MOLECULARPHYLOGENETICSANDEVOLUTION Vol.9,No.3,June,pp.448–462,1998 ARTICLENO.FY980506 Molecules, Morphology, Fossils, and the Relationship of Angiosperms and Gnetales JamesA.Doyle SectionofEvolutionandEcology,UniversityofCalifornia,Davis,California95616 ReceivedMay15,1997;revisedDecember16,1997 angiosperms in having special water-conducting ves- Morphologicalanalysesofseedplantphylogenyagree sels in the wood, and they all have reproductive struc- thatGnetalesaretheclosestlivingrelativesofangio- tures organized into compound strobili and seeds with sperms,butsomestudiesindicatethatbothgroupsare amicropylartube.Recently,Friedman(1990,1992)and monophyletic,whileothersindicatethatangiosperms Carmichael and Friedman (1996) confirmed earlier are nested within Gnetales. Molecular analyses of reports that Gnetales have part of the angiosperm several genes agree that both groups are monophy- process of double fertilization: both of the two sperm letic,butdifferonwhethertheyarerelated.Conflicts producedbythemalegametophyte(inthepollen)fuse amongmorphologicaltreesdependontheinterpreta- with nuclei in the female gametophyte (in the ovule), tion of certain characters; when these are analyzed butthesecondfusionproducesanadditionalembryoor critically, both groups are found to be monophyletic. embryos rather than triploid endosperm tissue, as in Conflictsamongmoleculartreesmayreflecttherapid angiosperms. The other living seed plants (cycads, Paleozoicradiationofseedplantlines,aggravatedby the long branches leading to extant taxa. Trees in Ginkgo,andconifers)haverarelybeenassociatedwith whichangiospermsarenotrelatedtoGnetalesconflict angiosperms. morewiththestratigraphicrecord.Evenifmolecular Moleculardatamayalsohelpclarifythe‘‘rooting’’of dataresolvetherelationshipsamonglivingseedplant the angiosperms, or determining which angiosperm groups, understanding of the origin of angiosperm groups are ‘‘basal’’(i.e., derived from the first splits in organswillrequireintegrationoffossiltaxa,necessar- angiosperm phylogeny). This may help in reconstruct- ilyusingmorphology. r1998AcademicPress ing states in the common ancestor of living angio- spermsandthusinconnectingthemwithothergroups. However, in this article I will consider only relation- shipsofangiospermswithotherseedplants. INTRODUCTION At first sight, morphological and molecular data on Oneofthemostintractableproblemsinplantsystem- the relationship of angiosperms and Gnetales may atics and evolution is the origin of angiosperms, or appeartoconflict,butcloserexaminationsuggeststhat flowering plants, the dominant plant group on earth they are actually complementary. On one question, today.Oneaspectofthisquestioniswhichoftheother whetherangiospermsandGnetalesarebothmonophy- seedplants,or‘‘gymnosperms,’’aremostcloselyrelated letic,moleculardataareinagreement,whereasmorpho- to angiosperms—their closest outgroup (sister group) logical analyses have given inconsistent results. How- oroutgroups.Toapaleobotanist,thisinvolvesaconsid- ever, on the question of whether the two groups are eration of the many extinct Paleozoic and Mesozoic relatedatall,itisthemoleculardatathatareinconsis- seed plants, but to a molecular systematist, who can tentandmorphologicaldatathatareunanimous.Iwill study only extant organisms, the question is which argue that the disagreements among morphological living seed plants are closest to the angiosperms. The analyses are due to questionable interpretations of only living group that has attracted significant atten- characters, and when these are corrected one obtains tion is the Gnetales (Martens, 1971; Friedman, 1996), results that agree with molecular data. The disagree- which include three divergent genera. Gnetum is a ments among molecular analyses may reflect inherent tropical rainforest tree or vine, with leaves virtually limitationsofmoleculardatainresolvingancientradia- identical to those of a dicotyledonous angiosperm. tions. I will also argue that consideration of the great Ephedra is a desert shrub with small, pointed leaves, diversityoffossilplantsisnecessaryinordertounder- but as in Gnetum these are opposite. Welwitschia, in standtheoriginofangiospermorgans,sincestructures thedesertsofsouthwestAfrica,producesonlyonepair in living seed plants are too highly modified, and that ofstrap-shapedleaves.Allthreegeneraresemblemost fossils may provide independent tests of hypotheses 448 1055-7903/98$25.00 Copyrightr1998byAcademicPress Allrightsofreproductioninanyformreserved. RELATIONSHIPOFANGIOSPERMSANDGNETALES 449 basedonmoleculardata,bothasadditionaltaxaandas Others have linked angiosperms to the Permian sources of stratigraphic evidence that bears on tree glossopterids, which had simple leaves with simple topology. Since fossils can be integrated into phylog- reticulatevenationandleaflikeovulatestructuresbear- enies only through their morphological characters, ing one or several cupules or ‘‘sporophylls’’ (Stebbins, theseareargumentsforcontinuedattentiontomorphol- 1974; Retallack and Dilcher, 1981). The cupules could ogy, even if molecules become the primary basis for be transformed into bitegmic ovules as proposed for reconstructingrelationshipsamonglivinggroups. Caytonia, while the carpel could be derived from the leaflikeportion. HYPOTHESES ON RELATIONSHIPS PhylogeneticAnalysesBasedonMorphology PrecladisticViews Oftheseveralcladisticanalysesofseedplantsbased One of the earliest hypotheses, proposed by Wett- on morphological data, all agree that Gnetales are the stein (1907) but often called the ‘‘englerian’’ theory, closestlivingrelativesofangiosperms,butsomeanaly- postulated that angiosperms were derived from Gne- ses indicate that both groups are monophyletic, while tales, which were in turn related to conifers. This was others indicate that angiosperms are nested within basedoncomparisonsbetweenthecompoundstrobiliof Gnetales. They also differ in how fossils are interpo- Gnetales, which consist of bracts with simple, uni- lated among living taxa—some link angiosperms and sexual ‘‘flowers’’ in their axils, with one orthotropous GnetaleswithCaytoniaandglossopterids,whileothers (erect) ovule in the female flowers, and the inflores- link them with coniferopsids (conifers, ginkgos, Paleo- cencesofthewind-pollinated‘‘Amentiferae,’’whichare zoic cordaites). For this reason, they vary greatly in also made up of simple, unisexual flowers, with one implications for character evolution, such as origin of orthotropous ovule. This view fell out of favor with the carpel. Some of these scenarios might never be increasing evidence that Amentiferae are advanced envisionedifonlylivingtaxawereconsidered,asisthe within angiosperms, compared to ‘‘Magnoliidae,’’ such casewithmolecularanalyses(cf.DoyleandDonoghue, as Magnolia, with showy, bisexual flowers, and this 1987,1992). conclusionhasbeenamplyconfirmedbybothfossiland In the analysis of Crane (1985), angiosperms and moleculardata(Doyle,1978;Chaseetal.,1993;Crane Gnetales were sister groups. The two were in turn et al., 1995). However, englerian ideas are far from related to Bennettitales and the Mesozoic genus Pen- dead, since one magnoliid group, Chloranthaceae, is toxylon, and the whole clade was associated with also like Gnetales in having opposite leaves, inflores- glossopterids, Caytonia, and Triassic corystosperms. cencesofsimpleflowers,andoneorthotropousovule. Since Bennettitales, Gnetales, and angiosperms all A competing theory was proposed by Arber and haveflowerlikestructures,thiswouldsupportanArber Parkin(1907),inspiredbythelarge,bisexual‘‘flowers’’ and Parkin (1907) scenario for floral evolution, with ofMesozoicBennettitales,whichhadcycad-likeleaves. angiosperm carpels and bennettitalian stalked ovules In Bennettitales, the ovules were borne on simple both derived from pinnate sporophylls like those of stalks, rather than anything like a carpel, the closed Caytonia. ovule-bearingorganofangiosperms.ArberandParkin To test these results, Doyle and Donoghue (1986, therefore proposed that the two groups were derived 1992) added several characters that might support fromacommonancestorwithpinnatesporophylls,with alternative relationships, but this had little effect the megasporophylls folded to enclose the ovules in (Fig.1).Mostimportantly,angiospermswereseparated angiosperms, but reduced in Bennettitales.Arber and Parkin(1908)thoughtthatGnetaleswerealsorelated from Gnetales, as the sister group of Bennettitales, toangiosperms,buttheyinterpretedtheirsimpleflow- Pentoxylon, and Gnetales. These four groups were ersasreducedratherthanprimitive. called ‘‘anthophytes’’ because their common ancestor Angiosperms have also been associated with the wouldhavehadflowerlikestructures.Caytoniawasthe Mesozoic genus Caytonia, which had palmately com- sistergroupoftheanthophytes,supportingthehomol- poundleaveswithsimplereticulatevenationandmega- ogyofthebitegmicovulewiththeCaytoniacupule.The sporophylls bearing two rows of anatropous (reflexed) flowersofGnetaleswouldrepresenttheculminationof ‘‘cupules,’’ each containing several ovules (Gaussen, a trend for reduction and simplification. Ovules of 1946;Stebbins,1974;Doyle,1978).Thiswouldexplain Gnetales have two integuments; the outer of these the fact that the ovules of angiosperms are usually would correspond to the perianth of Bennettitales. anatropousandbitegmic(withtwointeguments).Ifthe These inferences illustrate the importance of fossils: number of ovules in a Caytonia cupule was reduced to without fossils interpolated among extant taxa, there 1, the cupule would resemble an angiosperm ovule, wouldbenoCaytoniaprototypeforthebitegmicangio- withtheouterintegumentcorrespondingtothecupule spermovule,andtheouterintegumentofangiosperms wall. The carpel might be derived by widening and might be derived from the outer integument of Gne- foldingofthesporophyllrachis. tales. 450 JAMESA.DOYLE FIG.1. RepresentativemostparsimoniousseedplanttreeofDoyleandDonoghue(1992),showingevolutionofleafmorphologyanda scenarioforfloralevolution,withshadingindicatinghomologousparts(modifiedfromDoyle,1994).Namesofextanttaxaaregiveninboldface type. Unfortunately, these results were not robust: Doyle spond to the subtending bract (Doyle, 1994). and Donoghue (1987, 1992) found very different trees AnthophyteswerealsolinkedwithconifersinRothwell that were only one or two steps longer. These include and Serbet (1994), while angiosperms and Gnetales ‘‘neo-englerian’’ trees, with Gnetales basal in antho- were sister groups within anthophytes. Angiosperms phytes and anthophytes linked with conifers (Fig. 2). and Gnetales were linked with conifers in analyses of This would imply that the simple flowers of Gnetales livingplantsonlybyLoconteandStevenson(1990)and are primitive and homologous with the fertile short DoyleandDonoghue(1992).However,thisresultwould shoots of Paleozoic conifers. The angiosperm outer notnecessarilyimplyaneo-englerianscenarioforfloral integument might be derived from the outer integu- evolution, since it would also be consistent with trees ment of Gnetales, itself derived from sterile append- with glossopterids and Caytonia interpolated between ages on the fertile short shoot; the carpel might corre- conifersandanthophytes. RELATIONSHIPOFANGIOSPERMSANDGNETALES 451 FIG.2. Representativemostparsimoniousneo-engleriantreebasedonthedatasetofDoyleandDonoghue(1992),showingevolutionof leafmorphologyandascenarioforfloralevolution(modifiedfromDoyle,1994). Another weakness of these studies is that they (1994)includedninepotentiallybasalangiospermtaxa, treated angiosperms as a single taxon, which required to which Doyle (1996) added two more and a Jurassic debatable assumptions on basic states. For example, relative of Gnetales, Piroconites (Kirchner, 1992; van Doyle and Donoghue (1986, 1992) scored angiosperms Konijnenburg-van Cittert, 1992), which had glossop- as having spiral leaves and anatropous ovules. How- terid-like reproductive structures. The two analyses ever, opposite leaves and orthotropous ovules occur in gavesimilarresults.InDoyle(1996),Gnetaleswerethe Chloranthaceae, which are among the oldest angio- closest living group to angiosperms, but Caytonia was sperms in the Cretaceous fossil record (Crane et al., located on the angiosperm line, rather than below the 1995) and have been considered a link between angio- anthophytes,andinmanytreesglossopteridswerethe sperms and Gnetales (Meeuse, 1972; Hickey and Tay- sister group of anthophytes (Fig. 3). This implies that lor,1996). thecommonancestorofangiospermsandGnetaleshad In an attempt to correct this problem, Doyle et al. glossopterid-like ovulate structures, retained up to FIG. 3. Representative most parsimonious seed plant tree of Doyle (1996), showing evolution of leaf morphology and a scenario for evolutionoftheovulatestructures.GNET,Gnetales.DechellyiaisaLateTriassicfossiltooincompletelyknowntobeincludedintheanalysis. 452 RELATIONSHIPOFANGIOSPERMSANDGNETALES 453 Piroconites on the line to Gnetales, and anatropous short length of sequences and small number of taxa cupulesaroseontheCaytonia–angiospermline,rather analyzed: Hori et al. (1985), based on 5S rRNA, which thanbeingancestralinanthophytes. did not include Gnetales; and Troitsky et al. (1991), In contrast, in the analysis of Nixon et al. (1994), based on 5S, 5.8S, and short 18S sequences, which which included 18 angiosperms, angiosperms were separatedGnetumandEphedra,possiblybecauseWel- nestedwithinGnetales,whichwerethereforeparaphy- witschiawasnotincluded. letic rather than monophyletic (Fig. 4). Angiosperms In Hamby and Zimmer (1992), based on most of the were linked with Gnetum and Welwitschia, whereas 18S rRNA gene and smaller portions of 26S, angio- Ephedra was one or two nodes lower. In most trees, spermsandGnetaleswerebothmonophyletic,buttheir anthophytes were linked with conifers, never with relationships were unstable. In a neighbor-joining glossopterids and Caytonia. These results imply that analysisof60taxa,withseedplantsrootedbyPsilotum angiosperms were derived from a gnetalian proto- and Equisetum, Gnetales were linked with angio- type—a neo-englerian scenario (cf. Fig. 2). Consistent sperms, while cycads, Ginkgo, and conifers formed a with this, Chloranthus or Casuarina was basal in cladeatthebaseofseedplants(Fig.5e).Inaparsimony angiosperms,ratherthanMagnolialesorNymphaeales analysisthetwoangiospermoutgroupswerereversed, (Donoghue and Doyle, 1989; Doyle et al., 1994; Doyle, sothatGnetaleswerebasalinseedplants(Fig.5f),but 1996). Angiosperms were also nested within Gnetales this was favored over the other arrangement by only in a smaller analysis by Hickey and Taylor (1996), onestep.When72taxawereanalyzedwithparsimony linkeddirectlywithGnetum. (Doyleetal.,1994),therelationshipofangiospermsand PhylogeneticAnalysesofMolecularData Gnetales was favored. Both trees correspond to the In contrast, all major molecular analyses strongly same unrooted tree of seed plants; the difference is support angiosperms and Gnetales as monophyletic whetheroutgroupsattachtothelinetocycads,Ginkgo, groups, thus contradicting Nixon et al. (1994) and andconifersorthelinetoGnetales.Thereisreasonto HickeyandTaylor(1996),buttheydisagreeonwhether question any rooting based on living outgroups, which the two groups are related at all. Simplified molecular branchedfromseedplantsbeforetheMiddleDevonian. trees are presented in Fig. 5, together with arrange- Inmorphologicalanalysesincludingfossils(Figs.1–4), ments of extant taxa based on morphology (Figs. 5a– the crown-group (all derivatives of the most recent 5d). I will pass over two early studies because of the common ancestor of extant seed plants) was rooted FIG.4. RepresentativeseedplanttreeofNixonetal.(1994). 454 JAMESA.DOYLE FIG.5. Relationshipsoflivinggroupsfoundinmorphologicalandmolecularanalysesofseedplants. with Late Devonian–Carboniferous progymnosperms only 63%. Gnetales were basal in gymnosperms, so andseedferns,whicharecloserthanlivingoutgroups, angiosperms and Gnetales could be linked if seed and the root was attached among cycads, Ginkgo, and plants were rooted differently. Stefanovic (1996) found conifers. a similar tree based on 28S rDNA; again, bootstrap Doyle et al. (1994) performed bootstrap and decay supportforthegymnospermswaslow,66%. analyses to evaluate the strength of the rRNAresults. Incontrast,whenHasebeetal.(1992)analyzedtheir BecausetheyquestionedtherootingbasedonPsilotum rbcLdatawithmaximumlikelihood,angiospermswere and Equisetum, this was an unrooted analysis. Angio- the sister group of gymnosperms but Gnetales were spermsandGnetaleswerestronglysupportedasclades, nested within the latter, linked with cycads (Fig. 5h). at bootstrap percentages of 100 and 99%, respectively, This tree cannot be converted into one with angio- andthetwowerelinkedatthe88%level.Thisdoesnot sperms and Gnetales linked by rerooting seed plants. directly evaluate whether angiosperms and Gnetales Similar trees, but with Gnetales linked with conifers form a clade, but it does measure support for an (Fig.5i),werefoundbyGoremykinetal.(1996),based unrooted tree in which the two taxa could be a clade on chloroplast rDNA ITS sequences, by Chaw et al. undersomerootings. (1997),basedon18SrDNA,andbyBoweandDePam- Trees with Gnetales basal in seed plants and angio- philis (1997), based on the mitochondrial gene coxI. sperms linked with cycads, Ginkgo, and conifers (Fig. However, in Goremykin et al., bootstrap support was 5f)werealsofoundinanalysesofthechloroplastgene only 53–58% for the gymnosperms and 50–56% for rbcL by Albert et al. (1994) and Doyle and Sanderson Gnetalesplusconifers,incontrastto90–92%forangio- (1997).Inthelatteranalysis,bootstrapsupportforthis sperms and 99–100% for Gnetales. In Chaw et al. rooting (i.e., for seed plants other than Gnetales) was (1997), bootstrap support was 100% for both angio- 83%,butGnetalesandangiospermsweremonophyletic sperms and Gnetales, but only 56–75% for gymno- atthe96and99%levels,respectively.However,Hasebe sperms.SupportforGnetalesplusconiferswashigher, etal.(1992)foundadifferenttreewhentheyconverted 84%, but it should be noted that this is less than the rbcL data into amino acid sequences and analyzed 88% value for angiosperms plus Gnetales in the rRNA them by neighbor joining, with angiosperms the sister analysis of Doyle et al. (1994). Chaw et al. (1997) cited group of other seed plants (Fig. 5g). Gymnosperms absences of angiosperm indels as evidence for the thereforeformedaclade,butitsbootstrapsupportwas monophyly of gymnosperms, but such absences are RELATIONSHIPOFANGIOSPERMSANDGNETALES 455 presumably symplesiomorphies that occurred in the ontheanalysisofNixonetal.;thatofHickeyandTaylor common ancestor of all seed plants and are therefore wasbasedontoofewtaxaandcharacterdefinitionstoo irrelevanttothestatusofgymnosperms. heavilylinkedwithoneevolutionaryscenario. Evenwithoutconsideringindividualcharacters,there is evidence that support for the paraphyly of Gnetales DISCUSSION in the Nixon et al. (1994) data set is weak. In an AssummarizedinFig.5,allmorphologicalanalyses analysis of this data set, Donoghue, Doyle, and Fried- (Figs.5a–5d)agreethatangiospermsandGnetalesare man(citedinDoyle,1996)foundthatbootstrapsupport related, but some indicate that both groups are mono- for the angiosperm–Gnetum–Welwitschia clade was phyletic (Figs. 5a–5c), while others indicate that Gne- only 54%. Furthermore, when Albert et al. (1994) tales are paraphyletic and angiosperms are nested combined the Nixon et al. data set with rbcL data for within them (Fig. 5d). The relationships of other seed extant taxa, they obtained trees in which Gnetales plants are poorly resolved, but they always form a weremonophyletic.Anevenmoreintriguingresultwas paraphyletic basal series. Molecular studies (Figs. 5e– that anthophytes were linked with Caytonia and glos- 5i) all strongly support the monophyly of both angio- sopterids rather than with conifers. This may seem sperms and Gnetales. Some indicate that the two paradoxical, since there are no molecular data on groups are related (Fig. 5e), but most imply that they Caytonia. However, it can be explained as a result of are not. In some analyses (Figs. 5f and 5g), angio- strong molecular support for Gnetales, weak morpho- sperms and Gnetales could be related if seed plants logicalsupportfortheangiosperm–Gnetum–Welwitschia were rooted differently, but in others (Figs. 5h and 5i), clade,andthefactthatangiospermssharemorphologi- they cannot be related under any rooting. However, calfeatureswithCaytonia, supportforthesearrangementsisweak. set.WhenangiospermsarenestedwithinGnetales,the Inthefollowingsections,Iwilladduceevidencethat latter features have no effect on the position of antho- themolecularresultsaremorecredibleincaseswhere phytes as a whole. But when the rbcL data pull theirinternalsupportisstrong—thatangiospermsand Gnetales together as a clade, angiosperms go to the Gnetales are both monophyletic—and the morphologi- baseofanthophytes,andtheirfeaturesdrawthewhole cal results where these are strongly supported—that grouptogetherwithCaytonia. thetwogroupsarerelated.Itshouldbenotedthatthe The key characters responsible for the result of disagreements among analyses of the two kinds are Nixon et al. (1994) are the five synapomorphies that somewhatdifferent.Withthemolecularstudies,many linkangiospermswithGnetumandWelwitschia,tothe oftheconflictsarebetweenanalysesofdifferentgenes exclusion of Ephedra. Consideration of these charac- (although some involve method of analysis or taxon ters (documented in Doyle, 1996) may illustrate some sampling), whereas with the morphological analyses general principles about pitfalls in the use of morpho- theconflictsarebetweendatasetsmadeupofoverlap- logical characters and ways to avoid them. These pingcharacters,which,however,havebeeninterpreted examplesemphasizethenecessityofconsideringstruc- differently. The fact that molecular systematics in- turesintheirpositionalanddevelopmentalcontexts. volves fewer problems of character analysis (except Onecharacteriscellularizationofthefemalegameto- sometimes in sequence alignment) is one of its great phyte(intheovule).Thebasicconditioninseedplants strengths.Theconflictsamongmorphologicalanalyses isalveolar:gametophyteontogenybeginswithaphase might thus seem to confirm the view that morphologi- of free-nuclear divisions and then cell walls form in a cal data are hopelessly subjective and can be reinter- honeycomb-likepatternaroundindividualnuclei.How- pretedtosupportanyhypothesisonelikes.Partofthe ever, Gnetum and Welwitschia show a nonalveolar following discussion is therefore a defense of morphol- pattern, in which cell walls form irregularly around ogy against this charge: it is often possible to decide several nuclei. In angiosperms, the female gameto- objectively between interpretations of characters. In phyteisreducedtoaneggcellandtwosynergidsatthe addition,Iwillarguethatfossilsmayprovideindepen- micropylar end, three antipodal cells at the other end, dentcriteriaforchoosingamongmolecularhypotheses. and two free polar nuclei in the middle. Nixon et al. (1994) scored angiosperms like Gnetum and Wel- ConflictsamongMorphologicalAnalyses witschia,presumablybecausethemiddleofthegameto- With morphological data, the main disagreement on phyte remains free-nuclear. However, the egg, syner- relations of living taxa concerns whether Gnetales are gids,andantipodalsofangiospermsarealluninucleate monophyleticorparaphyletic,asinNixonetal.(1994) cells, and in this sense they are more like other seed and Hickey and Taylor (1996). One could simply claim plants. One solution would be to score angiosperms as that the molecular data refute these hypotheses, and unknown. However, it is also possible to redefine the this might be a valid position. However, the same character in terms of a related but less ambiguous conclusioncanbereachedbycloserexaminationofthe distinction: cellularization resulting in uninucleate vs relevant morphological characters. I will concentrate multinucleatecells.Underthisdefinition,angiosperms 456 JAMESA.DOYLE canbeunambiguouslyscoredashavingthebasicstate three or more sterile nuclei, the last called the stalk and Gnetum and Welwitschia the derived state. This cell,andtwosperm,butinGnetumandWelwitschiathe suggests a general principle: when choosing among numberofnucleiisreducedtofourandinangiosperms alternative distinctions between character states, one tothree.However,reductionfromfivetofournucleiin should define states such that critical taxa can be GnetumandWelwitschiaoccursbylossofthestalkcell, scoredunambiguously. so the changes in the two characters are equivalent. A related character is the presence or absence of Thestalkcellwouldalsobelostinangiospermsduring archegonia, the original egg-containing organ in land reductiontothreenuclei,whetherthisoccurredbythe plants.Ephedrahasarchegonia,withaneggandneck same or another route. Treating the stalk cell as a cells,buttheyareabsentinangiosperms,Gnetum,and separatecharacterthereforecountsthesameevolution- Welwitschia. This may seem like a clear, objective ary event twice; on the general principle that such distinction, but closer examination shows that the weighting should be avoided, this character should be conditions in angiosperms and the two gnetalian gen- eliminated. eraareverydifferent.InGnetum,themicropylarendof When these characters are redefined in a more the gametophyte remains free-nuclear, and free nuclei neutralmanner(Doyle,1996)andtherestoftheNixon functionaseggs(Martens,1971;CarmichaelandFried- et al. (1994) data set is left unchanged, one obtains man, 1996); in Welwitschia, the whole gametophyte trees in which Gnetales and angiosperms are both becomes cellularized, but individual nuclei of multi- monophyletic. The bootstrap support for Gnetales is nucleate cells act as eggs (Carmichael and Friedman, only moderate (75%), but this is as high as for many personalcommunication).Incontrast,althoughangio- groups whose monophyly has rarely been questioned spermshavenoneckcellsandthusnoarchegonia,the (e.g.,cycads). egg is a normal, uninucleate cell. I see no basis for ConflictsamongMolecularAnalyses equating these two states or for considering one a modificationoftheother;infact,onemightarguethat In discussing the results of molecular analyses, I they resulted from different modifications of the basic noted reasons to doubt the rootings obtained for seed gametophyte ontogeny. In the face of such divergent plantsasawhole.Seedplantsareagoodexampleofa scenarios for character evolution, bias in favor of one radiation that occurred in a relatively short period a scenario over another can be avoided by treating the long time ago, a situation in which molecular data are alternativeconditions(threeinthiscase)asstatesofan leastlikelytobereliable,becauseofthesmallnumber unorderedmultistatecharacter. ofmolecularsynapomorphiesbetweennodes,thepossi- Similarproblemsconcernembryogeny,whichpasses bilitythatthesewereerasedbylaterchanges(multiple throughaninitialfree-nuclearphaseincycads,Ginkgo, hits),andtherelatedproblemoflongbranchattraction andconifersbutproceedsentirelybycellulardivisions (Felsenstein, 1978; Donoghue et al., 1989; Donoghue inangiosperms,Gnetum,andWelwitschia.Thecritical andSanderson,1992). taxon is Ephedra, which Nixon et al. (1994) and previ- This point is illustrated by Fig. 6, the tree in Fig. 3 ous workers (Crane, 1985; Doyle and Donoghue, 1986, (Doyle,1996)withconifersandangiospermsreducedto 1992) interpreted as free-nuclear, because the two single taxa, plotted against geologic time. Black lines zygotesdividetoproduceeightfreenuclei.However,as show the known ranges of each group, white lines emphasized by Friedman (1994), the following stages ‘‘ghost lineages’’ (Norell, 1992), where the cladogram are more like those in angiosperms, Gnetum, and predictsthatthelineexistedbecauseitssistergroupis Welwitschia, in that each of the eight free nuclei (now alreadyknowninthefossilrecord,butthelineitselfis surrounded by cell walls) produces a separate embryo not.Ghostlineageshavebeenextendeddownwardthe by cellular divisions, whereas in cycads, Ginkgo, and least possible distance (minimum implied gap: Benton conifers many free nuclei contribute to one embryo. and Storrs, 1994), resulting in several apparent poly- This suggests that the occurrence of two free-nuclear chotomies.Fourlivingseedplantlinesseparatedinthe divisions in Ephedra is a secondary advance. Whether Carboniferous; plants on their stem-lineages occur in or not this hypothesis is correct, it casts doubt on the theLateCarboniferousorPermian,andmostifnotall scoring of Ephedra. Again, this character can be re- ofthemanyseedplantsknownfromtheEarlyCarbon- placed with a related one, whether each embryo is iferous are more primitive than their reconstructed derivedfromseveralfreenucleiorfromasinglecellby common ancestor (e.g., lacking such crown-group apo- cellulardivisions,forwhichEphedracanbeunambigu- morphiesasendarchprimaryxylem,pollenwithhoney- ouslyscoredashavingthelatterstate. comb-type exine structure and air sacs, and bilateral A final case involves redundancy of two characters ovule symmetry).Although the first records of the two used by Nixon et al. (1994): number of nuclei in the anthophyte lines are Late Triassic, it is possible that male gametophyte (in the pollen) and presence or they diverged in the Permian. If glossopterids are absence of a stalk cell. In the basic male gametophyte paraphyletic(theyhaveonlytwoquestionableautapo- ontogeny in seed plants, successive divisions produce morphies, saccate and striate pollen), the ghost lin- RELATIONSHIPOFANGIOSPERMSANDGNETALES 457 FIG. 6. Most parsimonious seed plant tree of Doyle (1996) (Fig. 3) plotted against geologic time (Palmer, 1983), approximated to 10-million-yearintervals,withknownranges,ghostlineagesimpliedbythetree,andmeasuresofconsistencywiththestratigraphicrecord (seetextfordiscussion).RangesbasedonStewartandRothwell(1993)andothergeneralreferences. eages leading to both lines may be represented in the (byadding10characters,withangiospermsandElkin- Permian by plants known as glossopterids (Doyle, siascoredas0,otherlivingseedplantsas1,andfossils 1996). asunknown,thensubtracting10stepsfromtheresult- Other insights may be gained by considering how ing trees). Contrary to Troitsky et al. (1991), this unparsimonioustreesfoundwithmoleculardataarein arrangement does not mean that angiosperms and termsofamorphologicaldataset(Doyle,1996).Figure gymnosperms were independently derived from Devo- 7 shows one of two trees found after forcing angio- nianprogymnosperms.Becauseofthestem,pollen,and spermstobethesistergroupofotherlivingseedplants ovuleadvancessharedbylivingseedplants,theangio-