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Monday April 3rd to Sunday April 9th PDF

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Preview Monday April 3rd to Sunday April 9th

2017 Féile Foghlama Feadh an tSaoil Chorcaí all events free FREE PROGRAMME UNESCO LEARNING CITY AWARD Monday April 3rd to Sunday April 9th www.corkcity.ie/learningfestival • Tel 021 492 4527 2017 Monday April 3rd to Sunday April 9th www.corkcity.ie/learningfestival • Tel 021 492 4527 Welcome to the 14th Cork Lifelong Learning Festival. This year’s festival is the largest in its 14 years, with over 600 events taking place across the city & beyond. It is an event that has brought our city to the attention of people in countries throughout the world. As Leona English of UNESCO said during her visit to the festival last year: “This is the biggest event in Europe this week...it’s a pleasure and an honour to be part of this festival, which is known far and wide.” None of this could happen without the support of the event organisers & generous sponsors, and involves a huge voluntary effort. 2017 can be considered a year of learning in Cork. It is a year that will have ripples throughout the island & beyond, connecting us with the global learning community who we will welcome to our city in September. Developing a culture of learning in Cork began back in 2002 when the City Council adopted a strategy called Imagine Our Future - part of that strategy was to make Cork a City of Learning. We are well on our way to achieving that vision, something which is being recognised internationally. The events this year build on the UNESCO Learning City Award received by the city in 2015, one of only three cities in Europe & 12 worldwide to be recognised in this way. In September this year our city will welcome delegates from across the globe to UNESCO’s 3rd International Conference on Learning Cities. This international recognition of how much Cork has achieved as a learning city is based on the festival’s success & other initiatives it has inspired. As well as the Limerick Lifelong Learning Festival, now in its seventh year & also taking place this aí week, our festival has inspired others to follow us in celebrating & encouraging lifelong learning. c r o In 2016 alone Wyndham in Victoria, Australia and Burnaby on the Pacific Coast of Canada started h C their own festivals & acknowledge that they were inspired to do so by ours. a m We must not forget that developing Cork as a learning city is aimed at improving the lives of our hla citizens, by reducing inequality & social exclusion. It is also about encouraging investment into Cork g & its region, and therefore increasing employment. o h nf On behalf of the people of Cork, I wish to formally acknowledge the contribution made by every a single person, year after year, in making this festival such a success. u B e During festival week there are hundreds of events of all kinds taking place, and all free, and all éil highlighting & celebrating the hundreds of opportunities there are for learning, whatever your age, F interest or ability. I urge you, as the festival’s motto says, to investigate, participate & celebrate all those opportunities during festival week. Cllr Des Cahill Lord Mayor of Cork, Festival Patron 2 Teachtaireacht ón Ardmhéara, An Comhairleoir Denis Cahill. Fáilte chuig an 14ú Féile Chorcaí um Fhoghlaim feadh an tSaoil . Seo an fhéile is mó go dtí seo, le níos mó ná 600 imeachtaí ar siúl ar fud na cathrach. Ní haon ionadh é mar sin go ndúirt Leona English ó UNESCO tráth gurb í “an fhéile is mó san Eoraip” a bhí ar siúl an tseachtain áirithe sin. Gan amhras ní bheadh aon fhéile ann gan an tacaíocht a fuarthas ó na heagraíochtaí agus ó na hurraithe flaithúla, agus gan an obair dheonach a chuirtear isteach inti. Thosaigh cultúr foghlama i gCorcaigh i 2002 nuair a chuir Comhairle Cathrach Chorcaí plean le cheile dár teideal “Samhlaigh ár dTodhchaí”.An chuspóir a bhí ag an bplean ná cathair foghlama a dhéanamh as Corcaigh. Tá an fhís seo ag teacht chun cinn anois agus aitheantas idirnaisiúnta bainte amach, rud a thosaigh le bronnadh an ghradaim “Cathair Foghlama UNESCO”ar Chorcaigh i 2015.Aithníonn an gradam seo buanna Chorcaí mar chathair foghlama. Spreag an fhéile seo cathracha eile ar nós Luimneach, Wyndham san Astráil agus Burnaby i gCeanada chun a bheith ina gcathracha foghlama. Is é príomhchuspóir Chorcaí mar chathair foghlama ná saol ár saoránach a fheabhsú trí míchothromas agus eisiamh sóisialta a mhaolú agus trí infheistíocht agus fostaíocht a mheadú. Aithním, thar cheann phobal Chorcaí, rannpháirtíocht ó mhórán daoine i ndul chun cinn na féile, agus molaim daoibh bheith páirteach ann agus taitneamh a bhaint as na himeachtaí éagsúla a bheidh ar fáil i rith na seachtaine. An Comhairleoir Denis Cahill, Ardmhéara Chorcaí, Patrún na Féile 3 A chairde, A chairde, Welcome to our annual lifelong learning festival, it Fáilte chuig ár bhféile um Fhoghlaim feadh is our 14th festival & one that occurs in a milestone an tSaoil, atá anois ar an bhfód le 14 bliain. year for learning in our city. I mbliana , 2017, beidh an 3ú Chomhdháil 2017 will be remembered as the year that Cork hosts the Idirnaisiúnta UNESCO na gCathracha 3rd UNESCO International Conference on Learning Cities, Foghlama ar siúl i gCorcaigh, agus is mar and the festival is one of the main reasons that Cork was thoradh ar an bhféile seo atá a leithéid de chosen for this honour. chomhdháil ag teacht chugainn. We are very proud in Cork that we have been trailblazers Aitheantas iontach atá anseo ó UNESCO ar in Ireland & internationally, in celebrating all that learning na hiarrachtaí go léir ata déanta i ndul chun contributes to our lives, whatever our age, with this chinn na féile foghlama i gCorcaigh. festival. Is abhair mórtais domsa, i mo ról mar We are also very proud that Cork is receiving Phríomhfheidhmeannach Bhord Oideachais international recognition for the efforts it is making to agus Traenála Chorcaí , go bhfuil ár neagrais develop into a Learning City. UNESCO recognition féin, ó réimse na hÓige go Foghlaim sa is significant not just for our city, but for Ireland, as it Phobal, le feiscint sa chláir. Molaim daoibh communicates our successes in education & lifelong uile dul amach agus bheith páirteach sna learning to a worldwide audience. himeachtaí éagsúla, agus taitneamh a bhaint astu. With our Learning City partners, Cork ETB are proud to be champions for the achievement of this vision – with Is mian liom moladh a thabhairt dár Cork City Council, CIT and UCC as signatories of a formal gcomhdaitheoir, Tina Neylon, dár Memorandum of Understanding on Learning, joined this gCathaoirleach Willie McAuliffe, dár n-urraithe, year by the HSE and the NAPD. dár gcomhpháirtithe san fhéile , dos na heagraíochtaí agus do gach éinne sa phobal Our progress is due to the combined efforts of all a oibríonn go dian chun an fhéile seo a chur involved, especially those who have made the festival chun cinn. such a success from humble beginnings in 2004 to an event which this year offers over 600 events of all kinds, Is libhse an fhéile seo; Is bhur n-éacht atá inti. for all ages & interests. Comhghairdeas arís As Chief Executive of Cork Education & Training Board, it is heartening to see that events during festival Ted Owens week reflect our contribution as an organisation to Príomhfheidhmeannach Bhord Oideachais lifelong learning; each sector from Early Years, Primary, agus Traenála Chorcaí Secondary, Further Education, Adult Basic Education, Community Education, and Training all appear in the pages of this programme. Our efforts are open to all citizens & to all organisations who have an interest in or any involvement in learning. I encourage as many of you as possible, even those who are busy with organising their own events, to get out aí & participate in as many events as possible during the c week. It is a unique opportunity to try something new, or to meet others involved in learning, and to enjoy the h experience. C a I would like to acknowledge the ongoing commitment m of all of the people who make the festival happen, our a hl co-ordinator Tina Neylon, the steering committee chaired g by Willie McAuliffe, the sponsors & partners of the ho festival - but most of all the people on the ground in the nf various organisations and communities of the city and a surrounding areas. u B e Comhghairdeachas arís. éil Ted Owens F Chief Executive, Cork Education & Training Board 4 The festival promotes and celebrates learning in all its forms and encourages take up among all age groups, particularly those who may not usually participate in learning. Déanann an Fhéile seo foghlaim i ngach cruth a chothú agus a cheiliúradh agus spreagann sé rannpháirtíocht i ngach aoisghrúpa, go mór mhór iad san nach nglacann páirt go h-iondúil i ndeiseanna foghlaime max MAX symbol Maximum number indicated where spaces limited. Events listed by starting 30 time. l Use the prefix 021 if phoning from outside the Cork area. Get ConneCteD with Cork LifeLonG LeArninG festivAL onLine! Follow us on Twitter – www.twitter.com/learning_fest Like us on Facebook – www.facebook.com/corklifelongfestival Special thanks to Christine Nolan, Access Office, CIT, for managing the festival’s Social Media & to Michelle Whooley for her assistance. All details correct at time of going to press. The organisers cannot accept any responsibility for losses incurred due to cancellation or alteration of events. A contact phone number or email appears with each event to allow you to check or to book if requested to do so. You can also use it after the festival to enquire about learning opportunities year round. 5 English Version UNESCO LEARNING CITY AWARD United Nations International Conference Educational, Scientific and on Learning Cities Cultural Organization Cork - 2017 Cork LeArninG CitY & GLoBAL LeArninG viLLAGe 2017 is a milestone year in our progress as a Learning City. UNESCO’s third International Learning Cities Conference will be hosted, for the first time in Spanish Version Europe, in Cork City Hall from 18 to 20 September with opportunities for everyone to be part of this exciting world event. The selection of Cork followed a successful bid lead by Cork City Council Organización International Conference with other Learning City partners – Cork ETB, CdeI Tla, sU NCacCio n&es aU nwidiadse rangoen Loefa rning Cities supporters. Following conferences in Beijing in 20p1a3ra &la EMduecxaiccióon ,in 20C15or,k t -h 2e0 17 la Ciencia y la Cultura selection of Cork is a great honour, reflecting the value placed by UNESCO on our track record of learning. Our Lifelong Learning Festival, known the world over, is the key reason for this. It lead directly to the UNESCO Learning City Award in 2015 & the selection of Cork to host the Global Conference in 2017. So all of you who French Version have made the festival what it is over the years have earned this for Cork & you can be proud that your contribution is recognised globally. This 14th festival is the biggest ever with over 600 events, a significant milestone as it proves that a Learning Festival as a celOerbgarnaistaotiroyn eventI nhtearsna tional Conference a huge impact & is also sustainable – both part of dtehse N aUtioNn’ss U Sniuesstainabolne L earning Cities pour l’éducation, Cork - 2017 Development Goals for 2030. la science et la culture We will have a new website CorkLearningCity.ie shortly. It will be a learning portal for all, young & young at heart. Our long term plans as a learning city are currently being developed & we welcome inputs from you all; through the website or in a series of workshops being run this Spring. As well as our flagship learning festival, a recent initiative is the ‘Learning Neighbourhoods’ concept we have been implementing & learning from. This is an idea developed by & shared with us by Peter Kearns from aí Australia when Director of PASCAL. Following the success of the pilot rc phase of Learning Neighbourhoods in Ballyphehane & Knocknaheeny in o h 2016, they have been joined by Mayfield & Togher. The vision is to have C other neighbourhoods doing likewise in the future & connecting with similar a learning communities worldwide. m a hl So, whether it is through participation in the festival, in a learning g neighbourhood, or in any learning activity at home, in your workplace, o h community, school, crèche, adult education centre, sports club, in a college nf or in a community centre – you are part of this ongoing success story, this is a u your learning city, and you can be proud! B e Denis Barrett éil Cork Learning City Co-Ordinator F English Version email [email protected] www.corklearningcity.ie United Nations International Conference Educational, Scientific and on Learning Cities Cultural Organization Cork - 2017 6 Spanish Version Organización International Conference de las Naciones Unidas on Learning Cities para la Educación, Cork - 2017 la Ciencia y la Cultura French Version Organisation International Conference des Nations Unies on Learning Cities pour l’éducation, Cork - 2017 la science et la culture north – soUth CUrrAChs Since 2010 when the Cork Lifelong Meitheal Mara & Pádraig Ó Duinnín Learning Festival formally twinned with continue their association with Féile Féile an Phobail in Belfast, projects an Phobail, where Youth Worker Kevin started by the two festivals continue Morrison runs a boat building project & year round. Relationships between helps organise visits by young people from organisations & individuals, and between both communities in the north to Cork. different communities, flourish through their involvement in a range of activities including: mural painting, building currachs & learning to row; taking part in marathons in Belfast & Cork. MUrALs Strolling along the Blackrock Walkway oCeAn to CitY & you’ll see murals painted by the Mahon Community Development Project’s Men’s Cork CitY MArAthon Art Group, working under the guidance of visiting mural artists from Belfast. The Young people from the north travel to first mural they created is next to the CIT Cork with the currachs they have built Blackrock Castle Observatory just as you to take part in the Ocean to City Rowing leave the car park; at the old Blackrock Race, organised by Meitheal Mara. Teams Station platform you can see the most of runners from Cork, brought together recent. by Bernard Twomey of the HSE Health Action Zone, take part in the Belfast City In the city centre at Horgan’s Quay there’s Marathon; while Kevin Morrison from Féile a mural commemorating the Titanic, an Phobail brings a team to participate in painted by young unemployed men from Cork City Marathon. Belfast & Mahon in 2012, working together. During festival week the Lord Mayor of Cork Councillor Des Cahill will be unveiling a plaque at the first mural painted by the group. For details email learningcity@ corkcity.ie or see social media. Cross-border & cross-community initiatives are supported by the festival, Féile an Phobail, Co-operation Ireland’s Cork branch & Cork City Council. 7 Cit BeLfAst festivAL of LeArninG Cit Goes virtUAL The Cork festival has started to build a relationship with the Belfast Festival of Learning, which ran for the second year last month. It’s organised by the Belfast Strategic Partnership (BSP), established by the Public Health Agency, Belfast City Council & Belfast Health & Social Care Trust. The aim of the BSP is “to champion and lead the case for tackling life inequalities across all communities in the Belfast area.” See www.makinglifebettertogether.com for more information. Cit ACCess serviCe soCiAL MeDiA CAMPAiGns Running from Monday April 3 to Friday April 7 Each day at 10am & Noon ALL ABoArD 2017 CIT Access Service students take part in #MyCollegeExperience and All Aboard 2017 is a national initiative #MyCollegeTips campaigns by posting co-run by The National Forum for the a photograph & a brief memory or tips Enhancement of Teaching & Learning in about their time in college on CIT Access Higher Education and Ireland’s higher caí education institutions. Service’s social media. r ho During the week April 3 to 7, which C coincides with the Cork Lifelong Learning Each day at 11am & 2pm ma Festival, national & regional events CIT Access Students from the college’s a take place which are designed to build Linked Schools Programme, Science For hl confidence in Ireland’s digital skills for Life, Disability Support Service & Mature g o learning. Students, share their stories of how they h nf Any organisation with an interest in navigated their way through college. ua developing their digital skills for learning, Videos of CIT students sharing their éile B rceogmaerd olens bs ooaf rsdk Ailll ll eAvbeol,a wrda s2 0in1v7i.t ed to pCeITrs Aocncael sssto Trwy/iettxepr e&r ieFancceeb roeoleka. sed via F Visit www.allaboard2017.ie to see the events. It provides an A-Z guide on all Info: Jamie Googan aspects of the programme & features T: 433 5194 email [email protected] easy to use, downloadable resources. 8 Cit tUesDAY APriL 4 9am – 2pm – Guest speakers give cookery demonstrations & 2.50pm – 5pm – Q & A – students put questions to panel Tourism & Hospitality Department, Cork Institute of Technology Live BroADCAst CULinArY CAreer PAths seMinAr - Chef DeMonstrAtions This seminar demonstrates to CIT’s culinary students some of the possibilities open to them as careers in the hospitality industry. Six guest speakers, who have used their culinary training to travel different paths, share their experiences. Through their hard work & ability, they have each arrived at points in their career where, for the moment, they are successful & happy with what they have achieved. Each speaker has a strong culinary background. To best showcase this, each gives a 30 minute cookery demonstration, simultaneously broadcast live on the internet & in certain areas throughout the college. These demonstrations are followed in the afternoon by a question and answer session, where students put their questions to the panel, also broadcast live. It is hoped by sharing their experiences, passion & drive at this seminar that it will encourage the students to see the possibilities that lie before them. The event is jointly sponsored by Cork Institute of Technology and Failte Ireland This event is fully booked, however anyone interested is encouraged to log on to the live streaming event on the website. Details of how to access this event will be published on the College website under “Culinary Career Paths Seminar” See http://www.cit.ie/ For information on how to connect, contact: JJ Healy, [email protected], 085 851 4355 email [email protected] Lisa O Brien, [email protected] Jane Healy, [email protected] Linda Hayes, [email protected] 9 y a d n o m 3 pril Central Library, Grand Parade a All day CitY Centre/CitYwiDe CoMMUnitY eDUCAtion network Information stand & exhibition. See separate entry. siMon Information stand. eLevAteD – A reiMAGininG of Cork ArChiteCtUre Students of Interior Architecture & Design, All day St John’s Central College imaginatively transform key Cork buildings into St Patrick’s St & Grand Parade new spaces - an exhibition of Cork’s PoP-UP eXhiBition in shoP architectural future. winDows The Interior Architecture & Design CoMMUnitY Department at St John’s Central College Arts eXhiBition celebrates 25 years of student work with Cork City Partnership Community arts a Pop-Up Exhibition in the windows of exhibition, including photography, textiles businesses along St Patrick’s Street, Grand and art. aí Parade & the heart of the city. This trail is c linked to an exhibition of work at the Central r ho Library, Grand Parade. See separate entries for details. C a ‘Elevated – A Reimagining of Cork T 492 4900 m Architecture & Beyond’ showcases a the imaginative transformation of key hl g buildings where ‘outside the box’ creativity o has produced world-class examples of h nf architecture & interior design. a u Follow the trail along the streets to the B e Central Library & immerse yourself in éil a future vision of Cork’s architecture & F beyond. Info: 425 5500 Email [email protected] www.stjohnscollege.ie Continues until Friday. 10

This year's festival is the largest in its 14 years, with over 600 events taking place across the city & beyond. It is an event that has brought our city to the attention of people in countries throughout the world. As Leona English of UNESCO said during her visit to the festival last year: “This
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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.