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BULLETIN DE L'INSTITUT ROYAL DES SCIENCES NATURELLES DE BELGIQUE ENTOMOLOGIE,' 73: 67-76, 2003 BULLETIN VAN HET KONINKLJJK BELGISCH INSTITUUT VOOR NATUURWETENSCHAPPEN ENTOMOLOGIE, 73: 67-76, 2003 Mite community of storage facilities in Iran by Danielle DE SAINT GEORGES-GRIDELET, Georges W AUTHY, Fariba ARDESHIR, Patrick GROOTAERT, Luc TIRRY Summary studies have been directed at how local and regional, abiotic enviro1m1ental conditions and biotic interactions The density of mite populations in storage facilities in Iran was contribute to community organization (review in TILMAN, investigated by sampling three silos and three flour-mills during au 1982). Yet the specific contribution of each of these tumn 1997. Low mite density values were found, which might be attributed to insecticide use and short-term storage. In addition, a factors generally remains unknown because of the com substantial spatial variation in abundance measured from numerical plexity of their interactions (DRAKE, 1990; lvEs & KLoP stability in the most corn;non taxa was detected. However, although FER, 1997). Some conceptual models predict that the abundance was low and varied, and distribution was substantially disordered, spatial patterns remained sufficiently stable to show trends importance of interactions between structuring factors at the community level. For instance, mite assemblages were quite should decrease with stochastic effects, notably with similar in their functional structure since predators were numerically abiotic disturbance (BERTNESS & CALLAWAY, 1994; CHES dominant in 12 assemblages out of 16 surveyed in grain and refuse. As SON & HUNTLY, 1997). well, the study of community composition using correspondence ana lysis revealed that climate is probably the main source of mite com In storage facilities, mite granary community appears munity variability in storage facilities. able to conserve its species richness despite repeated application ofbiocides (WHITE & SINHA, 1990; PRICKETT Key-words: abundance, community composition, correspondence ana lysis, nested-subset analysis, spatial variation & MuGGLETON, 1991). In such facilities, mites also colo nize neglected materials such as dust, broken grain and small pieces of straw differing from the grain in physical Resume structure and the lack of chemical control (hereafter referred to as refuse), taken from floors and recesses. La densite des populations d'acariens peuplant des installations d'en Despite these differences, mite assemblages in refuse a treposage en Iran a ete etudiee partir d'un echantillonnage realise dans show a certain similarity in species composition with trois silos et trois minoteries au cours de l'automne 1997. De faibles assemblages found in the grain (e.g. CusACK et a/., valeurs d'abondance ont ete enregistrees et ceci poun·ait resulter de !'utilisation des insecticides et d'un stockage de courte duree. De plus, 1976; PAGLIARINl, 1979; ARDESHIR et a/., 2000). une mesure de stabilite numerique chez les especes les plus communes a By contrast, climate has proven to be significant factor revele une forte variation spatiale des densites. Toutefois, malgre une in understanding spatial variation in the abundance of abondance faible et heterogene et une distribution globalement deso mite species (NORRIS, 1958; SINHA, 1968; BURRELL & rdormee, certaines caracteristiques spatiales se sont averees suffisam ment stables pour que des tendances puissent etre degagees al 'echelle de HAVERS, 1976; ARMITAGE, 1984). Thus, there is a need Ia communaute. Ainsi, les assemblages d'acariens apparaissent peu for a formal examination of the relative impot1ance of differents dans leur organisation fonctionnelle dans Ia mesure ou les climate and biocides on mite community organization in predateurs dominent numeriquement dans 12 des 16 assemblages ex amines dans les grains et les dechets. De meme, !'etude de Ia composi storage facilities. Given the lack of prior knowledge tion du peuplement par !'analyse des correspondances montre que le abotit mite granary community in Iran, the logical step climat est probablement le principal responsable de Ia variabilite decelee was a descriptive study. Our objectives were thus (l) to dans Ia communaute d'acariens des installations d'entreposage. quantify species abundance and species number in six Mots-cles: abondance, analyse des correspondances, analyse des sous storage facilities (silos and flour-mills), (2) to investigate ensembles emboites, composition du peuplement, variation spatiale spatial variation of abundance for the most common taxa, and (3) to analyze community organization from predo minant patterns in mite community assembly. Introduction A central problem in ecology is to understand how com Materials and methods munities are organized with respect to species abun dances, species number and species composition (e.g. This study was a preliminary investigation of granary KODRIC-BROWN & BROWN, 1993; WORTHEN, 1996). Most community of mites in northern lran, where temperate 68 Danielle DE SAINT GEORGES-GRIDELET, Georges WAUTHY, Fariba ARDESHIR, Patrick GROOTAERT, Luc TIRRY climatic conditions prevail (GANJI, 1960, 1968). Some of number of mites per 500 g of material. All extracted mites the largest grain stores in the counhy are located in this were sorted to species and, in some cases, to family. region. The survey was conducted during October 1997 in Species were allocated to one of the following feeding three concrete silos and three concrete flour-mills from categoties: predators of mites; fungivores; granivores; the provinces of Mazandaran, Golestan and Teheran. saprophagous mites; and, parasites of insects, taking into Silos were chosen for their high capacity of storage: account that this allocation is not necessarily exclusive as (i) 110,000 tons for silo S 1 located in the village of Neka an organism may belong to more than one functional (36°39'N, 53°19'E); (ii) 16,000 tons for silo S located in group over its lifetime. Although astigmatid mites are 2 the town of Gargan (37°00'N, 54°30'E); and, (iii) 80,000 known to have a relatively wide dietary range due to their tons for silo S3 situated in the outskitts ofKaraj (36°00'N, fungal associations (SINHA, 1963; STNHA & WALLACE, 51 °00'E) The flour-mills were chosen for their proximity 1966; SINHA et a/., 1969; OCONNOR, 1982, 1984), their to the silos. The Me marian F 1A and Rezay FIB flour-mills allocation to groups 2-4 was based on data available in (3,000 tons and 7,000 tons, respectively) were located in the literature (SINHA, 1963, 1979; HUGHES, 1976; the town of Sari, near the Neka silo. The To lou F flour KRANTZ, 1978, GUEYE-NDIAYE & FATN, 1987; HOUCK & 2 mill (20,000 tons) was situated in the outskirts of Gargan. OCONNOR, 1991 ). Grain stored in each facility had been regularly treated Spatial variation of abundance was quantified using the with malathion, pirimiphos-methyl or aluminum phos stability index ofHANSKI & KOSKELA (1978) (Sf= 21Pi phide, in order to maintain storage pest infestation at a Pk I I (pi + Pk) for Pi+ Pk > 0, where Pi and Pk are the commonly accepted level. Grain debris and straw in each proportion of individuals for the /'' and k!" sampling flour-mill were assembled and stored in 50 or 100-kg locations occupied by a taxon, respectively). For each sacks, which appeared not to be conh·olled. taxon a value for the total stability (Slm) was then esti In view of the existence of such a number oflarge silos mated as the average of the stability over all paired and flour-mills in the region, the sampling was aimed at locations. Taxa with Sim lower than unity (0 ~ Sim favoring the number of sites rather than the number of ~ 1) can be regarded as numerically stable in sampling locations within the sites. For technical reasons, measure locations whereas those with Sim higher than unity (1 < of temperature and ambient grain moisture content could SI111 ~ 2) can be considered as numerically unstable. not be performed. Data on macroclimatic conditions were Nested-subset analysis of species composition was obtained from nearby weather stations. For instance, in conducted using the "Nestedness Temperature Calcula October 1997, mean monthly values of temperature and tor Programme" available on the Internet site of AICS relative humidity for Mazandaran (S 1, F 1A , F 18 ), Golestan Research, Inc. (ATMAR & PATTERSON, 1995; WRJGHT et (S2, F2) and Teheran (S3) were 21 °C, 24°C, 23°C and al., 1998). 79%, 68%, 36%, respectively. Community analysis was performed using correspon Data on the mite fauna were collected from a total of 16 dence analysis (CA). This method is a form of principal samples of wheat grain and refuse: nine samples from component analysis that involves a double standardisa silos, namely in each silo, grain harvested in Iran (la tion of census or presence/absence data (usually CA is belled as S 11, S21 and S31), grain impotied from Australia repeated using presence/absence data to account for pos and Canada (S 1j , S2i and S3i) and dust accumulated in sible artifacts due to sampling method). In this instance, hiding places or on exterior ledges in the silo buildings CA serves to extract a small number of axes, along which (SId, S2d and S3d); and, seven samples from flour-mills, sampling locations will be ordered so as to summarise namely in each flour-mill, grain produced in Iran (la preponderant patterns in mite community assembly. This belled as F1Ah FIBI and F21), and in flour-mills F1A and ordination corresponds to an indirect gradient analysis F 18, small sized fragments of grain (F 1A r and F 1s r) and (e.g. TER BRAAK, 1985; LEGENDRE & GALLAGHER, 2001). chaff (mainly glumes and small pieces of straw) put in bags (F 1A c and F 1s c). Each sample was composed of five sub-samples of about 100 g taken randomly and close to Results each other (in grain bulk at a depth of around 20 em in the three silos and in the flour-mill F2, and inside bags of 100 A total of 4,342 individuals belonging to 24 mite taxa kg in flour-mills F 1A and F 1s ). were collected during the survey of storage mites in Extraction of mites was made by means of modified northern Iran. A comparative overview of densities and BERLESE-TULLGREN funnels except for grain dust for species number of mite assemblages is given in table I. fn which a flotation technique was used (HART & FAIN, total, 1,857 individuals of 19 taxa were collected from 1987). Some of the mite species (i.e. pyroglyphids) found silos, and 2,485 individuals of 16 taxa from flour-mills, in this habitat do not clearly show a negative phototrop whereas 11 taxa were shared in common. Overall number ism. In the case of BERLESE-TULLGREN funnels, the effi of individuals recorded in grain locations in flour-mills ciency of mite extractions was verified by opening and was higher than in grain locations in silos, with one examining the inside of 100 damaged grains in each exception (sampling location S2i; table 1). In addition, sample. No mite was found in any grain. Specimens the average number of taxa per grain location was greater extracted from the five sub-samples in each sampling in flour-mills (8.3; range 8-9) than in silos (5.8; range 4- location were pooled in order to express density as the 8). By contrast, mean overall abundance was significantly ~(i en ;:;· en 0 ;;.; (JQ (1) ~() ..... (1) en 0\ \.0 ctober 1997. Species are arranged ponent of diversity, by the Pielou mber and abundance is also given. produced grain; i, imported grain; r-mill FlouFlour-I 8 mill2 Fm1 Floc Ftnr F21 33 383 350 251 -------------------I 7 6 I --3 18 16 4 39 -I 34 244 -- 29 10 II I ---- 207 ---160 -I ----II ------I - --8 - 10 5 -I 13 10 I -------I -----I --- 9 6 8 II 277 1049 407 139 0.43 1.74 1.54 0.62 0.21 0.64 0.35 0.79 0.20 0.14 0.29 0.10 9.65 0.32* 0.57* 6.14 0.25 0.75 0.43 1.33 0.62* 0.46* 2.25 3.77 Table I -Density per 500 g and characteristics of assemblages of mites in wheat grain and refuse sampled in silos and flour-mills in Iran during OPi Pi, 2: (H') was measured by the Shannon-Weaver index, as H' In and the evenness comaccording to functional groups. Diversity =-J' I H' ln S, where S is the total number of taxa. Proportional representation of predatmy and fungivorous mites in species nuindex, as = z, S3, silos ofNeka, Gorgan and Karaj, respectively; FFFMemarian, Rezay and Tolou flour-mills, respectively; I, locally Sh S, A, , 1182d, organic dust; r, grain debris; c, chaff. * no dominant role of predatory mites or sub-dominant role of fungivorous mites. = Silo I Silo 2 Silo 3 Flour-mill lA S11 Su S2; S1d s21 SJ; s3d S2d S31 FIAc FIAt FIAr Predatory mites OUDEMANS, 1903 Cheyletus malaccensis 40 I. 48 36 21 241 30 6 127 64 144 --2. (KuzrN, 1940) ---Acaropsel/ina sailers -2 7 37 -65 90 ----3. (CUNLIFFE, 1962) --4 Zachvatkiniola reticula/a --------4 .. MUMA, 1964 Nodele ca/amondin 2 198 --------------5. Caligonellidae 2 ----------6. (SHAW, 1794) Cheleromo1pha /epidopterorum -------- Fungivores -7. (SCHRANK, 1781) Tyrophagus putrescenliae 4 21 15 3 5 12 4 3 -I ----8. (SCHRANK, 1781) Lepidoglyphus destructor 4 2 27 3 13 3 10 I ------9. (MICHAEL, 1903) Ca/oglyphus berlesei ---3 2 -----0. (ZACHVATK.IN, 193 7) Cosmoglyphus oudemansi 2 4 4 I ------ Granivores -(TROUPEAU, 1878) 2 2 7 Aleuroglyphus ovatus II. -------I -12. L!NNEAUS, 1758 Acarus siro -II I -------- Saprophagous --4 10 4 2 HUGHES, 1948 2 3 3 13. I Suidasia nesbiui ---10 2 5 2 8 --14. HUGHES, 1961 873 I Dermatophagoides farinae ----2 -------15. (TROUPEAU, 1879) Chortoglyplws arcua/us --------2 ----16. HUGHES, 1948 8/omia freemani ------------17. (OuDEMANS, 1902) Goheria fuse a - Parasites of insects ----2 I ---2 -8. 0UDEMANS, 1936 1Pyemo/es he1jsi - Unidentified ----157 --7 -I --19. Tydeidae ---12 5 I --9 --20. Uropodidae --------2 --21. Tarsonemidae ------2 ------22. Laelapidae -----------I 23. Stigmaeidae ----------24. Tenuipalpidae --- 4 4 9 9 8 6 5 6 7 5 8 6 Number of taxa 262 173 73 105 178 251 50 38 265 64 61 950 Number of individuals: 1.21 0.76 53 1.00 0.0.78 0.89 0.46 0.38 1.45 0.39 0.85 1.27 H' 0.55 0.35 0.38 0.48 0.24 0.44 0.55 0.33 0.21 0.74 0.48 0.61 J' Predators/others 0.12 0.14 0.13 0.33 1.00 0.66 0.33 0.75 0.25 0.20 0.20 0.60 of taxa numbers 0.32* 4.50 2.49 6.14 8.25 6.00 10.04 15.66 1.92 0.04* 3.69 2.55 numbers of individuals Fungivores/others except predators 1.00 1.00 0.40 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.33 1.00 0.66 0.66 0.25 numbers of taxa 0.14* 1.58 0.15* 2.00 1.00 0.75* 1.18 0.33* 63* 0.03* 0.1.16 0.12* of individuals numbers I I 70 Danielle DE SAINT GEORGES-GRIDELET, Georges WAUTHY, Fariba ARDESHJR, Patrick GROOT AERT, Luc TlRRY lower in grain than in refuse, whereas there was no for those containing the local grain. The number of ex significant difference in the mean number of taxa (aver ceptions (indicated by an asterisk in table 1) increased age value± SE: for abundance, 127 ± 31 and 457 ± 145 in notably in refuse where only the assemblage F lAc had grain and refuse, respectively; for number of taxa, 6.4 ± such a sub-dominance pattern. 0.6 and 7.3 ± 0.9 in grain and refuse, respectively) On the other hand, patterns of species composition at (MANN-WHITNEY U-tests: for abundance, U = 80.0, the scale of both storage facilities (Fig. 1A) and sampling n1 = 9, 112 = 7, p = 0.03; for number of taxa, U = locations (Fig. lB) did not square statistically with non 66.5, n1 = 9, n2 = 7, p = 0.49). random patterns termed "nestedness" (e.g. ATMAR & Numerical stability was investigated for the 11 taxa PATTERSON, 1993). This result contrasts with that ob (nos. 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 19 and 20 in Table 2) tained for a lot of animal and plant communities (WRJGHT with suitable frequency of occurrence (i.e. a frequency > et al., 1998). Yet it does not mean that mite commtmity 50% of corresponding sampling locations) at the scale of assembly is intrinsically indeterministic but it points to all the locations studied or at a smaller scale (i.e. the sampling locations in silos S, in flour-mills F, in S grains or in F grains; see Table I). No taxon could be regarded as numerically stable (Slm < 1) at a large scale of investiga Species tion. Yet, at a smaller scale, two species were numerically (a) 1 1 14 8 11 13 19 10 9 20 18 15 22 12 2 6 11 3 5 21 23 4 16 24 stable: Cheyletus malaccensis (no.1) when all F sampling • •• 15 locations are taken into account, and Lepidoglyphus de • •••• 14 • .812 structor (no. 8) where grain locations in flour-mills F IAh •• 10 F1B1 and F21 are concerned. All the other taxa were •• numerically unstable or even strongly unstable when = 666555433332222111111111 Slm was higher than the average value measured for a T 34.03°; P > 0.01, NS given set of sampling locations (for instance, species no.14 in which Sim was 1.762, 1.765 and 1.826 at a large Species scale, in all S sampling locations and in all F sampling F1Br •••••••• (b) 1 7 8 14 13 11 20 19 10 2 •9 1 8 •22 1 2 4 15 •17 6 24 3 5 21 23 16 locations, respectively). Overall mean numerical stability •• 11 F1Ac····· •• was not significantly different between silos and flour F1Ar···· •••• • F191··· •••• • • mills as well as between S grains and F grains (average • • value± SE: 1.55 ± 0.09, 1.47 ± 0.11, 1.43 ± 0.16, 1.43 ± FF211 A•I•···• ••••.• •• 0.15, for all S sampling locations, all F sampling loca • .7 ·~g1 511 ••• • • •••• B tions, S grain locations and F grain locations, respec ll 521 •• •• • tively) (MANN-WHITNEY U-tests: for silos and flour-mills, ~51d •••• • • U = 48.0, 111 = 6, 112 = 9, p = 0.95; for S grains and F ~E"55F121J Bd•c.. •••• •• ••• • • • •• grains, U = 33.0, 111 = 5, n2 = 7, p = 1.00). No pattern of stability-density dependence was de 521 ••• • • • • 531 •• • • tected at any level of investigation. By contrast, where 531 ••• •• both all sampling locations and F sampling locations were 53d •• concerned, taxa collected in a large number of locations = 14 12 11 9 9 8 7 6 5 5 5 4 2 2 2 2 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 T 39.62° ; P > 0.01, NS tended to be more stable than taxa found in a small number of locations (SPEARMAN's rs = - 0.975, p < Fig. I - Occurrence of mite taxa (black square, presence; 0.05, n = 5, and - 0.940, p < 0.005, n = 9, respectively). white square, absence) in (a) six storage facilities As the number of locations occupied by taxa can be and in (b) 16 sampling locations surveyed in Iran. The matrices are constructed from storage facilities regarded as a measure of their habitat resource use, these and sampling locations arranged in order of decreas results indicate a ce1tain degree of habitat specialization ing species number and from taxa ranked in order of in the most frequent taxa within storage facilities (HANSKI decreasing number of incidences. The metric T & KOSKELA, 1978). measures the "heat of disorder" in data matrices Although species composition as well as diversity and (ATMAR & PATTERSON, 1993, pp. 373-374). ]t ranges the evenness component of diversity (Table 1) , which from 0° for a perfectly cold, most ordered matrix to reflect the species-density relationships in sampling loca I 00° for a maximally hot, most disorderd matrix. P tions, varied substantially, the functional structme of is the Monte Carlo-derived probability that the ma assemblages did not differ very much. Indeed, the ratio trix was randomly generated (500 h·ials). As P va lues were definitely higher than the critical level of predatory mites/other mites accounted for the numerical 0.01 (WRIGI-IT et al., 1998, p. 4), mite community at dominance of predators in most ofthe assemblages (with both scales of investigation was found to have no the exception of the location F JBI for the grain, and significant nested structure (i.e. to have a species s,d, locations FIAr and FIBr for refuse) even though the composition more heterogeneous than expected by number of species of predatory mites was nowhere higher chance). Row and column totals (species number than that of other mjtes. Similarly, a numerical sub-dom and incidence totals) are given. Storage facility, inance of fw1givorous mites was observed in silos except sampling location and species codes are as in table 1. I I Mites in storage facilities 71 the irrelevance of model underlying this type of species 2.-------------------------------------, composition (i.e. smaller assemblages contain successive subsets of the species in larger assemblages) to mite community of storage facilities (WORTHEN, 1996). \ A negative, significant correlation was found between 0 the elevation of storage facilities and both mite overall N • Szt ·Vx) abundance and number of taxa (similar SPEARMAN's rs = "' -0.926, p < 0.05, n = 6, for the two parameters) (Table 2). u<( -1 The importance of elevation was also proved from results of CA on the species abundance data for the 16 sampling -2 locations (Table 1). CA provided two main axes (Fig. 2) which accounted for a total of 42% of the total variance. -3 • Szd The first CA axis appeared as an elevation gradient. It separated indeed the three locations in the silo of Karaj -1 0 2 3 4 situated at high altitude and characterized by similar Low altitude CA axis 1 High altitude assemblage patterns (low species number and strong numerical dominance by the predator Acaropsellina sai Fig. 2 - Ordination of 16 sampling locations from storage lers) from locations clustered close together near the facilities in Iran on the first two axes of the corres pondence analysis performed on mite abundance origin of axis. This cluster contains all the locations at data. Sampling location codes are as in table I. low altitude and with, on the whole, a high number of taxa The locations that cluster together near the origin and another predator, namely Cheyletus malaccensis, of the axes (the zone they occupy is encircled and numerically dominant (in eight assemblages out of 11). hatched) include nine locations (i.e. S1i, S1" S1d, The second CA axis showed the same separation. Yet it FtAI. FtAn FtAc• FIB!. Ftsr and Ftsc) situated at distinguished also the dust location s2d from all the other low altitude (40 m) and two locations (i.e. s2i and locations. In consideration of environmental data at om F21) situated at intermediate altitude (160m). Table 2 - Overall abundance and number of mite species collected from storage facilities in Iran during October 1997. Site elevation and climate data obtained from nearby weather stations are given. No. of No. of Elevation Air mean No. of Differ- Air mean No. of indivi- taxa (m) monthly months ence of monthly months duals tempera- with air tempera- R.H. with ture mean ture air mean (OC) tempera- between R.H. ture hottest > 75% > 15°C and cold- est month (0 C) Neka silo (S1) 1075 14 40 17.0 6 19.9 79.9 12 Gargan silo (S2) 554 10 160 17.1 7 21.3 70.8 2 0 Karaj silo (S3) 228 7 1320 14.9 5 23.5 50.8 0 Memarian 616 12 40 17.0 6 19.9 79.9 12 flour-mill (FIA) Rezay flour-mill 1595 15 40 17.0 6 19.9 79.9 12 (Fis) Tolou flour-mill 277 8 160 ] 7.1 7 21.3 70.8 2 (F2) 72 Danielle DE SAINT GEORGES-GRlDELET, Georges WAUTHY, Fariba ARDESHIR, Patrick GROO'TA ERT, Luc TIRRY disposal, this contrast as well as others detected in higher grain and refuse locations that om results demonstTate is a order axes (not shown) could not be interpreted with discernible effect of biocides on populations developing certainty. An elevation gradient was also highlighted in in the grain. CA performed on the species presence/absence dataset Although cyclic occuiTences of prey and predator spe but only for the second axis. This axis which explained cies has been reported (e.g. HURLOCK et al., 1980), the 17% of the total variation assessed the divide between higher proportion of predat01y mites recorded in this locations at both high and intermediate altitudes (except study, notably cheyletid species (a similar trend was one, namely location F21) and those at low altitude (not detected in other seasons; unpublished data), might be shown). The first axis for its part accounted for 26% of attributed to their reduced pesticide susceptibility (ZDAR the total variation. It separated the location S 11 character KOVA & HORAK, 1987; WHITE & STNHA, 1990; ZDARKOVA, ized by a peculiar species composition (i.e. the existence 1994, 1997). of four taxa out of eight collected exclusively in this That surface treatment was unable to control the chey place) from all the others. letids has also been reported by ARMITAGE et al (1994). Specific climatic conditions rather than a proper effect Feeding habits and behaviour of the cheyletids would also of the altitude determine the mite population growth in explain their survival. By ca1mibalism as well as by higher regions. So, in the place at the highest elevation endmance, the cheyletids were shown to survive a long (i.e. in Karaj) where the minimum and maximum air period of food scarcity (SoLOMON, 1969). In addition, mean monthly temperatures were respectively 5°C and polyphagy is common among this group of predators. A 2°C lower than in other places, low overall abundance number of species belonging to the family, notably Chey and low species number (Table 2) are likely to result from letus malacce11sis and Nodele calamondin, are known to the more severe climatic conditions. This was confirmed prey upon eggs and young larvae of insects like moths by the observation of a relationship between overall and grain beetles. abundance as well as number of taxa and the difference The abundance of parasitic pyemotids in the storage of temperature between the hottest and the coldest month facilities studied suggests high infestations with insects. (for both parameters, SPEARMAN's rs =-0.926, p < 0.05, Actually, a total often species of Coleoptera belonging to 11 = 6) (Table 2). Yet no relationship was detected be six families were collected in grain and refuse from all the tween the two parameters and both air mean monthly sites (ARDESHIR, 2002). temperature and number of months with air mean tem Low mite population densities may be also explained perature higher than 15°C (for both parameters, SPEAR by the short-term storage in countries (e.g. Iran) where MAN's rs < 0.001, p > 0.999, 11 = 6). On the other hand, most of the grain imported or locally produced are con there was a positive relationship between both overall sumed during the year (FREEMAN, 1973). Here, the ve1y abundance and number of taxa and the two hygrometric low occurrence of tarsonemid and tydeid species, which variables studied (for all, SPEARMAN's rs = 0.926, p < are characteristically found in ageing grain (SINHA, 1963), 0.05, 11 = 6) (Table 2). In pursuance of observations by highlighted the low decay rate of the stored grain. STNHA (1968) and ARMITAGE (1984), the results from Regarding granivorous mites, it has been shown (PA community analysis and previous correlations suggest GLIARINI, 1979; NANGIA & CHANNABASAVANNA, 1989; that climatic conditions are major factors in guiding mite MAHMOOD, 1992; EMMANOUEL eta/., 1994) that the major community assembly and that biocides are of minor im grain mite species Acarus siro is less adapted than Tyro portance. phagus putrescentiae and Lepidoglyphus destructor to a d1y and wann climate, as was first suggested from la boratory investigations (CUNNTNGTON, 1976). By contrast, Discussion the predator Cheyletus appears less sensitive since it can complete its development at lower humidity and higher A prominent feature of this survey was the low popula temperah1re than the astigmatid mites. It occms fairly tion density of mites in grain. Such a result has already frequently in grain of moisture content (11-12%) too been reported from stored-grain surveys in Iraq (MAI·I low to support the others (SOLOMON, 1946, 1969). MOOD, 1992) and in Iran (ARDESHIR et al., 2000). Infesta Under semi-MediteiTanean climatic conditions in tion levels appear to be related to the frequency of fumi northern Iran, both Acarus siro and the thermophilic gant application to the storage facilities (EMMANOUEL et species Aleuroglyphus ovatus were present, but in low al., 1994). There is a correspondence between the den numbers in these storage facilities, probably because of sities in grain and those reported in other temperate intensive chemical control, though predatory mites may regions after surface chemical treatments, i.e. less than also have contributed to the decline in astigmatid popula 10 mites per kg at the surface of 20 ton bins of wheat in tions. Their low abundance in comparison with other England (ARMITAGE et al., 1994). In this study, overall major storage species such as Lepidoglyphus destructor abundance was indeed lower than 75 mites per 500 g in and Tyrophagus putrescentiae would argue for the lesser almost all grain locations in silos, and exceeded scarcely adaptation of these typical granivorous species more re 250 individuals per 500 g in the two sampling locations stricted to indoor environments. S2i and F21. Though formal assessment is required, it is Although Lepidoglyphus destructor seems experimen likely that the difference in overall abundance between tally easier to kill with pesticides than Acarus siro Mites in storage facilities 1 I 73 (WILKIN & STABLES, 1985), its persistence and even pre facilities will be to investigate the effects of macro-cli dominance in treated storage facilities (EMMANOUEL et mate as well as micro-climate on community composition al., 1994) might be explained by its high capacity for (the imp01tance of grain moisture content and tempera hypopus formation. The facultative deutonymph is ture on the ecology of storage mites is a well-known fact). known to be specially resistant to many control measures Actually, these effects can be deterministic (e.g. direct both physical and chemical, and the highly variable hy incidence of climatic conditions on metabolic rates, re popus response of Lepidoglyphus destructor also enables production and survival) and stochastic (e.g. seasonal the species to colonize habitats fluctuating unpredictably, shifts in climate generating disturbance). Moreover, even life strategies that ensure survival and dispersal. By con if community responses to climate often appear to be well trast, most natural population of Acarus siro fail to pro behaved (review in STEVENS, 1992, and GASTON & duce hypopodes (KNDLLE, 1991, 1995). Tyrophagus pu CHOWN, 1999), the specific role of amplitude as well as trescentiae does not produce hypopodes but its ability to frequency of climatic disturbance, like other disturbances survive and to reproduce on a wide variety of fungi (e.g., in our case, physical disturbance generated by ensures a large distribution in diverse habitats. In numer replacement of grain stock), remains an open question ous ways, Tyrophagus putrescentiae and Lepidoglyphus (DRAKE, 1990; SAMUELS & DRAKE, 1997; BELYEA & destructor show a high adaptive flexibility. The current LANCASTER, 1999). survey can highlight this feature. In summary, low abundance is a major characteristic of Other mites such as pyroglyphids occasionally found in the mite assemblages inhabiting storage facilities in the stored products are still less sensitive to desiccation than the Middle East. Biocides are likely to influence species true storage mites, insofar as small populations can survive abundance, whereas their role as a causal mechanism at relative humidities as low as 33%. Since pyroglyphids for mite community assembly is doubtful. By contrast, are commonly associated with vertebrates, the large num the mite community appears to react to climate. The bers of Dermatophagoides farinae found in residues in this relevance of some climatic factors (e.g. the difference smvey may be attributed to the continual occwTence of of temperature between the hottest and the coldest month, nesting birds and rodents within the storage facilities. the air mean monthly R.H., and the number of months In addition to a lowering in abundances, the results with air mean R.H. > 75%) in explaining distribution from the study indicate an association between mite patterns of species and in shaping species composition community organization and site elevation, revealing of assemblages remains to be assessed. how important climate-related factors may be. For in stance, the dominance of the predatory mite Acaropselli na sailers in the silo of Karaj situated at a high altitude Acknowledgment suggests a better adaptation to the local climate. Also, an additional survey at altitudes ranging from 200 to 1200 m This work was fi.mded by a grant to F. ARDESHIR from the Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization of Iran. We thank is required to assess irrevocably this association and to M. LEPO CE and M. DUFRENE for helpful discussions. Mr R. D. KIME investigate habitat specialization. If cuiTent issues are kindly revised the English text. Figures were drawn by Mr H. VA confirmed, a second step of our work on mites in storage PAESSCHEN. References ARDESHIR, F., DE SA!NT GEORGES-GRIDELET, D., GROOTAERT, ATMAR, W. & PATTERSON, B.D., 1995. The nestedness tem P., TIRRY, L., & WAUTHY, G., 2000. Preliminary observations perature calculator: a visual basic program, including 294 pre on mites associated with stored grain in Iran. Belgian Journal of sence-absence matrices. University Park, NM, AlCS Research, Entomology, 2: 287-293. Inc., and Chicago, lL, The Field Museum. ARDESI-llR, F., 2002. Etude des acariens des grains de froment BEL YEA, L.R., & LANCASTER, J., 1999. 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Danielle DE SAINT GEORGES-GRJDELET Catholic University of Louvain, Ecology and Biogeography Unit, 4-5 Place Croix du Sud, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium Georges WAUTHY *, Patrick GROOTAERT Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Department of Entomology, 29 rue Vautier, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium Fariba ARDESHIR Agricultural Research, Education & Extension Organization Tabnak Ave., Tehran, Iran Luc T!RRY University of Gent, Faculty of Agricultural & Applied Biology Sciences, 653 Coupure Links, B-9000 Gent, Belgium * Corresponding author. Fax: + 32 2 627 41 32 E-mail: [email protected]

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