RINGO’S TOP-15 • ADEMA • ALAN WHITE PLAYBACK AABBEE LLAABBOORRIIEELL JJRR.. MMAASSTTEERRFFUULL WWIITTHH MMCCCCAARRTTNNEEYY PPLLUUSS,, SSIIRR PPAAUULL CCHHAATTSS WWIITTHH MMDD!! RR AA OOBBBBYY MMEEEENN MM HH WW ””EE NN ““ AAKKIINNGG IISSTTOORRYY IITTHH LL EEGGRROO RR AA AASSHHIIEEDD LLII AA CC WW BB MM OONNVVEERRSSAATTIIOONN IITTHH OOBB OOSSEESS DD WW ’’ AAVVEE EECCKKLL SS HH LL LL OOTTTTEESSTT AATTIINN IICCKKSS $4.99US $6.99CAN II ’’ SS !! 01 TT SS HHOOWWTTIIMMEE MMDD LL AA SS TT OOOOKKSS TT TTIICCKK WWIIRRLLIINNGG 0 74808 01203 9 For an Alan White poster, send $4.00 to Ludwig Industries, Alan White poster, P.O. Box 310, Elkhart, IN 46515 Web site: www.ludwig-drums.com C L A S S I C M A P L E S E R I E S . T H E B E S T S O U N D I N G D R U M S . Alan White Photographed By Dennis J. Slagle 4 ModernDrummer January2003 ModernDrummer January2003 5 Contents Contents Volume 27, Number 1 Cover photo by Alex Solca Inset photo by Paul La Raia P M C ’ AUL C ARTNEY S A L J . BE ABORIEL R One of drumming’s hottest stars of the studio and stage, Abe Laboriel Jr. seems to be everywhere these days—Paul McCartney, Vanessa Carlton, Sting…. One good listen, and you’ll know why. by Robyn Flans EXCLUSIVE! 54 olca Sir Paul Talks S x Drums With MD Ale U 24 PDATE 74 LATIN GREAT Def Leppard’s RICKALLEN olca ROBBY AMEEN Adema’s KRISKOHLS S Alex As good a tutorial as Funkifying The Claveis, it Phish’s JONFISHMAN gives little indication of how powerful a drum- Counting Crows’ BENMIZE mer its author is. A killer new album with the equally gifted Horacio “El Negro” Hernandez STEVEHOUGHTON gives us ample reason to pick this guy’s brain. Southside Johnny’s LOUIEAPPEL by Ken Micallef NNEEWW CCOOLLUUMMNN!! FREE-JAZZ TRAILBLAZER90 PLAYBACK 154 R A ASHIED LI ALAN WHITE When John Coltrane asks a drummer to join Before he joined one of the blazingest pro- his band—withElvin Jones—it should come gressive bands ever, dynamic Yes stick man a as no surprise when he’s soon acknowl- Alan White worked with British rock’s royal- ai a R edged as a player of enormous talent and ty. MDtracks music history, album by album. ul L influence. Freedom never sounded so good. by Adam Budofsky a P by Bob Moses I M 179 N EMORIAM L H IONEL AMPTON MD L A OOKS T 160 Lionel Hampton may have been known STICK TWIRLING primarily as a vibes master, but with his passing, the fraternity of drummers has Admittedly, it ain’t for everyone. But in the lost one of its own. MDremembers the right hands, at the right time, a little of that beloved “Hamp.” ol’ baton action can make the show…well… by Rick Van Horn more of a show. Tips from the pros on the drummer’s favorite visual aid. by Billy Amendola, Lauren Vogel Weiss, and Steve Stockmal Education 106 RUDIMENTAL SYMPOSIUM 120 JAZZ DRUMMERS’ 134 HEALTH & SCIENCE The Para Stroke: WORKSHOP Martial Arts For Today’s Drummer, An “Enhanced” Rudiment Part 4: Harmony Of Mind, Body, Improv Playhouse 2: by Chet Doboe Destination Ostinato Drumming, And Life by Matt Wilson by Dave Fusco 110 THE MUSICAL DRUMMER Understanding The Language 124 ROCK PERSPECTIVES 142 CONCEPTS Of Music, Part 16: Ringo’s Top-15: Everybody Auditions: Putting It All Together A Listener’s Guide To His Classic Tracks An Old Pro Offers A Few Tips by Ron Spagnardi by Jim Duffy by Billy Ward 116 ROCK ’N’ JAZZ CLINIC 132 OFF THE RECORD 148 SHOWDRUMMERS’ SEMINAR Dave Weckl: Latin Style & Analysis Travis Barker: Box Car Racer The Drummers Of Mamma Mia! by David Latour by Ed Breckenfeld by Ken Ross and Victor Rendón Departments 8 AN EDITOR’S OVERVIEW Page 170 The Teacher/Player Myth 18 IT’S QUESTIONABLE 180 DRUM MARKET by Ron Spagnardi Including Vintage Showcase 10 READERS’ PLATFORM 170 CRITIQUE 184 DRUMKIT OF THE MONTH 14 ASK A PRO 174 BACKBEATS 2002 DCI Championship Results, Danny Carey, Nicko McBrain, and more and Rocky Bryant Equipment 32 NEW AND NOTABLE Page 40 40 PRODUCT CLOSE-UP LP Bronze Shell Tito Puente Tribute Edition Timbales by Norman Arnold 42 Canopus Steel, Hammered Bronze, And Maple Snare Drums, And Accessories by Martin Patmos 44 Meinl Generation X Thomas Lang Signature Cymbals 52 Quick Looks: Pro-Mark Broom Sticks, by Chap Ostrander Accent Brushes, And Skid-Proof Mat by Chap Ostrander CUSTOM SHOWCASE 46 African American Drum Company Quick Looks: Cappella Cocobolo Signature Series Do-Bop Kit Cowbell Beater by Robin Tolleson by Norman Arnold Page 32 50 Drum Solo Snare Drums by Phil Ferraro AN EDITOR’S OVERVIEW Volume 27, Number 1 The World’s Most Widely Read Drum Magazine EDITOR/PUBLISHER RONALDSPAGNARDI CHIEFFINANCIALOFFICER ISABELSPAGNARDI ASSOCIATEPUBLISHER TRACYA. KEARNS SENIOREDITOR RICKVANHORN EDITORIALDIRECTOR WILLIAMF. MILLER MANAGINGEDITOR ADAMJ. BUDOFSKY EDITORIALASSISTANT SUZANNEHURRING SENIORARTDIRECTOR SCOTTG. BIENSTOCK The Teacher/Player Myth ASSISTANTARTDIRECTOR MICHELEM.NEWHOUSE ASSISTANTARTDIRECTOR JOSEPHKING ADVERTISINGDIRECTOR BOBBERENSON ADVERTISINGASSISTANT JOANC. STICKEL I’m sure we’ve all heard the old saying, “Those who can, do; those who EDITOR/ADVERTISINGASSOCIATE BILLYAMENDOLA can’t, teach.”It’s a phrase that’s been tossed around for years and WEBSITEDIRECTOR KEVINW. KEARNS OFFICEASSISTANT ROSLYNMADIA applied to many types of artists, not only musicians. However, within the drumming community, I honestly feel it’s a myth that should be put to rest. Consider the following list of names: MODERN DRUMMER ADVISORY BOARD:Henry Adler, Joe Morello, Ed Shaughnessy, Jim Chapin, Gary Chaffee, Alan Dawson, Kenny Aronoff, Eddie Bayers, Louie Bellson, Bill Bruford, Harry Sonny Igoe, Billy Gladstone, Gary Chester, Freddie Gruber, Cozy Cole, Max Cangany, Jim Chapin, Dennis DeLucia, Les DeMerle, Len DiMuzio, Charlie Donnelly, Peter Erskine, Vic Firth, Bob Gatzen, Roach, Don Lamond, Philly Joe Jones, Ed Thigpen, Bob Moses, Peter Danny Gottlieb, Sonny Igoe, Jim Keltner, Paul Leim, Peter Magadini, George Marsh, Joe Morello, Rod Morgenstein, Andy Erskine, Ed Blackwell, Tommy Igoe, Elvin Jones, and Tony Williams. Newmark, Neil Peart, Ed Shaughnessy, Steve Smith, Ed Though the list could easily be expanded, I think it’s sufficient enough to Thigpen, Billy Ward, Dave Weckl, Paul Wertico. make the point. Among the names above are drummers who either now CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Michael Bettine, Robyn Flans, Burt Korall, Rick Mattingly, Ken Micallef, Mark Parsons, Mike teach part- or full-time, or who have taught at some point during their illus- Haid, Robin Tolleson, Lauren Vogel Weiss, T. Bruce Wittet. trious careers. I think it’s obvious that each of these individuals has also MODERN DRUMMERmagazine (ISSN0194-4533) is pub- certainly made significant contributions to our artform as players. lished monthly by MODERN DRUMMER Publications, Inc., 12 Old Bridge Road, Cedar Grove, NJ 07009. PERIODICALS Sure, it’s true that not every great player will be successful in the teach- MAIL POSTAGE paid at Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 and at addi- tional mailing offices. Copyright 2003 by MODERNDRUM- ing field. Many outstanding performers don’t have the time, the patience, MER Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction or the organizational skills required of those dedicated to the teaching pro- without the permission of the publisher is prohibited. fession. Others simply find it too difficult to put what they do into words EDITORIAL/ADVERTISING/ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES: MOD- ERN DRUMMER Publications, 12 Old Bridge Road, Cedar Grove, and examples, and impart that information on to students. But many can NJ 07009. Tel: (973) 239-4140. Fax: (973) 239-7139. Email: [email protected] and dohandle both tasks equally well, as evidenced by the list of gentle- men above. MODERN DRUMMERwelcomes manuscripts and photographic material, however, cannot assume responsibility for them. Such Don’t ever assume that just because a musician has established an items must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. excellent reputation as a teacher, he or she couldn’t make the grade as a SUBSCRIPTIONS:US, Canada, and Mexico $34.97 per year; player. Nonsense. Many years ago I had the privilege of studying with $56.97, two years. Other international $41.97 per year, $79.97, two years. Single copies $4.99. teaching masters Sonny Igoe, Ed Shaughnessy, and the inimitable Alan SUBSCRIPTION CORRESPONDENCE:Modern Drummer, PO Dawson at Berklee. Each has been well-recognized both as a great teacher Box 480, Mt. Morris, IL 61054-0480. Change of address:Allow at least six weeks for a change. Please provide both old and new and as a player. address. Toll free tel: (800) 551-3786. On the other hand, in your quest for a qualified teacher, don’t be led to MUSIC DEALERS:Modern Drummer is available for resale at bulk believe that a top-flight player might not be an equally fine teacher. Tony rates. Direct correspondence to Modern Drummer Retail Vision, 2 Maple Street, Suite 6, Middlebury, VT 05753, (800) 381-1288. Williams, one of the greatest drummers who ever lived, could function in both capacities. The late Gary Chester, probably one of the most recorded REPRINTS: For reprints contact Heather Osborne at PARS International Corp., tel: (212) 221-9595, ext. 333, fax: (212) 221-1468, drummers in the history of popular music, was also greatly respected as [email protected], www.magreprints.com. one of our most knowledgeable and inspirational teachers. INTERNATIONAL LICENSING REPRESENTATIVE:Robert Abramson &Associates, Inc. Libby Abramson, President, 700 Post In our little corner of the world, “Those who can, do; those who can’t, Road, Scarsdale, NY 10583, (914) 723-4700. teach,” doesn’t cut it. In no way does it equate with the evidence we’ve POSTMASTER:Send address changes to Modern Drummer, PO seen and heard over the years. Box 480, Mt. Morris, IL 61054. MEMBER: Magazine Publishers Of America, National Association Of Music Merchants, American Music Conference, Percussive Arts Society, Music Educators National Conference, Percussion Marketing Council, Music Magazine Publishers Association MODERN DRUMMER ONLINE:www.moderndrummer.com PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES 8 ModernDrummer January2003