents Interest easiable ue fram component units Preptid expense ‘Toul vurenl assets $ SllLso Noncurrent Astett Lovgeterm iavesbuents L358 740 Bond istatee cos nel of accu ated atoetizaion of $18,470, 2270 Total doncuesent assets ds otal assets S935 LIABILITIES, ‘Other acerued expenses 13500 Acorsed fond interest payalo 4510 Current portion of revenue bends payable 410/000 Current portion of estimated claims ibis rer Tova wusren siabiliies 8 372g Noneurreat Li Estimated clans tahiliy-nct of current ponion 27 Revenue bonds pavable net of eurent portion 650110) Teal sangurent iaitities Ls3 Tova stiltes Sd6.205 NET ASSETS Unvostctod Net Assets £_rg0 See the notes Financial statements MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM - WORKFRS COMPENSATION PROGRAM STATEMENTS OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETS TOR TILE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2005 OPERATING REVENUES Yremiums 5 OPFRATING EXPENSES Claims administration Acwary es Aamministatar expanse Instance an reinsurance expense Auli fees Does [Deparment of Laber wisessment Claims paid an! cai expense 2.365.000 Total operaing expenses OPERATING INCOME NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES) Interest and investment income Amorization of bond issuance cust Hod imsremt expense Tease lees “Terul nenopecuing revenues (expenses) 123 (CHANGE IN NEE ASSETS 205,133 ‘YET ASSETS (DEFICIT) BEGINNING OF YRAK 2.29 ‘NET ASSETS END OF YEAR a0 See the aves to Financial statements, oe STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2005 (CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Cash received from premiums: $ 2914308 Clans pad ana slams expense (450.156) ‘Cash payments for insurance and ceinsorunce expense 281936) Cash payments for achloistalise expenses 206.365 ‘Netoush provided ky operating wove fLsss1 CASH FLOWS (USED) FROM NONCAPITAL FINANCING ACTIVITIES Cash paid oe imerot (45,3401 Cash pad fr rast foes (5273) Principal paidon bods 29800) et cut (used) by noncapitl financing activities i494 619 (CASH FLOWS (USED) FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES, Proveels Frombsale oP investeents 720.000 Purchase of investments (459,541) Tnesest received 12907 [Net eash from investing ativices seie Net inerease in cash 1.354,602 CASH BEGINNING OF YEAR 4.031.532 CASH END OF YEAR $2534 RECONCILIATION OF OPERATING INCOME TO NET CASH PROVIDED BY OPERATING ACTIVINIES: Operating Facoute S$ 194308 Adjustments w reconcile operaing iaeome to net cash provided by ‘perating activities 1Deorease inte trom caher fonds Less Ieetease inde fot vomiponeat unis i harense) in prepaid expense Increase in other averucd exposes 135500 Insrease in estimated elaine la LSB Los9.sa3 Net eash prowided by aperaring activities Saige See the notes fancialeatemeats MONTANA UNIVERSITY SYSTEM - WORKERS’ COMPENSATION PROGRAM STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (Continued) FOR TAF YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2005, SCHEDULE OF NONCASH INVESTING, CAPITAL, AND FINANCING ACTIVITIES Dneeteuss in fale value investments Acwortizaton of bond issuance cats See dhe mutes lo financial statements, 4. MONTANA ENIVERSTTY SYSTEM WORKERS! COMPENSATION PROGRAM NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Sane 3, 2008 SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICES Organization and Description of Programe: The Montana University Sestem ~ Workers Compensation Program (the Program) was orpunized to provide scitinsured workers compensation coverage for employees of he Santana (Iniversity Sysiem. ‘he Montana Lhiversity System Bourd uf Regents elect ts pravide workers capensution ‘inerage under the Compensation Plan Number One (MCA 39-11-2101) as of July 1, 2003, Prior to that date, the Montunu Uaiversiy System oblained cls wurkers compensation wsverage through participation inthe State Fund. Each member oF the P>ygram is jolly and severally able foe the Full ammount uC any and all host or unkaose claiaw of each member arising during tho member’ parlicipaion it Ue proerany, Ii order to fom a intial reserve for se-insured claims, the Memana University System issued $2,080,000 Series 2003 Workere Compensation Progear Revenue Bonds. The Program ie repaying the honde ae they become due Aditnisration of Ctaim Baymenes: “The Program his vonleacied with Missoula County Workers’ Cumpensation Groop [nsumace Autborils Sur third party admtniscator serices through Jue 30. 2006.” Missou.a County Workers Compensaisn Group Insurance Auiorty bss coasted win Tniermoumiain Clains. Ine. 6 poovide claim administration services acts of Accounting “The Pengram has adopted the provisions of GAST Statement 10 (ns amended hy GASH Stntament Nn. 30 and GASD Imerpretation No. 4). under those provisions, the Program clizes azcoontiog Principles applicuble to pubic entity risk pools. The Progam’sfinmeial statements ae presented 0 the accrual basis uf aevtunlng, Revenues are recugnized iin they ure eared, und expenses sce recopnized when they are incurred. Operting evendes and expenses geneclly arise from provi Insnrance coverage. All other ovanues and expenses are classifi as nonoperating.. The Progra has elected « apply the provisions af applicable pronaunicements isued by ho Financial Accom iting Swurlards Bound and the AICPA prior U9 November 30, 1889, excopt those that con‘ict with oF coualist GASB proouncemenls, Goverument eniles have the uptasn uf whether or not to apply FASB pronouncemiens issued ate thn date to thee proprietary activities. In aevurdunce with GASB Statement No. 20. management has elected nel lo appiy FASD proncunuerents ssued aller Noveinber 3, 1989 Reporting Foti he Program is considered a publi entiy isk pool and is repel as an enterprise fund ofthe Site ‘of Montana. fy accordance with governmental ocourting and Gnaneial repimcing tidards there are hho component unica be inchided will the Montana University System- Workers Compensation Progra as reporting agency Bad Debs: he Program considers ll premium receivables tae collectibl, Investments: ‘Slate lve permis investment of Program Lis in diet obligations ofthe United Stes government savings oF lime deposits in slale ur milunul bank. building ar loun assnciation, saving and loan esociaion, of credit union insured by dhe FDIC, PSLIC, ac NCUA located in the sine or u Fepmshase agreement as auhorized inthe State of Montara Laws

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