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Index of MIND Vol. 116 Nos 1—4, 2007 This index is intended as a complete bibliographical source for work published in MIND. Entries are divided into two sections: Articles, Symposia, Discussions, Critical Notices, and Editorial Introductions and Book Reviews. Articles, symposia, discussions, and editorial introductions are listed by the title and by the author’s name. Critical notices and book reviews are listed by the book title, by the author’s name, and by the reviewer’s name. The Yr/No column indicates first the year and then the issue number. Articles, Symposia, Discussions, Critical Notices, Yr/No Page and Editorial Introductions ‘A Defence of the Ramsey Test’ by RICHARD BRADLEY..........4: [2007. ‘A Tale of Two Envelopes’ by BERNARD D. Katz AND BUGRES OI aventidicccimcaane naieikse [2007. ‘A Third Way on Objective Probability: A Sceptic’s Guide to Objective Chance’ by CARL HOEFER........csssssseeseseseeeeeneees [2007.3] ‘Action and Self-Location in Perception’ Cay EPS AIENEA SERIE RI isi siscesnitssinrinaccncieccnininiennsiateba [2007.3] ApaMs, Tom: ‘Sorting Out the Anti-Doomsday Arguments: PRIN SONS sooo esc s se cosaccisbaccaaraiecieaesfnicsachala aciadceiha ts [2007.2 ‘Agnosticism as a Third Stance’ by SVEN ROSENKRANZ.......00+ [2007.1] BARNES, ELIZABETH: ‘Vagueness and Arbitrariness: RT GING II iisisniiiicitvisccrpeinericinlndiescaicnhesatiiinct 2007.1] BRADLEY, RICHARD: ‘A Defence of the Ramsey Test ............... [2007. ‘Brentano and the Buck-Passers’ by SVEN DANIELSSON AND DEASI GIRNO Nasiit shes ih rane ieee ite eats ols oak [2007.3] BROOME, JOHN: “Wide or Narrow Scope??...........scsccesssssecseseeees [2007.2 COBEINS, JOHN: Syritaxy MOre OF LOSS <cxcesecescecccecsssaseasciseaevasis [2007. DANIELSSON, SVEN AND JONAS OLSON: ‘Brentano and ORs Eea ea sie eect ctescevacicinncatinael [2007.: ‘Deciding to Believe Again’ by KEITH FRANKISH........::ssseeee+0 [2007.3] Detia Rocca, MICHAEL: ‘Spinoza and aie icteric OE Se sess siisiccnesssiceransncascesssioni [2007. ‘Duress, Deception, and the Validity of a Promise’ i NE acti tanic cacihaetnaialincndanebiil [2007.2] 293 Mind, Vol. 116 . 464 . October 2007 © Mind Association 2007 doi:10.1093/mind/fzm1175 1176 2007 Index EDWARDS, Jim: ‘Response to Hoeltje: Davidson Vindicated?’ . [2007.1] 131 “Epistemic Modals’ by SETH YALCIN...........sssssscssssssssecsssessossees [[ 2007.4] 983 ‘Existence and Identity in Free Logic: A Problem for Inferentialism?’ by Neil TENNANT [2007.4] 1055 ‘Existence and Identity in Free Logic: Two Comments’ by PETER MILNE [| 2007 _ F ‘Existence, Freedom, Identity, and f| 2007._ FAULKNER, PaUuL: ‘On Telling and Trusting’ [2007. FRANKISH, KEITH: “Deciding to Believe Again’ [2007.: ‘Frege’s Theory of Hybrid Proper Names Developed and Defended’ by MARK TEXTOR [2007. Hoerer, Cart: ‘A Third Way on Objective Probability: A Sceptic’s Guide to Objective Chance’ 2007.2 Hoettye, MiGuEt: “Theories of Meaning and Logical Truth: Edwards versus Davidson [2007. ‘Infinitism Regained’ by JEANNE PEIJNENBURG [2007.3 Katz, BERNARD D. AND Doris OLIN: en rR IE i iscincicn et seinnsiedinstiecnstnndientnensesenin |2 007. KEEFE, ROSANNA: ‘Vagueness Without Context Change’....... | 2007. ‘Knowledge Beyond the Margin for Error’ by Roy A. SORENSEN ‘Knowledge Within the Margin for Error’ by TIMoTHY WILLIAMSON Kotopny, Niko: ‘State or Process Requirements?’ McCuttaGu, Mark: ‘Understanding Mixed Quotation’ MERRICKS, TRENTON: ‘Remarks on Vagueness SERCE ot 2 DyU EP oE 0 | een “Millican on the Ontological Argument’ Se eI i nicssciiaiaiceiceshemniianionicsisanioceiinicncicnieniaas [2007.4] MILLICAN, Peter: ‘Ontological Arguments and the Superiority of Existence: Reply to Nagasawa’ ............... [2007.4] MILNE, Peter: ‘Existence, Freedom, Identity, and the Logic of Abstractionist Realism’ [2007.1] Ming, Peter: ‘Existence and Identity in Free Logic: Two Comments’ [2007.4] NaGasawa, YujIN: ‘Millican on the Ontological Argument .. D[2e00a7 .4] a ‘On Telling and Trusting’ by PauL FAULKNER |2 007.4! ‘Ontological Arguments and the Superiority of Existence: Reply to Nagasawa’ by PETER MILLICAN........scsseeseeeeeeeeeees | 2007.4] Owens, Davin: ‘Duress, Deception, and the Validity of a Promise’ [ 7 >] 2007.2] PEIJNENBURG, JEANNE: ‘Infinitism Regained’ {2007.3] 2007 Index 1177 ‘Personal Identity and Practical Concerns’ RD PE I ii ctl ia entinerbbnaetenonesinnimien [2007. ‘Remarks on Vagueness and Arbitrariness’ ci | ae See e [2007.1] ‘Response to Hoeltje: Davidson Vindicated?’ Be aisha site intitaehhineeianatenionaitamnniaiicvansiints r|[ i 2007. ROSENKRANZ, SVEN: ‘Agnosticism as a Third Stance’..............[2007. SCHELLENBERG, SUSANNA: Action and Self-Location RPE PCR CGE IONEl eeo e cos ccccasacs dessacessocseccenscuactaecneanceteateedsacgevecsecetares [2007.3] SHOEMAKER, Davip W.: ‘Personal Identity and PEACRICAE COTRCO RIES cis ci oie nes icrecaceaasecs Ccakacdsancanenuscudiacide 2007. SORENSEN, Roy A.: ‘Knowledge Beyond OE I I echnision cein snancsitnenenn erntgri [2007.3] ‘Sorting Out the Anti-Doomsday Arguments: A Reply to Sowers’ by TOM ADAMS .........scscssssseseecseceseseseenes [2007.2 ‘Spinoza and the Metaphysics of Scepticism’ rr UII, PIE I cicnscs ecateinscesciincansvnsts intci [2007. ‘State or Process Requirements?’ by Niko KOLODNY...........004 (2007. ‘Supervaluationism and Its Logics’ by ACHILLE VARZ1...........2007.3] “Syntax, More or Less’ by JOHN COLLINS ..........cscccsssseeesseeeeees [2007. TENNANT, NEIL: ‘Existence and Identity in Free Logic: As Pretenns for Titer eintia henna ec. sinsc cs ccicncsccsavccccnseccesescoucncecs [2007. TexTor, Mark: ‘Frege’s Theory of Hybrid Proper Names Developed and Defended’ ..................scsscssscsssssssseees [2007. ‘Theories of Meaning and Logical Truth: Edwards versus Davidson’ by MIGUEL HOELTIE ...........0000++ (2007. ‘Understanding Mixed Quotation’ by MARK McCuLLAGH....[ 2007. “Vagueness and Arbitrariness: Merricks on Composition’ by ELIZABETH BARNES ........ssssssesssesseseseseeeeees 2007. “‘Vagueness Without Context Change’ by Rosanna KEEFE.....[2007. VARZI, ACHILLE: ‘Supervaluationism and Its Logics’ [2007.3] WEINER, JOAN: ‘What’s in a Numeral? Frege’s Answer’ ...........[2007.3] “What’s in a Numeral? Frege’s Answer’ by JoAN WEINER [2007.: ‘Wide or Narrow Scope?’ by JOHN BROOME........:.:sscesseeseeeseeees [2007.2 WILLIAMSON, TimoTny: ‘Knowledge Within a isi iscnscctitiecitnnnientnncreininsinniinibiincinaiinnls [2007.3] Vacant, Sorrrts “Papeete WA cseiseticctiaceannsnsnsssnnieannnnnt [2007.4 1180 2007 Index Ci, Jiwei: The Two Faces of Justice: Reviewed by JOSEPH MENDOZA...........sssscscsecsesecssssssesseseseees [2007.3] Capp, Lenny: Review of Emma Borg’s EEE DegB RS7 ae a a [2007.2] Clarke, Desmond M.: Descartes, A Biography: Reviewed by STEPHEN GAUKROGER ......sscsssssssssssssesssesseeenes [2007.1] COLLINS, JOHN: Review of Gerald Vision’s Veritas: The Correspondence Theory and its Critics «1... [2007.1] OLLINS, JOHN: Review of Michael Devitt’s Ignorance of Language [2007.2] sommon-Sense: A New Look at Old Tradition by Nicholas Rescher: Reviewed by ALBERT ATKIN [2007.1] Jonditionals in Context by Christopher Gauker: Reviewed by CHARLEs B. Cross [2007.4] Jonee, Earl and Richard Feldman: Evidentialism: Reviewed by LAURENCE BONJOUR [2007.1] Jontextualism in Philosophy: Knowledge, Meaning, and Truth, Gerhard Preyer and Georg Peter (eds): Reviewed by Patrick RysiEWw (2007.4| ‘ooper, John M.: Knowledge, Nature, and the Good: Essays on Ancient Philosophy: Reviewed by GEORGE RUDEBUSCH [2007.2 Cottingham, John: The Spiritual Dimension: Religion, Philosophy, and Human Value: Reviewed by TIMoTHY CHAPPELI ROSS, CHARLES B.: Review of Christopher Gauker’s Conditionals in Context [2007.4] Dancy, JONATHAN: Review of Sean McKeever and Michael Ridge’s Principled Ethics: Generalism as a Regulative Ideal David Lewis by Daniel Nolan: Reviewed by BRIAN WEATHERSON [2007.1 Davip, MARIAN: Review of Paul Horwich’s From a Deflationary Point o° View [2007.2] Davidson, Donald: Subjective, Intersubjective, Objective: Reviewed by KirK LUDWIG [2007.2] Davidson, Donald: Problems of Rationality: Reviewed by Kirk LupwiG [2007.2] Davidson, Donald: Truth, Language, and History: Reviewed by Kirk LupwiG [2007.2] Davis, WayNE A.: Review of Timothy Schroeder’s The Three Faces of Desire [2007.1] Dean, Richard: The Value of Humanity in Kant’s Moral Theory: Reviewed by W1LLiaM J. FirzpaTRIc [2007.4] 1098 2007 Index 1181 Deeper than Reason: Emotion and Its Role in Literature, Music, and Art by Jenefer Robinson: Reviewed by KATHLEEN MARIE HIGGINS .......ccccccsseesseseeseeee [2007.1] DEMETRIOU, DANIEL AND GRAHAM ODDIE: Review of Mark Eli Kalderon’s Moral Fictionalism.............. [2007.2] DeRose, KeiTu: Review of Jason Stanley’s Knowledge and Practical Interests .........:.sccssessessessesseseereeeeeeees [2007.2] Descartes, A Biography by Desmond M. Clarke: Reviewed by STEPHEN GAUKROGER .........cscssessseeesencerencecceees 2007.1] Descartes’s Dualism by Marleen Rozemond: Reviewed by SARAH PATTERSON ..........scsscsceccsceccsseecesenceceecens [2007.1] Devitt, Michael: Ignorance of Language: Reviewed: Uy JOHN COUT ING ciiciiss sscseaccs ckcicctcscniversstactataddesed [2007.2] Dimova-Cookson, Maria and W. J. Mander (eds): I. H. Green: Ethics, Metaphysics, and Political Philosophy: Beware Wry PRK MAGI oscicsssicccascsseocncesnaceesiassvscseresstbaseiis [2007.4] Divine Motivation Theory by Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski: Reviewed by THOMAS L. CARSON...........scsscecesessecsccersececeeees [2007.1] Dopp, JULIAN: Review of Richard Gaskin’s Experience and the World’s Own Language: A Critique of John McDowell’s Empiricism Donald Davidson: Meaning, Truth, Language, anc by Ernest Lepore and Kirk Ludwig: Reviewed by SIMON Evnin1 2007.2] Dummett, Michael: Truth and the Past: Reviewed Dy CRAIG BOURNE .ccccccscccesdccsesenscessaccvacsceceseooedace 2007.4 EASWARAN, KENNY: Review of Frederick Schick’s Ambiguity and Logic EGAN, ANDy: Review of Maria Baghramian’s Relativism ........ Englebretsen, George: Bare Facts and Naked Truths: 1 New Correspondence Theory of Truth: Reviewed by Davip Liccins Epistemic Luck by Duncan Pritchard: Reviewed by KEVIN MEEKER .............cccccccessessccscscececccecsscezess 2007.4] EveRETT, ANTHONY: Review of Shaun Nichols’s The Architecture of the Imagination: | 2007.4] Evidentialism by Earl Conee and Richard Feldman: Reviewed by LAURENCE BONJOUR ........cc.ccsscsssceetceceecsccecceees 2007.1] EvNINE, SIMON: Review of Ernest Lepore and Kirk Ludwig’s Donald Davidson: Meaning, Truth, Language, and Reality..{ 2007.2] Experience and the World’s Own Language: A Critique of John McDowell’s Empiricism by Richard Gaskin: Reviewed by JULIAN DopD ...............++ 2007.4] } 1182 2007 Index FAULKNER, PAUL: Review of Jennifer Lackey and Ernest Sosa (eds), The Epistemology of Testimony .............. [2007.4] FEAGIN, SUSAN L.: Review of Robert C. Solomon’s In Defense of Sentimentality [2007.1] FITZPATRICK, WILLIAM J.: Review of Richard Dean’s The Value of Humanity in Kant’s Moral Theory [2007.4] Fleischacker, Samuel: On Adam Smith's ‘Wealth of Nations’: A Philosophical Companion: Reviewed by JAMEs R. OTTESON Fodor: Language, Mind, and Philosophy by M. J. Cain: Reviewed by JULIE Yoo Frances, Bryan: Scepticism Comes Alive: Reviewed by DUNCAN PRITCHARD Frankish, Keith: Mind and Supermind: Reviewed by Daniet D. Hutto From a Deflationary Point of View by Paul Horwich: Reviewed by Marian Davip Future People: A Moderate Consequentialist Account of Our Obligations to Future Generations by Tim Mulgan: Reviewed by M.A. ROBERTS ..:.0.<ssasecssososssescessnnensscsssensnosnce Hil GALLAGHER, SHAUN: Review of Michael Wheeler’s Reconstructing the Cognitive World: The Next Step Gaskin, Richard: Experience and the World’s Own Language: A Critique of John McDowell’s Empiricism: Reviewed by JULIAN Dopp Gauker, Christopher: Conditionals in Context: Reviewed by CHARLEs B. Cross GAUKROGER, STEPHEN: Review of Desmond M. Clarke’s Descartes, A Biography Genes and the Agents of Life: The Individual in the Fragile Sciences by Robert A. Wilson: Reviewed by ULRICH STEGMANN..... [2007. Georgalis, Nicholas: The Primacy of the Subjective: Foundationfso r a Unified Theory of Mind and Language: Reviewed by URIAH KRIEGEI Giere, Ronald N.: Scientific Perspectivism: Reviewed by ANDRE KUKLA.........sccssssssssssssessorsceeseaseceosencoes Gilbert, Margaret: A Theory of Political Obligation: Membership, Commitment, and the Bonds of Society: Reviewed by THoMas H. SMITH [2007.4] Gregory, Mark and Rupert Read: Review of Joyce Jenkins, Jennifer Whiting, and Christopher Williams (eds), Persons and Passions: Essays in Honor of Annette Baier [2007.1] 2007 Index 1183 Hassin, Ran R., James S. Uleman, and John A. Bargh (eds): The New Unconscious: Reviewed by Davip LivINGsTONE SMITH HETHERINGTON, STEPHEN: Review of Michael Bergmann’s Justification Without Awareness: A Defense of Epistemic Externalism [2007.4] 1088 HIGGINS, KATHLEEN Mare: Review of Jenefer Robinson’s Deeper than Reason: Emotion and Its Role in Literature, Music, and Arrt............... [2007. HOLLAND, STEPHEN: Review of John P. Lizza’s Persons, Humanity, and the Definition of Death...............00. [2007. Horgan, Terence and Mark Timmons (eds): Metaethics After Moore: Reviewed by HALLVARD LILLEHAMMER Horwich, Paul: From a Deflationary Point of View: Reviewed by MARIAN DAVID...........ccccscsscscssceccscsccersccecencecees How Things Might Have Been: Individuals, Kinds, and Essential Properties by Penelope Mackie: Reviewed by E. J. Low [2007.3] Hume, Reason, and Morality: A Legacy of Contradiction by Sophie Botros: Reviewed by Net SINCLAIR [2007.3] Hutto, Danie D.: Review of Keith Frankish’s I SE iciischsicciliscistnaiigaicipcitincineitentisteiodiinis (2007. If Tropes by Anna-Sofia Maurin: Reviewed by JoHN Bacon...[2007.2 Ignorance of Language by Michael Devitt: Reviewed by JOHN COLLINS In Defense of Sentimentality by Robert C. Solomon: Reviewed by SUSAN L. FEAGIN...........ccccccsossccecsecseceacscsenseesess Jenkins, Joyce, Jennifer Whiting, and Christopher Williams (eds): Persons and Passions: Essays in Honor of Annette Baier: Reviewed by MARK GREGORY AND RUPERT READ ..........004 [2007. JoLLey, NicHo as: Review of John W. Yolton’s The Two Intellectual Worlds of John Locke: Man, Person, and Spirits in the ‘Essay’ .......sssssssessssesseeeseeees [2007. Joyce, Richard: The Evolution of Morality: Reviewed by PAUL BLOOMFIELD ...........scssssssssssssssssssecencesenees [2007. Judson, Lindsay and Vassilis Karasmanis (eds): Remembering Socrates: Reviewed by Rostyn WEISS ........... 2007. Justification Without Awareness: A Defense of Epistemic Externalism by Michael Bergmann: Reviewed by STEPHEN HETHERINGTON .......ccceseeseeeeeee haiti [2007. Kait, P. J. E.: Review of Tom Sorell and G. A. J. Rogers (eds), Analytic Philosophy and the History of Philosophy..............+. [2007.2] 1184 2007 Index Kalderon, Mark Eli: Moral Fictionalism: Reviewed by DANIEL DEMETRIOU AND GRAHAM ODDIE... Karamanolis, George E.: Plato and Aristotle in Agreement? Platonists on Aristotle from Antiochus to Porphyry: Reviewed by G. R. Boys-STONEs Knowledge and Practical Interests by Jason Stanley: Reviewed by KeirH DERos! Knowledge, Nature, and the Good: Essays on Ancient Philosophy by John M. Cooper: Reviewed by GEORGE RUDEBUSCH KOLBEL, Max: Review of Crispin Wright’s Saving the Differences: Essays on Themes from Truth and Objectivity Kramer, Matthew: Where Law and Morality Meet: Reviewed by BRIAN D. BERRY KRIEGEL, UR1AH: Review of Nicholas Georgalis’s The Primacy of the Subjective: Foundations for a Unified Theory of Mind and Language KuKLA, ANDRE: Review of Ronald N. Giere’s Scientific Perspectivism Kusch, Martin: A Sceptical Guide to Meaning and Rules: Defending Kripke’s Wittgenstein: Reviewed by DANIEL WHITING La Caze, MARGUERITE: Review of Lisa Tessman’s Burdened Virtues: Virtue Ethics for Liberatory Struggles..... Lackey, Jennifer and Ernest Sosa (eds): The Epistemology of Testimony: Reviewed by PauL FAULKNER Language: A Biological Model by Ruth Millikan: SVE WE WY CAROETIT PRICE ooccnciccssessescccsssnsssnsseronsonisosisns . [2007.: LAPOINTE, SANDRA: Review of Michael Losonsky’s Linguistic Turns in Modern Philosophy LaPorte, Joseph: Natural Kinds and Conceptual Change: Reviewed by C. J. BoLron LENMAN, JAMEs: Review of G. F. Schueler’s Reasons and Purposes: Human Rationality and the Teleological Explanation of Action Lepore, Ernest and Kirk Ludwig: Donald Davidson: Meaning, Truth, Language, and Reality: Reviewed by Simon Evnini Liccins, Davin: Review of George Englebretsen’s Bare Facts and Naked Truths: A New Correspondence Theory of Truth 2007 Index 1185 LILLEHAMMER, HALLVARD: Review of Terence Horgan and Mark Timmons (eds), Metaethics After Moore Linguistic Turns in Modern Philosophy by Michael Losonsky: Reviewed by SANDRA LAPOINTI Living with Nietzsche by Robert Solomon: Reviewed by WILLIAM R. SCHROEDER Livingston, Paisley: Art and Intention: A Philosophical Study: Reviewed by ANNA CHRISTINA RIBEIRO Lizza, John P.: Persons, Humanity, and the Definition of Death: Reviewed by SrEPHEN HOLLAND... Logical Pluralism by JC Beall and Greg Restall: Reviewed by ALEXANDER PASEAU Losonsky, Michael: Linguistic Turns in Modern Philosophy: Reviewed by SANDRA LAPOINT! Lowe, Jonathan: The Four-Category Ontology: Reviewed by JAN WESTERHOF! Lowe, E. J.: Review of Penelope Mackie’s How Things Might Have Been: Individuals, Kinds, and Essential Properties.............00+0+00+ LupwiG, Kirk: Review of Donald Davidson’s Subjective, Intersubjective, Objective Lupwic, Kirk: Review of Donald Davidson’s Problems of Rationality Lupwic, Kirk: Review of Donald Davidson’s Truth, Language, and History Mackie, Penelope: How Things Might Have Been: Individuals, Kinds, and Essential Properties: Reviewed by E. J. Lowt Martin, Wayne M.: Theories of Judgment: Psychology, Logic, Phenomenology: Reviewed by DALLAS WILLARD MarTIN, Rex: Review of Maria Dimova-Cookson and W. J. Mander (eds), T: H. Green: Ethics, Metaphysics, and Political Philosophy Maurin, Anna-Sofia: If Tropes: Reviewed by JoHN BACON McKeever, Sean and Michael Ridge: Principled Ethics: Generalism as a Regulative Ideal: Reviewed by JONATHAN Dancy MEEKER, Kevin: Review of Duncan Pritchard’s Epistemic Luck 2007.4] Melia, Joseph: Modality: Reviewed by DAN1EL NOLAN 2007.1 MENDOZA, JOSEPH: Review of Jiwei Ci’s [he Two Faces of Justice 1186 2007 Index Metaethics After Moore by Terence Horgan and Mark Timmons (eds): Reviewed by HALLVARD LILLEHAMMER .. [2007.3] Millikan, Ruth: Language: A Biological Model: WRI CH CAINE PRICE aca sacscesntsenenencencsavscosisscesssnceseie [2007.; Mind and Supermind by Keith Frankish: Reviewed by Dante D. Hutto [2007. Minimal Semantics by Emma Borg: REVICWERIDY LENNY CLAPP oc, ssccssesascassssssescssevssebecnsonssabaveoses [2007.2 Modality by Joseph Melia: Reviewed by DaniEL NOLAN (2007. Moral Animals: Ideals and Constraints in Moral Theory by Catherine Wilson: Reviewed by RoperT YOUNG [2007. Moral Fictionalism by Mark Eli Kalderon: Reviewed by DanreEL DEMETRIOU AND GRAHAM ODDIE... [2007. Morris, KATHERINE: Review of Alessandra Tanesini’s Wittgenstein: A Feminist Interpretation [2007. Mulgan, Tim: Future People: A Moderate Consequentialist Account of Our Obligations to Future Generations: Reviewed by M. A. RoBerts N. Forster, Michael: Wittgenstein on the Arbitrariness of Grammar: Reviewed by Davip CERBON! Natural Kinds and Conceptual Change by Joseph LaPorte: Reviewed by C. J. BoLTon Nichols, Shaun: The Architecture of the Imagination: New Essays on Pretence, Possibility, and Fiction: Reviewed by ANTHONY EVERETT 2007.4 NoGaL_es, Patti: Review of Marina Rakova’s The Extent of the Literal Nolan, Daniel: David Lewis: Reviewed by BRIAN WEATHERSON NoLan, DANIEL: Review of Joseph Melia’s Modality Oddie, Graham: Value, Reality, and Desire: Reviewed by MicHae_ S. BRADY Oderberg, David (ed.): The Old New Logic: Essays on the Philosophy of Fred Sommers: Reviewed by HANOCH BEN-YAMI On Adam Smith’s ‘Wealth of Nations’: A Philosophical Companion by Samuel Fleischacker: Reviewed by JAMEs R. OTTESON OTTESON, JAMEs R.: Review of Samuel Fleischacker’s On Adam Smith’s ‘Wealth of Nations’: A Philosophical Companion [2007.1] Pappas, GEORGE S.: Review of Tom Stoneham’s Berkeley’s World: An Examination of the Three Dialogues .. [2007.3]

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