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Preview Molecular simulations of heterogeneous ice nucleation. I. Controlling ice nucleation through surface hydrophilicity

Molecular simulations of heterogeneous ice nucleation I: Controlling ice nucleation through surface hydrophilicity Stephen J. Cox,1,2 Shawn M. Kathmann,3 Ben Slater,1 and Angelos Michaelides1,2,a) 1)Thomas Young Centre and Department of Chemistry, University College London, 20 Gordon Street, London, WC1H 0AJ, U.K. 2)London Centre for Nanotechnology, 17–19 Gordon Street, London WC1H 0AH, U.K. 3)Physical Sciences Division, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington 99352, United States (Dated: 1 June 2015) 5 1 Ice formation is one of the most common and important processes on Earth and almost always occurs at 0 the surface of a material. A basic understanding of how the physicochemical properties of a material’s 2 surface affects its ability to form ice has remained elusive. Here we use molecular dynamics simulations to y directlyprobeheterogeneousicenucleationatanhexagonalsurfaceofananoparticleofvaryinghydrophilicity. a Surprisingly, we find that structurally identical surfaces can both inhibit and promote ice formation and M analogous to a chemical catalyst, it is found that an optimal interaction between the surface and the water exists for promoting ice nucleation. We use our microscopic understanding of the mechanism to design a 9 modified surface in silico with enhanced ice nucleating ability. 2 ] i Upon cooling, liquid water crystallizes into solid ice. transport industries and even as a potential means for c Due to the presence of a free energy barrier separating climate control.12,13 s - the liquid and crystalline states, however, it is possible l In contrast to fields such as chemical catalysis14 and r for liquid water to remain in a metastable ‘supercooled’ t materials design,15 there is currently no comprehensive m state to temperatures far below the equilibrium melting set of design principles in terms of molecular ‘descrip- temperature. Heterogeneous ice nucleation, that is, ice . t nucleation in the presence of impurity particles such as tors’ for making new substances to control ice forma- a tion. Put more simply, we do not know which are the m mineral dust, soot or certain types of bacteria, gener- relevant microscopic properties of a material that deter- ally increases the rate of ice nucleation and is the domi- d- nant process by which ice forms in nature.1 Recent work mineitsmacroscopicicenucleatingefficiency. Often,the n hasarguedthatanyiceformationattemperaturesabove so-called ‘requirements’ for a good ice nucleating agent o −20◦C must necessarily occur heterogeneously.2 Empir- (INA) have been discussed, such as the requirement for c a good crystallographic match to ice and the ability of ically, a large variance in the propensity of different ma- [ water to chemically bond to the surface of the particle terials to nucleate ice is observed, and due to the impor- 2 tance of ice formation in e.g. the climate sciences, much (i.e. hydrophilicity).16 Although properties such as a v effort has been expended in identifying and cataloging good crystallographic match are important in heteroge- 9 the effectiveness of different materials to nucleate ice.1 neous nucleation of some systems,17,18 such criteria have 7 neither served as a full set of guidelines to identify good Thishasmotivatedmanysimulationstudiesofheteroge- 8 INAs,1 nor have they aided the systematic improvement neous ice nucleation in the presence of different surfaces, 1 0 includinggraphite,3,4kaolinite5,6andsilveriodide.7,8De- oficenucleationinhibitorsorpromoters. Experimentally thereisdisagreementregardingtheroleofhydrophilicity. . spite the vast amount of research into heterogeneous ice 1 For example, Alizadeh et al.19 have found ice nucleation nucleation, majorgapsinourknowledgestillexist, espe- 0 to be slower on superhydrophobic surfaces, which they 5 ciallywithregardtoourunderstandingoftheunderlying attribute not only to a lower contact area between the 1 chemicalphysics;thisisreflectedinourinabilitytoaccu- : ratelypredictamaterial’sicenucleatingefficiencyandto water and the surface, but also to a larger free energy v barrier to nucleation. In contrast, Li et al.20,21 found ice answer seemingly simple questions such as how does hy- i X drophilicity affect the ice nucleation rate? Notonlyisan nucleation to be enhanced at hydrophobic modified sili- conwafersrelativetotheirunmodifiedhydrophiliccoun- r understanding of the chemical physics of heterogeneous a terparts, which was attributed to a faster dynamics of ice nucleation needed to predict the ice nucleating effi- ciency of existing materials,9,10 but it is also paramount water at the hydrophobic interface. Recently, Lupi et al. investigatedtheroleofhydrophiclityofgraphiticsurfaces for the rational design of new materials to either pro- using molecular dynamics simulation:3,4 by varying the mote or inhibit ice nucleation. Controlling ice formation hydrophilicity in different ways (by uniformly changing is desirable in a variety of fields, for example, in the cry- opreservation of cells, tissues and organs,11 the food and the interaction of water with the surface or by introduc- ing hydrophilic species at the surface), they found that the ice nucleating efficacy of the surface could either in- creaseofdecrease. Also,itisfoundonkaolinite(aknown a)Electronicmail: [email protected] hydrophilic INA) and platinum22 that the most stable 2 wateroverlayercaninhibitthegrowthofsubsequentwa- ter layers.23,24 Furthermore, in the case of requiring a (a) good crystallographic match, evidence for ice-like struc- turesatsurfacesisingenerallacking25 andtherearealso instances where materials with a good crystallographic matchtoicearepoorINAs26,27 (wenotethatrecentsim- ulation studies7,8 have found the unreconstructed basal face of silver iodide to act as a template for ice). We are therefore either faced with the prospect of relying on ex- perimentstodeterminetheefficacyofINAsonacase-by- case basis, or we can try and rationalize their behavior by elucidating the underlying molecular processes that control heterogeneous ice nucleation. Here, in the first of a series of two articles, we present resultsfrommoleculardynamics(MD)simulationswhere we directly probe heterogeneous ice nucleation in the presence of a face centered cubic (FCC) nanoparticle homogeneous bare NP modified NP (NP). The NP exposes its hexagonal (111) surface as its 1.5 principalfacetandcanthereforeactasatemplateforthe (b) hexagonalbasalfaceofice. WiththisNPcompletelyim- mersed in water, shown in Fig. 1(a), we perform a series of studies in which we systematically explore the depen- 1.0 dence of the nucleation rate on the hydrophilicity of the ) NP. By comparing these results to reference simulations m o Surfacemodification h of homogeneous nucleation we find a very interesting de- R increasesrate pendence of the nucleation rate on NP hydrophilicity; R/ 0.5 the NP can both promote and inhibit ice nucleation and ( 0 1 exhibits a maximum nucleation rate at intermediate in- g o teraction strengths with the water. By examining the l 0.0 molecular level details of the nucleation processes at dif- ferent hydrophilicities of the NP, we find that the struc- ture in the immediate vicinity of the interface couples strongly with the nucleation rate. We then use this un- -0.5 derstanding of the underlying chemical physics to design 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 an improved INA. This first article emphasizes how we E / ∆H can use our microscopic understanding to control ice nu- ads vap cleation. Inthesecondarticle,wediscusscertainaspects FIG.1. (coloronline)(a)Snapshotofatypicalicenucleation ofthemechanismingreaterdetail,aswellascontextual- event on the NP. Ice-like molecules are colored blue and the izingthisworkwithrespecttopreviousstudiesonsurface NP is colored silver. The NP is totally immersed in water hydrophilicity and ice nucleation. (liquid-like molecules are shown by gray dots). (b) Varia- We have used the single site mW potential to model tion of the nucleation rate with the strength of the water- the interactions between water molecules,28 which al- NP interaction Eads. As Eads increases, so too does the hy- drophilicity. The solid blue line indicates homogeneous nu- lows us to investigate length- and time-scales inacces- cleation (the dotted lines are an error estimate): data above sible to ice nucleation simulations that employ more tra- and below this line indicates promotion and inhibition of ice ditional empirical potentials.5 The NP was modeled as nucleation by the NP, respectively. It can be seen that at an FCC crystal with a lattice constant of 0.392nm, con- weak and strong water-NP interaction strengths the NP in- sisting of 380 atoms. Previous work has suggested that hibits nucleation, while at intermediate interaction strengths such a lattice may aid in structuring water into ice-like (E /∆H ≈ 0.15–0.6), the NP strongly promotes nucle- ads vap arrangements.29 TheFCCNPwashemisphericalandex- ation. posed its (111) face as its primary facet (approximately 2.5nmindiameter). FortheinteractionbetweentheNP atoms and the water molecules, the Lennard-Jones po- ner, but also by introducing hydrophilic species at the tentialU(r)=4(cid:15)(cid:2)(σ/r)12−(σ/r)6(cid:3)wasused,wherer is surface, and found opposite trends: we discuss the pos- the distance between an NP atom and a water molecule. sible causes of this apparent discrepancy in more detail The hydrophilicity of the NP was controlled by varying in our second paper.42 Interactions were truncated after (cid:15) (a constant value of σ = 0.234nm was used through- 0.753nm. This setup yielded contact layers at a height out). As mentioned earlier, Lupi et al.3,4 controlled the between 0.2–0.25nm above the (111) surface of the NP, hydrophilicity of graphitic surfaces not only in this man- which is in reasonable agreement with values obtained 3 (a) optimal (b) too weak (c) too strong FIG. 2. (color online) Sensitivity of the water structure at the surface of the NP to the water-NP interaction strength. (a) Ice nucleationattheNPwithE /∆H ≈0.3. ThewatermoleculesincontactwiththeNP(coloredred)formanhexagonallayer ads vap commensuratewiththesurfacethatresemblesthebasalfaceofice. Thewatermoleculesdirectlyabovethiscontactlayer(colored blue)alsoformasimilarhexagonalstructure. (b)ThestructureofwaterattheNPwithE /∆H ≈0.08. Thewater-surface ads vap interaction is too weak to stabilize an ice-like structure. (c) The structure of water at the NP with E /∆H ≈ 1.2. The ads vap watersurfaceinteractionistoostrongandthewatermoleculescannotrearrangeintoanice-likeconfiguration. Inboth(b)and (c), nucleation occurs away from the surface in a homogeneous manner. from density functional theory calculations of water at We are able to determine the ice nucleation rate R by metal surfaces.30,31 We must emphasize, however, that fitting P (t) = exp[−(Rt)γ], where γ > 0 is also a fit- liq we are using simplified model surfaces in order to under- ting parameter. Further details of the fitting procedure standpossiblegeneraltrendsthatmayunderlieheteroge- and simulation setup are provided in the Supplemental neous ice nucleation and that one must exercise caution Material.38 In order to gauge the effectiveness of the NP intryingtomakeone-to-onecorrespondenceswithactual as an INA, we have also studied bulk homogeneous nu- surfaces. cleation, using identical settings. All simulations were performed using the LAMMPS sim- Explicit simulations of heterogeneous ice nucleation ulation package32 with 2944 mW molecules in a peri- have only recently started to emerge in the literature odic supercell. Previous simulation studies have sug- (see e.g. Refs. 3–5, 7, 8, and 39) and to enable a system- gestedthatthecriticalicenucleusvariesfrom∼10water atic study, we draw conclusions from over 200 success- molecules at 180K33 to ∼85–265 at 220K34,35 giving us ful nucleation trajectories in total. Fig. 1(b) shows the confidence that our simulations should not be subject to dependence of the nucleation rate on the water surface seriousfinitesizeeffects. Furthermore, simulationsusing interaction, the main finding of this study. Specifically, a slab geometry (approximate dimensions of 66˚A2) with we have plotted log (R/R ) vs E /∆H , where 10 hom ads vap 4000 mW molecules confirm that the conclusions drawn R isthebulkhomogeneousrateand∆H istheen- hom vap from this work are not affected by changes to the box thalpyofvaporizationofbulkmWwater(10.65kcal/mol size and shape. For each value of the water-NP interac- at 298K).28 A rich variety in the ice nucleating behavior tion energy, 16 MD simulations were performed at 205K is seen: the NP is seen to both promote and, surpris- and1bar. Undertheseconditions,bulkliquidmWwater ingly, inhibit ice formation. We expect this inhibition is still metastable (as opposed to unstable)36 but under- effect to be concentration dependent; as the NP con- goes homogeneous nucleation on a timescale accessible centration becomes more dilute, we expect the rates to to computer simulation such that statistically meaning- tend to that of homogeneous nucleation. At low val- ful rates can be obtained. To detect ‘ice-like’ molecules, ues of E , the heterogeneous nucleation rate is approx- ads we have used the CHILL algorithm of Moore et al.37 (As imately two times lower than R . Thus when the par- hom the CHILL algorithm was designed for bulk homogeneous ticle is very hydrophobic, it tends to inhibit nucleation. nucleation,itdoesnotnecessarilycapturethefullbehav- Asthewater-surfaceinteractionstrengthincreasessotoo ior in regions of broken symmetry i.e. interfaces. Never- does the nucleation rate until it reaches a maximum at theless, it is useful as a qualitative visual aid.) By mon- E /∆H ≈ 0.4 that is nearly 25 times faster than ads vap itoring the potential energy, we are able to determine bulk homogeneous nucleation. Beyond the maximum, the induction time to nucleation for each simulation and the rate steadily decreases until E /∆H ≈1.0. Fur- ads vap thus the probability P (t) that a given system remains ther beyond this, the rate remains roughly constant and liq liquid after a time t from the start of the simulation. slightly below R . hom 4 We now try to understand this intriguing dependence of the nucleation rate on the hydrophilicity of the NP. To this end, we have examined in detail the mechanisms by which nucleation occurred on the NP for the vari- ous interaction strengths. As the (111) surface of an FCC crystal exhibits hexagonal symmetry, one possible mechanism for heterogeneous ice nucleation is a tem- plate effect whereby the molecules in the contact layer formanhexagonalstructurecommensuratewiththesur- face. Fig. 2(a) confirms this, where we show a typi- cal ice nucleation event in the presence of the NP with E /∆H ≈0.3(closetothemaximumrate). Herewe ads vap can clearly see that the water molecules in contact with the(111)surfaceoftheNPdoindeedformanhexagonal structure commensurate with the surface that resembles the basal face of ice. We can also see that the water molecules directly above this contact layer also form a similarhexagonalstructure. Thesurfaceisthereforeact- ing to promote ice nucleation by providing an arrange- ment of adsorption sites that resemble the structure of ice, thereby stabilizing structural fluctuations towards FIG. 3. (color online) Surface modification to promote ice-like arrangements in the liquid. ice nucleation for strong water-NP interaction strengths NowthatwehaveestablishedthattheNPactstopro- (Eads/∆Hvap > 1.0). By introducing small adsorbates (col- ored yellow) at the (111) surface, the template effect can be mote ice nucleation by acting as a template for ice, the recovered (c.f. Fig. 2(c)). The nucleation rate is increased dependence of the rate on E can easily be understood ads by approximately a factor 50 compared to the bare NP for as a competition between water-water and water-surface E /∆H ≈1.2, as indicated in Fig. 1(b). ads vap interactions. In Fig. 2(b) we show the structure of wa- ter in contact with the NP for E /∆H ≈ 0.08 (the ads vap weakestE investigated,whichinhibitsicenucleation). ads Clearly, such a weak water-surface interaction is unable with sub-monolayer coverage i.e. not all of the available to stabilize ice-like configurations and in fact, ice nucle- adsorption sites are occupied by water molecules. We ationisseentooccurawayfromthesurfaceinahomoge- refer to these unoccupied adsorption sites on the (111) neousmanner. WillardandChandlerhavefoundthatthe terrace as “excess” sites. For Eads/∆Hvap >∼ 0.6, these structureoftheinterfacebetweenwaterandahydropho- excesssitesareoccupiedforlongtimesandfornucleation bic substrate is akin to the liquid-vapor interface;40 a re- to occur, an area of decreased coverage at the surface centsimulationstudyfromHaji-Akbarietal.41hasfound must occur such that an hexagonal motif can form. This thaticenucleationisdisfavoredattheliquid-vaporinter- motif can then act as a template for the hexagonal basal face. Thisappearstobeconsistentwithourobservations face of ice (a movie showing this for E /∆H ≈ 0.9 ads vap and with those of Lupi et al. in Ref. 3. Fig. 2(c), on the is provided38). When E > ∆H it becomes favor- ads vap other hand, shows the structure of water in contact with ableforawatermoleculetooccupyasiteonthesurface, the NP for E /∆H ≈ 1.2. While this NP also in- ads vap including the excess sites, rather than a position in the hibits ice nucleation, it does so for the opposite reason: bulk liquid. This prevents the water molecules in the the water-surface interaction is too strong, meaning that contact layer from forming the hexagonal arrangements the water molecules cannot rearrange to form an ice-like requiredforicenucleationatthisNP.Bythisrationale,if layer at the surface. It is also clear that the coverage the density of available adsorption sites was lower, then is higher than when ice forms at the (111) surface, as the template effect (and the enhanced nucleation rate) shown in Fig. 2(a) (we also show this quantitatively in may be preserved at higher values of E . To this end, ads thesecondpaperinthisseries42). Forthisstronglyinter- we have modified the (111) surface of the NP by ad- acting scenario, we also see that ice forms away from the sorbing small molecules, at the excess sites, which only surfaceinahomogeneousmanner. Thisisalsoconsistent have a weak interaction with water,43 and recomputed withtheobservationsofReinhardtandDoye39onice-like the nucleation rate with E /∆H ≈ 1.2. As seen in ads vap surfaces. The observed coupling between the molecular Fig. 3, the template effect is indeed recovered. It is also mechanism and the ice nucleation rate as we change the seen in Fig. 1(b) that this modified surface enhances ice surface hydrophilicity is actually rather simple; we now nucleation by a factor of 50 compared to the unmodified demonstratehowwecanexploitsuchsimplicitytodesign surface. Thisisacleardemonstrationofhowthemolecu- a surface with improved ice nucleating efficiency. lar insight into heterogeneous ice nucleation can be used When an ice-like hexagonal overlayer forms at the to rationally design surfaces of different ice nucleating (111) surface of the NP, such as in Fig. 2(a), it does so ability. Experimentally, this could be realized through 5 adsorptionofsmallmolecules tothesurface(e.g. carbon tobeconsideredwhentryingtounderstandwhatmakesa monoxide) or through surface alloying. In fact, alloying good INA. Other properties such as the crystallographic a platinum (111) surface with tin is observed to promote matchtoiceandtheroleofsurfacedefectsarealsolikely theformationofanhexagonalice-likebilayerunderultra- to be important, as will more complex interactions such high vacuum conditions,44,45 in a fashion analogous to as electrostatics and explicit hydrogen bonding. The re- our modified surface (the tin atoms at the surface act in sults presented in this letter serve as a platform upon part to reduce the density of adsorption sites). We also which future studies can be conducted. notethatinoursimulations,thenucleationratecanalso Dr. Gabriele C. Sosso is thanked for sharing his data be decreased by adsorbing small molecules such that the fromlargersimulationsinaslabgeometry. Wearegrate- NP can no longer act as a template. ful to the London Centre for Nanotechnology and UCL More generally, the sensitivity of the nucleation rate Research Computing for computation resources, and the on surface hydrophilicity could be tested by e.g. using UK’snationalhighperformancecomputingservice(from nanoparticlesofgoldorsilicafunctionalizedwithorganic which access was obtained via the UK’s Material Chem- molecules of varying hydrophobicity. In addition to us- istry Consortium, EP/F067496). S.M.K. was supported ingwellestablishedmethodssuchasthedropletfreezing fully by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Ba- techniques,46 itmayalsobepossibletoexploitrecentad- sic Energy Sciences, Division of Chemical Sciences, Geo- vances in femtosecond X-ray scattering techniques that sciences & Biosciences. Pacific Northwest National Lab- haveallowedreal-timemonitoringofhomogeneousicenu- oratory (PNNL) is a multiprogram national laboratory cleationinmicronsizedwaterdroplets.47 Notonlycould operatedforDOEbyBattelle. 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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.