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Missouri Senate Appropriations Committee 2017 Annual Fiscal Report Fiscal Year 2018 PDF

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Preview Missouri Senate Appropriations Committee 2017 Annual Fiscal Report Fiscal Year 2018

Missouri Senate Appropriations Committee 2017 ANNUAL FISCAL REPORT Fiscal Year 2018 99 General Assembly First Regular Session Senator Ron Richard President Pro Tem Senator Dan Brown Appropriations Committee Chairman 2017 ANNUAL FISCAL REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents Preface, Senate Approprietions Committee and Staff Organisation Staff Departmental Assignments. . Section 1 FY 2018 STATEWIDE BUDGET INFORMATION Budget Process Overview L Caleadar of Fluor Action 3 Appropriation Bills 5 FY 2018 Total Operating Budget Summary (Appropriation Bills & FH 6 FY 2018 Total Operating Budget Funding Sources (Graph). mld FY 2018 General Revenue Estimate (Graph) sworn 15 FY 9018 Total Onerating Budget by Department — All Funes (Graph)... 16 FY 2018 Total Operating Budgst by Depariment Genemal Reve (Geb) 7 Distribution of Fach Tox Dollar - AU Funds (Geaph). 18 Distribution of Fach Tax Dollar - General Revenuc (Graph). 19 ‘Summary of Governor’s Vetoes of FY 2018 Appropriations, resin EY 2018 Appropriation Comparisen wo FY 2017 Expenditures ybtimeeng Al FY 2017 Supplemental Summary Comparison 2 FY 2017 Withhold AmOUM{S ncesssenrnneiann : saad Section 17 FY 2018 DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET INFORMATION Public Debt. Blementary and Secondary Education Higher Education Revenervsieusnnsnsnannsnnnin ‘Transportation Office of Administration, sss Employee Benefits Agricullure Natural Resources. Conservation oanamie Development Jusurance, Financial Institutions & Professional Registration. Lavo & Industrial Relations sn. Public Safety. ; Corrections... ‘Mental Health Hrealta and Senior Servives Social Services. Blected Officials Jadiciacy Public Defender General Assembly Real Estae Seetion IIT MISSOURI STATE FINANCES, Budget Reserve Fund. bs, ei so Consensus State Revenue Estimate and Receipts 52 Operating Budget Expenilture HISWIY rsnrenninnnnnsnnn Sa (Capital improvements Appropriations History. 38 Capital Improvement Details 39 State of Missouri Bonded Indebtedness. 6a Missouri Tax Credit Analysis earn eee ee: |) ‘Gaming Revenue Distribution n Lottery Revenue Distribution. 74 ‘Tebacco Settlement Proceeds Disuibution, 75 Section TV LEGISLATION Estimated Fiseal Impact of Legislation for FY 2018 FY 2020 : BI HST 3.4 SB.139. 85 Section V TOPICS OF INTEREST. Calculation of Total State Revenue. sovnnsnnnnninn Specling ta Bus Sebel Ae Seton 8) 9 Foundation Formula Explanation Siar ee Higher Education Funding Formula Explanation. 94 ‘Amendment 3.95 Cap on Highway Fund Appropriations to Non-Highway Agencies Tighway Flow Chart : Medicaid Budget and Expendituce History State Employee Pay Plan History ana er Capita Sinte Rankings (Persanal Incame, Tax Revenue, Expenditures). 104 PREFACE ‘The Senate Appropriations Commitize is pleased to presern Exe Amul Fiscal Report. Tt is designed (o provide legislators, legislative smé departmental staf, ad the pute with information about the speropriations and budget process that occured during the 99! ‘General Assembly, 1 Regular Session (2017), as well as historical information ebcut fiscal and budget issues for previous years, ‘The Repert is divided into five sections, Section 1, FY 2018 Statewide Budget Information, provides a summary of Missouri's 27.710 billion total operating budget for Fisea. Year (FY) 2018. This section inclades the appropriation oill totals for the operating budget and an appropriation veto summary. In addition, this section contains the estimated collections feral ands and General Revenue, a full-time equivalent (FTE) summary by depertment, und several charts and graphs Xepieting revenue and appropriation information. Section Lal includes a budget process vverview and the culendar of looractiens far the FY 2018 appropriation bills. Section I, FY 2018 Departmental Budget nformation, provides detailed badget information for each state department, which ineludes the current fiscal year appropriation ‘Amann! and the past fiscal year budget and actual expeaditure amounts, It also iucludes the ‘major changes from tke previous fiscal year for cack state dzpartment. Section IIT, Missouri State Finances, includes information regarding the budget reserve fund and past state revenue collections. In addition, this section provides historieal expenditure information on the state's operating and eapisal improvement hudgets. Talso contains an anelysis of state tax eredits, sand indebtedness, and the distribution of gaming, lottery and tabsoco settlement revenues, Section IY, Legislation, provides a fiscal impact summary of legislation passed during the 2017 Legislative session. This section includes summaries fer Senate Bill (SB) [39 and House Committee Bill (HCB) 3, Section V, Topies of Interest, provides informetion about a wide variety of subjects. ‘This seetion contains information relating to the total state revenue calculation, state rankings, the higi-way fund cap, state euployee pay plan history, capital improvements, main‘enance and repair, the foundation formula, higher education, and Mod:caid, We hope that the Annual Fiscal Report will provide the reader with a wide range of interesting topics regsrdling the Missouri state budget and linanees. TF you have aay comments or suggestions, Flease send thom ta Adam Koenigsield, Senate Appropriations Commiuee Stall, loca:ed in Room D-B in the State Capito. Building: fax them wo (373) {151-£7%8; or exmil him at akoonigsfeldisenate, mo.g0v. Missouri Senate Appropriations Committee and Staff Organization Dan Brown, Chair Ryan Silvey, Vice-Chair Mike Cunningham — Shalonn “Kiki” Curls Dan Hegeman dason Holsman Denny Hoskins Jamilah Nasheed David Sater Rob Schaaf ‘Wayne Wallingford ‘nate Appropriations Committee Staff Adam Koenigsfeld, Director Trevor Foley, Assistant Director Tannab Swann, Budger Analyst ‘Alex Tuttle, Budget Analyst Jordan Wheeler, Budget Analyst Michelle Klicthermes, Support Staff [email protected]¥ ‘HS wam@senleom. gov Jordan Wheeler Is iaense 9 cov _lLutle@senes-mo gov ‘Michelle Kliethermes ‘sisthermesidsenateano ge Senate Appropriations Staff Department Budget Assignments Phone: 373-751-2803 Fax: 573-751-4778 Publie Det (HB 1) Department of Social Services (HB 11) Elected Officials (HB 12) General Assembly (HB 12) Department of Mental Health (HUE 10) Department of Health and Senior Services (HB 10) Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (HR 2) Depariment of Higher Education (818 3) Departuteut of Public Safety (HTB 8) Public Defender (HE 12) Judiciary (HB 12) Department of Transportation (HE 4) Department of Revenuc (HB 4) Office of Administration (1B 5) ‘Employee Benefits (HB 5) Statewide Real Estate (HIB 13) Department of Agriculture (HB 6) Department of Natural Resources (HB 6) Department of Conservation (HB 6) Department of Economic Development (HB 7) Depariment of Insurance (HB 7) Department of Labor & Industrial Rel: Department af Caresetions (HR 9) mas (HB 7) Support Staff Section | FISCAL YEAR 2018 STATEWIDE BUDGET INFORMATION BUDGET PROCESS OVERVIEW STATE OF MISSOURI ui. Vv. Department Budget Preparation A. State agencies prepare budget requests during the summer and fall for the following Fiscal year in uecordance with guidelines issued by the Olfice of Admin'stration’s (CA) Division of Budget and Planning, B. Budget requests are submived fo OA-Budgst and Planning by October L. Copies ate also. submitted to the legislature atthe sems time. Governor Recommends Executive Budget A, Aer analysis by OA-Pudget and Planning, the Executive Rudge is published in miid-Jancars. 1. Govemor gives State of the State und Budget Message toa Joint Sessior. ofthe Legislature within the first few weeks of the lepislative session in Jannay C. Appropriations ills are introduced by the Chairman ofthe House Budget Comittee. House Appropriations Committees Operating Budget Hearings A. Afler introduction, Appropriations Bills are referred to the House Rdgel Committee for ‘ssignmen: to the appropriate House Appropriations Commitee, 1B. Each House Appropriations Comittey (Agriculture and Natural Resources; Education; General ‘Administration; Health, Mental Health, and Social Services; Publie Safety and Corections; and ‘Trasportation and Economie Development) holds budget hearings in lite January cr early February tor agencies to testify oa their budget requests and the Gioversex's revommeadations. House Action on Emergency and Supplemental Appropriations A, House Budget Commitice conducts hearings on emergency’ and supplemental requests forthe ‘current year early in the session, Emergency and supplemental appropriations ere for unforeseen changes or circumstances in the current fiscal year, The legislature takes action only on the requests recommended by the Governor. B. House Budget Committes “mark-up” emergeney and supplemental appropriation bills and is House Commnittce Substitute bills w the full House for uetin. V. House Appropriations Committee Onerating Budget Recommendations A. House Appropriations Commiuees “rtp” the operating budgets and stall prepares House Committee Substitutes fo reflect the committees" recommendations, B. Hoese Appropriations Committees’ Chaimpersans present revommendstions to the House Budget Committe, VI. House Budget Committee Acts on Operating Budget A. House Budget Commitiee aecepts the House Appropriations Committccs* recommendations, alters the recommendations, or rejects the reedinmendations with inst-uetions for the House Appropeat ons Committees “0 revorsider the preposed budget, B. House Committee Substitute billsas approved by the House Budget Committ are sent (o the full House of Representatives with a committee recommendation VI, House Floor Action on Operating Budget AL ALL appropri Representatives. ns bills for the operating Iudget ure brought before the Hause of B. House Committee Subsitute bills a perfected by the entire House of Representatives are sent to the Senate, usually with approximately one-third ofthe session remaining, VIM, House Action on Capital Budget A, House Bulget Committee conducts heatings and “marks-up" the capital budget for recomended Hoase Committee Substitute bills, the capitel budget uses a biennial appropriations process for major, multiyear projects, During the second year of the biennium, funding is provided for eritcal projects not envisioned st the time of the adoption af the biennial budget. 1B, Pull Mouse passes TTouse Committe Substinute bills and sends to the Senate, IX. Senate Appropriations Committee Operating Budget Hearings A. Senate Appropdations Committee conduets department buslget hearings in. late Jamoary trough early March. B, Senate Appropriations Commitee “murks-up" e2crating budget, prepares recommendations, and stafS prepares summaries of aetion for presentation to the ull Senate, xi. XI XW. ‘Senate Appropriations Committee Action A. Scrate Appropriations Committee conducts hearings and “marks-up” emergency and supplemental appropriations to prepare Senate Commitise Substitute for appropeations bill for cmergeney and supplemental items, B. Sevate Appropriations Committee conducts hearings and “marks-up” the capital budget 1 develop Senate Committee Substitu bills Senate Action on Appropriations A, Full Senute adopts Senate Committee Substinutes, amends Senate Committee Substiites, or adopts Senate Substitute bills lor appropriations on emergency and supplemental, operating, and capil budgets, B, The Senate retucns the appropriations bills to the House of Representatives for acooptance or fir the House to make 2 request for conference to sete differences, Conference Committee(s) on Appropriations A. Conference Coramittees, consisting of five (5) members from the House of Representatives anc five (5) members from thc Senate, meat to achieve compromises, settle differences and. ‘adopt Cenference Committee Substitute appropeations bills. B. Conference Committee Substitute bills ure then recumed to the fall House and Senate (a be Truly Agrood To and Finally Passed. Governor's Line-Item Vero A. Truly Agreed To andl Finally Passed appropriations bills are seat to the Gaverner for signature 1B, Governor either signs an appropriations bill, vetoes the entre bill, ot line-item vetoes part or 1 of sections or lines in the bill. Tae Governor rust act before July Lon the appropriations bills and on that date the appropriated moneys become avuilaale to be expended Governor's Control Over Expenditure Rates A. Governo: con:rols che rate of expenditure against appropriations through the allotment process, [B. Am initial reserve plan i the coastitutionelly required 3% withholding, an appropriations ‘a be expended upon approval of the Gavernor. ©. Governor may fimther withhold Finds to reduce expenclitares below appropriations wherever actual revenues are less than estimates on which the appropriations are hase.

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