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Minimizers of higher order gauge invariant functionals Andreas Gastel Christoph Scheven 5 1 January 12, 2015 0 2 n Abstract a J We introduce higher order variants of the Yang-Mills functional that involve 9 (n−2)thorderderivativesofthecurvature. Weprovecoercivityandsmooth- ness of critical points in Uhlenbeck gauge in dimensions dimM ≤2n. These ] P results are then used to establish the existence of smooth minimizers on a A given principal bundle P → M for subcritical dimensions dimM < 2n. In . thecaseofcriticaldimensiondimM =2nweconstructaminimizeronabun- h dlewhichmightdifferfromtheprescribedone,buthasthesameChernclasses t ma rcy1,in.g..a,cWn−n1−.1A,2-kceoynnreescutilotnis. aTrheismgoevnaebrlaeliszinesgualarreicteyntthreeosruelmt bfyorPbeutrnadclhesecaanrd- [ Rivi`ere. 1 v MSC 2010: 58E15 9 Keywords: gaugeinvariant;higherorder;Yang-Mills;removablesingularity; 8 regularity; minimizers 0 2 0 1 Introduction . 1 0 Oneofthelimitations ofelliptic Yang-Mills theoryas avariational problemisthat 5 1 many of its features work only if thebasis of the bundlehas dimension ≤ 4. Given : v a principal G-bundle P → M over a compact manifold M with compact structure i group G, we consider G-connections D +A on it. (We will explain basic concepts X 0 of gauge theory in Section 2.1.) The squared curvature integral r a 1 YM(A) := |F |2dx A 2 ZM istheYang-Millsfunctional. Itsvariationaltheoryisbasedonfundamentalcontri- butionsbyUhlenbeck[Uh1][Uh2]andSedlacek[Se]fromthe1980s. IfdimM ≤ 3, there is a smooth minimizer of YM on any given bundle. If dimM = 4, which is the critical and most natural case, then things are getting more interesting. A minimizing sequence (Aj)j∈N for YM in a given bundle has to be looked at in a good gauge (roughly a good choice of bundle coordinates) in order to control Sobolev normsof A well enough to findasubsequenceconverging weakly to some j 1 sort of minimizer A. The latter turns out to be smooth on most of M, but may initially have point singularities. Seeing those as possible singularities of the bun- dle itself, they can be removed to get a smooth minimizer A, but possibly on a different bundle, which is redefined even topologically in the singular points. The bundle in which to find the minimizer, however, is not arbitrary, since some of its topological invariants coincide with those of the bundle we started with. It is the gauge choice for the minimizing sequence that may fail in dimensions dimM ≥ 5. This can befixed partially, since thegauge theorem from [Uh2] works just as well on 2n-dimensional manifolds for 1 YMn(A) := |F |ndx A n ZM instead of YM. Therefore, there may be hope that the variational approach we described for YM on 4-dimensional manifolds can be modified to work for YMn on 2n-dimensional manifolds. Part of this program has been worked out, namely [Uh2] works for the gauge choice, and Isobe [Is] has worked out some local regu- larity theorem which can be applied to minimizers of YMn. However, we think that there are two points where minimizing YMn in 2n dimensions is not as good as minimizing YM in 4 dimensions. (1) Minimizers cannot be expected to be smooth, since the functional is de- generate. The best we can hope for, and that is essentially what has been proven in [Is], is C1,α-regularity (except maybe for point singularities). (2) Uhlenbeck’s singularity removal theorem from [Uh1] has been improved sig- nificantly by Petrache and Rivi`ere [PR] by removing the assumption that A is Yang-Mills. In fact, the existence of any W1,2-connection on a bundle over M minus one point implies that the bundle can be continued to give a bundleover allof M, providedthatdimM ≤ 4. Itis ourimpressionthatthe argumentsfrom[PR]donotcarryovertoW1,n-connectionsfordimM = 2n. The starting point for our paper is the following. Both problems (1) and (2) do not occur if we work in Wn−1,2 instead of W1,n for dimM ≤ 2n. As we shall prove in Theorem 5.2, the existence of a Wn−1,2-connection on a 2n-dimensional bundle with one fibre missing implies that the singularity can be removed from the bundle. This directly generalizes the corresponding theorem from [PR] and therefore helps to get around problem (2). To handle the issue mentioned in (1), we have to work with nondegenerate functionals that control the Wn−1,2-norm (and hence also the W1,n-norm). Therefore let us try to write down functionals that do the job and can then be used to replace YMn. A word on gauge invariance first, which is one of the basic features that make the Yang-Mills functional interesting. For any gauge transformation, i.e. any sufficiently regular equivariant map u : P → G, we have YM(A) = YM(u∗A), because F transforms like A Fu∗A =u−1FAu, 2 and u as well as u−1 act by isometries. One of the issues we have to deal with is finding higher order functionals that show the same gauge invariance. There has been some work in this direction, actually, at least for the n = 3 case. In [BU], Bejan and Urakawa have defined the Bi-Yang-Mills functional 1 YM (A) := |d∗F |2dx, 2 2 A A ZM where here d∗ is the covariant exterior co-differential. It is gauge-invariant, since A the Euler-Lagrange equation d∗F = 0 of YM must be gauge-invariant. In [IIU1] A A and [IIU2], some more of the basic properties of YM are explored. 2 For our purpose of constructing minimizers, the functional YM is not quite suit- 2 able, since it does not control any Lp-norm of |F |, which is bad news for control- A ling minimizing sequences. But we can add YM3 to it, arriving at Y (A) := (|d∗F |2+|F |3)dx, 3 A A A ZM for which, as will follow from our results, all of the Uhlenbeck-Sedlacek program described above can be performed similarly in dimensions ≤ 6. Philosophically, Y (A)cancontrol theW1,2-normofF sinceitobviouslycontrols d∗F inL2,and 3 A A A d F is always 0 by Bianchi’s identity. Hodge theory says that DF is controlled A A A once you can control dF and d∗F , so what we need is some “nonlinear variant” A A of Hodge theory. We cannot work with |d∗F | directly, because it is not gauge A invariant. We go on constructing higher order gauge invariant functionals inductively. First derivatives d∗F should be controlled by norms of d d∗F and d∗d∗F , both of A A A A A A A A which have gauge invariant norms, see Section 2.2. But d∗d∗F = −∗[F ,∗F ] A A A A A happens to be of lower order, so d d∗F alone should be enough to control first A A A derivatives d∗F , and hence second derivatives of F . The functional A A A Y (A) := (|d d∗F |2+|F |4)dx, 4 A A A A ZM does the job, for dimM ≤ 8. Of course, we can iterate our considerations and find functionals suitable for our program. Abbreviating (d d∗)n/2 if n even, d∗∧n := A A A d∗(d d∗)(n−1)/2 if n is odd, (cid:26) A A A we define Y (A) := (|d∗∧n−2F |2+|F |n)dx. n A A A ZM These are gauge invariant, and scaling invariant if dimM = 2n. Moreover, they willturnouttobecoercivewhenputinthegaugefoundbyUhlenbeck[Uh2]. And, ofcourse,beingquadraticinthehighestorder,theyarethennondegenerate,which opensthepossibilityofprovingC∞ forminimizersinsteadofC1,α,thusaddressing 3 problem (1). It looks like we have found good candidates for functionals to look at. From another point of view, the functionals Y may be not the best choice. They n are no perturbations of the original Yang-Mills functional. We may wish to mini- mize “Yang-Mills plus something of higher order” and even think of that “some- thing”beingmultiplied bysome smallε > 0. Thehigher orderterms wedescribed so far do need the |F |n-term in order to be coercive. But if we are prepared A to leave the realm of exterior forms, we can proceed. Instead of using exterior derivatives d and d∗, we can try to use other combinations of exterior partial A A derivatives. It turns out that the norm of the full covariant derivative |D F | is A A also gauge invariant, andso are its iterates |DkF |. Usingthese, we come upwith A A a second sequence of functionals, this time “perturbations of YM”, which read Z (A) := (|Dn−2F |2+|F |2)dx. n A A A ZM Both sorts of functionals have their advantages, and it turns out that they can be estimated against each otherandagainst the(squared)“nonlinearWn−2,2-norms” of F , which are built like the usual Sobolev norms, but using D instead of D. A A For the functionals Y and Z , we will prove the following results concerning the n n existence and regularity of minimizers. Section 3. Global “coercivity” in the sense that Y and Z either control the n n nonlinear Wn−2,2-norms of F mentioned above. This is not real coercivity A since it works only with gauge invariant quantities and controls F instead A of A itself. The exact statement is Theorem 3.1. Section 4. Local coercivity inUhlenbeckgaugein≤ 2ndimensions. Thisisessen- tial for extracting weak limits from minimizing sequences, and is performed in Theorem 4.1. Section 5. Removability of point singularities of bundles. As remarked above, a point singularity of a bundle can be removed once we know the existence of a Wn−1,2-connection around the missing point. Even better, we need only a connection for which Y or Z is finite. This key result helps us removing n n pointsingularities fromtheminimizingconnection constructed below, which by construction is in Wn−1,2. See Theorem 5.2. Section 6. Weak formulations of the Euler-Lagrange equations. Section 7. Smoothness of weak solutions of the Euler-Lagrange equations, again for dimM ≤ 2n. This regularity result can be found in Theorem 7.1. Section 8.1. Existence of minimizers in the critical dimension dimM = 2n. As mentioned before, the choice of Uhlenbeck gauges – which is necessary to overcome the lack of coercivity of thefunctional –can beachieved uniformly for the minimizing sequence only away from finitely many points. This 4 results infinitely many singularities that mightdevelop inthe bundleduring the minimizing process. However, the removable singularities theorem helps us to remove the singularities of the bundle, and then, using our regularity theorem,alsothesingularitiesoftheminimizer. Thisminimizer,singularities having been removed, lives on a new bundle that might differ from the prescribedbundle. ButitstillhasthesameChernclassesc (P),...,c (P) 1 n−1 as the original bundle. For the detailed statement of the result, we refer to Theorem 8.3. Section 8.2. Existence of minimizers in subcritical dimensions dimM < 2n. In this case we can start with an arbitrary principal bundle with any com- pact structure group G and can construct a minimizer on the given bundle. Moreover, theconstructedminimizingconnectionissmoothbytheregularity theorem. The existence result is Theorem 8.4. 2 Basics 2.1 Basic facts on gauge theory In this section we briefly recall those facts on connections on principal bundles that will berelevant for the present article. For a more thorough exposition of the theory, we refer to [We, App. A]. Throughout this paper, we fix a smooth compact Riemannian manifold M of dimension m := dimM ≤ 2n and a compact Lie group G, the Lie algebra of which will be denoted by g. A principal bundle π : P → M over M with structure groupG can bedescribedby an opencover {U }L of M and local trivializations α α=1 φ : π−1(U ) → U × G. The trivializations give rise to transition functions α α α φ : U ∩U → G defined by φ φ = φ for all parameters 1 ≤ α,β ≤ L with αβ α β αβ β α U ∩U 6= ∅. From the definition of the transition functions, it is immediate to α β check the cocycle conditions φ ≡ 1 and φ φ = φ on U ∩U ∩U , (2.1) αα αβ βγ αγ α β γ providedU ∩U ∩U 6= ∅. Conversely, any setof smooth functions{φ } that α β γ αβ α,β satisfies the cocycle conditions (2.1) defines a principal G-bundle with transition functions φ relative to the open cover {U }. αβ α A gauge transformation on P is an equivariant smooth map u: P → G. Using the trivializations φ of the bundle P, the gauge transformation can alternatively be α characterized by its localizations u : U → G, which are related by the transition α α identity u = φ−1u φ on U ∩U . β αβ α αβ α β AsmoothconnectionD +AontheprincipalbundleP isformallyanelementofthe 0 spaceD +C∞(M,T∗M⊗g ), whereD isafixedsmoothreferenceconnection on 0 P 0 P and g denotes the associated g-bundle,cf. [We, App. B]. See [We, App. A] for P 5 the precise definition. For most of the present article however, it will be sufficient to think of A as of the entity of its localizations (φ ) A =A ∈ C∞(U ,T∗M⊗g) α ∗ α α subject to the trivializations φ : π−1(U ) → U × G of the principal bundle, α α α which are given by A (d π(v)) = φ (p)A(d π(v))φ−1 +dφ (v)φ−1(p) α p α p α α α for all p ∈ π−1(U ) and v ∈ T P. In fact, the set {A }L contains the same α p α α=1 information as A. The localizations A , 1 ≤ α ≤ L are related by the identity α A = φ−1A φ +φ−1dφ on U ∩U (2.2) β αβ α αβ αβ αβ α β for all parameters α,β for which the latter set is non-empty. On the other hand, if we are given a set of smooth local connections A ∈ C∞(U ,T∗M ⊗g), α α α = 1,...,L that satisfy the compatibility conditions (2.2) with respect to the transition functions φ of the bundle P, we can find a smooth connection A on αβ P with trivializations (φ ) A= A . α ∗ α The gauge transformation u acts on the connection A via u∗A := u−1Au+u−1du. The curvature of a connection A is given by F := dA+A∧A. A It is well-known that the curvatureis gauge-equivariant in the sensethat for every gauge transformation u: P → G there holds Fu∗A =u−1FAu. Finally, we note that Sobolev spaces of connections can be defined by Ak,p(P) := D +Wk,p(M,T∗M ⊗g ), 0 P where D is a fixed smooth reference connection on P and g denotes the as- 0 P sociated g-bundle, cf. [We, App. B]. Locally, Wn−1,2-connections on U are α represented by A ∈ Wn−1,2(U ,T∗M ⊗g). Accordingly, we will consider local α α gauge transformations of class Wn,2, in other words, maps u ∈ Wn,2(U ,G). α α 2.2 Calculations with differential forms We now consider g-valued differential forms on a coordinate chart U ⊂ Rm. For a g-valued k-form A and a g-valued ℓ-form B, we introduce the abbreviation [A,B] := A∧B −(−1)kℓB ∧A. With this notation, we define in the case k = 1 d B =dB +[A,B] and d∗B := d∗B +(−1)m+1∗[A,∗B]. A A 6 We introduce the following notations for higher order exterior derivatives of dif- ferential forms. For 1-forms C ∈ Wk,1(U,∧1Rm ⊗ g), respectively 2-forms B ∈ Wk,1(U,∧2Rm⊗g), where k ∈ N, we use the notations dd∗···dC, k odd, d∗d···d∗B, k odd, d∧kC :=  k d∗∧kB :=  k d∗···dC, k even, d···d∗B, k even. | {z } | {z } k k   Similarly, fora|co{nzne}ction A we introduce nonlinear ve|rsi{ozns} d d∗ ···d C, k odd, d∗d ···d∗ B, k odd, A A A A A A d∧kC :=  k d∗∧kB :=  k A d|∗A··{·zdAC}, k even, A d|A··{·zd∗AB}, k even. k k     We apply this|in{pzart}icular to B = F to define higher|or{dzer e}xterior derivatives A d∗∧kF of the curvature. A A Furthermore, we define higher order total derivatives DkF by exploiting the fact A A that the connection A induces covariant derivatives on vector bundles associated with the principal bundle P. More precisely, DkF is a section of the bundle A A ⊗kT∗M ⊗∧2T∗M ⊗g and is defined inductively by P DkF := D (Dk−1F ) for k ∈ N. A A A A A Here, the first D on the right-hand side denotes the covariant derivative on A ⊗k−1T∗M ⊗∧2T∗M ⊗g that is induced by the Levi-Civita connection on TM P and the connection A on P. By D∗ we denote the formal adjoint of D . For later reference, we remark the A A existence of constants depending on the bundle, such that |d B|≤ C|D B|, |d∗B|+|D∗B|≤ C(|D B|+|B|) (2.3) A A A A A for all forms B in the above bundle. The above definitions of derivatives of F provide us with two classes of higher A order functionals, namely Y (A) := (|d∗∧n−2F |2+|F |n)dx, n A A A ZM and Z (A) := (|Dn−2F |2+|F |2)dx. n A A A ZM For our purposes, it is crucial that both types of functionals are gauge invariant. This is a consequence of the following three lemmas. 7 Lemma 2.1 Let B be some g-valued 2-form that transforms according to A Bu∗A =u−1BAu. Then we also have d∗u∗ABu∗A = u−1d∗ABAu. Proof. We compute, using the gauge equivariance of B and 0 = d(uu−1) = A duu−1+ud(u−1), ∗d∗Bu∗A = ∗d∗(u−1BAu) = ∗(u−1d(∗B )u+d(u−1)∧(∗B )u+(−1)m−2u−1(∗B )∧du) A A A = u−1∗d(∗B )u− ∗(u−1du∧u−1(∗B )u−(−1)m−2u−1(∗B )u∧u−1du) A A A = u−1∗d∗B u− ∗[u−1du, ∗(u−1B u)] A A and ∗[u∗A, ∗Bu∗A]= ∗[u−1Au+u−1du, ∗(u−1BAu)] = u−1∗[A, ∗B ]u+ ∗[u−1du, ∗(u−1B u)]. A A Thus we have d∗u∗ABu∗A = −(−1)mu−1(∗d∗BA+ ∗[A, ∗BA])u = u−1d∗ABAu as claimed. (cid:3) Lemma 2.2 Let C be some g-valued 1-form that transforms according to A Cu∗A =u−1CAu. Then we also have du∗ACu∗A = u−1dACAu. Proof. As above, dCu∗A = d(u−1CAu) = u−1dC u+d(u−1)∧C u−u−1C ∧du A A A = u−1dC u−u−1du∧u−1C u−u−1C u∧u−1du A A A = u−1dC u−[u−1du,u−1C u], A A as well as [u∗A,u−1C u] = [u−1Au+u−1du,u−1C u] A A = u−1[A,C ]u+[u−1du,u−1C u]. A A 8 This implies du∗ACu∗A = dCu∗A+[u∗A,u−1CAu]= u−1dACAu as desired. (cid:3) Lemma 2.3 Let C be some g-valued multilinear form that transforms according A to Cu∗A =u−1CAu. Then we also have Du∗ACu∗A =u−1DACAu. We omit the proof because it is almost literally the same as the preceding one if one replaces d by D. (cid:3) Since the curvature of a connection A transforms like Fu∗A = u−1FAu, the three preceding lemmas yield the Corollary 2.4 For the curvature F of a local connection A of class Wn−1,2 and A a W2,n-gauge transformation u we have d∗u∧∗A(n−2)Fu∗A = u−1(d∗A∧(n−2)FA)u and Dun∗−A2Fu∗A = u−1(DAn−2FA)u. In particular, this implies the gauge invariance of the functionals Y and Z in n n the form Y (u∗A) = Y (A), respectively Z (u∗A)= Z (A). n n n n Remark 2.5 The reader may have expected Wn,2 gauge transformations in- stead of W2,n in the corollary. However, by the preceding lemmas, we see that d∗u∧∗A(n−2)Fu∗A and Dun∗−A2Fu∗A are defined even if u is only in W2,n. This is seen by iterating arguments like Du∗AFu∗A = Du∗A(u−1FAu), where only one derivative of u is needed on the right-hand side. We have remarked in the introduction that d d and d∗d∗, even when applied to A A A A forms like A or F , are differential operators of order 0. More precisely, we have A Lemma 2.6 For all g-valued 2-forms B and g-valued 1-forms C, we have the identities d∗d∗B = −∗[F , ∗B], A A A d d C = [F ,C]. A A A 9 Proof. The second assertion is more or less the definition of F , and moreover a A simpler variant of the proof of the first assertion, which we now give. Weuse ∗ ∗ = (−1)k(m+1) andd∗ = (−1)(k+1)m+1∗d∗ whenoperatingonk-forms, and [X,Y]= (−1)kℓ+1[Y,X] when X is a k-form and Y is an ℓ-form. Therefore d∗d∗B = −(−1)md∗(∗d∗B + ∗[A, ∗B]) A A A = (−1)m ∗d∗ ∗d∗B+ ∗d∗ ∗[A, ∗B] (cid:16) + ∗[A, ∗ ∗d∗B]+ ∗[A, ∗ ∗[A, ∗B]] (cid:17) = −∗ dd∗B +d[A, ∗B]+[A,d∗B]+[A,[A, ∗B]] (cid:16) (cid:17) = −∗ [dA, ∗B]−[A,d∗B]+[A,d∗B]+[A,[A, ∗B]] (cid:16) (cid:17) = −∗ [dA, ∗B]+[A,[A, ∗B]] . (cid:16) (cid:17) The Jacobi identity (with correct signs) yields [A,[A, ∗B]]+(−1)m−1[A,[∗B,A]]+[∗B,[A,A]] = 0, from which we infer 2[A,[A, ∗B]]= −[∗B,[A,A]] = [[A,A], ∗B]. We insert this in our previous calculation to find 1 d∗d∗B = −∗ [dA, ∗B]+ [[A,A], ∗B] =−∗[F , ∗B] A A 2 A (cid:16) (cid:17) as asserted. (cid:3) 2.3 Gagliardo-Nirenberg interpolation In order to deal with lower order derivatives, we rely on the Gagliardo-Nirenberg interpolation inequality in the following form (see [Ni, Thm. 1]). Theorem 2.7 Let Ω ⊂ Rm be a bounded domain with the cone property and u∈ Wk.r(Ω)∩Lq(Ω), where 1 ≤ p,q ≤ ∞ and k ∈ N. Then we have the inequality kDjuk ≤ CkDkukj/k kuk1−j/k +Ckuk Lp(Ω) Lr(Ω) Lq(Ω) Lq(Ω) provided 0 ≤ j < k and 1 = j 1 +(1− j)1. Here, the constant C depends only on p kr k q Ω,k,j,q, and r. 10

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