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Preview Molecular Systematic Study of Asian Conocephalum japonicum (Hepaticae)

TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics ISSN1364-7565 ActaPhytotaxG,eobot.55(1)9/-18(2004) Molecular SystematicStudy AsianConocephalumjaponicum of (Hepaticae) HIDETSUGU MIWAi, TSAI-WEN HSU2, XIAO CHENG3, JUMPEI SUHARA` and NORIAKI MURAKAMIi iDcpartment ofBotai Glrya,duate School ofScien 1c<e),;o tMoiivensi4 Kuitashirakawa-Oiivake- cShaol,yo-ku, K),o t60o6-8502 ,,]opan ;2Division qf'Botan); 7biwan Endemic speci Reesseai℃h Institu t1e ,,iL4ing-SVien E. Road Chi-Chi ,Nbn-7bu 552, 7lriwan 3;1<iinming institu toefBotan C.huineseAcademy ofScien cKeunsm,ing. "innan 650204, China;4DEIpartment of'LiSjciie]nce1,7bcul4o,fScienRciek.kyoCSt.flaUunlilvesn)gii3j-134-J,Nishi-ike- bttkurol,bshima-ku,Tbkyo171-8501,mpan In our previous study, we foun dtwo rbcL type s(JN and JS types i)n Japanes eCbnocephalun Je'aponicuJn Grolle .in thi sstudy, we collected plan tmaterials from 20 localiti ien sChina ,Korea and Ileiiw aWne. determine d1304 bps ofeach nucleotide rbcL sequence and foun dtwo rbcL types in Asian CL jcrponicum. 0ne of them was a new rbcL type (CS type), which diffe rfsrom the JN and JS types by 10 and 8 nucleotides, respcctiyely. The CS and JS types were found both in Mainland China and Thiwan, We could not find any morphological differenc ebsetween the two types. In Chitou ,taiwan, the two rbcL types were growing togcther within a small research area measuring 1OO m x 200 m, We performed an allozym eanalysis on this population and observed tha tthc CS type had Est-4a and 7),i-J aalleles; where- as the JS typ ehad list- 4abnd 7))i-lb I.t was strongly suggested tha tthes etwo rbcL types might be repro- ductivel iysolat ecdryptic species of C..iaponicum. Key wordsi allozyme, bryophyte sC,onocephalumJ'aponicu mc,ryptic species, genetic variation, rbeL, reproductive isolation Bryophyte sare .typicall ythe smallest land plants and ecologically well-diffkirentiated from each other having a very simple morphology. However, most but morphologically hardly distinguished ,might bryophyteshavebeen be species of recognized and contained within a single morphological species. described mostly by their limited morphological In fact c,ryptic speciation has been demonstrate idn informatio nMo.rphological species ofbryophytes some broadl ydistribut berdyophyt especies such often have a broad geographic adlistribut ispoann- as the thallose liverwor t(sConoceph acolniucumm ning two or more continents (Schofi &el Cdrum Dumort,, Mdi℃hantia polymoilpha L,, Reboulia 1972), Even though bryephyte scan be easily dis- hemisphaeric aRaddi, Riccia dic4,ospora Howe, persed to remote sites through minute spores, such Aneura pingtti sDumort. ,Relli aepipbylla Corda), ranges seem too wide for the disrtribut oifoan sin- and a leaf yliverwo r(tf]br epllaliapphyll aPfeiM gle bielogic aslpecies. Therefbre w,e can expect as well as several mosses (Climaci uammericanum that several cryptic species, which are geneticallyBrid. ,Leucobiyum glaucuni Angstr. ,Plagiomunium NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 10 APG Xlo1.55 euspiclatum T.J.Kop. ,AcfielichhqRt relioangata Nees Japanese Conocqphalum.iaponicum. Their geo- & Hornsch. Ibntinalis Hedw). distribution inJapan and antinvretica graphical aTcas were clearly (revie wbeyd Shaw 2001) .These cryptic species separated by the band of latitu d4e2-43eN through have mainly been determine dthrough allozyme Hokl<aid oT.he geographic abloundary of the two analysis. rbcL types is nearly identica tlo the nonhern limi tof Among these examples, the firs ktnown case of the distributi ornange of Rigtts crenata in Japan cryptic speeiation in bryophtye swas demonstrated (Horika 1w9a72) ,We found a mixed population of using the thallose liverwor tConocephalttm JN and JS types in Abuta ,Hoklcaid oJ,apan .At this conieum, Odrzykoski & Szweykowski (1991),site, the two rbcL types were growing side by side in Akiyama & Hiraoka ( 1994) and Kim et at. (1 996) 2-3 meters distanc eW.e also conducted allozyme examined allozyme variation from throughout the analysis and detected polymorphism sin EST and geographic adlistribut iraornige ofthe species, and TPI enzymes, and tight associations between the fbund six discre tgeroups in total T,he genetic difi allozyme and rbcL variants were observed; the JS ferentiat aimoonng these six groups as measured by typ ewere fixe dfbr list-3 aand 7))i-l aallel ewhse,re- Nei' sgeneti cdistanc ewas as larg eas those com- as the JN typ efor Est-3h and 7)i-lh .Individuals monly reported between differe nvatscular plant with genotypes of other combinations were not species and much large rthan those between con- found in this population ,Thus, we tentatively con- specific population sofa higher plant species. They cluded that these two rhcL type sof C. ]'uponicum found several mixed populations of two differentrepresented two reproductively isolate dcryptic allozyme type sof C. conicum, but even in these specles. sympatrical populations ,recornbinant gametophytes Conoeqphatum J'aponicu mis widely distrib- were not detecte d(Szweykows keti al. 1981, uted in East Asia: Nepal ,Japan ,Kamchatka (Russia) Odrzykoski 1987). They concluded that these six and Taiwan mark the west, east, north, and south allozyme groups were biological liyndependent boundarie sof it srange (Kitaga w1a982) ,In the C. cryptlc spcclcs, present study, we collected samples of 1'aponicum In our previous study (Miwa et al. 2003), we in China, Korea and Ibiwan in order to discove rpos- sought to fin dcryptic species in Conocephalum sible new rbcL types and also to elucidate the whole 1'(rponic tGtromlle using rbcL sequence variations distributi ornange of the two rbcL types fbund in rather than allozyme analysis as a prelimina riyndi- Japan. cator. In angiosperms, rbcL variations have been considered to be usefu1 only fbr inter-gene roirc Materials and Methods inter-famillieavlel (Chase ofphylogenetic analyses et al, 1993), tn various ferns ,however, rbcL varia- Plantmaterials tion has been shown to be a usefu1 tool for finding We collected Conocephaium .laponicum at 20 cryptic species (Muraka meti al. 1998a ,b, Uttabe et remote localit iien sChina ,Korea and 1laiwa n(Tbble al, 1998 ,1999 ,2001, Kato et al, 2001, Masuyama et 1) .We generally collected a single individu aflrom al. 2002) .We considered it highly possible that each locali tFyo.r one popuiatio ant Chitou, faiwan, rbcL variation would also be usefuI fbr finding we mapped all the recognizable individual gsrowing cryptic specics ofbryophytes. in a 100 m x 200 m transect ,and then collected a Actuall yin our previou sstudy (Miwa et al. small ameunt of each ef 21 plant sfbr rhcL sequenc- 2003), two distinc ttypes of rbcL sequences (JN ing and enzyme electrophoretic analysis. All vouch- and JS) ,differi nbgy 6 nucleotides, were found in er specimens are deposite idn the Herbarium ofthe NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorPrl anPtlSyastnetma tSicysstematics June 2e04 MIWA et al, : Biosystemat iofcCsJonoc'ephalum ll Graduate School of Science,Kyoto University CGGGCTCCA) fbr the PCR (Haseb eet aL 1994). (KYO). A typical PCR amplification includ eadn initial denature (5 min, 94℃) fo11owe dby 35 cycles with DM4 sequencing and molecularpltytagenetic analy- a 1 min denatur eat 94℃ 1 min annealing at 50- , sisTotal 55℃ 2 min 30 sec synthesis at 72℃ and a final , , DNAs werc cxtracted using the Nucleon step of synthesis for 6 min at 72℃ . The PCR prod- PhytePure plant and funga lDNA extraction kit ucts were purifie dusing a QIA quick PCR (Amersha mor) ,alternatively the Plant DNeasy Kit Purificati oKnit (Qiage nTh)e, amplified fragments (Qiage Pna)rt.ia rlbcL gene segments were amplified were sequenced with a Big Dye terminator cyclc by PCR using Ready-To-Go PCR Beads sequencing kit (Appli eBidosystems) using the (Amersham W)e. used two sets ofprimers: 1-1 above mentioned primers ,and run on an Applied (P(rGTCACCACAAACAGAGACTAAAGC) ,2R Biosystems Model 377 autornated DNA sequencer (CTTCTGCTIACAAAIIAAGAMCGATCTCTC- (Appli Beidosystems) .The obtained sequences were CA), N2-1 (TGAAAACGTGAATTCCCAAC- handledbySequenceNavigator (Applied sofiware CGTTTMGCG), NN3-2 (GCAGCAGC[[ZAGTTC-Biosystems )A. molecular phylogenetic tree was TABLE 1, Nbucher int'ormat oifo tnhe plant materials from China, Korea and Thiwan, Abbreviatio nofcolleetors: XC, X. Che]ig ;TH, T.-W. Hsu; HM, H, Miwa; JS, J. Suhara, Locality Cellectors SpecimenNo. C.,iaponicu(mCStype) 1 . Kunming, Yunnan, China [200 0m] .LSandX(r HM4002HMi272H)t43305HM4014HM406fH}V4062rnV4006lfM3351H}ws356 2. Vthiding, M]nnan, Ch{na [2000 m] JS and .\C 3. Daguan, Yinnan, China [130 m0] JS and XC 4. Shilin ,Yunnan, (]hin al]50 0rn] JSandX(r 5. Malipo, Ylinnan ,China [7S Om] .LS and .\C 6. Xichou, YUnnan, China [150 0m] rs and XC 7. Hekou, YUnnan, China [115 0m] .I Sand sc 8. faipingshan ,Ilan ,Thiwan [89 0rn] itM and lH 9. faipingshan ,Ilan ,Tlaiwa n[ 1840 rn] HMandM C. j'uponicum (CS,i tJypSe) 1O, Chitou ,Nantou, Taiwan [ca.11 m5]e Ml4 and 7IlJAus?09Cl.21 C j'aponict {(mJS type) 11. Kochiu, YIJnnan ,China [1490 m] XSandXC HM4013HM4010HM401lHM4012HM40D5Hll336IHMS3PiHM33SiHM3ljitfiWl13 12, Manhaozhcn, Mmnan, China [54 0m] .LS and XC 13, Adebo, Yinnnan ,China [133 r5n] .LSandXC 14, Jinpin ,YUnnan, China [188 0ml JSandXC 15, Pinbian ,thtnnan ,China [125 m0] XSandXC 16, Tianwangmia oT,laip eTia,iwan [47 0m] H}lfandM 17, Mucha, Taipei ,[[tLiw a[n30 0m] Mlf and ZH 18. FuanHuag, Nanteu, Tkiwan [86 5m] HMandM 19, Cheju, Cheju-isl .K,orea [60 0m] IfiVMlf 20. Cheju, Cheju-isl .Korea [72 0m] NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 12 APG Nlo1 .55 constmcted using the CLUSI[ALX program ,version We named the new rbcL type as CS (Chin Saouth) 1,8 (Thompso net al. 1997), type T.he CS type was fbund in the northern par tof YUnnan-provinc eC,hina and at higher elevations AUoaymeanalysis of Taiwan, The JS type was found in Korea, Abeut 1OO mg of fres hthallu stissue was homoge- YUnnan-province, Chjna and Taiwan. The geo- nized in a 1 ml extraction buffe r(O.2 2%-mercap- graphic adlistribut oifoCSn and JS typ¢ s is shown in toethanol ,29, 6polyvinyl-pyrrolidon eO,.1 mM Tris- Fig .2, along with the distribut idoanta of the JS and HCI, 1 mM EDTA4Na, 10 mM KCI, 10 mM JN types in our previous work (Miwa et at, 2003). MgC12, pH =- 7.5) .After centrifuging the The JN typ ewas not found among the samples in homogenates at le,OOO rpm for 10 minutes at 4℃ Mainland China and Taiwan. , 20 pl ofthe supernatant was used fbr electrophore- In Chitou ,[Ilaiwa nw,e found a mixed popula- sis for detecting each enzyme. Vertica lpolyacry- tion ofJS and CS types (1 6individua lofsJS type lamide slab gel electrophoresis using a discontinu- and 5 individual sofCS type )I,n this site, the two ous buffe rsystem (Shira i1s9h88i) was conducted rbcL types were growing side by side within a for genotypin gall plan tsamples collected fror nthe small research area measuring 1OO m x 200 m (Fig, Chitou populatio nS.ixtee nenzyme systems were 3) ,We performed an allozyme analysis of the 21 teste dfbr aetivity land scorable bands were obtained samples collected from the Chitou population. for the fbllowing ]O enzymes: fluorescen testerase Polymorphisms were detected only in EST and (EST E.C.: 3,1.1.1 t)r,iosephosphate isomerase (TPI TPI, In addition, the JS type always had Est-4b E.C.: 6,-phosphoglcona tdeehydrogenase and 7))i-l balleles, whereas the CS type always (6PG E.C. :1.1 1..44 )s,hikimate debydrogenas (eSKD had Est-4a and 7Pi-la, and thus tight associations E.C,:1.1.1,2 5g)l,utarna tdeehydrogenas e(GDH between allozyme and rbcL variations were E.C. :l .4.1.2) d,iaphoras (eDIA E.C.:1,6,4. p3h)o,s- observed (Fi g4.) ,The appearances of the three phoglucoisomera s(ePGI E.C.: )g,lutamate rbcL types are shown in Fig. 5. Following the study oxaleacetate transaminase (GOT E.C.: )ac,id on Conocephalum conicum by Odrzykoski & (ACPE,C.:, Szweykowski (1991) Akiyama & Hiraoka phosphatase and superoxid- and edesmutase (SOD E.C.:1.15,1. 1T)h.e loc iwere (1994 w)e, observed morphological featur eofscells numbered in relation to their mob{lity: the longest and air chambers, We also compared lengt hw,idth, distanc zeone was isozyme I, and shorter distancc thickness ofthalli as well as their color ameng JN, zones were isozymes 2, 3 and so on. The allcle JS and CS types, We could not find any significant labe lalsphabetically denot reelative mobility, th ea- morphological differen cameosng the three rbcL alleles of each lecus have the longest distance ,fo1- types. lowed by b, c and so on, We made a molecular phylogenet iacnalysis based on the obtained rbcL sequences of Cono- Results cephalum,1'oponicum together with those of other bryophytes including C. conicum from the DNA We determine d1,30 4nucleotide sequences of the databas e(Fi g6,) ,The rbaL sequences of C. J'crpon- rbcL gene fbr all the collected samples of Cono- icum and C. conicum made a separate clade on the cephalum,fuponicum, Tiwo distin crbtcL sequences obtained molecular trce .Among the thrce rbcL were found in Asian C, ]'mponicu (mFi g1,) .One of types of C, J'aponicu mt,he JS and CS types were them was a new rbcL type, which differ fsror nJN shown to be more closely related to each other than and JS types by 1O and 8 nucleotides, respectively. either is to the JN type. NII-Electronic Library Service TThheJea paJnaespeanese SSooccieityety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics June 2004 MIWA etaL : Biosystematie osf Conocephalztm 13 JN) GAGCAGCAGT TGCTGcrGM Tcl-rcTAccGGTACATGGACTAaGMGGACTGATGGTCTACTAATCTTGATCGrrATz4e ]s) cs)N)JS)cs AAAGGTCGATGCTATGGTATTGACCCTGTTTGGAGAAGAAAAT[AATATAnGCnATGTAGCnATCCTTT'AGATTT]2e JN) AlllTTGAAGAGAGATCTGI-FACAAATATGJTTACJTorA"GTAGGTAATGTAITI'GGA"TAAAGCMAAGAGCATTAC4ee JS) cs JN)JS)cs GTCnGMGAmAcGMnCCTCCAGC"ATACAAAAACMCCAAGGTCCTCorCATGGTA"CAAGTTGAAAGAGAT48e JN)j5)gs)A-M.n.A.A"AC-A.A.A.T"AT-G.GTCGTccmAnAGGATGTACTA"AAACCAAA MAGGTnATCTGCTAAAA ATTATGGTAG56e JN)JS)wtrrtA-G.C.TGTATATGAATGTCTT'CGTGGTGGACTTGACMACT AAAGATGATG AAAATGTAAAITCTCIVLCCArrrATGcGnMe NiMENGAAACTGGAGAAATCAIULGGACAnAMA72e )N) GGAGAGATCG ITrCITAMGTAGCAGAAGCTC AA ATCTC JS)L JN) AATGCTACTG CAGGTACATCTGAAGAAATG1-rmuGAGCAGCATGTGCTAGAGAGIUFAGGTGTACCAA"GnATGCAsee JS)L JN)JS)gs.iJTNG)AJCST)AIUTTAACTGGTGGITITACAAATACTAGTTTATcTcAnAnGCCGTGATAATGGITTACTTCnCATATTC88e ACCGTGCAATGCATGCAGTATTGATAGACAAAAAAATCATGGTATCCATTT'CCGTGTATTAGCTAMGCITrACGMA96e cs '' jN) TCTGGTGGAGACCATAnCATGCTGGTACTGITGTAGGTAAACITGAAGGAGACCGG"ACTrrAGGnTAGAle4e JS)cs j N) J S ) TITACTrCGTGATGATT'ATATCGAAAAAGATAGAAGTCGTGGTATTT'ATTITACACAAGAnGGGrrrcTrrACCAGGTGnze jN) TGTACAAGCA CGTAATGAAG GTCGTGATCT TGCTCGTONA GGTAATGAAArrAIHrCGTGA 136e JS)gs= ....-.. FEc}.1 . Nucleotidc sequences ofthc rbcL gene of thTee types in Asian Coptocephaluinjaponicu mT.he variable sites are enclosed in bexes .The sequenee data have been deposite din the DDBJ DNA databas ewith the accession number JN type:AB046694, JS type/ AB046695 and CS type: ABe467I9. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorPrl anPtlSyastnetma tSicysstematics 14 APG va)1 5.5 Taipet-,bkr t' Chitou rllAIWAN FIG. 2, The geographica dlistributi oofnthe CS type ()i rJS) ,typ e(A) and JN type Ce) of ConocqphalttmJ'aponic 'iun mAsia .Details for Japanese populatien sare shown in Miwa et al, (2003). ew...i,g,i・}・i,}i$Lt/'li',lllgi}i N tA tt A ivb AaF - a -- ab -,A(r t i/,Il,.I,,/i,m A A"A m u 5M0[m] /I(e.vm,/.bge'・i-/tt/yf" 'p・(・S/J''$"・ 1'!i1y1l,,Mxe lm::/.,Ef・s1l・T111-1i14'./,i,i./tCl/.Sl ttmy./a .)f :tt.gtJ1x,S1t1 1i,1tt,11y/t.v1・1euit lmTtlptlfti-t..・ ..t,1.t.tt F]ci 4. The allozyme phenograms (EST and TPI) efthe CS and FiG. 3. Map showing the disnibutio onfthe CS ()i ran)d JS type JtiSo nt,yTpeasi woafn ,Conocephalum japonic titn mthe Cliite upopula- (AL) o,f Conocephalumjmponicum in the Chitou populatien, faiwan. Discussion 1993, Yatabe et ag, 1999) .In order to test the hypothesi sthat these three rbcL types are repro- The 8-1O substitutions among the three rbcL types ductivel iysolate dcryptic species, i tis important of Conocephalumj'aponic tmatym represent a large to examine a sympatrical population where the two genetic distanc ceonsidering the slow evolutionary or rnore rbcL types were fbund growing together, as rate ofthe rbcL gene ofhigher plant s(Chas eet al, we did fo rthe JN and JS type susing their mixed NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics June 2004 MIWA et aL: Biosystematic osf Conocephalum 15 le,gk,,.l'll・e,-・#・#-, ,,.}E-,,l;$. .,, -r. '/'''zaetmteavatit:''''"dimp"' rli''i'ii pmi "" :11 t';i・/ yi-,I, tl/ii,-Lwta.n,..., ,':t.ml.u.ami air-dweli .'.",ww, l, I,/I,II,,llSIII ..,t,.,.,w /,wl , f,u-l$IImw,iliIw,mIili.all,/.l"/.f/f,r,elflfi wwi・ww.ISI''i' 'mm' /,IP,lllSlllwfwifiellilllil /g/' i////i///1/va1/ik ' /tt//l 'i / ,' u/,tlrmasgwm/ma/m/i/・',n '/''ii//11/ II/i-/1'://ttr/.i'ta't/,/ l,1.・i・1 ,l,,,ll iilI,lIl・,Ii,eX,st.l/・1i1.1I.i.l., im.il・l,i ,IIil,,",l,'lk-11, me.nettt/,/t,t/,wwditt C fik/maan.gt/.t/t't..'t/-ttin'ditiw,.,,, F[ci .5. General appearances of Conocephatttmj'aponic'um, A, JN type from Hokkaido, Japmi, B, JS type from Kanagawa, Japan. C, CS type from Ilan ,Taiwan. Bar, 1 cm. populatio inn Abuta, Hokkaido ,Japan (Miwa et aL At this moment, we can not exclude the pos- 2003). In this study, the allozyme analysis for the sibility that all individua olfs the Abuta and Chitou Chitou populati osnhowed that the JS and CS types, populations might be interfert bielceause Cono- both recognized by chloroplast gene differentia- cephalum,iaponicum produce snumerous gemmae, tion ,were genetical fliyxed to dif)fer aelnlteles in the and can propagat bey an asexual proces sas well. We llst -a4nd 7))i-Aoc iT.hus, gencti dcifft)renti aitnionneed to pcrfbrm artificia icrossing experiments in two nuclear genes between the two rbcL types was order to clearly show the existence of reproductive clearly shown in this study as in the case ofJN isolati oamnong the three rbcL types .Anyway, we and JS types. Their results suggested that the three have fbund three genetical lwyell-differentiated rhcL types (JN J,S and CS) are differe nbtiologicalrbcL types in C J'aponicum, species, because the results based on two indepen- Shaw (2001 n)oted that most of the cryptic dent gene markers, epDNA (rbcL )and allozyme species documented within widespread liverworts (nuclea srh)ow,ed strong correlation, are genetica lmolnyomorphic or nearly so, in spite of NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics 16 APG llo1.5S CS type 52.6 O.O05 100 JS type C.japonicum JN type NC USA 69.6 100 68.2 ILUSA 75.2 WA USA C. conicum 99,9 Kanagawa Japan HokkaidoJapan Dumartierahirsuta Marelian tia pelym orpha FIG .6, Neighbor{oinin gtree based on the nueleotide sequences efthe rbcL genc. imrchantia polymotpha (DNA databas eaccession No X0446S) and Dumortiera hinyut a(No U87068) were uscd as outgroups. We also added samples of Cbnocephalum conicum from fiv edistan ltocaliti cwsn;, U.S.A, (No AB056154), Kanagawa, Japan (No AB046697), Hokkaido. Japan (No AB046696), NC, U,S.A. (No U87066), IL, U.S,A. (No U87067) fo rcomparjson. Numbers above thebranches are the bootstra pvalues (%). Bootstra panalyses were accomplished using 1OOO bootstra preplicates. high level sof geneti cdifferenc eamong them. He date ,cryptic species recognized by allozyme analy- discussed how the origin of these cryptic species ses have generally been identifi easd clusters in might be related to highl yinbre dor clonal repro- UPGMA dendrogram sbased on Nei's geneti cdis- duction .The genetic situation fbund in Cone- tances (Dewe 1y989, Odrzykosk i& Szweykowski cephalum j'aponicu mis in fact the same as those 1991, Akiyarna & Hiraoka I994) ,This indicates generally fbun din other widespread liverworts.that bryophyt ecryptic species were fir srtecognized Capacity fbr clonal reproduction of C. ]'aponicum by differentia tiino anllele frequenci eosf several might be related to it scryptic speciation. independen atllozyme loci C.rypti cspecies-specifi This study also suggested that rbcL sequence ic allozyme bands can always be fbund and identi- variation is usefu1 in searching fbr cryptic species of fie dafter clusters of their population have been bryophytes.Many bryophytes In cryptic species of recognized, other words, allozyme analyses usu- have been found using allozyme analyses (se Sehaw ally help in identify oinlnyg populatio nesv,en when 2001 )Ho,wever, cryptic species-specific alleles the analysis is a search for cryptic species, were rarely fbund ,and it is usual that allozyme Therefor ei,fplant osfdifferent cryptic species are variations are observed in each cryptic species. [Ib growing sympatrically, as in the case ofJS and CS NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee JJaapapnaesneSeosciee tySociety ffoorr PPllanatnt SSyystsetmaetmicastics June2004 MIWA et aL: Biosysternatics of Conocephalum 17 type sin the Chito upepulation ,it may be dirncu ltot fbr cryptic species will be also elucidaced if we find find inCbnocephalum in cryptic species using allozyme analyses, a new one conicum, which In such cases, we expect rbeL sequence analy- cryptic species have been well sought by allozyme sis to be usefu1 becaus ei tis always applicable en the analyscs. It is indeed, our next step to establish the individu allevel T.he rhcL genes are encoded by new, more ethcient method fbr recognizing bio- chloroplast DNA, which is usually treated as mater- logica slpecies in bryophtytes, nally inheritin gwithout recombination. Maternal inheritan cofe the plasti dgenome was also docu- The authors thank Dr. A. Seo, Kyoto Univ., Dr. R. Hanai, rnented in one species ofbryophytes (AnthoceroRsiklcyo (St.Pau Uln'isv. )and Dr. S.-J .Moore, National punctatus L,) by Izumi & Ono (1999 )I.n this case, TTahiew aaunt hNeorsrm aalls oU ntihavn, kf oDr ra.s sNi.s taKnictea giawn ap,l aNna trcaol lSeacntigoyno. effective populatio nsize for maternally inherited Univ. fbr di'scussi oonns bryophyte sT.his study was part- genes is expected to be one quarte rofthat fbr the ly supported by a grant from the New Technology biparentall yinherite dnuclear genes such as Deve]opment Foundation to JS, Grants-in-A ifdrom Japan allozyme loc i(Moor e1995) .Therefore ,genes Societ yfbr the Premotien ofScience No. 13575012 and encoded by cpDNA are more easily fixe din each l5370037 to NM, and Grant-in-Ai odf Frontie Prreject Mendel populatio nby random geneti cdrif tT.his fCruolmt utrheeJ, MaipnainstetrR yiokfk yEodu(cSatt.ioPna ,SuUclni'ievnsec)re s,Siptoyr.t sand means that their variations, if available, tend to coincide with the boundarie sof other biological References in species even mixedpopulations. 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