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Preview Modeling of Diesel Combustion and NO Emissions Based on a Modified Eddy Dissipation Concept

SAE Paper ? Modeling of Diesel Combustion and NO Emissions Based on a Modified Eddy Dissipation Concept Sangjin Hong, Dennis N. Assanis, Margaret S. Wooldridge, Hong G. Im The University of Michigan Eric Kurtz Ford Motor Company Heinz Pitsch Stanford University Copyright © 2004 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION This paper reports the development of an improved During the past century, the internal combustion model of diesel combustion and NO emissions, (IC) engines have evolved dramatically in terms of based on a modified eddy dissipation concept their fuel efficiency and exhaust emissions (EDC), and its implementation into the KIVA-3V characteristics, primarily through extensive multi-dimensional simulation. Compared to the experimental research and development. With commonly used eddy break-up (EBU) model, the today’s rapid production cycles, however, EDC model allows more realistic representation of development of new engines through experimental the thin sub-grid scale reaction zone as well as the testing alone is costly and time consuming. small-scale molecular mixing processes, thereby Moreover, the growing environmental concerns achieving higher fidelity of the simulation. about global warming and hazardous emissions Realistic chemical kinetic mechanisms for n- have led to the enforcement of even more stringent heptane combustion and NOx formation processes regulations, and hence the need for an improved are fully incorporated. In addition, a transition understanding of diesel combustion and pollutant model based on the normalized fuel mass fraction is formation processes. To this end, advanced successfully implemented to reproduce ignition and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of combustion processes accurately. Simulations are engine reacting flow processes have emerged as a performed for various engine speeds, injection complementary and efficient design tool for the timings, and EGR content, and the results for the development of the next-generation engines [1-7]. basic engine performance agree well with the experimental data. The predictions for NO Many of the early multi-dimensional CFD attempts concentration also show a consistent trend with to predict engine combustion rates were conducted experiments, demonstrating the improved predictive using simplified chemistry [8-10]. Typically, global capability of the present model for diesel engine reaction models with rate constants obtained from design and development. experimental results were used to predict reaction rates during the ignition phase [8]. During the turbulent combustion phase, the reaction rates were determined based on a fast chemistry assumption [11]. Such simplified models, however, are only the flamelet model [14] has been applied to engine applicable to the conditions at which the rate simulations, by decoupling the chemical reaction constants were determined [13]. In addition, it has into a one-dimensional mixture fraction space, been found that combustion models based on the which is subsequently input into the 3-D turbulent fast chemistry assumption can significantly over- mixing field solutions. While more physically predict the reaction rates during the turbulent based, this flamelet approach tends to be quite combustion phase [4]. Furthermore, since pollutant expensive when multiple flamelets need to be formation depends strongly on heat release rates considered. and the major and minor species concentrations, simplified models without detailed chemistry are In this paper, we adopt a modified eddy dissipation limited in terms of potential for accurately concept (EDC) as a reasonable compromise predicting emissions. Therefore, consideration of between the EBU and the flamelet models. Unlike detailed chemistry is crucial in developing a reliable the EBU model, the EDC model captures the combustion model for engine emissions studies. characteristics of the thin reaction zone by decomposing each computational cell into a narrow Another deficiency in earlier CFD modeling is that “reaction zone” and the non-reacting “bulk zone” the effects of mixing on ignition were neglected and where turbulent mixing and transport occur. the transition between ignition and combustion was Therefore, the chemistry and mixing are effectively abrupt. For example, Agarwal and Assanis [5] decoupled to allow the use of finite-rate detailed employed detailed chemistry in predicting ignition chemistry in the reaction zone, yet the reaction zone delay of natural gas combustion, where mixing does not need to be solved in a separate mixture effects were neglected during the ignition phase. In fraction space. addition, transition from ignition to combustion was estimated using a global parameter, such as fuel Our earlier study [15] of the EDC model applied to burned mass, leading to an abrupt transition. Kong a natural gas engine demonstrated excellent and Reitz [3] incorporated turbulent mixing effects predictive capability of the model in combustion in KIVA simulations by determining reaction rates and for qualitative trends in soot formation. One through characteristic times. Although this limitation of the previous study was the lack of approach resulted in an improved prediction, such quantitative experimental data for comparison an empirical model may lead to unphysical purposes, particularly for soot formation. In the solutions, such as negative species concentrations, present study, the EDC model is extended to because a chemical time scale based on a reference consider n-heptane as a surrogate fuel for diesel species is applied uniformly to all species. engines, and the modeling results are compared with engine testing data. In the following sections, Under most practical operating conditions in direct the basic concept of the EDC model and some new injection (DI) engines, chemical reaction is most modifications are described. Results of the model likely to occur within confined narrow zones predictions for selected cases of engine operating represented by flamelets, which are distorted and conditions and comparison with experimental stretched by the turbulent eddies. In this flamelet measurements are then presented. regime, the thin reaction zone structure requires an enormous demand on the grid resolution; hence it is COMPUTATIONAL SUB-MODELS extremely difficult to capture all the details in a full- scale engine simulation. To make the problem For the diesel combustion simulation, KIVA-3V amenable to CFD simulations, the eddy break-up [16] has been adopted and modified to incorporate (EBU) model has been widely used in the past. In CHEMKIN-II [17] for reaction source term the EBU model, chemical reaction is assumed to be evaluations and CEA [18] for equilibrium infinitely fast and only controlled by the mixing of calculations. A stiff ODE solver, LSODE, is linked the fuel and oxidizer, which in turn is dictated by to KIVA3V to integrate the species and energy the turbulent mixing process. Because of the equations involving detailed chemical reactions and underlying simplifications, however, the EBU transport. As a chemical mechanism for a surrogate model predicts combustion and emission diesel fuel, a skeletal mechanism of n-heptane performance with limited success. More recently, developed by Pitsch [19] with 44 species and 113 rate. The fine structure is not resolved in detail. steps is used. Only the size of the fine structure is calculated using a prescribed equation proposed by Magnussen. To reproduce the ignition and subsequent Therefore, the EDC model effectively captures the combustion processes, various physical submodels two essential characteristics of the combustion are introduced, as described below. process: chemical reaction and mixing, without having to resolve the sub-grid scale fine structures. IGNITION The time integration of the conservation equations The key assumption used in the ignition model is proceeds as follows. At the beginning of each time that in each computational cell, turbulent mixing is step, all the scalar variables in the fine structure are sufficiently rapid (i.e. the Damköhler number is set to be at equilibrium conditions, which are small) during the ignition stage, such that ignition is determined using the cell-averaged conditions. controlled by chemical reaction with minimal Similarly, all the scalar variables in the bulk gas effects due to mixing. Therefore, the reaction rate zone are determined based on the cell-averaged for each species m in each cell is computed based conditions. Subsequently, the interaction between on the cell-averaged temperature and species the fine structure and the bulk gas zone is integrated concentration using: using the governing equations of the EDC model. L ⎛ ⎛ N N ⎞⎞ At the end of each time step, the states of the fine ω&m,Ignition= ∑ ⎜⎜(ν"mn−ν'mn)⎜⎜kfn ∏[Xm]νm′n −krn ∏[Xm]νm′′n⎟⎟⎟⎟ structure and the bulk gas zone are updated. n=1⎝ ⎝ m=1 m=1 ⎠⎠ (1) where ν" and ν' are the stoichiometric mn mn coefficients of the reactions, k and k are the f r forward and reverse rate constants, respectively, and X is the molar concentration of species m. The m reaction rates during the ignition period are directly calculated using CHEMKIN-II with the skeletal n- heptane mechanism. TURBULENT COMBUSTION A modified eddy dissipation concept model is developed and implemented as a physical subgrid level model for turbulent combustion. The Figure 1: Schematic of a computational cell modified EDC model accounts for the effects of structure based on the EDC model. turbulent mixing on combustion. Recognizing that the chemical reaction occurs within a thin confined In the current work, the original EDC model reaction zone which is typically smaller than the proposed by Magnussen is modified to accurately size of the numerical grid, the original EDC model predict the unsteady characteristics of diesel engine [20] divides the computational cell into two sub- combustion processes. As mentioned earlier, we zones: the fine structure and the bulk gas zone. have previously developed and implemented a Figure 1 shows a schematic of a computational cell modified EDC model for computational studies of based on the EDC model. Chemical reactions occur natural gas engine operating conditions [15]. A only in the fine structure where reactants are mixed detailed description of the formulation and relevant at the molecular level at sufficiently high parameters can be found in that work, so only some temperatures. In the bulk gas zone, only turbulent key steps will be summarized here. mixing takes place (without chemical reaction), thereby transporting the surrounding reactant and As the original EDC model was developed for product gases to and from the fine structure. The steady state conditions, unsteady terms were coupling between the fine structure and the bulk gas incorporated into the governing equations for the zone interactively affects the overall combustion fine structure and the bulk gas zone [15]. The modified EDC governing equations for the fine rates in the current work. It is anticipated that the structures are: reaction rate is dominated by the ignition process during the early ignition phase. After the initial dYm* = − 1 (Y* −Y )+ω&*mWm , (2) icgonmitbiounst iotnr amnsoideenlt shiosu ldc odmomplientaet,e . tTheh e ttruarnbsuitlieonnt dt τ m m ρ* r from ignition to combustion is expected to occur when sufficient radical growth and thermal runaway dT* = 1 ⎢⎡ 1 ∑M Y (h −h* )−∑M hm*ω&*mWm⎥⎤, (3) are achieved [21]. Using the reaction rate for dt C*p ⎣τr m=1 m m m m=1 ρ* ⎦ species m determined by the ignition and the EDC turbulent combustion models (Eqs. (1) and (5)), we introduce the transition parameter, α, such that the where * represents the fine structures and bar overall reaction rate is determined as a linear represents the cell-averaged values. Y , h , ω& , m m m combination of the two reaction rates, and W are the mass fraction, the enthalpy, the m reaction rate, and the molecular weight of species ω& = (1−α)⋅ω& +α⋅ω& (6) m m,Ignition m,EDC m, respectively. C is the heat capacity, and ρ is p the density of the gas mixture. The residence time, The transition parameter α represents the progress τr, during which the species remain in the fine of the ignition-controlled reaction (α = 0) toward structure is expressed as: the combustion-controlled reaction (α = 1). In our previous work, we used an abrupt transition (1−χγ*) between the ignition and turbulent combustion τ = , (4) r m&* models [15]. In this study, we assume that the transition is dictated by the amount of the reactants remaining in each cell. Based on this approach, a where m&∗ is the mass exchange rate between the normalized fuel mass fraction, β, is introduced as fine structure and the bulk gas zone, γ∗ is the mass fraction occupied by the fine structure, and χ Y −Y represents the fraction of the fine structure that β= f f,eq (7) reacts. Y −Y f,mix f,eq The solution to the equations of the fine structure where Y is the cell-averaged fuel mass fraction f,mix determines its state conditions. Assuming that assuming only mixing occurs with no fuel chemical reactions take place only in the fine oxidation. Y is the cell-averaged fuel mass structures, the net mean species reaction rate for the f,eq transport equation is given by: fraction when the same mixture is allowed to reach an equilibrium state at the cell-averaged state ω&m,EDC =ρχγ* (Ym* −Ym). (5) conditions. Yf,eq is calculated using the CEA τ equilibrium code. Y is a function of the r f,mix equivalence ratio only, while Y depends The reaction rates in the fine structure are f,eq additionally on temperature and pressure. Figure 2 determined using the CHEMKIN II subroutines that shows the possible range of actual Y values are interfaced with the KIVA-3V code. In this f study, we assume that the entirety of the fine (shown in the shaded area) that may be present structure reacts, hence χ is set to unity in Eqs. (4) when the complete range of mixture equivalence and (5). ratios are considered. IGNITION-COMBUSTION TRANSITION For a given cell, during the course of ignition and combustion, the fuel mass fraction can change from Both the ignition and combustion models described the limiting value defined by frozen chemistry (i.e. above are used in the determination of the reaction Y ) to the limiting value defined by complete f,mix reaction (i.e. Y ). The limits correspond to the mechanisms, numerical simulations were performed f,eq to reproduce the shock tube experiments by Ciezki normalized fuel mass fraction of β = 1 and β = 0, and Adomeit [26], in which ignition delays for respectively, according to Eq. (7) . premixed n-heptane/air mixtures were measured. The ignition delays were predicted using constant volume, homogeneous ignition simulations using SENKIN [27]. We found that, for all the reaction mechanisms considered, our predictions agree with the experimental measurements within a similar range of error (almost 80% error occurs at temperature lower than 800K and pressure of 41 bar condition). Therefore, the choice of mechanism was based upon two criteria: the size of the mechanism and the numerical stiffness of the mechanism. The size of the mechanism affects the simulation time by increasing the number of species transport equations. The stiffness affects the Figure 2: Schematic indicating the range of possible simulation time by increasing the number of time steps required to integrate the equations by a unit Y values as a function of equivalence ratio. Figure f physical time. After extensive test calculations, we reproduced from [15] for methane fuel. found that the skeletal mechanism developed by Pitsch was reasonable in terms of these criteria, Based on the definition of β, the transition while showing good predictive capabilities for parameter α is defined as: ignition delay over wide temperature and pressure ranges. ⎧ 0 if β > β ⎪ i ⎪ β −β Figure 4 is a comparison of the predicted and α= ⎨ i if β > β>β (8) i f measured values for the ignition delays. The β −β ⎪ i f numerical results were obtained using the skeletal ⎪ 1 if β < β ⎩ f mechanism for various pressure and temperature conditions with a fixed equivalence ratio (φ = 1). where β and β represent the starting and ending i f The predictions agree with the experimental data points of transition, respectively. The values for β i both qualitatively and quantitatively, reproducing and β are numerical constants, and appropriate f the negative temperature coefficient (NTC) regime values for βi and βf are explored as part of this study. with very good agreement. Figure 3 shows how the transition parameter, α, varies as the normalized fuel mass fraction, β, varies for arbitrary values of β and β . Note that i f the formulation for the reaction rate (Eq. (6)) based on the transition parameter allows a numerically smooth and physically realistic transition process from ignition to turbulent combustion. VALIDATION OF REACTION MECHANISM In this study, n-heptane is used as a surrogate for diesel fuel, due to its similar cetane number. Prior to adopting the skeletal mechanism used in this study, several reaction mechanisms for n-heptane Figure 3: Variation of the transition parameter, α, as were investigated [22, 23, 24, 25], including the a function of the normalized fuel mass fraction, β . mechanism of Pitsch [19]. To validate the reaction 3 10 Exp ( P = 13.5 bar ) Pitsch ( P = 13.5 bar ) 2 Exp ( P = 30 bar ) 10 s) Pitsch ( P = 30 bar ) m Exp ( P = 41 bar ) y ( Pitsch ( P = 41 bar ) a 1 el 10 d n o niti 100 g al i ot T 10-1 Figure 5: The computational mesh structure of the combustion chamber at TDC. 10-2 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 1000/T (1/K) Figure 4: Comparison of ignition delays predicted Sensitivity Analysis using the skeletal mechanism developed by Pitsch [19] with experimental measurements of Ciezki and There are several parameters appearing in the Adomeit [26] for various temperature and pressures ignition, combustion, and transition models which conditions (φ = 1). need to be determined before starting a parametric study of the engine operating conditions. In this ENGINE SIMULATION DETAILS work, a specific simulation case was selected from the ranges shown in Table 1 and used to assess the Using the validated skeletal kinetic mechanism for sensitivity of the modeling parameters such that n-heptane and the ignition model combined with the optimal values for the parameters can be determined. modified EDC model, KIVA simulations are The results of the sensitivity analysis as well as the performed for a light-duty diesel engine operating at method for selecting the parameters are presented steady state conditions. The engine parameters and below. Once a reasonable set of such parameters operating conditions are provided in Table 1. were decided, no further adjustments were made throughout the remainder of the computational Operating Conditions analysis. The operating conditions for the Speed (RPM) 1250 / 1500 / 1750 sensitivity analysis (Case 1) are EGR = 0 %, EGR (%) 0 ~ 25 injection timing = 3° ATDC and fuel mass = 0.03 g. Injection timing -7 ~ 4 (°ATDC) In determining the various model parameters, the first issue encountered is to determine the initial Fuel mass (g) 0.01 ~ 0.05 conditions for the fine structure in each cell at the Modeling Choices beginning of each time step. The original EDC model was developed for steady-state combustion Injection Model TAB systems, therefore initial thermodynamic conditions Turbulence Model RNG Based k-ε of the fine structure do not affect the results. In the Cylinder Wall Heat Flux Fixed wall temperature transient engine simulations, however, the initial Table 1: Engine parameters and simulation conditions for the fine structure are important as conditions they determine the subsequent reaction rates. The engine mesh geometry is shown in Figure 5. To estimate the initial conditions for the fine Because a six-hole injector is implemented in the structure, the most accurate method would be to cylinder, a 60° sector mesh is used for the solve additional transport equations for the calculations. Periodic boundary conditions are quantities inside the fine structure. Since this is a assumed in the azimuthal direction. A single three- computationally demanding process, in the present dimensional sector consists of approximately 5100 study the initial conditions are estimated based on cells at TDC. the cell-averaged quantities provided by KIVA-3V. In doing so, we may estimate the initial conditions the combustion process, the cylinder pressure for the fine structure by the cell-averaged quantities, variations predicted for different values of β and β i f or alternatively by the equilibrium condition based were explored. To isolate the effects of each on the cell-averaged quantities. The former parameter, one parameter was set at a constant effectively implies a rapid mixing model, i.e. the value while the other was varied for this exercise. fine structure conditions are completely Note that β represents the point at which the i homogenized with the bulk gas zone at every time turbulent mixing starts to affect the reaction rates, step. On the other hand, the latter implies that the and β represents the end of the ignition model, such f fine structure experiences vigorous combustion (i.e. that combustion is entirely controlled by the a rapid chemistry model), which appears to be a interaction between the fine structure and the bulk more reasonable assumption. gas zone. 90 100 Experiment Experiment with Mean quantities β = 0.101 - 0.1 with Equilibrium quantities i 80 β = 0.5 - 0.1 i β = 0.7 - 0.1 Pressure ( bar ) 3600 Pressure ( bar ) 4600 i 20 0 0 -180.0 -120.0 -60.0 0.0 60.0 120.0 180.0 -60.0 -40.0 -20.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 CA CA Figure 6: Effects of different initial conditions for Figure 7: Effects of β on the cylinder pressure i the fine structure on the predicted cylinder pressure variation through a cycle. for engine simulation conditions of Case 1 It was found that the results for cylinder pressure The two initial condition strategies are compared in were little affected by different values of β. On the f Fig. 6, where the cylinder pressure variation is other hand, the onset of the turbulent combustion plotted through a cycle. The results show that the model, β, showed a significant impact on the i initial conditions based on the cell-equilibrium overall prediction. To explore this effect further, conditions yield better agreement with the three values for β were tested while β was fixed at experimental data, confirming the expectation that i f 0.1. The results are presented in Figure 7. Note the fine structure maintains a near equilibrium that the ignition delay (characterized by the rapid condition. Note that, since the fine-structure pressure rise) is advanced as β increases, because conditions will eventually approach those of the i the intense turbulent mixing and combustion are final equilibrium product, the two initial conditions initiated at an earlier time. Since the initial will not affect the long-time behavior of the solution. conditions for the fine structure are determined by However, in engine simulations the duration of the the equilibrium calculations, an earlier action of the chemistry and mixing events are finite, hence the combustion model always tends to advance the initial conditions affect the overall outcome of the ignition delay and rapid pressure rise. It is predictions as demonstrated in Fig. 6. interesting to note that a slightly higher peak pressure is achieved with a lower value of β. This Additional important parameters are associated with i results from the fact that a longer ignition delay the transition model. As expected from Eqs. (6)-(8), causes a higher heat release rate during the changes in the starting and ending points of premixed combustion phase. transition, β and β, can affect the overall reactivity i f of the system. To evaluate the effects of the To assess the effect of β on heat generation, the transition parameters on the reaction rates during i computed heat release rate is compared with experimental determinations. Since the heat release chamber with the surrounding air. The degree of rate is difficult to measure, a net apparent heat this premixing determines the strength of the release rate is defined from the experimentally and premixed combustion phase after it is ignited. computationally measured pressure time history and Therefore, the case with β of 0.5 produces a higher i the piston displacement profile: peak value for the heat release rate compared to the case with β of 0.7. i dQ γ dV 1 dp n = p + V (9) Parametric Studies dt γ−1 dt γ−1 dt Based on the sensitivity studies, two key decisions where Q is the net apparent heat release rate, p is n were made regarding the model parameters. The the cylinder pressure, V is the cylinder volume, and initial conditions of the fine structure were set as the γ is the specific heat ratio. Equation (9) is taken equilibrium values at each time step, and the from [28] in which γ = 1.35 is recommended as an transition parameters were set as β = 0.7 and as β appropriate value at the end of the compression i f = 0.1. These parameters were adopted for the stroke, and γ = 1.26 – 1.3 is recommended for the remainder of the simulations without any further burned gas. In this study, γ = 1.325 is used. modification. 15000 D ) Experiment 80 A Experiment C β = 0.5, β = 0.1 J/ i f Prediction ate ( 11000 βi = 0.7, βf = 0.1 60 ease r bar ) at rel 7000 ure ( 40 e s net h Pres nt 3000 20 e r a p p A -1000 -10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 0 -60.0 -40.0 -20.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 CA CA Figure 8: Nominal heat release rate calculated using Figure 9: Cylinder pressure time history for Eq. (9). injection timing of 2.0° ATDC and EGR of 10% (Case 2). The comparison of the nominal heat release rate with the predicted heat release rate is shown in As a first variation to the baseline test case (Case 1), Figure 8. The results clearly show that the ignition Case 2 is chosen for a different injection timing and delay is advanced as the value for β is increased. i different EGR ratio with the same speed and load as When the ignition delay is defined as the time from Case 1 (1500 RPM and 0.03 gm). Figure 9 is the start of fuel injection to the point of maximum heat predicted cylinder pressure trace for an injection release, it is found that the ignition delay for β = i timing of 2.0° ATDC and EGR of 10%. The results 0.7 is shorter than that for β = 0.5, which is i show a slightly delayed ignition and a lower peak consistent with the result of ignition delay defined pressure compared to the experimental data, both of using pressure rise. which are consistent with the results of Case 1. The agreement between the simulation and experiment In contrast to the peak pressure behavior shown in is good and comparable to that of Case 1. Figure 7, Figure 8 indicates that the maximum heat release rate decreases as βi increases. It appears To validate the combustion model further, a case that this behavior is strongly related to the ignition with very high EGR ratio (25%) and advanced delay. A longer ignition delay implies a longer time injection timing (−7° BTDC) was considered. The for mixing of the fuel injected into the cylinder results for Case 3, plotted in Figure 10, exhibit a similar degree of agreement between prediction and temperature. Therefore, it can be said that NO experiment as for the previous cases. The prediction is similar to post processing at each time difference between the two pressure profiles is less step. than 5% at the injection timing, and good overall agreement is achieved throughout the cycle. As Figure 11 shows the predicted NO concentrations seen in Cases 1 and 2, the ignition delay is slightly normalized by measured NO concentrations for the longer than experimentally observed. On the other three cases studied. Clearly, the predicted NO hand, the peak pressure is slightly higher than the concentrations are consistently lower than the experimental data. This is attributed to the higher experimental measurements approximately by 70%. pressure during the compression phase. Nevertheless, the combustion model does reproduce the correct trends observed in the experiments. 90 Experiment 1.00 Prediction 0.80 r ) 60 m ) re ( ba O ( pp 0.60 u N Press 30 alized 0.40 m r o N 0.20 0 -60.0 -40.0 -20.0 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 0.00 CA 0 1 2 3 4 Figure 10: Cylinder pressure time history for Cases injection timing of −7.0° BTDC and EGR of 25% Figure 11: Comparison of predicted and (Case 3). experimental measurements of NO concentrations for all cases. (Normalized by experimental NO For all three cases studied, the ignition delay and concentration.) peak pressure are within 0.5 °CA and 3 bar, respectively, of the experimental data. Therefore, SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS we conclude that the ignition and turbulent combustion models used in this study predict the In the current work, we have attempted to improve engine conditions very well for the fixed speeds and the fidelity of the combustion model used in the loads considered. Evaluation of the model fidelity KIVA-3V simulation by incorporating a sub-grid at different speed and load conditions is currently level EDC-based combustion model. This underway. combustion model represents an improvement over our previous work by incorporating a more NOx Emissions physically realistic transition between ignition and combustion. Additionally, we have incorporated NOx emissions depend strongly on the history of detailed kinetics in the form of a skeletal the heat release rates and the major and minor mechanism for n-heptane as a surrogate for diesel species concentrations. In this work, NOx fuel. The sub-models and the engine modeling predictions are attempted by employing the were validated by comparison with experimental extended Zeldovich mechanism. Since the latter measurements. The following conclusions are mechanism is not included in the n-heptane outcomes of the study: mechanism, prediction of NO is performed in a different way compared to prediction of other • With properly defined initial conditions for the species. 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